Heterodyne and Homodyne Receivers

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The key takeaways are that heterodyne receivers translate the signal frequency to an intermediate frequency (IF) where signal processing is done, while homodyne receivers directly convert the signal to baseband. Heterodyne receivers face challenges with image frequency, half IF frequency interference, and third order distortion, while homodyne receivers face challenges with DC offset, I/Q mismatch, and even-order distortion.

Heterodyne receivers translate the signal to an IF while homodyne receivers directly convert to baseband. Heterodyne receivers require more stages and have issues with image frequency, half IF interference, and third order distortion. Homodyne receivers have a simpler design but face challenges with DC offset, I/Q mismatch, and even-order distortion.

Homodyne receivers face challenges with DC offset leakage through the mixer corrupting the downconverted signal. They also have strict requirements for matching the I and Q paths to avoid signal corruption from amplitude or phase mismatches.

A Comparative Analysis between Homodyne and Heterodyne Receiver Architecture

Manarat International University Studies, 2 (1): 152-157, December 2011

ISSN 1815-6754
@ Manarat International University, 2011

A Comparative Analysis between Homodyne and Heterodyne Receiver

Md Sarwar Hossain* & Muhammad Sajjad Hussain**

Two available choices for receiver architecture in wireless communications
are Homodyne and Heterodyne receivers. Among them, heterodyne receiver
was the leading choice in the past compared to homodyne receiver
regarding facing challenges in suppressing interference and noise.
However, Direct Conversion is becoming popular for wireless
communications due to its lower cost. The goal of this paper is to discuss
the key problems and tradeoffs in the design of Heterodyne and Homodyne
Keywords: Homodyne, Heterodyne, Receiver, Architecture, Wireless,

One of the most difficult design element in any communication system is the receiver. A
receiver should have low noise figure, low intermodulation distortion, high dynamic
range, satisfactory gain flatness across the band, low phase noise, sufficient selectivity
and suitable BER [1]. Also every design has certain cost constrains. This can be
considered the most critical specification for any architecture. The preferred receiver
design should be lower in cost for successful implementation.

II. Heterodyne Receiver

Figure 1. Heterodyne Receiver

Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, United International University, Dhaka.
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manarat International University
, Gulshan, Dhaka.

Manarat International University Studies, 2 (1): 152-157, December 2011

In a heterodyne architecture the signal frequency is translated to a lower but non-

zero intermediate frequency (IF) where signal processing operations are performed. There
are two frequency conversions in Heterodyne receiver. One from RF to IF and the
another one from IF to base band. Again the IF section may be multiple blocks with
several intermediate frequencies. Most receivers in wireless mobile use one IF block.
Sufficient selectivity is achieved by fixed IF filters which are designed based on special
technologies such as Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW), ceramic or crystal.

A. Image Frequency

Figure 2. Image Frequency through mixer

In a h eterodyne architecture, the bands symmetrically located above and below

the LO frequency are down converted to the same center frequency. If the receiver band
of interest is 1=LO-IF, then the image is around 2LO-1=LO+IF [2]. Most common
approach to suppress the image is putting an image reject filter in the receiver. Both
image reject filter and IF filter require highly selective transfer function[3] for
conventional heterodyne architecture. Since the image reject filter is placed off-chip the
LNA needs to drive 50Ω load for this architecture.

B. Half IF Frequency
In addition to the desired band of interest in, an interferer (in+LO)/2 is also received
by the Heterodyne receiver. If there is a second order distortion in the received signal and
LO contains second order distortion as well, one of the component of IF signal will be
(in+LO)-2LO=IF. This is the interference at the output of mixer caused by the half IF

A Comparative Analysis between Homodyne and Heterodyne Receiver Architecture

C. Third Order Distortion

Figure 3. Third order product (2F1-F2) and (2F2-F1) from input frequencies F1 and F2

When two signals with different frequencies are applied to a nonlinear system, the
output will show some non harmonic frequency components. This is called
intermodulation (IM) In Heterodyne receiver linearity is measured based on third order
distortion level of the receiver. If the difference between two interferer, 1 and 2, is
small, the product (21-2) or (22-1) will appear very close to 1 and 2. Due to this
fact it is very hard to reject this interference even with a filter[4]. Moreover, for every dB
increment of input power 3rd order product will increase by 3 dB. At low frequencies, it is
common to quantify the nonlinearity of a circuit by indicating the distortion in the output
signal [5].

III. Homodyne Receiver

Figure 4. Homodyne Receiver

It is also called “direct conversion” or “zero IF” architecture, since the received
signal is directly down converted to baseband. In a homodyne receiver, the desired signal

Manarat International University Studies, 2 (1): 152-157, December 2011

is first selected by a filter, amplified by a LNA and then frequency translated by a mixer
to DC. Direct conversion needs more linear mixer to attain the same performance as
heterodyne [6]. Although the implementation looks much simpler than heterodyne,
homodyne faces more challenges in noise suppression. The practical way to improve any
receiver system performance is by improving the sensitivity and the selectivity to reduce
interference from unwanted sources. [7]

A. DC Offset

Figure 5. DC Offset leakage through mixer

As discussed above the homodyne receiver down converts the signal to zero
frequency. As a result any additional DC offset voltage will corrupt the down converted
signal[6]. Later stages in the receiver will be saturated due to this offset. DC offset in
Homodyne Receiver is more severe than Heterodyne architecture since most of the
signal gain in direct conversion is in the base band block[4]. DC-offset appears mainly
due to LO leakage. Constant DC-offset can be compensated by measuring it without
signal and then subtracting it during reception. However in TDMA systems, different
channels may have different signal levels and DC-offsets, therefore compensation is

B. I/Q Mismatch

(a) (b)
Figure 6. Effect of I-Q mismatch. Constellation (a) with gain error, (b) with phase error.

A Comparative Analysis between Homodyne and Heterodyne Receiver Architecture

A homodyne receiver requires quadrature mixing. Mismatches between the

amplitude of I and Q signal corrupt the down converted signal. Eventually it will raise the
bit error rate. Heterodyne receiver may also have I/Q mismatch but their mismatch
requirements are much more relaxed than homodyne[2]. I and Q paths are less sensitive
to mismatches in this case.

C. Even-order Distortion

Figure 7. Even order product (2-1) very close to DC

Let’s consider two strong narrowband interference x(t)=A1Cos1t + A2Cos2t .

A device with weak linearity can be represented by y(t)=B1x(t)+B2x2(t)…… With input
x(t), y(t) will contain a term B2A1A2Cos(2-1). If 1 is very close to 2 it will introduce
interference close to base band or zero frequency. Differential LNA and mixer can be
designed to suppress second order distortion or IP2[4]. However it requires higher power
dissipation than a single ended design. In heterodyne receivers 2nd-order products on the
signal band are attenuated by the RF filter.
IV. Conclusion
Heterodyne Receiver will have higher power consumption, since more stages are
required in the architecture. Additional IF and RF filter requirement makes the
integration low. In spite of these disadvantages Heterodyne receiver has been the primary
choice for designers due to its better selectivity and ability to suppress image and other
spurious emissions. Homodyne Receiver, on the other hand, has simple design
architecture. It requires lower power consumption. ADC Dynamic range will have more
margin due to limited filtering and integration will be high in practical
implementation[3]. To obtain cost saving, direct conversion or homodyne receiver has
become a popular architecture nowadays for wireless communication systems.

[1] Cotter W. Sayre, Complete Wireless Design. McGraw-Hill, 2001.
[2] Behzad Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Prentice Hall Communication Engineering,
[3] B. Razavi, Design Consideration for Direct Conversion Receiver, IEEE Trans.
Circuits and Systems-II, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol44,no.6,pp428-
435, June 1997.

Manarat International University Studies, 2 (1): 152-157, December 2011

[4] Qizeng Gu, RF System Design of Transceiver for Wireless Communications, Springer
Science, 2005.
[5] Ken Kundert, Accurate and Rapid Measurement of IP2 and IP3,Designer’s guide
consulting Inc, 2002
[6] A. A. Abidi, Direct Conversion Radio Transceiver for Digital Communications, IEEE
Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.30,pp.1399-1410,December 1995.
[7] A. Bensky, Short-range Wireless Communication: Fundamentals of RF System
Design and Application, 2nd Edition, Amsterdam, -Newnes-Elsevier 2004


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