Developing A New Pharmaceutical Facility in Eastern Europe: by Prakash Davda

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Facility Design/Build

This case study Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

presents the PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING May/June 2004, Vol. 24 No. 3


Developing a New Pharmaceutical

addressed when
designing and
constructing a
Facility in Eastern Europe
facility in by Prakash Davda
Eastern Europe.

Introduction The Brief
his article presents a case study of the The requirement was to design and build a new
issues to be addressed when designing tablet production plant on an existing pharma-
and constructing a new pharmaceuti- ceutical site in Bulgaria to produce approxi-
cal production facility in Eastern Eu- mately three billion tablets per year for large
rope. Solutions to the expected difficulties were volume generic formulations of plain or coated
developed which overcame the differences be- types with possible addition of hard gelatine
tween Eastern and Western European meth- capsules and effervescent tablets at a later
ods and standards. This applied particularly to date.
cGMP, regulatory issues, construction time, Key criteria were to:
cost, quality, available materials, codes, cul-
ture, contractual ethos, and language. have the facility in production as soon as
practically possible
Figure 1. Production of
coated or non coated create flexible space
tablets by direct with a capability for ex-
compression and wet pansion
provide cost effective
construction with low
maintenance and energy

provide an efficient and

pleasant professional
working environment

provide visible confirma-

tion of the operating
companys commitment
to activities in Bulgaria

comply with cGMPs

binding on Bulgarian
pharmaceutical manu-
facturers from April
2003 and subsequent
MCA requirements

ensure all local author-

ity requirements with
respect to planning, en-


Facility Design/Build
vironment, approvals, health and safety, etc. are under- be produced as for the UK, but a Bulgarian consultant would
stood and aim to comply modify them to meet local requirements.
Similarly, to gain the operating companys board approval
The Strategy and to move the project ahead quickly, cost and time targets
Owing to their limited in-house resource, the operating com- were to be set as though it were a UK project, but it was
pany (based in Iceland) chose to employ an international acknowledged that Bulgarian costs may be less and the time
company, specializing in pharmaceuticals (based in London), requirement may be longer than in the UK. These targets
which could both design and support the construction of the would be adjusted when more information became available.
project. Expertise in pharmaceutical projects was the key The implementation of the work was based around tender-
ingredient and the single source would ease and minimize ing 45 individual sub-contract packages to allow sequential
lines of communication and reduce the possible conflicts of progress and reduce the time period required for a single
split responsibilities. contractor tender. It also was considered that the risks
It was agreed that the management language would be involved in using one contractor would be mitigated.
English, and that at site level, the language would, of neces-
sity, be Bulgarian. The Concept
The concept proposals, preliminary drawings, and specifi- Optional design layouts were developed to produce combina-
cations would be designed to meet UK standards and would tions of possible process and packaging options for an initial
be in English. The detailed engineering drawings also would output of two billion 500 mg tablets. Initially, products were

Figure 2. Concept layouts.


Facility Design/Build
to be solvent based followed subsequently with aqueous obtained, but maintaining the operational and cGMP fea-
based. tures.
The variances developed were based on the following: All production areas were designated to Class 100,000.
Two billion 13 mm (500 mg) tablets by direct compression However the design was to consider achieving Class 10,000 in
- uncoated the future without involving any major modification to the
Four billion 7-9 mm (250 mg) tablets by direct compression construction, fabric, or finishes.
- uncoated Pressure regimes were established whereby movement of
1.5 billion 10 mm (250mg) tablets by wet granulation air through the various areas satisfied the requirements for
One billion coated tablets containment of powders and elimination of risk of cross con-
1.5 billion tablets in blister packs - minimum of 10 tablets tamination. At the same time, all designated clean areas for
per carton dispensing, production, and packaging were maintained at
positive pressure (10Pa) relative to external atmospheric pres-
The above figures were dependent on achieving good Overall sure, thereby preventing ingress of unclean air from outside.
Equipment Efficiencies (OEE) and this was difficult to deter- The possibility of manufacturing effervescent tablets meant
mine in Bulgaria. In practice, during start-up, the learning certain production areas required a low humidity environ-
curve involved would influence the OEE. ment. This was achieved by incorporating regenerative chemi-
The capacity of the plant was to be doubled with the cal dehumidifiers on systems serving the specified areas.
introduction of additional process equipment. However, it The cleanroom pressures, temperatures, and humidities
was initially based on two shifts: seven hour days x five days were designed to be monitored by a Validated Building
over 250 working days per year. Management System which would have the capacity to moni-
To develop the processes, generic production procedures tor and record all room data for a years operation. The system
as depicted in Figure 1 were used to establish the outline was designed to provide a separate back up facility.
requirements. The central pure water system was designed to provide
An optimum layout as indicated in Figure 2 was agreed pure water to USP24 standard to serve clean-in-place sys-
based on the operating and design companys experience of the tems, IBC automatic wash station, laboratories, and small
needs in Iceland and the UK while ensuring full compliance to parts wash areas.
regulatory requirements. The Bulgarian operators and engi- To minimize operational cost of the air conditioning sys-
neers agreed with the layout and flow arrangements. Never- tems, the ratio of fresh air to re-circulated air was selected at
theless, based on their experiences in Eastern Europe, they 20% to 80%. To avoid any cross contamination with this high
believed the facility should be 20% larger than the planned percentage of re-circulated air, filters were installed on the
4,600 sq.m. (49,725 sq.ft.) solution. This was their view on most return air systems in addition to the main EU 11-HEPA
elements of the design large built in factors of safety. filters on the supply systems.
The agreed scheme allowed for a sampling booth, two Estimating the cost of the building, services, and process
dispensing booths, two granulation and fluid bed dryer suites, equipment was based on UK costs although it was recognized
blending, six tablet press suites, two coating suites, one that the cost of the building should be less than the equivalent
capsule filling suite, automatic IBC wash station, four blister in the UK so a comfort factor was built in.
packaging, cartoning and over-wrapping suites, and gener- All new production and packaging equipment was sourced
ous work in progress areas with design for future expansion. and costed from Western Europe suppliers.
Similarly, a design and construction program was pro-
The Preliminary Design duced as though the facility were to be designed and con-
To keep the project moving quickly, a decision was made to structed in the UK, which would give a challenging target for
undertake preliminary engineering using UK design stan- Bulgarian sub-contractors.
dards, but modified to take into account the known Bulgarian Based on the 30 preliminary drawings, the cost plan and
standards at that time. program produced, the board members of the operating
A review was made of Bulgarian methods, capabilities, company were able to confidently make an informed decision
and their ability to meet known Western standards. Al- that the proposed solution would meet their business plan
though masonry was the normal form of construction for the requirements for the Bulgarian facility.
building envelope, steel and metal cladding were available at
reasonable cost, although not commonly used. This was Local Authority Requirements
considered desirable for speed and flexibility for the future. In order for the UK staff to understand the local authority
Internal finishes were available to meet the required cGMPs. approval process, considerable time and effort was devoted to
However, application techniques were yet to be explored. the subject as some of the materials, methods, and techniques
Basic Bulgarian design codes were incorporated into the used in Western Europe were not generally available in
preliminary design, such as seismic codes, floor, roof and Eastern Europe. Importing material was not an easy option
wind loadings, summer and winter dry and wet bulb condi- as it would take time for them to be accepted by local
tions. authorities. This caused several difficulties throughout the
The concept design was developed using the information project, requiring very careful discussion and negotiations


Facility Design/Build
with local and national authorities. Some examples are listed construction work can progress awaiting building regulation
later in this article under Observations and Recommenda- approval - although at risk. In Bulgaria, one would be penal-
tions. ized with a fine if this process was followed. However, with
In Bulgaria, there are explicit approval stages known as some careful tactics and negotiations, the UK company was
Protocol 1 to 17. Each Protocol needs to be completed sequen- able to move quicker than the normal process.
tially and the authorities will not accept parallel execution. The process is very complicated, and one should not rely
Whereas in the UK, once planning permission is granted, purely on reading material.

Figure 3. Typical approval process.


Facility Design/Build
Before one considers all protocols in detail, Protocol 1 is Protocol No 13 - acceptance of the completed metal construc-
the most significant - Permission to Design and Permis- tion corrosion protection.
sion to Build is required from the local authority. This
process is described in Figure 3 and is usually initiated by the Protocol No 14 - determine status of all hidden works:
developer. concrete foundations, back fill, lintels, masonry, cavity
insulation, heat insulation, vapor barriers, internal/exter-
Preconstruction Stage Approval Process nal doors, windows, etc. Statement for the building con-
Once Protocol 1 has been obtained, which could take up to six struction acceptance.
months, the construction process begins. This is where the
requirements must be understood in detail. Protocol No 15 - statement to confirm the building is ready
Scheduled below is each protocol with information needed. to be accepted for use. This includes:
This has been extracted from their National Regulation No 7
-22.05.2001 - statements and protocols issued during the completing 72 hours running test on all systems includ-
building period. ing mechanical, electrical, drainage, process and pro-
duction equipment, lifts, etc. and certificate of conform-
Protocol No 1 - the site is handed over and accepted by the ance of any specialist material
Contractor and the design is approved for execution.
Formal permission is granted from the Mayors office written permission to use imported materials not in
issued by the Chief Architect. accordance with relevant Bulgarian standards and
protocol from the licensed Bulgarian laboratory for the
Protocol No 2 - building site is allowed to formally open to imported materials approved by the Ministry of Build-
allow building lines and levels to be agreed. ing

Protocol No 3 - the site book/diary certified from the National approved detail drawings and statement of compliance
Building Supervision Directorate is issued for recording with the design parameters
all future activities.
Results from 72 hours test on all services. Acceptance
Protocol No 4 - formal hand over/acceptance of all technical Certificate for completion of all works from the relevant
documentation. authorities including the incoming services supply com-
pany, the Regional Inspectorate for Environment and
Protocol No 5 - statement for the building terrain certifying Waters etc.
and complying with the detail drawings setting out base
building coordinates. statements of completion from the Main Contractor

Protocol No 6 - statement certifying soil category and actual proof of ownership and permission to build on territory
excavating working levels. of someone elses property if applicable

Protocol No 7 - statement for acceptance of the actual build- environmental impact assessment
ing/assembling works by levels and details.
card for assessment of influence on site environment in
Protocol No 8 - statement for acceptance of the foundation comparison with the original samples taken at the start
works for construction.
certificate for achieving the set design parameters
Protocol No 9 - statement for acceptance of the shuttering, within the whole facility
reinforcement and welded works.
statement from Occupational Health and Safety Au-
Protocol No 10 - deviations from the design dimensions thorities allowing the building to go into operation
according to Regulation No 3 for the acceptance of the
concrete works. statement from the Fire Fighting Emergency Regional
Protocol No 11 - statement for the acceptance and transfer of
equipment. document issued by the Cadastre Agency (Local County)
for building survey, underground technical systems,
Protocol No 12 - statement for determining the building and equipment survey in attendance with the Cadastre
condition in case of stopping. Agency


Facility Design/Build

Figure 4. Time schedule for key activities.

letter of appointment from the employer confirming the A local consultant in Bulgaria was employed through the
staff employed, inclusive of log for health and safety detail design process to assist in converting the necessary
induction for all staff information into Bulgarian for local authority approvals, and
assist with interpretation where necessary to ensure the
statement from the Chief Architect of the municipality designs met with the local codes and standards.
for law conformity, validity of issued construction docu- The operating company and UK design company agreed
ments, and conformity of performance with the above that no compromises should be made on material and equip-
documents, and for compliance with the requirements ment selection, and that they would be in line with what
of Article 68, Article 178, Paragraph 3 of the Law of would be used in Western Europe. However, the operating
Territory Management company requested that every effort must be made to source
as much material locally as possible.
statement from the designers confirming compliance of The complete project was overseen by the UK companys
their respective design to the finished works project manager on a visiting basis throughout the detail
design, procurement, construction, commissioning, and vali-
Protocol No 16 - (where applicable) Certificate for establish- dation with a very hands on approach with the operating
ing the suitability of the building for use. This certificate companys project manager supervising the day to day issues
is drawn up by the employees assigned by the chief of on site.
National Construction Control Directorate or authorized The detail design was prepared in 45 packages to allow
by him/her employee whose name is included in the Letter early start on site and provide better control of subcontrac-
of Appointment for State Acceptance Commission in line tors although this caused difficulties with local authority
with Ordinance No 6 of 2001 for issuing Permission to Use approvals. However, the situation was managed.
the Building in Republic of Bulgaria. To assist the project with professional procurement ser-
vices, a quantity surveyor was needed. In Bulgaria, quantity
Protocol No 17 - (where applicable) Certificate of completing surveying is not a recognized profession. However, an expa-
any non compliances/defects based on the decisions of triate quantity surveyor was sourced and hired to assist with
State Acceptance Commission under Protocol 16. the procurement, cost reporting, and administer the tender
The operating companys in-house engineering resources Each work package was tendered individually. The com-
assisted with this complete process. panies were selected by placing several advertisements in
local and national newspapers inviting them to formally
Detail Design and Construction show their interest. Short lists of six companies were selected
The detailed design drawings and specifications were pro- for each package by interviewing up to eight companies. The
duced in the UK with support from two Bulgarian architec- selection criteria included review of their past experience,
tural technicians to assist translation of codes into English. management capability, engineering and technical exper-
The authorities stipulate that all designs by foreigners tise, labor skills, resources availability, responsiveness, abil-
must be certified by local designers and a local independent ity to work with English drawings and specifications, quality
supervisor must ensure correct implementation of work on of past work and documentation, demonstration of team
site in compliance with local codes and maintain a fully working, financial status, cost etc.
itemized site diary of all events.


Facility Design/Build
The final selection was undertaken by the operating com-
pany with assistance from the UK companys project man-
Each sub-contract package was managed in the same
manner as in the UK. The process for tendering, procure-
ment, cost control and monitoring, valuations etc. was accom-
plished using the UK companys standard procedures extend-
ing to changes, variations, and settlement of final account
with each individual contractor.
An expatriate construction manager and a building ser-
vices engineer were assigned full time on site to assist the
progress and coordination of the work to the proper quality
standards and program. In addition, each discipline designer
from the UK attended the site regularly to assist with moni-
toring quality, coordination, checking specifications of instal-
lation, providing training where necessary on construction
methods to be employed, and liaising with authorities when
It was found that the Bulgarian operatives can produce
good quality work if properly supervised, but productivity
was low. This was overcome by increasing the labor force and
Figure 5. Granulation and fluid dryer suite.
maintaining a high level of management on site. Toward the
end of the construction period, a few key tradesmen, in 2. It is important that good relationships are developed with
particular electricians, ductwork, and pipe work installers, the relevant authorities and encouragement of their in-
were sent from the UK to protect the program. put will strengthen the project team.
Installation work of mechanical, electrical, and process
works was organized by the UK company with final commis- 3. The approval process is complicated and extensive. Any
sioning of the mechanical systems being undertaken by a UK one considering a project in Eastern Europe must under-
company, overseen by a local commissioning company be- stand the requirements for each stage.
cause commissioning engineers must be certified by the local
authorities. 4. Language can cause misunderstandings. Therefore, it is
The UK company was involved in the validation process important that the team is appropriately strengthened
from the onset by assisting with writing the User Require- with bilingual personnel.
ment Specification, Validation Master Plan, chairing Design
Qualification reviews, and preparing all Installation and 5. Prepare well defined engineering drawings and specifica-
Operational Qualification - Validation Protocols. The on-site tions. Do not leave anything to interpretation.
activities were supported by the operating companys person-
nel to ensure cGMP compliance in association with their 6. The need for a good strong project and construction
quality department. manager is a key requisite and everything must be closely
The operating companys Quality Department was in- followed checked and double checked. Do not leave
volved in the complete process from the start as this was their anything to chance.
first facility that would go through the full validation process.
This proved to be vital training for them. Although they had 7. Productivity is lower in Eastern Europe, but this can be
good theoretical knowledge of the requirements, they ap- overcome by increasing the number of operatives. Strong
peared to lack experience in the actual process. supervision on site is essential.
On completion of the facility, the UK company supported
the operating company in planning all key activities required 8. The professional team must be open minded and proac-
in attaining a functional facility including local drug agency tive to deal with issues and perceived barriers as they
approval, management of training, placebo and validation arise and not get frustrated. Local companies have a set
batches, variation licenses, and planning for a MCA inspec- way of working in their country which has not been
tion. challenged by western society in the past.

Observations and Recommendations 9. Some locals were initially apprehensive about working
1. There are excellent engineering skills in Eastern Europe, with western organizations, and particularly about being
but their normal design standards are generally quite supervised by UK employees. However, experience dem-
conservative. Western European skills can bring more onstrated that with a careful tactical approach and sensi-
finesse and higher technical inputs to the design


Facility Design/Build
filter was installed, although original samples did not
highlight any issues.

17. The actual management of quality on site was a major

issue. The following are simple examples of this:

(a) Two courses of blue bricks were specified; these were

not available in the format required with the setting
out of the building and in the finish required. They
were subsequently ordered from the UK to avoid
delays to the project. On arrival, it was found the
contractors had limited brick laying skill.

(b) Blocks for walls are of different construction and

sizes; fair-face block work was not an option because
the mortar joint detail could not be achieved to the
quality required. Hence walls had to be rendered.
This had considerable impact on the setting out.

(c) Concrete mixing plant was not efficient and the floor
slabs had to be laid in several small sections and took
Figure 6. Completed facility.
considerable amount of coordination, engineering,
tivity about remuneration differentials, this could be and time.
(d) The steel work grade specified was European. How-
10. Daily and weekly monitoring of short and long term ever, the contractor did not order the specified quality
program was a mandatory task as reliance could not be and quantity. This caused some delay.
placed purely on reported progress by contractors.
(e) Items such as safety wear, door seals, and ceiling clips
11. Working to a budget, program and ensuring quality was were all difficult to obtain locally.
a new concept for the locals and required constant re-
minding from the management team. (f) The contractors were not used to complying exactly
with specifications, e.g., all external doors had to be
12. Local materials are worth investigating if time is avail- changed twice as they were delivered to the wrong
able as they are cost effective. However, quality is ques- specification and color. All ceiling tiles had to be
tionable. replaced for the same reason.

13. The site was purported to be a clear brown field site, yet (g) Local pipe/ductwork fabrication and quality of mate-
more than 100 hundred barrels of contaminated waste rial inclusive of insulation appeared dubious. The
and a nuclear fall out shelter were found in the ground. quality of installation was also not to a good standard.
These were not identified in the topographic and
geotechnical investigations by local companies. (h) The wall finishes took more than four attempts to get to
an acceptable level of quality.
14. The Fire Authority would not accept boarded structural
columns to obtain the fire resistance. Hence, they had to (i) All antistatic floors had to be re-laid by using a British
be concrete encased. In some areas, solutions offered for contractor as the specification could not be achieved.
fire protection were not acceptable. However, after con-
siderable negotiations and justification, some were fi- (j) The welding on the medium temperature hot water
nally accepted. and chilled water pipe work was poor such that a high
level of resistance was encountered on the system and
15. The local consultant let the process down in some aspects the pumps had to be increased in duties to avoid delay
of approvals due to their lack of experience and knowledge to the program.
of their own regulations.
16. The water supply quality was found to be inconsistent Despite the inherent difficulties of designing and construct-
and unreliable. Therefore, a 50 micron back wash pre- ing a facility of this type in Eastern Europe, with a positive


Facility Design/Build
attitude by the team, the problems were overcome to produce first facility validated to EU standards in Bulgaria
an excellent facility. probably the best pharmaceutical facility in Bulgaria if
Speed was a key factor and the critical time schedules met not in Eastern Europe
are seen in Figure 4. The overall budget cost was not ex- quality of the finished project was generally very good and
ceeded. Savings were made on local contracts such as ground comparable to the best in the UK
works, civils, steelwork, cladding, and finishes. There was an completed project cost $1 million below the $15 budget
overspending on process equipment such as granulation, several cultural problems overcome successfully
tablet machines, blender, blister lines, pure water plant etc. several political problems with approvals addressed suc-
Site supervision was overspent, primarily because of the cessfully
extensive checks required. facility - available for PQ/production 18 months from the
The overall cost of completion was 7.5% below the agreed first operation on site
budget, i.e., just more than $1 million under the $15 million formal opening ceremony achieved 12 months from the
budget. This was achieved by preparing good quality engi- first ground breaking
neering documentation for tendering, pre-selection of compa- benchmark set for future pharmaceutical facilities in
nies to be invited to tender, post tender interviews to ensure Eastern Europe
compliance technically, financially, and availability of pro-activeness by the operating company gave the UK
resources; good negotiating and buying skills on the packages company better control and management of the overall
and a pro-active client to allow the UK company to effectively project
design and assist them in management of the project, yet the operating company managed very professionally
making themselves available to respond efficiently and make safety statistics on site better than a comparable project in
decisions when required. UK
The quality goals were in most cases accomplished and
have met cGMP standards. Acknowledgements
However, anyone considering a similar project in the Thanks are due for the cooperation and support received from
future must employ more on-site dedicated supervisors to the operating company in particular Mr. Jon Bergsson
monitor day to day installation and material quality. Chief Operations Officer during the preparation of this ar-
The granulation/fluid bed dryer suite and external view of ticle.
the facility are shown in Figures 5 and 6 respectively to
demonstrate the quality achieved. About the Author
The facility has obtained its operating license from the Prakash Davda is the Deputy Managing
Bulgarian Drug Agency and is in the process of being pre- Director of The Austin Company of UK Lim-
pared for an MCA inspection for products made for the ited based in London, UK. Davda has more
European market. than 20 years of experience in the design and
Safety standards imposed on site were in accordance with construction of high tech facilities through-
UKs Construction Design and Management regulations. out the UK. Throughout the last 10 years, he
These were stipulated as part of the appointment of contrac- has been heavily involved in project activi-
tors. In reality, they were difficult to impose as the correct ties for laboratories, pilot plants, production
form of Personal Protective Equipment was not readily avail- units, and warehousing for the pharmaceutical industry
able and there was no motivation by subcontractors to obtain within the UK. He held the post of Principle in Charge for the
them. However, the safety record on site was better than the Bulgarian project and managed the design, construction,
average UK site. commissioning, validation, and start-up teams. Davda is a
member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, The Char-
Highlights of the Project tered Institution of Building Services Engineers, and ob-
first cGMP compliant facility design in Bulgaria tained his Masters in economics and management from The
first facility to be inspected by the MCA in Bulgaria Bartlett School of Graduate (University College London) in
first substantial pharmaceutical project in Bulgaria over 1995. He can be contacted by tel: +44-208-371-9000 or by
the last 12 to 15 years email: [email protected].
facility complete within 12 months from starting on site The Austin Company of UK Limited, 35 Ballards Lane,
facility ready for manufacturing within six months of Finchley, London, N3 1XW, United Kingdom.
completion of construction


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