Fundamentals of Moisture Sorption Isotherms

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Fundamentals of Moisture Sorption Isotherms

Water profoundly influences product attributes typical of very hygroscopic materials, Type II
such as quality and safety. To completely (sigmoidal) isotherms are typical for intermediate
understand water relations in a product requires moisture products, and type III (J-shaped)
an understanding of the amount of water isotherms are typical for crystalline and coated
(moisture content) that can be held at a given materials. These general classifications proved
energy state (water activity). Moisture sorption useful when conducting isotherms on every
isotherms describe the relationship between product was not feasible due to time and
water activity and moisture content at a constant labor constraints. However, with automation
temperature. The nature of this relationship and improved speed, isotherms can easily be
depends on the interaction between water and conducted on any product and the uniqueness of
other ingredients. The amount of water vapor that each isotherm often proves more valuable than
can be absorbed by a product depends on its placing them in a common classification.
chemical composition, physical-chemical state,
and physical structure. Consequently, the isotherm Hysteresis
shape is unique to each product type due to
Figure 2 shows two isotherms, one obtained by
differences in capillary, surface, and colligative
wetting a sample from a dry state and the other
effects (Figure 1). Products that lie in the low
obtained by drying a sample from wet state. The
water activity portion of the isotherm are often
arrows show the direction of the process. The
referred to as dry, those in the range of 0.60 aw to
moisture content at each water activity is higher
0.90 aw are intermediate moisture products, and during desorption (drying from high moisture
those having water activities higher than 0.90 are content) than adsorption (wetting from low
high water activity products. moisture content). The curves in Fig. 2 represent
Icing Creme Filling Cake limits or bounding isotherms since they begin at
Wood Pulp Granola Bar Milk Powder
water activities near zero and 1. If a drying process
reduces the water activity of a sample only part

way to dryness, and the sample is then rewet, it
follows a path between the wetting and drying
Moisture Content (% d.b.)


boundary curves, as shown in Fig. 3. These curves
are called scanning curves, and there can be
infinitely many of them depending on where drying
stops and starts.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Water Activity

Figure 1. Moisture adsorption isotherms for icing, crme

filling, cake, wood pulp, granola bar, and milk powder
showing that the isotherm shape is unique to the product.

For ease of interpretation, isotherms are often

identified by Brunauer classifications (Brunauer,
1945). Most food and pharmaceutical products
fall under type I, II, or III. Type I isotherms are

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water activity corresponding to the energy state of

the larger, internal radius was exceeded, but would
empty only when the water activity dropped below
the energy state of the neck radius. The moisture
content of a drying process would therefore always
be greater than that for a wetting process. Another
model relates to the contact angle of water with
the surface during wetting and drying. At lower
water activities typical of intermediate and low
moisture foods these models appear less relevant,
but the observed hysteresis is similar to that seen
at higher water activity.

If diffusion of water into (adsorption) or out of
(desorption) a material is slow and sufficient time
is not allowed for complete diffusion, there will be
a large amount of apparent hysteresis that could
For ease of interpretation, isotherms are often be reduced by allowing sample equilibration.
identified by Brunauer classifications (Brunauer,
1945). Most food and pharmaceutical products Matrix Changes
fall under type I, II, or III. Type I isotherms are
typical of very hygroscopic materials, Type II Figure 4 shows three different isotherm curves of
(sigmoidal) isotherms are typical for spray-dried milk powder with different maximum
intermediate moisture water activities and different sorption histories.
The boundary isotherm with a 0.80 aw maximum
As can be seen from these examples, an isotherm experienced a phase change at 0.43 aw,
is not a single valued function but depends on indicated by a sharp inflection point in the curve.
the wetting and drying history of the sample. This The desorption curve for this isotherm appears
phenomenon is called hysteresis. to show hysteresis, especially below a water
activity of 0.60. However, an isotherm, run on a
It is possible to obtain isotherm data which appear sample wetted to a maximum water activity
to show hysteresis by failing to allow a sample to below the phase change, exhibits very little
equilibrate at each step or by inducing changes hysteresis. The lack of hysteresis in this isotherm
in the water binding properties of the matrix by indicates that the matrix changes that occur at
wetting or drying it. It is preferable to treat these 0.43 aw are completely responsible for the
cases separately, and reserve the term hysteresis apparent hysteresis.
for situations where equilibrium is obtained, but
moisture contents of wetted and dried samples Water in a sample is bound to particle surfaces
still differ because of their history. by various bonding mechanisms. When the
configuration of particle surfaces changes due
Several plausible hysteresis models exist for to a phase change, binding sites change and the
samples wet enough for water to be held in the amount of water which can be bound at a given
matrix by capillary forces. The ink bottle model energy of water also changes. An isotherm curve
pictures a pore with a narrow neck and a larger of the phase changed sample does not show
internal radius. Such a pore would fill when the further phase transitions since simply drying the
sample does not return it to an amorphous state.

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dried back down, there will be an initial transition

period as the product moves from the adsorption
curve to the desorption curve. The same is true
for a product that was previously dried and then
wetted up. There will be an initial transition
period as the product moves from the desorption
curve to the adsorption curve. This transition
region can be observed at any point on the
isotherm if the direction of the sorption is changed
and the product exhibits hysteresis as can be
observed in Figure 5.

These matrix changes represent a true physical

change in the material. They are not reversible
by drying, no matter how many drying cycles
occur. Differences between the adsorption and
desorption curves in the inital isotherm is not
true hysteresis since the sample matrix has
experienced a physical change. Differences
between sorption curves in the subsequent
isotherms represents true hysteresis.

Working Isotherms
Full boundary isotherms give information about Temperature
the physical characteristics of a product, show The amount of moisture that can be held at a
hysteresis, and are important in establishing given water activity changes (usually goes down)
critical control points, but in many cases a working with increasing temperature (Figure 6). Likewise,
isotherm will prove very useful. A working isotherm water activity usually increases at a given
shows how a product adsorbs and desorbs water moisture content with increasing temperature.
from its current or typical condition. To create a These temperature dependent changes result
working isotherm, the product is processed as in changes in the isotherm shape and provide
usual, and then a scanning curve is created by valuable information about a products response
wetting one sample from that point and drying to temperature fluctuations. The effect of
a different sample from that same point. Figure temperature is unique to each product and follows
5 shows a working isotherm for wood pulp the Clausius-Clapeyron equation which is:
superimposed over its full boundary isotherm.
The scanning curve the product will initially follow
depends on whether the product was previously Where aW2 and aW1 are water activities at
wetted or dried to its current state. If a product temperatures (K) T2 and T1, respectively; H is the
was wetted to a certain water activity and then is heat of sorption in J/mol (as a function of moisture

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content); and R equals 8.314 J mol-1 K-1. The heat reached when the weight of the sample stops
of sorption (H) is the only unknown and must changing. This equilibration process can take
be determined empirically by regression analysis. weeks. The temperature must be tightly controlled
Plotting ln(aW) vs 1/T (K), the slope of the line during equilibration and steps must be taken to
is equal to H /R. Once H is known, the water prevent microbial contamination at water activities
activity at any temperature can be determined higher than 0.60.
using equation 1.
Dynamic Vapor Sorption
The traditional method has been automated by
instruments programmed to automatically change
the water activity of a sample in a dynamic,
stepwise progression. These instruments, often
referred to as controlled atmosphere balances,
utilize the Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) method.
The instrument holds the sample at one water
activity level until the sample weight stops
changing, measures the water content by weight,
and then dynamically moves to the next water
activity. Instrument temperature is held constant.
Water activity levels are usually controlled by
mixing dry and wet air.

Automatic isotherm generators are much faster

and less labor intensive than traditional desiccator
methods. They also make it possible to conduct
sorption kinetic studies. However, like traditional
dessicator methods, DVS instruments equilibrate
Measuring Moisture Sorption Isotherms the sample to a known water activity level. Since
Constructing an isotherm consists of collecting true equilibration between the sample and the
water activity and moisture content values over vapor source requires an infinitely long period
a range of water activities. The range of water of time, they measure apparent equilibrium at
activities used depends on the situation, but the point when the change in sample weight is
normally is 0.10 aw up to 0.90 aw. negligibly small. Increasing the tolerable weight
change can speed up the isotherm process
Traditional Desiccator Method but calls into question the validity of the water
activity values.
In the traditional isotherm method, each point
on the isotherm is determined by equilibrating
Dynamic Dewpoint Isotherm Method
a sample to a known water activity and then
determining its equilibrium moisture content The Dynamic Dewpoint Isotherm (DDI)
by weight. Typically, the sample is placed in a method directly measures water activity while
sealed chamber over a saturated salt slurry in gravimetrically tracking weight, so there is no
excess. Different water activity levels are achieved dependence on equilibration to known water
by using different salts. Alternatively, varying activity levels to determine water activity.
concentrations of acid or glycerol solutions, Adsorption occurs as saturated wet air is passed
mechanical humidifiers, and adjusted mixtures over the sample. Desorption is accomplished as
of wet and dry air can be used. Equilibrium is desiccated air is passed over the sample. After

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roughly a 0.015 change in water activity, airflow is constructed using other methods, resulting
stopped and a snapshot of the sorption process in higher levels of apparent hysteresis. Better
is taken by directly measuring the water activity agreement to other isotherms may be achieved
and the weight. Since the sample does not have by reducing the sample size, grinding the sample,
to wait for equilibration to a known water activity, and lowering the wet or dry air flow rate to
this method is faster without sacrificing accuracy. allow more moisture penetration into slow
It is also able to produce an unmatched number of diffusing samples.
data points. Only water and desiccant are needed
to run the isotherm. Isotherm Models
Several different isotherm models have been
proposed and compared in the literature. These
models are necessary to predict the moisture
content at a given water activity and are used
to evaluate thermodynamic functions of water
in foods. They are also necessary when using
isotherm methods with low data resolution to
interpolate between isotherm data points. While
there are 270 proposed isotherm models, the
most commonly used models are the GAB and
BET. Since the BET model is only applicable up to
0.50 aw, the GAB model is widely accepted as the
most useful for characterizing isotherms across
the entire water activity range. Its coefficients
also have theoretical physical meaning such as
providing monolayer moisture content. A new
The dynamic nature of the DDI method can
empirical model called the Double Log Polynomial
present problems when trying to compare
(DLP), which is an adaptation of the Chi plot
isotherms by DDI to isotherms created using other
(Condon, 2006), has proven to be even better than
isotherm methods, especially traditional methods
the GAB at characterizing complex isotherms. The
where equilibration times can be weeks. For most
model equations are shown below:
sample types, especially samples with fast vapor
diffusion, penetration by water vapor into the
BET (2)
whole sample is rapid and isotherms from DDI
for these types of products will be comparable to
Where m is the moisture in g/100 solids or g/g
other methods (Figure 7). However, for samples
solids at water activity aw and mo is the monolayer
with slow diffusion rates, moisture movement
value in the same units. The constant c is
through the sample is slow and complete diffusion
calculated by:
of moisture into and out of the sample may be
slow enough to give the appearance of vapor
equilibrium in the headspace during water activity
Where Qs is the surface interaction energy in J/
analysis. In reality, the moisture has not had
mole, R is the gas constant (8.314 J/mol K) and T
time to be completely absorbed by the sample.
(K) is the temperature:
Isotherms for these types of samples developed
using the DDI method may have lower moisture
GAB (3)
contents during adsorption and higher moisture
contents during desorption than isotherms
Where m is the moisture in g/100 solids or g/g

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solids, kb is a constant in the range of 0.70 to 1

and c is a constant in the range of 1 to 2000. In
addition, mo is the monolayer moisture content in
the same units as m and aw is the water activity at
moisture m:

DLP (4)

Where m is the moisture in g/100 solids or

g/g solids, = ln[-ln(aw)] and b0 b3 are
empirical constants.

Uses For Moisture Sorption Isotherms

Moisture sorption isotherms are an important
tool when formulating food to achieve specific
qualities and attributes (Bell and Labuza, 2000). One of the practical impacts of hysteresis occurs
Despite their value, traditional isotherms have when a product is dried to a safe water activity
been limited by their low resolution. The high- level and then exposed to humid conditions
resolution DDI method has opened up new and during storage. The impact of these events can
powerful possibilities. High resolution isotherms be predicted. A working isotherm represents the
can reveal phase transition pointswater activities drying and wetting characteristics of a product
at which products cake and clump, deliquesce, from its native state and is a scanning curve that
or go through glass transition. They can also connects the adsorption and desorption curves.
be very helpful in making shelf life calculations, It most correctly describes the changes
developing mixing models, modeling temperature experienced by a product when it wets or dries
abuse, determining the integrity of a protective from its native state.
coating or layer, determining monolayer values,
and making accurate packaging calculations. Moisture Content Prediction
An additional function of the isotherm is moisture
Drying and Wetting Curve content prediction. Since both water activity
For a manufacturer drying a product, the sorption and moisture content are needed in certain
isotherm can be used to assist in process control situations, it is advantageous to measure both
by determining drying rates and optimal endpoints. simultaneously. In addition, moisture content
measurements can be inaccurate, time-consuming
The isotherm will also show whether a product and require expensive instrumentation. As an
exhibits hysteresis and what impact that will have alternative to moisture content measurement
on water activity after drying to a given moisture methods, the sorption isotherm can be used
content. In a hysteretic sample the moisture to determine moisture content based on water
content will be higher at a given water activity activity, usually with better repeatability than
for desorption than adsorption. The practical actually running a moisture content analysis and
impact of hysteresis is that a moisture content in much less time. This requires determination
that is safe when drying a sample because it of a products isotherm, characterization of the
corresponds to a safe water activity (0.6 aw or isotherm by a model or equation, and then
loading that model into a specialized water
below) may not be safe during adsorption because
activity instrument (see Decagons AquaLab
it corresponds to a higher water activity level.
Series 4TE DUO).
(above 0.70 aw) (Figure 8).

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Temperature Abuse Modeling The negative slope of this line, multiplied by 1000,
provides Qs/R for this product, which can then
Isotherms can be used to determine the effect
of temperature on a products water activity and be plugged into equation 1 to predict the water
moisture content. A product with a safe water activity. Rearrangement of eq. 1 gives
activity at room temperature may become unsafe (5)
under temperature abuse conditions. Isotherms
measured at several different temperatures will
show the temperature at which a product in a
sealed package (at constant moisture content) To find the water activity of the granola bar at, for
will be at unstable water activity levels. For example, 80C, simply plug in 298 K (25C for
example, granola bar at 25% moisture content will T1, 0.680 for aw1 (data taken form Figure 9 at 25%
have a safe water activity (0.60) at 15C and will moisture), and 353 K (80C) for T2 which gives
not support mold growth. However, at 40C, the 0.846 as the water activity at 80C. The slope
water activity will be high enough (0.70) for mold also gives the heat of sorption (Qs) for this granola
to grow (Figure 9). bar, which is 463 x 8.31 = 3852 J/mol.

Formulating For Water Activity Control

Isotherms can be valuable for formulation
and product development. By comparing the
isotherms of different formulations, it is possible
to determine if a product can be adjusted to allow
higher moisture content at a given water activity or
a lower water activity at a given moisture content.
The result can be a moister product that is still
shelf stable.

Likewise, two ingredients at the same moisture

content may not be compatible when mixed
together. If two materials of differing water
activities but the same moisture content are
By plotting 1000/T(K) vs ln(aw) for the data mixed together, the water will adjust between the
in Figure 9 at 25% moisture content, a linear materials until an equilibrium water activity is
relationship is generated (Figure 10). obtained. Thus, for a multi-component product,
to prevent moisture migration, one should match
the water activity of the two components. A great
example of this type of product is a snack cake
with a crme filling, cake, and icing covering. The
crme filling, cake, and icing have very different
moisture contents, and hence very different
textures, but the same water activity (Figure 11).
This provides a product with variety but is still
stable because the water activities are in the safe
range. In addition, the icing coating serves as a
moisture barrier to the more moisture sensitive
cake interior.

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Within the range of water activity for which the chi

plot is a straight line the isotherm is described by:


Where and are the slope and intercept of the

chi plot.

As long as water is not gained or lost by the

mixture, equation 7 gives the average moisture
content at the time of mixing and also after
equilibration has occurred among components. At
equilibration, the water activity, and therefore the
chi value of all components is equal, so eqs. 7 and
8 can be combined to find that chi value:

Dry Ingredient Mixing (9)
It is possible, using the isotherms of the
Where the average moisture content is computed
components, to determine the final water activity
from the initial values and eq. 7. Once the chi
of a mixture of ingredients without actually making
value is known eq. 8 can be used to find the final
the product. This works best by transforming the
moisture contents of the individual constituents.
isotherm to a chi plot (chi being ln[-ln(aw)]) as
shown in Fig. 12. The isotherm can then generally
be fit by one or more straight lines. Figure 12 has
some of the data from Fig. 11 for the snack cake
ingredients. The x axis now is the chi variable.
The y axis is the wet basis moisture content. The
conversion from dry basis to wet basis is:


Where w is mass of water divided by total product

(water plus dry) mass, and m is mass of water
divided by dry mass.

The conversion to wet basis moisture content

Table 1 shows values of and from Fig. 12 for
makes the mixture calculations more convenient.
the snack cake components. To illustrate how
The wet basis moisture content of a mixture is:
these values can be used, assume we want to

know the water activity of a mixture of 60% cake,
20% crme filling, and 20% chocolate icing. The
starting moisture contents and their corresponding
Where i is the mass fraction of component i
water activities are shown in the table. Using eq. 7
(the wet mass of the component divided by the
we compute that the average moisture content for
total mass of the mixture) and wi is the wet basis
the mix is 12.8%. Using eq. 9 we compute the
moisture content of the component.

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Ingredient i *Initial Initial *Final Ave mc Final chi Final aw

%m.c aw %m.c 12.8 0.93 0.67
Icing 2.87 2.68 0.2 7 0.80 5.4
Creme 0.47 11.67 0.2 12 0.61 12.1
Cake 9.82 6.36 0.6 15 0.66 15.5
Table 1. Values needed for snack cake inredients mixing problem.
*Moisture content is wet basis

final chi value to be 0.93, giving a final water Obviously the method would have problems if this
activity of were not taken into account.

Shelf Life Determination

Using eq. 8 and the and values for the Sorption isotherms are valuable for shelf life
components, we can now compute the final prediction. They can be used to determine a
moisture contents of the components, as shown foods monolayer moisture content and the
in the last column of the table. It may appear corresponding water activity, which represents
counterintuitive that the moisture content of both its most stable state. The monolayer value is
the crme and cake increased, while the moisture determined by modeling isotherm data using the
content of the icing decreased, in spite of the fact GAB or BET equations. It is usually the moisture
the icing was initially at a much lower moisture content around 0.2-0.3 aW. An increase in water
content that the crme and cake This should
activity of 0.1 above the monolayer value will
underline the concept that it is water activity,
result in a decrease of shelf life by two to three
not moisture content that equilibrates between
times (Bell and Labuza, 2000).
Packaging Calculations
Three final comments should be made with
respect to calculating water activity of mixtures. A products isotherm can also be used to
First, we have used a linear approximation to the determine package requirements depending
chi plot for the isotherm. That works well in most on the products sensitivity to moisture and the
situations where water activity is not changing type of conditions it may be exposed to (Bell and
over a broad range, and gives nice, closed form Labuza, 2000). If we assume the product and the
equations for computing water activity. There is no environment are at the same temperature, and
problem, however, with using the full DLP isotherm that the permeability of the package is low
equation to do these calculations. The equations enough so that changes in water activity are
are just messier and the solutions harder to uniform over the entire product inside the
obtain. The second point is that hysteresis could package, then the water activity of the product
be an issue with these calculations unless you can be predicted from:
use the correct isotherm. Since some components
are increasing in moisture content and some (10)
decreasing, a working isotherm is probably
the best approximation. Finally, all of these Where ha is the humidity of the air, awo is the initial
calculations assume that the isotherm equation water activity of the sample, t is the time in the
does not change with wetting or drying. If one of package, and the time constant, , is given by
the ingredients undergoes a phase change during
equilibration, its isotherm equation will change. (11)

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Here, is the slope of the isotherm (g/g), pa is the One could also choose a material to put in the
atmospheric pressure (kPa), M is the total mass of package with a low isotherm slope ().
product inside the package (g), es is the saturation The following examples show how these
water vapor pressure at package temperature calculations work. For all calculations an isotherm
(kPa), A is the package surface area (m2), and gv for powdered milk, shown in Fig. 13, will be
is the package conductance (g m-2 s-1). used. A straight line fits the data well over the
water activity range 0.1 to 0.4. Above that, at
Equation 10 can be used in several different about 0.43 water activity is the critical value (see
ways. As it stands, it can be used to find the water next section).
activity of a product over time when it is exposed,
in a package, to humidity different from its starting
water activity. For example, one might want to
know the water activity of a bottle of tablets left on
a bathroom shelf for an extended period of time.

A second way to use the equation is to compute

the time for a packaged sample to reach a critical
water activity when exposed to abuse conditions.
The critical water activity would represent a loss
in stability and this time would be equivalent to
the shelf life of the product when exposed to the
abuse conditions. Rearranging eq. 10 gives the
shelf life:

For illustration, assume we have a package
Where awc is the critical water activity. containing 10 g. of milk powder, initially at a
water activity of 0.1. The slope of the isotherm
A third way to use eq. 10 is in determining the from Figure 13 is 0.0259 g/g. The package has
vapor conductance of a package. In that mode, a surface area of 10 cm2. Ambient and package
a material of known water activity, with a known temperature are 25C, ambient humidity is
isotherm slope, is placed in a package and 0.6, and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa. The
exposed to conditions of known humidity and package permeability is 0.01 g m-2 s-1. Saturation
temperature. After some period of time, the vapor pressure at 25 C is around 3 kPa (Table
package is opened and the material water activity A3, (Campbell and Norman, 1998)). Putting these
is re-measured. The measured values can be values into eq. 11 gives a time constant of 8.67
inserted into eq. 12 to give . This value is used x 105 s, or around 10 days. Using this value in eq.
with eq. 11 to solve for gv: 10, with the specified ambient humidity values
shows that the sample will be at a water activity
(13) of 0.42 after 10 days, 0.53 after 20 days, and
0.58 after 30 days when exposed to 60% ambient
Note that these equations suggest several ways to humidity at 25C.
speed up package conductance testing. The tests
could be run at a high temperature to increase If we take 0.43 as the critical water activity, the
saturation vapor pressure of water (es), or the M/A time to reach this value, as computed using eq.
ratio could be made small to give good resolution. 12, is 10.8 days. From the previous calculation we

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see that the water activity is 0.42 after 10 days, so decrease as time dependent processes such as
10.8 days seems reasonable. caking and crystallization speed up significantly.

Finally, assume we did a test with these same

materials and conditions, but with a different
package (but same surface area), and want to
know the conductance of this new packaging
material. Assume that we observe a water activity
increase from 0.1 to 0.32 over a 20 day period
when the package is placed in a environmental
chamber at a humidity of 0.9 and a temperature
of 40C. The saturation vapor pressure of water
at 40C is 7.4 kPa (Campbell and Norman, 1998).
The time constant is: Increasing temperature will cause the critical
water activity to go down and can also result in
loss of stability with no change in water activity.
Determining phase transitions using isotherms is
similar to determining glass transition temperature
To compute vapor conductance we use eq. 13: (Tg) with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC),
except instead of holding water activity constant
and scanning temperature, the isotherm analysis
holds temperature constant and scans water
This new package material, under the conditions activity (Figure 15). Consequently, the temperature
of the illustration above, would increase shelf of the isotherm when the critical water activity is
life by giving a time constant of 154 days rather determined should be similar to the Tg determined
than 10. using DSC analysis for a sample at the critical
water activity.
Phase Changes and Critical Water Activities
When high resolution isotherms are available,
such as those produced using the DDI method,
the shape of the isotherm can provide information
about critical water activities and phase
transitions. Sharp inflection points in the isotherm
indicate phase transitions (equivalent to a glass
transition) and can provide information about
critical water activities for maintaining textural
properties and preventing caking and clumping
(Figure 14). The exact inflection point in the
curve, and hence the critical water activity, can
be determined using second derivative curve
smoothing strategies. Keep in mind that if data
resolution of the isotherm is low, these inflection
points cannot be identified. If the water activity of
a product moves above the critical water activity
for phase transition, the stability of the product will

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Graphing isotherm temperature and critical water to analyze the moisture relations of their product.
activity for spray dried milk powder gives a good The efficacy of isotherms in food engineering
linear relationship and Tg values from (Shrestha depends on being able to achieve high data
et al., 2007) at different water activities agree resolution without drastically increasing isotherm
well with the data (Figure 16). This indicates test time. New methods such as DDI make it
that determining critical phase transitions using possible to achieve the necessary resolution while
isotherm analysis is equivalent to determining reducing test times to days instead of weeks.
them with DSC analysis. The linear relationship These high resolution moisture sorption isotherms
between isotherm temperature and water activity make it possible to model and engineer food
also makes it possible to predict the glass products in ways not previously possible. The
transition temperature at any water activity. rewards are products that maximize safety, quality,
and profitability.

The moisture sorption isotherm can also illustrate

differences between amorphous and crystalline Reference List
material and provide information about the level of 1. Bell, L.N., and T.P. Labuza. 2000. Moisture
each in a product (Figure 17). Amorphous material sorption: practical aspects of isotherm
is much more hygroscopic initially and than measurement and use. American Association
undergoes a phase transition, clearly visible with of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN.
a DDI isotherm. Crystalline material has a very flat
isotherm with large changes in water activity vs. 2. Brunauer, S. 1945. The Adsorption of Gases
moisture content until the deliquescence point is and Vapors. Princenton Unviversity Press,
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