Consti 2 Reviewer Finals

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Restricted by court order: Destierro prohibited to live in a The issue on this case the President has the power
place. You need to transfer to another place; provided in and whether or not she abuse her power in not allowing the
RA 9262 (protection order issued by the court). return of the Marcoses to the Philippines.
The President has the power and she did not
Villavicenco v. Lukban abuse it because there was factual basis as provided by the
The Mayor ordered the police to round up all the intelligence report by the AFP/PNP for not allowing them to
prostitutes and put them in a ship and bring them to Davao. return. Right to return was validly limited for public order.
A Habeas Corpos proceedings are instituted to There is a due process in the sense that the court actually
question the legal basis of the deprivation of ones liberty. examine, whether or not there is a factual basis.
In this case, they were deprived of their right to
liberty to abode. They were not given a choice. Habeas *** There is a tax to right to travel which is not even for
corpus is still a proper remedy and the court must still rule the reasons cited in the Constitution but used in order to
on it even there are other girls that were able to return to support the tourism facilities of the Philippines.
Manila and others decided to settle in Davao because there
is still a policy of the City Government to ship them out to
Manila. There is still a deprivation of liberty of the FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
prostitutes. - right to join or not to join
- right to form any organization not contrary to law
o labor association (public or private)
Right to go out of the Philippines. In other Gonzales v. Comelec
countries, right to go to one state to another. It is not Issue: The law prohibits forming of new political
absolute, it can be limited as provided by law (public safety, party until 150 days before the election to promote public
national security and public health) safety and to prevent early political campaigning.
Minority: It is unconstitutional, it is so grave and
Silverio v. CA broad that it partically bans political parties. It cannot
It is not really an issue of Silverios right to travel advocate and screen, nominate its candidates, recruit
because it is an issue of the courts power to use all member; thus it is violative of freedom of association of the
necessary means to compel his attendance in a criminal parties.
case against him. In fact, the court already grant him liberty, Majority: Constitutional. There are still other things
he is out on bail. However, he failed to show up on the that they can do like filing their GIS, file reports in the
hearing of his case thats why the Court order for his re- COMELEC which are only incidental.
In this case, it was his own fault. Posting a bond is
tantamount to a guarantee that a person will attend to every In re Edillion
hearing of the case. He violated the condition of bail. He do not like to became a member of the IBR.
Compelling her to be part of it and pay the dues is violative
PASEI v. Drilon of the freedom of association.
Secretary of Justice ordered to suspend the Not violative. IBP is a valid exercise of police
deployment of Filipino Domestic workers to HongKong power. It is not just a simple association but a regulatoty
because of abuses committed against Filipino workers mechanism. It is the one which was delegated the power to
abroad. investigate complaints lawyers. They are part of the
This order is not a violation of right to travel regulatory mechanism because they are the first level. They
because it is a valid exercise of police power. The lawful receive the complaints, investigate and send
purpose if for public safety (to protect the Filipino workers) recommendation to the Supreme Court on what proper
and means employed is reasonable (temporary suspension disciplinary action. SC has a ruled that if there is a
until the HK govt can come up with policies to protect the recommendation to dimiss the complaint, it has to be
Filipino workers). brought up to the Court because only the SC has the power
PASEI do not have the personality to assail the to dismiss complaints against lawyer; it is part of the Courts
violation of right to travel because it is personal it should power to disbar and suspend lawyers.
be the Filipino citizens who wants go to other country to Edillion may refuse to attend IBP meetings or
work. refuse to attend to activities. But he cannot refuse to pay
annual dues because these funds are used to support the
RIGHT TO RETURN investigations of IBP.
It is not provided in the Constitution but it is
recognized under international law (Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and International Covenant of Civil and Boy Scout of America v. Dale
Political Rights). They became part of the law of the land Dale is a known scout master who is also an
through incorporation under Article 2, Section 2 of the advocate for homosexuality. Federal Court ruled that he
Constitution. It is not absolute, ICCPR provides for limitation cannot be dismissed as scout master.
public order. BSA contention: the issue is not the right to
association of Dale but the right of the BSA (right of
expressive association). It is the right of the association to
ensure that its membership support the core values of the
association. If the member acted contrary to their ideals, SC: Future generations have a cause of action
they have the right to expel such. balance and healthful ecology. TLA is not a contract but it is
There is nothing stated in the BSAs core values a license, merely a privilege. Even if the it is a contract,
which pertains to heterosexuality but it is implied and it falls State can intervene as long as there is a due process.
under the Scouts Oath - the concept of morally straight
and clean. It is the association itself to determine the their
standard of morality. ACCESS TO COURTS
Those people who cannot afford are exempted to
***Problem: Sorority members wanted to admit pay filing fees, this is how the SC ensures that everyone
transgenders. In the context of freedom of association, it is has the access to courts.
for them to decide based on their values and would be
accepted by its members. Acar v. Rosal
The petitioners filed a case for money claim
amounting to 40 million filing fee is around 1million and
SSS Employee Association v. CA they cannot afford it. Petitioners applied as pauper litigants.
Issue: Right to strike for government labor
association be recognized. RTC: Denied application because they are
The purpose of a labor association is to bargain for working. Pauper is a person supported by the State.
better terms and condition. Employers coercive power is to
lock out and employees power is to strike. SC: They are exempted for paying the filing fees
even they are not pauper litigants (ROC). Constitution is not
SC: right to strike is not available to public labor referring to pauper but indigent litigants. Indigent is a
association because a public office is a public trust; person who do not have a property aside from their labor. If
allowing them to go on strike will cause stoppage of the they will win, the fees can be deducted to the award.
government services to the public which is prejudicial to
public interest. Instead, they can go on rally during breaks *** There are three kinds of cases:
or after office hours, but if both parties cannot agree, the a. Criminal Cases - the person defends himself
employees can file complaints to Public Sector Labor against the whole sovereign. There is an
Management Council. imbalance of power. The Constitution provides
several rights for the person accused (from before
and after the case is filed).
Contracts are protected by the Constitution c. Administrative Cases
because contracts affect property rights. It cannot be
impaired by the State; it is not a party to the contract and
even it is a party it cannot unilaterally alter the contract by CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION
virtue of the due process clause. Rights of a person before the case is filed against a
Although contracts is sacred between the two person; during the investigation of the police arrested
parties, there is still possibility of State intervention through without warrant. Ensure that the person under the custody
police power. (Procedural and substantial due process) of the police is protected.

Ortigas v. CO. People v. Mahinay

Sale of property with restriction that it will be used Rights of the accused under investigation
for residential purposes only. Subsequently, the City of 1. Right to be informed of the alleged crime he
Mandaluyong passed an ordinance which classify the area committed
from residential to commercial. The new owner wants to 2. Right to be inform that he can remain silent and
construct a commercial building in the property. that any information can be used against him
3. Right to counsel can be waived but must be in
SC: The ordinance which deemed to have modified writing and with assistance of the counsel. He
the agreement between the parties is not a violation of non- can also revoked such and must be in writing as
impairment clause. The zoning ordinance (how the land well.
should be used) is a valid exercise of police power. 4. Exclusionary rule he may refuse to answer or
Lawful purpose economic advancement/development. stop answering, any evidence illegally obtained
Lawful means designate certain areas for economic will be inadmissible.
utilization (reasonable). 5. RA 7438 - right to be visited anytime by his
lawyer, family members and doctor.
Prejudice cause to the residence: noise, traffic etc. 6. Right not to be tortured.
but SC ruled that they should adjust because this ordinance
is for the greatest good for the greatest number. People v. Del Rosario
Crime: Robbery with homicide. In this case, after
Oposa v. Factoran he committed the crime, he voluntarily surrender himself to
Issue: WON the timber licenses agreements are the plice accommpanied by the father of his common law
contracts and can be validly revoked. wife. Del Rosario claim that his rights are violated, that he
was tortured.
SC: The burden of proof is on Del Rosario. He 3. Right to counsel
must provided evidences medicolegal evidences/report 4. Right not to be compelled to testify
that he suffered injuries, but nothing was showed. The 5. Right to present his own witnesses and right to ask
testimonial evidences shows that he voluntary surrendered the court to compel people to testify as his witnesses
himself. Regularity in the performance of official functions, (right to cross examine oppossing partys witnesses)
he who alleges otherwise has the burden to should prove it.
People v. Flores Right to be informed
Information against him states that he committed
RIGHT TO BAIL sexual abuse.
The Constitution provides that a person who was
accused of a crime, if a case is filed against him, has the SC: violative of his right to be informed because
right to bail except in crimes where the penalty is reclusion the accusation is so general in such a way that he will not
perpetua and above and where the evidence of guilt is be able to defend himself. It is substantially defective. In
strong. this case, he was found guilty of rape. He has no
opportunity to defend himself with the crime charged
If the penalty is lower that reclusion perpertua, the because the elements to prove and disprove are not even
person only needs to go to the clerk of court and pay the stated in the information.
bail provided in the warrant of arrest.
He cannot be convicted of sexual abuse under RA
If the penalty is reclusion perpetua and above, he must 7610 because under this law, sexual abuse pertains to
file a petition to the court. The burden is on the State to sexual exploitation for profit (promote prostitution). He
prove that the evidence against him is strong for it to be cannot be convicted or sexual abuse or rape.
denied, otherwise there must be bail to be fixed by court.
Remedy of the accused: Motion to quash information
People v. Donato because it does not alleged any crime.
The accused were charged for the killing of a US
military adviser. They are part of the NPA, the crime is Remedy of the prosecution: Amend the information but it
rebellion penalty is reclusion perpetua and was denied can only be that before the presentation of evidence.
bail. Subsequently, the law is amended and lowered the Otherwise, it will be a violation of double jeopardy (need to
penalty to reclusion mayor. defend himself for another crime but for the same act).

SC: He is entitled for bail. Eventhough at the time In prosecuting an accused, information is the basic
he committed the crime, the penalty is reclusion perpetua, framework. Prosecute for crime as alleged in the
the law has a retroactive effect because it is favorable to information and not as given in the title.
the accused.
People v. Calma
Padaranga v. CA Argument of Calma: His guilt is not proved beyond
The accused was charged of murder penalty of reasonable doubt because there were no sperm found and
reclusion perpetua to death (it is not bailable if evidence of physical injuries inflicted to the victim (rape case).
guilt is strong). Eventually he got sick and was admitted to
the hospital. SC: Proof beyond reasonable doubt do not require
100% proof, but it is when there is a moral certainty. Moral
SC: His lawyer went to the court and post a bail it certainty means that during the formulation of the decision
is allowed and not a violation of the Constitution because there is no doubt considering all the evidences presented. It
he is deemed to be under the custody of court. It was a is a test of studied judgement based on the available
hospital arrest; there was a constructive custody. He evidences that will prove the guilt of the person beyond
expressly submitted physical and legal control over his reasonable doubt. (familiarity of the rules of court)
person. He manifested that he was recognizing the courts
jurisdiction over him. Though he cannot put himself under ***see case of Bernard Alcantara
the custody of the court, he put himself under the custody of
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines. People v. Murillo
The Constitution prohibits unimprovident plea of
(Flow Chart) guilty the accused is not aware and understand the plea.
Plea of guilt is a way of admitting the commission of the
crime and willingness to accept the penalty.
Murillo is charged with Murder and he executed a
extra judicial confession. In the arraignment, his lawyer
advised him to plead guilty in hope that his penalty will be
lowered. He tried to prove that is was a provident plea
through presenting the accused during the arraignment,
RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED (in relation to the information enumerated all the rights of the accused and asked him if
filed against him) he understood Opo is the only answer of Murillo and this
1. Right to be informed does not comply with the requirement of the Constitution.
2. Right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty
beyond reasonable
The Constitution requires that it is not enough that the In re: Request for Coverage of the Trial in the
rights will just be enumerated but it should be determined. It Sandiganbayan of the Plunder Case Against Former
is not the duty of the counsel but it is the duty of the judge. Pres. Joseph Estrada
The judge must conducted the following to determine if the The court disallowed the coverage of the trial
accused really understand the plea: despite of the right of the public to information and the
a. The judge should have asked how he was brought medias freedom of expression. The accused is presumed
to the custody of law to be innocent and if the coverage will be allowed it will
b. Ask the defense counsel a series of questions as create a trial by publicity which is prejudicial to the accused.
to whether he had conferred with, and completely Eventhough the Sandiganbayan is a three-judge
explained to, the accused the meaning and court and judges are trusted to be impartial, there is a
consequences of a plea of guilty. tendency that they will play to the camera and be focused
c. Elicit information about the personality profile of the how they will project instead of the presentation of the
accused, such as his age, socio-economic status, evidences.
and educational background, which may serve as a
trustworthy index of his capacity to give a free and
informed plea of guilty. WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS
d. Inform the accused the exact length of To justify or prove a legal ground of the detention
imprisonment or nature of the penalty under the or the deprivation of liberty of the person. (e.g. filing of
law and the certainty that he will serve such information or waiver of the hours required for the
sentence. Explain the consequences of the plea. detention)
e. Inquire if the accused knows the crime with which
he is charged and fully explain to him the elements Ilusorio v. Bildner
of the crime which is the basis of his indictment. Ilusorio is rich old man who was in the custody of
Failure of the court to do so would constitute a his children. His wife and other children filed a writ of
violation of his fundamental right to be informed of habeas corpus to get his custody in the theory that Ilusorio
the precise nature of the accusation against him was incapacitated and he was held against his will.
and a denial of his right to due process. SC: The writ is not remedy available in this case,
f. All questions posed to the accused should be in a Ilusorio is still in sound mind and can decide he wanted to
language known and understood by the latter. stay. Neither the court nor the wife cannot compel him to
g. The trial judge must satisfy himself that the stay with his spouse through the writ because Ilusorio has
accused in pleading guilty, is truly guilty. The the right to choose where he wanted to stay.
accused must be required to narrate the tragedy or
reenact the crime or furnish its missing details. In re: the Writ of Habeas Corpus for Reynaldo de Villa
(Rape case)
The burden lies to the judge because the accused is He filed a writ on the theory that his detention is
presumed to be innocent. unlawful because he is not the father of the victims child.
DNA test proved that he is not the father.
People v. Rivera
Allegation of Rivera: He was denied of the right to SC: The writ is not the remedy available in this
cross examine. It is due to his lawyer who kept on case because there is a legal ground for his imprisonment
postponing the trial and after a while was missing. which is a valid judgement of the court. Even if there is a
Subsequently, the court just appointed a counsel de officio new discovered evidence, the proper remedy is not a writ of
and on the same day was required to do the cross habeas corpus but a petition of new trial. In this case,
examinination. In the case, Bansil did not had the petition of new trial is not available because DNA test could
opportunity to study the transcript of the witness. have been done during the trial. The writ of habeas corpus
cannot be a substitute for a loss remedy (remedy of appeal
SC: There is no violation his right because the and petition of new trial).
Constitution only provided for the opportunity of the
accused to cross examine in what ever way possible. He ***Example of no legal ground of detention despite
was given several opportunity and it is his original of judgement:
counsels fault of postponing. As Bansil accepted the Children who were sentenced as adults and sent to
appointment of being the counsel de officio, Rivera is bound serve their sentence to Muntinlupa. It is unlawful because
with the actions conducted by his new counsel. The grant of there is a Juvinile Justice and Welfare Act which provides
opportunity to cross examine confer to the requirement that they should be tried as minors and should have been
provided by the Constitution. sent to DSWD for suspended sentence. A writ of habeas
corpus is a proper remedy for the release of these minors.
The purpose of cross examination is to destroy the
credibility and prove the inconsistencies in the testimony of
the witnesses the counsel has the prerogative how to WRIT OF AMPARO
cross examine. Ampara to protect. It is a writ to protect the security
of persons. It includes:
o Freedom of fear from threats to be killed or
abducted by the government agents.
o Right to physical and psychological integrity
right against actual harm
o Guarantee that the government will protect the Allegation: That her child was taken by the DSWD
rights to security the govt will ensure that it (agent of the State).
will not just prevent but if anything happens to
a person, agents of the State will be SC: The separation of the child from the mother is
prosecuted. perfectly lawful because it is in accordance with the
procedure for lawful adoption. The child is now under the
Remedies available under the writ of amparo: custody of the adopting parents. A writ of amparo is
o Temporary detention order available to cases of unlawful deprivation of liberty
o Inspection order perpetrated by the agents of the State or any person under
o Production order (documents in relation to the its control/influence.
o Witness protection order SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF CASES
- average is 3 years and up to SC its 8 years.
It is peculiar to cases of extra judicial killings and - SC has 90 days to promulgate judgement from the
enforced disappearances which are State sponsored time when all the evidences and memorandum are
(done by the agents of the State or persons/groups submitted.
who are under the control and influence of the State). - In criminal cases, setting is every 3 months. If there
are several witnesses it take for an average of 2
Source of the SC for the writ of amparo: Sec. 5(5) of years just to present all the witnesses.
Art VIII (for the protection of security, life, liberty)
Mendoza-Ong v. Sandiganbayan
There is no violation of the right to speedy trial
Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo because the delay was justified. It was 3 years from the
Manalo are the brothers of a suspected NPA filing of the complaint to the filing of the information to the
leader in Central Luzon. They are abducted for several Sandiganbayan. It is tolerable because the case was
months and was transferred from place to place; they were subjected to levels of review, the previous prosecutor was
able to escape. appointed in another position and the accused was also
guilty of delay (requested extension of time) thus delay
Is there a violation to their right to security? YES was justified.
o Freedom from fear they live in fear of being
abducted again; they are under the protection of Cervantes v. Sandiganbayan
private indls It was only after 6 years that the Ombudsman filed
o Right to psychological & physical integrity and the case/drafted the resolution. There is a violation of the
security they were subjected to torture right to speedy trial when the unjust delay was attributed to
o Guarantee that the State will protect them govt did the State. It is the failure of the State (prosecution) to act
not protect them within the reasonable period, it is not necessary to be
malicious or intentional but as long as the State neglect its
A writ of amparo can protect them against duty which is indeed prejudicial to the accused it is a
harrassment of the military; they can know the whereabouts violation of speedy trial.
of the persons abducted them so that they can be charged;
they will be able to examine all the places where they are ***Example: various petition of the prosecution to
brought to; they can examine all the documents in relation reschedule the trial due to the absences of their witnesses
to their abduction including medical records; and they will (limit is 3 postponement). It is a violation of the right to
not be charged from anything. speedy trial and the accused can file a motion to dismiss
the case for failure to prosecute. The burden is upon the
Lozada v. Macapagal-Arroyo State.
A writ of Amparo is not available to Lozada
because he was not actually taken against his will by the
military and the police. He was actually protected and he RIGHT AGAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION
was brought to places he wanted to go. His allegation that It is the right of the accused to refuse to answer
he was under survallance was not true. questions related to some other crimes which are extranous
to the crime charged with. Any statement made during a
Navia v. Pardico judicial proceeding can be used against the person. The
The accused stole the lamp post of the subdivision; right should be raised immediately after the question was
he was abducted and gone missing. The writ of Amparo is asked.
not the proper remedy because his abduction was
perpetrated by the security guards of the subdivision. The - during the custodial investigation (right of the suspect)
writ is only available when there is State participation. o Right to be silent
o Right to counsel
Caram v. Segui o Right to be informed
The writ of Amparo is not the proper remedy o Right not to be subjected to violence, force or
because it is a case involving the custody of a child who intimidation (tortured) in order to extort
was declared as a foundling and available for adoption as information
declared by the DSWD. o Exclusionary rule
- during the trial (right of the accused) Beltran v. Samson
o Right to refuse to be a witness Requiring the accused to give a handwriting
o Right to have no prejudice against him for sample is a violation of the right against self-incrimination
refusing to be a witness it should not be taken because the evidence is not yet present/existing. There is
against him. The burden is on the State. no evidence for the crime of falsification of document and
o Right to testify for himself but not for the he is required to produce an evidence.
prosecution; includes the obligation to be cross-
examined for the determination of his testimonys ***Example
veracity 1. DNA sample from suspect not a violation
because is not required to produce evidence.
o Right to refuse to answer specific questions that
2. Providing a semen sample and blood still needed
pertain to the commission of some OTHER crime
to be produced.
where he can be prosecuted if for the same
3. Urine sample
crime, he can be compelled to answer; other
4. Drug mules if was extracted through defacation it
crime = irrelevant to the current case being tried
will be admissible.

1. The crime is robbery; the accused was asked of NON-IMPRISONMENT FOR BELIEFS; INVOLUNTARY
the commission of lascivious acts on the daugther SERVITUDE
of the owner of the house. He cannot refuse to
answer because it relates to the same acts. Caunca v. Salazar
Robbery can be attended by sexual acts. Writ of Habeas Corpus case. A Domestic helper
(Robbery with rape) was detained and make her work until she can fully pay her
2. Relationship with his wife mistresses. He can
refuse to answer. (irrelevant) SC: It is not allowed because it is tantamount to
involuntary servitude.
People v. Ayson
Testimonial evidence
Ramon wrote a letter for payment of misappropriated EXCESSIVE FINES AND CRUEL AND INHUMAN
His written admission was used against him in the - fines that are excessive/disproportionate and
estafa case executed in inhumane way. E.g. death by hanging,
Ramos wants the letter to be inadmissible as electric chair, firing squad.
SC: no violation of the right bc the written admission - Death penalty was not considered a cruel and
was not extracted from him by the agents of the inhuman through lethal injection. It should swift and
State; it was done by the private indls (similar to the painless.
Marti case)
Thus, Ramos cannot invoke the exclusionary rule Atkins v. Virginia - USA
All custodial investigations must observe the rules Execution of lethal injection to mental retardees
regarding evidence or else they will be inadmissible was cruel and inhuman. They are exempted of the
imposition of capital punishment.
Chavez v. CA A. Deterence people are deterred because if they
Chavez is one of the suspects. The judge compels will realize that if they will do something wrong,
Chavez to testify to provide evidence for the other accused. they will suffer a heavy penalty
Subsequently, it was Chavez who was convicted on the o a mental retardee is not capacitated to fully
basis of his own testimony. distinguish what is right from wrong.
SC: there is a violation of his right to self- B. Retribution
incrimination. He was compelled to be a hostile witness o A mental retardee has not full discernment.
against himself. He was not given immunity as State If he was convicted because of a judicial
witness. confession, it cannot be really reliable.
They are not fully conscious of the
Villaflor v. Summers commission of the crime.
The woman was required to undergo a medical
examination in a case where she was charged with adultery ***in the Philippines mental disorder is at least
to find out if she was pregnant. The allegation is that her mitigating.
rights are being violated because the evidence against her
will be supplied by herself. Lim v. People
Increased the penalty of Estafa not a violation of
SC: No violation because what the Constitution the Constitution because the increase was based on the
prohibits is testimonial self-incrimination, it does extend to prolifiration of fraudulent acts and it is a matter of wisdom of
this kind of situation. Moreover, she is not required to the Congress; it is with the sole discretion of the legislative
produce evidence that is not yet existing but the Court just branch.
need to determine as a matter of fact is she is pregnant.
If the penalty is harsh, it does not mean that there People v. De la Torre
is a violation of the Constitution; The Constitution is much The accused was convicted of rape and he was
concerned with is on how the penalty was actually sentenced to reclusin perpetua. Subsequently, the SolGen
executed. Death penalty can be re-imposed for heinous find out that there is an aggravating circumstance of
crimes or for compelling reasons as determined by the relationship that should have been alleged in the
Congress. information but was not alleged. The SolGen want to appeal
so that they will be able to sentence a higher penalty.
Lito Corpuz v. People
Value of money in 1930 is very different from now SC: It cannot be done because in that sense the
due to inflation accused will be required to defend himself against the
Diokno: SC should recalibrate based on inflation rate charged of qualified rape when he was charged only for
(supported by J. Carpio) simple rape. Moreover, the case cannot be remanded for
J. Carpio: other laws will be affected; there is a need further trial, to try him for qualified rape because that will
to completely recalibrate also result in doubl jeopardy. He already defended himself
The SC cannot do the recalibration bc that would for the offense charged.
violate the separation of powers, it must be up to the
legislative dept 2. The person committed one act and he is being held
liable for two different crimes.
- It is the same act if there is a commonality of
People v. Relova
Lozano v. Martinez The accused was tried first for unauthorized
Argument: Having a penal sanction (BP 22) for a electrical installation under the city ordinance it was
bouncing check is tantamount to imprisonment for non- dismissed for prescription (with prejudice). Subsequently,
payment of debt. he was charged with the crime of qualified theft.

SC: What is punishable under the law is not the SC: There is double jeopardy because the crimes
non-payment of debt but the fraudulent act of issuing refer to the same act. There is commonality of elements
unfunded check. Being charged under Article 315 and BP because the modality of taking was the connection without
22 is not double jeopardy because although there is single authority. The prohibited act in the ordinance is actually the
check, there were two separate acts are not the same. element of taking in theft.

2. Being tried twice for the same act (Criminal A penal law that is made to apply retroactively. It
Prosecution #1 and Criminal Prosecution #2). punishes an act that is committed before the law took
effect. It is prohibited except if it is favorable to the accused.
Anytime that there is a prosecution that results The accused can ask for the retroactive application of the
in the disposition which is with prejudice, that law if it will be favorable to him; the SC is more liberal
already allowed first jeopardy to set in and the because most of the time, even if the accused does not ask
second jeopardy will not be allowed. for it, the Court has taken the intiative to provide for the
The person should only be required to defend retroactive application.
himself once.
In re: Kay Villegas Kami
***Example: Allegation: The election law is an ex post facto
person is acquitted in the crime because because even their past acts which are preperatory to the
of lack of sufficient evidence to establish future election will be deemed covered under the provisions
proof of guilt beyong reasonable doubt; of the law.
he was tried again for murder against the
same person. SC: It was not an ex post facto because it was
Person was acquitted because the stated that the application was prospective. Even if the acts
prosecution failed to prosecute are preperatory, they are integral to the future acts. Even if
(postponement of trial more then 3 there is no express provision, the general rule is that the
times); a violation of his right to speedy law will be applied prospectively.
trial it is with prejudice to the
subsequent prosecution. A new case
cannot be filed against him. LAW BILL OF ATTAINDER
- a legislative act that assumes guilt without trial.
***The disposition will be without When the case is filed, the Court will not be required
prejudice when if it is by reason to make its factual determination of the elements of
attributed to the accused. E.g. the the crime. By the definition of the crime, there is
accused cannot be apprehended or nothing more for the court to do aside from ruling the
temporarily archived it can be revived person to be guilty and impose the penalty. The law
later.; there is no first jeopardy. punishes the status. This case is a violation of
separation of powers. There is also a violation of due discipline students including the expulsion of
process. students who do not meet their standards.

- In criminal case, the judge should determine the If they are not students, their rights of speech and
facts established beyond reasonable doubt that will press will outweight the academic authority because
establish the elements of the crime. they are out in the society the State will be under
the strict test scrutiny to justify the restriction of this
***Example: rights. In this case, the content was considered; In
o All female are sentence to death. the context of academic institution, its authority will
o All persons who are naturalized are sentenced prevail over the rights stated because it is what
to death. provided for in the Constitution. This is not an
exercise of police power in the sense that the school
People v. Ferrer will need to establish a clear and present danger. It is
The law is not a bill of attainder because the law a way of balancing of interest what weight more
penalizes not the mere membership but it is the fact that the heavily was the interest of the institution, students
person knowingly joins the organization, which has the and the community.
objective to overthrow the government. The Court must
establish the mental element of knowledge which can be 2. Who may teach the authority given to the schools to
proved by the acts that will necessary imply that the person choose its faculty members and decide whether to
has knowledge. In this case, the judge still have the factual retain or terminate a faculty member subject to the
determination of the essential element of the crime. rules under labor law and due process.

3. How to teach they have the prerogative to choose

ACADEMIC FREEDOM the manner of teaching (includes the giving of honors)
- The authority of the higher education institution
because it is venue for free market of ideas. The Morales v. U.P. Board of Regents
modality for continuing search for knowledge is an The students average is short of 0.01 to qualify as
informative debate which is being done in the cum laude. The parents appealed to the department,
universities. college, President of the School, UP Board of Regents
and to the court.
- Four (4) aspects/components of academic freedom:
SC: The courts cannot intervene because of the
academic freedom. The school has the right to teach
1. What to teach freedom of the institution to the way it teaches. It is the prerogative of the school to
choose the substance of their teaching whether decide who to may qualify for honors which cannot be
they want to promote certain set of values or reviewed by the court.
philosophy. But it is not absolute, CHEDs
technical panels provide for the guidelines on **E.g. revocation of degree because of plagarism
the competencies that are needed to be within the ambit of the schools academic freedom.
covered by the particular course offering.
4. Who will be admitted in the institution they can fix
Miriam College v. CA the standard for admission and standard of
Miriam College is an expressive institution; continuation of residency in the school subject to what
not only a higher institution but also it promotes is provided for the education act right of the student,
Catholic values. It is must be recognized by the unless disqualified (academic defficiency), to continue
State. his course.

The students are members of the school Garcia v. Loyola School of Theology
publication (freedom of expression) v. academic Garcia is a female who was allowed to join the
freedom of Miriam College. The school was formerly class in the Ateneo School of Theology (seminarians)
managed by the nuns and it was an all girls fo one semester. She wants to continue her stay but
institution shift in the administration and admission was disallowed by the school.
of male students.
SC: The student does not have a cause of action to
The students published articles that are attributed compel Ateneo to allow her to continue. Although as
to sexual awakening. Kaskas is a story of a boy who provided under the education code, a student once
went to a nightclub. Thus, they were disciplined by enrolled has the right to continue on until the
the school. completion of the course, the disallowance is justified
because she was not officially enrolled she was just
SC: The freedom of expression (speech and press) auditing the class. The school was specialized only for
was recognized because students rights that are those who wanted to became a priest.
protected are not shed at the school gate; however,
the court give more weight to the academic freedom
of Miriam College to set its standards of morality and
De La Salle University v. CA - If there is a finding of violation of human rights
- jurisdiction of the universities regarding fraternities. by the CHR, it should just be referred to the
- Some students are involved in fraternity violence. De Ombudsman or DOJ to be prosecuted in
La Salle students attacked the other fraternity outside accordance to their mandates.
the school premises but they were expelled.
- It is still under the academic freedom of the school. It 2. Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of
has the right to choose who to admit and it includes procedure, and cite for contempt for violations
the power to choose who to be excluded. Although it is thereof in accordance with the Rules of Court;
within the authority of the school, it must be exercised
with due process. 3. Provide appropriate legal measures for the
- Is there a due process yes, given the chance to protection of human rights of all persons within the
answer the allegation. Philippines, as well as Filipinos residing abroad,
- Penalti should be proportionate no, there is no life and provide for preventive measures and legal aid
threatherning injuries. Penalty of expulsin is too services to the underprivileged whose human rights
harsh. have been violated or need protection;
o Exclusion student will not be able to enroll
in DLSU again but credentials will still be 4. Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons, or
transferred. No deprivation the rights to detention facilities;
continue education.
5. Establish a continuing program of research,
o Expulsion student will not be allowed to education, and information to enhance respect for
enroll in DLSU again AND credentials will not the primacy of human rights;
be transferred; basically the students end of
studying 6. Recommend to the Congress effective measures to
promote human rights and to provide for
Philippine Human Rights System compensation to victims of violations of human
Article III bill of rights (standards) rights, or their families;
Article XIII human rights and social justice
Commission on Human Rights 7. Monitor the Philippine Government's compliance
(mechanism) with international treaty obligations on human
Article II, Section II incorporation of customary rights;
international human rights laws like UDHR
- transformation of Human Rights treaties 8. Grant immunity from prosecution to any person
(PH is party to 21 treaties) whose testimony or whose possession of
documents or other evidence is necessary or
Forms of redress convenient to determine the truth in any
1. Power to investigate of Commission on Human investigation conducted by it or under its authority;
Rights (Article XIII)
2. Criminal laws includes special laws 9. Bequest the assistance of any department, bureau,
3. Civil Laws (Article 32 damages for violation on office, or agency in the performance of its
civil and political rights) functions;
4. Administrative laws agents of State be dismissed
under Civil Service Law; Police officers can be 10. Appoint its officers and employees in accordance
disciplined through the National Police Commission with law; and
or Peoples Law Enforcement Board. Military
Articles of War 11. Perform such other duties and functions as may be
5. UN treaty system communications filed in the UN provided by law.
treaty bodies and the body can issue resolution
***they prepare independent reports. If the PH
needs to submit reports under the UN treaty
COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS system, NGO also submitted shadow reports.
- it is not one of the constitutional commission, instead it Presentation before the committee on international
was a national human rights institution under the human rights.
international human right system.
Carino v. CHR
Functions: DepEd Secretary ordered the dismissal of teacher
1. Investigate who joined the strike. Teachers alleged that there is a
- Its primary duty is to ensure and monitor violation of due process because individual cases are not
compliance of the Philippine government of its filed against them (mass case and mass dismissal). The
human rights treaties obligation. Deparment filed and decide the case. The teachers filed an
- It is neither investigating as a law enforcement appeal to the CHR.
agency or prosecutorial agency; but it is SC: The CHR do not have the power of a quasi-
investigating for the purpose of ensuring that judicial body that can review the decision of other state
the Philippines is complying to its international organ.
Simon v. CHR Wilson was a British national who was charged
Mayor Simon ordered the demolition of the rape in the Philippines. The lower court acquitted him due
squatters in the preparation of the developments. The to lack of evidences against him. During the period of trial,
squatters when to the CHR and CHR issued a resolution he was detained and deprived of his liberty. The facts from
addressed to the Mayor, ordering the mayor to desist and which the criminal liability may arise does not exist, this can
require the him to attend the hearing in the CHR. give rise to claim for money under the Civil Code. He filed a
claim and awarded Pho 26,000.00. Not satisfied, he went to
SC: The CHR cannot do that, it is not a quasi- HRC.
judicial body. If there is a finding of violation of human
rights, it should have issued directive to the regional HRC: Issued a resolution that the amount awarded by the
director to conduct investigation and based on the findings Philippines is not sufficient. There is a violation of his rights
thereof, make the proper referral to the government agency - he was tortured and his detention was based on
concerned to address the violation. If violation amounts to a compulsin and duress.
crime refer to DOJ, if under Graft and Corruption refer to - He was also subjected to inhuman and
the Ombudsman. degrading treatment because he was put in a
regular Philippine jail.
- He was not granted bail even the evidence
CIVIL LIABILITY FOR VIOLATION OF RIGHTS who may against him is weak.
be held liable?
SC: A petition of mandamus to enforce HCR resolution is
Lim v. Ponce de Leon not a valid cause of action. HCR resolution is a mere
Commander of the Philippine Constabulary acted recommendation, the State party may choose to accept or
upon the order of the prosecutor to seize a motorboat and not to accept. In this care, PH did not accept on the ground
became unserviceable. The owner filed a case for the value that we have our own system that the amount is
of the boat. reasonable. This is in the prerogative of the State. Unless,
he explored the opportunity to claim damages under Article
SC: Liability arise if the person acted without 32 (whom to file?).
authority. In this case, he acted pursuant to the orders of
the prosecutor, he is deemed acted in good faith thus he
cannot be held liable. The prosecutor is the one who should CITIZENSHIP
be held liable for ordering the seizure without a search Every person has the right to nationality.
warrant. Citizens have more right, protection and
access to services. (valid distinction)
Aberca v. Ver
Seizure of residences who were alleged to be During the Spanish Colony
members of the communist party. The case was filed Spanish are the only considered as citizens
against the Generals and all other officers down the line. Non-spaniards are called Spanish subjects
The defense of the Generals was they acted within their (indios no rights and privileges)
authority and they did not participate in the seizure.
Treaty of Paris (Spanish to USA)
SC: There is no valid search warrant thus they are Those who chose to stay in the Philippines
not acting within their authority. Moreover, eventhough the are considered as citizens of the Philippines.
search was conducted by lower ranking officers, the Not considered as citizens of America but
Generals can be held liable. Under Article 32 CC, it citizens of the Philippine islands. (not given
provides liability to public officers who are directly or full protection by the sovereign states
indirectly involved. Generals indirectly participated through second class citizens).
their seize order. Philippine Bill of 1902: concept of the Filipino
MHP Garments v. CA o Those who are born after 1902
The plice conducted the search of boy scout became Filipino citizens through
uniforms upon the instigation of MHP Garments employee the priniciple of jus sanguinis.
(private person). (Born of Filipino parents are
considered Filipino citizens)
SC: There is no warrant and MHP Garments is
liable on the theory that, as a juridical person, the actions of Period of April 11, 1899 to 1902
its employee are also its action. It is justified that private The Philippines has no law on citizenship.
individuals can also be liable for violation of human rights The SC said to be as expansive as possible,
because under Article 32, it pertains to any person for no one can be declared as stateless in the
(private, juridical person or the State). absence of law, the common law principle of
jus soli (citizenship based on the place of
Wilson v. Republic of the Philippines birth) was applied.
UN treaty involved is the ICCPR the agency is
called the human rights committee. Under optional protocol, 1935 Constitution
if there is any complaint, it can be filed by an individual The woman who marries a foreigner will
against a State party. automatically loss their citizenship and follows
the citizenship of the husband. She cannot FPJ was illegitimate and the rule is that he
elect but need to undergo the process of should follow the citizenship of his mother
reacquiring through judicial proceeding. (american).
If legitimate children, they will follow the He acquired Filipino citizenship because he
citizenship of the foreigner father. Unless was recognized by his father. In effect, he is a
upon the age of majority, they will elect as dual citizenship. No dual allegence because
Filipino citizen. he acquired American citizenship by birth and
If illegitimate children: he took the oath to the Philippine government
through filing of his certificate of candidacy.
Republic v. Lim
Lim was a child of a Chinese father and Filipino
mother, applied for passport and was denied. Under Frivaldo v. Comelec
the Civil Law, there is a presumption of legitimacy. Only in 1987 Constitution that there was a full
DFA presumed that she was legitimate and a Chinese recognition of dual citizenship. Dual citizenship law provides
citizen. for expidited repatriation (loss Filipino citizenship by
naturalizing in another country).
SC: Lim proved that her parents were never
married and thus, she is an illegitimate child. The law Frivaldo fled the Philippines during Martial Law,
is silent but the rule is that the child should follow the after EDSA he went back and run for Governor of Sorsogon
citizenship of the mother who was never lawfully wed and won by landslide. But he is always disqualified because
never loss her Filipino citizenship. Moreover, she he was a naturalized american. He already filed a petition in
impliedly elected Filipino citizenship through court but a long period, he is not able to get any judgement.
registration as a voter. The registration is done under He asked the President to please convene the
oath. special committee which was disbanded during martial law
to consider his application for expidited repatriation. The
committee convene only after the election.
1987 Constitution
1. Already a PH citizen in 1987 SC: In the third time, he is now qualified. The
2. Jus sanguinis before, it was only limited to favorable decision of acquisition of the citizenship before
children of both Filipino parents; but now if the taking of oath is sufficient. Citizenship is not a
either parent is a Filipino requirement for filing but a requirement for office should
3. Those born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino be at the time the person assumed the function of that
mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon office.
reaching the age of majority; and
Bengzon v. HRET
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with
Bengzon is complaining about the qualification of
Cruz (US Navy Veterans) who became an American citizen.
a. Under ordinary process: application to He run for public office and won.
be a naturalized Filipino in a court. It is
a judicial proceeding. SC: Cruz is qualified to be elected in public office.
Although he did not undergone a judicial proceeding for
b. Under extraordinary process: through repatriation, there is now the Dual Citizenship Law. The law
legislation because of some provides that a citizen may reacquire citizenship through
meritorious contribution. These are taking the oath (no need to go to court). He did not take the
honors which are vested to the oath before a Console or solemnizing officer; in this case
person. E.g. Jesuits; basketball the Court recognized an implied repatriation through his
players. filing of certificate of candidacy which is under oath where
he stated that he is Filipino.
Tecson v. Comelec
FPJ run for the presidential election but his David v. Agbay
citizenship was being questioned because he was issued David is a Canadian citizen who purchase land in
an American passport (his mother was an American). He the Philippines. During the purchase, he did not yet
was born under 1935 Constitution. The determination of his acquired citizenship but he did it afterwards and he alleged
citizenship will be based on his ancestral history. that there is a retroactive applications.

Grand father was a spaniard but he chose to SC: for the purpose of perjury and falsification of
stay in the Philippines, he is deemed to document, it will not have a retroactive application because
acquire Filipino citizenship by operation of law it will be prejudicial to the State.
without the need to apply . He died in the
Philippines and there is no proof that he left Under the Dual Citizenship Law (August 29, 2003):
the Philippines. o Reacquisition before the law took effect
His father will be considered a Filipino under Reacquisition, there is a need go to a judicial
the Philippine Bill of 1902 (jus sanguinis). proceeding.
o Reacquisition after the law took effect government and it was applied retroactively from the time
Expidited Repatriation, by taking oath. she went home after the death of his father. There was
already the animus revertendi or intent to return. (The issue
Cordora v. Tambunting here is residency not citizenship)
Tambunting is a dual citizen father is an
American and mother is a Filipino. He was born under 1935 Although she was a naturalized American, she
Constitution thus he followed the citizenship of the father. never loss her Filipino citizenship. It was a process of
repatriation and not reacquisition under Dual Citizenship
SC: The was qualified to run in public office Law.
because he elected himself to be a Filipino citizenship.
Election is usually done by going to the Philipine Consulate;
or sworn before a person who is authorized to administer SUFFRAGE
oath and submit the oath to the immigration. But in this - an important right to be protected because it is
case, he did not do that. The mere application of his through voting, we choose the people who we
certificate of candidacy under oath (implied election), is wanted to represent us.
sufficient. - Not voting is part of the right to suffrage. It is also
an expression of political sentiments.
*** Filing of Certificate of Candidacy under oath is - Also includes tha right to offer yourself to be
an implied repatriation or implied election. elected. (right to be elected)
- To exercise such right, a person needs to be
Poe-Llamanzares v. Comelec qualified system of registration:
Poe is a foundling which means her parents were o No requirement of ownership of properties
unknown. She was found in the church in Iloilo and was o No literacy requirement
adopted by FPJ. Adoption do not vest citizenship, but the o Do distinction between men and women
court discuss how she acquired Filipino citizenship. o Only requirement is: A Filipino, resident
and over 18 years old and above (able to
SC: The Philippines do not have a law for foundling read and write those who wanted to be
but under the international law, the State has the obligation elected).
to prevent statelessness. Foundlings under international
law, their nationality will be the State where they are found. Kabataan v. Comelec (2015)
Thus, she was a Filipino. However, to be a President it is Registration requirement is not a violation of right
required that she is a natural-born citizen. to suffrage. The purpose of registration is to determine
whether or not, a person meet the minimum requirement to
Two kinds of Filipino citizen: be qualified and determine where a person can vote. It
1. A natural born citizen is a person who: does not add any qualification but only to ensure the
o Any of the parents is a Filipino citizen qualification.
o born as a Filipino citizen without doing anything to
acquire of perfect status as Filipino citizen Biometrics is a mechanism used to capture
personal data through facial recognition, fingerprints etc.
2. Naturalized through judicial or administrative The purpose is to ensure that the person personally
proceeding. appeared before the COMELEC. It is just a mere procedure
to prevent electoral fraud.
Analysis of the Court In the absence of evidences, the
court used presumptions based on statistics: Akbayan v. Comelec
o In that year, 99.83% are born Filipino and only 0.17% Akbayan wants the COMELEC to provide
are born foreigner. A child born in that year is additional days for registration. The SC denied the petition
presumed to be a natural-born Filipino. because the days requested fall under the election period.
o Foreigner couples will not abandon a child in the The presumption on election period is that during that time,
Philippines. it was already established who can vote. Election period
o Looked at the physical features: height, complexion, cannot be moved because it date ws provided in the
flat nasal bridge. Constitution.

Kabataan v. Comelec
David v. SET and Poe-Llamanzares The registration period was extended and was
Poe was already a Senator and David wanted to granted because the days requested were before the
unseat her on the theory that she was not a natural-born election period. The convenience of the COMELEC is not
citizen because she was a naturalized American - she loss an enough basis to disenfranchise the people. The last day
the status of being a natural-born Filipino. of registration should be as close as possible to the election
period so that there will be more people given the
SC: The contention is unmeritorious. In a opportunity to register especially those who are turning 18
disqualification case, the burden lies on David to prove that years old.
she is unqualified. In this case, David failed to show any
proof on his allegations. She had an American passport and There was a grave abuse of discretion on the part
eventually, she repatriated under the Dual Citizenship Law. of the COMELEC to deny the petition arbitrarily.
She later renounced her allegiance to the American

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