Tutorial 7

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PM - Tutorial 7

1. A structured process for managing a multitude of projects is b. meeting time goals

most commonly referred to as: c. meeting communications goals
A. Project management policies d. meeting cost goals
B. Project management guidelines
C. Industry wide templates 10. is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to
D. A project management methodology project activities to meet project requirements.
a. Project management
2. The major behavioral issue in getting an organization to accept b. Program management
and use a project management methodology effectively is: c. Project portfolio management
A. Lack of executive sponsorship d. Requirements management
B. Multiple boss reporting
C. Inadequate policies and procedures 11. Project portfolio management addresses goals of an organization,
D. Limited project management applications while project management addresses goals.
a. strategic, tactical
3. The major difference between a project and a program is b. tactical, strategic
usually: c. internal, external
A. The role of the sponsor d. external, internal
B. The role of the line manager
C. The timeframe 12. Several application development projects done for the same
D. The specifications functional group might best be managed as part of a .
a. portfolio
4. Projects that remain almost entirely within one functional area b. program
are best managed by the: c. investment
A. Project manager d. collaborative
B. Project sponsor
C. Functional manager 13. Which of the following is not true?
D. Assigned functional employees a. Most American companies have a project management office.
b. You can earn an advanced degree in project management from
5. The most common threshold limits on when to use the project hundreds of colleges and universities.
management methodology are: c. Employers are looking for project management skills in new
A. The importance of the customer and potential profitability graduates.
B. The size of the project (i.e., $) and duration d. IT hiring managers reported that project management certification
C. The reporting requirements and position of the sponsor did not affect starting pay.
D. The desires of management and functional boundaries crossed
14. What is the name of one of the popular certifications provided by
6. A project is terminated early because the technology cannot be the Project Management Institute?
developed, and the resources are applied to another project that a. Certified Project Manager (CPM)
ends up being successful. Which of the following is true concerning b. Project Management Professional (PMP)
the first project? c. Project Management Expert (PME)
A. The first project is regarded as a failure. d. Project Management Mentor (PMM)
B. The first project is a success if the termination is done early
enough before additional resources are squandered 15. A is a product or service, such as a technical report, a training
C. The first project is a success if the project manager gets session, or hardware, produced or provided as part of a project.
promoted. a. deliverable
D. The first project is a failure if the project manager gets b. product
reassigned to a less important project. c. work package
d. tangible goal
7. Which of the following is not a potential advantage of using good
project management? 16. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Shorter development times a. An analysis project life cycle is a collection of project phases.
b. Higher worker morale b. A product life cycle is the same as a project life cycle.
c. Lower cost of capital c. The waterfall approach is an example of a predictive life cycle
d. Higher profit margins model.
d. Agile is an example of an adaptive life cycle model.
8. Which of the following is not an attribute of a project?
a. projects are unique 17. Project work is most successful in an organizational culture where
b. projects are developed using progressive elaboration all of the following characteristics are important except.
c. projects have a primary customer or sponsor a. member identity
d. projects involve little uncertainty b. group emphasis
c. risk tolerance
9. Which of the following is not part of the triple constraint of project
d. control
a. meeting scope goals
18. What term describes an organizations acquisition of goods and c. gathering stakeholder feedback.
services from an outside source in another country? d. collecting project information.
a. globalization
b. off shoring 27. Which one of the following is a responsibility of the project
c. exporting steering group/board?
d. global sourcing a. To identify potential problems for the project team to solve.
b. To provide strategic direction and guidance to the sponsor.
19. Which one of the following is least likely to be success criteria? c. To manage the project team in all daily activities.
a. A target for the project to receive zero change requests. d. To receive and consider daily reports from team members.
b. The date by which the project is to be completed.
c. Delivery of products that meet required specifications. 28. One of the reasons a project life cycle is split into phases is to:
d. The awarding of bonuses to senior management. a. facilitate formal go/no-go decision making during the project.
b. balance the costs of work in each phase of project development.
20. Project risk management is best described as: c. mirror the major deployments of resources throughout the
a. managing responses to threats. project.
b. identifying and acknowledging threats and opportunities. d. chunk work into time periods of similar durations.
c. planning responses to threats.
d. minimizing threats and maximizing opportunities. 29. Which of the following best describes a project environment?
a. The type of organization concerned with implementation.
21. Which one of the following statements is true? b. The structured method used to control the project.
a. An increase in project scope is likely to increase project cost. c. The context within which a project is undertaken.
b. A decrease in the project time is likely to increase project quality. d. An understanding of the risks involved in the project.
c. An increase in the project quality requirements is likely to
decrease project cost. 30. Which one of the following best describes project management?
d. A decrease in the project cost is likely to decrease project time. a. Using APMs Body of Knowledge 6th edition as a guide to all
22. Which statement best describes a responsibility of the project b. Employing a project manager who has undertaken similar projects.
manager: c. Utilizing team members who can work on a project full time.
a. to be the sole source of expertise for estimating techniques on d. Application of processes and methods throughout the project life
cost and time. cycle.
b. to deliver the project objectives to enable benefits to be
realized. 31. The phases of a project life cycle are:
c. to take ultimate accountability for the delivery of the business a. starting, planning, control and closing.
benefits. b. concept, definition, development, handover and closure.
d. to delegate all accountability for managing time, cost and quality c. initiation, definition, planning, monitoring and operations.
to team leaders. d. concept, definition, implementation and operations.

23. A project is typically defined in terms of scope, time, cost and 32. Which one of the following best describes a project stakeholder?
which other parameter? a. A party who is concerned about the project going ahead.
a. Benefits. b. A party with an interest or role in the project or is impacted by the
b. Quality. project.
c. Tolerance. c. A party who has a vested interest in the outcome of the project.
d. Controls. d. A party who has a financial stake in the organization managing the
24. What is defined as the ability to influence and align others
towards a common purpose? 33. The main purpose of the Project Management Plan is to:
a. Teamwork. a. provide justification for undertaking the project in terms of
b. Motivation. evaluating the benefit, cost and risk of alternative options.
c. Management. b. ensure the project sponsor has tight control of the project
d. Leadership. managers activity.
c. document the outcomes of the planning process and provide the
25. Which one is a true statement relating to project reference document for managing the project.
communications? d. document the outcome of the risk, change and configuration
a. A project sponsor is responsible for all communication methods management processes.
and media.
b. Different stakeholders typically have different communication 34. Which one of the following illustrates why effective project
needs. management is beneficial to an organization?
c. It is best to have a standard set of project reports used for every a. It utilizes resources as and when required under direction of a
project. project manager.
d. Email is only way to communicate with large numbers of people. b. It advocates employing a consultancy firm which specializes in
managing change.
26. Project reporting can best be defined as: c. It recommends using only highly skilled people in the project team.
a. informing stakeholders about the project. d. It ensures that the chief executive is accountable for the
b. storing and archiving of project information. achievement of the defined benefits.

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