Activity 1

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1.1. Student Outcomes (SOs) Addressed by the Activity

SO d, Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze, and interpret data, and synthesize
information to provide valid conclusions for investigating complex problems.
SO i, Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in
multidisciplinary setting.

1.2. Activitys Intended Learning Outcomes (AILOs)

At the end of this activity the student shall be able to:
a) Demonstrate laminar and turbulent flow using Osborne Reynolds apparatus.
b) Identify laminar and turbulent flows based critical Reynolds number.
c) Discuss the basic principle of laminar and turbulent flows in closed conduit systems.

1.3. Objective/s of the Activity

The aim of this experiment is to demonstrate laminar and turbulent flow as well as the corresponding critical
Reynolds number.

1.4. Principle of the Activity

The Reynolds number is calculated from

= =

d = Inside diameter of pipe section (m)
pipe: 10 mm or 0.01 m
V = Flow velocity (m/s)
= Absolute viscosity of the mediums (Pa-s)
= Kinematic viscosity of the mediums (m2/s)
water: = 1.0 10./ ( )

The flow velocity can be calculated from the volume flow, which is determined with a measuring vessel
and a stopwatch.


Q = Volumetric Flowrate (m3/s)
A = Cross-sectional area of the Pipe: = 4

The flow changes from laminar to turbulent when:

< 2000
> 4000
2000 4000

1.5. Materials/Equipment
1 unit HM 150.18 Osborne Reynolds Demonstrator
1 unit HM 150.0 Basic Hydraulic Bench
HM 150.0 Basic Hydraulic Bench Accessories
1 Set Timer
1 Set Thermometer
Power and Water Supply Supplies

1.6. Procedures
Preparation of the Activity
1. Close the drain valve (4).
2. Switch on the water supply. When using HM 150 Basic Hydraulic Bench, switch on the pump.
Carefully open the control valve (3).
3. Adjunct the valve to produce a constant water level in the reservoir.
4. After a time, the test pipe section (5) is completely filled.
5. The activity can begin.
6. Open the drain cock slightly to produce a low rate of flow into the test pipe section. The colored
waste water is best directed down the drain.

Performance of the Activity

1. Blue Ink is used to visualize the flow. A fine blue tread of stream indicating the laminar flow can
be produced using the metering tap (1).
2. Note: If the metering tap is operated with difficulty, loosen the nut and lubricate the thread.
3. At a low flow rate laminar flow occurs. To produce a low flow, open the drain cock slightly.
4. At a high flow rate turbulent flow occurs. To produce a high flow, open the drain cock wider.
5. The thread of stream is broken up in turbulent flow.

Figure 1-1: HM 150. 19 Osborne

Reynolds Apparatus 2017 GUNT Inc.

1.7. Activity Report
Course Code:
Course Title: Activity No.:
Group No.: Section:
Group Members: Date Performed:
Date Submitted:

1.7.1. Data and Results

Table 1-1: Data for Reynolds Number and Flow Demonstration
Absolute Kinematic
Discharge Velocity Reynolds Type of
Trial Viscosity Viscosity
(L/s) (m/s) Number Flows
(Pa-s) (cm2/s)

1.7.2. Computations

1.7.3. Conclusions

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