Zoonoses: Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff

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Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff

Zoonoses are diseases that can be spread from animals to people. They include diseases that are caused by bacteria, viruses,
parasites, and fungi. Depending on the disease, zoonoses can be spread in multiple ways. Some zoonotic diseases may cause
only mild illness, while others, like rabies, can be fatal. This article is not meant to alarm you, but simply inform you that
these diseases occur and there are multiple ways you help keep you and your pet healthy. Some of these diseases, like
salmonellosis and toxoplasmosis, are more likely to be acquired from raw or undercooked food than they are from your pet.
Are some people at more risk of acquiring a zoonosis?
Persons whose immune systems may not be functioning normally are at more of a risk of acquiring a zoonoses or developing
a more severe disease. These persons include:
Infants and very young children
Pregnant women
Elderly people
People receiving cancer chemotherapy, transplant recipients, and others who may be on immunosuppressive
medications, including long-term corticosteroid use
People with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver or other
chronic liver disease
Persons who have had a splenectomy
Persons with HIV infection or AIDS

Persons with these conditions can often safely keep their pets, but the type of and age of pet they have should be carefully
considered. In general, reptiles are less safe that other pets, and pets who are housetrained would be more suitable.
How do I best protect myself from infection with a zoonosis?
Keeping your pets healthy, using common sense, and good hygiene can reduce any potential risk of transmission.
Have your pet receive an annual or twice yearly examination by a veterinarian. This will not only help keep your pet
healthy, it will find any problems early. This will increase the chances of successful treatment and make it less likely
for any zoonotic disease to be transmitted. If your pet does show signs of illness, contact your veterinarian and
schedule an appointment.
Feed your pet a quality diet, and avoid feeding raw or under cooked meat or unpasteurized milk.
Use good hygiene when around your pet or any of your pet's waste. Avoid direct contact with animal feces and waste.
Wear gloves when cleaning up pet waste, and always wash your hands well afterward. Also wash your hands after
having contact with your pet.
Use appropriate parasite control for your pet. Deworm your pet as recommended by your veterinarian, and use
appropriate flea and tick control. Also keep your pet up-to-date on his vaccinations.
Prevent your pet from drinking out of the toilet or eating animal feces.
Prevent your pet from hunting or having contact with wildlife.
Have any new pet checked by your veterinarian.
A bite or scratch from your pet should be washed well immediately with soap and water. For bite wounds, wash with
soap and running water for 10 minutes, and then contact your physician.

What are some of the common zoonoses?

The following table lists some of the more common zoonoses, the species of animal infected, the route of transmission, and
symptoms in both animals and people. This is not an all-inclusive list, but does provide you with an understanding of how
diverse these diseases can be.

Organism/ Symptoms Symptoms

Disease in Animals in People

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Skin ulcers, Swelling around any
loss of previous wounds on
scales, the hands; vomiting,
Aeromonas X f
swollen diarrhea
enlarged eyes
Often no Flu-like illness,
signs; may arthritis, sore testicles
have swollen
Brucellosis X a,d lymph nodes,
Cats and Diarrhea - maybe
dogs: bloody, vomiting,
diarrhea; flu-like symptoms
Campylobacter X X X X X X f
show few
Usually no Rash, swollen lymph
signs; may nodes, fever, fatigue
see fever,
Cat scratch fever X b,fl,s lymph nodes,
or heart
Cheyletiella Flaky, itchy Itchy skin
X X d
mites skin
Difficulty Flu-like illness,
breathing, headache, weight loss,
weight loss, difficulty breathing,
Cryptococcus X a
diarrhea, meningitis

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notice. These restrictions are necessary in order to protect not only our copyrighted intellectual property, but also the health of pets, since articles or
images that are altered or edited after download could result in misinformation that may harm companion animals, aquatic life, or native species.
May have no Diarrhea, vomiting,
symptoms, abdominal pain;
or diarrhea in pneumonia in
Cryptosporidia X X X X X X X f animals with immuno-compromised
suppressed people
Itching, Itching, small red
sometimes lesions
Fleas X X X X d
small red
Usually no Sudden diarrhea, gas,
signs; may nausea, abdominal
see diarrhea pain, vomiting
Giardia X X X f
especially in
May show Skin lesions with
no signs; itching
Hookworms X X sk
weight loss,
poor hair coat
Sneezing, Flu-like illness
loss of
Influenza X a
pneumonia is
Fever, Flu-like illness, leg
bleeding pain, meningitis,
disorders, cough, kidney failure,
jaundice, abortion
Leptospirosis X X R a,d,u
sudden death

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images that are altered or edited after download could result in misinformation that may harm companion animals, aquatic life, or native species.
May show Flu-like illness,
no signs; meningitis
weight loss,
X a,b,d avoidance of
tremors, and
Weight loss, Swollen lymph nodes,
depression, night sweats, fatigue,
diarrhea, fever, weight loss,
difficulty stomach pain, diarrhea
X f breathing,
Mouth Skin lumps or ulcers,
infections, pneumonia, arthritis
weight loss
despite good
Mycobacterium X d appetite,
nodules in
organs and
under skin
Skin ulcers, Skin lumps or ulcers,
color pneumonia, arthritis
Mycobacterium changes,
X d
spp. swollen
enlarged eyes
Dogs and Painful and red lesion,
cats usually swollen lymph nodes
no signs;
rabbits have
Pasteurella X X X b nasal
eye discharge

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notice. These restrictions are necessary in order to protect not only our copyrighted intellectual property, but also the health of pets, since articles or
images that are altered or edited after download could result in misinformation that may harm companion animals, aquatic life, or native species.
May show Usually no symptoms,
no signs or abdominal pain,
difficulty chronic cough, night
breathing, sweats, pneumonia
Pentastomes X d,fl
weight loss,
loss of
Fever, Flu-like illness,
swollen painful lymph nodes,
lymph nodes, pneumonia,
Plague R d,fl
pneumonia, sometimes death
May show Flu-like illness, rash,
no signs or pneumonia, heart
lack of damage
weight loss,
Psittacosis X a breathing,
watery green
pink eyes,
from eyes or
nares, or
sudden death
Usually Flu-like illness,
show no headache, severe
signs; may sweats, cough, heart
see fever, damage, hepatitis
Q fever R a,d,t
loss of
lethargy and

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Fever, Headache,fever,
changes in difficulty swallowing,
behavior, seizures, death
Rabies X X X b
Rats Flu-like illness, rash,
generally painful joints
Rat bite fever R b
show no
Red, itchy, Red, itchy, circular
circular skin skin lesions
lesions, with
Ringworm X X X X d
hair loss and
May show Blindness, joint pain,
no signs; pneumonia, flu-like
diarrhea, illness
Roundworms X X X f vomiting,
poor growth,
Often show Diarrhea, flu-like
no signs of symptoms, nausea
Salmonella X X X X X X X f infection;
may have
Sarcoptic Severe Severe itching, small
X X d
mange itching red lesions
Some cats Flu-like illness,
may not abortions, congenital
show signs; defects
others have
fever, loss of
Toxoplasma X f

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Toxoplasma X f
may also
affect the
tract and
Dogs: low Skin ulcer, swollen
fever, lymph nodes,
listlessness, pneumonia, diarrhea,
loss of vomiting
Tularemia X X X* a,d,t
cats: fever,
lymph nodes,
eye and nasal
Yersina Weight loss, Watery diarrhea,
R R R f
(intestinal - rare) diarrhea fever, vomiting
a - through inhaling airborne organisms
b - bite wound
d - direct contact through the skin
f - ingestion (from fecal-contaminated hands, food, or water)
fl - fleas
R - rare
s - scratch
sk - larvae penetrate through skin
t - ticks
u - contact with urine
* - wild animals only
Zoonoses are diseases that are transmitted from animals to people. Although rare, it is important to understand that they do
exist and what precautions you can take to keep you and your family healthy.

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