Table of Communicable Diseases

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Name of Disease Mode of Transmission Incubation Period Signs & Symptoms Treatment / Prevention

Malta Fever No Human Vaccine.

( Brucellosis ) Direct contact with an 5 to 60 days, and Fever, Sweating,
infected animal or its bodily sometimes they takes Chills, Loss of Handwashing. Cook meat well.
Bacterial disease caused by discharge via cracked skin. several months to appetite, Headache, Do not drink or eat unpasteurized dairy
various Brucella species, which appear. Muscle, joint, and products.
mainly infect cattle, swine, Inhaling airborne agents in back pain, fatigue Take safety precautions at workplace. Wear
goats, sheep and dogs. barns, stables, and and lethargy PPE if you work in a field where you come in
sometimes laboratory and contact with animals.
slaughterhouse. Ensure that wounds are covered with a

Bird Flu No Human Vaccine.

( Avian Flu ) Through direct contact with 2 to 7 days after Handwashing.
infected birds, whether exposure, Fever, Sore throat , Avoid visiting farms or open-air bird and
Influenza A viruses such as: alive or dead. Touch bird Cough, Headache, poultry markets.
H5N1 which infects humans droppings, eye discharge, Muscle pain, Avoid touching surfaces contaminated with
and H5N8 which cannot be or respiratory secretions. Shortness of breath, bird droppings.
transmitted from birds to Pink eye Avoid holding or touching birds (dead or
humans. alive). Avoiding eating undercooked poultry
or eggs.

Fever, Muscle pain, Yellow fever vaccine is safe, affordable and

Yellow Fever Transmitted by Headache, Loss of a single dose provides life-long protection.
mosquitoes, belonging to 3-6 days appetite, Nausea or
Acute viral hemorrhagic the Aedes species vomiting Avoid traveling to yellow fever endemic
disease transmitted by (transmits the disease countries.
infected mosquitoes. among humans) and More toxic phase
“Yellow" in the name refers to Haemogogus species within 24 hours of Avoid stagnant ponds and backfill them to
the jaundice that affects some (transmits the disease recovering from get rid of mosquito breeding and spread.
patients. among monkeys). initial symptoms.
Spray rooms with insecticides.
Return of the fever,
Liver and kidneys Wear garments that provide good body
being affected , coverage.
Dark urine,
Stomachache with Use insect repellents and mosquito nets.
vomiting , Bleeding
in the mouth, nose,
eyes or stomach.

Fever, Headache, Avoid contact with wild animals.

Rabies Transmission of rabies can 1-3 months. Nausea, Pain or
( Hydrophobia ) occur through a bite if saliva itching at the site of Take rabies vaccination before traveling.
of infected animals comes The incubation period the injury, Poor
Viral disease that is into direct contact with might also range from sensation in the site Make sure pets are vaccinated.
transmitted through the bites human mucosa or fresh skin one week to one year, of the injury,
of mammals such as monkeys, wounds. depending on the site Inability to sleep, Protect pets from aggressive animals and
foxes and others. However, of the wound. Increased saliva predators.
dogs are the main source of production, Fear of
rabies in humans. It is also water or air, Report stray animals.
transmitted from an animal to Hallucination,
another, but not from a human Difficulty People who are vulnerable to rabies must be
to another. It becomes deadly swallowing, Cramps immunized.
once the symptoms appear. and muscle tension.

Measles The virus lives in the nose Mild to moderate There is no treatment for measles after
( Morbilli ) and throat of an infected For 10-12 days of fever, persistent exposure.
person and can spread to exposure to the virus, cough, runny nose,
Measles is a highly contagious others through coughing after which the inflamed eyes The best way to prevent measles is to get the
viral disease (childhood and sneezing, and the measles symptoms (conjunctivitis) and measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
infection), which affects germ-laden droplets can appear. sore throat. vaccine. It is one of routine vaccinations for
mostly children and can cause stay on surfaces and the children.
serious complications. virus remains active Rash consists of
(infectious) for up to two small red spots, Keep the infected people away from the
hours, therefore a healthy starting on the face healthy until they recover, to prevent
person can be infected especially behind infection transmission.
the ears and on
through touching the hairline, spreading
infected surfaces and then to arms and trunk,
touching his mouth or nose then over the thighs
or eye. down to legs and
feet, covering most
body parts. At the
same time, the fever
raises sharply, often
as high as 40 to 41

Fever, Headache, The best way to prevent rubella is to receive

German Measles Cough, Inflamed or the triple viral vaccine.
(Rubella) The rubella virus is 1–5 days after the red eyes, Enlarged
transmitted by airborne onset of rash. and swollen lymph Women must receive the vaccine before
Rubella is an acute, contagious droplets when infected nodes, Runny or pregnancy or after giving birth if no
viral infection distinguished by people sneeze or cough. stuffy nose, antibodies were found;
a red rash and symptoms that Pharyngitis, Joint
last for three days. Rubella is It can be transmitted from a pains, Red rash that Rubella patients must stay away from
less common than measles. pregnant woman to her affects most people healthy individuals to prevent virus
fetus through the placenta. who are infected transmission.
with rubella.

A cough that lasts Infants and children must take TB vaccine.

Tuberculosis The incubation period more than 2 weeks
(TB) TB is transmitted from may vary from about (usually the first Avoid coming in contact with TB patients
person to person through two to 12 weeks. symptom that without personal protection.
TB is a chronic infectious the air when the infected appears), Avoid crowded places.
disease caused by bacteria person coughs or sneezes accompanied by Maintain balanced nutrition.
(mycobacterium tuberculosis) and the other person coughing up blood,
that most often affect the inhales these germs. It can Fever, Night sweats, Cover your mouth with a tissue on coughing,
lungs but can also affect other spread more easily in places Feeling tired all the sneezing or laughing.
parts of the body. that have been closed for time, Weight loss, Dispose of the tissue in a closed bag and
long periods of time. Chest pain, Poor throw it away.
appetite. Wear face masks when around others.
There is no vaccine for MRSA.
Methicillin-resistant The bacteria can be Handwashing
Staphylococcus Aureus transmitted from a person 1 to 10 days if it enters Swollen, painful red Health care professionals and workers must
(MRSA) to another as it has the broken skin or bumps that might wear protective clothing.
ability to live long enough damaged mucous resemble pimples or Keep wounds clean and sterile until they
(MRSA) infection is caused by a on the surfaces of non- membranes spider bites, Fever, heal.
type of staph bacteria that has living things. affected area being Correctly clean contaminated surfaces and
become resistant to many of Contact with an infected painful and warm to items used for washing.
the antibiotics used to treat person, Crowded places, the touch, Keep places clean.
ordinary staph infections. It Sharing personal tools, Inflammation of Avoid sharing personal items.
may cause inflammation of the Touching contaminated some organs. Avoid touching other people’s bandages or
skin and other areas. It is found surfaces, Contact with wounds.
in places where people use animals carrying the Take a bath after doing sports.
antibiotics frequently. infection. Clean bed sheets if the person sleeping on
them has wounds or sores.

Human Papillomavirus HPV is transmitted through 2 to 3 months, with a Most HPV patients There is no cure for HPV itself
( HPV ) skin-to-skin contact, range of 1 to 20 don’t suffer from Initial HPV prevention can be through HPV
including sexual contact or months for genital any significant vaccine for girls that are 11 or 12 years of
HPV infection is a viral any kind of contact with the warts. It can take up to symptoms or health age.
infection and one of the most genital area, such as: 10 years for a high- problems.
common genital infections. Touching an infected risk HPV infection to They can also receive the HPV vaccine at the
There are over 100 types of person’s genitals; develop into cancer. Often, the body age of 9 years old.
HPV, which are passed through HPV cannot be transmitted clears the HPV
sexual contact and can lead to through touching surfaces infection on its own Women between the age of 21 and 29
genital warts, growth of such as toilet seat. in a couple of years. should undergo a cervical test every 3 years,
abnormal cells in the cervix, or alongside with pap tests.
cervical cancer. HPV can still be transmitted However, in some
from a person to another, cases, the infection Women between the age of 30 and 65
even if the infected person might last longer should undergo a pap test every 5 years,
is showing no symptoms. and could cause alongside with an HPV test.
some types of
cancer and other
Human infections There are currently no specific drugs or
Nipah Virus range from vaccines for NiV.
Direct contact It is believed to range asymptomatic
NiV is a zoonotic virus that is from 4 to 14 days. infection to acute Keeping bats away from fresh food products;
transmitted from fruit bats Consumption of food However, an respiratory infection
(the natural host of the virus) contaminated with incubation period as (mild or severe). Thoroughly washing and peeling fruits
to pigs. secretions from infected long as 45 days has before consuming them.
pigs and bats been reported. Fatal encephalitis is
It is then transmitted to also among NiV Avoiding eating fruits if bat bites were
humans in direct contact with Human-to-human symptoms. Infected noticed.
these infected pigs. transmission of Nipah virus individuals may
has also been reported, show flu-like Boiling freshly collected date palm juice.
including in health care symptoms,
facilities where prevention including: fever, Wearing gloves and other protective clothing
measures weren't properly headaches, myalgia while handling sick animals or their tissues.
applied. (muscle pain),
vomiting , sore Avoiding contact with infected pigs in
throat. infected areas.

This can be followed Avoiding close unprotected physical contact

by dizziness, with Nipah virus-infected people.
drowsiness, altered
consciousness, and Regularly washing hands after caring for or
neurological signs visiting sick people.
that indicate acute
encephalitis. Health-care workers caring for patients with
suspected or confirmed infection must
Encephalitis and implement standard infection control
seizures can occur in precautions at all times.
severe cases,
progressing to coma
within 24 to 48
Zika Virus There is no vaccine for Zika virus, but several
Bites of mosquitoes Many people with vaccines are currently in clinical trials.
Zika virus is a viral infection carrying the virus. Zika virus have no Doctors recommend avoiding mosquito
that is often transmitted by the symptoms, but bites by adhering to the following tips:
bites of a specific type of From mother to fetus It ranges between 2 to some may have mild
mosquito (Aedes mosquito). during pregnancy through 14 days. symptoms. The Wearing light-colored, long-sleeved
the placenta. most common ones garments that cover most parts of the body.
This type of mosquitos is most include:
active during the day, Blood transfusion. Using screens such as: Curtains, doors and
especially in the middle of the Fever windows;
morning and late in the Sexual contact with an Rash
afternoon. infected person. Headache Using insect repellents.
Joint pain (usually
It can also be sexually hand and feet joints) Making sure children and pregnant women
transmitted from an infected Conjunctivitis (red sleep under mosquito nets during the day
person to another, even in the eyes) and early hours of the evening.
absence of symptoms Muscle pain
Ensuring travelers and people living in the
affected areas take caution to avoid
mosquito bites.

Ensuring safer sexual practices

Covering water storage containers.

Emptying flower pots from stagnant water.

Cleaning and getting rid of garbage and used


Spraying insecticides to reduce mosquito

pools and disease spread.
The infection occurs when Symptoms result There is no vaccine against schistosomiasis.
Schistosomiasis infected individuals The incubation period from the body’s
( Bilharzia ) contaminate fresh water for patients with acute reaction to the Avoid swimming or playing in fresh water.
sources with excreta (feces schistosomiasis is worms' eggs, not
Bilharzia is an acute and or urine) that carry the eggs usually 14-84 days; the worms. So Drink filtered or boiled, cooled water that is
chronic parasitic disease of this parasite. symptoms could free of parasites.
caused by a kind of parasitic vary from a person
worms known as “cercariae”. The eggs hatch in the water, to another: Although schistosomiasis is not transmitted
releasing tiny larvae. When by drinking contaminated water, if this water
Usually, no symptoms appear another person comes in Within days, you comes into contact with the lips, the person
when a person is first infected; contact with this may develop a rash may become infected.
however, this parasite can live contaminated water, the or itch.
in a person’s body for years larvae penetrate his skin. Prepare the water you use for bathing by
and causes damage to his Within 1-2 months, boiling it for one minute to kill the parasites
internal organs. This could happen while a you may develop a and avoid infection, and then cool it before
person is diving, swimming, fever, chills, cough, your bath.
washing, or paddling in and muscle aches.
contaminated water.
Children may
frequently suffer
from anemia, poor
nutrition, stunted
growth and a
reduced capability
to learn.
Plague Animal-to-human plague There are no vaccines for plague; but there
( Great Mortality, Black transmission occurs are certain guidelines to be followed to
Death, Black Plague ) through: The incubation period Fever prevent infection.
of plague ranges from
Plague is a serious bacterial Bites of the infected fleas; 1 - 7 days. Chills Keep away from the dead body of an
infection that's transmitted infected animal.
primarily by fleas. Direct and unprotected Headache and
contact with the infected muscle aches Avoid direct contact with the infected body
Previously deemed to be one tissue. fluids or tissue.
of the deadliest pandemic
diseases, plagues caused Vomiting and Wash your hands with water and soap, or
millions of deaths in the past. nausea apply an alcoholic hand sanitizer.
Inhaling the droplets of an
The plague bacteria, Yersinia infected person. Cough and bloody Avoid contact with the stray, diseased or
pestis, is an animal bacteria mucus dead animals.
transmitted to humans from
some species of rodents (e.g. Difficulty breathing Keep away from the places inhabited by
squirrels, prairie dogs, rats, rodents.
etc), and some other small
mammals, as well as the fleas
feeding thereon.
The whole family must be checked for lice
Lice Head lice nits usually especially those sharing the same bed. It is
Direct head-to-head (hair- take about 8–9 days to A tickling sensation recommended to start lice treatments for all
Head lice are small parasitic to-hair) contact with an hatch. in the scalp. the members of the family who contracted
insects that live on the scalp already infected person. lice at the same time.
where they lay their eggs and Eggs that are likely to The sensation of
feed on blood. Sharing tools such as hatch are usually something crawling Children should be instructed not to share
A head lice infestation can be hairbrushes, towels, located no more than on the scalp. tools with other people (e.g. combs, hats,
highly contagious. blankets, hats, and others. ¼ inch from the base scarves, towels, helmets, etc).
The adult female louse lays of the hair shaft. Frequent and
seven to ten eggs per day near Home pets (e.g. dogs and intense itching of Head-to-head contact should be avoided as
the scalp. cats) do not play a role in the scalp. much as possible in schools whether at the
Head lice cannot jump or fly, spreading head lice. gym, the playground, or during sports, as
but they can crawl, and they do Scalp irritation that well as while playing at home with other
not carry bacterial or viral leads to sleeping children.
infectious diseases. difficulties.
Children should be instructed not to lie down
A head lice infestation isn't a Swelling in the on beddings, pillows, and carpets recently
sign of poor personal hygiene. lymph nodes found used by someone with lice.
While anyone can contract lice, at the back of the
most often they affect children head. Avoid inspecting children's hair in schools by
in schools, who then transfer using the same tools (such as rulers or pens)
the infestation to their Pink eye on multiple children to avoid head-to-head
parents, health care providers, (conjunctivitis). contact and prevent the spread of lice.
Leishmaniasis No vaccines or drugs to prevent infection
Spread by the bite of The incubation period Cutaneous are available, but there are guidelines and
Leishmaniasis is a parasitic infected sand flies. lasts from 2 weeks to Leishmaniasis - one methods to prevent infection.
disease spread by the bite of several months and or more sores on Avoid outdoor activities, especially from
infected sand flies. Sandflies cases up to 3 years their skin. dusk to dawn, when sand flies generally are
usually are most active in the the most active.
twilight, evening, and night- Visceral Avoid sleeping in open areas near farms,
time hours (from dusk to Leishmaniasis: animal enclosures, and rat burrow to avoid
dawn), and they are more Fever, weight loss, infection.
common in rural areas. Enlargement When outdoors, or in unprotected places,
(swelling) of the the body must be covered to avoid infection.
spleen and liver, Use a mosquito net while sleeping.
Low red blood cell Wear socks, long-sleeved shirts, and long
count (anemia),A pants.
low platelet count. Apply insect repellent on uncovered skin.
Follow the instructions on the label of the

Mumps Mumps is transmitted by Most common

respiratory secretions 2 to 3 weeks after symptom is swollen There are currently no medications to treat
Mumps is a contagious disease (saliva of the infected exposure to the virus. mumps (salivary the mumps virus, and treatment focuses on
of the parotid glands (one of person) in the following glands) either one or relieving symptoms.
three pairs of salivary glands ways: both sides, or other
between the ears and jaw) Spreading of cough or symptoms include: Mumps vaccine is given as a community
caused by a virus, causing sneezing spray from an Fever vaccination for the prevention of measles,
swelling in part or all of the infected person to a healthy Headache mumps and rubella (MMR vaccine).Washing
parotid glands. person. Muscle aches hands with soap and water regularly. Use
Weakness and napkins to cover your nose and mouth when
Sharing utensils and cups fatigue sneezing or coughing and then dispose in the
with infected person. Loss of appetite. trash. Keep away from children. Do not go to
Pain while chewing school or work for five days or more after the
or swallowing. onset of symptoms.
Elephantiasis The incubation period There are no medicines to treat
( Lymphatic Filariasis ) Infection occurs when can vary though, and it Headache, shivering elephantiasis, however it can be controlled
thread-like filarial parasites can be as short as 1 and feeling tired. using the following medications:
Elephantiasis is a parasitic are transmitted to humans day to as long as 11
disease caused by mosquito through mosquitoes. days. Swelling and  Ivermectin.
bites infection usually acquired enlargement of  Bindazole.
in childhood causing damage skin, tissues and
to the lymphatic system. It can limbs (lymphatic Avoiding mosquito bites is the best form of
lead to enlargement of body edema) prevention, including:
parts particularly the limbs. It
also spreads from person to Genitals swelling. Sleep under a mosquito net.
person through mosquitoes.
Ulceration and Eliminating mosquito breeding places such
roughness in the as water basins whether inside or outside
skin. the home.

The skin is darker Cover your body with long sleeves clothes.
than normal.
Use mosquito repellent cream inside and
outside your home.

Ensure that window screens have no holes

that allow insects to enter.

Dengue Fever
It is transmitted from one Symptoms begin to Dengue causes flu- There is no specific treatment for dengue
Dengue is a mosquito-borne person to another by the appear 4-10 days after like symptoms and fever, so prevention is the most important
viral infection transmitted by bites of Aedes Aegypti the bite from an infection is step to be followed.
the bite of Aedes Aegypti mosquitos that generally infected mosquito. suspected with high
mosquito. acquire the virus while fever (above 40°C) In some countries, vaccination is approved
feeding on the blood of an and at least two of for those aged 9 to 45 who live in areas with
The Aedes Aegypti mosquito is infected person. the following a high incidence of dengue fever.
not the main cause of the symptoms:
disease, it is the vector that
transmits the virus.
The best way of prevention is to avoid the
Severe headache mosquito bites through:

Pain behind the eyes Disposal of mosquito breeding places

Muscle and joint Covering, emptying and cleaning all

pain domestic water tanks and basins weekly

Nausea Applying insect repellent cream inside and

outside the house.
Wearing long-sleeved clothing.
Ensuring that window screens have no holes
that allow insects to enter.

Applying insecticides during outbreaks.

Swine Influenza Virus can be transmitted For Fever, weakness, No vaccines protecting the human against
from a person to another, human infections with lack of appetite, and getting infected with swine flu.
It is a respiratory disease and it is thought that swine influenza coughing.
endemic in pigs; it is caused bytransmitting among viruses, an incubation Washing hands continuously with warm
the type A of influenza family humans takes place in the period of 2–7 days has Some swine water and soap after sneezing or shaking
which triggers the outbreak of same way the seasonal flu been reported. influenza-infected hands with a swine flu-infected person.
influenza among pigs. does. This is through person reported
Swine influenza viruses
touching swine flu-infected suffering from runny Using handkerchiefs when sneezing and
afflicting pigs all year round place then touching the nose, nausea, throwing them away.
could trigger outbreaks during mouth or nose or through vomiting, diarrhea,
autumn and winter time just as soughing and sneezing. and sore throat. Using masks which can prevent transmitting
the seasonal influenza causes the viruses while in crowded places. They are
among humans. Usually, humans can available abroad and can be used on planes
pick up swine influenza and trains as well.
Swine influenza virus is the when directly exposing to
H1N1and the virus was the pigs, while raising pigs
isolated in 1930. or living nearby the sheds
where the pigs are raised.
The symptoms of
Antibodies appear
(HIV/AIDS) vary, Up until now, there's no vaccine to prevent
HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS is transmitted within 6 to 12 weeks depending on the HIV infection.
through blood or body after the onset of phase of infection.
AIDS is a chronic disease fluids (semen, and vaginal infection. There's no cure for HIV/AIDS, but a variety of
caused by the Human discharge), by: Primary infection: drugs can be used.
Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Clinical infection
People infected by
that affects and destroys CD4 Sexual intercourse HIV often develop a Avoid forbidden sexual relations outside of
typically lasts for 8 to
cells; which are a type of white Blood transfusion 10 years, depending flu-like illness within wedlock.
blood cell that is responsible Sharing infected injections on the extent of the a month or two after
for the immune system. Mother-to-fetus infection immune the virus enters the Use a condom if either partner is infected.
Breastfeeding infection and ability to
body, the symptoms
AIDS develops when the fight the virus. include: Avoid using used syringes, needles, sharp
number of CD4 cells falls below Fever, Muscle and tools or razors.
200 cells in (HIV) infected During that period, joint pain, Rash,
patients. symptoms may not Headache, Sore
appear at all. throat, Mouth or
genital ulcers,
Swollen lymph
glands, mainly on
the neck, Night
sweats, Diarrhea

Chronic symptoms:
Night sweats, Chill
or fever (higher than
38 C for several
weeks), Cough and
shortness of breath,
Chronic diarrhea,
White spots on the
tongue or in the
mouth, Headaches,
Impaired vision.
Most types of meningitis The average
Meningitis are transmitted through incubation period is 4 Sudden high fever Vaccination against bacterial meningitis.
respiratory secretions days, but can range
Meningitis is an inflammation through the following ways: between 2 and1 0 Stiff neck Washing hands properly.
of the membranes (meninges) Sneezing, Coughing, days.
surrounding your brain and Kissing, Sharing cups, Severe headache Maintain good hygiene, don't share cups,
spinal cord. toothbrushes, cigarettes. with nausea and toothbrushes and other things with anyone
vomiting else.
The swelling from meningitis Bacterial meningitis:
typically triggers symptoms Usually is transmitted from Skin rash Improve your immune system by following
such as headache, fever and a people with bacteria in the healthy behaviors such as eating healthy diet
stiff neck. throat or nose and is rarely Seizures and exercising regularly.
transmitted from infected
It can affect anyone, but most people. Difficulty When you need to sneeze, be sure to cover
common in young persons concentrating your mouth and nose.
from birth to adulthood, as Fungal meningitis: It is
well as the elderly. acquired from environment Sleepiness or Provide preventive treatment for those
(such as: inhaling soil difficulty waking coming from infected areas or have been in
contaminated with birds or contact with meningitis patients.
bats droppings) and it is not Sensitivity to light
transmitted from person to
Parasitic meningitis: It is
acquired from
environmental sources
(such as rodents including
mice and raccoons).

Malaria High body Fighting the mosquitoes

The parasites are spread to Incubation period temperature and
Malaria is an infectious disease people through the bites of ranges between 7 to shiver Taking the available precautions for
caused by plasmodium infected Anopheles 30 days. protection against the mosquito stings such
parasites, exclusively mosquitoes, called "malaria Sweating as wearing long-sleeved clothing, covering
transmitted through vectors", which bite mainly
anopheles mosquitoes. between dusk and dawn.
Headache the legs in the places where the insects are
The plasmodium affects the Malaria transmission may Nausea and
human red blood cells, and also occur through contact Vomiting Using nets at doors and windows to prevent
damages them over the time. with infected blood. the entrance of insects.
This can occur in the Using mosquito nets when sleeping
following cases: outdoors.

 From a mother to Avoiding travelling to the places where

her fetus malaria is rife as much as possible
 A blood transfusion
 The shared use of Taking the prescribed preventive dose one
needles or syringes week or two weeks before and during
that are travelling to an affected country and after
contaminated with going back home for 4 weeks.
Filling ponds and eliminating the places
which are regarded proper environments of
the reproduction of mosquitoes; thus
maintaining your health and reducing the
malaria risk.


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