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Indonesia as the largest in the world, where the sea serve as a media liaison with the islands in
it, is one of the countries that have Sources of Nature (SKA) the sea with huge potential to be
empowered and can be used as one of the capital base of national development of national is the
mandate of the people of Indonesia which must be carried out together, by the central government
and local governments as well as all elements of the nation. Development carried out by the whole
nation Indonesia, in all aspects of life in this, gradually have been able to improve the welfare of and
an increase in a sense of security most of the community. The management should be implemented
remain consistent with the preservation of the function of the environment and its sustainability. One
thing that should be together is, that the purpose of the management of SKA must not conflict with
the aim of the country, as listed in paragraph fourth Opening of the Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia of 1945 (the NKRI) on a strategic position with the position of a cross between two

The Australian and the continent of Asia as well as being between two oceans, the Indian
Ocean and the Pasifk. The comparative in this position, among others ; land and marine bidoversities,
the international sea leanes, unclos the implementation, dynamic ocean - graphy and climate change,
geotectonic position that also are giving the gift with a lot of the sources of minerals as well as basin -
basin oil and gas and minerals. Based on the nature of natural wealth can be divided into potential
renewable resources (Renewable Resources) and the potential of power don't recover or not renewable
(Non Renewable Resources). If in terms of the utilization of, then the source of natural wealth can be
divided into a source of the biodiversity and nirhayati.

Characteristics of the Indonesian territorial waters is very specific to have biodiversity with
various types of marine high (Fish, coral, seaweed and others as well as a variety of vegetation the sea)
and the potential other like the content of the minerals, oil and gas. The SKA the marine sector, based
on the benefits it can be divided into three groups namely, resources that can renewable resources),
resources that can not recover (non-renewable resources) in terms of this mineral and mining and-
services environment

2. Meaning and Purpose

That assessment is :
The current conditions and problems of a utilization of marine resources, in order to boost the
economy of the people.
Development strategy management and utilization of marine resources in order to increase
economy the people in the framework of national economic resilience.

The purpose of a study this is as is advice or input to the Government of the policy, strategies
and efforts that need to be done in the utilization of marine resources of Indonesia to an
increase in the economy of the people in order to improve national economic resilience.
3. Analysis

Understanding the importance of a utilization resources appropriately and correctly, especially

marine resources toimprove people's economy, then the analysis of strategic needs to be done in
utilizing of marine resources, to the source of marine resources that are considered as " engines of
growth " can changing resources into " man made capital ", which in turn will produce productivity
higher in the future, but still to pay attention to environmental sustainability, harmony and balance
between economic development and construction of a sustainable, because they must be done in a
balanced way in achieving a national objective the establishment of equitable and prosperous society.

The potential of the utilization of marine resources of Indonesia will not be sustainable if there
is no conservation efforts. Conservation of marine resources is a series of who can not be separated
from the protection, preservation, and the utilization of, including in internal management of the
conservation area waters, the type of fish and fish to ensure the availability of and
sustainability.Referring to Law No. 31 of 2004 on Fisheries and change his (Law No. 45) and Regulation
No. 60 on the Conservation of Natural Resources Fish are, at least contains two important things a new
paradigm in the context of conservation.

The First, the management of the set with the zoning. There are four of the zone in the
conservation area waters. That is, the core zone, the sustainable fisheries, the utilization as well as the
other. It should be in the know, the sustainable fisheries don't ever be set in the regulation of
conservation management, according to Act - Act No. 5 Year 1990 on Conservation of Natural
Resources and Ecosystems and Government Regulation No 68 of the year 1998 about the the Nature
and the Conservation Nature. The Second, in terms of authority, the management of the conservation
area for this to be the monopoly of the central government. However, now has been decentralized to
regional government. This is based on the Act No. 27 of 2007 about the Conservation in the Coastal
Area and lands, Government Regulation No 60 of the Year 2007 on the Conservation of Natural
Resources Fish are, as well as the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries No. Per. 02 on
Determination of the Conservation. As the typical that have open access (open access) for anyone, the
supervision of the waters so to take an active role of various parties. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs
and Fisheries itself has a unit of supervision of marine resources and fisheries, which fully supports the
implementation of the conservation of the fish. Now, fish stocks pelagis (such as tuna, marlin, bonito,
setuhuk and swordfish) in the world is expected to stay 1020 %. If we want to reverse the condition of
the fisheries of the world that kzini tend to not sustainable in the direction of sustainable (sustainable),
then we must reduce the fishing (the number of ships and fish and fishermen) in the sea. This policy
certainly has sparked controversy and dilemmas in the middle of the world that still leaves 2 billion
people lack food, poorly nourished, unemployed or poor. If on the regime of the management of
access including open, how course, anytime and anywhere the fishermen can be as free as the free fish
and marine life from the sea. In the management of fishery products caught in a controlled, fishing
activities conducted in the sea are required to follow a number of rules, which among other in the
form of :
Restrictions on the quota (or the number of) fish or marine life that may be arrested every season
The size of the minimum fish (of other marine biota) that may be arrested.
The use of fishing gear which destroys environment or me - ngancam the preservation of resources
of fish.
Restrictions on the number of permit fishing boat that can operate in the waters of the sea.
The fish (of other marine biota) in season or a certain time (closed seasons).
The fish (of other marine biota) in the particular (closed areas).
The protected area the sea (marine protected areas).

4. Efforts

Based on analysis of early and strategic early which was formulated, then efforts are needed to
the utilization of marine resources in order to boost the economy of the people in order to strengthen
national security, among others, as follows :

Consolidating the availability of data and information about the source of marine resources
and marine in an integrated manner that can be accessed easily by any stakeholders.
Mixed the policies across sectors in order to ensure harmony and development between
sectors in relation to exploration and exploitation to a con - manfaatan of marine resources
Developing research in the ocean covering the source of the sea biodiversity and nirhayati,
geological and sesismik and the environment that can to get up a scholarship for efforts to
make use of the marine resources sustainably.
Improve the ability of Indonesian human resources in terms of the utilization of marine
resources and the development of technology in the ocean.
The efforts performed must be with the aim in improving the welfare of the people, to the
management of resources can be optimized in effective and of efsien.
Improve the development of technology exploration and exploitation in the efficient use of
marine resources.
Creating a conducive climate for the continuation of investment in exploration and exploitation
in an effort to a con - manfaatan of marine resources.
Encouraging the growth of the participation of the wider community in the efforts of the
utilization and preservation of marine resources.
Increasing the growth of industry based sources of marine resources are strong and tough in
order to create value growth for the economy of the people and the national economy.
Improve the business and economic activities, utilization of resources of the scale of small and
medium enterprises to boost the economy to the people as well as encourage linkages as big
The government should encourage private sector, which lack the courage to play in the
exploration of the sea.
Increases the role of the Government to be able to build state industry exploration of the sea.
Monitoring and supervision for the activities of exploration and production in order to ensure
the utilization of resources optimally and sustainable for the interests of the nation.
meet and complete equipment and HR The State of the Islanders.

5. Conclusion

From the analysis of our strategic can be formulated the conclusion of the strategy which must
be carried out, among others :

As the islands of Indonesia should have policy of Maritime Affairs (ocean policy) with the plan
the strategy Maritim (Maritime Grand Strategy) in it with me - have vision and mission are clear
with regard to geopolitical and geo the strategy of the nation, so that the policy on the
management of marine resources and economic resources are produced will be friendly local,
national and global.
The ocean is the policy of an archipelago with variables into the room which should be
complete ;
Policy of the need to depart from a comparative advantage to a competitive advantage ;
The government needs to complete all the obligations listed in UNCLOS, to the interests of the
effective the sovereignty of Indonesia ;
Resources of Indonesia is a source of life and livelihood (source of food, energy and liveli - The
hood), is breaking, from generation to generation if my - manfaatannnya be done right by
sustainable ;
Economy of the people based on sources of marine resources can be improved in an effort to
improve the welfare society.
Education plays an important role in producing human resources that is able to exploit and
increase the value added resources through research and development ;
Sources of marine resources can utility the optimal, with the support of educational institutions
and research are encouraged to continue to play an active role in developing science and
technology and engineering associated with sources of marine resources.

6. Recommendations

Based on data analysis and the fact and analysis of our strategic, then can were recommended
the right things as the following :

The government needs to immediately establish ocean policy were followed up with the
formulation of Maritime Grand Srategy to encourage the utilization of marine resources to be
one of the prime mover (prime over) economic development, good through the use of
technology and cooperation in research and industry to empower the source of wealth and
sustainable in order to improve national economic resilience. Given the position of Indonesia as
a country with a region dominated by the sea with the potential of marine resources, then it's
time for the government to make the sea as a driver of the national economy.
Along with the rapid population growth and industry, hence the need for food and energy of
marine resources will increase, with such a utilized of marine resources to meet the needs of
food and energy can be used as a pedestal, hence the utilization of marine resources of
national should be able to be placed as to the stream in national economic development to
improve to the custody of the national economy.
The government needs to be merumus the mapping of marine resources that can be
developed through business people's economy, good effort on the economy small and
medium as well as can be developed through industrialization in scale big business, based on
these kinds of marine resources, both biodiversity and nirhayati.
Government need to do by the speedy and development of industrialization in the ocean and
fishing through the concept of the construction of the economy that is supported by various
sectors in order to men - supported national economic resilience.
Making the investment conducive to the exploration activities and the exploitation of marine
Decide change the settings right and authority as well as obligations and the financial between
the government and local government.

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