Gold Souq Bus Station - Qusais, Bus Station ™Õ›•C Μr'? »¬@ (- Eãc –Ïž Μr'? »¬@ (

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Gold Souq Bus Station - Qusais, Bus Station

13A c r'? @{ - Ec r'? @{

Friday |Pc
Gold Souq Bus Station 05.49 06.19 06.48 07.18 07.48 08.18 08.48 09.18 09.48 10.19 10.52 11.22 11.52 12.22 12.52 13.22 13.52 14.12 14.31 14.55 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 05.52 06.22 06.51 07.21 07.51 08.21 08.51 09.23 09.53 10.23 10.56 11.26 11.56 12.26 12.56 13.26 13.56 14.16 14.37 15.01 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.23 07.53 08.23 08.53 09.24 09.54 10.25 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.57 14.17 14.39 15.03 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 05.55 06.25 06.54 07.24 07.54 08.24 08.54 09.26 09.56 10.26 10.59 11.29 11.59 12.29 12.59 13.29 13.59 14.19 14.40 15.04 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 05.57 06.27 06.56 07.26 07.56 08.26 08.56 09.28 09.58 10.28 11.01 11.31 12.01 12.31 13.01 13.31 14.01 14.21 14.42 15.06 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 05.58 06.28 06.57 07.27 07.57 08.27 08.57 09.29 09.59 10.29 11.02 11.32 12.02 12.32 13.02 13.33 14.02 14.22 14.44 15.08 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 05.59 06.29 06.58 07.28 07.58 08.28 08.58 09.30 10.00 10.31 11.04 11.34 12.04 12.34 13.04 13.35 14.04 14.24 14.46 15.10 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 06.00 06.30 06.59 07.29 07.59 08.29 08.59 09.32 10.02 10.32 11.05 11.35 12.05 12.35 13.05 13.36 14.06 14.26 14.47 15.11 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 06.01 06.31 07.01 07.31 08.01 08.31 09.01 09.34 10.04 10.34 11.07 11.37 12.07 12.37 13.07 13.38 14.08 14.28 14.49 15.13 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 06.02 06.32 07.01 07.31 08.01 08.31 09.02 09.34 10.04 10.35 11.08 11.38 12.08 12.38 13.08 13.39 14.08 14.28 14.50 15.14 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 06.04 06.34 07.04 07.34 08.04 08.34 09.04 09.37 10.07 10.37 11.10 11.40 12.10 12.40 13.10 13.41 14.11 14.31 14.52 15.16 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 06.05 06.35 07.05 07.35 08.05 08.35 09.05 09.38 10.08 10.38 11.11 11.41 12.11 12.41 13.11 13.42 14.12 14.32 14.53 15.17 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 06.06 06.36 07.06 07.36 08.06 08.36 09.06 09.38 10.08 10.39 11.12 11.42 12.12 12.42 13.12 13.43 14.12 14.32 14.54 15.18 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 06.08 06.38 07.08 07.38 08.08 08.38 09.07 09.40 10.10 10.40 11.13 11.43 12.13 12.43 13.13 13.44 14.14 14.34 14.55 15.19 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 06.09 06.39 07.08 07.38 08.08 08.38 09.08 09.40 10.10 10.41 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.44 13.14 13.45 14.14 14.34 14.56 15.20 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 06.10 06.40 07.09 07.39 08.09 08.39 09.08 09.41 10.11 10.41 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.44 13.14 13.45 14.15 14.35 14.56 15.20 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 06.10 06.40 07.10 07.40 08.10 08.40 09.09 09.41 10.11 10.42 11.15 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.15 13.46 14.15 14.36 14.57 15.21 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 06.11 06.41 07.10 07.40 08.10 08.40 09.09 09.42 10.12 10.42 11.15 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.15 13.46 14.16 14.36 14.58 15.22 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 06.12 06.42 07.11 07.41 08.11 08.41 09.10 09.43 10.13 10.43 11.16 11.46 12.16 12.46 13.16 13.47 14.17 14.37 14.59 15.23 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 06.12 06.42 07.12 07.42 08.12 08.42 09.11 09.43 10.13 10.44 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.47 13.17 13.48 14.17 14.38 14.59 15.23 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 06.13 06.43 07.12 07.42 08.12 08.42 09.11 09.44 10.14 10.44 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.47 13.17 13.48 14.18 14.39 15.00 15.24 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 06.14 06.44 07.13 07.43 08.13 08.43 09.12 09.45 10.15 10.45 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.48 13.18 13.49 14.19 14.40 15.01 15.25 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 06.16 06.46 07.15 07.45 08.15 08.45 09.14 09.47 10.17 10.47 11.20 11.50 12.20 12.50 13.20 13.52 14.22 14.43 15.04 15.28 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 06.17 06.47 07.17 07.47 08.17 08.47 09.16 09.48 10.18 10.49 11.22 11.52 12.22 12.52 13.22 13.54 14.24 14.45 15.07 15.31 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 06.18 06.48 07.17 07.47 08.17 08.47 09.17 09.49 10.19 10.50 11.23 11.53 12.23 12.53 13.23 13.55 14.24 14.46 15.07 15.31 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 06.18 06.48 07.18 07.48 08.18 08.48 09.17 09.50 10.20 10.50 11.23 11.53 12.23 12.53 13.23 13.55 14.25 14.46 15.08 15.32 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 06.19 06.49 07.19 07.49 08.19 08.49 09.18 09.51 10.21 10.51 11.24 11.54 12.24 12.54 13.24 13.56 14.26 14.47 15.09 15.33 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 06.20 06.50 07.19 07.49 08.19 08.49 09.19 09.51 10.21 10.52 11.25 11.55 12.25 12.55 13.25 13.57 14.26 14.48 15.09 15.33 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 06.21 06.51 07.20 07.50 08.20 08.50 09.20 09.52 10.22 10.53 11.26 11.56 12.26 12.56 13.26 13.58 14.27 14.49 15.10 15.34 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 06.22 06.52 07.22 07.52 08.22 08.52 09.22 09.55 10.25 10.55 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.59 14.29 14.51 15.12 15.36 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 06.24 06.54 07.23 07.53 08.23 08.53 09.24 09.57 10.27 10.57 11.30 12.00 12.30 13.00 13.30 14.01 14.31 14.53 15.14 15.38 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 06.25 06.55 07.24 07.54 08.24 08.54 09.26 09.58 10.28 10.59 11.32 12.02 12.32 13.02 13.32 14.03 14.32 14.54 15.16 15.40 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 06.28 06.58 07.27 07.57 08.27 08.57 09.29 10.01 10.31 11.02 11.35 12.05 12.35 13.05 13.35 14.06 14.35 14.57 15.19 15.43 c r'? @{
Friday |Pc
Gold Souq Bus Station 15.15 15.35 15.59 16.19 16.40 17.04 17.25 17.48 18.08 18.28 18.49 19.10 19.34 19.52 20.18 20.58 21.28 21.57 22.27 22.57 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 15.21 15.41 16.05 16.25 16.46 17.13 17.33 17.56 18.16 18.37 18.59 19.29 19.53 20.12 20.39 21.07 21.35 22.04 22.34 23.04 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 15.23 15.43 16.06 16.26 16.47 17.15 17.35 17.58 18.18 18.39 19.01 19.31 19.55 20.14 20.41 21.09 21.37 22.06 22.36 23.06 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 15.24 15.44 16.08 16.28 16.49 17.17 17.38 18.01 18.21 18.42 19.04 19.34 19.58 20.17 20.44 21.12 21.40 22.09 22.39 23.08 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 15.26 15.46 16.11 16.31 16.52 17.21 17.41 18.04 18.24 18.46 19.08 19.38 20.01 20.21 20.47 21.15 21.44 22.13 22.43 23.11 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 15.28 15.48 16.12 16.32 16.53 17.22 17.43 18.06 18.26 18.47 19.09 19.39 20.03 20.23 20.49 21.17 21.46 22.15 22.45 23.13 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 15.30 15.50 16.14 16.34 16.55 17.24 17.45 18.08 18.28 18.48 19.10 19.40 20.06 20.25 20.52 21.20 21.49 22.18 22.48 23.15 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 15.31 15.51 16.16 16.36 16.57 17.26 17.46 18.09 18.29 18.50 19.12 19.42 20.08 20.28 20.54 21.22 21.52 22.21 22.51 23.18 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 15.33 15.53 16.18 16.38 16.59 17.28 17.48 18.11 18.31 18.52 19.14 19.44 20.10 20.30 20.56 21.24 21.53 22.22 22.52 23.19 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 15.34 15.54 16.18 16.38 16.59 17.28 17.49 18.12 18.32 18.52 19.14 19.44 20.11 20.30 20.57 21.25 21.54 22.23 22.53 23.20 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 15.36 15.56 16.21 16.41 17.02 17.31 17.51 18.14 18.34 18.54 19.16 19.46 20.13 20.32 20.59 21.27 21.56 22.25 22.55 23.22 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 15.37 15.57 16.22 16.42 17.03 17.32 17.52 18.15 18.35 18.56 19.18 19.48 20.14 20.33 21.00 21.28 21.57 22.26 22.56 23.23 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 15.38 15.58 16.22 16.42 17.03 17.32 17.53 18.16 18.36 18.56 19.18 19.48 20.14 20.34 21.00 21.28 21.58 22.27 22.57 23.23 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 15.39 15.59 16.24 16.44 17.05 17.34 17.54 18.17 18.38 18.58 19.20 19.50 20.16 20.36 21.02 21.30 22.00 22.29 22.59 23.25 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 15.40 16.00 16.24 16.44 17.05 17.34 17.55 18.18 18.39 18.59 19.21 19.51 20.17 20.37 21.03 21.31 22.01 22.30 23.00 23.26 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 15.40 16.00 16.25 16.45 17.06 17.35 17.55 18.18 18.39 19.00 19.22 19.52 20.18 20.37 21.04 21.32 22.01 22.30 23.00 23.27 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 15.41 16.01 16.26 16.46 17.07 17.36 17.56 18.19 18.40 19.01 19.23 19.53 20.19 20.38 21.05 21.33 22.03 22.32 23.02 23.28 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 15.42 16.02 16.26 16.46 17.07 17.36 17.57 18.20 18.41 19.01 19.23 19.53 20.19 20.39 21.06 21.34 22.04 22.33 23.02 23.29 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 15.43 16.03 16.27 16.47 17.08 17.37 17.58 18.21 18.42 19.03 19.25 19.55 20.21 20.40 21.08 21.36 22.06 22.35 23.04 23.30 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 15.43 16.03 16.28 16.48 17.09 17.38 17.58 18.21 18.43 19.03 19.25 19.55 20.21 20.41 21.09 21.37 22.06 22.35 23.04 23.31 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 15.44 16.04 16.29 16.49 17.10 17.39 17.59 18.22 18.44 19.04 19.26 19.56 20.22 20.42 21.10 21.39 22.08 22.37 23.06 23.32 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 15.45 16.05 16.30 16.50 17.11 17.40 18.00 18.23 18.45 19.06 19.28 19.58 20.24 20.43 21.12 21.41 22.10 22.39 23.08 23.34 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 15.48 16.07 16.32 16.52 17.13 17.42 18.02 18.25 18.48 19.08 19.30 20.00 20.27 20.46 21.15 21.44 22.13 22.42 23.10 23.37 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 15.51 16.10 16.34 16.54 17.15 17.44 18.05 18.28 18.50 19.11 19.33 20.02 20.28 20.48 21.17 21.45 22.15 22.44 23.12 23.38 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 15.51 16.10 16.35 16.55 17.16 17.45 18.05 18.28 18.51 19.11 19.33 20.02 20.29 20.48 21.17 21.46 22.15 22.44 23.12 23.39 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 15.52 16.11 16.36 16.56 17.17 17.46 18.06 18.29 18.52 19.12 19.34 20.03 20.30 20.49 21.18 21.47 22.16 22.45 23.13 23.40 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 15.53 16.12 16.37 16.57 17.18 17.47 18.07 18.30 18.53 19.13 19.35 20.04 20.31 20.50 21.19 21.48 22.17 22.46 23.14 23.41 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 15.53 16.13 16.38 16.58 17.19 17.48 18.08 18.31 18.54 19.14 19.36 20.05 20.32 20.51 21.20 21.49 22.18 22.47 23.15 23.42 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 15.54 16.14 16.39 16.59 17.20 17.49 18.09 18.32 18.55 19.15 19.37 20.06 20.33 20.52 21.21 21.50 22.19 22.48 23.16 23.42 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 15.56 16.17 16.42 17.02 17.23 17.52 18.12 18.35 18.58 19.18 19.40 20.09 20.36 20.55 21.24 21.52 22.21 22.50 23.18 23.44 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 15.58 16.19 16.44 17.04 17.25 17.54 18.14 18.37 19.00 19.20 19.42 20.11 20.38 20.57 21.26 21.54 22.23 22.52 23.20 23.46 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 16.00 16.21 16.46 17.06 17.27 17.56 18.16 18.39 19.03 19.23 19.45 20.12 20.39 20.58 21.27 21.55 22.24 22.53 23.21 23.47 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 16.04 16.25 16.50 17.10 17.31 18.00 18.20 18.43 19.09 19.29 19.51 20.15 20.42 21.01 21.30 21.58 22.27 22.56 23.23 23.50 c r'? @{
Gold Souq Bus Station - Qusais, Bus Station
13A c r'? @{ - Ec r'? @{
Friday |Pc
Gold Souq Bus Station 23.28 23.58 00.23 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 23.34 00.04 00.29 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 23.36 00.06 00.31 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 23.38 00.08 00.33 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 23.41 00.11 00.36 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 23.43 00.13 00.38 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 23.45 00.15 00.40 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 23.48 00.18 00.43 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 23.49 00.19 00.44 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 23.50 00.20 00.45 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 23.52 00.22 00.47 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 23.53 00.23 00.48 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 23.53 00.23 00.48 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 23.55 00.25 00.50 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 23.56 00.26 00.51 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 23.57 00.27 00.52 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 23.58 00.28 00.53 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 23.59 00.29 00.54 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 00.00 00.30 00.55 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 00.01 00.31 00.56 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 00.02 00.32 00.57 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 00.04 00.34 00.59 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 00.07 00.37 01.02 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 00.08 00.38 01.03 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 00.09 00.39 01.04 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 00.10 00.40 01.05 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 00.11 00.41 01.06 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 00.12 00.42 01.07 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 00.12 00.42 01.07 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 00.14 00.44 01.09 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 00.16 00.46 01.11 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 00.17 00.47 01.12 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 00.20 00.50 01.15 c r'? @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Gold Souq Bus Station 05.32 06.02 06.22 06.42 07.01 07.25 07.48 08.12 08.32 08.51 09.12 09.31 09.51 10.21 10.51 11.21 11.53 12.23 12.50 13.17 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 05.37 06.07 06.27 06.47 07.07 07.31 07.54 08.17 08.37 08.57 09.17 09.37 09.57 10.28 10.58 11.27 11.59 12.29 12.56 13.23 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 05.39 06.09 06.29 06.49 07.09 07.33 07.56 08.19 08.39 08.59 09.19 09.39 09.59 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.01 12.32 12.59 13.26 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 05.41 06.11 06.31 06.51 07.11 07.35 07.58 08.21 08.41 09.01 09.22 09.41 10.02 10.33 11.03 11.33 12.04 12.35 13.02 13.29 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 05.43 06.13 06.33 06.53 07.14 07.38 08.01 08.24 08.44 09.04 09.25 09.45 10.05 10.36 11.07 11.37 12.09 12.39 13.06 13.33 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 05.45 06.15 06.35 06.55 07.15 07.39 08.02 08.26 08.46 09.06 09.27 09.46 10.07 10.38 11.09 11.39 12.10 12.41 13.08 13.35 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 05.47 06.17 06.37 06.57 07.18 07.42 08.05 08.28 08.48 09.08 09.29 09.49 10.09 10.40 11.11 11.41 12.12 12.43 13.10 13.37 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 05.49 06.19 06.39 06.59 07.20 07.44 08.07 08.31 08.51 09.11 09.32 09.51 10.12 10.43 11.12 11.42 12.14 12.44 13.12 13.39 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 05.51 06.21 06.41 07.02 07.23 07.47 08.10 08.33 08.53 09.13 09.34 09.54 10.14 10.45 11.15 11.45 12.16 12.47 13.15 13.42 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 05.52 06.22 06.42 07.02 07.23 07.47 08.10 08.34 08.54 09.14 09.35 09.54 10.15 10.46 11.15 11.45 12.17 12.47 13.15 13.42 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 05.55 06.25 06.45 07.06 07.27 07.51 08.14 08.38 08.58 09.17 09.38 09.57 10.18 10.49 11.19 11.49 12.20 12.51 13.19 13.46 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 05.56 06.26 06.46 07.07 07.28 07.52 08.15 08.39 08.59 09.18 09.39 09.59 10.19 10.50 11.20 11.50 12.22 12.52 13.20 13.47 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 05.57 06.27 06.47 07.09 07.30 07.54 08.17 08.40 09.00 09.19 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.51 11.21 11.51 12.23 12.53 13.21 13.48 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 05.59 06.29 06.49 07.12 07.33 07.57 08.20 08.44 09.03 09.22 09.43 10.03 10.23 10.54 11.24 11.54 12.26 12.56 13.23 13.50 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 06.00 06.30 06.50 07.14 07.35 07.59 08.22 08.45 09.04 09.24 09.45 10.04 10.24 10.55 11.25 11.55 12.27 12.57 13.24 13.51 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 06.01 06.31 06.51 07.15 07.36 08.00 08.23 08.47 09.05 09.25 09.46 10.05 10.25 10.56 11.26 11.56 12.28 12.58 13.25 13.52 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 06.03 06.33 06.53 07.17 07.38 08.02 08.25 08.49 09.07 09.27 09.48 10.07 10.27 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.30 13.00 13.27 13.54 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 06.04 06.34 06.54 07.18 07.39 08.03 08.26 08.49 09.08 09.27 09.48 10.08 10.28 10.59 11.29 11.59 12.30 13.01 13.28 13.55 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 06.05 06.35 06.55 07.20 07.41 08.05 08.28 08.52 09.10 09.30 09.51 10.10 10.30 11.01 11.31 12.01 12.33 13.03 13.30 13.57 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 06.06 06.36 06.56 07.21 07.42 08.06 08.29 08.52 09.11 09.30 09.51 10.11 10.31 11.02 11.32 12.02 12.33 13.04 13.31 13.58 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 06.08 06.38 06.58 07.23 07.44 08.08 08.31 08.54 09.13 09.32 09.53 10.13 10.33 11.04 11.34 12.04 12.35 13.06 13.33 14.00 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 06.10 06.40 07.00 07.25 07.46 08.10 08.33 08.57 09.15 09.35 09.56 10.15 10.36 11.06 11.36 12.06 12.38 13.08 13.35 14.02 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 06.12 06.42 07.05 07.30 07.51 08.15 08.38 09.01 09.19 09.39 10.00 10.18 10.39 11.08 11.38 12.08 12.40 13.10 13.37 14.04 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 06.15 06.45 07.08 07.34 07.55 08.19 08.42 09.03 09.21 09.41 10.02 10.20 10.41 11.11 11.41 12.11 12.43 13.13 13.40 14.07 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 06.16 06.46 07.09 07.34 07.55 08.19 08.42 09.04 09.22 09.41 10.02 10.21 10.41 11.12 11.42 12.12 12.43 13.14 13.41 14.08 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 06.17 06.47 07.10 07.35 07.56 08.20 08.43 09.05 09.23 09.42 10.03 10.22 10.42 11.13 11.43 12.13 12.44 13.15 13.42 14.09 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 06.19 06.49 07.11 07.37 07.58 08.22 08.45 09.06 09.24 09.44 10.05 10.23 10.44 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.46 13.16 13.43 14.10 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 06.21 06.51 07.13 07.38 07.59 08.23 08.46 09.07 09.25 09.45 10.06 10.25 10.45 11.16 11.46 12.16 12.47 13.18 13.45 14.12 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 06.22 06.52 07.14 07.39 08.00 08.24 08.47 09.08 09.26 09.46 10.07 10.25 10.46 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.48 13.19 13.46 14.13 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 06.25 06.55 07.16 07.41 08.02 08.26 08.49 09.10 09.28 09.48 10.09 10.27 10.48 11.19 11.49 12.19 12.50 13.21 13.48 14.15 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 06.27 06.57 07.18 07.43 08.04 08.28 08.51 09.11 09.29 09.49 10.10 10.28 10.49 11.20 11.50 12.20 12.51 13.22 13.49 14.16 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 06.29 06.59 07.19 07.44 08.05 08.29 08.52 09.12 09.30 09.50 10.11 10.29 10.50 11.21 11.51 12.21 12.53 13.23 13.50 14.17 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 06.32 07.02 07.22 07.47 08.08 08.32 08.55 09.15 09.33 09.52 10.13 10.31 10.52 11.24 11.54 12.24 12.56 13.25 13.52 14.19 c r'? @{
Gold Souq Bus Station - Qusais, Bus Station
13A c r'? @{ - Ec r'? @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Gold Souq Bus Station 13.49 14.14 14.46 15.20 15.50 16.10 16.30 16.49 17.10 17.29 17.50 18.08 18.28 18.48 19.08 19.29 19.49 20.00 20.17 20.39 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 13.55 14.20 14.51 15.25 15.55 16.15 16.35 16.54 17.15 17.34 17.55 18.15 18.35 18.55 19.15 19.36 19.56 20.08 20.25 20.47 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 13.57 14.23 14.54 15.27 15.57 16.17 16.37 16.57 17.17 17.37 17.58 18.18 18.38 18.57 19.17 19.38 19.58 20.11 20.28 20.50 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 14.00 14.26 14.57 15.30 16.00 16.20 16.40 17.00 17.21 17.40 18.01 18.21 18.41 19.01 19.20 19.41 20.02 20.14 20.31 20.53 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 14.05 14.30 15.01 15.35 16.05 16.25 16.45 17.04 17.25 17.45 18.06 18.26 18.46 19.05 19.25 19.46 20.06 20.19 20.36 20.58 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 14.06 14.32 15.03 15.37 16.07 16.27 16.47 17.07 17.28 17.48 18.09 18.29 18.49 19.08 19.27 19.48 20.09 20.21 20.38 21.00 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 14.09 14.35 15.06 15.39 16.09 16.29 16.49 17.12 17.33 17.53 18.13 18.33 18.53 19.11 19.31 19.52 20.12 20.25 20.42 21.04 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 14.11 14.37 15.08 15.42 16.12 16.32 16.52 17.16 17.37 17.57 18.17 18.37 18.57 19.14 19.34 19.55 20.15 20.28 20.45 21.08 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 14.13 14.40 15.11 15.44 16.14 16.34 16.54 17.19 17.40 17.59 18.19 18.39 18.59 19.16 19.36 19.57 20.17 20.30 20.47 21.10 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 14.14 14.40 15.11 15.45 16.15 16.35 16.55 17.20 17.41 18.00 18.20 18.40 19.00 19.17 19.36 19.57 20.18 20.30 20.47 21.10 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 14.18 14.44 15.15 15.49 16.19 16.39 16.59 17.24 17.45 18.05 18.25 18.45 19.04 19.21 19.40 20.01 20.21 20.33 20.50 21.13 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 14.19 14.45 15.16 15.50 16.20 16.40 17.00 17.25 17.46 18.06 18.26 18.46 19.05 19.22 19.41 20.02 20.22 20.34 20.51 21.14 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 14.20 14.46 15.17 15.51 16.21 16.41 17.01 17.26 17.47 18.07 18.27 18.47 19.06 19.23 19.42 20.02 20.22 20.35 20.52 21.15 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 14.22 14.48 15.19 15.53 16.23 16.43 17.03 17.28 17.49 18.10 18.30 18.50 19.09 19.26 19.45 20.04 20.24 20.37 20.54 21.17 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 14.23 14.49 15.20 15.54 16.24 16.44 17.04 17.29 17.50 18.11 18.31 18.51 19.10 19.27 19.46 20.05 20.25 20.38 20.55 21.18 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 14.24 14.50 15.21 15.55 16.25 16.45 17.05 17.30 17.51 18.12 18.32 18.52 19.11 19.28 19.47 20.06 20.26 20.38 20.55 21.18 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 14.25 14.52 15.23 15.56 16.26 16.46 17.07 17.32 17.53 18.15 18.35 18.54 19.13 19.30 19.49 20.07 20.27 20.39 20.56 21.19 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 14.26 14.53 15.24 15.57 16.27 16.47 17.08 17.33 17.54 18.16 18.36 18.55 19.14 19.30 19.50 20.08 20.28 20.40 20.57 21.20 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 14.28 14.55 15.26 15.59 16.29 16.49 17.10 17.35 17.57 18.19 18.39 18.58 19.16 19.33 19.52 20.09 20.29 20.42 20.58 21.21 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 14.29 14.55 15.26 16.00 16.30 16.50 17.11 17.36 17.58 18.20 18.40 18.59 19.17 19.33 19.53 20.10 20.30 20.42 20.59 21.21 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 14.31 14.57 15.28 16.02 16.32 16.52 17.13 17.39 18.00 18.23 18.43 19.01 19.19 19.35 19.55 20.11 20.31 20.44 21.00 21.22 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 14.33 14.59 15.30 16.04 16.34 16.54 17.16 17.41 18.03 18.26 18.46 19.04 19.21 19.38 19.57 20.13 20.33 20.45 21.02 21.23 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 14.35 15.01 15.32 16.06 16.36 16.56 17.22 17.47 18.06 18.29 18.49 19.07 19.24 19.41 20.00 20.16 20.36 20.48 21.06 21.27 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 14.38 15.04 15.35 16.09 16.39 16.59 17.24 17.49 18.09 18.32 18.52 19.10 19.27 19.44 20.03 20.19 20.39 20.51 21.07 21.29 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 14.39 15.05 15.36 16.10 16.40 17.00 17.25 17.50 18.09 18.33 18.53 19.11 19.28 19.44 20.04 20.20 20.40 20.52 21.08 21.30 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 14.41 15.07 15.38 16.11 16.41 17.01 17.26 17.51 18.11 18.34 18.54 19.12 19.29 19.46 20.05 20.21 20.41 20.53 21.09 21.31 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 14.43 15.09 15.40 16.13 16.43 17.02 17.27 17.53 18.12 18.36 18.56 19.14 19.31 19.47 20.07 20.22 20.42 20.55 21.11 21.32 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 14.44 15.10 15.41 16.15 16.45 17.04 17.29 17.54 18.14 18.37 18.57 19.15 19.32 19.49 20.08 20.23 20.43 20.56 21.12 21.33 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 14.45 15.11 15.42 16.16 16.46 17.05 17.30 17.55 18.15 18.38 18.58 19.17 19.34 19.51 20.09 20.24 20.44 20.57 21.13 21.34 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 14.47 15.13 15.44 16.18 16.48 17.07 17.32 17.57 18.17 18.40 19.00 19.19 19.36 19.53 20.12 20.27 20.47 21.00 21.16 21.37 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 14.48 15.14 15.45 16.19 16.49 17.08 17.33 17.58 18.18 18.41 19.01 19.20 19.37 19.54 20.13 20.28 20.48 21.01 21.17 21.38 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 14.50 15.16 15.47 16.20 16.50 17.09 17.34 18.00 18.19 18.43 19.03 19.22 19.39 19.55 20.14 20.30 20.50 21.02 21.18 21.39 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 14.53 15.19 15.50 16.23 16.53 17.13 17.38 18.03 18.23 18.46 19.07 19.26 19.43 19.59 20.18 20.33 20.53 21.04 21.20 21.41 c r'? @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Gold Souq Bus Station 20.59 21.29 21.59 22.29 22.59 23.29 00.04 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 21.07 21.37 22.05 22.35 23.04 23.34 00.09 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 21.10 21.39 22.07 22.37 23.06 23.36 00.11 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 21.12 21.42 22.10 22.40 23.08 23.38 00.13 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 21.16 21.46 22.13 22.43 23.11 23.41 00.16 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 21.19 21.48 22.15 22.45 23.12 23.42 00.17 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 21.23 21.52 22.18 22.48 23.14 23.44 00.19 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 21.26 21.56 22.21 22.51 23.16 23.46 00.21 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 21.28 21.58 22.23 22.53 23.18 23.48 00.23 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 21.29 21.58 22.23 22.53 23.18 23.48 00.23 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 21.32 22.01 22.26 22.56 23.21 23.51 00.26 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 21.33 22.02 22.27 22.57 23.22 23.52 00.27 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 21.33 22.03 22.27 22.57 23.22 23.52 00.27 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 21.35 22.05 22.29 22.59 23.24 23.54 00.29 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 21.36 22.06 22.30 23.00 23.25 23.55 00.30 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 21.37 22.06 22.31 23.01 23.26 23.56 00.31 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 21.38 22.07 22.32 23.02 23.27 23.57 00.32 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 21.38 22.08 22.32 23.02 23.27 23.57 00.32 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 21.39 22.09 22.33 23.03 23.28 23.58 00.33 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 21.40 22.09 22.34 23.04 23.29 23.59 00.34 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 21.41 22.10 22.35 23.05 23.30 00.00 00.35 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 21.42 22.11 22.36 23.06 23.31 00.01 00.36 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 21.46 22.14 22.38 23.09 23.34 00.04 00.39 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 21.47 22.16 22.40 23.10 23.35 00.05 00.40 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 21.48 22.17 22.41 23.11 23.36 00.06 00.41 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 21.49 22.18 22.42 23.12 23.37 00.07 00.42 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 21.51 22.19 22.44 23.13 23.38 00.08 00.43 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 21.52 22.20 22.45 23.14 23.39 00.09 00.44 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 21.53 22.21 22.46 23.14 23.39 00.09 00.44 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 21.56 22.23 22.48 23.16 23.41 00.11 00.46 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 21.57 22.24 22.49 23.17 23.42 00.12 00.47 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 21.58 22.25 22.50 23.18 23.43 00.13 00.48 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 22.00 22.28 22.52 23.21 23.46 00.16 00.51 c r'? @{
Gold Souq Bus Station - Qusais, Bus Station
13A c r'? @{ - Ec r'? @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Gold Souq Bus Station 05.32 06.02 06.27 06.47 07.12 07.39 07.58 08.24 08.37 08.56 09.11 09.26 09.41 09.59 10.18 10.41 11.01 11.28 11.56 12.27 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 05.37 06.07 06.32 06.52 07.17 07.44 08.03 08.29 08.42 09.01 09.16 09.31 09.46 10.04 10.23 10.47 11.07 11.34 12.03 12.35 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 05.38 06.08 06.33 06.53 07.19 07.46 08.05 08.31 08.44 09.03 09.18 09.33 09.48 10.06 10.25 10.49 11.09 11.36 12.06 12.38 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 05.39 06.09 06.34 06.54 07.20 07.47 08.06 08.34 08.47 09.06 09.21 09.36 09.51 10.09 10.28 10.52 11.12 11.39 12.08 12.40 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 05.41 06.11 06.36 06.56 07.22 07.49 08.08 08.37 08.51 09.09 09.25 09.39 09.55 10.13 10.32 10.55 11.15 11.42 12.12 12.44 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 05.42 06.12 06.37 06.57 07.24 07.51 08.10 08.39 08.53 09.11 09.27 09.41 09.57 10.15 10.34 10.58 11.18 11.45 12.15 12.47 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 05.43 06.13 06.38 06.58 07.26 07.53 08.12 08.42 08.56 09.14 09.30 09.44 10.00 10.18 10.38 11.01 11.21 11.48 12.18 12.50 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 05.45 06.15 06.40 07.00 07.27 07.54 08.13 08.45 08.59 09.17 09.33 09.47 10.03 10.21 10.41 11.04 11.24 11.51 12.21 12.53 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 05.46 06.16 06.41 07.02 07.30 07.57 08.16 08.47 09.01 09.19 09.35 09.49 10.05 10.23 10.43 11.06 11.26 11.53 12.23 12.55 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 05.47 06.17 06.42 07.03 07.30 07.57 08.16 08.48 09.01 09.20 09.35 09.50 10.05 10.23 10.43 11.07 11.27 11.54 12.24 12.56 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 05.50 06.20 06.45 07.06 07.33 08.00 08.19 08.51 09.05 09.23 09.39 09.53 10.09 10.27 10.47 11.10 11.30 11.57 12.27 12.59 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 05.51 06.21 06.46 07.07 07.34 08.01 08.20 08.53 09.06 09.25 09.40 09.55 10.10 10.28 10.48 11.12 11.32 11.59 12.28 13.00 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 05.52 06.22 06.47 07.08 07.36 08.03 08.22 08.54 09.07 09.26 09.41 09.56 10.11 10.30 10.50 11.13 11.33 12.00 12.29 13.01 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 05.54 06.24 06.49 07.12 07.40 08.07 08.26 08.56 09.10 09.28 09.44 09.58 10.14 10.33 10.53 11.17 11.37 12.03 12.32 13.04 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 05.55 06.25 06.50 07.14 07.41 08.08 08.27 08.57 09.11 09.29 09.45 09.59 10.15 10.34 10.54 11.18 11.38 12.04 12.33 13.05 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 05.56 06.26 06.51 07.15 07.43 08.10 08.29 08.58 09.12 09.30 09.46 10.00 10.16 10.35 10.56 11.19 11.39 12.05 12.34 13.06 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 05.58 06.28 06.53 07.17 07.44 08.11 08.30 09.00 09.13 09.32 09.47 10.02 10.17 10.37 10.57 11.21 11.41 12.07 12.36 13.08 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 05.58 06.28 06.53 07.18 07.45 08.12 08.31 09.01 09.14 09.33 09.48 10.03 10.18 10.38 10.58 11.22 11.42 12.08 12.37 13.09 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 06.00 06.30 06.55 07.20 07.47 08.14 08.33 09.03 09.16 09.35 09.50 10.05 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.24 11.44 12.10 12.39 13.11 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 06.00 06.30 06.55 07.20 07.48 08.15 08.34 09.03 09.17 09.35 09.51 10.05 10.21 10.40 11.01 11.24 11.44 12.12 12.41 13.13 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 06.02 06.32 06.57 07.22 07.50 08.17 08.36 09.05 09.19 09.37 09.53 10.07 10.23 10.42 11.03 11.26 11.46 12.14 12.43 13.15 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 06.04 06.34 06.59 07.24 07.52 08.19 08.38 09.07 09.21 09.39 09.55 10.09 10.25 10.44 11.05 11.28 11.48 12.17 12.46 13.18 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 06.08 06.38 07.04 07.30 07.57 08.24 08.42 09.11 09.25 09.43 09.59 10.13 10.29 10.48 11.09 11.32 11.52 12.19 12.48 13.20 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 06.10 06.40 07.06 07.32 08.00 08.27 08.44 09.14 09.27 09.46 10.01 10.16 10.31 10.51 11.11 11.35 11.55 12.20 12.49 13.21 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 06.10 06.40 07.07 07.33 08.00 08.27 08.45 09.14 09.28 09.46 10.02 10.16 10.32 10.51 11.12 11.35 11.55 12.21 12.50 13.22 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 06.11 06.41 07.08 07.34 08.01 08.28 08.46 09.15 09.29 09.47 10.03 10.17 10.33 10.52 11.13 11.36 11.56 12.22 12.51 13.23 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 06.12 06.42 07.09 07.35 08.03 08.30 08.47 09.17 09.30 09.49 10.04 10.19 10.34 10.54 11.14 11.38 11.58 12.23 12.52 13.24 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 06.12 06.42 07.11 07.37 08.04 08.31 08.48 09.18 09.31 09.50 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.55 11.15 11.39 11.59 12.24 12.53 13.25 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 06.14 06.44 07.12 07.38 08.06 08.33 08.50 09.19 09.33 09.51 10.07 10.21 10.37 10.56 11.17 11.40 12.00 12.25 12.54 13.26 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 06.19 06.49 07.15 07.41 08.09 08.35 08.52 09.21 09.35 09.53 10.09 10.23 10.38 10.58 11.18 11.42 12.02 12.27 12.56 13.28 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 06.21 06.51 07.16 07.42 08.10 08.36 08.53 09.23 09.36 09.55 10.10 10.25 10.40 11.00 11.20 11.44 12.04 12.29 12.58 13.30 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 06.22 06.52 07.17 07.43 08.11 08.37 08.54 09.24 09.37 09.56 10.11 10.26 10.41 11.01 11.21 11.45 12.05 12.30 12.59 13.31 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 06.24 06.54 07.19 07.45 08.13 08.39 08.56 09.26 09.39 09.58 10.13 10.28 10.43 11.03 11.23 11.47 12.07 12.32 13.01 13.33 c r'? @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Gold Souq Bus Station 12.55 13.22 13.52 14.19 14.53 15.25 15.50 16.15 16.42 17.11 17.40 18.02 18.27 18.51 19.16 19.32 19.53 20.12 20.41 21.13 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 13.03 13.30 14.00 14.27 14.58 15.30 15.55 16.20 16.47 17.16 17.45 18.10 18.34 18.59 19.24 19.40 20.01 20.20 20.49 21.21 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 13.06 13.33 14.03 14.30 15.01 15.33 15.57 16.23 16.50 17.19 17.48 18.13 18.37 19.02 19.27 19.43 20.04 20.23 20.52 21.24 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 13.08 13.35 14.05 14.33 15.04 15.36 16.00 16.26 16.53 17.22 17.51 18.16 18.40 19.05 19.30 19.46 20.08 20.27 20.56 21.28 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 13.12 13.39 14.09 14.37 15.08 15.40 16.04 16.30 16.57 17.27 17.56 18.21 18.45 19.10 19.35 19.51 20.13 20.32 21.01 21.33 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 13.15 13.42 14.12 14.39 15.10 15.42 16.07 16.33 17.00 17.30 17.59 18.24 18.48 19.13 19.38 19.54 20.15 20.34 21.03 21.34 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 13.18 13.45 14.15 14.43 15.14 15.46 16.11 16.37 17.04 17.34 18.03 18.28 18.52 19.17 19.42 19.58 20.19 20.38 21.07 21.37 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 13.21 13.48 14.18 14.46 15.17 15.49 16.14 16.40 17.08 17.38 18.07 18.32 18.56 19.21 19.46 20.01 20.22 20.41 21.10 21.39 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 13.23 13.50 14.20 14.48 15.19 15.51 16.17 16.43 17.11 17.41 18.08 18.33 18.58 19.22 19.47 20.03 20.24 20.43 21.12 21.40 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 13.24 13.51 14.21 14.48 15.19 15.51 16.18 16.44 17.11 17.41 18.09 18.34 18.58 19.23 19.48 20.04 20.24 20.43 21.12 21.40 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 13.27 13.54 14.24 14.51 15.22 15.54 16.21 16.47 17.13 17.43 18.13 18.38 19.03 19.27 19.52 20.07 20.27 20.46 21.15 21.43 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 13.28 13.55 14.25 14.53 15.24 15.56 16.22 16.48 17.14 17.44 18.15 18.40 19.04 19.29 19.54 20.08 20.29 20.48 21.17 21.44 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 13.29 13.56 14.26 14.54 15.25 15.57 16.23 16.49 17.16 17.46 18.17 18.42 19.06 19.31 19.55 20.09 20.30 20.49 21.18 21.45 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 13.32 13.59 14.29 14.58 15.29 16.00 16.26 16.52 17.19 17.49 18.21 18.46 19.10 19.35 19.59 20.11 20.32 20.51 21.20 21.48 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 13.33 14.00 14.30 14.59 15.30 16.01 16.27 16.53 17.20 17.50 18.23 18.48 19.12 19.37 20.00 20.12 20.33 20.52 21.21 21.49 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 13.34 14.01 14.31 15.01 15.32 16.03 16.28 16.54 17.22 17.52 18.24 18.49 19.14 19.38 20.02 20.13 20.34 20.53 21.22 21.50 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 13.36 14.03 14.33 15.02 15.33 16.05 16.30 16.56 17.24 17.54 18.27 18.52 19.16 19.41 20.03 20.14 20.35 20.54 21.23 21.52 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 13.37 14.04 14.33 15.03 15.34 16.05 16.31 16.57 17.25 17.55 18.28 18.53 19.17 19.42 20.04 20.15 20.36 20.55 21.24 21.52 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 13.39 14.06 14.35 15.05 15.36 16.08 16.33 16.59 17.27 17.58 18.30 18.55 19.20 19.44 20.05 20.17 20.37 20.56 21.25 21.55 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 13.41 14.08 14.36 15.05 15.36 16.08 16.34 17.00 17.29 17.59 18.32 18.57 19.21 19.46 20.06 20.17 20.38 20.57 21.26 21.55 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 13.43 14.10 14.37 15.07 15.38 16.10 16.36 17.03 17.31 18.01 18.34 18.59 19.24 19.48 20.07 20.19 20.39 20.58 21.27 21.57 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 13.46 14.13 14.39 15.09 15.40 16.13 16.38 17.05 17.34 18.04 18.37 19.02 19.27 19.51 20.09 20.20 20.41 21.00 21.29 22.00 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 13.48 14.15 14.44 15.14 15.45 16.15 16.41 17.08 17.36 18.07 18.40 19.05 19.30 19.54 20.12 20.23 20.44 21.03 21.31 22.02 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 13.49 14.16 14.47 15.17 15.48 16.18 16.44 17.10 17.39 18.09 18.42 19.07 19.32 19.56 20.14 20.25 20.46 21.05 21.33 22.04 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 13.50 14.17 14.48 15.18 15.49 16.19 16.44 17.11 17.39 18.10 18.43 19.08 19.32 19.57 20.14 20.26 20.46 21.05 21.34 22.05 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 13.51 14.18 14.49 15.19 15.50 16.20 16.46 17.12 17.40 18.11 18.44 19.09 19.33 19.58 20.15 20.27 20.47 21.06 21.35 22.05 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 13.52 14.19 14.51 15.20 15.51 16.22 16.48 17.13 17.41 18.12 18.45 19.10 19.34 19.59 20.16 20.28 20.48 21.07 21.36 22.06 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 13.53 14.20 14.52 15.21 15.52 16.24 16.49 17.14 17.42 18.13 18.46 19.11 19.35 20.00 20.17 20.29 20.49 21.08 21.36 22.07 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 13.54 14.21 14.53 15.23 15.54 16.25 16.51 17.15 17.44 18.14 18.47 19.12 19.37 20.01 20.18 20.30 20.50 21.09 21.37 22.08 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 13.56 14.23 14.55 15.24 15.55 16.27 16.53 17.18 17.47 18.20 18.53 19.18 19.43 20.08 20.25 20.37 20.57 21.16 21.42 22.13 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 13.58 14.25 14.57 15.26 15.57 16.29 16.55 17.20 17.48 18.22 18.55 19.20 19.44 20.09 20.27 20.38 20.59 21.18 21.44 22.14 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 13.59 14.26 14.58 15.27 15.58 16.30 16.56 17.21 17.49 18.24 18.57 19.22 19.46 20.10 20.28 20.39 21.00 21.19 21.45 22.15 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 14.01 14.28 15.00 15.29 16.00 16.32 16.58 17.23 17.51 18.29 19.02 19.27 19.51 20.12 20.30 20.41 21.02 21.21 21.47 22.17 c r'? @{
Gold Souq Bus Station - Qusais, Bus Station
13A c r'? @{ - Ec r'? @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Gold Souq Bus Station 21.45 22.15 22.47 23.24 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 21.52 22.22 22.54 23.29 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 21.55 22.25 22.56 23.32 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 21.58 22.28 23.00 23.35 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 22.03 22.33 23.04 23.39 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 22.04 22.34 23.06 23.41 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 22.07 22.37 23.08 23.43 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 22.09 22.39 23.10 23.45 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 22.10 22.40 23.11 23.46 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 22.10 22.40 23.11 23.46 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 22.13 22.43 23.13 23.48 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 22.14 22.44 23.14 23.49 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 22.15 22.45 23.15 23.50 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 22.18 22.48 23.17 23.52 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 22.19 22.49 23.18 23.53 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 22.20 22.50 23.19 23.54 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 22.22 22.52 23.21 23.56 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 22.22 22.52 23.22 23.57 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 22.25 22.55 23.24 23.59 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 22.25 22.55 23.25 00.00 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 22.27 22.57 23.27 00.02 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 22.30 23.00 23.29 00.04 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 22.32 23.01 23.31 00.06 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 22.34 23.03 23.32 00.07 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 22.35 23.03 23.33 00.08 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 22.35 23.04 23.33 00.08 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 22.36 23.05 23.34 00.09 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 22.37 23.05 23.35 00.10 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 22.38 23.06 23.36 00.11 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 22.43 23.09 23.39 00.14 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 22.44 23.11 23.40 00.15 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 22.45 23.12 23.41 00.16 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 22.47 23.14 23.43 00.18 c r'? @{
Saturdays c
Gold Souq Bus Station 05.32 05.55 06.15 06.36 06.56 07.16 07.36 07.58 08.13 08.34 08.54 09.14 09.34 09.54 10.14 10.34 10.55 11.20 11.52 12.23 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 05.36 05.59 06.19 06.40 07.00 07.20 07.40 08.02 08.18 08.39 08.59 09.19 09.39 09.59 10.20 10.40 11.01 11.29 12.00 12.31 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 05.37 06.00 06.20 06.41 07.02 07.22 07.42 08.04 08.20 08.41 09.01 09.21 09.41 10.01 10.22 10.42 11.03 11.31 12.03 12.34 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 05.38 06.02 06.22 06.42 07.04 07.24 07.44 08.06 08.22 08.43 09.03 09.23 09.43 10.04 10.25 10.45 11.06 11.34 12.07 12.38 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 05.40 06.03 06.23 06.44 07.07 07.27 07.47 08.09 08.25 08.46 09.06 09.26 09.46 10.07 10.28 10.48 11.10 11.37 12.12 12.43 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 05.41 06.04 06.24 06.45 07.08 07.28 07.48 08.10 08.26 08.47 09.07 09.27 09.47 10.09 10.30 10.50 11.12 11.39 12.14 12.45 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 05.42 06.06 06.26 06.46 07.09 07.29 07.49 08.12 08.28 08.49 09.09 09.28 09.48 10.11 10.32 10.52 11.14 11.42 12.17 12.48 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 05.44 06.07 06.27 06.48 07.11 07.31 07.51 08.13 08.29 08.50 09.10 09.30 09.50 10.12 10.33 10.53 11.17 11.44 12.19 12.50 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 05.46 06.09 06.29 06.50 07.13 07.33 07.53 08.15 08.31 08.52 09.12 09.32 09.52 10.14 10.35 10.55 11.19 11.46 12.22 12.53 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 05.46 06.10 06.30 06.50 07.13 07.33 07.53 08.16 08.32 08.53 09.13 09.32 09.52 10.15 10.36 10.56 11.19 11.47 12.22 12.53 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 05.48 06.12 06.32 06.52 07.15 07.35 07.55 08.18 08.34 08.55 09.15 09.34 09.54 10.17 10.38 10.58 11.21 11.49 12.24 12.55 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 05.49 06.13 06.33 06.53 07.16 07.36 07.56 08.19 08.35 08.56 09.16 09.35 09.55 10.18 10.39 10.59 11.23 11.50 12.26 12.57 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 05.50 06.13 06.33 06.54 07.17 07.37 07.57 08.20 08.36 08.57 09.17 09.36 09.56 10.18 10.39 10.59 11.23 11.51 12.26 12.57 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 05.51 06.14 06.34 06.55 07.19 07.39 07.59 08.22 08.38 08.59 09.19 09.38 09.58 10.20 10.41 11.01 11.25 11.53 12.28 12.59 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 05.51 06.14 06.34 06.55 07.20 07.40 08.00 08.23 08.39 09.00 09.20 09.39 09.59 10.21 10.42 11.02 11.26 11.54 12.29 13.00 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 05.51 06.15 06.35 06.55 07.20 07.40 08.00 08.24 08.40 09.01 09.21 09.40 10.00 10.22 10.43 11.03 11.27 11.54 12.30 13.01 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 05.52 06.16 06.36 06.57 07.22 07.42 08.02 08.25 08.41 09.02 09.22 09.42 10.02 10.24 10.45 11.05 11.29 11.56 12.32 13.03 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 05.53 06.17 06.37 06.57 07.22 07.42 08.02 08.26 08.42 09.03 09.23 09.42 10.03 10.25 10.46 11.06 11.30 11.57 12.33 13.04 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 05.55 06.18 06.38 06.59 07.24 07.44 08.04 08.28 08.44 09.05 09.25 09.44 10.05 10.27 10.48 11.08 11.32 12.00 12.35 13.06 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 05.55 06.19 06.39 06.59 07.25 07.45 08.05 08.28 08.44 09.05 09.25 09.45 10.06 10.28 10.49 11.09 11.33 12.01 12.37 13.08 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 05.57 06.20 06.40 07.01 07.26 07.46 08.06 08.30 08.46 09.07 09.27 09.46 10.09 10.30 10.51 11.11 11.35 12.03 12.39 13.10 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 05.58 06.22 06.42 07.03 07.28 07.48 08.08 08.32 08.48 09.09 09.29 09.48 10.11 10.33 10.54 11.14 11.38 12.06 12.42 13.13 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 06.00 06.24 06.44 07.06 07.31 07.51 08.11 08.34 08.50 09.11 09.31 09.51 10.14 10.35 10.56 11.17 11.41 12.09 12.45 13.16 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 06.01 06.25 06.45 07.08 07.33 07.53 08.13 08.36 08.52 09.13 09.33 09.53 10.16 10.37 10.58 11.19 11.43 12.12 12.48 13.19 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 06.02 06.25 06.45 07.08 07.34 07.54 08.13 08.37 08.53 09.14 09.34 09.53 10.16 10.38 10.59 11.20 11.44 12.13 12.49 13.20 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 06.02 06.26 06.46 07.09 07.34 07.54 08.14 08.37 08.53 09.14 09.34 09.54 10.17 10.39 11.00 11.20 11.44 12.14 12.50 13.21 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 06.03 06.27 06.47 07.10 07.35 07.55 08.15 08.38 08.54 09.15 09.35 09.55 10.18 10.40 11.00 11.21 11.45 12.15 12.51 13.22 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 06.04 06.27 06.47 07.10 07.36 07.56 08.15 08.39 08.55 09.16 09.36 09.55 10.19 10.41 11.01 11.22 11.46 12.16 12.52 13.23 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 06.05 06.28 06.48 07.11 07.37 07.57 08.16 08.40 08.56 09.17 09.37 09.56 10.20 10.42 11.02 11.23 11.47 12.17 12.53 13.24 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 06.08 06.31 06.51 07.13 07.39 07.59 08.18 08.41 08.57 09.18 09.38 09.58 10.22 10.43 11.04 11.24 11.48 12.18 12.54 13.25 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 06.09 06.33 06.53 07.15 07.40 08.00 08.19 08.43 08.59 09.20 09.40 09.59 10.23 10.45 11.05 11.26 11.50 12.20 12.56 13.27 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 06.10 06.34 06.54 07.16 07.41 08.01 08.20 08.44 09.00 09.21 09.41 10.00 10.24 10.46 11.06 11.27 11.51 12.21 12.57 13.28 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 06.12 06.36 06.56 07.18 07.43 08.03 08.22 08.46 09.02 09.23 09.43 10.02 10.26 10.48 11.08 11.29 11.53 12.23 12.59 13.30 c r'? @{
Gold Souq Bus Station - Qusais, Bus Station
13A c r'? @{ - Ec r'? @{
Saturdays c
Gold Souq Bus Station 12.53 13.20 13.47 14.17 14.43 15.15 15.46 16.24 16.55 17.26 17.52 18.16 18.38 18.56 19.17 19.36 19.55 20.07 20.27 20.43 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 13.01 13.28 13.55 14.25 14.50 15.23 15.52 16.30 17.01 17.32 18.00 18.26 18.48 19.06 19.27 19.45 20.03 20.16 20.35 20.51 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 13.04 13.31 13.58 14.28 14.53 15.25 15.54 16.33 17.03 17.35 18.03 18.29 18.51 19.09 19.29 19.47 20.06 20.18 20.38 20.54 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 13.08 13.35 14.02 14.31 14.56 15.28 15.57 16.36 17.06 17.38 18.07 18.33 18.55 19.12 19.33 19.50 20.09 20.21 20.41 20.57 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 13.13 13.40 14.07 14.36 15.00 15.33 16.02 16.40 17.11 17.43 18.12 18.38 19.00 19.17 19.37 19.55 20.13 20.26 20.45 21.01 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 13.15 13.42 14.09 14.38 15.02 15.34 16.03 16.42 17.13 17.45 18.15 18.40 19.02 19.20 19.39 19.57 20.15 20.28 20.47 21.03 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 13.17 13.44 14.11 14.40 15.05 15.36 16.05 16.45 17.16 17.48 18.19 18.44 19.06 19.24 19.42 20.00 20.18 20.31 20.50 21.05 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 13.20 13.47 14.14 14.43 15.07 15.38 16.07 16.48 17.19 17.51 18.22 18.48 19.10 19.27 19.45 20.03 20.21 20.34 20.53 21.07 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 13.22 13.49 14.16 14.44 15.09 15.39 16.08 16.51 17.21 17.54 18.24 18.50 19.12 19.29 19.47 20.05 20.23 20.36 20.55 21.09 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 13.23 13.50 14.17 14.45 15.09 15.40 16.09 16.51 17.22 17.55 18.25 18.50 19.12 19.30 19.48 20.05 20.24 20.36 20.56 21.10 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 13.25 13.52 14.19 14.47 15.11 15.42 16.11 16.53 17.24 17.57 18.27 18.52 19.14 19.32 19.50 20.07 20.26 20.38 20.58 21.12 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 13.26 13.53 14.20 14.47 15.12 15.42 16.11 16.55 17.25 17.58 18.28 18.53 19.15 19.32 19.50 20.08 20.26 20.39 20.58 21.13 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 13.27 13.54 14.21 14.48 15.13 15.43 16.12 16.56 17.26 17.59 18.29 18.54 19.16 19.33 19.51 20.08 20.27 20.39 20.59 21.14 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 13.29 13.56 14.23 14.50 15.15 15.45 16.14 16.59 17.29 18.01 18.31 18.56 19.18 19.35 19.53 20.10 20.29 20.41 21.01 21.16 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 13.30 13.57 14.24 14.51 15.16 15.46 16.15 17.00 17.30 18.02 18.32 18.57 19.19 19.36 19.54 20.11 20.30 20.42 21.02 21.17 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 13.30 13.57 14.24 14.52 15.17 15.47 16.16 17.01 17.31 18.03 18.33 18.58 19.20 19.36 19.54 20.12 20.30 20.43 21.02 21.17 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 13.32 13.59 14.26 14.54 15.18 15.49 16.18 17.03 17.33 18.05 18.35 19.00 19.22 19.38 19.56 20.13 20.32 20.44 21.03 21.18 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 13.33 14.00 14.27 14.55 15.19 15.49 16.18 17.03 17.34 18.06 18.36 19.01 19.23 19.38 19.56 20.14 20.32 20.45 21.04 21.19 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 13.36 14.03 14.29 14.57 15.21 15.51 16.20 17.06 17.36 18.08 18.38 19.03 19.25 19.40 19.58 20.16 20.34 20.47 21.05 21.20 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 13.37 14.04 14.30 14.57 15.22 15.52 16.21 17.06 17.37 18.10 18.40 19.04 19.25 19.41 19.59 20.16 20.35 20.47 21.06 21.21 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 13.39 14.06 14.32 14.59 15.24 15.53 16.22 17.08 17.39 18.12 18.42 19.05 19.27 19.42 20.00 20.18 20.36 20.49 21.07 21.22 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 13.42 14.09 14.35 15.01 15.26 15.55 16.24 17.11 17.41 18.15 18.45 19.08 19.29 19.44 20.02 20.20 20.38 20.51 21.08 21.23 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 13.46 14.13 14.38 15.05 15.29 15.58 16.27 17.14 17.44 18.18 18.48 19.11 19.32 19.47 20.05 20.23 20.41 20.54 21.11 21.26 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 13.48 14.15 14.42 15.09 15.33 16.02 16.31 17.18 17.47 18.21 18.51 19.13 19.35 19.50 20.08 20.26 20.44 20.57 21.12 21.27 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 13.49 14.16 14.43 15.09 15.34 16.03 16.32 17.19 17.48 18.21 18.51 19.13 19.36 19.51 20.09 20.26 20.45 20.57 21.13 21.28 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 13.50 14.17 14.44 15.10 15.35 16.04 16.33 17.20 17.49 18.22 18.52 19.14 19.37 19.52 20.10 20.27 20.46 20.58 21.14 21.29 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 13.51 14.18 14.45 15.11 15.36 16.05 16.34 17.21 17.50 18.23 18.53 19.15 19.38 19.53 20.11 20.28 20.47 20.59 21.15 21.30 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 13.52 14.19 14.46 15.12 15.37 16.06 16.35 17.22 17.51 18.24 18.54 19.16 19.39 19.54 20.12 20.29 20.48 21.00 21.16 21.31 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 13.53 14.20 14.47 15.13 15.38 16.07 16.36 17.23 17.52 18.25 18.55 19.17 19.39 19.54 20.12 20.30 20.48 21.01 21.17 21.32 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 13.55 14.22 14.48 15.15 15.40 16.09 16.44 17.30 17.59 18.32 19.02 19.24 19.45 20.00 20.15 20.33 20.51 21.02 21.18 21.33 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 13.56 14.23 14.50 15.16 15.42 16.11 16.45 17.32 18.00 18.33 19.03 19.25 19.47 20.02 20.17 20.34 20.53 21.04 21.19 21.34 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 13.57 14.24 14.51 15.17 15.43 16.12 16.46 17.33 18.02 18.35 19.05 19.27 19.48 20.03 20.18 20.35 20.54 21.05 21.20 21.35 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 13.59 14.26 14.53 15.19 15.45 16.14 16.49 17.37 18.06 18.39 19.09 19.31 19.51 20.06 20.21 20.38 20.57 21.07 21.22 21.37 c r'? @{
Saturdays c
Gold Souq Bus Station 21.03 21.29 21.55 22.27 22.59 23.29 00.04 Ec r'? @{
Naif Intersection 21.11 21.37 22.03 22.34 23.05 23.35 00.10 & 
Burj Nahar, Intersection 21.13 21.39 22.05 22.35 23.07 23.37 00.12 F Q 
Al Nakhal 1 21.16 21.42 22.08 22.37 23.09 23.39 00.14 1 b_c
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 21.19 21.45 22.12 22.40 23.11 23.41 00.16 $c Ar { @{
Reef Mall 21.21 21.47 22.13 22.41 23.13 23.43 00.18 &c V{
Muraqqabat, Police Station 21.23 21.49 22.16 22.43 23.15 23.45 00.20 |c V{
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 21.25 21.51 22.18 22.45 23.16 23.46 00.21 1 $c W  { @{
Stop 1
Dubai Scout Mission 21.27 21.53 22.20 22.46 23.18 23.48 00.23 % 'V !({
Al Jadeed Bakery 21.28 21.54 22.20 22.47 23.18 23.48 00.23 $$Pc _|c
Ahli Club 21.30 21.56 22.22 22.49 23.20 23.50 00.25 dEs %c
Stadium Metro Bus Stop 21.31 21.57 22.24 22.50 23.21 23.51 00.26 %u { @{
Ministry of Information 21.32 21.58 22.24 22.50 23.22 23.52 00.27 }ru 
Sheikh Rashid Colony 21.34 22.00 22.26 22.52 23.23 23.53 00.28 c - $ ]c V{
Emirates Driving Institute 21.35 22.01 22.27 22.52 23.24 23.54 00.29 %c zdc {u $F{
Ministry Of Human Resources & 21.35 22.01 22.28 22.53 23.24 23.54 00.29 c c %|c 
Joyalukkas warehouse, Doha 21.36 22.02 22.29 22.54 23.25 23.55 00.30 ?$c  Vc O %{
Arabian Factory, Doha Road 21.37 22.03 22.29 22.54 23.26 23.56 00.31 ?$c  c |c
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 21.38 22.04 22.30 22.55 23.27 23.57 00.32 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 21.39 22.05 22.31 22.56 23.27 23.57 00.32 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
MAN Motors 21.40 22.06 22.32 22.57 23.28 23.58 00.33 V@|dc {
Galadari Driving School 21.41 22.07 22.33 22.58 23.29 23.59 00.34 c zdc $dV $F{
Qusais, Eppco Vehicle Inspection 21.44 22.10 22.35 23.00 23.31 00.01 00.36 c dc (c @(c W
Russian International School 21.45 22.11 22.37 23.01 23.33 00.03 00.38 c$c c $|c
Emirates Housing 21.46 22.12 22.37 23.02 23.33 00.03 00.38 {s  V{
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 21.47 22.13 22.38 23.03 23.34 00.04 00.39 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Lebenese Private School 1 21.48 22.14 22.40 23.04 23.36 00.06 00.41 1 dc _c $|c
Public Transport Agency 21.49 22.15 22.41 23.05 23.37 00.07 00.42 {c r|c {
Dubai Transport, Main Office 21.50 22.16 22.41 23.06 23.37 00.07 00.42 c W|c r|dc %
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 21.51 22.17 22.42 23.07 23.38 00.08 00.43 %c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 21.52 22.18 22.44 23.08 23.40 00.10 00.45 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 21.53 22.19 22.44 23.09 23.40 00.10 00.45 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Bus Station 21.55 22.21 22.46 23.10 23.42 00.12 00.47 c r'? @{
Qusais, Bus Station - Gold Souq Bus Station
13A Ec r'? @{ - c r'? @{
Friday |Pc
Qusais, Bus Station 05.20 05.50 06.20 06.50 07.20 07.50 08.20 08.50 09.20 09.50 10.20 10.50 11.20 11.50 12.20 12.50 13.20 13.50 14.10 14.30 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 05.22 05.52 06.22 06.52 07.22 07.52 08.22 08.52 09.22 09.52 10.22 10.52 11.22 11.52 12.22 12.52 13.22 13.52 14.12 14.32 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 05.23 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.23 07.53 08.23 08.53 09.23 09.53 10.23 10.53 11.23 11.53 12.23 12.53 13.23 13.53 14.13 14.33 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 05.30 06.00 06.30 07.00 07.30 08.00 08.30 09.00 09.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 13.00 13.30 14.00 14.20 14.40 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 05.32 06.02 06.32 07.02 07.32 08.02 08.32 09.02 09.32 10.02 10.32 11.02 11.32 12.02 12.32 13.02 13.32 14.02 14.22 14.42 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 05.33 06.03 06.33 07.03 07.33 08.03 08.33 09.03 09.33 10.03 10.33 11.03 11.33 12.03 12.33 13.03 13.33 14.03 14.23 14.43 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 05.34 06.04 06.34 07.04 07.34 08.04 08.34 09.04 09.34 10.04 10.34 11.04 11.34 12.04 12.34 13.04 13.34 14.04 14.24 14.44 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 05.34 06.04 06.34 07.04 07.34 08.04 08.34 09.04 09.34 10.04 10.34 11.04 11.34 12.04 12.34 13.04 13.34 14.04 14.24 14.44 {s  V{
Russian International School 05.35 06.05 06.35 07.05 07.35 08.05 08.35 09.05 09.35 10.05 10.35 11.05 11.35 12.05 12.35 13.05 13.35 14.05 14.25 14.45 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 05.39 06.09 06.39 07.09 07.39 08.09 08.39 09.09 09.39 10.10 10.40 11.10 11.40 12.10 12.40 13.10 13.40 14.10 14.30 14.50 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 05.40 06.10 06.40 07.10 07.40 08.10 08.40 09.10 09.40 10.11 10.41 11.11 11.41 12.11 12.41 13.11 13.41 14.11 14.31 14.51 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 05.41 06.11 06.41 07.11 07.41 08.11 08.41 09.11 09.41 10.13 10.43 11.13 11.43 12.13 12.43 13.13 13.43 14.13 14.33 14.53 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 05.42 06.12 06.42 07.12 07.42 08.12 08.42 09.12 09.42 10.13 10.43 11.13 11.43 12.13 12.43 13.13 13.43 14.13 14.33 14.53 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 05.43 06.13 06.43 07.13 07.43 08.13 08.43 09.13 09.43 10.15 10.45 11.15 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.15 13.45 14.15 14.35 14.55 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 05.45 06.15 06.45 07.15 07.45 08.15 08.45 09.15 09.45 10.17 10.47 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.47 13.17 13.47 14.17 14.37 14.57 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 05.46 06.16 06.46 07.16 07.46 08.16 08.46 09.16 09.46 10.18 10.48 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.48 13.18 13.48 14.18 14.38 14.58 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 05.46 06.16 06.46 07.16 07.46 08.16 08.46 09.16 09.46 10.18 10.48 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.48 13.18 13.48 14.18 14.38 14.58 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 05.47 06.17 06.47 07.17 07.47 08.17 08.47 09.17 09.47 10.19 10.49 11.19 11.49 12.19 12.49 13.19 13.49 14.19 14.39 14.59 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 05.47 06.17 06.47 07.17 07.47 08.17 08.47 09.17 09.47 10.20 10.50 11.20 11.50 12.20 12.50 13.20 13.50 14.20 14.40 15.00 }ru 
Ahli Club 05.49 06.19 06.49 07.19 07.49 08.19 08.49 09.19 09.49 10.22 10.52 11.22 11.52 12.22 12.52 13.22 13.52 14.22 14.42 15.02 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.23 07.53 08.23 08.53 09.23 09.53 10.26 10.56 11.26 11.56 12.26 12.56 13.26 13.56 14.28 14.48 15.08 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 05.54 06.24 06.54 07.24 07.54 08.24 08.54 09.24 09.54 10.27 10.57 11.27 11.57 12.27 12.57 13.27 13.57 14.28 14.48 15.08 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 05.55 06.25 06.55 07.25 07.55 08.25 08.55 09.25 09.55 10.28 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.58 14.29 14.49 15.09 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 05.55 06.25 06.55 07.25 07.55 08.25 08.55 09.25 09.55 10.28 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.58 14.30 14.50 15.10 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 05.56 06.26 06.56 07.26 07.56 08.26 08.56 09.26 09.56 10.29 10.59 11.29 11.59 12.29 12.59 13.29 14.00 14.31 14.51 15.11 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 05.57 06.27 06.57 07.27 07.57 08.27 08.57 09.27 09.57 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 13.00 13.30 14.00 14.32 14.52 15.12 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 05.57 06.27 06.57 07.27 07.57 08.27 08.57 09.27 09.57 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 13.00 13.30 14.01 14.33 14.53 15.13 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 05.58 06.28 06.58 07.28 07.58 08.28 08.58 09.28 09.58 10.31 11.01 11.31 12.01 12.31 13.01 13.31 14.02 14.34 14.54 15.14 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 05.59 06.29 06.59 07.29 07.59 08.29 08.59 09.29 09.59 10.32 11.02 11.32 12.02 12.32 13.02 13.32 14.02 14.34 14.54 15.14 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 05.59 06.29 06.59 07.29 07.59 08.29 08.59 09.29 09.59 10.32 11.02 11.32 12.02 12.32 13.02 13.32 14.03 14.35 14.55 15.15 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 06.01 06.31 07.01 07.31 08.01 08.31 09.01 09.31 10.01 10.34 11.04 11.34 12.04 12.34 13.04 13.34 14.06 14.38 14.58 15.18 F Q 
Naif Intersection 06.02 06.32 07.02 07.32 08.02 08.32 09.02 09.32 10.02 10.35 11.05 11.35 12.05 12.35 13.05 13.35 14.07 14.39 14.59 15.19 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 06.06 06.36 07.06 07.36 08.06 08.36 09.06 09.36 10.07 10.40 11.10 11.40 12.10 12.40 13.10 13.40 14.11 14.43 15.03 15.23 Ec r'? @{
Friday |Pc
Qusais, Bus Station 14.50 15.10 15.30 15.52 16.10 16.30 16.50 17.10 17.30 17.50 18.10 18.30 18.50 19.10 19.30 19.50 20.10 20.30 20.53 21.15 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 14.52 15.12 15.32 15.54 16.12 16.33 16.53 17.13 17.33 17.53 18.13 18.33 18.53 19.13 19.34 19.54 20.14 20.34 20.57 21.18 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 14.53 15.13 15.33 15.55 16.13 16.35 16.55 17.15 17.35 17.55 18.15 18.35 18.55 19.15 19.36 19.56 20.16 20.36 20.59 21.19 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 15.00 15.20 15.40 16.02 16.20 16.43 17.03 17.23 17.43 18.03 18.23 18.45 19.05 19.25 19.42 20.02 20.22 20.42 21.04 21.24 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 15.02 15.22 15.43 16.05 16.23 16.46 17.06 17.26 17.46 18.06 18.26 18.48 19.08 19.28 19.45 20.05 20.25 20.45 21.07 21.27 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 15.03 15.23 15.44 16.06 16.24 16.47 17.07 17.27 17.47 18.07 18.27 18.49 19.09 19.29 19.46 20.06 20.26 20.46 21.08 21.28 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 15.04 15.24 15.45 16.07 16.25 16.47 17.07 17.27 17.47 18.07 18.27 18.49 19.09 19.29 19.46 20.06 20.26 20.46 21.08 21.29 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 15.04 15.24 15.45 16.07 16.25 16.48 17.08 17.28 17.48 18.08 18.28 18.50 19.10 19.30 19.47 20.07 20.27 20.47 21.09 21.29 {s  V{
Russian International School 15.05 15.25 15.46 16.08 16.26 16.49 17.09 17.29 17.49 18.09 18.29 18.51 19.11 19.30 19.47 20.07 20.27 20.47 21.09 21.30 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 15.10 15.30 15.51 16.13 16.31 16.54 17.14 17.34 17.54 18.14 18.34 18.56 19.16 19.35 19.52 20.12 20.32 20.52 21.12 21.33 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 15.11 15.31 15.52 16.14 16.33 16.56 17.16 17.36 17.56 18.16 18.36 18.58 19.18 19.36 19.53 20.13 20.33 20.53 21.14 21.35 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 15.13 15.33 15.54 16.16 16.34 16.57 17.17 17.37 17.57 18.17 18.38 19.00 19.20 19.38 19.55 20.15 20.35 20.55 21.16 21.36 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 15.13 15.33 15.54 16.16 16.35 16.58 17.18 17.38 17.58 18.18 18.39 19.01 19.21 19.38 19.55 20.15 20.35 20.55 21.16 21.37 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 15.15 15.35 15.56 16.18 16.36 16.59 17.19 17.39 17.59 18.19 18.41 19.03 19.23 19.40 19.57 20.17 20.37 20.57 21.18 21.38 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 15.17 15.37 15.58 16.20 16.39 17.02 17.22 17.42 18.02 18.22 18.44 19.06 19.26 19.42 19.59 20.19 20.39 20.59 21.20 21.41 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 15.18 15.38 15.59 16.21 16.40 17.03 17.23 17.43 18.03 18.23 18.45 19.07 19.27 19.43 20.00 20.20 20.40 21.00 21.21 21.42 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 15.18 15.38 15.59 16.21 16.40 17.03 17.23 17.43 18.03 18.23 18.45 19.07 19.27 19.43 20.00 20.20 20.40 21.00 21.21 21.42 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 15.19 15.39 16.00 16.22 16.41 17.04 17.24 17.44 18.04 18.24 18.46 19.08 19.28 19.44 20.01 20.21 20.41 21.01 21.22 21.43 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 15.20 15.40 16.01 16.23 16.42 17.05 17.25 17.45 18.05 18.25 18.48 19.10 19.30 19.46 20.03 20.23 20.43 21.02 21.24 21.44 }ru 
Ahli Club 15.22 15.42 16.03 16.25 16.45 17.08 17.28 17.48 18.08 18.28 18.51 19.13 19.33 19.49 20.06 20.26 20.46 21.05 21.26 21.47 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 15.28 15.48 16.09 16.31 16.52 17.15 17.35 17.55 18.15 18.35 18.59 19.21 19.41 19.57 20.14 20.34 20.54 21.15 21.36 21.57 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 15.28 15.48 16.09 16.31 16.52 17.15 17.35 17.55 18.15 18.36 18.59 19.21 19.41 19.57 20.14 20.34 20.54 21.15 21.37 21.57 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 15.29 15.49 16.10 16.32 16.53 17.16 17.36 17.56 18.16 18.36 19.00 19.22 19.42 19.58 20.15 20.35 20.55 21.17 21.38 21.59 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 15.30 15.50 16.11 16.32 16.53 17.16 17.36 17.56 18.16 18.37 19.00 19.22 19.43 19.59 20.16 20.36 20.56 21.17 21.39 21.59 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 15.31 15.51 16.12 16.34 16.55 17.18 17.38 17.58 18.18 18.38 19.02 19.24 19.44 20.00 20.17 20.37 20.57 21.19 21.41 22.01 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 15.31 15.51 16.12 16.35 16.56 17.19 17.39 17.59 18.19 18.39 19.03 19.25 19.45 20.01 20.18 20.38 20.58 21.20 21.42 22.02 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 15.32 15.52 16.13 16.35 16.56 17.19 17.39 17.59 18.19 18.40 19.03 19.25 19.46 20.02 20.19 20.39 20.59 21.21 21.42 22.03 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 15.33 15.53 16.14 16.36 16.57 17.20 17.40 18.00 18.20 18.41 19.04 19.26 19.47 20.03 20.20 20.40 21.00 21.22 21.44 22.04 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 15.33 15.53 16.14 16.37 16.58 17.21 17.41 18.01 18.21 18.41 19.05 19.27 19.47 20.03 20.20 20.40 21.00 21.23 21.44 22.05 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 15.35 15.55 16.16 16.39 17.00 17.23 17.43 18.03 18.23 18.43 19.07 19.29 19.49 20.05 20.22 20.42 21.02 21.25 21.46 22.07 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 15.40 16.00 16.21 16.43 17.04 17.27 17.47 18.07 18.27 18.48 19.11 19.33 19.54 20.10 20.27 20.47 21.06 21.29 21.50 22.11 F Q 
Naif Intersection 15.41 16.01 16.22 16.45 17.06 17.29 17.49 18.09 18.29 18.50 19.13 19.35 19.56 20.12 20.29 20.49 21.08 21.30 21.52 22.12 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 15.47 16.07 16.28 16.52 17.13 17.36 17.56 18.16 18.37 18.58 19.22 19.40 20.01 20.17 20.34 20.54 21.13 21.35 21.57 22.17 Ec r'? @{
Qusais, Bus Station - Gold Souq Bus Station
13A Ec r'? @{ - c r'? @{
Friday |Pc
Qusais, Bus Station 21.40 22.10 22.40 23.10 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 21.43 22.13 22.43 23.13 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 21.44 22.14 22.44 23.14 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 21.49 22.19 22.49 23.19 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 21.52 22.22 22.52 23.22 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 21.53 22.23 22.53 23.23 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 21.54 22.24 22.54 23.24 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 21.54 22.24 22.54 23.24 {s  V{
Russian International School 21.55 22.25 22.55 23.25 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 21.58 22.28 22.58 23.28 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 22.00 22.30 23.00 23.30 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 22.01 22.31 23.01 23.31 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 22.02 22.32 23.02 23.32 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 22.03 22.33 23.03 23.33 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 22.06 22.36 23.06 23.36 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 22.07 22.37 23.07 23.37 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 22.07 22.37 23.07 23.37 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 22.08 22.38 23.08 23.38 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 22.09 22.39 23.09 23.39 }ru 
Ahli Club 22.12 22.42 23.12 23.42 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 22.22 22.52 23.22 23.52 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 22.22 22.52 23.22 23.52 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 22.24 22.54 23.24 23.54 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 22.24 22.54 23.24 23.54 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 22.26 22.56 23.26 23.56 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 22.27 22.57 23.27 23.57 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 22.28 22.58 23.28 23.58 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 22.29 22.59 23.29 23.59 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 22.30 23.00 23.30 00.00 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 22.32 23.02 23.32 00.02 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 22.36 23.06 23.36 00.06 F Q 
Naif Intersection 22.37 23.07 23.37 00.07 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 22.42 23.12 23.42 00.12 Ec r'? @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Qusais, Bus Station 04.30 05.00 05.28 06.00 06.18 06.38 07.01 07.21 07.41 08.01 08.26 08.45 09.06 09.27 09.47 10.07 10.37 11.07 11.35 12.02 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 04.38 05.08 05.36 06.05 06.23 06.43 07.03 07.23 07.43 08.03 08.28 08.47 09.08 09.29 09.48 10.08 10.38 11.08 11.36 12.03 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 04.43 05.13 05.41 06.08 06.26 06.46 07.04 07.24 07.44 08.04 08.29 08.48 09.09 09.30 09.49 10.09 10.39 11.09 11.37 12.04 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 04.52 05.22 05.50 06.20 06.38 06.58 07.10 07.30 07.50 08.10 08.35 08.54 09.15 09.36 09.55 10.15 10.45 11.15 11.43 12.10 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 04.54 05.24 05.52 06.22 06.40 07.00 07.13 07.33 07.53 08.13 08.37 08.57 09.18 09.38 09.57 10.17 10.47 11.17 11.45 12.12 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 04.56 05.26 05.54 06.23 06.41 07.01 07.14 07.34 07.54 08.14 08.38 08.58 09.19 09.39 09.58 10.18 10.48 11.18 11.46 12.13 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 04.57 05.27 05.55 06.24 06.42 07.02 07.15 07.35 07.55 08.15 08.39 08.59 09.20 09.40 09.59 10.19 10.49 11.19 11.47 12.14 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 04.57 05.27 05.55 06.25 06.43 07.03 07.16 07.36 07.56 08.16 08.40 08.59 09.20 09.41 09.59 10.19 10.49 11.19 11.47 12.14 {s  V{
Russian International School 04.58 05.28 05.56 06.26 06.44 07.04 07.17 07.37 07.57 08.17 08.40 09.00 09.21 09.41 10.00 10.20 10.50 11.20 11.48 12.15 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 05.02 05.32 06.00 06.32 06.50 07.10 07.23 07.43 08.03 08.23 08.47 09.06 09.27 09.47 10.05 10.25 10.55 11.25 11.53 12.20 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 05.04 05.34 06.03 06.34 06.52 07.13 07.26 07.46 08.06 08.25 08.49 09.09 09.29 09.48 10.07 10.27 10.57 11.27 11.55 12.22 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 05.05 05.35 06.04 06.36 06.54 07.15 07.28 07.48 08.08 08.27 08.51 09.10 09.31 09.50 10.08 10.28 10.59 11.29 11.57 12.24 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 05.06 05.36 06.05 06.37 06.55 07.16 07.29 07.49 08.09 08.28 08.52 09.11 09.31 09.50 10.09 10.29 11.00 11.30 11.58 12.25 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 05.07 05.37 06.07 06.39 06.57 07.18 07.31 07.51 08.11 08.30 08.54 09.13 09.33 09.52 10.10 10.30 11.02 11.32 12.00 12.27 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 05.09 05.39 06.10 06.42 07.00 07.22 07.35 07.55 08.15 08.34 08.57 09.16 09.35 09.54 10.12 10.33 11.04 11.34 12.02 12.29 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 05.10 05.40 06.13 06.44 07.03 07.25 07.38 07.58 08.18 08.36 08.59 09.18 09.37 09.56 10.14 10.35 11.06 11.36 12.04 12.31 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 05.10 05.40 06.13 06.45 07.05 07.27 07.40 08.00 08.20 08.37 09.00 09.19 09.38 09.56 10.15 10.35 11.07 11.37 12.04 12.31 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 05.11 05.41 06.15 06.47 07.08 07.30 07.43 08.03 08.23 08.38 09.01 09.21 09.39 09.58 10.16 10.37 11.08 11.38 12.05 12.32 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 05.12 05.42 06.16 06.47 07.09 07.31 07.44 08.04 08.24 08.39 09.02 09.22 09.40 09.59 10.17 10.38 11.10 11.40 12.06 12.33 }ru 
Ahli Club 05.13 05.43 06.17 06.49 07.12 07.34 07.47 08.07 08.27 08.41 09.04 09.24 09.42 10.01 10.19 10.40 11.12 11.42 12.08 12.35 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 05.17 05.47 06.21 06.53 07.20 07.42 07.55 08.15 08.35 08.49 09.12 09.32 09.50 10.08 10.27 10.49 11.20 11.50 12.17 12.44 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 05.18 05.48 06.22 06.53 07.20 07.42 07.55 08.15 08.35 08.50 09.13 09.32 09.50 10.09 10.27 10.49 11.21 11.51 12.17 12.44 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 05.19 05.49 06.23 06.54 07.21 07.43 07.56 08.16 08.36 08.51 09.14 09.33 09.51 10.10 10.28 10.50 11.22 11.52 12.18 12.45 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 05.19 05.49 06.23 06.55 07.22 07.44 07.57 08.17 08.37 08.51 09.14 09.34 09.52 10.10 10.29 10.51 11.22 11.52 12.19 12.46 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 05.20 05.50 06.25 06.56 07.23 07.45 07.58 08.18 08.39 08.53 09.16 09.36 09.54 10.12 10.31 10.53 11.24 11.54 12.21 12.48 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 05.21 05.51 06.26 06.57 07.23 07.45 07.58 08.18 08.39 08.54 09.17 09.37 09.55 10.13 10.32 10.54 11.25 11.55 12.22 12.49 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 05.21 05.51 06.26 06.58 07.24 07.46 07.59 08.19 08.40 08.54 09.17 09.37 09.55 10.14 10.32 10.54 11.26 11.56 12.22 12.49 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 05.22 05.52 06.27 06.59 07.25 07.47 08.00 08.20 08.41 08.56 09.19 09.39 09.57 10.15 10.34 10.56 11.27 11.57 12.24 12.51 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 05.23 05.53 06.28 06.59 07.25 07.47 08.00 08.20 08.42 08.56 09.19 09.39 09.57 10.16 10.34 10.56 11.28 11.58 12.24 12.51 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 05.24 05.54 06.28 07.00 07.27 07.49 08.02 08.22 08.43 08.58 09.21 09.41 09.59 10.17 10.36 10.58 11.30 12.00 12.26 12.53 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 05.26 05.56 06.30 07.03 07.30 07.52 08.05 08.25 08.46 09.01 09.24 09.44 10.02 10.21 10.40 11.02 11.34 12.04 12.31 12.58 F Q 
Naif Intersection 05.27 05.57 06.31 07.04 07.31 07.53 08.06 08.26 08.48 09.02 09.25 09.46 10.04 10.22 10.42 11.04 11.35 12.06 12.33 13.00 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 05.34 06.04 06.37 07.10 07.37 07.59 08.12 08.32 08.55 09.09 09.32 09.51 10.09 10.28 10.47 11.09 11.41 12.11 12.38 13.05 Ec r'? @{
Qusais, Bus Station - Gold Souq Bus Station
13A Ec r'? @{ - c r'? @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Qusais, Bus Station 12.32 12.59 13.30 14.00 14.30 15.05 15.30 16.03 16.23 16.43 17.01 17.21 17.41 18.01 18.26 18.41 19.03 19.23 19.43 20.04 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 12.33 13.01 13.32 14.02 14.32 15.07 15.32 16.05 16.25 16.45 17.03 17.23 17.43 18.03 18.28 18.43 19.05 19.25 19.45 20.06 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 12.34 13.02 13.33 14.03 14.33 15.08 15.33 16.06 16.26 16.46 17.04 17.24 17.44 18.04 18.29 18.44 19.06 19.26 19.46 20.07 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 12.40 13.08 13.39 14.09 14.39 15.14 15.39 16.15 16.35 16.55 17.15 17.35 17.55 18.15 18.40 18.55 19.15 19.35 19.55 20.15 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 12.42 13.10 13.41 14.11 14.41 15.16 15.41 16.17 16.37 16.57 17.17 17.37 17.57 18.17 18.42 18.57 19.16 19.36 19.56 20.16 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 12.43 13.11 13.42 14.12 14.42 15.17 15.42 16.18 16.38 16.58 17.18 17.38 17.58 18.18 18.43 18.58 19.17 19.37 19.57 20.17 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 12.44 13.12 13.43 14.13 14.43 15.18 15.43 16.19 16.39 16.59 17.19 17.39 17.59 18.19 18.44 18.59 19.18 19.38 19.58 20.18 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 12.44 13.12 13.44 14.14 14.44 15.19 15.44 16.19 16.39 16.59 17.19 17.39 17.59 18.19 18.44 18.59 19.18 19.38 19.58 20.18 {s  V{
Russian International School 12.45 13.13 13.44 14.15 14.45 15.20 15.45 16.20 16.40 17.00 17.20 17.40 18.00 18.20 18.45 19.00 19.19 19.39 19.59 20.19 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 12.50 13.18 13.50 14.21 14.51 15.26 15.51 16.28 16.48 17.07 17.27 17.47 18.07 18.27 18.52 19.05 19.24 19.44 20.04 20.24 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 12.52 13.20 13.52 14.24 14.54 15.29 15.54 16.31 16.51 17.10 17.30 17.50 18.10 18.30 18.55 19.08 19.27 19.47 20.07 20.27 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 12.54 13.22 13.53 14.26 14.56 15.31 15.56 16.33 16.53 17.13 17.33 17.53 18.13 18.33 18.57 19.09 19.28 19.48 20.08 20.28 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 12.55 13.23 13.54 14.27 14.57 15.32 15.57 16.34 16.54 17.14 17.34 17.54 18.14 18.34 18.58 19.10 19.29 19.49 20.09 20.29 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 12.57 13.25 13.56 14.29 14.59 15.34 15.59 16.36 16.56 17.16 17.36 17.56 18.16 18.36 19.00 19.12 19.31 19.51 20.11 20.31 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 12.59 13.27 13.59 14.32 15.02 15.37 16.02 16.39 16.59 17.20 17.40 18.00 18.20 18.40 19.04 19.15 19.34 19.54 20.14 20.34 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 13.01 13.29 14.01 14.35 15.05 15.40 16.04 16.41 17.01 17.22 17.42 18.02 18.22 18.42 19.05 19.16 19.35 19.55 20.15 20.35 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 13.02 13.30 14.02 14.35 15.05 15.40 16.05 16.42 17.02 17.23 17.43 18.03 18.23 18.43 19.05 19.16 19.35 19.55 20.15 20.35 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 13.03 13.31 14.04 14.37 15.07 15.42 16.06 16.43 17.03 17.24 17.44 18.04 18.24 18.44 19.06 19.17 19.36 19.56 20.16 20.36 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 13.05 13.33 14.05 14.39 15.09 15.44 16.08 16.45 17.04 17.25 17.45 18.05 18.25 18.45 19.07 19.19 19.38 19.58 20.18 20.38 }ru 
Ahli Club 13.07 13.35 14.07 14.41 15.11 15.46 16.10 16.47 17.06 17.27 17.47 18.07 18.27 18.47 19.09 19.21 19.40 20.00 20.20 20.40 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 13.15 13.43 14.16 14.49 15.19 15.54 16.17 16.54 17.13 17.34 17.54 18.14 18.34 18.54 19.14 19.26 19.45 20.05 20.25 20.45 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 13.16 13.44 14.16 14.50 15.20 15.55 16.17 16.54 17.13 17.34 17.54 18.14 18.34 18.54 19.14 19.26 19.45 20.05 20.25 20.45 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 13.17 13.45 14.17 14.51 15.21 15.56 16.18 16.55 17.14 17.35 17.55 18.15 18.35 18.55 19.15 19.26 19.45 20.05 20.25 20.45 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 13.17 13.45 14.18 14.51 15.21 15.56 16.19 16.56 17.14 17.35 17.55 18.15 18.35 18.55 19.15 19.27 19.46 20.06 20.26 20.46 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 13.19 13.47 14.19 14.53 15.23 15.58 16.21 16.58 17.16 17.37 17.57 18.17 18.37 18.57 19.17 19.29 19.48 20.08 20.28 20.48 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 13.20 13.48 14.20 14.54 15.24 15.59 16.22 16.59 17.17 17.38 17.58 18.18 18.38 18.58 19.18 19.30 19.49 20.09 20.29 20.49 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 13.21 13.49 14.21 14.54 15.24 15.59 16.22 16.59 17.18 17.39 17.59 18.19 18.39 18.59 19.19 19.30 19.49 20.09 20.29 20.49 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 13.22 13.50 14.22 14.55 15.25 16.00 16.24 17.01 17.19 17.40 18.00 18.20 18.40 19.00 19.20 19.32 19.51 20.11 20.31 20.51 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 13.23 13.51 14.22 14.56 15.26 16.01 16.24 17.02 17.20 17.41 18.01 18.21 18.41 19.01 19.21 19.33 19.52 20.12 20.32 20.52 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 13.25 13.53 14.24 14.58 15.28 16.03 16.26 17.04 17.22 17.43 18.03 18.23 18.43 19.03 19.23 19.35 19.54 20.14 20.34 20.54 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 13.29 13.57 14.28 15.02 15.32 16.07 16.30 17.09 17.27 17.48 18.08 18.28 18.48 19.08 19.28 19.40 19.59 20.19 20.39 20.59 F Q 
Naif Intersection 13.31 13.59 14.30 15.03 15.33 16.08 16.32 17.11 17.29 17.50 18.10 18.30 18.50 19.10 19.30 19.42 20.01 20.21 20.41 21.01 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 13.37 14.04 14.34 15.08 15.38 16.14 16.37 17.16 17.35 17.56 18.16 18.36 18.56 19.17 19.37 19.48 20.07 20.27 20.47 21.06 Ec r'? @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Qusais, Bus Station 20.24 20.44 21.05 21.30 21.57 22.26 22.56 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 20.26 20.46 21.07 21.32 21.59 22.28 22.57 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 20.27 20.47 21.08 21.33 22.00 22.29 22.58 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 20.35 20.55 21.15 21.40 22.07 22.34 23.03 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 20.36 20.56 21.16 21.41 22.08 22.35 23.04 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 20.37 20.57 21.17 21.42 22.09 22.36 23.05 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 20.38 20.58 21.18 21.43 22.10 22.37 23.05 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 20.38 20.58 21.18 21.43 22.10 22.37 23.06 {s  V{
Russian International School 20.39 20.59 21.19 21.44 22.11 22.38 23.06 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 20.44 21.05 21.25 21.50 22.17 22.42 23.11 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 20.47 21.07 21.27 21.52 22.19 22.44 23.12 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 20.48 21.08 21.28 21.53 22.20 22.45 23.14 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 20.49 21.09 21.29 21.54 22.21 22.46 23.15 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 20.51 21.11 21.31 21.56 22.23 22.47 23.16 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 20.54 21.14 21.34 21.59 22.26 22.50 23.18 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 20.55 21.15 21.35 22.00 22.27 22.51 23.19 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 20.55 21.16 21.36 22.01 22.28 22.51 23.20 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 20.56 21.17 21.37 22.02 22.29 22.52 23.21 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 20.58 21.18 21.38 22.03 22.30 22.53 23.22 }ru 
Ahli Club 21.00 21.20 21.40 22.05 22.32 22.55 23.23 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 21.05 21.25 21.45 22.10 22.36 22.59 23.28 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 21.05 21.25 21.45 22.10 22.36 22.59 23.28 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 21.05 21.26 21.46 22.11 22.37 23.00 23.28 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 21.06 21.26 21.46 22.11 22.37 23.00 23.29 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 21.07 21.28 21.48 22.13 22.39 23.02 23.30 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 21.08 21.29 21.49 22.14 22.40 23.03 23.31 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 21.09 21.29 21.49 22.14 22.40 23.03 23.32 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 21.10 21.30 21.50 22.15 22.41 23.04 23.33 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 21.10 21.31 21.51 22.16 22.42 23.05 23.33 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 21.13 21.33 21.53 22.18 22.44 23.07 23.35 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 21.17 21.38 21.58 22.23 22.47 23.10 23.39 F Q 
Naif Intersection 21.19 21.40 22.00 22.25 22.49 23.12 23.40 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 21.25 21.45 22.05 22.30 22.53 23.16 23.44 Ec r'? @{
Qusais, Bus Station - Gold Souq Bus Station
13A Ec r'? @{ - c r'? @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Qusais, Bus Station 04.30 05.00 05.28 06.00 06.18 06.38 07.01 07.21 07.41 08.01 08.26 08.45 09.06 09.27 09.49 10.12 10.37 11.07 11.35 12.02 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 04.39 05.09 05.37 06.04 06.22 06.42 07.03 07.23 07.43 08.03 08.28 08.46 09.07 09.28 09.50 10.13 10.38 11.08 11.36 12.03 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 04.45 05.15 05.43 06.07 06.25 06.45 07.04 07.24 07.44 08.04 08.29 08.47 09.08 09.29 09.51 10.14 10.39 11.09 11.37 12.04 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 04.59 05.29 05.57 06.21 06.39 06.59 07.12 07.32 07.52 08.10 08.35 08.53 09.14 09.35 09.57 10.20 10.45 11.15 11.43 12.10 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 05.01 05.31 05.59 06.24 06.42 07.02 07.15 07.35 07.55 08.13 08.37 08.55 09.16 09.37 09.59 10.22 10.47 11.17 11.45 12.12 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 05.02 05.32 06.01 06.25 06.43 07.03 07.16 07.36 07.56 08.14 08.38 08.56 09.17 09.38 10.00 10.23 10.48 11.18 11.46 12.13 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 05.03 05.33 06.02 06.26 06.44 07.04 07.17 07.37 07.57 08.15 08.39 08.57 09.18 09.39 10.01 10.24 10.49 11.19 11.47 12.14 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 05.03 05.33 06.02 06.27 06.45 07.05 07.18 07.38 07.58 08.16 08.39 08.57 09.18 09.39 10.01 10.24 10.49 11.19 11.47 12.14 {s  V{
Russian International School 05.04 05.34 06.03 06.28 06.46 07.06 07.19 07.39 07.59 08.17 08.40 08.58 09.19 09.40 10.02 10.25 10.50 11.20 11.48 12.15 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 05.08 05.38 06.08 06.33 06.51 07.12 07.25 07.45 08.05 08.23 08.46 09.04 09.25 09.46 10.08 10.31 10.56 11.26 11.54 12.21 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 05.11 05.41 06.11 06.36 06.54 07.16 07.29 07.49 08.09 08.26 08.48 09.06 09.27 09.48 10.10 10.33 10.58 11.28 11.56 12.23 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 05.13 05.43 06.13 06.38 06.56 07.20 07.33 07.52 08.11 08.28 08.49 09.07 09.28 09.49 10.11 10.34 10.59 11.30 11.58 12.25 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 05.14 05.44 06.14 06.39 06.58 07.21 07.34 07.54 08.12 08.29 08.50 09.08 09.29 09.50 10.12 10.35 11.00 11.31 11.59 12.26 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 05.16 05.46 06.17 06.41 07.00 07.25 07.38 07.57 08.15 08.31 08.51 09.09 09.30 09.51 10.13 10.36 11.02 11.33 12.01 12.28 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 05.20 05.50 06.20 06.45 07.04 07.30 07.43 08.02 08.19 08.34 08.53 09.11 09.32 09.53 10.16 10.39 11.05 11.36 12.04 12.31 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 05.25 05.55 06.26 06.50 07.10 07.36 07.49 08.05 08.22 08.36 08.55 09.13 09.34 09.55 10.17 10.40 11.06 11.37 12.05 12.32 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 05.27 05.57 06.28 06.52 07.12 07.38 07.51 08.07 08.24 08.37 08.56 09.14 09.35 09.56 10.17 10.40 11.07 11.38 12.06 12.33 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 05.32 06.02 06.32 06.57 07.16 07.42 07.55 08.09 08.26 08.38 08.58 09.16 09.37 09.58 10.18 10.41 11.08 11.39 12.07 12.34 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 05.34 06.04 06.34 06.59 07.18 07.44 07.57 08.11 08.28 08.39 08.59 09.17 09.38 09.59 10.19 10.42 11.09 11.40 12.08 12.35 }ru 
Ahli Club 05.37 06.08 06.38 07.02 07.21 07.47 08.00 08.14 08.31 08.41 09.01 09.19 09.40 10.01 10.21 10.44 11.12 11.43 12.11 12.38 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 05.42 06.14 06.44 07.10 07.29 07.55 08.08 08.22 08.38 08.48 09.08 09.26 09.47 10.07 10.27 10.50 11.21 11.52 12.20 12.47 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 05.42 06.14 06.45 07.11 07.30 07.56 08.09 08.23 08.38 08.49 09.08 09.26 09.47 10.08 10.28 10.51 11.21 11.52 12.20 12.47 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 05.43 06.15 06.46 07.12 07.31 07.57 08.10 08.24 08.40 08.50 09.10 09.28 09.49 10.09 10.29 10.52 11.23 11.54 12.22 12.49 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 05.44 06.16 06.46 07.13 07.32 07.58 08.11 08.25 08.40 08.51 09.10 09.28 09.49 10.10 10.30 10.53 11.23 11.54 12.22 12.49 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 05.45 06.17 06.48 07.15 07.34 08.00 08.13 08.27 08.42 08.52 09.12 09.30 09.51 10.12 10.32 10.55 11.25 11.56 12.24 12.51 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 05.46 06.18 06.49 07.16 07.35 08.01 08.14 08.28 08.43 08.53 09.13 09.31 09.52 10.13 10.33 10.56 11.26 11.57 12.25 12.52 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 05.47 06.19 06.49 07.16 07.35 08.01 08.14 08.28 08.43 08.54 09.13 09.31 09.52 10.14 10.34 10.57 11.27 11.58 12.26 12.53 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 05.48 06.20 06.50 07.17 07.36 08.02 08.15 08.29 08.44 08.55 09.14 09.32 09.53 10.16 10.36 10.59 11.28 11.59 12.27 12.54 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 05.48 06.20 06.51 07.18 07.37 08.03 08.16 08.30 08.45 08.55 09.15 09.33 09.54 10.16 10.36 10.59 11.29 12.00 12.28 12.55 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 05.49 06.21 06.52 07.19 07.38 08.04 08.17 08.32 08.47 08.57 09.17 09.35 09.56 10.18 10.38 11.01 11.30 12.01 12.29 12.56 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 05.51 06.24 06.54 07.21 07.40 08.06 08.19 08.35 08.51 09.01 09.21 09.39 10.00 10.22 10.42 11.04 11.34 12.05 12.33 13.00 F Q 
Naif Intersection 05.52 06.25 06.55 07.22 07.41 08.07 08.20 08.37 08.52 09.03 09.22 09.40 10.01 10.24 10.44 11.06 11.35 12.06 12.34 13.01 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 05.56 06.30 07.00 07.27 07.46 08.12 08.25 08.44 08.59 09.10 09.29 09.47 10.06 10.29 10.49 11.15 11.44 12.15 12.43 13.10 Ec r'? @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Qusais, Bus Station 12.32 12.59 13.30 14.00 14.30 14.57 15.22 15.51 16.16 16.37 16.59 17.19 17.39 17.59 18.22 18.42 18.59 19.23 19.43 20.06 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 12.33 13.00 13.31 14.02 14.32 14.59 15.24 15.53 16.18 16.39 17.01 17.21 17.42 18.02 18.25 18.44 19.01 19.25 19.45 20.08 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 12.34 13.01 13.32 14.03 14.33 15.00 15.25 15.54 16.19 16.40 17.02 17.22 17.43 18.03 18.26 18.45 19.02 19.26 19.46 20.09 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 12.40 13.07 13.38 14.10 14.40 15.07 15.32 16.01 16.26 16.50 17.12 17.32 17.55 18.15 18.37 18.55 19.12 19.36 19.56 20.19 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 12.42 13.09 13.40 14.13 14.43 15.10 15.34 16.03 16.28 16.52 17.14 17.35 17.58 18.18 18.39 18.57 19.14 19.38 19.58 20.21 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 12.43 13.10 13.41 14.14 14.44 15.11 15.35 16.04 16.29 16.53 17.15 17.36 17.59 18.19 18.40 18.58 19.15 19.39 19.59 20.22 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 12.44 13.11 13.42 14.14 14.44 15.11 15.36 16.05 16.30 16.54 17.16 17.36 17.59 18.19 18.41 18.59 19.16 19.40 20.00 20.23 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 12.44 13.11 13.42 14.15 14.45 15.12 15.36 16.05 16.30 16.54 17.16 17.37 18.00 18.20 18.41 18.59 19.16 19.40 20.00 20.23 {s  V{
Russian International School 12.45 13.12 13.43 14.15 14.45 15.13 15.37 16.06 16.31 16.55 17.17 17.38 18.01 18.21 18.42 19.00 19.17 19.41 20.01 20.24 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 12.51 13.18 13.49 14.21 14.51 15.19 15.44 16.13 16.39 17.03 17.25 17.46 18.09 18.29 18.48 19.06 19.23 19.47 20.07 20.30 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 12.53 13.20 13.51 14.25 14.54 15.22 15.46 16.15 16.42 17.06 17.29 17.50 18.13 18.32 18.51 19.09 19.26 19.50 20.10 20.33 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 12.55 13.22 13.53 14.27 14.57 15.24 15.48 16.17 16.45 17.09 17.32 17.53 18.16 18.34 18.53 19.11 19.28 19.52 20.12 20.35 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 12.56 13.23 13.54 14.28 14.58 15.25 15.49 16.18 16.46 17.10 17.33 17.54 18.17 18.35 18.55 19.13 19.30 19.54 20.14 20.37 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 12.58 13.25 13.56 14.31 15.00 15.27 15.51 16.20 16.49 17.13 17.36 17.57 18.20 18.38 18.57 19.15 19.32 19.56 20.16 20.39 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 13.01 13.28 13.59 14.35 15.04 15.30 15.55 16.24 16.53 17.17 17.41 18.02 18.25 18.42 19.01 19.19 19.36 20.00 20.20 20.43 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 13.02 13.29 14.00 14.36 15.05 15.31 15.56 16.25 16.54 17.18 17.42 18.03 18.26 18.43 19.02 19.20 19.37 20.01 20.21 20.44 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 13.03 13.30 14.00 14.36 15.05 15.31 15.56 16.25 16.54 17.18 17.42 18.03 18.26 18.43 19.02 19.20 19.37 20.01 20.21 20.44 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 13.04 13.31 14.01 14.37 15.06 15.32 15.57 16.26 16.55 17.19 17.43 18.04 18.27 18.44 19.03 19.21 19.38 20.02 20.22 20.45 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 13.05 13.32 14.03 14.39 15.08 15.34 15.58 16.27 16.56 17.20 17.44 18.05 18.28 18.45 19.04 19.22 19.39 20.03 20.23 20.46 }ru 
Ahli Club 13.08 13.35 14.07 14.43 15.10 15.36 16.01 16.30 16.58 17.22 17.46 18.07 18.30 18.47 19.06 19.24 19.41 20.05 20.25 20.48 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 13.17 13.44 14.18 14.54 15.19 15.45 16.10 16.37 17.05 17.29 17.53 18.14 18.37 18.54 19.13 19.31 19.48 20.12 20.32 20.55 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 13.17 13.44 14.19 14.55 15.20 15.46 16.10 16.37 17.05 17.29 17.53 18.15 18.38 18.55 19.14 19.32 19.49 20.13 20.33 20.56 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 13.19 13.46 14.20 14.56 15.21 15.47 16.11 16.38 17.06 17.30 17.54 18.16 18.39 18.56 19.15 19.33 19.50 20.14 20.34 20.57 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 13.19 13.46 14.21 14.57 15.21 15.47 16.12 16.39 17.07 17.31 17.55 18.16 18.39 18.56 19.15 19.33 19.50 20.14 20.34 20.57 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 13.21 13.48 14.23 14.59 15.23 15.49 16.14 16.41 17.09 17.33 17.57 18.18 18.41 18.58 19.17 19.35 19.52 20.16 20.36 20.59 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 13.22 13.49 14.24 15.00 15.24 15.50 16.15 16.42 17.10 17.34 17.58 18.19 18.42 18.59 19.18 19.36 19.53 20.17 20.37 21.00 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 13.23 13.50 14.24 15.00 15.25 15.51 16.15 16.42 17.10 17.34 17.58 18.20 18.43 19.00 19.19 19.37 19.54 20.18 20.38 21.01 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 13.24 13.51 14.25 15.02 15.26 15.52 16.17 16.44 17.12 17.36 18.00 18.21 18.44 19.01 19.20 19.38 19.55 20.19 20.39 21.02 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 13.25 13.52 14.26 15.02 15.27 15.53 16.17 16.44 17.12 17.36 18.00 18.22 18.45 19.02 19.21 19.39 19.56 20.20 20.40 21.03 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 13.26 13.53 14.27 15.04 15.28 15.54 16.19 16.46 17.14 17.38 18.02 18.24 18.48 19.05 19.24 19.42 19.59 20.23 20.43 21.06 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 13.30 13.57 14.31 15.07 15.32 15.58 16.22 16.51 17.19 17.43 18.07 18.28 18.54 19.11 19.30 19.48 20.05 20.29 20.49 21.12 F Q 
Naif Intersection 13.31 13.58 14.32 15.09 15.33 15.59 16.24 16.53 17.21 17.45 18.09 18.30 18.56 19.13 19.32 19.50 20.07 20.31 20.51 21.14 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 13.40 14.07 14.41 15.13 15.38 16.04 16.28 16.59 17.27 17.50 18.14 18.36 19.02 19.19 19.38 19.56 20.13 20.37 20.57 21.20 Ec r'? @{
Qusais, Bus Station - Gold Souq Bus Station
13A Ec r'? @{ - c r'? @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Qusais, Bus Station 20.26 20.46 21.05 21.30 21.57 22.26 22.56 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 20.28 20.48 21.07 21.32 21.59 22.28 22.58 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 20.29 20.49 21.08 21.33 22.00 22.29 22.59 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 20.39 20.59 21.18 21.42 22.09 22.38 23.05 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 20.41 21.01 21.20 21.44 22.11 22.40 23.07 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 20.42 21.02 21.21 21.45 22.12 22.41 23.08 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 20.43 21.03 21.22 21.46 22.13 22.42 23.09 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 20.43 21.03 21.22 21.46 22.13 22.42 23.09 {s  V{
Russian International School 20.44 21.04 21.23 21.47 22.14 22.43 23.10 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 20.50 21.10 21.29 21.52 22.19 22.48 23.15 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 20.53 21.13 21.31 21.54 22.21 22.50 23.17 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 20.55 21.15 21.33 21.55 22.22 22.51 23.18 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 20.57 21.17 21.33 21.56 22.23 22.52 23.18 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 20.59 21.19 21.35 21.57 22.24 22.53 23.19 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 21.03 21.23 21.37 22.00 22.27 22.56 23.21 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 21.04 21.24 21.38 22.01 22.28 22.57 23.22 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 21.04 21.24 21.38 22.01 22.28 22.57 23.22 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 21.05 21.25 21.39 22.02 22.29 22.58 23.23 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 21.06 21.26 21.40 22.03 22.30 22.59 23.24 }ru 
Ahli Club 21.08 21.28 21.42 22.05 22.32 23.01 23.26 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 21.15 21.35 21.49 22.12 22.39 23.08 23.33 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 21.16 21.36 21.50 22.12 22.39 23.08 23.33 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 21.17 21.37 21.51 22.13 22.40 23.09 23.34 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 21.17 21.37 21.51 22.14 22.41 23.10 23.35 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 21.19 21.40 21.54 22.16 22.43 23.11 23.36 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 21.20 21.41 21.55 22.17 22.44 23.12 23.37 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 21.21 21.42 21.56 22.18 22.45 23.13 23.38 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 21.22 21.44 21.58 22.20 22.47 23.14 23.39 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 21.23 21.45 21.59 22.21 22.48 23.14 23.39 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 21.26 21.47 22.01 22.24 22.51 23.16 23.41 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 21.32 21.53 22.07 22.30 22.57 23.20 23.45 F Q 
Naif Intersection 21.34 21.56 22.10 22.32 22.59 23.22 23.47 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 21.41 22.03 22.17 22.39 23.06 23.29 23.54 Ec r'? @{
Saturdays c
Qusais, Bus Station 04.30 05.00 05.30 06.00 06.18 06.38 07.01 07.21 07.41 08.01 08.26 08.45 09.06 09.27 09.47 10.07 10.37 11.07 11.35 12.02 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 04.32 05.02 05.32 06.05 06.23 06.43 07.03 07.23 07.43 08.02 08.27 08.46 09.07 09.28 09.48 10.08 10.38 11.08 11.36 12.03 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 04.34 05.04 05.34 06.08 06.26 06.46 07.05 07.25 07.45 08.03 08.28 08.47 09.08 09.29 09.49 10.09 10.39 11.09 11.37 12.04 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 04.40 05.10 05.40 06.23 06.41 07.00 07.15 07.35 07.55 08.09 08.34 08.53 09.14 09.35 09.55 10.15 10.45 11.15 11.43 12.10 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 04.42 05.12 05.42 06.25 06.43 07.02 07.17 07.37 07.57 08.11 08.36 08.55 09.16 09.37 09.57 10.17 10.47 11.17 11.45 12.12 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 04.43 05.13 05.43 06.26 06.44 07.03 07.18 07.38 07.58 08.12 08.37 08.56 09.17 09.38 09.58 10.18 10.48 11.18 11.46 12.13 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 04.44 05.14 05.44 06.26 06.44 07.04 07.18 07.38 07.58 08.12 08.37 08.56 09.17 09.38 09.58 10.18 10.48 11.18 11.46 12.13 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 04.44 05.14 05.44 06.27 06.45 07.04 07.19 07.39 07.59 08.13 08.38 08.57 09.18 09.39 09.59 10.19 10.49 11.19 11.47 12.14 {s  V{
Russian International School 04.45 05.15 05.45 06.27 06.45 07.05 07.20 07.40 08.00 08.13 08.38 08.57 09.18 09.39 09.59 10.19 10.49 11.19 11.47 12.14 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 04.49 05.19 05.49 06.31 06.49 07.09 07.24 07.44 08.05 08.19 08.44 09.03 09.24 09.45 10.05 10.25 10.54 11.24 11.52 12.19 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 04.50 05.20 05.50 06.33 06.51 07.11 07.25 07.45 08.07 08.20 08.45 09.04 09.25 09.46 10.06 10.27 10.57 11.27 11.55 12.22 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 04.52 05.22 05.52 06.34 06.52 07.12 07.27 07.47 08.08 08.22 08.47 09.06 09.27 09.48 10.08 10.28 10.58 11.28 11.56 12.23 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 04.52 05.22 05.52 06.35 06.53 07.13 07.28 07.48 08.09 08.22 08.47 09.06 09.27 09.48 10.08 10.29 10.59 11.29 11.57 12.24 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 04.54 05.24 05.54 06.36 06.54 07.14 07.29 07.49 08.10 08.24 08.49 09.08 09.29 09.50 10.10 10.30 11.01 11.31 11.59 12.26 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 04.56 05.26 05.56 06.38 06.56 07.17 07.31 07.51 08.12 08.26 08.51 09.10 09.31 09.52 10.12 10.33 11.04 11.34 12.02 12.29 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 04.56 05.26 05.56 06.39 06.57 07.18 07.32 07.52 08.13 08.27 08.52 09.11 09.32 09.53 10.13 10.34 11.06 11.36 12.04 12.31 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 04.57 05.27 05.57 06.39 06.57 07.18 07.32 07.52 08.13 08.27 08.52 09.11 09.32 09.53 10.13 10.35 11.06 11.36 12.04 12.31 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 04.57 05.27 05.57 06.40 06.58 07.19 07.33 07.53 08.14 08.28 08.53 09.12 09.33 09.54 10.14 10.36 11.07 11.37 12.05 12.32 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 04.58 05.28 05.58 06.41 06.59 07.20 07.35 07.55 08.15 08.29 08.54 09.13 09.34 09.55 10.15 10.37 11.09 11.39 12.07 12.34 }ru 
Ahli Club 05.00 05.30 06.00 06.42 07.01 07.23 07.37 07.57 08.17 08.31 08.56 09.15 09.36 09.57 10.17 10.39 11.11 11.41 12.09 12.36 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 05.05 05.35 06.04 06.47 07.07 07.29 07.43 08.03 08.23 08.37 09.02 09.21 09.42 10.03 10.23 10.47 11.19 11.49 12.17 12.44 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 05.05 05.35 06.05 06.47 07.07 07.29 07.44 08.04 08.24 08.37 09.02 09.21 09.42 10.03 10.23 10.48 11.19 11.49 12.17 12.44 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 05.06 05.36 06.05 06.48 07.08 07.30 07.44 08.04 08.24 08.38 09.03 09.22 09.43 10.04 10.24 10.48 11.20 11.50 12.18 12.45 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 05.06 05.36 06.06 06.48 07.08 07.30 07.45 08.05 08.25 08.38 09.03 09.22 09.43 10.04 10.24 10.49 11.20 11.50 12.18 12.45 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 05.08 05.38 06.07 06.50 07.10 07.32 07.46 08.06 08.26 08.40 09.05 09.24 09.45 10.06 10.26 10.51 11.22 11.52 12.20 12.47 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 05.09 05.39 06.08 06.51 07.11 07.33 07.47 08.07 08.27 08.41 09.06 09.25 09.46 10.07 10.27 10.52 11.23 11.53 12.21 12.48 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 05.09 05.39 06.09 06.51 07.11 07.33 07.48 08.08 08.28 08.41 09.06 09.25 09.46 10.07 10.27 10.52 11.24 11.54 12.22 12.49 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 05.10 05.40 06.10 06.52 07.12 07.34 07.49 08.09 08.29 08.42 09.07 09.26 09.47 10.08 10.28 10.54 11.25 11.55 12.23 12.50 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 05.11 05.41 06.10 06.53 07.13 07.35 07.49 08.09 08.29 08.43 09.08 09.27 09.48 10.09 10.29 10.54 11.26 11.56 12.24 12.51 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 05.12 05.42 06.12 06.54 07.14 07.36 07.51 08.11 08.31 08.45 09.10 09.29 09.50 10.11 10.31 10.56 11.28 11.58 12.27 12.54 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 05.15 05.45 06.15 06.57 07.17 07.39 07.54 08.16 08.36 08.49 09.14 09.33 09.54 10.15 10.35 11.01 11.32 12.04 12.33 13.00 F Q 
Naif Intersection 05.16 05.46 06.16 06.58 07.19 07.41 07.55 08.17 08.37 08.51 09.16 09.35 09.56 10.17 10.37 11.03 11.34 12.06 12.35 13.02 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 05.20 05.50 06.20 07.03 07.24 07.46 08.00 08.22 08.42 08.56 09.21 09.40 10.01 10.22 10.43 11.08 11.40 12.11 12.41 13.08 Ec r'? @{
Qusais, Bus Station - Gold Souq Bus Station
13A Ec r'? @{ - c r'? @{
Saturdays c
Qusais, Bus Station 12.29 12.59 13.30 14.00 14.30 15.07 15.35 16.03 16.23 16.43 17.01 17.21 17.41 18.01 18.26 18.41 19.03 19.23 19.43 20.04 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 12.30 13.00 13.31 14.01 14.31 15.08 15.37 16.05 16.25 16.45 17.03 17.23 17.43 18.03 18.28 18.43 19.05 19.25 19.45 20.06 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 12.31 13.01 13.32 14.02 14.32 15.09 15.38 16.06 16.26 16.46 17.04 17.24 17.44 18.04 18.29 18.44 19.06 19.26 19.46 20.07 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 12.37 13.07 13.38 14.08 14.38 15.15 15.45 16.13 16.33 16.53 17.12 17.32 17.52 18.13 18.38 18.53 19.14 19.34 19.54 20.15 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 12.39 13.09 13.40 14.10 14.40 15.17 15.47 16.15 16.35 16.55 17.14 17.34 17.54 18.15 18.40 18.55 19.16 19.36 19.56 20.17 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 12.40 13.10 13.41 14.11 14.41 15.18 15.48 16.16 16.36 16.56 17.15 17.35 17.55 18.16 18.41 18.56 19.17 19.37 19.57 20.18 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 12.40 13.10 13.41 14.11 14.41 15.18 15.48 16.16 16.36 16.56 17.15 17.35 17.55 18.16 18.41 18.56 19.17 19.37 19.57 20.18 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 12.41 13.11 13.42 14.12 14.42 15.19 15.49 16.17 16.37 16.57 17.16 17.36 17.56 18.17 18.42 18.57 19.18 19.38 19.58 20.19 {s  V{
Russian International School 12.41 13.11 13.42 14.12 14.42 15.19 15.49 16.17 16.37 16.57 17.17 17.37 17.57 18.18 18.43 18.58 19.19 19.38 19.58 20.19 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 12.46 13.16 13.47 14.19 14.49 15.26 15.56 16.24 16.44 17.06 17.27 17.47 18.07 18.27 18.52 19.07 19.28 19.44 20.04 20.25 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 12.49 13.19 13.50 14.22 14.52 15.29 15.59 16.27 16.47 17.09 17.30 17.50 18.10 18.31 18.55 19.10 19.31 19.47 20.07 20.28 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 12.50 13.20 13.51 14.24 14.54 15.31 16.01 16.29 16.49 17.12 17.33 17.53 18.13 18.33 18.57 19.12 19.33 19.49 20.09 20.30 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 12.51 13.21 13.52 14.25 14.55 15.32 16.02 16.30 16.50 17.13 17.34 17.54 18.14 18.34 18.59 19.13 19.34 19.50 20.10 20.31 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 12.53 13.23 13.54 14.27 14.57 15.34 16.05 16.33 16.53 17.15 17.36 17.56 18.16 18.37 19.01 19.15 19.36 19.52 20.12 20.33 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 12.56 13.26 13.57 14.31 15.01 15.38 16.08 16.36 16.56 17.19 17.40 18.00 18.21 18.41 19.05 19.18 19.39 19.55 20.15 20.36 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 12.58 13.28 13.59 14.32 15.02 15.39 16.09 16.37 16.57 17.20 17.41 18.01 18.22 18.42 19.06 19.19 19.40 19.56 20.16 20.37 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 12.58 13.28 13.59 14.32 15.02 15.39 16.09 16.37 16.57 17.20 17.41 18.01 18.22 18.42 19.06 19.19 19.40 19.56 20.16 20.37 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 12.59 13.29 14.00 14.33 15.03 15.40 16.10 16.38 16.58 17.21 17.42 18.02 18.23 18.43 19.07 19.20 19.41 19.57 20.17 20.38 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 13.01 13.31 14.02 14.34 15.04 15.41 16.12 16.40 17.00 17.23 17.44 18.03 18.24 18.44 19.08 19.21 19.42 19.58 20.18 20.39 }ru 
Ahli Club 13.03 13.33 14.04 14.36 15.06 15.44 16.14 16.42 17.03 17.26 17.47 18.05 18.26 18.46 19.10 19.23 19.44 20.00 20.20 20.41 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 13.11 13.41 14.12 14.44 15.14 15.52 16.22 16.50 17.14 17.37 17.58 18.16 18.37 18.57 19.18 19.31 19.51 20.07 20.27 20.48 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 13.11 13.41 14.12 14.45 15.15 15.52 16.23 16.51 17.14 17.37 17.58 18.17 18.37 18.58 19.19 19.32 19.51 20.07 20.27 20.48 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 13.12 13.42 14.13 14.45 15.15 15.53 16.23 16.51 17.15 17.38 17.59 18.17 18.38 18.58 19.19 19.32 19.52 20.08 20.28 20.49 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 13.12 13.42 14.13 14.46 15.16 15.53 16.24 16.52 17.15 17.38 17.59 18.18 18.38 18.59 19.20 19.33 19.52 20.08 20.28 20.49 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 13.14 13.44 14.15 14.48 15.18 15.55 16.26 16.54 17.18 17.41 18.01 18.20 18.40 19.01 19.22 19.35 19.55 20.11 20.31 20.52 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 13.15 13.45 14.16 14.49 15.19 15.56 16.27 16.55 17.19 17.42 18.02 18.21 18.41 19.02 19.23 19.36 19.56 20.12 20.32 20.53 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 13.16 13.46 14.17 14.49 15.19 15.57 16.27 16.55 17.20 17.43 18.03 18.21 18.42 19.02 19.23 19.37 19.57 20.13 20.33 20.54 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 13.17 13.47 14.18 14.51 15.21 15.58 16.29 16.57 17.21 17.44 18.04 18.23 18.43 19.04 19.25 19.39 19.58 20.14 20.34 20.55 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 13.18 13.48 14.19 14.51 15.21 15.59 16.29 16.58 17.22 17.45 18.05 18.24 18.44 19.05 19.26 19.40 19.59 20.15 20.35 20.56 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 13.21 13.51 14.20 14.53 15.23 16.01 16.31 17.00 17.25 17.48 18.09 18.27 18.48 19.08 19.28 19.42 20.01 20.17 20.37 20.58 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 13.27 13.57 14.24 14.56 15.26 16.05 16.35 17.06 17.32 17.55 18.16 18.35 18.55 19.15 19.34 19.47 20.06 20.22 20.42 21.03 F Q 
Naif Intersection 13.29 13.59 14.25 14.58 15.28 16.06 16.37 17.08 17.34 17.57 18.19 18.38 18.58 19.18 19.36 19.49 20.08 20.24 20.44 21.05 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 13.35 14.05 14.31 15.03 15.34 16.12 16.43 17.14 17.40 18.04 18.26 18.44 19.05 19.24 19.43 19.55 20.15 20.31 20.51 21.12 Ec r'? @{
Saturdays c
Qusais, Bus Station 20.24 20.40 21.05 21.30 21.54 22.24 22.56 c r'? @{
Qusais, Masjid Hamad Abdul 20.26 20.42 21.07 21.31 21.55 22.25 22.57 zWc$ $|? $P{ c
Qusais, Al Shirawi Labour Camp 20.27 20.43 21.08 21.32 21.56 22.26 22.58 c e| V{ c
Qusais, Al Naboodah Labour 20.35 20.51 21.16 21.39 22.03 22.33 23.05 %c e| V{ c
Public Transport Agency 20.37 20.53 21.18 21.41 22.05 22.35 23.07 {c r|c {
Lebenese Private School 1 20.38 20.54 21.19 21.42 22.06 22.36 23.08 1 dc _c $|c
Muhaisnah 4, New Housing 20.38 20.54 21.19 21.42 22.06 22.36 23.08 $$Pc V|c 4 @{
Emirates Housing 20.39 20.55 21.20 21.43 22.07 22.37 23.09 {s  V{
Russian International School 20.39 20.55 21.20 21.43 22.07 22.37 23.09 c$c c $|c
Galadari Driving School 20.45 21.01 21.26 21.48 22.12 22.42 23.14 c zdc $dV $F{
Al Huraiz Establishment 20.48 21.04 21.28 21.50 22.14 22.44 23.16 @c {
Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private 20.50 21.06 21.30 21.51 22.15 22.45 23.17 _c $d(c ${ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Zuleikha Hospital 20.51 21.07 21.31 21.52 22.16 22.46 23.18 _c ({ - $Fc
Al Nahda, Park 2 20.53 21.09 21.33 21.54 22.18 22.48 23.20 2 $Fc $?
Ministry Of Human Resources & 20.56 21.12 21.35 21.56 22.20 22.50 23.22 c c %|c 
Emirates Driving Institute 20.57 21.13 21.36 21.57 22.21 22.51 23.23 %c zdc {u $F{
Sheikh Rashid Colony 20.57 21.13 21.36 21.57 22.21 22.51 23.23 c - $ ]c V{
Al Nahda Metro Bus Stop 20.58 21.14 21.37 21.58 22.22 22.52 23.24 $Fc { @{
Ministry of Information 20.59 21.15 21.38 21.59 22.23 22.53 23.25 }ru 
Ahli Club 21.01 21.17 21.40 22.01 22.25 22.55 23.27 dEs %c
Al Jadeed Bakery 21.08 21.24 21.45 22.06 22.30 23.00 23.32 $$Pc _|c
Dubai Scout Mission 21.08 21.24 21.46 22.07 22.31 23.01 23.33 % 'V !({
Hor Al Anz, Mashreq Bank 21.09 21.25 21.46 22.07 22.31 23.01 23.33 c E - |c U
Abu Baker Al Siddique Metro Bus 21.09 21.25 21.47 22.08 22.32 23.02 23.34 2 $c W  { @{
Stop 2
Muraqqabat, Police Station 2 21.12 21.28 21.49 22.10 22.34 23.04 23.36 2 |c V{
Crowne Plaza Hotel Deira 2 21.13 21.29 21.50 22.11 22.35 23.05 23.37 2 % r V $'
Reef Mall 21.14 21.30 21.50 22.11 22.35 23.05 23.37 &c V{
Salah Al Din Metro Bus Stop 21.15 21.31 21.52 22.13 22.37 23.07 23.39 $c Ar { @{
Deira, Fish Roundabout 2 21.16 21.32 21.52 22.13 22.37 23.07 23.39 2 W|c % - %
Al Nakhal 21.18 21.34 21.54 22.15 22.39 23.09 23.41 b_c
Burj Nahar, Intersection 21.23 21.38 21.58 22.19 22.43 23.13 23.45 F Q 
Naif Intersection 21.25 21.39 22.00 22.21 22.45 23.15 23.47 & 
Gold Souq Bus Station 21.31 21.43 22.04 22.25 22.49 23.19 23.51 Ec r'? @{

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