IFY Brochure 2016

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Delivered by the University of Leeds

Important Information
Information provided by the University such as in presentations, University brochures
and the University website, is accurate at the time of first disclosure. However,
courses, University services and content of publications remain subject to change.
Changes may be necessary to comply with the requirements of accrediting bodies
or to keep courses contemporary through updating practices or areas of study.
Circumstances may arise outside the reasonable control of the University, leading
to required changes. Such circumstances include, industrial action, unexpected
student numbers, significant staff illness (where a course is reliant upon a persons
expertise), unexpected lack of funding, severe weather, fire, civil disorder, political
unrest, government restrictions and serious concern with regard to the transmission of
serious illness making a course unsafe to deliver. After a student has taken up a place
with the University, the University will look to give early notification of any changes
and try to minimise their impact, offering suitable alternative arrangements or forms
of compensation where it believes there is a fair case to do so. Offers of a place to
study at the University will provide up to date information on courses. The latest key
information on courses, entry requirements and fees can be found at
www.leeds.ac.uk/coursefinder. Please check this website before making any decisions.
www.leeds.ac.uk 1


Each September we are delighted to Introduction 2

welcome high achieving students from
across the world onto the University of List of programmes 4
Leeds International Foundation Year.
Based here on our beautiful city What will I study? 6
centre campus, all of your teaching will be
delivered by University of Leeds academics Campus life 8
and you will have full access to University
facilities. We pride ourselves on giving our students the chance Accommodation 10
to realise their full potential by progressing onto a University of
Leeds undergraduate degree, and look forward to welcoming you How to apply 12
at Leeds soon.
Leeds the city 14
I hope you find all the information you need in this brochure.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to
contact my team directly (contact details can be found on the
back page).

Anne Lawrence, Director of International Pathway Programmes,

University of Leeds
Here in the Faculty of Engineering we have
been welcoming students from the University
of Leeds International Foundation Year since
1989, and have consistently been impressed
with both the quality of preparation they have
received and the contribution they go on to
make to the Faculty.

The IFY curriculum is designed and taught by members of staff

from across the University, ensuring that students get the best
possible preparation for their undergraduate degree studies.

On behalf of colleagues from across the University, Id like to say

that we look forward to welcoming you to Leeds to begin the next
chapter of your academic life.

Professor Peter Jimack, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering,

University of Leeds


The University of Leeds International Foundation Year is one of What happens at the end of my foundation year?
the longest-running and most successful programmes of its The University of Leeds International Foundation Year guarantees
type in the country. For more than 25 years we have been all students who pass with the required grades progression onto
helping high-achieving students to realise their ambition of their main Bachelors degree programme. Theres no need to
studying at the University of Leeds. In this time weve welcomed make a new application or take a new English language test
more than 2,600 students from over 80 countries with the youll automatically progress onto year one of your chosen
vast majority going on to graduate with a University of Leeds degree programme when you successfully pass the International
Bachelors degree. Foundation Year with the stated required grades.

What is the University of Leeds International As one of the longest-running and well-respected
Foundation Year? foundation programmes in the UK, the International
The University of Leeds International Foundation Year is a
Foundation Year qualification is accepted by a number
9-month, 3-term programme which fully prepares you for
entry onto your Bachelors degree programme. It starts every
of other universities for entry onto their degree
September and runs through to the middle of the following June. programmes. In recent years the small percentage
of students who do not progress onto their chosen
What will I study? programme at the University of Leeds have gone on
You will study a mixture of subject-specific, English language to study at the University of Nottingham, Swansea
and Academic Study Skills content. The subject specific modules University, Coventry University and others
are carefully tailored to your chosen degree to ensure that you
are fully prepared for year one of your Bachelors programme. Which degree programmes can I progress to?
Further details can be found on page 6. Depending on your chosen programme of study, youll enrol onto
one of our 6 foundation year routes:
Who will be teaching me?
All of your teaching will be given by University of Leeds
academics (see page 13). As a top-100 university in the world,
many of our academics are internationally renowned and at the
forefront of their fields. From day one, you will learn from our
inspirational academics and study alongside other talented and
Joint honours
motivated students from across the world.
When you successfully complete the International Foundation
What about student support? Year, you will progress onto one of more than 130 different
Youll be given full and comprehensive orientation into university Bachelors degree programmes. Please turn over to see a full list
life. From the moment you start your course a personal tutor will of the programmes you can progress onto.
support your academic and personal development to help you
get the most out of your time at Leeds. Regular and structured
meetings will aid you not only to do well in your studies,
but also to become a more confident, articulate and highly
employable graduate.
www.leeds.ac.uk 3

Yu Huang
International Foundation Year 2014, BA Fashion Marketing

The University of Leeds International Foundation Year provided

me with a really solid academic foundation to progress successfully
on to my current Bachelors degree programme. I was taught
modules in drawing, Adobe and design on the foundation and this
has given me a head start on some of my coursemates and helped
me achieve good academic grades. My English has improved and
given me greater confidence to perform well in academic essay
writing and presentation skills.

I made three of my best friends in the International Foundation Year

and we are all now studying undergraduate courses at Leeds.
The facilities at the University are wonderful. The Edge is one of my
favourite places to visit. It has the best swimming pool I have ever
used and it was a training centre by the Chinese team ahead of the
2012 Olympics!

Leeds as a university city is vibrant with student life. It is not too

small or too big. There are different universities and colleges and
it feels youthful and fresh and it is a city with lots of things to do
without spending too much money.

List of programmes

Arts (BA)
Childhood Studies Human Resource Management (BA)
Film, Photography and Media International History and Politics
Classical Civilisation International Relations
Professional Studies Law (LLB)
Criminal Justice and Criminology Digital Media
Cultural and Media Studies Philosophy
English, Language and Education Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
English Language and Literature Politics
English Literature Social Policy
English Literature and Theatre Studies Social Policy and Crime
Environment and Business Social Policy and Sociology
History Social Policy with Enterprise
History of Art Sociology
History of Art with Cultural Studies Theology and Religious Studies
Education Religion, Politics and Society

Business (BA/BSc)
International Development International Business (BSc)
Business (BA/BSc) Banking and Finance
Accounting and Finance (BSc) International Business and Finance (BSc)
Business Analytics (BSc) International Business and Marketing (BSc)
Business Economics (BSc) Management (BA)
Economics (BSc) Management and the Human Resource (BA)
Economics and Finance (BSc) Management with Marketing (BA)
Economics and Management (BSc)

Design (BA)
Art and Design Fashion Technology
Fashion Design Graphic and Communication Design
Fashion Marketing Textile Design

Engineering (BEng or MEng,BEng)

Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering Civil Engineering with Project Management
Architecture Electronic and Communications Engineering
Architectural Engineering Electronics and Computer Engineering
Automotive Engineering Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Chemical and Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering
Chemical and Materials Engineering Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems
www.leeds.ac.uk 5

Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Mechanical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Mechatronics and Robotics
Civil and Environmental Engineering Medical Engineering
Civil and Structural Engineering Petroleum Engineering

Science (BSc)
Actuarial Mathematics Mathematical Studies
Advanced Psychology Mathematics
Applied Computer Science (BSc/MEng) Mathematics and Statistics
Aviation Technology and Management Mathematics with Finance
Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies Medical Biochemistry (BSc/MBiol)
Biochemistry (BSc/MBiol) Medical Microbiology (BSc/MBiol)
Biological Sciences (BSc/MBiol) Medical Sciences (BSc/MBiol)
Biological Sciences (Biotechnology with Enterprise) (BSc/MBiol) Medicinal Chemistry (BSc/MChem)
Biology (BSc/MBiol) Meteorology and Climate Science (BSc/MEnv)
Biology with Enterprise (BSc/MBiol) Microbiology (BSc/MBiol)
Chemistry (BSc/MChem) Neuroscience (BSc/MBiol)
Computer Science (BSc/MEng) Nutrition
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (BSc/MEng) Pharmacology (BSc/MBiol)
Computer Science with Distributed Systems (BSc/MEng) Physics (BSc/MPhys)
Computer Science with Mathematics (BSc/MSci) Physics with Astrophysics (BSc/MPhys)
Environmental Science (BSc/MEnv) Psychology
Food Science Sport and Exercise Sciences (BSc/MBiol)
Food Science and Nutrition Sports Science and Physiology (BSc/MBiol)
Genetics (BSc/MBiol) Sustainability and Environmental Management (BSc/MEnv)
Geological Sciences (BSc/MGeol) Theoretical Physics (BSc/MPhys)
Geophysical Sciences (BSc/MGeophys) Zoology (BSc/MBiol)
Human Physiology (BSc/MBiol)

Joint honours (BA/BSc)

Biology and Mathematics (BSc) English and History (BA)
Chemistry and Mathematics (BSc) English and Philosophy (BA)
Classical Civilisation (BA) English and Theology and Religious Studies (BA)
Classical Civilisation and History (BA) History and Philosophy (BA)
Classical Civilisation and English (BA) History and Theology and Religious Studies (BA)
Classical Civilisation and Philosophy (BA) Management and Mathematics (BSc)
Classical Civilisation and Theology and Religious Studies (BA) Philosophy and Theology and Religious Studies (BA)
Economics and Mathematics (BSc) Politics and Social Policy (BA)
Economics and Philosophy (BA) Politics and Sociology (BA)
Economics and Politics (BA)

What will I study?

The University of Leeds International Foundation Year routes have Design foundation year
been designed in close collaboration with the departments you will In addition to the Academic Study Skills in English core module,
progress onto and so there are a range of modules that can be you will study modules offered within the School of Design which
studied depending on what degree course you have chosen. will enable you to develop the skills and knowledge needed for
your design degree. These will be taught by experienced
lecturers within the School of Design.

Engineering foundation year

In addition to the Academic Study Skills in English core module,
you will also study core Maths modules, as Maths is pivotal to
your future Engineering studies. You will then also study either
Chemistry or Physics modules and those taking Petroleum
Engineering will need to study an introductory module in
Geological Sciences.
Core module: Academic Study Skills in English
All students study this core module which helps you to develop Joint honours foundation year
the key study skills and academic English you will need for In addition to the Academic Study Skills in English core module,
success on a university degree programme. you will be offered a combination of modules from a selection which
will prepare you for the joint honours degree you have chosen.
The academic staff who teach this module also act as personal
tutors for the International Foundation Year students ensuring Science foundation year
overall academic support for your studies. In addition to the Academic Study Skills in English core module,
you will study modules from two subject areas depending on your
chosen future degree programme. The subject areas are in the
Additional modules: fields of Chemistry, web programming and technologies, Biology,
You will then study a range of additional modules depending on Business, Maths and Physics. Those wanting to study degrees in
the route you are on and also the degree programme you will Geological Sciences or Geophysical Sciences will need to take
progress to. the introductory module in Geological Sciences.
Arts foundation year (*Students progressing to Law can study Arts or Business modules.)
In addition to the Academic Study Skills in English core module,
you will take a range of modules which will prepare you for the
arts degree you have chosen. For example, students wanting
to study a degree in International Relations, Law*, Criminal
Justice and Criminology or Education would study modules in the
Social Sciences.

Business foundation year

In addition to the Academic Study Skills in English core module,
you will study core business modules including Foundations of
Economics, Introduction to International Business, Introductory
Management and Maths for Business. There are also additional
modules depending on the particular degree pathway you
have chosen.
www.leeds.ac.uk 7

Osama Al Shahari
International Foundation Year 2014,
BEng Petroleum Engineering

The staff of the International Foundation Year, which includes the

head of the programme, professors, tutors, coordinators, and social
assistants, were extremely supportive and ready to help at all times.
I had regular meetings with an assigned personal tutor throughout the
year to discuss any issues I faced during my studies. They also helped
me with my questions, enquires and concerns about my degree which
I was about to start in the following academic year.

I learned a lot in the International Foundation Year which helped me

to do well in my degree. As an international student, some of the most
important things I learned were the UKs academic system, UKs
academic writing and referencing which I didnt know about before
starting the programme.

In my opinion, the things I learned during the year made me more

familiar with the Universitys system, teaching methods, and marking
criteria, which made me more confident and comfortable in my
first year than other students. In addition, having friends from the
International Foundation Year in my course and being in the city for a
whole year made my progression a lot easier than new students.

Campus Life

Established in 1904, the University of Leeds is one of the largest Sport and fitness
higher education institutions in the UK. We are a world top Whatever your level of fitness, we provide excellent opportunities
100 university and are renowned globally for the quality of our to keep healthy and get active. So, whether you want to
teaching and research. participate for fun, at club level or at the highest national or
international standards, at Leeds youll be inspired to achieve
Our single-site campus, is just a short walk from the centre your personal best.
of Leeds. Were investing millions of pounds each year to ensure
that you enjoy a first-class academic environment from brand The Edge, our flagship 13.5m indoor facility, provides a variety
new laboratories and lecture theatres to one of the largest and of fitness, sport and wellbeing opportunities, including an
most impressive libraries in the UK, you will find everything you Olympic sized swimming pool and the largest university gym
need for your studies right here on campus. Our students love in the UK.
the fact that everything is in one place and its really easy to
get around. Our world class sporting facilities are used on a regular basis
by members of the British Olympic team, and were used by the
As a student on the International Foundation Year programme, Chinese and Canadian teams during the London 2012 games.
you will have full access to the Universitys state-of-the-art
facilities from day one of your programme.
Clubs, societies and volunteering
Your students Union, Leeds University Union, runs over 300
ur student-led clubs and societies, bringing like-minded students
together. Whether you want to pursue an existing interest or try
something completely new, theres something for everyone
from football to chess, sky-diving to dance and even Quidditch!

As well as meeting new people and having fun, you could
become one of the 3,000 students at Leeds who make a
Libraries difference to the lives of others each year. Volunteering is a great
Our libraries are amongst the major academic research libraries way to develop valuable skills, enhance your CV and broaden
in the UK, and attract students and academics from all over the your life experience while studying for your degree.
world. Theyre open seven days a week and have a variety of
opening times to suit your needs.

As well as access to all the books youll need for your course,
youll have a host of electronic resources, including 540,000
online books and more than 35,000 online journals at your
fingertips, accessible from wherever you are.

Language Centre
Our Language Centre offers resources for independent language
study and English language courses. Our pre-sessional English
language courses can help you to prepare for study in the UK
see page 12 for further details.

English language development and academic study skills support

is also available through part-time in-sessional classes and
workshops, which you can do alongside your degree.
www.leeds.ac.uk 9


Choosing a university is also about choosing a home away Here are just some of the things we offer you:
from home. At the University of Leeds we guarantee* single
University accommodation for all International students for all great locations on campus, close to the city centre or in
years of their course and we are dedicated to helping you find the the popular student suburbs of Headingley and Hyde Park
accommodation that best suits you. We also provide a wide range a fantastic choice of accommodation from modern,
of support services to help you feel at home from day one. purpose-built developments to more traditional buildings,
catered or self-catered
Choosing your new home things to consider a range of rents to suit different budgets
Apart from being a great introduction to student life and a a large number of en suites if you want private facilities,
fantastic way to make new friends and feel part of our or you can keep costs down by sharing a bathroom
University community, there are other benefits to living no hidden extras to pay basic insurance cover, wi-fi,
in our accommodation. all utility bills and off-peak gym and sports membership
are all included in your rent
Living with other students on different courses is a great way additional facilities at many sites, including common rooms,
to make friends and broaden your social circle. Youll have plenty TVs, pool tables, bars; some even have their own gym
of opportunities to get involved, as each residence has a student- a safe environment, with our security service on call 24/7
led residents committee that organises social events and sporting an efficient, responsive maintenance service
activities during term time. Whether its a film night, a trip to advice and support from experienced wardens and resident
the great outdoors or an end-of-term ball, therell be something sub-wardens
for you. great customer service we are a founding member of the
ANUK National Code of Standards, which is a quality guide
You might want to find out who youll be living with before you for student accommodation and fully approved by the
arrive once your residence has been confirmed, you can check National Union of Students (NUS).
out its Facebook group and say hello to your future neighbours.
www.leeds.ac.uk/accommodation * Restrictions apply relating to deadlines, residence
and academic offer status. See our website for more information
Around 70% of our students are allocated their first choice about our guarantee.
of accommodation like most other universities in the UK,
we cant guarantee everyone their first choice.

International students
are guaranteed accommodation
for the duration of your degree, as long as you apply
by the deadline.
www.leeds.ac.uk 11

Aryana Tavanai
International Foundation Year, 2007
BSc Computer Science, 2010
MSc Artificial Intelligence, 2011
PhD Computer Vision, 2016

The topics covered during the International Foundation Year

were stimulating, keeping students with a variety of backgrounds
interested, and challenging enough so that they pushed themselves
to improve on their skills.

When you compare the work you did at the beginning of the
programme against your work at the end, you can easily see the
improvement in your knowledge and skills without even noticing it
happen to you during the year.

I loved my time studying at the University of Leeds so much that

after completing the International Foundation Year and my BSc,
I ended up doing an MSc and a PhD. Ive just started working as
a researcher for a company in Oxford, a new experience for me
after university life. This time however, I have had the experience
of knowing what to do and what to expect all starting from the
University of Leeds International Foundation Year.

How to apply

Applying to the University of Leeds International Foundation Year English courses

is quick and easy. If you want to improve your English before starting the
International Foundation Year, the University offers a range of
1. C
 heck the academic entry requirements for your country on English language courses, taught by the English Language Unit.
our website: internationalfoundationyear.leeds.ac.uk
10 Week pre-sessional leading onto Leeds International
2. C
 omplete the online application via the University website: Foundation Year
applyonline.leeds.ac.uk Our 10 week pre-sessional programme is designed for students
who already have a good level of English, but who fall just short of
3. Attach supporting documentation (where available) our English language requirements. The programme will help you
High School Transcripts (certified with English translation) develop your English and academic study skills in preparation for
2 x references the International Foundation Year programme.
IELTS (UKVI) Certificate
S upporting statement The required IELTS scores for the 10 week presessional are
as follows:
If one of these is not ready at the time of submitting the
application, we may need to request it before a decision DESIGN, ENGINEERING, ARTS, BUSINESS and
can be made on the application. JOINT HONOURS JOINT HONOURS ARTS
4. Await decision from our admissions team.
IELTS (UKVI) Overall score of 5.0 (With Overall score of 5.5,
only one score below 5.0, including at least 5.0 in
After the online application has been received, an e-mail and none below 4.5) each skill.
acknowledgement will be sent. You will be able to track the status
of the application using the login name and pin number that were Academic English for Undergraduate Studies
created when the application was submitted. The Academic English for Undergraduate Studies programme is
designed to help students improve their level of English to meet
You will need also to provide an IELTS (UKVI) certificate with the university requirements. You can study full-time, with entry points
scores below: in October, January and April.
For further details on these courses, including how to apply,
SCIENCE and SCIENCE routes please visit www.leeds.ac.uk/languages
IELTS (UKVI) Overall score of 5.5, Overall score of 6.0, Other routes
including at least 5.0 in including at least 5.0 in If you do not meet the entry requirements for the Leeds
each skill. each skill.
International Foundation Year, there are other options which you
may be eligible for:
For entry to programmes below degree level we are only able to
Leeds International Study Centre International Foundation Year
accept English language qualifications which are listed as UKVI
Delivered by Study Group and based at Leeds Beckett University,
approved Secure English Language Tests (SELTs) and taken in
this foundation programme will allow you to progress to a number
approved test centres.
of undergraduate degrees in Business, Engineering, Law or
Science at the University of Leeds.
View a full list of UKVI SELTs and test centres
The University of Leeds is an owner member of NCUK, which
delivers foundation programmes at teaching centres in: China,
A range of scholarships are available, including country specific
India, Colombia, Russia, Japan, Malta, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan,
and subject specific scholarships. Please see our website for
South Korea, Ireland and the UK.
further details.
www.leeds.ac.uk 13

Nancy Woods
Academic Study Skills tutor, University of Leeds,
International Foundation Year

I have been teaching on the International Foundation Year for the

past 10 years. I teach Academic Study Skills the skills students need
to maximise their potential for success in their chosen undergraduate
programme. Here on the Leeds International Foundation Year we
do an excellent job of preparing students for a variety of degree
programmes and are constantly striving to make any necessary
changes to help students further.

I love the mix of students on the International Foundation Year

we often have 30+ nationalities, so it is a truly international
programme. The International Foundation Year students form strong
bonds with each other which can last right through their university
career and life.

Leeds the city

Each year more than 60,000 students from across the world Food and drink
choose Leeds as their study destination. A young, vibrant and You are never far from a fantastic restaurant or caf, whether
multicultural city, Leeds has everything you would expect from a youre in the city centre or one of the popular student suburbs.
major, multicultural, urban hub. With a huge choice of restaurants offering cuisine from across the
world youll be able to find everything youre looking for, and
Arts and culture whats more many have special deals or early-bird menus ideal
A hotbed of creative cultural talent, Leeds enjoys a reputation for for a student budget.
producing spectacular and innovative shows. It is the only UK city
outside London to have its own opera and ballet companies and Green space
boasts several theatres. Sitting in the heart of Yorkshire, Leeds is one of the greenest
cities in the UK as well as being surrounded by spectacular
Sport countryside. The Lake District, Peak District, the Yorkshire Dales
Whatever your sport of choice, Leeds is home to some great and the North York Moors are all close by, and provide the ideal
sporting teams, including Leeds United Football Club based at environment for University groups and societies taking part in
Elland Road stadium. Rugby fans will be spoilt for choice, with everything from caving and kayaking to cycling and walking.
both Leeds Rhinos Rugby League and Leeds Carnegie Rugby Discover more at www.yorkshire.com
Union teams based at Headingly Stadium, which is also home to
Yorkshire County Cricket Club and International Test Match Getting around
cricket. Leeds was even chosen to host the Tour de France Located at the centre of the UK and enjoying excellent transport
Grand Depart in 2014. links, Leeds is well connected to the rest of the UK by affordable,
frequent and extensive coach and rail services. You can reach
If spectating isnt enough and you want to get active, one of the London in around two hours and Edinburgh is just three hours
countrys biggest indoor real snow slopes is within easy reach, away by train. Leeds Bradford Airport also provides regular flights
and the city has plenty of gyms and health clubs (including the to major international destinations.
Universitys very own fitness suite and swimming pool,
The Edge).

As one of the UKs top shopping destinations, Leeds has a mix of
high street favourites, independent boutiques and vintage stores,
all within easy walking distance of the University. From the
beautiful and historic Victoria Quarter and Grand Arcade to the
stunning domed roof of Leeds Corn Exchange, Leeds is a true
haven for anyone who wants to shop somewhere different.
www.leeds.ac.uk x 15

Leeds is youthful
and fresh, a city
with lots of things
to do without
spending too
much money.
city centre
...and all it has
to offer, only a
10-minute walk
The Laidlaw from campus
Our undergraduate
library, opened in
First Direct spring 2015
Leeds groundbreaking
13,500 capacity
theatre-style music

The Great Hall

Venue for
University graduation
Parkinson ceremonies
The iconic
landmark building
of the University,
visible from miles

St George's
Brotherton Field
Beautiful green
Stunning historic
space to escape to,
library, one of four
right at the heart
on campus
of campus

Marjorie and
Hyde Park and Arnold Ziff Building
Headingley Home to the
Just a short walk International
or bus ride to the Foundation Year
popular student
suburbs in the north
of the city
www.leeds.ac.uk x 17

General Infirmary
Located just south of
campus and where
much of the clinical
teaching for medicine
and healthcare
students takes place Leeds
University Union
Shops, music venues, bars,
nightclubs, a supermarket
and the home of our 300
clubs and societies

Western Campus
Home to Leeds University
Business School, the School
of Law, Leeds Institute
of Health Sciences, the
Gryphon Sports Centre
and the Marks & Spencer

A large park right
next to campus,
perfect for chilling
out or keeping fit
International Foundation Year
Room 12.14
Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building
University of Leeds
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 113 343 3209

[email protected]

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