Pronouns Transcript

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Transcription: Oh No! What Are Pronouns Again?

1. FOR THE PPT FILE: Please press play or click on the link to watch the following video introducing
a. The video file does not include this voiceover

2. Today we are going to talk about the different types of pronouns. But first, do you remember
what a pronoun is or what a pronoun does? On the back of your graphic organizer, take thirty
seconds to jot down everything you remember about pronouns.

3. So, what are pronouns? A pronoun is a part of speech. Most pronouns are used to replace a
noun in a sentence, but their major goal is to make sentences shorter and less repetitive, or
repeating over and over.
a. For example, read the first sentence aloud with me. Shayla loves animals. Shayla has
three pets, but only one belongs to Shayla. Shayla takes care of the pets with the help of
Shaylas family. Very repetitive and confusing, right? Instead, with the use of pronouns,
we can say Shayla loves animals. She has three pets, but only one belongs to her. She
takes care of them with the help of her family. Doesnt that sound better?
b. Today, we are going to learn about the 7 different types of pronouns. Yeah! Seven! If
you look at the sentences about Shayla, it has 4 different kinds of pronouns! But dont
worry! By the end of this week, we will all be Professional Pronoun Producers. Lets get

4. Personal Pronouns
a. The first set of pronouns we are going to look at are Personal Pronouns. These pronouns
usually represent people or things. We are going to study three types of personal
pronouns: subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive pronouns.
i. Subject Pronouns are going to replace the subject of the sentence. And as we
remember, the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb. The
subject pronouns are I, the singular You, He/She/It, We, the plural You, and
They. In the sentence She has three pets what is the subject pronoun?
ii. Object pronouns are going to replace the object of the sentence. The object
pronoun is going to receive the action of the verb. The singular object pronouns
are Me, You, Him/Her/It, and the plural object pronouns are Us, You, and Them.
In the sentence Shayla takes care of them what is the object pronoun?
iii. Possessive pronouns shows ownership. It lets us know who or what owns
something. The possessive pronouns are Mine, Yours, His/Hers/Its, Ours, Yours,
and Theirs. In the sentence The cat is hers who does the cat belong to?
1. Even though your graphic organizer doesnt have a space for possessive
pronouns, take about three minutes and on the back, create a chart like
the one in the personal pronoun box, but label it Possessives and fill it

5. Okay so on to the next pronoun Huh. There doesnt seem to be anything here... and I cant
remember anything about the next pronoun or any pronouns! Quick: tell me something you
just learned about pronouns. Maybe it will help me remember! Oh no, I think I am suffering
from selective amnesia! I cant remember anything about pronouns. Wait Click here if you
lost your memory
a. Hello class. If you are hearing this, it means that I have lost my memory when it comes
to all things pronouns. It happens on occasion. Usually when I eat too many Snickers
bars before bed. Anyway, what this means is that you are going to have to teach me
about pronouns. Try and help me remember. Im going to put you into 5 different
groups and youre going to research the different kinds of pronouns. Use your graphic
organizer to help you know what to search for. I am looking for the definition of your
pronoun, a list of those particular pronouns, and at least three example sentences. I will
leave my slide about Personal Pronouns up to help you out. Hopefully, with your
amazing research and teaching skills, I might remember what pronouns are!

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