Xray Sedimentation 3

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Advances in Particle Technology

Ancheta, Arnie
Correia, Feliciana
Pereira Soares, Gretha
Particle Technology

the "science and technology related to the

handling and processing of particles and
Advances in Particle Technology

Laser Light Scattering

X-ray Sedimentation

Electrical Sensing Zone

History of X-ray sedimentation

An exact method of determining particle size by

sedimentation was developed in the 1850s by
George Gabriel Stokes
In the mid-'60s, Olivier and Hickin,1 working in a
Freeport Kaolin laboratory, combined these two
principles and developed an instrument that
uses sedimentation to determine particle size
and X-ray absorption to measure the time-
dependent change in a mass concentration of
solids settling from suspension
Used of X-ray sedimentation

Accounts for Particle Mass Outside Analysis

Analyzes Higher Concentrated Slurries than
Most Other Techniques.
Provides Reliable Analyses of Wide Size
Range: 300 m to 0.1 m.
Requires Only Readily-Available Physical
Constants as Parameters
The X-ray Sedimentation technique
for determining the relative mass
distribution of a sample by particle
size is based on two physical
sedimentation theory and
the absorption of X-radiation
These two theories are embodied in
an analytical instrument called the
Sedimentation theory
Absorption of X-radiation

each size class strongly affect the ability to sinter a ceramic powder and
its forming properties as well as the pore size distribution in the finished
helps determine curing and bonding procedures, control pore structure,
ensure adequate green body strength, and produce a final product of
desired strength, texture, appearance, and density.

Metal Powders
very specific pore characteristics can be designed into a product
Similar to ceramics, the particle size distribution is critical to green body
and fi nal product strength and density

Geological Science
Grain size affects the moisture-holding capacity of soil, drainage rate, and
the soils ability to hold nutrients. Grain size is directly related to transport
of sediment..

The appearance, application, and packaging of cosmetics are influenced
by the particle size distribution of base powders, such as talc, and the
pigments used for coloring

Minerals and Inorganic Chemicals

Reactivity of materials is dependent upon exposed surface area and thus
particle size distribution

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