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Algebra 1

Section 4.3

Graphing Quadratic Functions

Quadratic Functions

It is frequently the case that a quadratic equation involves more than one variable. In such a
case, it is impossible to solve the equation uniquely for any of the variables in the equation. Rather, the
equation describes a relationship between the variables and dictates how some variables (the dependent
variables) change as another variable (the independent variable) changes. Such quadratic equations
can thus be relations and, if the right conditions are met, functions. In this section, we will consider
quadratic functions with two variables, usually x and y or f (x). Using f (x) in stead of y just shows
the equation in function notation. An example of one such function is given below.

f (x) = 4x2 + 3x + 2

This quadratic function is in standard form, because it is of the form:

f (x) = ax2 + bx + c

Where a, b, and c are constants, and a 6= 0.

Another form a quadratic function can be in is vertex form, which looks like:

f (x) = a(x h)2 + k

Where a, h, and k are constants, and a 6= 0.

In this section, we will study the different forms of quadratic functions, how theyre graphed, and
how to convert between the forms.

First, realize that every quadratic function is a parabola, or a curve that gets steeper the further
from its vertex it goes. The vertex is the point of the parabola where the two parts of the curve
diverge. A parabola can open up, down, sideways or in any direction. However, every quadratic
function produces a parabola that opens either up or down. A sideways opening parabola would not
satisfy the vertical line rule, and can therefore not be produced by a function (nor can any parabola
facing a direction that is not up or down). Refer the diagrams of parabolas below.

Upward Facing Parabola

Satisfies vertical line test


Downward Facing Parabola

Satisfies vertical line test


Sideways Parabola

Fails vertical line test



Graphing Standard Form Quadratic Functions

Recall that quadratic functions in standard form look like:

f (x) = ax2 + bx + c

Graphing these functions shows the relationship between f (x) (graphed on the y axis) and x
in the xy-plane. We know that one can sketch a graph of this function by using a function table.
However, it is more convenient to graph a parabola by first graphing its vertex, finding the direction
the parabola opens, and finally drawing the curves that open in that direction.

The vertex of the graph will be a point, and the x-coordinate of that point is x = 2a . The
y-coordinate is simply f ( 2a ). Plot this point in the xy-plane as the vertex of the parabola.

Then, determine the sign of a. If a is positive, the parabola opens up. If a is negative, the
parabola will open downward. The larger the absolute value of a is, the greater the width of the
parabola will be. If |a| is large, then the parabola is very steep. If |a| is small, then the parabola will
be not very steep.

Draw the curves of the parabola emerging from the vertex in the direction you have determined
based on the sign of a and with the steepness you have found based on the value of the absolute value
of a.

To move a parabola up or down, increase or decrease the value of c respectively. To make a

parabola wider or thinner, decrease or increase the value of a respectively. To move a parabola to the
left or right, decrease or increase the value of 2a respectively.

Consider the example quadratic function in standard form below:

f (x) = 3x2 + 6x + 2
b 6
First, find the point of the vertex. The x-coordinate is 2a = 23 = 1. Then, the y-coordinate
is f (1) = 3(1) + 6(1) + 2 = 3 6 + 2 = 1. So, the point of the vertex is (1, 1).

Next, we see that a is positive and fairly large, so the parabola will open up and be fairly steep.
You can see a graph of the parabola for this function below.



Graphing Vertex Form Quadratic Functions

Recall that quadratic functions in vertex form look like

f (x) = a(x h)2 + k

The process of graphing these functions is very similar to graphing functions in standard form,
except the vertex is already found for you. The vertex of the parabola is (h, k). Simple!

Next, determine the sign and absolute value of a with the same process as with the standard form,
and graph the curve emerging from the vertex the same way. That is, a positive a means the parabola
is opening up, a negative a means the parabola is opening down, a large |a| means the parabola is
steep, and a small |a| means the parabola is not steep.

To move a parabola up or down, increase or decrease the value of k respectively. To make a

parabola wider or thinner, decrease or increase the value of a respectively. To move a parabola to the
right or left, decrease or increase the value of h respectively.

Consider the example quadratic function in vertex form below:

f (x) = 3(x + 2)2 + 1

The vertex of the parabola is (2, 1). Be careful! The vertex form of a quadratic function is
f (x) = a(xh)2 +k, so h = 2, not 2, because x(2) = x+2. Graph the point (2, 1) in the xy-plane.

Now, notice a = 3, which is negative, and | 3| = 3, which is fairly large, so the parabola is
fairly steep and opens down. You can see a graph of the parabola for this function below.



Converting between the forms

Any quadratic function can be written in either vertex or standard form. Because of this, it may
be useful to convert between these forms.

For a function in standard form:

f (x) = ax2 + bx + c
b b
Realize that h = 2a and k = f ( 2a ). Then, the a in both forms is the same. Thus, the function
written in vertex form is:

b 2 b
g(x) = a(x + 2a ) + f ( 2a )

g is used here simple to distinguish between standard form (f ) and vertex form (g).

If the function is in vertex form:

g(x) = a(x h)2 + k

Simply FOIL the term being squared. Thus, the equation in standard form is:

f (x) = a(x2 2xh + h2 ) + k = ax2 2axh + h2 k

Solving Quadratics by Graphing

Another way to solve quadratics (and any polynomial, and indeed function) rather than alge-
braically is graphically.

If a quadratic equation is in standard form , or if one side equals 0, then set the nonzero side
equal to f (x), and graph that function f (x). The points where the graph crosses the x-axis are the
points whose x-coordinates are such that f (x) = 0, and thus where the original equation is solved.
That is, the x value of a point that crosses the x axis of a quadratic function solves the corresponding
quadratic equation in standard form.

The value of the points where the graph crosses the x-axis may not always be obvious by looking
at them, but it is important to realize the association between these points and the solutions of the
corresponding quadratic equation in standard form.

The fundamental theorem of algebra states that every quadratic equation has at most 2 real
solutions, and so every quadratic function can cross the x-axis at most 2 times. This is indeed the
case. In fact, any nth degree polynomial function can cross the x-axis no more than, but up to, n times.


Here are a few examples to test the concepts provided in this section. Answers can be found on
the following pages.

1. Graph the quadratic function f (x) = 2x2 + 3x 1. Show where the solutions to the equation
2x2 + 3x 1 = 0 are on the graph.

2. Graph the quadratic function f (x) = 5(x 12 )2 2. Show where the solutions to the equation
5(x 12 )2 2 = 0 are on the graph.

3. Convert the quadratic function f (x) = 3x2 4x + 2 to vertex form.

4. Convert the quadratic function f (x) = (x + 1)2 4 to standard form.


These are the solutions to the questions on the previous page

3 3
1. First, find the vertex of the parabola. The x-coordinate will be x = 22 = 4 = 34 . The
3 2 3 18 9 9 8 1
y-coordinate will be f ( 4 ) = 2(34) + 3( 4 ) 1 = 16 + 4 1 = 8 + 188 8 = 8 . Thus, the
vertex is ( 34 , 18 ). Graph this point, and realize that a = 2, which is negative and relatively far
from zero. Thus, the parabola will open downward and be relatively steep. See the graph below.
Also, the solutions to the equation are the x values of the points where the graph crosses the
x-axis, as shown below.

2. The vertex is ( 21 , 2), directly from vertex form. Graph this in the xy-plane. Notice a = 5, which
is positive and very far from zero, so the parabola will open upward and be very steep. See the
graph below. Also, the solutions to the equation are the x values of the points where the graph
crosses the x-axis, as shown below.

b 4
3. The conversion is h = 2a , so h = 23 = 46 = 23 . Then, k = f (h) = f ) 23 ) = 3( 23 )2 4( 23 ) +
2 = 9 3 + 2 = 3 3 + 3 = 3 . So h = 23 and k = 23 , so the function in vertex form is
8 4 8 6 2

f (x) = 3(x 23 )2 + 23 , because the value of a remains the same for the different forms.

4. First, foil out (x + 1)2 = x2 + 2x + 1, and then multiply that by the common coefficient 1.
Finally, add 4 to get f (x) = x2 2x 1 4 = x2 2x 5, which is the function in standard

The graphs for questions 1 and 2 are on the next page.


( , )

Solutions of the equation


f(x)=5( x- )2-2

Solutions of the equation

5( x- )2-2=0

( ,-2 )


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