Implementation of A BCBA Training Tract Within A LEND Program (Torri Smith Tejral)

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Implementation of a BCBA Training Tract within a LEND

Torri Smith Tejral, MS, BCBA, Cynthia Ellis, MD and Kellie Meador Ellerbusch, BLA
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE

Background Trainee Locations in Nebraska

The BCBA LEND Training Tract was developed to reduce existing barriers Trainees
to service provision in Nebraska.

A significant barrier to children and adults with an Autism Spectrum Provides

Disorder accessing effective and evidenced-based intervention in Supervision to
Nebraska was the lack of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA). BCBA - professionals
Years in Certification seeking BCBA
The limited locations of providers often forced individuals to travel great Trainee Discipline LEND Completed Location certification
distances for services. This travel was an additional financial burden that Urban -
Special Education 2012-2013 Yes Omaha, NE Yes
many families could not afford thus furthering the disparities in care.
Urban -
Special Education 2012-2014 Yes Lincoln, NE Yes
Professionals practicing in the community were struggling to find avenues Rural -
to obtain certification while continuing to provide other vital services in Special Education 2012-2014 Yes Crofton, NE Yes
these underserved areas. Urban -
Education 2012 N - withdrew Lincoln, NE
This unique program design allows professionals to continue to provide Frontier -
services in their areas of expertise while pursuing BCBA certification. Valentine,
School Psychologist 2013-2016 Yes NE
A collaborative relationship with both schools and community based Urban -
agencies, allowed the grant to address the barriers to access across both Counseling 2014-2016 Yes Omaha, NE
educational and mental health fields. Urban-
Special Education 2014-2016 Yes Omaha, NE Yes
Urban -
Social Work 2014-2106 Yes Omaha, NE

Early Childhood Special Urban -

Education 2014-2017 in progress Lincoln, NE
Goals of the BCBA Training Tract Special Education 2016-2017
in progress NE
Urban -
The LEND BCBA training tract was developed to provide access to
Special Education 2016-2017 in progress Millard, NE
Future Directions
advanced, specialized training regardless of geographical location. Papillion, The BCBA LEND Training Tract continues to grow.
School Psychologist 2016-2017 in progress NE
The BCBA Training Tract was able to meet the requirements of both the Urban,
BACB certification and the MCH leadership competencies. Special Education 2016 N- withdrew Omaha, NE Our goals for the future of the program include continuing to
Early Childhood Special Urban - build a network of BCBAs to provide services across the state.
Education 2017 in progress Millard, NE
Participants that are selected for the training must possess a Masters Rural -
degree, have a minimum of 2 years experience working with children or Columbus, We will also be able to support additional trainees as we have
adults with Autism and the ability to complete 50% of their practicum hours Special Education 2016 - 2017 in progress NE more supervisors available across the state.
Urban -
in a community based setting.
Psychologist 2017 in progress Omaha, NE
We also plan to seek additional funding to support additional
Training takes place over a 2 year period allowing the trainee to continue trainees.
local, community based services.

LEND faculty provide didactic training and supervision services both in

person and via video technology, allowing for state wide participation.

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