Health Literacy in Older Adults With and Without Low Vision

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Health Literacy in Older Adults With and Without

Low Vision

Mary Warren, Dawn K. DeCarlo, Laura E. Dreer

MeSH TERMS OBJECTIVE. In this study, we investigated whether older adults with low vision (LV) from age-related
 comprehension macular degeneration (AMD) demonstrated lower functional health literacy than older adults without LV.
 health literacy METHOD. Fifty adults with AMD were matched with adults without LV on age, gender, education, and
income. We measured visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and reading speed and administered the Test of
 macular degeneration
Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA) using two test time conditions, standard and unlimited,
to measure health literacy levels.
 vision, low
RESULTS. The group with LV had considerably lower TOFHLA scores for both time conditions (p < .001)
and took notably longer to complete the test (p < .001). Poorer acuity correlated with lower TOFHLA scores
in the group with LV.
CONCLUSION. Older adults with LV may take longer to read and understand health information, which has
important implications for providing health education to support self-management. Modifying components of
the reading task may facilitate reading performance and understanding of health education materials.

Warren, M., DeCarlo, D. K., & Dreer, L. E. (2016). Health literacy in older adults with and without low vision. American
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70, 7003270010.

Mary Warren, PhD, OTR/L, SCLV, FAOTA, is

Associate Professor and Program Director, Graduate
Certificate in Low Vision Rehabilitation, Department of
T wo-thirds of older adults live with chronic health conditions that limit
participation in everyday activities (Vogeli et al., 2007). Chronic health
conditions generally have no cure and are often medically complex. Patients
Occupational Therapy, University of Alabama at
Birmingham; [email protected] learn to self-manage a condition by modifying lifestyle and health behaviors to
minimize its effect on daily life (Richardson et al., 2014). Health care providers
Dawn K. DeCarlo, OD, MS, MSPH, is Associate support patient self-management efforts through education and instruction
Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of
Alabama at Birmingham.
(Richardson et al., 2014). Occupational therapy practitioners are increasingly
providing interventions to improve the self-management skills of older adults
Laura E. Dreer, PhD, is Associate Professor and with chronic conditions (Foster, Bedekar, & Tickle-Degnen, 2014; Richardson
Director of Psychological and Neuropsychological Clinical
et al., 2014).
Research Services, Department of Ophthalmology,
University of Alabama at Birmingham. Successful self-management requires a knowledgeable patient who is able to
understand and adhere to medical regimens and navigate the complex health care
system to obtain services. Proficiency in functional health literacy is considered
an important component of self-management (Rudd, 2007). Functional health
literacy is the ability of a person to acquire health knowledge by locating and
using information in documents, deciphering numbers, and completing cal-
culations. Low functional health literacy levels are associated with poorer self-
management and health status and increased hospitalization among older adults
(Berkman, Sheridan, Donahue, Halpern, & Crotty, 2011).
As a skill dependent on reading, functional health literacy may be influenced
by intrinsic variables (e.g., age, innate intelligence, primary language, cognitive
decline) and extrinsic variables that reflect environmental influences (e.g., ed-
ucational attainment, profession, socioeconomic status, culture; Martin et al.,
2009). A person must also have sufficient vision to accurately decipher print on
instructions, labels, and devices. Thus, low vision (LV), a permanent level of

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 7003270010p1

vision loss sufficient to limit completion of daily activi- Bresnick, & Bailey, 1982) acuity chart while participants
ties, may also affect functional health literacy. were wearing their habitual correction.
LV is a common chronic condition in older adults;
age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most Participants
prevalent cause of LV among older Americans (Eye Diseases One hundred two participants were recruited; 2 people
Prevalence Research Group, 2004). People with AMD of- were ineligible, resulting in 50 adults with LV and 50
ten experience impaired reading performance, including adults without LV. Participants with LV were recruited
lower reading speed and accuracy, but not necessarily re- from the University of Alabama at Birmingham Center for
duced comprehension (Legge, 2007). Although many older Low Vision Rehabilitation. We recruited participants
adults with AMD and other age-related eye diseases can
without LV from the same metropolitan area using flyers
read documents using magnifiers, researchers of health lit-
and referrals to obtain a sample closely matching the group
eracy studies have systematically excluded participants with
with LV on age, gender, education, and income.
LV (Paasche-Orlow, Parker, Gazmararian, Nielsen-Bohlman,
& Rudd, 2005). Consequently, little is known about health
literacy levels of older adults with visual impairment, even
though nearly one-third of these adults live alone without The first author (Warren) administered five assessments to
in-home or family support (Sloan, Ostermann, Brown, & the participants during one 60- to 90-min session in a
Lee, 2005) and are often responsible for self-managing private, distraction-free environment, typically in the
their chronic conditions. participants home. Rest breaks were offered between and
In this study, we investigated whether community- during assessments to minimize fatigue. Participants in
dwelling older adults with LV resulting from AMD dem- both groups used rest breaks, but the number of breaks
onstrated lower functional health literacy levels than older provided was not recorded.
adults without LV using the Test of Functional Health The 12-point-font, long version of the TOFHLA
Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA; Nurss, Parker, & Baker, was chosen to measure the functional health literacy of
1995). We further examined associations in the group with the participants because it has been used extensively in re-
LV among TOFHLA scores and variables including visual search on functional health literacy in older adults (Mancuso,
acuity, contrast sensitivity, and reading speed. 2009). The TOFHLA uses real-life examples to measure
comprehension of printed health information. The test
has two sections: numeracy and reading comprehension.
Method Summed section scores produce a composite score ranging
The universitys institutional review board approved the from 0 to 100 points. The point score categorizes the health
study; participants provided written informed consent. literacy level as inadequate (059), marginal (6074), and
Inclusion criteria for all participants included (1) mini- adequate (75100). The 17-item numeracy test is admin-
mum age of 65 yr, (2) community dwelling, (3) high istered first and given orally with props such as prescription
school diploma or equivalence, (4) English speaking, (5) medicine bottles. It is used to assess understanding of
no medical condition that might affect cognition or dosage, timing, and expiration of medications; medical test
reading, (6) no major uncorrected hearing loss, (7) self- results; scheduling of medical appointments; and eligibility
report of reading at least 20 min daily, (8) minimal risk for financial aid. Responses are scored according to spe-
for cognitive impairment defined as less than four errors cific guidelines. The raw score (017 points) is converted to
on the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire a weighted score ranging from 0 to 50.
(Pfeiffer, 1975), and (9) minimal risk for depression The reading comprehension section has three short
defined as less than five errors on the Geriatric De- passages written at sequentially higher reading grade levels:
pression ScaleShort Form (Yesavage & Sheikh, 1986). preparation instructions for an X-ray (4.3 grade reading
Participants with LV were required to have a documented level), a Medicaid document excerpt (10.4 grade reading
AMD diagnosis without another major eye disease or level), and a surgical consent (19.5 grade reading level). The
condition that would affect reading and a distance visual passages are read silently. Each sentence has 1 word missing;
acuity between 20/60 and 20/400 in the better eye. the participant selects the best word from a choice of 4 words.
Participants without LV were required to have 20/30 or The section has 50 missing words to produce a raw score
better habitual distance acuity and no known eye disease. between 0 and 50 points.
Visual acuity was measured with the Early Treatment Standard administration time is 10 min for numer-
Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS; Ferris, Kassoff, acy and 12 min for reading comprehension; unanswered

7003270010p2 May/June 2016, Volume 70, Number 3

questions are scored as errors. Scoring unanswered ques- church activities, volunteer work, singing and playing
tions as errors meant that participants with LV might score musical instruments) and 4 leisure activities of the per-
lower because of a slower reading speed. To capture the sons choosing. The test yields a score between 0 and 16
effect of slow reading, we modified the timing procedure points to provide an index of activity involvement.
so that participants were allowed to complete each section.
Two scores were recorded: the standard time score Statistical Analyses
recorded for the last test item completed when the Statistical analyses were completed with IBM SPSS
specified time limit elapsedand an unlimited time Statistics (Version 19; IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY).
scorerecorded when all items were answered. Two Chi-square analyses and t tests were conducted to test
completion times were also recorded: time required to equivalency between groups on variables associated with
complete the section under the standard timing con- reading performance. The t tests were conducted to test
dition (standard time) and time required to complete the differences between groups on TOFHLA scores for
all test items (unlimited time). Rest breaks were not the two timing conditions. A Wilcoxon signed-rank
included in the recorded time; the examiner stopped test was used to test differences in health literacy levels.
the timer and resumed timing after the break. Pearson correlations were calculated to test associations
The MNREAD Acuity Chart (Regents of the among vision-related variables and TOFHLA scores
University of Minnesota, 1994) was used to determine for the two timing conditions in the group with LV. A
maximum reading speed. The chart simulates a real- (two-tailed) significance level of .05 was used.
world reading experience and has been used extensively
in LV reading research (Legge, 2007). The chart con-
tains 19 sentences composed of 10 standard-length Results
common third-grade words. The sentences descend Participants were age 6594 yr, with an average age of
in order from 1.3 logMar (20/400 Snellen acuity at 81 yr (standard deviation [SD] 5 5.87); all but 2 par-
40 cm) to 0.13 logMar (20/6 Snellen acuity at 40 cm). ticipants were White. The two groups were equivalent in
The sentences are read aloud and timed. Participants age; gender; marital status; living arrangement; income;
wore their habitual reading correction and held the test education; occupation; years in retirement; and number of
chart at their preferred distance. Participants with LV comorbidities, prescribed medications, and leisure activi-
used their personal magnifier if needed; all participants ties (Table 1). Most participants lived in their own homes,
were offered use of a 50-watt halogen reading lamp to had some college or a college degree, had worked in
complete the test. Maximum reading speed was calculated skilled or professional occupations, and reported an
as the mean of the three fastest recorded reading speeds average income greater than $40,000 per year. They
following procedures described by Patel, Chen, Da Cruz, regularly participated in an average of nine leisure ac-
Rubin, and Tufail (2011) and was converted into words tivities (SD 5 2.4), reported an average of three co-
per minute with a standardized conversion chart. morbidities (SD 5 1.2), and took an average of seven
The Mars Letter Contrast Sensitivity Test (Arditi, prescribed medications (SD 5 3.5). All participants
2005) is a clinical test that measures peak contrast sen- demonstrated minimal risk for cognitive impairment or
sitivity between 100% and 1% contrast. The test has 48 depression per inclusion criteria.
letters, each with a value of 0.04 log contrast sensitivity, The groups differed considerably on vision and reading-
arranged in rows. The total contrast sensitivity score related variables. Compared with the group without LV,
represents the value of the last correctly identified letter participants with LV had poorer acuity, t(49) 5 21.9, p
minus 0.04 for each incorrectly read letter before the .001; poorer contrast sensitivity function, t(49) 5 15.3,
last two consecutive errors. Participant contrast sensi- p .001; and lower reading speeds, t(49) 5 7.75, p .001.
tivity scores were categorized as normal, moderate, se- Two-thirds of the participants with LV (n 5 33) used an
vere, or profoundly impaired on the basis of norms optical device to read test materials, and 30% (n 5 15) of
established for people age >60 yr. the participants with LV used extra task lighting; the par-
The Leisure Activity Score Questionnaire (Bull, 1982) ticipants without LV relied on typical lighting.
is an orally administered structured self-report question- Table 2 shows the difference in TOFHLA scores
naire that identifies older adult participation in leisure between the groups. The group with LV had considerably
activities. The person rates participation in 12 common lower composite scores and reading comprehension scores
leisure activities (e.g., TV and radio, card games, reading, than the group without LV under both timing condi-
rides and walks, crafts, gardening, theater and movies, tions. Participants with LV scored an average of 15 points

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 7003270010p3

Table 1. Participant Demographics and Equivalency Analyses 2.2, p 5 .03. Although both groups showed significantly
With Low Vision Without Low Vision higher scores with unlimited time, the group with LV
Characteristic (n 5 50), n (%) (n 5 50), n (%) p benefited more from the extra time, increasing an average
Gender 1.00 of 13 points compared with 1.5 points for the group
Male 15 (30) 15 (30) without LV. Unlimited test time also considerably im-
Female 35 (70) 35 (70)
proved health literacy levels in the group with LV, with
Marital status .62
Married 20 (40) 18 (36)
the percentage of participants classified as possessing ad-
Widowed 26 (52) 25 (50) equate health literacy increasing from 60% to 98% (z 5
Single 4 (8) 7 (14) 24.13, p 5 .001).
Living arrangement .07 For the group with LV, associations were found
Own home 37 (74) 31 (62) among TOFHLA scores and acuity (r 5 2.55, p 5 .001)
Residential facility 9 (18) 18 (36)
and reading speed (r 5 .61, p 5 .001) on the standard
With family 4 (8) 1 (2)
Education 1.00
time condition. Lower acuity and lower reading speed
High school 15 (30) 15 (30) were associated with lower test scores. In the unlimited
Some college 13 (26) 13 (26) time condition, only acuity remained significantly cor-
College degree 22 (44) 22 (44) related with test scores (r 5 .45, p 5 .01), showing that
Occupation .58 poorer acuity was associated with lower test scores.
Professional 22 (44) 17 (34)
Skilled 13 (26) 16 (32)
Nonskilled 15 (30) 17 (34)
Average income .16
$20,000$39,999 23 (46) 21 (42) In this study, we provided an initial exploration of the
$40,000$50,000 10 (20) 18 (36) relationship between LV and functional health literacy by
>$50,000 17 (34) 11 (22) investigating whether community-dwelling older adults
Retirement years .63
with AMD demonstrated lower functional health literacy
0 (active retirementa) 12 (24) 12 (24)
115 yr 11 (22) 15 (30)
than older adults without LV. Participants with LV were
>15 yr 27 (54) 23 (46) more impaired on all vision-related variables and had
Comorbidities considerably slower reading speeds than the adults without
Arthritis 33 (66) 34 (68) .83 LV. The influence of slow reading speed on test perfor-
Cardiovascular 31 (62) 31 (62) 1.00 mance was apparent in the considerable improvement in
High blood pressure 29 (58) 33 (66) .41
scores when participants with LV were given unlimited
Hearing 12 (24) 19 (38) .13
Diabetes 9 (18) 7 (14) .78
time to complete the TOFHLA. This finding suggests that
Lung 8 (16) 6 (12) .40 the participants with LV might have differed from the
Kidney and digestive 12 (24) 9 (18) .46 participants without LV not in ability to comprehend
Active retirement 5 working on a limited basis in profession (e.g., lawyer, health materials but rather in the amount of time required
business owner). to achieve an adequate comprehension level.
According to Legge (2007), older adults with LV may
lower on the composite test under the standard time experience greater difficulty comprehending print mate-
condition. The mean difference in scores between the rials because they are forced to allocate more attention
groups was reduced to only about 3 points with unlimited to decoding difficult-to-see words, straining attentional
time but remained statistically significant, t(99) 5 2.89, reserves already diminished by aging. To compensate,
p 5 .005. Participants with LV had considerably lower readers with LV might deliberately slow reading speed to
scores on the reading comprehension section for both reduce the demands on attention and improve compre-
timing conditions, but scores for the numeracy section hension (Legge, 2007). However, even with unlimited time
were considerably lower only on the standard timing to complete the test, there was a statistically significant
condition, t(99) 5 2.14, p 5 .036. mean difference of 3.4 points in scores between the groups.
Participants with LV took considerably more time to The correlation between visual acuity and TOFHLA scores
complete the test than the group without LV, averaging for the unlimited time condition suggests that poorer
4 min longer on the standard time condition and 11 min acuity may have contributed to the lower scores in the
longer on the untimed condition (Table 3). Unlimited group with LV.
test time improved scores for both groups: group with The paragraph format of the TOFHLA reading com-
LV, t(49) 5 6.45, p .001; group without LV, t(49) 5 prehension section may also have contributed to more errors

7003270010p4 May/June 2016, Volume 70, Number 3

Table 2. Differences in TOFHLA Scores for Standard and Unlimited Time Conditions
TOFHLA Score With Low Vision (n 5 50), M (SD) Without Low Vision (n 5 50), M (SD) t p 95% CI
Standard time 77.9 (16.3) 93.2 (7.2) 6.12a <.001 [10.3, 20.2]
Unlimited time 91.3 (6.5) 94.7 (5.2) 2.89 <.005 [1.1, 5.8]
Reading comprehension
Standard time 32.9 (12.3) 46.4 (4.9) 7.19a <.001 [9.7, 17.2]
Unlimited time 45.2 (4.0) 47.8 (2.8) 3.69a <.001 [1.2, 3.9]
Standard time 44.1 (8.0) 46.8 (3.9) 2.14a .036 [0.2, 5.2]
Unlimited time 45.5 (6.0) 46.9 (3.8) 1.27 .207 [20.7, 3.3]
Note. CI 5 confidence interval; M 5 mean; SD 5 standard deviation; TOFHLA 5 Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults.
Denotes Levenes correction for unequal variances.

in the group with LV. According to Legge (2007), paragraph- including instructions on medications and medical regi-
style formats require more attentional effort from readers with mens as well as appointments, referrals, and other paperwork
LV, which may increase fatigue. Although all participants required to receive services (Harrison, Mackert, & Watkins,
were offered and took rest breaks, it is possible that partici- 2010; Sharts-Hopko, Smeltzer, Ott, Zimmerman, &
pants with LV experienced greater fatigue, causing them to Duffin, 2010; Williams, 2002). Difficulty reading print
commit more errors on the reading comprehension section. can limit the persons ability to participate fully in self-
management of his or her health conditions; some
people with LV believe that it suggests to health care
Study Limitations and Future Research providers a cognitive inability to manage their health,
Studying only people with AMD limited generalization of and thus they are excluded from patientprovider conver-
the findings to the greater population with LV. Future sations (Sharts-Hopko et al., 2010). Of the LV participants
researchers should include other age-related eye diseases to in this study, 70% had been to college and read on a daily
obtain a more representative description of the effect of LV basis, but they still had lower TOFHLA scores than their
on functional health literacy levels. On the basis of the peers without LV. However, when slow reading speed was
study findings, one can also question the efficacy of using accommodated for with unlimited test time, 98% of the
timed tests such as the TOFHLA to measure health lit- participants with LV achieved adequate health literacy on the
eracy in adults with LV; future researchers should explore basis of TOFHLA scores.
test designs that accommodate readers with LV. The American Occupational Therapy Association
(2011) published a societal statement on health literacy,
committing occupational therapy practitioners to ensure
Implications for Occupational that all health-related information and education . . .
Therapy Practice match that persons literacy abilities (p. S78). Resources
A consistent complaint voiced by people with LV is the are readily available to assist occupational therapy prac-
heavy reliance by health care providers on using visually titioners to create accessible print materials for clients
inaccessible print materials to deliver health information, with LV. The American Printing House for the Blind

Table 3. Differences in TOFHLA Completion Time for Standard and Unlimited Time Conditions
TOFHLA Score Low Vision (n 5 50), M (SD) Without Low Vision (n 5 50), M (SD) t p 95% CI
Standard time 19.1 (2.6) 15.0 (3.4) 6.78a <.001 [2.6, 5.3]
Unlimited time 26.8 (10.4) 15.7 (4.7) 6.89a <.001 [7.9, 14.4]
Reading comprehension
Standard time 11.5 (1.3) 9.2 (4.9) 6.03a <.001 [1.5, 3.0]
Unlimited time 18.5 (7.9) 9.9 (3.6) 7.02a <.001 [6.2, 11.2]
Standard time 7.5 (1.7) 5.7 (1.5) 5.49 <.001 [1.1, 2.4]
Unlimited time 8.3 (3.5) 5.8 (1.5) 4.73a <.001 [1.5, 3.6]
Note. Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA) time is reported in minutes. CI 5 confidence interval; M 5 mean; SD 5 standard deviation.
Denotes Levenes correction for unequal variances.

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 7003270010p5

(Kitchel, n.d.) and Lighthouse International (Arditi, n.d.) Eye Diseases Prevalence Research Group. (2004). Causes and
offer guidelines for improving print visibility for readers prevalence of visual impairment among adults in the
with LV. Other organizations, such as Pfizer (n.d.), pro- United States. Archives of Ophthalmology, 122, 477485.
vide guidelines for simplifying language and sentence
Ferris, F. L., Kassoff, A., Bresnick, G. H., & Bailey, I. L.
structure to lower reading grade levels and to improve the (1982). New visual acuity charts for clinical research.
readability of health education materials. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 94, 9196. http://
Occupational therapy practitioners working in any
practice setting can assist older clients with LV to un- Foster, E. R., Bedekar, M., & Tickle-Degnen, L. (2014). Sys-
derstand important health materials by addressing print tematic review of the effectiveness of occupational therapy
related interventions for people with Parkinsons disease.
visibility and formatting along with the context of the
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reading task. Specific recommendations include to
Combine low literacy and LV guidelines to create opti- Harrison, T. C., Mackert, M., & Watkins, C. (2010). Health
mally accessible formats for printed health materials; literacy issues among women with visual impairments. Re-
Encourage the client to take rest breaks and as much search in Gerontological Nursing, 3, 4960. http://dx.doi.
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Kitchel, E. (n.d.). Guidelines for the development of PowerPoint
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derstanding health information (e.g., remove auditory powerpoint-guide/
distractions, provide additional nonglare task lighting, Legge, G. E. (2007). Psychophysics of reading in normal and low
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Consider providing recorded instructions to replace or Mancuso, J. M. (2009). Assessment and measurement of health
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and Health Sciences, 11, 7789.
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Acknowledgment Internal Medicine, 24, 12111216.
We thank John E. Crews and Scott Snyder for their in- Nurss, J. R., Parker, R. M., & Baker, D. W. (1995). Test of
valuable assistance with this study. Functional Health Literacy in Adults. Snow Camp, NC:
Peppercorn Books & Press.
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The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 7003270010p7

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