Sydney ResearchProject 2022
Sydney ResearchProject 2022
Sydney ResearchProject 2022
Sydney Keller
Much of the research literature on childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) has focused on
understanding, diagnosing, and treating the impairment, rather than examining its broader
impact. The present study focuses on the Personal Factors component of the World Health
therapy, and change over a brief period were also investigated. Preliminary findings indicate that
older but not younger children with CAS are more likely to have greater negative self-
perceptions about their speech. No significant correlation was found between caregivers’
highlighting the need to include more child self-report measures in research. Further implications
Capturing child perspectives can provide researchers and clinicians with a unique
understanding of the contextual factors that influence how children experience the world. This is
particularly important for children with speech sound disorders who have distinct communicative
challenges compared to their typically developing peers. Speech sound disorders (SSD) are a
group of disorders that cause difficulty with motor production, perception, or phonological
[ASHA] 2007). Examples of SSDs include articulation disorder, phonological disorder, and
childhood apraxia of speech. Articulation disorder impacts speech production at the sound level,
while phonological disorder impairs production at the syllable level (Dodd, 2014). These
disruptions cause predictable errors like sound substitutions and consonant cluster reductions.
Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), a motor-based speech sound disorder, results from
inaccurate motor planning and programming of the speech musculature (ASHA, 2007). Though
estimates of prevalence are ongoing, approximately 1-2 children per 1,000 in the United States
are thought to be diagnosed with CAS (Shriberg et al., 2019). Children with CAS have difficulty
timing and orienting their speech musculature that cannot be accounted for by physical or
cognitive disabilities (Murray & Iuzzini-Seigel, 2017). The inability to accurately plan
movements causes several impairments including prosodic and stress errors, inconsistency over
repeated trials, and consonant and vowel distortions (Lewis et al., 2004). The unpredictability of
impairments poses a distinct challenge for treatment and distinguishes a CAS diagnosis from
other speech sound disorders. Lewis and colleagues (2004) found that school-age children with
CAS have more frequent and severe errors compared to their peers with other SSDs. A CAS
diagnosis also puts children at an increased risk of other expressive and receptive difficulties
including reading and writing (Lewis et al., 2004). These distinguishing factors may mean that
CAS’s impact on children’s daily lives and personal attitudes differ from the experience of
and Health (ICF) provides a framework for better understanding the complex array of factors that
impact individuals with various disorders (see Figure 1, Threats, 2006). This framework
recognizes the interconnections between the three levels and encourages clinicians to approach a
client’s care holistically. Level (1) is the identification of the disorder or disease. Level (2)
consists of body functions/structures, activity, and participation. CAS research thus far has
almost exclusively addressed Level (2) of the ICF, with many studies aimed at finding effective
treatments. Though no treatment has conclusive evidence of effectiveness, some show promising
outcomes. Current evidence suggests that the best CAS treatments target motor learning
principles to improve overall accuracy across syllables and words (Murray & Iuzzini-Seigel,
2017). Effective CAS treatments should also be deliberate in both how children practice during
therapy and what targets are chosen (Maas et al., 2014). One such treatment is Dynamic
Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC), which relies on Integral Stimulation to target the planning
and programming of multiple speech sounds. A key feature of DTTC is its use of individualized
meaningful target words (Strand, 2020). In contrast, Rapid Syllable Transition treatment (ReST)
consists of varying the stress of nonsense words and probing for real words (McCabe et al.,
2017). The rationale for ReST is that nonsense targets can lead to more accurate planning across
multiple generalizable words. Outcomes measures for both DTTC and ReST are target accuracy.
In addition to target accuracy, other factors such as intelligibility, activity and participation, and
Neglected from current research on CAS is Level (3) of the ICF: environmental and
personal factors. Environmental factors are described as those influences that play a significant
role in the individual’s life beyond personal control. For instance, external factors such as public
policy or parental support can impact an individual’s functioning. Personal factors are those
more unique to the person’s life such as race, ethnicity, personality, and motivations (Threats,
2006). They can be divided into unchangeable factors (e.g., race and age) and factors that have
the possibility of changing such as lifestyle habits and coping styles (Howe, 2008). Personal
factors can help researchers and clinicians understand how different individuals are impacted by
the same diagnosis (Threats, 2006). Understanding the perspectives of children with CAS may
prove useful for informing treatment approaches and for developing functionally relevant goals
(Murray & Iuzzini-Seigel, 2017). Given that personal factors were found to influence treatment
outcomes for children with phonological disorder (Baker & McLeod, 2011a, 2011b), it is critical
that researchers better understand how this translates for children with CAS.
Parent perspectives are often used as a proxy for understanding the feelings and thoughts
of children with communication disorders. This is usually due to the perceived and inherent
difficulties that accompany collecting child perspectives. These difficulties include questioning
the reliability and validity of a child’s response and accounting for extra ethical considerations
when working with children (Harcourt, 2011). In many cases, parents provide accurate and
detailed accounts for their child. For example, Rusiewicz et al. (2018) used parent measures to
evaluate the daily impact of a CAS diagnosis, with parents being particularly concerned about
their child’s overall intelligibility and ability to navigate social situations. More generally,
McCormack et al. (2010) asked parents and speech-language pathologists to rate how they felt
about their children’s speech impairment using an ICF-CY based questionnaire. They found that
both populations expressed the greatest concern regarding interpersonal relationships and verbal
communication skills. These studies demonstrate the ability of parent perspectives to collect
Solely collecting parent perspectives, however, relies on the assumption that they are
always accurate. Investigations into correlations between parent and child perspectives for
children with phonological disorder (McCormack et al., 2019) and children who stutter
(Vanryckeghem, 1995) have shown that parents do not always understand their child’s
communication attitudes. Disregarding child perspectives also fails to directly include children in
the conversation. According to Article 12 of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the
Child (1989) and the follow-up General Comment No. 7 (2005), children must be allowed to
express their views and be included in decisions that directly impact them (Lundy et al., 2011).
These declarations underscore and reinforce the need to incorporate more child perspectives into
research and clinical practice in communication disorders. When collected correctly, children
can provide unique, distinct insights into their life experiences (Harcourt, 2011). It is worthwhile
to acknowledge that children’s perceptions may change frequently and reflect growing
development, but this does not imply that their responses at the given assessment are any less
relevant or valuable to examine (Harcourt & Einarsdóttir, 2011). Directly asking children with
speech and language disorders how they feel is also an effective way of understanding if children
children with communication disorders. Each have distinct strengths and weaknesses. The lack
of available measures is a contributing factor as to why there are few studies in this realm. For
the current study, relevant measures were examined for validity and feasibility.
The Speech Participation and Activity Assessment of Children (SPAA-C) provides open
ended and Likert scale questions to uncover how speech difficulties influence children’s lives
(McLeod, 2004). It considers how other members of the child’s life (i.e., parents, friends,
siblings, parents, teachers, others) perceive the child with the speech difficulty. Questions range
from “Who do you like to play with?” to “Do you think your talking is different from other
children’s?” to gain a larger picture of the child’s perceptions. It is designed to be adapted for the
particular needs of the researcher and abilities and age of the child. McLeod, Daniel, and Barr
(2013) used the SPAA-C with school-aged children with speech sound disorders and emphasized
that children would be better supported if their perspectives were more often incorporated in
assessment and intervention. Other applications of the SPAA-C have revealed the frustrations of
the child with an SSD in being misunderstood and communicative partners lack of listening
skills (McCormack, McLeod, Harrison et al., 2010) and incapacity to provide adequate support
in various settings (Daniel & McLeod, 2017). Though valuable, application of the SPAA-C can
be burdensome and time-consuming for participants and is less optimal for quantitative analysis.
The Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children
The Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children
(PSPCSA) asks children to compare pictures, a useful tool when examining child perspectives
(Elden, 2013), and decide which picture is more representative of themselves (Harter & Pike,
1984). A score of 1 to 4 is given for each image depending on the extent the child indicates that
picture applies to them. The PSPSCA has been given to children with specific language
impairment (SLI), with findings suggesting that older children with SLI struggle more with
scholastic competence, social acceptance, and behavioral conduct than their typically developing
peers (Jerome et al., 2002). However, question wording on the PSPSCA is outdated (i.e.,
“maternal acceptance” rather than “parental acceptance”), and there are doubts regarding its
The Communication Attitude Test for School-age children who stutter (CAT), a
component of the Behavior Assessment Battery for Stuttering, is designed to assess the speech
attitudes of children ages 6;0 and older (Brutten & Dunham, 1989; Brutten & Vanryckeghem,
2007). It consists of 33 true/false statements such as “I like to talk” and “My parents like how I
talk.” Jones and colleagues (2021) found the CAT to possess among the highest measurement
The Communication Attitude Test for Preschool Age Children who Stutter
The Communication Attitude Test for Preschool Age children who stutter (KiddyCAT)
was developed as an extension of the CAT to assess how preschool children feel about their
speech (Vanryckeghem & Brutten, 2007). It asks children (ages 3;0-5;11) 12 yes/no questions
such as “Do you like how you talk?” and “Do words sometimes get stuck in your mouth?”
Both the CAT and KiddyCAT have been administered in several countries including
Australia (McCormack, McLeod, & Crowe, 2019), Italy (Bernadini et al., 2009), Belgium
(Vanryckeghem & Brutten, 1992; Vanryckeghem, De Niels et al., 2015), Japan (Kawai, 2012),
and Sweden (Johannisson, 2009), implicating its validity across cultures. Though developed for
stuttering, these assessments have been successfully administered to many clinical populations
including to children with phonological disorder (McCormack, McLeod, & Crowe, 2019)
articulation disorder (Luc & Brutten, 1990) and cleft palates (Havstam et al., 2011). These
applications are positive indications that the CAT and KiddyCAT can be administered to
Administration of the CAT and KiddyCAT to children who do and do not stutter have
revealed that children who stutter are more likely to have negative speech perceptions and that
younger children tend to feel more positively than older children about their speech (Brutten &
McCormack, McLeod, and Crowe (2019), who found that preschool age children with
phonological disorder did not have more negative perceptions of their speech compared to the
established norms.
Those administering both assessments are provided specific directions, which minimizes
issues with test-retest reliability and distortion of results. The CAT and KiddyCAT were chosen
for the present study because they are standardized, encompass the age range (4;0-10;0), are easy
to track changes over time, and have been found to be reliable and valid across a variety of
languages, cultures, and clinical populations. Despite its widespread use, neither the CAT nor
KiddyCAT have been administered to a group of children with CAS. Given that CAS differs in
The present study was designed to fill this critical gap in the literature by administering
the CAT and KiddyCAT to children with CAS. This study took place in the context of a
randomized controlled trial of (impairment-focused) speech therapy for CAS, which was
conducted as an intensive summer camp (see Methods section for further description of the
broader study context). This setting afforded the opportunity to address the following questions:
FOCUS-34 score?
Study Context
This study took place in the context of a larger (“parent”) study involving a randomized
controlled trial to test initial efficacy of ASSIST (Apraxia of Speech Systematic Integral
Stimulation Treatment; Maas et al., 2019) for children with CAS. ASSIST is an impairment-
focused speech treatment approach based on integral stimulation (“watch me, listen to me, say
what I say”) and principles of motor learning (Maas et al., 2008). Speech targets are words and
phrases selected based on personal functional relevance and contain only sounds in the child’s
phonetic inventory. The treatment involves drill-based repetition of targets, with feedback and
cues provided by the treating clinician to help the child achieve movement patterns for accurate
In this parent study, children participated in an intensive 4-week virtual summer camp
minutes each. Children were randomly assigned to receive all their individual treatment in the
first two weeks (immediate massed), the second two weeks (delayed massed), or divided over all
four weeks (distributed) (see Figure 1 for an overview of the design of the parent study). Group
activities and individual ASSIST were delivered via videoconference. Before, at midpoint, and
after the 4-week period, children attended individual data collection sessions in person in the
Speech, Language, and Brain Lab at Temple University. Details and results from the parent
clinical trial are not further reported here, except insofar as relevant to the present study on child-
reported outcome measures (CAT and KiddyCAT), which were administered at T2 and T3. All
study procedures were approved by the Temple University IRB (protocol #25807) and informed
consent was obtained from at least one parent and all children provided assent.
Twelve children ages 4-10 years old with a primary diagnosis of CAS participated in this
presence of CAS, using a 3-point scale where 0 = no CAS, 1 = possible CAS, and 2 = CAS.
These ratings were based on the presence of current consensus features of CAS (ASHA, 2007),
into articulatory configurations, and abnormal prosody such as lexical stress errors. At least one
SLP made this judgment on the basis of the live assessment sessions, whereas the remaining
SLPs made their judgments from video-recordings of the assessment sessions. To be included in
the study, children were required to receive an average rating of >1 across the three expert SLPs
1996, 1999), the only prospectively validated protocol to date with acceptable sensitivity and
Inclusion criteria were (a) English as primary home language per parent report, (b)
normal hearing as determined by parent report and/or pure tone audiometric screening, (c)
nonverbal cognition in the typical range based on the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
(Reynolds & Kamphaus, 2003), and (d) verbal output of 50+ words and communicative intent,
per SLP and parent report. Exclusionary criteria were (a) co-occurring neurobehavioral diagnosis
(e.g., autism) per parent report, (b) significant visual impairment per parent report, (c) primary
of the oral structures (e.g., cleft palate) based on parent report and SLP judgment from an oral
mechanism evaluation, and (e) inability to operate or attend to virtual sessions, per parent and
SLP judgment.
and to characterize participant profiles. These are reported in Table 1, but most of these will not
be discussed in detail here, except for the Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS;
Strand & McCauley, 2019), as the DEMSS score represents an index of CAS severity that will
be used in the subsequent analyses. The DEMSS is a criterion-referenced tool designed to assess
children, ages 3 and older, with moderate to severe speech impairment, prosodic or vowel errors,
poor speech intelligibility, or who have minimal or no verbal communication skills (Strand &
McCauley, 2019). The assessment can confirm or rule out a CAS diagnosis, be an estimate of
severity and prognosis, and/or demonstrate the effectiveness of various cues. Administration
generally takes less than 30 minutes. The test requires the child to imitate an SLP across 60
utterances. The child is given additional support and cues if the initial attempt is incorrect.
Possible scores range from 0 to 426, where lower scores indicate greater severity. Scores
between 0 and 323 indicate significant evidence for CAS, scores from 324 to 373 indicate some
evidence of at least mild CAS, and scores from 374 to 426 reflect little to no evidence for CAS
individuals who expressed prior interest in research opportunities, community outreach and
education events, and advertisements in newsletters and websites. Of the 16 children assessed for
eligibility, 12 children met the selection criteria, including 9 boys and 3 girls (see Figure 1 and
Table 1).
d ea x .b ratin SS Ae Ae SS Phon. f S NV i SS Tj SS k CLS
Standard score (SS) on the Expressive Vocabulary Test, 3rd Edition (Williams, 2019)
Standard score (SS) on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 5th Edition (Dunn, 2019)
Core Language Score (CLS) Standard Score on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, 5th Edition (Wiig et al., 2013)
NA = not administered due to age outside normative range
DNC = did not complete (no total score available)
CNC = could not compute (score outside of normative range)
As described in the Introduction, the CAT and KiddyCAT have been used to provide
insight into how children with a range of speech disorders feel about their speech. The CAT is
designed for children 6 and older and consists of 33 true/false statements to be answered by the
child. The KiddyCAT is designed for children between 3 and 6 years old and consists of 12
yes/no questions to be answered by the child. Both the CAT and KiddyCAT include
statements/questions where an approximately even number of true and false (or yes and no)
responses indicate negative self-perceptions. Each answer that indicates a negative self-
perception is awarded one point. Thus, higher scores on both assessments indicate more negative
speech perceptions. The average KiddyCAT score for children who do not stutter is 1.79
(SD=1.78) and the average CAT score for children who do not stutter is 6.38 (SD=5.21). Per
each manual, a score of 5 or higher on the KiddyCAT or a score of 17 or higher on the CAT is
indicative of a negative speech perception. However, clinicians and researchers are also advised
to consider and investigate slightly lower scores on both assessments during analyses.
The Focus on Outcomes of Communication Under Six (FOCUS-34; Oddson et al., 2019;
various communicative contexts. It consists of two parts: Part 1 asks about how well a statement
applies to the child, and Part 2 asks about the amount of help a child needs to accomplish
communicative tasks. Example items from Part 1 include “My child is confident communicating
with adults who do not know my child well” and “My child uses words to ask for things”. Each
item is scored from 1 (not at all like my child) to 7 (exactly like my child). Example items from
Part 2 include “My child is included in games by other children” and “My child joins in
conversations with other children”. Items are rated from 1 (cannot do at all) to 7 (can always do
All participants’ parents in the current study, regardless of age, were given this form at
each time point. While this assessment was designed and normed for children under age six,
there is no significant reason to question its validity for older children, and there is precedent for
use of the FOCUS-34 with children older than six (e.g., Rusiewicz et al., 2018). The same parent
Frustration Ratings
As part of the parent study’s safety protocol, potential negative side effects of treatment
were monitored, with a particular emphasis on child frustration. The treating clinician provided a
numerical score reflecting the child’s frustration level, based on their judgment informed by their
knowledge of the child and the child’s behavior in the session. Because frustration may be
expressed differently by different children (e.g., some children may cry, others may refuse to
continue, others may display avoidance behaviors), judgment by the treating clinician was
scores were 0 (no frustration, full compliance with procedures throughout the session), 1 (some
noncompliance during session), and 3 (marked frustration, noncompliance during entire session).
At the end of T2 and T3 data collection sessions, trained research assistants, blinded to
treatment status, administered the CAT (for children 6;0 and older; n=6) or KiddyCAT (for
children 4;0-5;11; n=6). Per the CAT and KiddyCAT manual, children were instructed that there
were no right or wrong answers because the questions were about what they thought about their
own speech. Before administration, two practice questions were given to establish adequate
understanding of the task. Prior to T2 administration, any child given the KiddyCAT and deemed
to have a questionable understanding of the concepts ‘easy’ and ‘difficult’ was provided two jars
and asked to distinguish which was easy to open and which was hard to open (n=1). The child
Each question was read aloud by research assistants for both the CAT and KiddyCAT.
Participants were required to respond true/false for the CAT and yes/no for the KiddyCAT. For
the CAT, right/wrong and yes/no were also deemed acceptable responses in place of true/false.
Administration took approximately 5-15 minutes for the KiddyCAT and 15-30 minutes for the
CAT. All sessions were audio- and video-recorded for subsequent analysis and reliability check.
CAT and KiddyCAT questionnaires were scored independently by a second scorer (who
was not blinded to condition) from session recordings. Each answer was screened for adequate
understanding. A few specific questions were excluded due to missing items; for this reason, all
scores were converted to percentages for analysis. 1 The scores of the second scorer were
At T2, two CAT questions were excluded for Participant 309, one CAT question was excluded for Participant 322,
and one KiddyCAT question was excluded for Participant 310. At T3, one CAT question was excluded for
Participant 309 and Participant 314. All analyses were conducted both on raw scores and percentaged scores; the
pattern of results did not differ in any analysis.
compared with the original forms scored by the examiner who administered the questionnaires 2
to evaluate inter-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliability of total scores was assessed via intraclass
correlation coefficients (ICC) with 95% confidence intervals, calculated with the irr package
absolute agreement, two-way mixed effects model (McGraw & Wong, 1996a, 1996b). Resulting
ICCs were in the good to excellent range (Koo & Li, 2016) for all four comparisons (CAT T2,
Discrepancies between scorers were reviewed and resolved by a third independent scorer
and were attributed to human error by the administrator. For all subsequent analyses, scores from
the second scorer were used because this scorer had opportunity to re-watch the video to increase
Table 2. Interrater reliability across tests and timepoints based on total score converted to
percentage. ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient; CI = confidence interval [lower bound,
upper bound]. Interpretation of ICC values based on Koo and Li (2016).
Test T2 T3
The research questions were addressed as follows. For all inferential statistical analyses,
During T2, the 35-question form of the CAT was administered to 3 participants. The updated 33- question version
was administered to all participants at T3. The additional two questions from the 35-question form were not
considered in analyses. The KiddyCAT form was consistent across both timepoints.
Specifically, individual CAT and KiddyCAT total scores (percentages) at each timepoint as well
as their means across the two timepoints were compared to their respective normative values
(also converted to percentages for this comparison), and children whose scores were more than 1
For Research Question 2 (relation with CAS severity), CAT and KiddyCAT scores at
each timepoint and their means across timepoints were correlated with the DEMSS total score
using non-parametric Spearman correlations, given the small sample sizes. Note that more severe
CAS is reflected by lower DEMSS scores. Thus, if more severe CAS is associated with more
participation), CAT and KiddyCAT scores at each timepoint were correlated with the FOCUS-34
total scores from those same timepoints using non-parametric Spearman correlations. If children
with more negative self-perceptions are less likely to participate in communicative activities (as
judged by their parent), then we expect a negative correlation, because higher FOCUS-34 scores
For Research Question 4 (relation with frustration during treatment), CAT and
KiddyCAT scores at each timepoint as well as their means across timepoints were correlated
with the mean frustration rating across all treatment sessions and with the percentage of sessions
during which children received a frustration rating of 3 (marked frustration). If children with
more negative self-perceptions are more prone to frustration, we expect a positive correlation.
analysis was used given the small and unequal sample sizes in the different treatment conditions.
The number of children whose scores increased, remained the same, and decreased numerically
were identified.
Results are described below by research question. Within each research question, CAT
and KiddyCAT results are described separately. For the KiddyCAT, one participant (P306) did
not return for T3 testing; thus, analyses involving T3 are based on data from the remaining five
Among the younger children (KiddyCAT), one child fell above the normative range at
T2, but none did at T3. One child (P324) fell below the normative range at both timepoints. 3
Among the older children (CAT), 3 out of 6 children had higher (i.e., more negative) scores
compared to the normative sample at T2, and 5 out of 6 children at T3; one child showed a lower
Per the CAT and KiddyCAT manual, participants’ scores on these assessments were also
compared to +/- 2 standard deviations from the normative range. For the KiddyCAT, no child
fell outside of 2 standard deviations of the mean (a score of 5 or above) at either timepoint. For
the CAT, one participant at T2 (P301) and one participant at T3 (P305) fell above 2 standard
P324 scored 0 at both timepoints, whereas P306, who did not return for testing, does not have a score at T3.
For the CAT, correlations with baseline DEMSS scores were negative but none were
significant (T2: rho = -0.486, p = 0.329; T3: rho = -0.261, p = 0.618; mean: rho = -0.486, p =
0.329). For the KiddyCAT, correlations with baseline DEMSS scores were negative and also
significant (rho = -1.000, p < 0.0001, for T2, T3, and mean). It should be noted that these
correlations are based on small sample sizes (n = 4 for T2, n = 3 for T3 and mean) due to missing
T3 data for Child 306 and incomplete DEMSS scores for two other children.
For the CAT, a moderate negative correlation was observed at T2, but this correlation
was not significant (rho = -0.657, p = 0.156). At T3, a small and nonsignificant negative
For the KiddyCAT, analysis revealed a small but nonsignificant positive correlation at T2
(rho = 0.176, p = 0.738) and a small nonsignificant negative correlation at T3 (rho = -0.103, p =
For the CAT, small to moderate positive correlations were obtained with mean frustration
scores; however, none of these correlations were significant (T2: rho = 0.143, p = 0.787; T3:
0.406, p = 0.425; mean: 0.543, p = 0.266). However, when considering the proportion of
treatment sessions with a frustration level of 3, there was a strong and significant positive
correlation with CAT scores at T3 (rho = 0.857, p = 0.029). Correlations with T2 and average
scores were not significant (T2: rho = 0.068, p = 0.899; mean: rho = 0.541, p = 0.269).
For the KiddyCAT, small to moderate positive correlations were observed with mean
frustration ratings, but none of these were significant (T2: rho = 0.319, p = 0.538; T3: rho =
0.359, p = 0.553; mean: 0.400, p = 0.505). Similar to the CAT analyses, when considering the
proportion of sessions with a frustration level rating of 3, a strong positive correlation was
obtained at T3, although this failed to reach significance (rho = 0.860, p = 0.061). Correlations
with KiddyCAT scores at T2 and the mean across timepoints were moderate to strong but were
also nonsignificant (T2: rho = 0.678, p = 0.139; mean: rho = 0.783, p = 0.118).
For younger children (KiddyCAT), the majority of scores remain the same across
timepoints. One score in the massed-immediate group decreased from T2 to T3 (P312). One
child who completed the KiddyCAT was assigned to the distributed group; that participant’s
For the older children (CAT), all scores varied from T2 to T3. In the distributed group,
scores of three participants decreased (P301, P309, P314) and one participant’s score increased
(P322). Only one child who completed the CAT was assigned to the massed-immediate group;
that participant’s score increased slightly from T2 to T3 (P321). One child who completed the
CAT was assigned to the massed-delayed group; that participant’s score showed the greatest
This study was the first to examine self-reported attitudes from children with CAS about
their speech, by administering the CAT and KiddyCAT to a group of children with CAS. By
participation across contexts, and average frustration ratings during therapy, a more
comprehensive understanding of how-to best support children with CAS is gained. Because of
the novelty of this research, scores that fell outside one standard deviation of the normative range
As a group, young children with CAS do not appear to feel negatively about their speech.
This is on par with previous literature regarding the communication attitudes of young children
who stutter (Guttormsen et al., 2015) and who have phonological disorder (McCormack,
McLeod, & Crowe, 2019). Though preliminary, this finding is reassuring. Differences in type
and consistency of impairment were expected to translate to negative attitudes; yet 5 out of 6
participants at T2 and 5 out of 5 participants at T3 indicated feeling more positive than negative
about their communication. It is worth noting that one child’s score at T2 (P312) fell above one
standard deviation of the normative range. At T3 the child’s score was within norms. Alone, the
T2 score is not indicative of a negative speech attitude but warrants further investigation.
There were several KiddyCAT questions where all answers indicated positive speech
attitudes. At T2 and T3, all participants answered yes to the question (Q2), “Do you think you
talk right?” It is possible that this relates to age; younger children may not fully understand their
diagnosis or recognize the reason for going to therapy. Regardless, the consistency of this answer
across timepoints is helpful for researchers, clinicians, and families to know. Participation in
intensive speech therapy did not seem to affect young children’s perception of the ‘rightness’ of
their speech.
Questions commonly answered at individual timepoints were also identified. At T2, all
children answered no to the question (Q4) “Do you think people need to help you talk?”, which
is a further indication that participation in speech therapy did not influence young children’s
concerns about their speech. At T3, all participants answered yes to Q3, “Do mom and dad like
how you talk?”, indicating that children were not equating parental concern regarding speech
(i.e., putting the child in speech therapy) to their parents disliking how they talk. Additionally, all
children answered yes to Q7, “Do you talk well with everybody?” This question relates to
children’s participation levels across contexts and indicates that young children may not feel
their diagnosis impacts their ability to communicate with different people. The final two
commonly answered questions both relate to if children think speaking is “difficult” (Q8) and
whether words are “hard” to say (Q11). Of the KiddyCAT questions, Q8 and Q11 are the most
demonstrative of awareness, or lack thereof, of speech difficulties. By the end of treatment all
younger children did not think “talking is difficult” or that “words are hard for them to say.”
Scores of school-age children with CAS are suggestive of more negative communication
attitudes as compared to normative values and compared to the younger children. Half of the
children who completed the CAT scored more than one standard deviation above the normative
range at both timepoints. Two additional children fell above the normative range at T3. Prior
research on children with cleft palates (Havstam et al., 2011), children who have articulation
disorder (Luc & Brutten, 1990), and children who stutter (Vanryckeghem & Brutten, 2007) has
assumed that older children become more aware of speech differences and individual abilities
once they enter school, and therefore develop more negative speech attitudes. While this may be
the case for children with CAS, it is also worth considering that differences in impairment and
treatment may be influencing factors. CAS impairments are unpredictable, which can make
children more difficult to understand, interfere with normal conversations, and make the disorder
hard to treat.
There were several CAT questions where all answers indicated positive speech attitudes.
At both timepoints, all children responded false to Q1 “I don’t talk right,” and true to Q7 “I like
the way I talk.” At T2, all children answered false to Q27 “I am not a good talker” and Q28 “I
wish I could talk like other children.” These answers indicate that when asked directly, school-
age children with CAS feel like there is nothing wrong with how they speak. At T2, 5 of the 6
children answered true to Q9, “My parents like the way I talk” and at T3 all six children
responded true to that question. This parallels with younger children’s responses to the question,
“Do your parents like how you talk?” and is an assuring sign that both older and younger
children do not feel their parents think negatively of their speech because of their diagnosis.
Q18: “Other kids wish they could talk like me,” was the only question in which all
question answered false, indicating a negative speech attitude. This question will be further
When CAT and KiddyCAT assessments were related to assessments of severity, findings
were mixed. No significant correlation was found between the speech attitudes for school-age
children with CAS and their DEMSS score. Increasing severity of diagnoses was expected to be
associated with negative speech attitudes. For the KiddyCAT, a significant negative correlation
was identified, meaning that preschool age children with CAS’s attitudes about their speech are
correlated with the severity of diagnoses. This finding, though preliminary, is critical. Clinicians
and families informed of a possible correlation between severity of CAS and negative speech
perceptions will be better able to provide necessary support for the child. For one child (P312),
this correlation helps contextualize a borderline KiddyCAT score. This participant scored just
above one standard deviation of the normative range at T2, and on the DEMSS, had significant
Though designed to assess Level (2) of the ICF: life participation, the FOCUS-34 is often
used as a proxy for understanding the influence of communication disorders on Level (3) of the
ICF: personal factors. Identifying if this holds true for children with CAS was of great interest. In
this study, caregiver perceptions of participation across contexts were not significantly correlated
with children’s attitudes about their speech. Low statistical power due to a small sample size may
have occluded the detection of a significant correlation between these assessments. If this pattern
remains true with a larger sample size, it will indicate that these assessments measure two
distinct constructs - meaning parents’ perceptions of participation across contexts are not
accurate indicators of how children with CAS feel about their speech. It is worth noting that a
study of young children with phonological disorder also found no significant correlation of
(McCormack, McLeod, & Crowe, 2019). In conjunction, both findings suggest caregiver ratings
of child participation are not adequate substitutes for information gained from self-report
Higher average frustration ratings during therapy for both preschool and school-age
children with CAS did not correlate with negative speech perceptions. However, at T3, the
number of sessions in which school-age children were clearly frustrated and noncompliant (a
score of 3) did correlate with negative communication attitudes. Marked frustration during
sessions could have been due to several reasons (i.e., general unhappiness, tiredness, boredom,
stress, etc.). Higher levels of frustration during treatment could have exacerbated negative
attitudes about speech abilities. Due to the novelty and intensity of this treatment approach, this
is an important consideration. Given the small sample size and lack of findings at T2 or for
When younger children’s scores were compared across timepoints, no trends emerged.
KiddyCAT scores remained the same at T2 and T3 for the majority of participants. Similarly,
when treatment groups were compared, no trends emerged. Whether the child received treatment
in the first two weeks, last two weeks, or throughout all four weeks of the study did not impact
communication attitudes for younger children. This implies that the ASSIST protocol and camp
format did not negatively or positively change how young children viewed their speech.
For older children with CAS, there was more variation in scores across timepoints and
increased from T2 to T3. In particular, the score of the singular child in the massed-delayed
group increased substantially between timepoints. This may mean that the intensive treatment
that this child received between timepoints heightened awareness of any communication
differences. Scores of those who received distributed treatment both increased and decreased,
signifying that intensity of treatment was not a good predictor of changes in communication
attitudes. Further research is needed before determining if this treatment protocol impacts how
CAS, there were a number of limitations to this study. First, this study had a small sample size;
the CAT and KiddyCAT were only administered to a total of 12 children with CAS. This
increased the risk of Type II errors due to low statistical power. Second, only children with CAS
were included in this study, meaning that scores were only compared to established norms and
not current peers. Third, no communication attitudes assessments were administered at the first
data collection timepoint (T1); scores may have already been influenced by the first two weeks
of camp attendance. Finally, administrative errors required that some questions be excluded from
Future directions
Future research should include a larger sample size of children with and without CAS.
Should these assessments be incorporated in future treatment studies for children with CAS, they
should be administered at all data collection timepoints. On future distributions of the CAT and
Wording on specific CAT questions should be reconsidered for future studies. During test
administration, participants had difficulty understanding the meaning of Q2: “I don’t mind
asking a teacher the question in class.” For young children, using ambiguous language like “I
don’t mind” is not ideal. For example, one participant answered false, I don’t mind, and another
participant responded true, I don’t mind, but upon additional cueing, both meant that they were
had no reservations about asking the teacher a question in class. Future revisions should consider
changing ambiguous language like “I don’t mind…” to wording more suitable for young
children like “I’m okay with….” The connotation remains the same, which means that scoring
Question 18 on the CAT, “Other kids wish they could talk like me”, has questionable
translation to overall speech attitudes. In this study, all school-age children with CAS indicated
that they did not think that other children wanted to talk like they do. Thinking that others do not
want to talk like them, however, does not necessarily denote a negative speech attitude. If future
research distributes the CAT to children with and without CAS, it would be of interest to
understand how typically developing children respond to this question and the underlying
It is also of interest to understand why this test requires true/false responses. Though
school-age children can understand true and false statements, it would be clearer for the CAT to
adopt yes/no statements, like the KiddyCAT. In this study, children often responded with yes/no
consideration when discussing future administration of the CAT to larger samples of children
with CAS, as many of those children are at in increased risk for comorbid language disorders.
participants volunteered comments regarding their speech perceptions during data collection that
provided context that quantitative assessments cannot provide. For instance, one participant
(P314) made various remarks regarding his speaking improvements since the beginning of camp
including “I’m working on [speaking] and getting better at it” and remarked that reading out loud
in class “was hard but now it’s easy.” Incorporating a qualitative component in future studies of
children with CAS will help provide reasons as to why children feel the way they do.
Given that several problems arose when the KiddyCAT and CAT were administered to
children with CAS, future research would benefit from the development of a new self-report
speech attitudes measure designed for children with SSDs. This measure should include
questions better geared towards SSDs and be adaptable for administration to children with
comorbid disorders.
Because of this study, researchers and clinicians can begin to understand how children with
CAS feel about their speech. Understanding communication attitudes is critical - for many
children, living with CAS means more than disrupted intelligibility or poor sound accuracy.
Negative attitudes may impact interactions with peers, participation in school activities, or
progress in treatment. When given the opportunity, children with CAS can provide credible,
meaningful perspectives. In this study, scores of more than half of school-age children with CAS
were indicative of negative speech attitudes. Though preliminary, these findings have clinical
and familial implications. A speech-language pathologist who identifies a child with CAS to
have negative speech attitudes may more adeptly create relevant treatment goals. Families who
are aware of their child’s attitudes will be better able to provide psychological support. Including
communication attitude measures in future studies is a critical step towards understanding how to
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