ECTD Tech Guide v1.1

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Technical Specifications Document

This Document is incorporated by reference into the following

Guidance Document(s):

Guidance for Industry Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format Certain Human
Pharmaceutical Product Applications and Related Submissions Using the
eCTD Specifications

For questions regarding this technical specifications document, contact CDER

at [email protected] or CBER at [email protected]

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)

September 2016

September 2016
October 2015 1.0 Initial Version
Updated/Clarified following sections:
Section 2.3 (Transitioning to eCTD Format and Resubmission of Non- eCTD
Documents), and subsections 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4
Section 2.4 (eCTD Leaf Titles)
Section 2.6 (Presubmissions)
Section 2.7 (Rolling Submission)
Section 3.1.2 (Cover Letter and Reviewers Guide)
Section 3.1.7 (Information Amendments)
Section 3.1.8 (Letters of Authorization)
September 2016 1.1 Section 3.1.9 (Field Copy Certification)
Section 3.5.2 (Study Reports)
Section 4.1 (Combining Multiple 3.2.S or 3.2.P Sections with Similar Metadata)
Section 5.0 (Combination Products)
Removed section:
Section 3.3.4 (Datasets)
Added sections:
Section 2.3.4 (Resubmission of non-eCTD documents )
Section (Websites, Electronic Interactive Programs, and Electronic Detail Aids)
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 DOCUMENT REVISION AND CONTROL ............................................................................................................ 2
1.4 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................................... 2
2. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS................................................................................................................2
2.1 ECTD PUBLISHING..................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 ECTD SAMPLES ........................................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 TRANSITIONING TO ECTD FORMAT AND RESUBMISSION OF NON-ECTD DOCUMENTS ............................................ 2
2.3.1 Transitioning from Paper to eCTD using us-regional v2.01 ........................................................ 3
2.3.2 Transitioning from Paper to eCTD using us-regional v3.3 .......................................................... 3
2.3.3 Transitioning from us-regional v2.01 to us-regional v3.3 ........................................................... 3
2.3.4 Resubmission of non-eCTD documents ....................................................................................... 3
2.4 ECTD LEAF TITLES ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 ECTD LIFE CYCLE ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.6 PRESUBMISSIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.7 ROLLING SUBMISSIONS............................................................................................................................... 5
2.8 STUDY TAGGING FILES................................................................................................................................ 5
3. ORGANIZATION OF THE ECTD .............................................................................................................6
3.1 MODULE 1 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION AND PRESCRIBING INFORMATION ................................................... 6
3.1.1 FDA Regional eCTD Backbone Files ............................................................................................. 6
3.1.2 Cover Letter and Reviewers Guide ............................................................................................. 6
3.1.3 Cross Referencing Previously Submitted Information that is not in eCTD Format ...................... 7
3.1.4 Labeling ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.5 Advertisements and Promotional Labeling Material .................................................................. 8 Advertisements and Promotional Labeling to CDER ........................................................................ 8 Advertisements and Promotional Labeling to CBER ........................................................................ 8 Using version 2.01 of the us-regional.xml file ............................................................................. 8 Using version 3.3 of the us-regional.xml file ............................................................................... 8 Websites, Electronic Interactive Programs, and Electronic Detail Aids............................................ 8
3.1.6 Marketing Annual Reports .......................................................................................................... 9
3.1.7 Information Amendments........................................................................................................... 9
3.1.8 Letters of Authorization .............................................................................................................. 9
3.1.9 Field Copy Certification ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 MODULE 2 SUMMARIES ........................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.1 Bioequivalence Summary Tables .............................................................................................. 10
3.3 MODULE 3 QUALITY ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.1 Lot Distribution Data ................................................................................................................ 10
3.3.2 Literature References ................................................................................................................ 10
3.4 MODULE 4 NONCLINICAL ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Study Reports ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.4.2 Literature References ................................................................................................................ 11
3.4.3 Datasets .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 MODULE 5 CLINICAL ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.5.1 Tabular Listing of All Clinical Studies ........................................................................................ 12
3.5.2 Study Reports ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.5.3 Case Report Forms (CRFs) ......................................................................................................... 12
3.5.4 Periodic Safety Reports ............................................................................................................. 13
3.5.5 IND Safety Reports .................................................................................................................... 13

3.5.6 Literature References ................................................................................................................ 13
3.5.7 Datasets .................................................................................................................................... 14
4. ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS.................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 ISSUE: COMBINING MULTIPLE 3.2.S OR 3.2.P SECTIONS WITH SIMILAR METADATA ........................................... 14
4.2 ISSUE: CLINICAL STUDY REPORT SUBMITTED IN INCORRECT SECTION ................................................................. 14
4.3 ISSUE: NOT APPLICABLE (N/A) OR UNASSIGNED FOLDERS IN MODULE 4 OR 5 .................................................... 15
4.4 ISSUE: MULTIPLE SIMILAR STF STRUCTURES DISPLAYING IN MODULE 4 OR 5 ..................................................... 15
5. COMBINATION PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................... 15
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 20
RELATED REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 21

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


This technical specifications document represents the current thinking of the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on this topic. It does not create any rights for
any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative
approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. To
discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for implementing
this specifications document by email at [email protected] or [email protected].

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
This eCTD Technical Conformance Guide (Guide) provides specifications,
recommendations, and general considerations on how to submit electronic Common
Technical Document (eCTD)-based electronic submissions to the Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research (CDER) or the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
(CBER). The Guide supplements the guidance for industry Providing Regulatory
Submissions in Electronic Format Certain Human Pharmaceutical Product
Applications and Related Submissions Using the eCTD Specifications (eCTD Guidance). 1
The eCTD Guidance implements the electronic submission requirements of section
745A(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) with respect to
electronic submissions for certain investigational new drug applications (INDs); new
drug applications (NDAs); abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs); certain
biologics license applications (BLAs); and master files submitted to CDER or CBER.
These submissions may apply to combination products with CDER or CBER as the lead
center. 2
1.2 Purpose
This Guide provides technical recommendations to sponsors and applicants for the
standardized electronic submission format of INDs, NDAs, ANDAs, BLAs, and master
files. The Guide is intended to complement and promote interactions between sponsors
and applicants and FDAs electronic submission support staff. However, it is not
intended to replace the need for sponsors and applicants to communicate directly with
support staff regarding implementation approaches or issues relating to electronic
Because of the inherent variability across studies and applications, it is difficult to
identify all issues that may occur related to the preparation and transmission of electronic
submissions. Therefore, prior to submission, sponsors and applicants should discuss
questions with the appropriate centers electronic submission support staff within the
appropriate center CDER: [email protected] or CBER: [email protected].

A link to this document can be found at
See 21 CFR Part 3. Combination products are comprised of any combination of a drug and a medical
device; a medical device and a biological product; a biological product and a drug; or a drug, a medical
device, and a biological product. Combination products are assigned to a lead center for review; see 21
CFR 3.4.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

1.3 Document Revision and Control

FDA issued an initial Federal Register notice announcing availability of this Guide for
public comment on its contents. Future revisions will be posted directly on the eCTD
Web page 3 and the revision history page of this document will contain sufficient
information to indicate which sections of the Guide have been revised.
1.4 Relationship to Other Documents
This Guide integrates and updates information discussed previously in the eCTD
Guidance and other specifications documents (including Agency presentations). The
examples of issues and concerns discussed in the Guide are intended as examples only
of common issues, not an inclusive list of all possible issues.

This Guide should be considered a companion document to the following:

Guidance to Industry Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format
Certain Human Pharmaceutical Product Applications and Related Submissions
Using the eCTD Specifications
FDA eCTD Web page
FDA Data Standards Catalog

2. General Considerations
2.1 eCTD Publishing
Submissions in the eCTD format should be created following all applicable guidances
and specifications available on our eCTD Web page under eCTD Documentation and
2.2 eCTD Samples
Samples of eCTDs can be submitted for feedback on document placement, navigation,
and effective use of metadata and Study Tagging Files (STFs). For eCTD samples and
instructions, please refer to our eCTD Basics and Getting Started Web site located
2.3 Transitioning to eCTD Format and Resubmission of non-eCTD Documents
When transitioning to eCTD format, you are not required to resubmit documents already
submitted in paper or other electronic format. Provide only new or changed information
and begin with sequence number 0001. For example, if your original application was
submitted in paper and now a supplement will be submitted to the application in eCTD
format, you should not resubmit electronic copies of documents and eCTD backbone
files for the previously submitted paper files. For INDs, there is no requirement to match
up the sequence number with the serial number.

3 The eCTD Web page can be accessed at

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

2.3.1 Transitioning from Paper to eCTD using us-regional v2.01

When transitioning to eCTD format from paper or a non-eCTD format, the initial eCTD
submission should be coded according to the current regulatory activity. To transition
an IND, master file, or an original ANDA, BLA, NDA, the transition submission should
be coded as "original-application" for the submission-type. If the original application
has been approved and a supplement or annual report is the current regulatory activity,
code the transition sequence as the appropriate supplement type or as annual report. To
transition with the submission of a new supplement or annual report, the submission
type should be coded with the appropriate supplement type (e.g., labeling supplement)
or as annual report.
2.3.2 Transitioning from Paper to eCTD using us-regional v3.3
The initial eCTD submission utilizing us-regional v3.3 should be coded according to the
current regulatory activity. The submission-id should match the sequence number of the
transition sequence. To transition an IND, master file, or an original ANDA, BLA,
NDA, the transition submission should be coded as original application for the
submission-type and application for submission-subtype. If the original application
has been approved and a supplement or annual report is the current regulatory activity,
code the transition sequence as the appropriate supplement type or as annual report. To
transition with the submission of a new supplement or annual report, the submission
type should be coded with the appropriate supplement type (e.g., submission-type =
labeling supplement/ submission-subtype = application) or as a new annual report (e.g.,
submission-type = annual report / submission-subtype = report).
2.3.3 Transitioning from us-regional v2.01 to us-regional v3.3
The initial eCTD submission should be coded according to the current regulatory
activity. If the submission is updating a regulatory activity started in us-regional v2.01,
the submission-id in us-regional v3.3 should match the sequence number of the initial
eCTD submission to that regulatory activity. If the submission using us-regional v3.3 is
creating a new regulatory activity, the submission-id should match the sequence
2.3.4 Resubmission of non-eCTD documents
In general, resubmission of previously submitted content is neither necessary nor
encouraged. However, there are occasional circumstances in which a baseline
submission is helpful to the reviewer. One example is CMC information contained in
module 3. In a circumstance such as this, the FDA will accept the resubmission of non-
eCTD content (e.g., paper, eNDA) but the previously submitted content should be
submitted as a separate submission, as opposed to being included in a supplement or an
amendment to a regulatory activity. The cover letter should state that the submission
contains only previously submitted content and certify that the sequence does not
include any changes or updates to the application. For marketing applications, the
certification should include a table with a listing of approvals that relate to the content
being resubmitted. For INDs and master files, the list should include amendments that
relate to the content being resubmitted. Prior to resubmitting content, you should contact
the responsible review division to determine if resubmission is acceptable.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

In most cases, the submission of a baseline or other previously submitted content will
require that the previous content be reorganized to meet the eCTD format requirements.
You should not resubmit the previous content as-is, unless the content was in the CTD
format but you did not use the eCTD backbone when content was originally submitted.

If the previous content will be submitted using us-regional v2.01, the submission-type
should be coded as "other". If the submission will be submitted using us-regional v3.3,
the submission-type should be coded as product correspondence. On the 356h form,
you should select Product Correspondence for the Submission type and enter
Submission of previous non-eCTD content in the eCTD format.
2.4 eCTD Leaf Titles
Leaf titles for eCTDs are displayed to the reviewer when viewing an eCTD application.
Although some eCTD tools generate leaf titles that are similar to file names, the two are
not related. All modules of the eCTD should contain descriptive eCTD leaf titles that
are short, meaningful, and indicative of each document's content. You should not
include the eCTD section number in the leaf title.

For documents of the same type (such as the cover letter, Form FDA 356h, and annual
report documents), you should provide additional information in the eCTD leaf title so
reviewers can distinguish documents submitted in different sequences. For example, the
leaf title for a cover letter should also include the date (e.g., 2015-12-31). Additionally,
if documents of the same type are being provided in different file formats, a file format
(e.g., MS Word) should be included at the end of the leaf title. This helps reviewers
to quickly identify which software applications are necessary to open the files.

Per eCTD Guidance (Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format

Certain Human Pharmaceutical Product Applications and Related Submissions Using
the eCTD Specifications), when naming folders and files, the length of the entire path
must not exceed 150 characters. The character limit on the leaf title field is 512
2.5 eCTD Life Cycle
Refer to published specifications for descriptions and details regarding life cycle
operation attributes. 4 For life cycle of STF (Study Tagging File), please reference the
STF specification 5.

The ICH Electronic Common Technical Document Specifications v3.2.2 can be accessed at:
The ICH Electronic Common Technical Document Study Tagging File Specification v2.6.1 can be accessed
the Electronic Submissions Standards catalog. The catalog is located on the FDA eCTD website
( under the heading eCTD Documentation and Resources

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

Please note: The use of "append" is not common. You should avoid appending multiple
documents to a single leaf and consider consolidating the information and using the
replace life cycle attribute to update the original file. However, it may be appropriate
if, for example, you are adding a single page of information to a lengthy document.
2.6 Presubmissions
Any information submitted in eCTD format utilizing us-regional DTD v2.01 or v3.3
before the original-application should be coded as "presubmission" and should start
with sequence 0001. A high submission sequence series (e.g., 9000) should not be used.
If utilizing DTD v3.3, code as submission-type original application and submission-
subtype presubmission. The original application will use the next available sequence
number depending on the number of submitted presubmissions.
2.7 Rolling Submissions
Rolling submissions are managed the same as presubmissions to the application until the
application is complete and ready for review. The cover letter and form should state
presubmission to rolling submission part 1 of XXX (depending on how many parts
before the final submission). The final submission completing the application should be
coded as original-application to start the respective review clock. The cover letter and
form of the final submission should state "original application part XXX of XXX of
rolling submission".

If utilizing us-regional DTD v3.3, the rolling submission should be coded as submission-
type original application with submission-subtype presubmission. The final
submission completing the application should be coded as submission-type original-
application with submission-subtype application.

If utilizing us-regional DTD v2.01, the rolling submission should be coded as

submission-type presubmission. The final submission completing the application
should be coded as submission-type original-application.
2.8 Study Tagging Files
Study Tagging Files (STFs) are required for all files in section 4.2.x and 5.3.1.x
5.3.5.x.6 STFs are not required for 5.2 Tabular listings, 5.4 Literature references and
5.3.6 Postmarketing reports. These documents may be submitted as single separate files
without an STF.

This requirement is discussed in the eCTD Guidance available on CDERs guidance Web page in the
Electronic Submissions Standards catalog. The catalog is located on the FDA eCTD website
( under the heading eCTD Documentation and Resources

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

3. Organization of the eCTD

3.1 Module 1 Administrative Information and Prescribing Information
Module 1 contains administrative, labeling, and promotional material documents. The
subject matter for each document should be assigned to the lowest level of the hierarchy
outlined in the associated FDA technical specification Comprehensive Table of Contents
Headings and Hierarchy available on our eCTD Web page 7. (Note that some headings
apply only to specific applications or specific submissions.)
3.1.1 FDA Regional eCTD Backbone Files
Submissions to CDER and CBER can be made using either version 2.01 of the us-
regional.xml backbone file or the newer version 3.3. Please note: Once transitioning an
application to version 3.3, you cannot submit a subsequent submission to that
application using version 2.01.
3.1.2 Cover Letter and Reviewers Guide
Cover Letter
Cover letters contain pertinent information which aid communication within the review
process. It is recommended that the cover letter include the following information:

Regulatory description of the submission, including appropriate regulatory

information, and any desired hyperlinks to submitted information
Technical description of the submission, including the approximate size of the
submission (e.g., 2 gigabytes), the format used for transmission (ESG or physical
electronic media), and the type and number of electronic media used (e.g., USB
drive or two DVDs), if applicable (to assist document room staff in event that
there is a question during processing of submission)
Statement that the submission is virus free, with a description of the software
(name, version, and company) that was used to check the files for viruses
A regulatory and technical point of contact for the submission, including email

Reviewers Guide
A reviewers guide 8 is beneficial when accompanying an original NDA, BLA, or
combination product 9 application. The reviewers guide should include a high-level
overview of the submission with hyperlinks to submitted information. The reviewers
guide should not contain a copy of the eCTD backbone table of contents. Rather, an

Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy may be found in the Electronic Submissions
Standards catalog. The catalog is located on the FDA eCTD website ( under the heading
eCTD Documentation and Resources
This is different than a Study Data Reviewers Guide (SDRG). Additional information on the SDRG can be
found in the Study Data Technical Conformance Guide located on at:
See additional recommendation for combination products in section 5 of this document

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

outline format describing the submission's content is preferred, including tables or lists,
and avoiding a continuous narrative description of the applications content.

The reviewers guide should be provided as a document separate from the cover letter
and placed in section 1.2 of the eCTD with a descriptive leaf title.
3.1.3 Cross Referencing Previously Submitted Information that is not in eCTD
If reference to a non-eCTD submission is needed, place a cross reference document
(e.g., table showing where to find non-eCTD documents) in m1.4.4. The information in
the document should include (1) the application number, (2) the date of submission
(e.g., letter date), (3) the file name (if applicable), (4) the page number (if necessary),
and (5) the submission identification (e.g., submission number, volume number if paper,
electronic folder if applicable) of the referenced document.
3.1.4 Labeling
This section describes how to provide specific labeling documents:

Labeling History
A history that summarizes labeling changes should be provided as a single PDF file.
The history summary should include the following information:
Complete list of the labeling changes being proposed in the current submission
and the explanation for the changes
Date of the last approved labeling
History of all changes since the last approved labeling. With each change, note
the submission that originally described the change and the explanation for the
List of supplements pending approval that may affect the review of the labeling
in the current submission

Content of Labeling
The FDA guidance for industry Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format
Content of Labeling gives details on providing the content of labeling files.

Labeling Samples
Each labeling sample (e.g., carton labels, container labels, package inserts) should be
provided as an individual PDF file. The samples should:
Include all panels, if applicable
Be provided in their actual size, and
Reflect the actual color proposed for use

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

3.1.5 Advertisements and Promotional Labeling Material Advertisements and Promotional Labeling to CDER
CDER does not accept advertisements and promotional labeling materials in eCTD
format using version 2.01 of the us-regional.xml backbone file.

Advertisements and promotional labeling materials must be submitted using version 3.3
of the us-regional.xml backbone file and submitted according to the guidance for industry
Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic and Non-Electronic Format
Promotional Labeling and Advertising Materials for Human Prescription Drugs. Advertisements and Promotional Labeling to CBER Using version 2.01 of the us-regional.xml file
Advertisements and promotional labeling materials may be submitted to CBER in
eCTD format using version 2.01 of the us-regional.xml backbone file.

Applicants should submit promotional material to the appropriate application and

should not mix submissions of advertisements and promotional labeling with
submissions containing other types of information.

Each promotional piece should be provided as an individual PDF file. Promotional

writing or images that cover more than one page (e.g., a brochure layout) should allow
the entire layout to be viewed together. For three-dimensional objects, a digital image
of the object should be provided in sufficient detail to allow review of the promotional
material. In addition, information should be provided to determine the size of the
object (e.g., point size, dimensions). A dimensional piece shown flat, such as a
flattened carton, can also be submitted.

Promotional materials submitted as part of the postmarketing reporting requirements

should be provided as hypertext links to references or labeling. References should be
submitted as individual PDF files. If possible, the sections of the full reference that is
referred to in the promotional materials should be highlighted. When a reference is
used to support a claim in proposed promotional materials voluntarily submitted for
advisory opinion or Agency comment, you should provide a hypertext link to the page
of the reference or labeling that contains the supporting information. Using version 3.3 of the us-regional.xml file
Advertisements and promotional labeling materials submitted using version 3.3 of the us-
regional.xml backbone file should be submitted according to the guidance for industry
Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic and Non-Electronic Format
Promotional Labeling and Advertising Materials for Human Prescription Drugs. Websites, Electronic Interactive Programs, and Electronic Detail Aids
Refer to the guidance for industry Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic and
Non-Electronic FormatPromotional Labeling and Advertising Materials for Human
Prescription Drugs, for CDER and CBER preference and requirements with submission
of electronic promotional materials.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

While HTML (a commonly used file type for websites) is an acceptable file format type
to use for eCTD Module 1 submissions, submission of HTML files that depend on
JavaScript, PHP or server-side scripts that generate dynamic content should not be
submitted in eCTD Module 1 since these dependent files are not on the list of acceptable
file format types. An acceptable alternative for these types of HTML files is to utilize
PDF. Please refer to the PDF Specifications for details. 10
3.1.6 Marketing Annual Reports
You should include a bookmark for each study or trial described in the postmarketing
requirement/commitments files. The reporting period covered by the annual report
should be included in the eCTD leaf title (e.g. Status of Postmarketing Study
Commitments - MMDDYY-MMDDYY).
3.1.7 Information Amendments
Documents for information amendments should be included in the applicable eCTD
module using the appropriate eCTD heading to describe the documents subject matter.

Section 1.11 may be used for submission of responses to Information Requests (IR),
where the information being submitted does not fit under any heading in Module 2, 3, 4
or 5. The IR response should be submitted under the appropriate subheading 1.11.1
1.11.3 within section 1.11, for quality, nonclinical, or clinical information, respectively.
The subheading 1.11.4 for multiple module information should be used if the IR
response covers multiple subject areas.
If the IR response impacts documents submitted in Modules 2 5, the new or
replacement documents should be submitted to the appropriate location in Module 2
5 and referenced from Section 1.11.
3.1.8 Letters of Authorization
Letters of Authorization (LOAs) should be submitted in Section 1.4.1 of the DMF. The
copy of the LOA that is sent by the DMF holder to the Authorized Party (company or
individual authorized to incorporate the DMF by reference) should be placed in Section
1.4.2 (Statement of Right of Reference) within the Authorized Partys application.

For additional information on LOAs and other references submitted to the eCTD
(generally for master files), refer to the Drug Master File Web

See Special Considerations for Promotional, Labeling, and Advertising Material in the Portable
Document Format (PDF) Specifications located in the eCTD Submission Standards catalog at:

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

3.1.9 Field Copy Certification

For marketing applications, the Field Copy Certification (copy of communication
described below) should be included with the electronic application in section 1.3.2 of the
eCTD. You should notify the District office by letter that your eCTD submission will be
submitted to FDA, and because the field offices have access to the complete submission
on the FDA network, an individual field copy is no longer required. The letter should
Drug and application number
FDA center and division
Application is in eCTD format
3.2 Module 2 Summaries
3.2.1 Bioequivalence Summary Tables
For ANDAs, Bioequivalence Summary Tables should be provided in section 2.7.1 of
the eCTD. Additional information about ANDA submissions is available on the
ANDA Forms and Submission Requirements Web page located at:
3.3 Module 3 Quality
3.3.1 Lot Distribution Data
Lot distribution data should be submitted for BLAs according to the guidance for
industry Electronic Submission of Lot Distribution Reports available at:
3.3.2 Literature References
The files pertaining to key literature references should be provided as individual PDF
files in section 3.3 of the eCTD. The file names and eCTD leaf titles should be short
and meaningful (e.g., eCTD leaf title: SmithJA 2002 Impurities).
3.4 Module 4 Nonclinical
The organization of Module 4 is the same for all applications and related submissions.
The documents for Module 4 should be placed in the m4 folder. The subject matter for
each document should be specific for the lowest level of the hierarchy outlined in the
FDA technical specification Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and
Hierarchy. The headings for study reports should also be specific for the lowest level
of the hierarchy. Each document should be provided as an individual PDF file.
3.4.1 Study Reports
When providing a study report, you should include the Study Tagging File (STF)
described in the associated ICH M2 technical specification The eCTD Backbone File
Specification for Study Tagging Files and required by the eCTD Guidance. Individual
study documents should be referenced in an STF using the appropriate STF file-tag
describing the documents contents.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

Typically, a single document should be provided for each study report included in this
module. However, if you are providing the study reports as multiple documents, the
subject matter of each document should be confined to a single item from the list
provided in the FDA technical specification Comprehensive Table of Contents
Headings and Hierarchy.

In the following examples, study reports should be provided as separate (granular)


1. Documents previously submitted within an application: If a document has

been provided in a previous submission (e.g., referencing a previously provided
protocol), the applicant should provide only an eCTD leaf reference to the
protocol and not resubmit the protocol file.
2. Inclusion of additional information: Study reports should be provided as
separate documents. Additional information (e.g., audit information or a
publication based on the study) should be provided as a separate file, rather than
replacing the entire study report.
3.4.2 Literature References
Each literature reference should be provided as an individual PDF file (not referenced
by a STF) in section 4.3 of the eCTD. The file names and eCTD leaf titles should be
short and meaningful (e.g., eCTD leaf title: SmithJA 2002 Impurities).
3.4.3 Datasets
The FDA technical specifications document Study Data Technical Conformance Guide
provides details on the submission of datasets and related files (e.g., data definition file,
program files). 11
3.5 Module 5 Clinical
The organization of Module 5 is the same for all applications and related submissions.
The documents for Module 5 should be placed in the m5 folder, and the subject matter
for each document should be specific for the lowest level of the hierarchy outlined in
the FDA technical specification Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and
Hierarchy. The headings for study reports should also be specific for the lowest level
of the hierarchy. Each document should be provided as an individual PDF file.

This requirement is discussed in the eCTD Guidance. Guidances are periodically updated. To make sure
you have the most recent version of a guidance, see the FDA webpage: CDERs electronic submissions
guidances are located at:

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

3.5.1 Tabular Listing of All Clinical Studies

The tabular listing of all clinical studies should be provided as a single PDF file in
section 5.2 of the eCTD. For ease of review, hyperlinks to the referenced studies in m5
should be provided. A study tagging file (STF) is not necessary for the tabular listing
of clinical studies.
3.5.2 Study Reports
When providing a study report, you should include the STF described in the associated
ICH M2 technical specification The eCTD Backbone File Specification for Study
Tagging Files and required by the eCTD Guidance. 12 Individual study documents
should be referenced in an STF using the appropriate STF file-tag describing the
documents contents. In the case where no other file tag is appropriate, you may use
study report body.

Typically, study reports should be provided according to the FDA guidance for
industry ICH E3 Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports. The individual
documents that should be included in a study report are listed in the FDA technical
specification Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy.

Study reports should be provided as separate documents. Additional information (e.g.,

audit information or a publication based on the study) should be provided as a separate
file, rather than replacing the entire study report.

In cases when a legacy report has already been prepared as a single electronic
document, you should provide the entire study report as a single document, not
including the case report forms (CRFs) and individual data listings. The file tag
legacy-clinical-study-report should be used for the study report.

Human Factors Study reports should be in Module Other Study Reports and
Related Information.
3.5.3 Case Report Forms (CRFs)
An individual subjects complete CRF should be provided as a single PDF file. If a
paper CRF was used in the clinical trial, the electronic CRF should be a scanned image
of the paper CRF including all original entries with all modifications, addenda,
corrections, comments, annotations, and any extemporaneous additions. If electronic
data capture was used in the clinical trial, a PDF-generated form or other PDF
representation of the information (e.g., subject profile) should be submitted. Each CRF
should be included with its corresponding clinical study report and should be
referenced by the reports STF, individually tagged as case-report-forms. FDA does
not use the eCTD heading 5.3.7 for CRFs, therefore do not place files under this

Available via Electronic Submissions Standards catalog. The catalog is located on the FDA eCTD website
( under the heading eCTD Documentation and Resources

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

The subjects unique identifier should be used as the title of the document and the file
name. These names are used to assist reviewers in finding the CRF for an individual
subject. Each CRF must have bookmarks as part of the comprehensive table of
contents required under 21 CFR 314.50(b). Each CRF domain and study visit should
be bookmarked to assist reviewers in their review of CRFs. For addenda and
corrections, avoid confusion by making a hypertext link from the amended item to the
corrected page or addendum. Bookmarks for these items should be displayed at the
bottom of the hierarchy.
3.5.4 Periodic Safety Reports
Periodic safety reports 13 consist of two parts: a descriptive portion and the individual
case safety reports (ICSRs). Only the descriptive portion of the periodic report may be
submitted to the eCTD.

The descriptive portion of the report may be sent as either the periodic adverse (drug)
experience report (PADER) or the ICH-E2C periodic safety update report (PSUR)
(allowed with approved waiver). Either format may be submitted to the eCTD in
section 5.3.6 as an individual PDF file without an STF. Include the reporting period in
the documents leaf title.

Non-expedited ICSRs reports should not be in eCTD. They must be submitted in

electronic E2B formatted XML files through ESG. Do not submit the expedited ICSRs
that have been previously submitted.
3.5.5 IND Safety Reports
Each individual IND safety report with its associated study should be provided in
section 5.3 of the eCTD. Each safety report should be referenced in the studys STF
using the safety-report file tag, with "Safety Report" in the eCTD leaf title along with
"initial" or "follow-up", depending on the content of the individual safety report. Each
IND safety report should be submitted as new without replacing any previously
submitted information. Leaf titles that clearly relate to the individual cases should be
used. For additional details on providing IND safety reports, refer to the FDA
guidance for industry Safety Reporting Requirements for INDs and BA/BE Studies.
3.5.6 Literature References
Provide each literature reference as an individual PDF file (not referenced by a STF) in
section 5.4 of the eCTD, as per eCTD Specifications 3.2.2. The file names and eCTD
leaf titles should be short and meaningful (e.g., eCTD leaf title: SmithJA 2002

Periodic adverse drug experience reports or periodic adverse experience reports, as described in 21 CFR
314.80 and 600.80, respectively.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

3.5.7 Datasets
The FDA technical specifications document Study Data Technical Conformance Guide
provides details on the submission of datasets and related files (e.g., data definition file,
program files). 14 Datasets should be provided only in modules 3 5 of the eCTD.

4. Issues and Solutions

4.1 Issue: Combining Multiple 3.2.S or 3.2.P Sections With Similar Metadata
This issue is caused by leafs being submitted with incorrect metadata (name,
manufacturer, and/or dosage form which are not an exact match to what was
submitted previously).
To resolve:
Use the eCTD delete operator to delete all the leaf IDs that were referenced in
the section to be deleted. Deleting all leafs will remove the entire section from
our review tool.
Reference the files using new leaf IDs, ensuring that the name, manufacturer,
and/or dosage form metadata is an exact match to the section where you want
to place the leafs.

This issue is also caused when multiple 3.2.P sections were submitted for multiple
strengths of the same drug product.
In general, when a single application for multiple strengths can be submitted,
information for each of the product presentations and manufacturing schemes should
be combined and presented together in one Drug Product section, with information for
each of the product presentations and manufacturing schemes provided in the
Appendices and Regional Information sections, as warranted. See FDA guidance for
industry, M4: The CTD Quality, Questions and Answers/Location Issues for more
4.2 Issue: Clinical Study Report Submitted in Incorrect Section
To resolve:
Use the eCTD delete operator to delete all the leaf IDs that were referenced in the STF
under the wrong heading element. This action deletes the STF itself from our review
Create a new STF referencing all the same files, but use new leaf IDs.
Submit the updated STF in a new submission sequence.
Resubmission of files should not be necessary. Create the new leafs with file
references to the documents submitted in the original sequence.

Available at

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

4.3 Issue: Not Applicable (N/A) or Unassigned Folders in Module 4 or 5

This issue is caused by leafs submitted without an STF in a section that requires STFs.

To resolve:
Use the eCTD delete operator to delete all the leaf IDs that were not
referenced by an STF.
Create a new STF referencing all the same files, but use new leaf IDs.
Submit the STF in a new submission sequence.
Resubmission of files should not be necessary. Create the new leafs with file
references to the documents submitted in the original sequence.
4.4 Issue: Multiple Similar STF Structures Displaying in Module 4 or 5
This issue is caused by an updated STF being submitted with incorrect metadata (study-
id and study title not an exact match).

To resolve:
Use the eCTD delete operator to delete all the leaf IDs that were referenced in
the STF with incorrect study-id or study title metadata. This action deletes the
STF itself from our review tool.
Create a new STF referencing all the same files, but use new leaf IDs. Ensure
that the study-id and study title are an exact match to the original STF.
Submit the updated STF in a new submission sequence.
Resubmission of files should not be necessary. Create the new leafs with file
references to the documents submitted in the original sequence.

5. Combination Products
Combination Products 15
Generally, drug or biological product information for combination drug and device
product information and related engineering and manufacturing information should be
located in the same eCTD sections that would provide similar information for the drug
or biological product alone. This particularly applies to device constituent parts that
also serve as the drug container closure system. For example, the M3 quality module
should contain information on such devices constituents in section 3.2.P.7. Supportive
files for container closure device constituents should be located in section 3.2.R. For
other types of device constituent parts that do not have a logical location within 3.2.P,
the information should be placed in 3.2.R. For example, quality data for a free standing
laser would be in 3.2.R. Quality information on the combination product as a whole
(not the separate constituent parts) should be located in 3.2.P with appropriate
hyperlinks to 3.2.R. The following recommendations should be followed by sponsors
and applicants for combination products: 16
As set forth in 21 CFR part 3, a combination product is a product composed of any combination of a
drug, device, or biological product.
FDA recognizes the breadth of combination product designs. The information in this guide is to
promote consistency and facilitate timely review. The agency recommends that applicants, who wish to

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

1. General format comments

a. Use of eCTD headings: Adhere to eCTD headings as defined in the
FDA technical specification Comprehensive Table of Contents
Headings and Hierarchy.
b. Node extensions: Do not use node extensions to create new elements.
Although this is described in the ICH eCTD specification, and may be
acceptable in some regions, it is not acceptable in any submissions to
c. Leaf titles: As there are no-sub elements permitted under 3.2.R, when
placing combination product files in this section, prefix the leaf title
with DEVICE as this will help the reviewer differentiate between
combination and other categories of files.

2. Module 1, Section 1.2

To facilitate the review, a reviewers guide should be provided in section 1.2
cover letters. The reviewers guide is separate from the cover letter and
referenced after the cover letter. It should provide a high-level overview (with
reference links) of the submissions content and should list the location of
information in the eCTD. 17 For example, it should identify where drug, device,
and combination product information is located. Additionally, the reviewers
guide should identify the location of information that cannot be further
identified within the electronic format. This particularly applies to the

Files that are not currently listed as numerical items in ICH and FDA
specifications and guidance documents (e.g., Comprehensive Table of
Contents Headings and Hierarchy 18). For example, the reviewers guide
should provide reference links to each file in section 3.2.R.
Sections which are repeated through the use of different XML attributes
(e.g. <m3-2-p-drug-product product-name = Albuterol>; <m3-2-p-
drug-product product-name = Dry Powder Inhaler>)

3. Module 1.1. Forms

Form 356h should identify all facilities involved in the manufacture and testing of
the combination product (drug, device, drug-device combination). Also see item
4.a below for additional information in Section 3.2.P.3 Manufacture

provide data in a different location, should contact the review division for discussion. Applicants that
wish to continue to use a location based on legacy submissions for the same application may continue to
use that location.
If referencing previously submitted information not in the eCTD format, see section 3.1.3 of this guide-
Cross Referencing Previously Submitted Information that is not in eCTD Format

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

4. Module 3
a. Section 3.2.P.3 Manufacture
Combination product manufacturing applies to the entire combination product
(e.g., drug device combination) in accordance with 21 CFR Part 4. 19 In Section
3.2.P.3 include applicable device information pertaining to manufacturing or
assembly of the finished combination product as a whole. As applicable, this
section may hyperlink to unique device constituent manufacturing information in
i. Section 3.2.P.3.1 Manufacturer(s)

For each facility identify the type of manufacturing and testing

activities that occur
For each facility that is subject to 21 CFR part 4, identity whether it
follows the combination product streamlined manufacturing approach
and identify the base set of regulations (i.e., 21 CFR 211 or 820).
Provide a detailed list of all manufacturing facilities; what activities
occur at the site (e.g., assembly, filling, sterilization, testing, other);
what constituents are at the site (e.g., drug only, device only, both drug
and device). For the facilities that have both the drug and device,
identify which combination product operating system is used at the site.

ii. Section 3.2.P.3.2 Batch Formula (nm, df)

Use this section to describe only the drug components and


iii. Section 3.2.P.3.3 Description of Manufacturing Process and Process

Controls (nm, df)

This section would contain any submitted general

descriptions/summaries. It may cross reference to section 3.2.R to
support the manufacturing process.

Management Controls
Design Control, General
Purchasing Controls
Corrective Action

21 CFR Part 4 Current Good Manufacturing Practice Requirements for Combination Products is
accessible at

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

b. Section 3.2.P.5 Drug Product

Section 3.2.P.5, should usually be an element of a repeated section, as
appropriate. The first 3.2.P Drug Product section would be for the drug product
(e.g., <m3-2-p-drug-product product-name = midazolam injection>. The
second 3.2.P Drug Product section might be for the final combination product lot
release specifications that include the specification requirements for the device
constituent (e.g. <m3-2-p-drug-product product-name = midazolam pre-filled
syringe>). These specifications should rely on the device design transfer data
(see design control information) and should link to the supporting eCTD data
section; e.g., in section 3.2.R.

c. Section 3.2.P.7 Container Closure System

Continue to use this section for devices that serve as primary or secondary
container closure. Please refer to FDA guidance on Container Closure for
additional information. 20 This section may link to section 3.2.R as appropriate for
device constituent testing.

d. Section 3.2.R Regional Information

This section may be used for device engineering design documentation and
narrative explanations that are not otherwise provided in Section 3.2.P.7.
Examples of the information include the following:
A. Design Input Requirements
B. Design Output Specifications (e.g., device description, drawings,
specifications, bill of materials, etc.)
C. Design Verification Plan/Summary Report and supporting data (e.g.,
software, electromechanical conformance, bench testing, biocompatibility)
D. Design Validation Plan/Summary Report and supporting data (e.g.,
performance testing, narrative discussion of the applicability of data
provided in Module 5).
E. Risk Management File
F. Traceability Matrix

Note: Section 3.2 R does not provide for subordinate sections. Every file is listed
under a common heading. Leaf titles should be clear, concise and indicative of
the document's content. Please refer to section 2.4 of this guide for additional
information on leaf titles. In this section, for device related files, each leaf title
should be prefixed with DEVICE:

Guidance to Industry: Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics;

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

5. Module 5
Human Factors Validation Study results for the combination product should be
located in eCTD section Other Study Reports with links from
appropriate Module 3 files. Additionally, you may cross reference from Module
5 to Module 3 as applicable.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

The following are technical specifications documents incorporated by reference into the
guidance for industry Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format Certain
Human Pharmaceutical Product Applications and Related Submissions Using the eCTD
Specifications. These documents are located on the FDA eCTD Web page
at: under eCTD Documentation and Resources.

1. ICH technical specification, Electronic Common Technical Document Specification

v3.2.2 (also accessible at

2. ICH M2 technical specification, The eCTD Backbone File Specification for Study
Tagging Files

3. FDA technical specification, eCTD Backbone Files Specification for Module 1

4. FDA guidance for industry, ICH M4 Granularity Annex, Granularity Document

Annex to M4: Organization of the CTD

5. ICH M2 technical specification, eCTD IWG Question and Answer and Specification
Change Request Document

6. FDA technical specification, FDA eCTD Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy

7. FDA technical specification, Specifications for File Format Types Using eCTD
8. FDA technical specification, FDA Portable Document Format (PDF) Specifications

9. FDA guidance for industry, Integrated Summaries of Effectiveness and Safety:

Location Within the Common Technical Document

10. FDA technical specification, Transmission Specifications, Specification for

Transmitting Electronic Submissions Using eCTD Specifications

11. FDA technical specification, eCTD Validation Specifications Web page,

Specifications for eCTD Validation Criteria

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations

Related References
1. FDA guidance for industry, Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format
Submissions Under Section 745A(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
default.htm under Electronic Submissions)

2. FDA guidance for industry, Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format

Standardized Study Data (accessible
default.htm under Electronic Submissions)

3. FDA guidance for industry, Formal Meetings Between the FDA and Sponsors or
Applicants (accessible
default.htm under Procedural)

4. FDA guidance for industry, Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format

Receipt Dates (accessible
default.htm under Electronic Submissions)

5. FDA guidance for industry, M4: The CTD Quality, Questions and
Answers/Location Issues (accessible
/default.htm under International Conference on Harmonisation - Joint Safety/Efficacy


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