The Magus - The Spiritual Destiny of Man

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The Magus

The Spiritual Destiny of Man

Copyright 2012 Kenneth E. Hayes, All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 978-1-300-57429-3

Copyright 2012, Sebastian Haines, Cover Art, A Magus

Used with Permission
To the Spirit of the Elements,
You who expelled all,
You who absorbs all,
The highest self, the spirit of every man.
Our true self and home,
The eternal destiny of all.
Preface V

Cosmos 1

Spirit 3

Fire 5

Air 9

Earth 11

Water 13

Alchemy 15

Magick 19

Psionics 23

Theory 25

Past 27

Present 29

Future 31

Rulers 33

Spells 35

Rituals 37

Meditations 39

Magus 40

Destiny 41
Preface V

I wrote this book to aid the seeker of true knowledge of

the Cosmos. Not just to collect this knowledge though, but to
give a very accurate map in his hands. The map will always be
somewhat flawed though, as it is never the territory itself. Still, I
the author, have been on a quest for truth for many years now, and
have developed a clairvoyance or spirit vision which has allowed
me to witness first hand the Cosmos as I describe it within this

I began studying the Occult, and the Mystery Traditions of

the East and West, (and I should note North and South, as
dividing the world into two, is not enough. See: Alchemy) very
early in my teens. I discovered and did the heaviest of work in
my twenties though when I became clairvoyant. Now in my
thirties, I am still young, but so were some of the great esoterics
of the past (Manly P. Hall, was a young man of his twenties when
he wrote The Secret Teachings of All Ages).

The majority of my work comes from working with the

four elements of the ancients, which can be found all over the
world, not just in the west (Even though the Chinese developed a
differing elemental system, and some cultures never wrote of
them, they are to be found as the building blocks of nature to the
common senses). One of the most important things I discovered
in my early twenties, was the order of the elements. First comes
Spirit, then Fire, then Air, then Earth, and finally Water. This is
only the first step though. This is the order of creation from
contractive or inner, to expansive or outer, from Spirit which is
omnipresent, being beyond the Cosmos. Next the Cosmos,
retracts itself back into Spirit, from whence it came. So Water,
Earth, Air, then Fire and finally Spirit (It should be noted there are
only 4 elements, Spirit is whole, holistic, and can not be deduced
into measurement, and so is not an element, which is a part of
something when broken down, or objectified). There are even
two middle phases of Spirit expelling or absorbing the elements.
One where expelling is greater, absorbing lesser, but both, and

vice versa. Everything can be measured accurately by using the

qualities of the four elements. Two extremes which are opposites,
and two middles which are always a mixture, but never fully
balanced, as only Spirit balances all four elements when they are
within, verses outside of it. When all elements are perfectly
balanced with each other, Spirit results, and duality becomes non-
dual, limitation, unlimited. This is the alchemical secret of mortal
things (elemental) gaining true immortality. Transmutation, being
something and becoming something else, without losing what you
originally are.

The Cosmos is a curious thing. Spirit is absolute in all

qualities. Any of the qualities of the elements taken to the
extreme, results in Spirit. Fire = sameness or oneness, Air =
balance or equality, Earth = inequality or imbalance, Water =
division or nothingness. Any of these qualities when seen as
absolutes, the harder to fathom ones being Earth and Water,
equate to the idea of sameness or the Infinite. The trick to seeing
this in Earth and Water, is flipping one's viewpoint. Nothing is
like Infinity, as both are beyond measurable existence. Once this
is understood the combining of each, Infinity before Nothing or
Air, and Nothing before Infinity or Earth, becomes understood as
being Infinite, as it is just a combo of the two concepts, both
which transcend reality, having no bounds.

In fact, the elements only exist by means of relativity,

because as absolutes they become all the same. How this is done
is a mystery of existence, much like the unfathomable non-dual
Spirit itself, and we can only say that Spirit is actually the
extremes of the elements as well as the relative, as all share the
fundamental property of existence (even Nothing is a form of
existence, else how could we know of it?). So Spirit is not an
element because it is something alone as well as being each of the
elements themselves. We say Spirit and the elements, because
there is both unity and division in reality, creation and the Infinite,
and although they all together form a unified whole, apart they

also form individual pieces or elements.

Anyway all of this has taken much thought to put into words and
describe, and should be read as many times as needed and
meditated upon, until it is understood, if not at first as it is the
backbone of this work.

In fact the very fathoming of the elements on such deep

understanding may open the spirit vision within the reader,
reading this. If this happens, it is a sign of great internal Cosmic
harmony with Spirit and the elements, and can show visually
what I have and will describe in mere words. If not though,
within this tome is a magickal ritual to develop clairvoyance by
means of opening the third eye, also known as the activation of
the brow chakra, and this will definitely open the spirit vision to
the student (See: Ritual).

The use of the 4 elements plus Spirit, is the backbone of

this tome. Within though you will find discussions of Magick,
Psionics, and esoteric Alchemy, as they are all crucial to
becoming a Magus, which is a word denoting a supreme spiritual
state, via the mastery of the occult.

Also though, you will find explanations of the nature of

time, and what the past and future were and will be like. Also a
better understanding of what is the present.

Rituals, spells, meditations, and such will all be shared

from my own creation and use. Some daily, some for special use,
but all crucial to becoming a true Magus.

It should be noted that the word man, is meant to

include woman as well. Men and women are different and even
the elements can be divided into sexes, but women are sentient
creatures able to aspire to the same spirituality and magickal
power as men.

Before publishing this book I had a few friends look it over. One
noted that he didn't understand how expansion created unity,
where as contraction created division or separation. Infinity
stands as the absolute positive polarity of the Cosmos, being so
big it's beyond size. Nothingness on the other hand stands as the
absolute negative polarity as it is so small it is beyond size. Thus
Infinity and Nothing are both extremes not relatives and so are
aspects of Spirit because they are boundless in dimension, and so
not a thing of limitation (the 4 elements). All four elements
appear at once and disappear at once coming from or being
absolved into Spirit. Water the dividing or subtracting element, is
responsible for the many things which constitute the Cosmos.
Fire the unifying or adding element is responsible for all these
things coming together as one. So notions of the Cosmos
expanding from the beyond (Spirit), then contracting back into it,
like the Big Bang and Big Crunch in Science, are actually
inaccurate explanations of what happened and will happen, but
with the right theme. Of course there is more than the material
layer of the Cosmos as well to consider when talking of Science
which only deals with the measurable objectivity of the Earth
element or realm.

May you learn the destiny of all mankind, the persona and
archetype of the superior man, the Magus.

- Kenneth E. Hayes
Cosmos 1

The Cosmos is the created and eventually destroyed, as it

is a limited reality which we all live within. It is more than a
mere Universe, but a gigantic Multiverse of nearly limitless
manifestation and potential. Our notions of a singular celestial
orb called earth, orbiting around a star, we call the sun, is just a
paradigm or worldview. Sure there is some fact to this as it's a
measurable and observable phenomena, but so is parallel
dimensions, and metaphysical layers. The notion of hairless apes
all living and dying while confined to a singular dimension on a
rock floating in space, for thousands or millions of years, and
that's all our current reality, is just a belief system of the narrow
minded materialist. All of the Cosmos is more like vibrations of
subtle to coarse energy, or states of consciousness, to those who
can understand this. The materialistic views of the world are so
ignorant, there is a reason why most of humanity doesn't
subscribe to them, but believes in the religious and spiritual and
philosophic views of the world. As many as there are of them,
which is indeed many.

Lucid dreaming or astral projection through meditation, is a good

way to start seeing the Cosmos as being layers of energy or
consciousness. The dream world we all share in when we sleep,
can be very finite and fixed like the material world of the waking
normal consciousness, or very fluid, chaotic, and otherworldly.
When you begin lucid dreaming, you become awake while
dreaming, and depending on how conscious you are, can journey
to anywhere you will yourself, visit the past, or alternate presents,
or the probable futures, talk with both the living or the dead, and
even talk to extraterrestrials or mythological beings. The
dreamscape, is called the Astral Plane, and is a place where only
your own imagination is the limit. It can also be reached by
projecting the consciousness out of the body while in a relaxed
meditation, using imaginary, feeling, sensation, and
imagination. Astral projection can be more difficult than lucid
dreaming, but is well worth the rewards. Lucid dreaming is
usually experienced by somehow reminding oneself that one is

dreaming, by creating some kind of symbolic action in waking

consciousness which reminds oneself perform even while
dreaming. Some have said it's as simple as asking oneself
throughout the day, am I dreaming or awake, and the
subconscious picks up this checking ritual even when sleeping.

By accessing the Astral Plane, one can begin to view firsthand the
various layers of the Cosmos, and not just a normal physical
waking consciousness. Planes above which are less limited and
easily mutable by the imagination, mind, and will/perception, as
well as planes below which respond to the more primitive and
lower emotional states, can be perceived as real as the physical
dimension of the senses which the normal man knows as reality.
This way a true understanding of energy, form, and consciousness
can be understood and backed up with logic of metaphysical
occult models of the subtle bodies and worlds which we inhabit,
but suppress the true nature of them by assuming they all are
happening on the physical. The inward planes, we fit into the
workings of the brain.

With enough direct experience, a human being begins to realize

that the physical which is assumed through the 5 senses, is only a
thin layer of the vast multidimensional being that the person
really is, as is the entire Cosmos itself. This will be examined in
full over the next 5 chapters ahead of Spirit and the elements, as
well as how to move through and transform the various planes or
layers, with the power of Alchemy, Magick, and the direct occult
abilities of Psionics.
Spirit 3

The plane or layer before all others, is Spirit. Also known

as Akasha, it is the part of reality, which isn't a part, but the entire
whole. The ultimate sum, Spirit is holistic, meaning whole. It is
both all of reality mashed together in perfect unity, as well as the
dance from less finite, to more finite, and back again, called the 4
elements. The elements begin as pure forces at the beginning and
as well as the end of the Cosmos's lifespan, which is near infinite.
Measurable and finite, but so long that it might as well have no
end. Then they become more and more fractured, divided,
summaries of many many things, due to the dividing, or
contracting, force of the Cosmos. This happens until all
possibilities of manifestation of Infinity, are exhausted into finite
manifestation. Then the Cosmos uses the force of unity or
expansion, to bring the many aspects of what constitutes each
element back into unified simplicity again, before finally reaching
maximum expansion and expiring as a Cosmos, into the vast
Spirit of non-duality. Make no mistake though Spirit isn't
something which can be localized into attributes, it is everything
all at once, most literally, and can not be objectified and so
dissected into attributes. It has been called thousands of names,
by those who even could fathom it, but the wisest have repeatably
said, it has no real name, as it is beyond all limits and so names.
It is the true ALL. We are always a part of it, and always will be,
be it the Cosmos exists, or has finally expired. It is the secret of
all Magick and occult abilities, as it is the great agent which
moves through and gives life or existence to the 4 elements.

There really is no specific Spirit Magick, as it is any kind of

Magick. For those who use it though according to Alchemy, it is
the great balancing agent and is used to transmute and so change
to a specific universal purpose the 4 elements, inside as well as
outside of man. Spirit also is the great ALL or summary of
reality. For this purpose, psychics have termed the Akashic
Records, a type of great informational link available to anyone,
to access information about anything one wishes to know.
Usually the imagination mixed with the will to know, and the

knowledge of the Akashic Records, is used to browse anything

the seeker wishes to find out. Spirit like a man's personal spirit, is
a sum or mini-map of all that he was, is, and will be. Man's
personal spirit or consciousness is actually a spark of an infinite
flame which we call Spirit. It is the source of all Magick.

Now there is something which needs to be made clear about the

notion of simple verses complex, and unity verses division or
duality. A simple thing can be something within division,
manyness, or complexity, which stands alone from it's greater
parts. This is not the notion of simplicity, which Spirit is. Spirit
is literally everything, even minus the elements and so Cosmos if
one could divide it, and is the most complex thing which could
possibly be. But it isn't complex, because everything is brought
together as one, and so is simple.

Wisdom is the ability to see the simple in things, where as

knowledge is of the complex. Wisdom is spiritual, knowledge
mental. A summary is a simple overview of something very
complex. Yet a good summary, tells you everything worth telling
within it, so the rest after it is unnecessary. This is how Spirit
works. For more in depth or objectively confirmed data, the
Akashic Records will not do. One has to travel the elemental
worlds with a body or conscious form, which is suitable for each.

One last note on Spirit, is that when the Cosmos ends, all
that it ever was will be taken into raw Spirit, and fitted together as
perfect oneness. Objects, like people, contain space and
substance, so what happens eventually is that all the space is
removed to join everlasting unity (See: Destiny).
Fire 5

Fire is the first element, linearly but also the last element
circularly. Circular motion is the true path of how the Cosmos
manifests then reabsorbs itself into Spirit. So Fire is the Alpha
and Omega, the beginning and the end. The Cosmos manifests
downward then circles round again. The linear thinking makes
Fire first and Water last, as they are Light and Dark respectably,
may be one's first conclusion of how time works, and so we all
perish eventually within the Void (Nothingness). The interesting
thing is that energy or movement which is what everything is, can
not be slowed down so much to be made absolute zero. In fact
scientists have tried this, and the result is a spring back of energy,
coming the opposite direction and volition before ever reaching
true absolute zero. So circular time is more akin to how the
Cosmos really works.

Fire is the elemental plane of oneness, which is a sense of

one being divided. The Cosmos at large is reflected within the
occult bodies of man, so that there is microcosmic as well as
macrocosmic divisions of the Fire element. The infinite Spirit
firsts manifests into many realities here, all which are barely
manifest or limited, and highly mutable to will and imagination of
the beings which dwell or come here. We all have a portion of
our being in all the elements, as all the elements exist to some
degree from the beginning of creation till the end. The reasons
for this are because the light element, Fire, can only be 99% of
total cosmic size, because if it was 100% it would be ALL, and so
Spirit. This leaves the dark element, Water, to occupy the space
of not being there, as at it's most stripped form it is pure
Nothingness or the Void, where as Fire is Infinity, or
Everlastingness. Maximum expansion, or never ending
expansion, and maximum contraction, or Nothingness. There is a
kind of trick here though in that there really is no such thing as
Infinity as maximum expansion would fill all space, and so not
expand anymore. Likewise, Nothingness literally doesn't exist, as
it in it's most literal is anti-existence. So Fire is really near
Infinity, and water near Nothingness, at their maximum increase

in the case of Fire which expands, and decrease in Water which

contracts. As has been noted before, the elements are relative not
absolute, and so are never quite what they claim to be. This is
why the sages of the past formulated the occult truth that
phenomenal reality is Illusory.

Anyway, the notion of first or last and so the order of the

elements is more how they unfold, increasing or decreasing in
what they contain or what makes up them. Once again the
keyword is relative. The occult bodies of man are not just his
Earth body which is linked to the whole elemental plane, but
emotional and shade body which is Water, mental, and so
memory, mathematical, musical, and thinking body is Air, and
soul or psyche, his personality, traits, collective right and wrong
acts or Karmic body (not just moralistic acts, but the learning of
what is wise and foolish, true and false, as well), is Fire. His
consciousness pure, or animating principle, known as both will
and perception belongs to Spirit itself.

The soul being of Fire, doesn't last forever as some

religions desire and believe, but the consciousness is similar to
the soul, in it's aspect of keeping a summary or essence of the
man, and does exist forever, or more accurately isn't perishable as
it exists beyond time. The Tibetan Buddhists call this aspect of
the spirit, the very subtle mind, and it and only it can we retract
into to enjoy Nirvana or Spirit purely. The very subtle mind can
be experienced through meditation after the mind has been
seriously examined, so as to not mistake it with something limited
or dual, within the consciousness. Spirit technically isn't many,
one, or zero, but all of these simultaneously or beyond all these.
It is a paradox, being absolute. One could theorize though by
what we can know of it, it's like all things existing as themselves
in perfect unity. Although this is only so if one can grasp a very
high understanding of such a state, as it can easily be confused
with the paradises of duality. Only through many years of
meditation can one really begin to know Spirit. Fire is very subtle

though as well, and it's easy to confuse the psyche with the mind,
body, and emotional aspects of ourselves. This becomes even
more complex, when the elements in a state of great manyness or
size of the Cosmos during the middle times, become mixed
somewhat into each other. Thus physical fire, and emotional fire,
for example.

Fire is very important to the Magus, because it is the light,

lifeforce, mana, subtle energy, or power which primarily fuels his
magick, and continues his existence as a limited being. In the
Fire plane is where the great Heavens and Paradises of humanity
exist. These are giant collective realities though, and in Fire like
all the elements are smaller and more personal realities as well.
Thus the many ideas of Heaven from the many religions and
mythologies of humanity. Also though, I cannot confirm as I do
not know how to build a spaceship as they exist beyond the
present timescape, in vague futures, which are currently not well
manifest or at all. I believe from what I have witnessed through
divination (See: Magick), and my clairvoyance, as well as lucid
dreaming and astral projection, plus the sheer number of stars in
the physical universe, many with supposed planets around them.
There are extraterrestrials who are sentient like man, and have
their own religions and occult models. Plus there seems to be
beings which dwell in the elemental planes, other than the
physical who are not deceased physical beings, but natural to
those planes. A third option to sentient beings is the egregore, or
sentient thoughtform, which is given birth from people's
collective strong belief that there is such beings. Thus, some of
the mythological beings which magicians summon or priests
worship, may be real as well. Parallel realities, can also provide
the basis for the existence of mythological beings.

Fire is a most interesting element, because it is the biggest

throughout all time, and hosts the most things, places, and beings.
One thing all Fire dwellers have in common though is a
realization that reality is very mutable, and a strong sense of

spirituality and morals. Not all are saints, but most take a general
idea of goodness at face value.

Those who astrologically fall under the Fire signs as well

as those who commit themselves to positivity, are even if
primarily in another element, like the physical, have great Fire
bodies and so attributes.

Fire can warm and give life, but it also can burn and be
destructive. Thus now we talk of the negative side of Fire. Spirit
has no negative side, but each element has a positive and negative
side, as well as neutral. The neutral is either a small amount of
each side, making an equilibrium, or a great amount of each side,
but each indeed, and so like a ping pong game. The stable or
orderly and chaotic. Air the balancer and Earth the imbalancer.

The destructive side or qualities of Fire, make a group

team up against the individual. This herd mentality, is the
righteous fire, which sometimes persecutes unfortunate
individuals throughout history. Self righteousness and bigotry as
well as blind faith without reason are also some of the destructive
sides of Fire. Misuse of power and domination of will over others
those is probably the biggest sin. This last one sounds more like a
dark trait proper and belonging to the inner layers of Water, which
true there is similarity, but in Water it is more of an unequal might
held over the other, through fear and manipulation to make them
think themselves weaker. Fire and Water sharing opposite sides
of the spectrum can be similar but a careful eye can always tell
one from the other.
Air 9

Air is the great balancer. Fire before Water, but a mix of

each in near perfect harmony. Neutrality properly belongs to Air,
where as the neutrality of Earth is a mix of each, but in inequality
so that Earth is bipolar in it's personality. Sometimes craving life,
sometimes death, light, dark, hot, cold, day, night, good, evil.
Earth is passionate, it's what keeps it rotating, not just the planet,
but the whole physical dimension.

Air magick is often called Yellow Magic(k), but can

also be considered as grey. The yellow part comes from the fact
that the sky is colored yellow due to the sun during the day.
Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha himself, forged what he called
the Middle Way. This middle way rejected the extremes of
mysticism for enlightenment, either depriving oneself entirely of
the earthly life, or diving into it full speed ahead, till burned out
of all worldly desire. The White and Black paths of mysticism
respectively. The middle way taught to be in the world, but to
abstain from it at the same time. This Buddha thought would
attract many more people to the pursuit of enlightenment. Yellow
robes are what the Buddhists wore to inspire happiness, and so
another reason why the middle of middles is connected with the
color yellow.

Grey is much more of a morally verses mystically neutral

color, and deals with the difficulties and misunderstandings of
true neutrality, as the animal way of little selfishness but also little
selflessness but bouncing back and forth between fear and desire
or reward, is the more earthly middle. The plane of the most
animals naturally. Grey also though metaphysically is the color
of the ghost, and the ethereal. The notions of Purgatory, a place
where the souls who were not good or bad, but had no where else
to go wind up, is very much the inhabitants of the plane of Air.
True ghosts live here, and sense Air is right next to the Earth
element, being just above it, they often dip into the outer above
edges of the material and either try to help or contact the living,
or cause mischief as they have greater powers of limitlessness and

can directly influence the ethereal or conceptual patterns which

define the material structures.

Where as the proper Astral Plane, belongs to the notions

of the Heavens and so above the skies, where the Air is proper.
The ethereal plane of Air, is very fascinating to explore while
astral projecting or lucid dreaming. It is a sticky like substance,
and is very closely related to the living functions of the physical
body. It is through the sticky web of the ethereal that physical
objects are altered to supernatural, degrees, like in telekinesis
which ghosts are very good at (See: Psionics).

The highest levels of Air belong to beings which the

ancients called Daemons, Demi-gods, and Angels. This is a
highly conceptual and mathematical as well as musical area, and
the beings here are very logical type of intelligences. Their
bodies are more abstract or mythological in appearance.

The lowest regions of the Air, we call Wind or the winds,

as they touch upon the Earth element and are responsible for the
heating and cooling of matter which creates wind. Many beings
like faeries and arabian genies (Djinn), live here, besides the
pesky ghosts which haunt the material. Also though lesser
thoughforms usually crafted by magicians, witches, and sorcerers,
can dwell here. The greater thoughtform, the egregore, often
being more archetypal and existing in the upper conceptual Air.

It should be noted that some angels as well as gods from

pagan cultures exist in the Fire element. When they do though
they do not hold themselves above like the egregores do of others.
Earth 11

The Earth plane is the physical universe. Actually the

physical multiverse, but that's considered only theory so far in
science, even though quantum science is pushing the barrier. The
5 senses of the body, touch, taste, hearing, sight, and smell, all
belong to the Earth element. The senses though get a bit tricky in
strictly assigning them to Earth, as Fire is inner sight, the
imagination which can even manifest outwardly and so a proper
hallucination or external vision. Air responds to sound and so
hearing as well, clairaudience being the proper term. Water can
be felt, emotional auric vibrations often do not just bring an
emotional response, but are felt like physical touch. Finally smell
is often the first presence of Spirit sensed. Many spirits or non-
corporeal beings, meaning they have no at least physical form, are
smelled by people who sense them before any other sensations
arise. The Asian notion of Chi is a shamanic understanding of
Spirit, and it is said to circulate within the body, and is the
mother of blood. Meaning, blood carries within it the lifeforce
of the Cosmos. Chi is also described as being vaporous like air
and functions through the breath. Prana the name for lifeforce,
whether as soul energy, Fire, or Spirit energy, is also breathed in
and out of the lungs. Theoretically there is a duplicate astral or
non-physical sensation for each of the elements of the 5 senses.
So 5 in 5, though the one's first listed are the predominant.

Other than this most of us know what the Earth plane is, as the
majority of mankind believes to live in it on a part of it called the
planet earth, which is just one of so many planets in the many

The negative and positive associations of the Earth and Air, each
being what constitutes the middle realms of reality, are many like
all the elements but in the following paragraph is a few.

Negative Air is unreason, illogic, chaotic music, and egotistic

intellectualism and haughtiness to name a few. Negative Earth is
excessive might via survival of the fittest, rape via the

reproductive desires of the body to procreate, and chemical abuse

or otherwise unnecessary harm or damage to the body.

Where as the Air reaches for life over death, Earth does the
opposite. Death is seen as superior to life on Earth over all,
though the ping ponging that goes on makes life have the upper
hand at times. Still the earthly condition is to be a prisioner, a
spirit made to live in clay. Earth can have the greatest of beauty
of all the elements, but it is the plane of mortality as living man
understands the term, and life eventually is overcome by death.
Thus suffering belongs before anywhere else to Earth. Water
technically suffers more, but the dead, can't feel the way man
can, as they are very numb and cold.

Earth more apparently than Air, shares an upper and an

underworld. The living planets and warm life giving stars,
embody the light portion of the earth and it's surface or
upperworld, where as outer space and the dead planets, asteroids,
comets, and space dust as well as traditional underworlds of the
planets cores, separate the life in the physical from each other and
are the final resting places and destiny of the body, usually.
Because poisonous and biting insects as well as serpents and
dangerous animals like bears, dwell in caves, and that the dead
were buried in the earth, the underworld was seen mythologically
as a very dangerous place. Thus the bipolar of Earth, the good
and evil, living and dead, light and dark. H.P. Lovecraft the
godfather of modern horror made his monsters not just of the
underworld where traditional evil spirits dwelled, but from the
blackness of outer space. The ancients believed the whole Earth
plane to be the planet itself, and so placed the underworlds and
hells underneath it. Modern man with his space exploration, has
realized that great demons may lurk in the cold depths of space,
along with hostile alien worlds, and other things weird and not of
the light.
Water 13

Water is the element of darkness. Where as we touched

upon the underworlds and outer space in the chapter on Earth, in
Water things get even more interesting. Water is a metaphysical
plane, like Air and Fire, where as the Earth plane is purely
physical. What does physical mean anyway? Well physics is
about laws and how they govern phenomena. Really these laws
are just the study of limits of creation manifesting itself
downward into greater and greater solidification. The limits or
laws of the Earth plane, differ from the laws of the other
elemental planes due to vibration, or rate of movement, or energy
which the whole Cosmos is made of. So a metaphysical
understanding of reality places some phenomena beyond the laws
of physics. The literal meaning of metaphysical is many-
physical, or better put many worlds, realms or layers. The Water
element is mostly a reversal of energy, and so laws of reality
become upside down.

The Water element has very little light within it but much
darkness. When great amounts of dark energy and matter
(solidified energy), come together they allow a form of life to
exist which is comprised of darkness and so deathforce, verses
lifeforce. Water is like a reversed mirror of Fire, so it's very
similar to Fire, but in a twisted, not quite the same, way.

This is mostly the mid to deep levels of Water though.

The upper levels are very lifegiving and the beings there even
friendly though emotionally cold, like the mythical mermaid. The
more positive blue, verses indigo, purple, or black, is usually
taken to symbolize the element in Alchemy and Magick.

The deepest levels of planets cores, the abysses of the

oceans, and the hells of molten lava, give notion to the traditional
place of the dead or underworld, which is a great aspect of Water.
The shallow seas, lakes, rivers, and springs belong to the Earth
element, and the rains and clouds to the lower Air element.

Outer space, though especially deep space, far out

between the stars and even between the galaxies though, isn't
what it seems. Dead stars which become black holes, also belong
to the Water element. In general anywhere where little or no light
shines forth.

There is a great secret to the stars and moon though, as

well as the oceans and seas. Gravity which is weight, which is
natural to the lower, as lite and subtle is to the upper elements, is
a great secret of the dark. Gravity becomes weightless where
there is so much of itself that weight becomes nearly limitless in
quantity. Black holes taught me this which are miniature events
of light reducing itself to ultimate dark, or Nothingness, the Void.
Weight like the condition of contraction or becoming small,
eventually becomes so much so that it has no limit. Nothingness
like Infinity, literally has no size, but exists, or is a reality.

When beings on the physical die, if they are very innocent

or full of darkness. They usually go down instead of up, into
Hades realm of the Water element. The Greeks had the most
accurate idea of what this was. There is both the darkness and so
places of death and torment, some even hot and so the ideas of the
hells, as compressed light exists here, trapped in the dark, like
little isles in the ocean. And just as well there is a sort of
underworld paradise or heaven here, which is caused from the
absorbed and reflected nature of light to change direction once
reaching bottom, of the lunar.

Water if one stays on the surface is essential for life. The deep is
a place of caution though.
Alchemy 15

Alchemy is twofold, outer and inner, exoteric and esoteric,

physical and metaphysical. Physical Alchemy where lead can be
transmuted into gold, and other wonders of mystical science
meets physical science, is a lost art. Few know how to perform it
in the current day, and the ancient texts are full of just plain
pseudoscience. What is not a lost art is inner Alchemy. Where
the transmuting is only on the psyche of the magician, and the
traditional hermetic wisdom contained within traditional Alchemy
is explained and mediated upon for inner growth.

The esoteric notion of the four elements and Spirit comes

from Medieval European Alchemy. They were first formulated
by Philosophers of ancient times, but became used in Magick and
Alchemy during the middle ages. The symbols of the elements
are created from the hexagram or Star of David as it is known
(sometimes confused with the Star of Solomon, but this is
properly the pentagram). An upright triangle for Fire, a
downward triangle for Water, and then an upright triangle with a
line through it formed of when Fire and Water intersect to create
the hexagram, for Air, where as a downward triangle with a line
through it is for Earth.

Spirit is an eight spoked wheel. The symbol might come

from the Buddhists who invented the four elements around the
time the western philosophers did, some 500 years before Christ.
The Buddha first taught of Nirvana and how to attain it, which is
one of the world's most in depth system of what many esoteric
religions have previously left mentioned but highly unknowable.
The eight noble truths, are the main practice of Buddhism and the
pursuit of Nirvana. Personally I have my own symbolism of the
eight spoked wheel of Spirit. Originally it was a symbol of the
Sun in ancient times which is the source of all significant light on
earth, which is the main element needed for life. The cross within
the wheel symbolizes good and the x symbolizes evil. Thus Spirit
is both good and evil simultaneously as it is beyond opposites.
The cross and x might also symbolize order and chaos, another

twin opposition.

The pentagram is another great symbol, which the glyphs

of the elements and Spirit are often assigned to, as it has 5 arms
on it, being a star symbol. Upright the pentagram means Dharma
or Spirit using the elements with it's guidance, where as
downward the pentagram means Karma or the elements using
Spirit to fulfill their own carnal desires. Incarnation literally
means for Spirit to manifest into the elements. Spirit loses some
control over the elements the more they become divided though
and so grow in constitution. Thus in the manyness a will of many
verses one becomes. When the many reaches for one, Spirit is in
control, but when the many seek to stay many as long as they can,
the many are in at least more control. Thus there is a Karmic
path, where the wills that exist in manyness seek to prolong the
creation longer than what Spirit itself wills. Of course this all
may be just a human wish, and there never is any contradiction to
Spirit about the elements, though to the enlightened who wish
liberation for all, so the cycle of suffering can finally end, those
who do not, stand at least in their way.
Buddha said something like, even every grain of sand shall
eventually reach Buddhahood.

The world is divided between the dominant schools of

eastern and western esoteric schools. These are well known, what
isn't as known is the southern, northern, and a synthesis of all 4
directions, esoteric schools. The west is under the influence of
Water, the east of Air. The south is ruled by Fire, and similar to
the North, which is under Earth, is the shamanistic schools. In the
north this developed somewhat with Odinism and the Norse
peoples, who understood the underworld very well and it's inner
layer Hel, is where we got our english word for Hell. In the south
though, besides the great sun cults of the south american indians,
the people have always been a shamanic group of cultures. The
aboriginal notion of the dream world, being the most impressive
shamanistic contribution. The crossing of east, west, north, and

south, has interesting developments about the notion of Spirit. As

Above, So Below, wrote the great sage Hermes Trismegistus, and
the planes do reflect a similar pattern all throughout. So dividing
the planet earth into elemental qualities does show much about
how man is effected by these forces which he is a part of.

Alchemy at it's core is about turning the base lead, soul

or spirit into gold. The Dharmic cycle of the Cosmos, is when
Spirit is retracting or absorbing into itself the Cosmos to some
degree, verses expelling itself as it. The Great Work, is the
uplifting of creation to the power of Spirit. Men seek this first
inside of themselves before approaching others and the world(s)
at large.

The true self, is the higher spiritual essence which

knows what is best for a person. The lower self, or ego as it is
called in psychology, is the elemental self, which is lost in the
dualistic impulses of desire and aversion. Examining one's self
and example rituals (and even how to make your own) discussed
later in this text, as well as learning how to meditate help in
discerning what is what so as to hear the true call of Spirit.

In Alchemy, the alchemical marriage is about harnessing

the base, lower, elemental self to the spiritual self, and ascending
through the elements of the Cosmos, as a being. This marriage is
twofold though, because after this has been done and one has
reached adepthood, the whole Cosmos and all that is a part of it,
must come together and unite Spirit with the elements, in greater
realization until perfect unity has been attained and the elements
cease to be as they are transmuted into Spirit.

Alchemy like the mystic systems in the east, make use of

the 7 visible celestial bodies in the sky, that can be seen with the
naked eye. Harmonizing these 7 spheres to spiritually uplift the
planet earth and well as the body of man, is an alchemical task
like the alchemical marriage. The 7 celestial bodies are the sun,

moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, and finally saturn.

A chakra is a subtle energy center. It is a place where free

energy crystallizes, or forms (solidifies, meaning as form, not
just physical form although the chakras do match up with major
bodily organs) The sun relates to the crown chakra. The moon to
the brow chakra (third eye). Mars to the throat chakra. Mercury
to the heart chakra. Jupiter to the solar plexus chakra. Venus to
the sacral chakra. Finally saturn to the root chakra.

Thus astronomy, astrology, anatomy, and occult anatomy,

meet. Gravity is the force at work as well as light, projected and
reflected, and is the secret to the basics of proper astrological
readings in magick (See: Magick).

The study of Yin and Yang, opposites, division, duality

and how to overcome it is the main focus of Alchemy. Thus is
The Great Work. It is the ultimate science, and chemistry which
resulted when materialism tainted it, will one day reunite with it,
and men will create miracles with spiritual technology, which will
even evolve the effectiveness and understanding of Magick itself
(See: Future).
Magick 19

Magick is the art of consciously changing reality via

extrasensory powers. This is my best definition anyway. The
most important thing to remember about magick is that it is a
mysterious phenomenon of the Cosmos. All things change, every
moment. In fact nothing is perfectly still save maybe Spirit itself,
and calling it so is still making it dual, which it is not.
Nothingness or the Void could be considered static, although
100% stasis, or true stasis, like absolute movement or vibration,
becomes attributeless as it has no size, and so must be really
Spirit. Anyway in relativity everything is moving, changing, and
nothing is perfectly still. The Cosmos vibrates from a very high
frequency to a very low frequency, from Fire to Water. The
magician simply realizes that all is changing and so tries to
change reality consciously instead of just allowing it to do so on
it's own. Usually it's the spirit which is a part of the great Spirit in
man, which is seen as being the agent which is capable of steering
the winds of change. The greatest magick happens when the will
of the magician and the will of the Cosmos is in perfect
alignment. Whether this is downward or upward magick, positive
or negative depends on the stage Spirit is in, in manifesting or
absorbing the Cosmos. Black magick, is simply using negative
energy, or slowed energy, or attempting to bring about change
antithetic to Spirit. Death or harm isn't always negative in itself,
but depends on circumstance. Still unless one has great wisdom,
it's better to stay away from most forms of black magick. To
much negativity happens automatically, without anyone willing it
into being.

Magick is comprised out of many practices. Astrology,

divination or fortune telling via the movements of the celestial
bodies. Cartomancy, divination via cards. Evocation, magick
involving the summoning of spirits. Glamoury, magick of
charming and illusions. Invocation, possession via spirits.
Necromancy, magick involving the dead. Sorcery, the art of
magick upon the material world. Theurgy, the art of magick upon
the higher planes.

There are in fact many more practices of magick, but

many blend together. The one's listed are some of the most
popular, but the reading of palms, pendulums, scrying, witchcraft,
shamanism, prayer, crystals and gems, and many more are a part
of Occultism.

The seven visible celestial bodies play a very important

part in magick. The occult body or really bodies of man, each
correspond to a particular planet, as well as the elements, in two
different systems of thought. The Spirit body is the
consciousness, embodying the will and perception of the
individual as well as a sort of overview of memory of the persons
life and destiny (by destiny I do not imply predetermined but the
history of the person, and so destiny is not done until incarnation
expires fully). The Fire body is the soul, vitality, intuition, desires
and passions, and personality of the individual. The Air body is
the mentality, ration and reason as well as logic and memory of
the person. The Earth the physical form, organs, and senses.
Finally Water the emotional and magnetic or auric body, as well
as the instinct. In the celestial paradigm of the occult body. First
is the crown chakra, connected with the sun, the color yellow, day
of the week sunday, and who's tarot card is the sun. The second is
the brow chakra connected with the moon, the color orange, day
monday, and who's tarot card is likewise. The third is throat
chakra, connected with mars, the color red, day tuesday, and tarot
card the chariot. Fourth, heart chakra, connected with mercury,
the color green, day wednesday, tarot card the fool. Fifth, solar
plexus chakra, connected with jupiter, color blue, day thursday,
and tarot card the emperor. Sixth, sacral chakra, connected with
venus, color indigo, day friday, tarot card the lovers. Seventh and
final, root chakra, connected with saturn, color purple, day
saturday, and tarot card death.

One may notice that the colors are not the order of the traditional
colors of the rainbow, and are as well as rearranged and follow
backwards! This is not how the chakras are usually described, but
instead as the rainbow which follows the electromagnetic scale of
visible light and color. I have deliberately changed them though
to follow color from shades of light to dark, which I believe is the
proper order of colors. I believe the EM scale is a purely Earth or
physical dimensional order of color, which is half strait and half
backwards, more so backwards, because of Earth being comprised
of darkness and light mixed, where darkness is the greater. Thus
instead of red, orange, yellow, yellow, orange, red, and the green,
blue, indigo, and purple is correct, except that it starts at yellow
and goes to purple, instead of vice versa which is the traditional

The elemental colors may be changed according to this

order as well, although the elements were first viewed as smaller
copies within the Earth element of each element, due to
interplanar mixings of vibrations (as was said earlier the elements
mix into each other, as well as creation copies itself as it descends
and ascends, thus as above so below, as below so above, the
original hermetic axom). Because of this, seeing Fire as red or
orange, Air as yellow, Earth as green, and Water as blue, indigo,
or purple, seems fitting and is traditional.

Magick is something which exists in every culture of man

around the world, from the earliest of times. Since the earliest of
days of man, there has always been the accepted practitioners and
practices and unaccepted. Shamans, medicine men and women,
and witch doctors, were the accepted magicians of the earliest
cultures and witches and sorcerers the bad variant. In pagan or
polytheistic later cultures this changed to royal and licensed
magicians and the priestcast of the various gods as the accepted.
In the monotheistic cultures, priests practiced a kind of striped
down holy magick, but the taboo against magick first unfolded
and the good kind was labeled as prayers and miracles, which

were seen as the direct acts of God on men's behalf. The

Buddhist culture outlawed magick officially and preferred
meditation and some psychic or powers of mind over matter as
well. Lastly the materialistic scientific modern world has made
magick out to be all tricks and illusion or the belief in by the
demented and mad. There has always been some in increasing
greater number though throughout time, who have believed
magick is the future science, and promotes and fuels it's practice,
evolution, and growth. This they have had to do more or less in
secret though, as the notions of taboo, unofficial, black, and
delusional, have always proved a counter force.

The subconscious mind of man, is rooted deep from

higher to lower levels of unconscious or partially-conscious
degrees. The subconscious communicates though emotion,
instinct, automated processes, and primitive sensation, but
especially symbols and repetition of ritual acts. Magick is highly
subconscious. The secret to why is the nature of energy itself.
Energy consciously directed, evaporates quickly and has little
effect on manifestation, unless focused upon greatly so as to
concentrate it, and repeated until energy begins to form in a stable
form and crystallize as manifest phenomena. Atoms are nothing
more than vibrationally slower, more contracted, and crystallized
energy. All forms of substance, whether more or less energetic,
acts in the same manner within the Cosmos. Thus proper magick
usually takes time and effort, unless part of a larger current which
is already manifesting, like a single fish joining a giant school of
fish as well as swimming with the current.
Psionics 23

Psionics is a relatively recent word taken from the first

part of psychic, psi. Psychic means something from the psyche or
soul, and so is a mind over matter, type of understanding. The
psychic is a direct power of the psyche, where as magick works
throughout the Cosmos to manifest a change in reality. It could
be said psionic abilities are individual or personal magick, as it is
direct and in the moment where as magick usually takes time.
Magick and psionics somewhat blur though, as there is known in
magick what is called, slight of hand, where magick is willed
into being in the moment. This is still seen as far reaching events
though usually, so psionics is still in the direct and close by.

The five main abilities of psi powers are aligned with

Spirit as it reflects through the elements. Clariscentist or clear
scent is linked to Spirit proper. Clairvoyance or clear sight is
linked to Fire via Spirit. Clairaudience or clear hearing is linked
to Air via Spirit. Clairgustant or clear taste, is linked to Earth via
Spirit. Finally Clairsentience or clear sense, is linked to Water via
Spirit. Thus the five physical senses of the body (Earth element),
have a spiritual equivalent. These are the most useful if not
powerful forms of psychism.

The next list of abilities can be divided according to the

elements, although they don't have to be. They are highly earthly
at least for many at first, and all are about mind over matter.
Physical matter being the most obvious to the beginner, but more
subtle or gross energy or matter, can be explored by the advanced
via mainly astral projection and or lucid dreaming on other
elemental planes.

PK or psychokinesis (also known as telekinesis), is an

Earth element ability which is about moving physical objects with
an invisible field of force. PK is one of the easiest abilities to
gain success in when the objects are very light and one can sense
or feel the force emitting from the head or hands to feel the
weight and shape of the object and move it via force. One should

not try to hard, but allow the force to gently move the item. It
takes practice, sometimes many failed attempts, but many people
do learn and witness this ability, even if it never advances much.

Aerokinesis is the ability to control air or winds (gas is

technically Dracokinesis), an obvious Air element ability.
Cyrokinesis is the ability to cool down things, create ice and
move water. Creating shapes in water or cooling down the body
heat in the hands are the best to start with. This ability belongs to
the element of Water. Electrokinesis is the ability to project
electricity out of one's hand or other body area. It can also be
used to charge batteries of electronics or create electrical
interference in organic tissue or machines. Keep the voltage low,
as to not electrocute oneself. This ability is a joint or sub-
elemental unity of Fire and Air. Lastly Pyrokinesis is the ability
to start, control, or snuff out fires, belonging to Fire element.

Since psionics is a recently new field of the Occult or Paranormal,

newly named kinetic powers can be found in places which study
and practice psionics. The previous are the most well known and
useful powers of psychism.

The ability to read auras, the subtle energy slash electromagnetic

physical emission of the human body, is also a well known ability
of psionics. Learning to focus the physical eyes gently and
gazing about an inch around living tissue reveals at first an
afterimage, but if persistent, changing colors of the etheric matter
which lies within and around living organisms bodies. The aura
is believed to be comprised of electric as well as magnetic energy,
and so reflects mainly Water but also Air and Fire occult bodies.
Theory 25

Magickal theory is important to study because it explains

how magick functions through the various elements, as well as
how the elements each have an influence over time or the aeons
of the past, present, and future of man and his occult knowledge
and ability.

The oldest magickal theory is the Spirit Model. Animism

was the first religion and it taught that everything had a spirit.
Thus for the ancient shamans, and those who remained in cultures
untouched by the progress of civilization, magick worked by the
shaman getting a spirit or many spirits to do something. Reality
was changed, by the work of spirits. How exactly spirits changed
reality, aka performed magick, lead to the next theory or mana or
magickal energy the Energy Model.

After the Spirit Model came the Energy Model. Arising

under the influence of the Fire element which is more energy
proper than any other element. Mana and other similar notions of
magickal power as a force in itself, came about as people asked,
if spirits (including people's spirit), do magick, that's fine, but
how do they do magick? The Energy Model says all of reality is
vibrating energy, and that energy is somewhat conscious in itself.
Thus it can be directed by great concentration or a large or group
consciousness more easily than though just wishing or thinking it
to change reality.

The third model is the Information Model, which belongs

to the Air. Seeing the Cosmos as being highly mental in nature,
magick is done according to this theory, via the power of the
minds of beings and the great mind of the Cosmos, also known as
the Logos. In recent times this has spawned the idea of
programming reality with magickal rituals like a computer.

The fourth is the Psychological Model. This belongs to

the Earth element. A very materialistic view of magick, the
Psychological Model claims magick works by conditioning the

consciousness of the person, and all spirits, otherworlds, and

religious and mythological beliefs, happen only with the brain.
By conditioning the brain the body can be effected as well as
psychologically being able to evolve with the challenges of life,
instead of being toppled by them. This model denies a reality
past the physical and sees magick as pure psychology, but in
doing so also sees value in psycho-somatic phenomena, and so a
hallucination caused by magick is seen as a tool which can
positively change the body, although in more scientific and less
amazing ways. As well though it tends to teach oneself a lot
about one's true desires and general psychological makeup.

The last comes from the natural mutability of Water to

take on any shape impressed upon it. The Meta Model, comes
from the opposite of good and order, chaos itself, via the modern
practice of Chaos Magick. Any belief system can be used, and
one can also jump back and forth between paradigms, because
only the desire manifest or result is what really makes or breaks
magick. The Metal Model even allows one to design one's own
magical paradigm, and work magick from that. Modern symbols
such as stop signs and corporate logos can be used in magick

Really one should study the history of magick and begin

practicing using ancient and or modern means. Only then can a
real working theory of magick, or magickal paradigm, be created
and used. The more factual your paradigm is the better magick
will perform as it is in harmony with the Cosmos.
Past 27

As Spirit manifests into 4 primordial elements, it also goes

through 4 stages which adopt the elements traits. A downward,
contracting, manifesting stage of Water. An upward, expanding,
unmanifesting stage of Fire, and two middle embodying a bit of
both currents. One more upward force, but downward as well and
vice versa.

The past belongs to Water, as the first action of the

unmanifest was to divide itself and so create space. Granted all
the elements appeared at once during the great initial fissure, as it
constituted space, the middle gray area and substance. So none
are really first or last, though Fire was, is, and will remain the
biggest element. Water always remaining the smallest. This is
why Fire is usually listed as first, and the beginning, where as
Water is the last and so the future. Actually Water is a middle
area of activity, and Fire the beginning as well as ending place of
major events, following the elements from downward to back
upward. Anyway after much thought about this, Water actually
constitutes the past flux or aeon (a portion of time), as contraction
from Spirit happens first, then contraction and expansion, and
finally an expanding phase where all is brought back together
until gaining 100% unity, and the Cosmos of the 4 elements
expires from existence (actually the past which exists no more,
can be said to be a part of pure Spirit again, as the elements are no
longer in a process of change and movement but stasis).

The Water current embodying contraction, implies

division, greater separation, and eventually life becoming death.
It was a time of things being created out of the primordial energy,
and so the creation of matter. Out of the ever increasing diversity
came more and more complex things, till eventually lifeforms
arose. First were very basic and simplistic lifeforms, and then
greater and greater until in the first age, or perhaps not until the
middle(s), sentient life was created.

This is why the first sentient beings, barely man and very

animal like, knew next to nothing about the Cosmos. Progress

has come very slowly over many ages.

Also though many primitive societies have retained the

first details of the first age of man. They say that magick was
very easy to do and powerful in those times, as much lifeforce
was existent everywhere. The primarily Fire energy which was
being divided, made a highly subjective form of reality, which
was easily changed by the consciousness of primitive men.

These same primitive societies said that over time as

reality became more material and solidified into limits, that
magick became less and less able to easily transform reality.
Water is the most dual element and in fact embodies separation by
the duo or twin aspects. The separator which is the black
darkness, and the separated which is the white stripped down
light. The light becomes very bound, tight, and pure, and so
embodies the essence of the moon. Similar to the core of the sun,
and so Fire, which is also pure and white. The difference is that
in the case of the sun the light can't really be separated from the
lesser light, and so remains linked. With the lunar light, it is
separate from the darkness around it and so embodies one of the
twin aspects of Water at it's extreme, innocence. The darkness
embodies ignorance. Innocence, simply not knowing, and
ignorance, refusing to know, are close twins, yet totally separate
and distinct.

So in the first age, men as well as other lifeforms, knew

very little and so were basically innocent. Combine that with
falling towards eventual cessation into Nothingness, the eden
Present 29

The eden story of man being created innocent then falling

from grace and doomed to mortally perish one day, as he began to
know, and so became lost in duality, good and evil, light and dark,
like most ancient myths contains a grain of truth. Especially
when considering the first stage of the present or middle age,
ruled by the Earth element. The Earth element is essentially
about mortality, as in not being dead, but becoming dead, and so
light finally becoming darkness. It is also about light losing it's
unifying principle and becoming multiple. Thus be fruitful and
multiply, and so gender, it's growing apparentness and sex which
is an animal and so earthly aspect, and so multiplying or

The next middle stage is ruled by Air, and in it happens a

fascinating event. The Air element is the most developed plane of
knowledge, and really spawns what it means to know. Here
innocence and adolescence of the Water age and Earth age, is
brought into full adulthood or maturity. It is as adults that we
really form what we know and believe, and this doesn't change
much as we grow to be elderly, just we simplify it from
knowledge into wisdom. In human history this is going from
indigenous peoples, to early civilized pagans or polytheists, to the
full development of the Christ mythos, or the realization that the
light died but is now ascending again, and will all bring us back
home before we know it. Jesus was the one who really
crystallized this myth into human history, but the savior god who
is linked to the sun and dies but is then revived was around many
centuries before him.

Anyway the Air element is half light, half dark, like the
Earth element, but with one important difference. The light is
slightly greater, and so increasing. Thus Christ was a man, and
died (the Earth phase), but his soul returned to his body, and his
whole body ascended into the heavens (the Air phase in bloom).

The Aquarius sign of the zodiac is an Air element sign,


and continues the Air phase in full. During the Age of Aquarius,
all of man shall die only to find out they are still alive in body,
and then having a consciousness which is more powerful than the
physical body, shall ascend to a higher state of being. In fact the
whole physical dimension will do this.

What started to one, then a few (there are legends of

adepts ascending in body in the mystic tradition on earth), will
happen to the many.

We all currently not that far along though in the present

when writing this in the year 2012. When exactly this will
happen is unknown but for serious astrologers and many
occultists it is a sure thing.

Personally what I think is that the elements deem

something like this being so, as the Cosmos does touch
Nothingness, only to find out it is an aspect of Spirit and so
springs back the other direction, expanding and unifying
everything that was divided.

I mentioned before that scientists have tried to reach

absolute zero in existence, and more of this can be learned about
by reading up on the Zero Point Energy. Quantum Science has
done some very interesting things, this not being the only one to
confirm a lot of metaphysical ideas. Any serious Magus should
be well versed in Quantum Science.
Future 31

The future is ruled by the Fire element, and because it has

yet to past not much can be said of it, past speculation. I have
seen many visions of the future, as well as studied a lot of future
science which is presently being worked on, and of course read
much science fiction, but the future even to me is something I can
only really guess about.

One thing is for sure, as the Cosmic vibrations increase

and the whole Cosmos begins it's journey back home to be
reintegrated into Spirit, things in the future are going to be very
magickal and spiritual.

One of the things I have both read about and saw

clairvoyantly is the bridging of the material with the spiritual.
Science and Religion, Philosophy, and Occultism all coming
together and enhancing and advancing each other. Quantum
Science is doing at the present for modern magick and occultism
what Chaos Science did for Chaos Magick in the 1980's.

The progression from science of the material to science of

the non-material, is happening slowly but surely. More and more
people in the modern world are practicing magick than ever
before. It's only logical to assume this trend will continue into
numbers of the majority of the masses, in the not to distant future.

Alchemy was once considered a valid science, and would

have remained so if there had been more esoterically as well as
scientifically educated men and women working in the field.
Ancient religious dogma held this from occurring though, and so
those who were interested or good candidates pursued material
science, and simply sidestepped religion.

Man will venture into the stars though, as well as

timestreams, as time is flowing in many directions even if it's
mainly flows only one way. With time machines and stellar
machines (spaceships), he will explore the entire physical aspect

of the Cosmos.

Magick and personal spirituality will become mainstream

among the masses, and like in ancient times, but unlike ever
before in number, witches, wizards, seers, and sorcerers will walk
the streets offering their knowledge, wisdom, and magickal power
to all who wish to partake in it.

Religion will pretty much die, as God or gods, are egoistic

ideas of divine forces, when man was primitive or superstitious
and believed that the forces of the Cosmos were human like.

Alive they are, but not like the psychological makeup of a

sentient being. Priests will be hard to find, but god magick will
survive, as gods viewed esoterically are archetypes of magickal
power. If Spirit was a diamond, all the gods would be like
different faces of that diamond, all projecting a different
luminance and color. Gods are psychological aspects of the many
personalities available to sentient consciousness. The powers of
gods, are real things, at least semi-conscious and within as well as
outside of man.

Consciousness as known not just in a personal container of

energy, but as group minds, and even field intelligences, shall be
fully known and understood by man for his ongoing evolution.
Rulers 33

The elements are made of slower or faster vibrating

energy. This energy can crystallize into things, beings, and
places, but all mater is energy, just separated energy, vibrating
slightly slower in pockets than the vibrant fields of energy around
them. The Cosmos manifests in a circular fashion, so beings and
other things tend to form in a circular shape. In fact Spirit is
omnipresent, having no shape, but existing everywhere, a
paradox, but the greatest truth. The circle or sphere, is the closest
symbol to represent infinity or Spirit itself (note the number 0 is
also a circle and represents Not). The sphere has no real
beginning or end, but can be began and ended anywhere upon and
within it. Such is the shape as well of the Cosmos, and so the
elements. Energy fields are circular, and so are (roughly) many
things, or even comprised out of many concentric circles. There
is no mistake why the soul is thought as a circular enclosure of

All energy is somewhat conscious, existent, alive. The

early animists were mostly correct, everything is alive, just there
are many levels, many forms, of life, and sentient life is the
crowning achievement within duality, of complex life.
Complexity involves something having many many parts all
connected to form one being or thing. Where the elements first
begin to form a semi-sentience, we call this in magick, an
elemental. Elementals are simplistic beings which are comprised
for the most part out of one particular element. A being like man
is comprised out of all 4 elements, though the materialist may
think himself of only one (Earth). The greatest of these
elementals are the elemental rulers.

The medieval magicians first mentioned the names of the

4 elemental rulers. Djin was the ruler of the Fire elementals.
Paralda the ruler of Air. Ghob for Earth. Finally Nichsa as the
ruler of Water. These beings have been speculated to come from
beings in folklore and mythology. Ghob the goblin, Nichsa from
nixie as water spirit, Djin a genie (arabic Djinni), Paralda is an

unknown name, but being the ruler of Air is probably a winged

being of some sort.

The elementals themselves were called for Fire,

Salamanders, they looked like the amphibian but red in color. For
Air, Sylphs, which were little faeries. Earth elementals were,
Gnomes, and looked like the traditional kind from folklore (the
garden gnome people have in gardens, is exact). Finally for
Water, Undines, which looked like miniature mermaids.

In Kabbalistic magick various forms of angels and aspects

of God were used to populate the 4 elements. Modern
Ceremonial Magicians, have attributed many of the pagan gods as
well. The most popular other than the elementals are the
Archangels in magick.

Angels are technically a being of Air, but being as they are

holy messengers, and originally just aspects of the one God,
also angelic kings thus arch they can be useful in magick as
they represent Spirit touching the elements, as Spirit is the true
ruler of all 4.

God is a monotheistic of the supreme source of creation

and so Spirit. In paganism it is the gods. In Buddhism, Taoism,
and other more philosophically orientated religions, Spirit is more
or less intact as more accurate view of being a God or gods.
Anyway, Archangels come from monotheistic magick, and so
God is YHVH or the four lettered word representing all the
elements in balance, a more esoteric rendering of the concept of
God. Michael is the Archangel of Fire, Raphael of Air, Uriel of
Earth, and Gabriel of Water. The modern ceremonial uses these a
lot, especially Golden Dawn stuff.
Spells 35

Practice consumes the majority of the Magus's time and

energy in Occultism. It takes a lot to shatter the physical instincts
and learned and habitual limits on what is an isn't reality and
what's not just possible, but probable. The mind can be
convinced by enough evidence, reason, and logic, but this isn't
enough. To be successful at magick and confirm first hand what
has been read and analyzed, whether accepted or not, takes
experimentation and in essence practice.

Magick is both a science and an art, and the science part

can take many years, but the art part takes many more. Magick is
supposed to be easier in the later ages of time (like it was at the
dawn of time), but since we are somewhere in the early stages of
the Air cycle, as the Age of Aquarius dawns, we are still fighting
the Cosmic current to descend into dark ages where we have no
power but pray to something we barely remember to save us.
Thus now is really the dawn of magick and so magick will be
difficult overall with ups and downs as we get lucky and generate
lots of power in beginners luck, or happen to find ourselves
riding the current going upward. The Earth age really ping pongs,
but the Air age does somewhat as well. Also elemental ages are
just the overall force the Cosmos is manifesting as. Reality itself
is much more complex. All four elements push and pull man
throughout the entire life of the Cosmos, and what constitutes
each element becomes from something simple to something very
complex and gigantic in scope. Any success we as mere men can
work with magick should be taken as a sign of great success, and
propel us further along our evolution to each being the archetype
of the mighty Magus, master of the 4 elements.

Spells can be the most common written one's with are

mentally and or verbally spoken over and over at least a few
times, to raise energy, program it with our intention, and then
release it to work it's effect throughout the Cosmos, even if this
means manifesting something very close at hand. As above, so
below. Magick works from initial changes in Spirit's influence

over the elements at their most extreme, to where they are most
fractured and manifest. The greatest spells are not the one's
written longest, but spoken longest, or at least left alone to
manifest over time. Magick manifests two ways, through sheer
force, or through quiet patience and unmoving faith.

Spells may be cast alone or with magickal ingredients, to

amplify their power, via astrological properties of herbs, gems
and stones, and even things like graveyard dirt, in the case of
workings with the dead, as an example.

Ritual tools which have been constructed for magickal

use, may also be added. You can visualize and or feel your spells
purpose as you are spelling, it, also known as mentally or
verbally saying it aloud.

Besides spells a close cousin the mantra, can be used to

quiet and focus the mind for spiritual or magickal purposes. A
mantra is like a spell, with the difference being the mantra usually
is seen as having no magick of it's own. It's only purpose is to
give the conscious mind something to repeatedly focus upon, and
begin to quiet the mind. The mantra should be mentally or
verbally spoken until it becomes gibberish and only an echo of
the rhythm of what once was words, reminds in the back of the
mind, until that too fades and all is silent.

A trance like deep meditative state begins, from which

great insight can be gained or even magick cast with virtually
pure willed concentration of an idea.

Spells differ in success and power, as they are more

conscious magick, requiring no or little of an altered state of
consciousness. The mantra though can bring one into the deepest
abysses of the subconscious mind and deep into the occult bodies
of man, so as to work very powerful and effective magick.
Ritual 37

Ritual is the bigger guns of magick. Spells are relatively

simple but provide the basics of casting (raising and releasing
energy into the Cosmos). Ritual takes the mechanisms of spells,
the concentration and repetitious of symbolic action, which
delivers and programs the magick, and advances on this.

Sigils and candle magick is the simplest of ritual. Sigils

are occult pictures either constructed out of the magician's own
personal symbolism or more likely taken from at least semi-
ancient sources. In fact there are many old grimoires (denoting
grammar, and so the rules of magickal work, similar to how
spelling is the casting of spells), which are full of sigils to be used
by magicians and their every desire. Some use these old sigils,
some devise their own. Candle magick is inbetween sigils and
spells, in that a candle of an appropriate color is often inscribed
with a sigil, dressed with oils (of appropriate astrological
influences), and chanted over the desire which the magician
wishes to manifest. When the candle burns out the ritual is done.

More advanced rituals usually require the magician to first draw

and or visualize a circle or sphere of white light (symbolic of
Spirit, another color is clear light, more invisible in nature, as
Spirit contains light and dark equally). This is symbolic of
creating an area of sacred space, where the magician aspires to the
circular nature of the Infinite, the wellspring of magick. Calling
the elemental quarters next of West, Water, North, Earth, East Air,
and finally South, Fire, with Spirit representing the whole circle
or sphere as so covering both up and down directions, as well as
any cross angles, increases the centering and protecting, linking
microcosm to macrocosm. Pentagrams (or pentacles, a pentagram
with a circle around it), hexagrams (or hexacle, once again with a
circle), elemental and astrological symbols, as well as elemental
kings, archangels, and names of God, or various elementally
attributed pagan gods, can also be used to increase protection,
empowerment, and centering of the effects of the circle.

Rituals can be devised to accomplish any magickal goal.

How complex or simple they are is entirely up to the magician,
his tradition, and how much Cosmic sympathy he wishes to

Invocation is another type of common ritual magick, and

involves the magician temporarily surrendering his own ego, to be
possessed to some degree by an archetype or spirit. This he can
do to merge his will with a greater will, and generate more power
than he could on his own.

Evocation is the flip side of invocation. Evocation

involves conjuring up or summoning spirits (non-physical
beings), to some degree of physical manifestation. This
especially is practiced on lower spirits, which man has natural
dominion over by him being of the Earth element and them of the
lower Water element. Usually the highest powers are called upon
to make sure both the spirit will manifest as well as obey properly
the magical desires the magician wishes him, her, or it to perform.

Rituals can also be used to gain psychic abilities. Usually

not the kinetics as these require much practice of the moving and
sensing energy and holding fixed the will. The clair abilities
though can be developed by a repeated ritual in as little as a week.

Clairvoyance for instance can be developed by opening

the third eye with Spirit or Akashic energy. By simply lying
down, repeating a mantra to open the third eye, and visualizing a
white or orange (for traditionalists, indigo), eye fully open in the
center of the brow right above the eyes.

The other extrasenses can be opened in similar rituals,

focusing on the correct chakra and color of energy coming from
Spirit and opening the chakra which is responsible for the psyhic
Meditations 39

Mediation is the most important magickal practice there is.

Some might not think it magickal, but it's effects on the body and
mind are nothing short of.

Learning how to meditate takes years of practice to

master. Even when mastered it must be pursued for life to reap
the continual benefits from.

Meditation is of two major kinds, quieting the mind and

concentration, and contemplative meditation where great insights
about the deeper nature of all things may be perceived, also where
great inspiration can come from.

Start meditating everyday for as long as you can afford to.

Remember to get up and live life though, so afford is stressed.

A simple mediation which increases the strength of the

aura, subtle energy bodies, and chakra systems, as well as
increasing health and vitality of the physical body, is listed below.

First imagine all your 7 chakras starting with the crown, of

the appropriate color being activated by a surge of white light
coursing through your body. Next imagine the white light
pouring out in all directions from the chakra channel it was
linking, until it fills your entire aura like an egg. Next imagine
pitch black force, hardening around the edges of your aura and
making you invisible to harmful influences which may be
energetically coming towards you. Also this is like a container
holding the light within your aura, so it will not leak out. Do this
ritual several times a day for a month and see if your health,
psychic sensitivity, insights, and general flow of day to day life is
doing better. Then check after 3 months, then 6, finally a year.
After a year it is nearly 100% certain that all the things this ritual
does for you will be happening and happening everyday.
Magus 40

The word Magus, didn't appear in history till 1555, but

it soon became associated with not merely a magician but a
master magician and one who was very wise and knowledgeable
especially about esoteric and occult matters. It is in the heart of
this meaning of the word, that I believe it is an archetype meant to
embody the future state of every man and woman. Women may
prefer terms like Witch, Sorceress, Enchantress, etc, but are
entitled to it as much as the word magician, as it simply means a
practitioner of magick.

Throughout this book I have used the word magick, and

not magic, as it has become a word for the physical illusionist.
Magick is a spelling the great Magus Aleister Crowley used. I
even sometimes spell it magic, but in this book I wanted to use
the increasingly modern word, magick.

The Magus should build himself an altar, traditionally a

double cube out of wood and painted. On this he should place the
traditional elemental weapons or tools, as well as any magical
herbs, stones, gems, crystal balls, magick mirrors, tarot cards,
ritual candles, talismans, amulets, bells, a lamp, deity, saint, or
famous holy men statues, religious symbols, and coverings for the
altar, to name a few. He should also acquire a ritual robe with a
hood and a cord for making a circle that also serves as a belt.

The traditional magickal weapons or tools as they are

known are used in magick as amplifiers of magical power and
will, as well as reservoirs of personal occult power. Rituals
described before can be greatly enhanced by the use of them, as
well as other magickal tools.

The Elemental weapon or tool of Fire is the wand, rod,

and or staff. For Air the dagger (athame), and or sword. For
Earth, the pentacle or hexacle made from brass, iron, stone, bone,
or wood. Finally for Water, the chalice and or cauldron. All these
can be made or bought, but are very personal once owned.
Destiny 41

The destiny of all things are to reach Nirvana (Spirit),

wrote the Buddha. This is indeed the truth. The Cosmos was
created to allow something which is unified as one, to split itself
into many pieces then rejoin those pieces back together into the
greater whole again. Why it did this, was to fully experience
what it means to live or exist. To not just be existent, but self
existent. Self existent meaning self created. To not just live
forever, or always, but live forever as what you chose to be.

We think ourselves individuals, but really we are but

pieces, aspects, of a spiritual whole. The destiny of any man is to
be all things, not merely what he believes as himself.

But the Cosmos is a very big reality, and by the signs we

are barely half way through it's lifespan. So the question
becomes, what do you want to live forever as? Now is the time to
use magick, work the mundane and build yourself and your world
into everything you always wanted. Physically and spiritually.
Helping your fellow man, all the way, without giving too much of
yourself, for no one should be a sacrifice. This is The Great
Work. The work all who call themselves Magus are practicing
and all those who are yet to be Magus but still a magician are
aspiring towards.

Magick is our natural born right, it's the ability of Spirit to

cause change throughout the elements, are we are all before
anything Spirit, as nothing is totally separate.

We should allow all to follow there own path, as we must

all learn our own way in life, but defend ourselves against
intolerance so that magick never becomes highly persecuted.

May science never ground us into our senses, but also may
religion never delude us into slaves of our emotions. The way of
Spirit is the way of balance, always.

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