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A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements In) R 3: Numerische Mathematik

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Numer. Math.

50, 57-81 (1986) Numerische

9 Springer-Verlag 1986

A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in ]R 3

J.C. N6d~lec
Math~matiqucs Applique6cs, Ecole Polytechniquc, F-91120 Plaiseau, France

Summary. We introduce two families of mixed finite element on confor-

ming in H(div) and one conforming in H(curl). These finite elements can be
used to approximate the Stokes' system.
Subject Classifications: AMS(MOS): 65N30; CR: G1.8.

1. Introduction

The mixed finite element was introduced first in several papers of Fraeijs De
Veubeke. In 1977, Raviart and Thomas [8] used these elements for solving
second order equations in two dimension. In 1980 [6], we introduced two
families of mixed finite elements in three dimension. The first family generalizes
that of P.A. Raviart-J.M. T h o m a s and is conforming in the space H(div). The
second one appears to be completely new and is conforming in the space
In 1982, in the reference [7], we used the new finite elements to introduce
an approximation of the Stokes equations that generalizes to the 3D case, the
(~, co) approximation.
in 1984, Brezzi et al. [2] introduced a new mixed finite element conforming
in H(div) in two dimensions. This last paper is the starting point of on search
for new families of mixed finite elements in three dimension. We introduce here
two families of such finite elements. The first one is conforming in the space
H(div) and in fact this family is split in three corresponding to the case of
tetrahedrons, cubes and prisms. The second family is conforming in the space
H(curl) and is also split into three parts. We describe these elements, prove the
unisolvence and estimate the interpolation error. When writing this paper, we
learned that Brezzi, Douglas, Duran and Fortin obtained similar results for
some finite elements in H(div). They obtained results for the case of tetrahedra
and cubes. Apparently their degrees of freedom are different from ours.
In the last chapter, we describe the way our elements can be used to
approximate the Stokes' system.
58 J.C. Nhd61ec


K is a tetrahedron, a cube or a prism, its volume is Sdx;

0K is its boundary; n is the normal to this boundary;
f is a face of K, with area SdT;
a is an edge of K with length ~ds;
LZ(K) is the space of square integrable functions defined on K;
Hm(K) = {~beL2(K), 8~b~L2(K); ]a] < m ,

where a = ( a 1, a z, a3) is a multi-index; la[ = a t + a 2 -[- a3}

curl u = V A u, for each vector u =(ul, u2, u3);
H(curl) = {u~LZ(K))3; curl u~(LZ(K)) 3} ;
div u = V- u, for each vector u =(u 1, uz, u3);
H(div) = {u~(LZ(K))3 ; div u~(LZ(K))3};
is the space of polynomials of degree less or equal to k;
Pk is the space of polynomials homogeneous of degree k.

2. Finite Elements in H(div)

Let f2 be a bounded domain in 3. The Hilbert space H(div) is the space of

vectors of R3 defined on f~ that belongs to the space (L2(f2)) 3 and such that the
divergence also belongs to the space L2(f~). We have the
L e m m a 1. Let f2 be the union of two domains K 1 and K z with a common face f
of normal n. A vector p in the space (HX(K0) 3 u(HI(K2)) 3 is in the space H(div)
if and only of the trace p. n is the same on each side of the face f
A finite element is defined by the following:
K: a domain which will be a tetrahedron, a prism or a cube.
P: a vector space of polynomials on K of dimension N.
d : a set of N linear functionals acting on P, the elements of d are called
degrees of freedom.
A finite element is said to be unisolvent if the set of degrees of freedom
determine a unique polynomial in the space P. In that case, we can associate
to each function p on K an interpolate np in P such that

a(p) =a(~p); Yard

We say that a finite element is conforming in some functional space V if, when
f2 is the union of two elements K 1 and K 2 with a c o m m o n face f, the function
defined by nzP on K1 and nzP on K 2, belongs to the functional space V(f~).
It follows from L e m m a 1 that a finite element is conforming in H(div) if
and only if, the nullity of the degrees of freedom depending only on the face f
implies the nullity of the normal component of p on this face.
A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in 3 59

2.1. 7he Case of Tetrahedra

In the previous work [6], we have introduced some spaces of polynomials and
some associated finite elements on tetrahedra.
We introduce the spaces ~k and ~k

~ k = ( P k - 1 ) 3 1 ~ 4 - 1 "r (2.1)

where ~ is the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree k and r the

vector: r = ( x l , x2, x3).

~ k = (Pk- 1) 3 (~sk (2.2)

Sk = {pe(~)3; (r. p) = 0} (2.3)

The dimension of these spaces are respectively:

dim(~k ) =(k + 3)(k + 1)k (2.4)


dim(~k ) _ (k + 3)(k + 2) k (2.5)


dim(5 ~a) = k(k + 2) (2.6)

We introduce now the new finite element.
Definition I. 1~ K is a tetrahedron
2~ P =(Pk)3
3~ sd is the set of following moments:

f(p. n)qdT; VqePk(f); n normal to the face f (2.7)

~(p.q)dx; VqeNk_ 1. (2.8)
For this element, the divergence belongs to the space PR-I" We will denote by
n* the orthogonal projection operator in the L2(K) norm on Pk-1"
We have:
Theorem 1. The finite element given by Definition 1 is unisolvent and conforming
in H(div). Moreover the interpolation operator n associated is such that

div np =n* divp; VpeH(div). (2.9)

Proof We first have to check that the total number of degrees of freedom is
the dimension of the space P. The dimension of P is

(k + 1)(k + 2)(k + 3)
dim(P) = 2 (2.10)
60 J.C. N6delec

The number of degrees of freedom of type (2.7) is 4 dim P~ that is 2(k + 1)(k + 2).
The number of degrees of freedom of type (2.8) is the dimension of ~ k - a that
(k - 1)(k + 1)(k + 2)
is . To prove the unisolvence now, it suffices to show that p
is zero when all the degrees of freedom are zero.
The degrees of type (2.7) imply

p. n =0, on each face f (2.11)

This property is exactly equivalent to the conforming property. Using the

Green formula
S divpq~dx= - ~ (p.gradq~)dx + ~ (p.n)qgd7 (2.12)

we conclude that

~divpqgdx=O; Vq)EPk_ 1 ;
which implies
divp---0. (2.13)

Using (2.11) and (2.13) and the formula (2.12), we obtain

~(p.gradqg)dx=O; VqgEHI(K). (2.14)


In the reference [6], we proved the following lemma.

Lemma 2. 7he space (Pk-1) 3 is the direct sum of the space ~t k_ 1 and the space
G k of gradients of polynomials in ~.
Using (2.14), the Lemma 2, and the degrees of type (2.8) we obtain

S(p'q)dx=O; Vqe(Pk_1)3;
The property of unisolvence of the finite element of Definition 5 in reference
[6] and (2.11) associated to the last equality implies p = 0.
It remains to prove (2.9). Using the Green formula (2.12) for p and rcp
S div(p-~zp)q~dx= - ~ (p-zrp.grad~o)dx + ~ (p-ztp).nq~dy. (2.15)

This relation is true for every r in the space Pk-1 and this property is exactly
the identity (2.9). []
Proposition 1. Let rr be the interpolation operator associated to the finite element
of Definition 1. Let h be the diameter of the tetrahedron K and p the diameter of
the inscribed sphere, then we have:
IIP - l t p l{(L~(K))~< Ch k + 1]pl(H,,+'(K))~; (2.16)
hk+ 1
IlD(p-ltp)ll(L2(r))~<c--[pl(Hu+l(r))3 [] (2.17)
A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in 1~ 3 61

Proof We use a reference finite element K and the transformation x = F ( ~ )

=B~+b which is an isomorphism between R and K.
We replace the degrees of freedom of type (2.7) by the following

~(p. v)qd7 (2.18)
mes(f) I

with v defined as follow on each face:

V= ~ a l a 2 A a l a 3.
Ue, L D

It can be proved that these degrees are independant of the transformation F if

we change the vector p following the rule

p(x) = Bfi(~). (2.19)

This proves that
~p=~fi (2.20)

and using this property, the above estimates are classical. []

Let f2 be a bounded polyhedral domain in R 3, and let cgh be a mesh of
tetrahedrons covering O. Suppose that each of these tetrahedra is such that

-<c. (2.21)
where c is a constant independant of h.
We introduce the following space, which "approximates" the space H(div):

Vh = {u~H(div); UIK~(Pk)3;VK~Cgh}. (2.22)

This space is exactly associated to the finite element of Definition 1.

Let Ns, N,, IVy, N T be the respective numbers of vertex, edges, faces and
tetrahedrons is the mesh. Then the dimension of the space Vh is

( k + 1)(k+2) (k-1)(k+l)(k+2)
dim(Vh) = 2 Ny -~ 2 NT (2.23)

When k = l , this dimension is 3 N s. The corresponding number associated to

the finite element of reference [6] when k = 1 is Ns.
The Proposition 1 shows that we have a better order of approximation, h 2,
compared to o(h).
Remark I. It is possible, as usual, to associate to this new finite element, a
corresponding curved finite element.
62 J.C. N6d61ec

For simplicity, we describe the curved element when k =2.

The classical Lagrange finite element is defined by:
- P2 is the space of polynomials
- the degrees of freedom are the value on the vertices and on the middles
of the edges, this yields 10 degrees of freedom.
Let us be given 10 points in R 3. There exist an application F(x) on a
reference finite element such that the image of the vertex and middles of the
edge are these 10 points. The image F(/() is denoted by K and when the 10
points satisfy suitable conditions (see for instance Ciarlet and Raviart [4]) the
application F is bijective f r o m / ( onto K.
The curved finite element is now
- K is the geometric element
- P(x)=DF(~)(P2(.~)) 3, is the space of functions (which are not polynomials
because ~ = F - l ( x ) is not polynomial).
- The degrees of freedom are the image of the degrees of freedom;
For instance, we choose a basis in each face of the reference element, denoted
by el, e2. The degrees of type (2.7) are
~(iO" el A e2)qd~
mes(~ f
whose image is

1 1
(DF(~)~. (DF~ ^ DF~2) ) det(DF) (c~o F - 1)d 7. (2.24)
mes(f) /

The degrees of freedom of type (2.8) can be chosen of the form

(DF !3. OF ~)dx. (2.25)


2.2 The Case of Cubes

We have introduced in the reference [6] some notations. Qz.... is the space of
polynomials of three variables (Xl,Xa,X3) the maximum degree of which are
respectively l in Xl, m in x2, n in x 3. Qk is the space of polynomials Qk,k,k"
The finite element is given by:
Definition 2. 1~ K is the cube C:
C={x~P,,.3;O<=xI <=I, i = 1 , 2 , 3 } ;
2o) p=(o,)3;
3~ d is the set of following moments:

S(P" n)qdT; Vq~Qk(f); n normal to the face f; (2.26)

S(p.q)dx; Vq=(ql,q2,qa);

qleQk_2,k,k; q2eQk,k_2,k; qaeQk,k,k_a. (2.27)

A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in F..3 63

Theorem 2. 7he finite element given by the Definition 2 is unisolvent and confor-
ming in the space H(div).
Proof We have to check first that the dimension of P is the total n u m b e r of
degrees of freedom.
The n u m b e r of degrees of freedom of type (2.26) is six times the dimension
of Qk(f) that is: 6 ( k + 1) 2.
The n u m b e r of degrees of freedom of type (2.27) is: 3 ( k - 1)(k+ l) 2.
The dimension of P is:

dim(Qk) 3 = 3(k + 1) 3

and the result is a simple computation.

We only have to prove now that when all the degrees of freedom are zero,
the vector p is zero. T h e degrees of type (2.26) imply

p- n = 0, on each face f (2.28)

This implies that for instance,

/91 = x l ( 1 --xOql; ql~Qk--2,k,k ;

and using the degrees of freedom of type (2.27), this implies p - 0.

To prove (2.28), we use the Green' formula (2.15) with a function q~ in the
space (QR)a. []
As usual, we can use an affine transformation to associate to this reference
finite element, a new one defined on a paraUelotope.
Using a transformation whose coordinates are in QR, w e associate a curved
finite element. In order to do that, we take, as degrees of freedom, the images
of the usual ones, using formulas similar to (2.24) and (2.25).
Remark 2. The p r o p e r t y of T h e o r e m 1 that ~z*div = d i v ~ is not true in the case
of the finite element of T h e o r e m 2. The divergence of a vector in (Qk) 3 is
contained in Qk" The G r e e n formula (2.15) implies that for any q~ in the space
~ div(p-~p)q)dx=O; Vq)~Qk_l.

which is weaker that re* div = d i v g.

2.3. 7he Case of Prisms

We introduce some notations:

P~,m denotes the space of polynomials of degrees 1 in the two variables x 1
and x2, and of degree m in the variable x 3. Its dimension is

( l + 1)(l+2)
dim(P~,m) = (m + 1)
64 J.C. N6d61ec

~t,,, (resp. ~/,m) will denote the spaces of pairs of polynomials which are in ~t
(resp. ~l) for x 3 fixed, and are of degree m in x 3.
We can defined the new finite element:
Definition 3. 1~ K is a prism whose base is a triangle in the (x~, x2) plane, with
three vertical edges parallel to the x 3 axis.
2~ The space P of polynomials is
P =(Pk,k)3
3~) The degrees of freedom are of four types:

~(p'n)qdT, Vq~Pk; for the two horizontal faces; (2.29)

~(p'n)qdT; VqEQk; for the three vertical faces; (2.30)

~P3q3dx; ~/q3EPk,k_ 2 ; (2.31)


~(Plqx +P2q2)dx; Vq =(ql, q 2 ) ~ k - 1,k" (2.32)


Theorem 3. The finite element given by Definition 3 is unisolvent and conforming

in the space H(div).
Proof We first prove the equality of the dimension of P and of the total
number of degrees of freedom. We have:

dim P =~(k + 1)2(k + 2).

The number of degrees of type (2.29) is twice the dimension of Pk:

(k+ 1)(k +2)


The number of degrees of freedom of type (2.30) is three time the dimension of
Q,: 3 ( k + l ) 2. The number of degrees of freedom of type (2.31) is:
(k +2)(k + 1)(k - 1)
9 The dimension of ~k-l,k is the dimension of ~ k - 1 in 2D
multiply by the dimension of Pk in 1D that is: (k+ 1)2(k-I).
The result on equality is just an easy verification.
To prove anisolvence, it is sufficient to prove that, when all the degrees of
freedom are zero, the vector p is also zero.
We use first the degrees of type (2.29) which implies:

p. n = 0 on each horizontal face.

This lead to
P3 =X3(1 --x3)q3' q3EPk,k-2" (2.33)
A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in R 3 65

Now using the degrees of type (2.31), we obtain

P3=0, (2.34)

and using the degrees of type (2.20), we have:

p- n = 0 on each face of the prism. (2.35)

The formula of Stokes (2.11) give us

div p q) dx = - ~ (p. grad ~o)dx + ~ (p. n) q~dy (2.36)


which is zero for qo in the space Pk-1,k because then the first two components
of gradqo are in ~k-l,k.
Thus, as divp is also in this space, we have proved

divp=0. (2.37)

Using again (2.36), we have:

~(p.gradq~)dx=O; Vq~H1(K). (2.38)


We know that in 2D, (Pk_ ~)2 is the direct sum of ~k ~ and the grad (Pk)- As a
consequence, we obtain that (Pk- ~,k)2 is the direct sum of ~ k - a,k and the space
grad(Pk,k), for the first two components.
Using this property, (2.38) and the degrees of type (2.32) we obtain

(p. q)dx =0; Vq =(ql, q2); ql, q2 6Pk- 1,k" (2.39)


Now (2.35) and (2.39) constitute the degrees of freedom of the H(div) finite
element in 2D from reference [6] for the degree k + l so that they imply
p-0. []
We can prove, for this finite element, some error estimates similar to those
contained in Proposition 1. We can also associate a curved finite element. This
is particularly usefull in the case k = 1 using distorded prisms.
Remark 3. Using the Green' formula (2.36), we obtain:

div(p-rcp). ~odx =0; V~0ePk-1,k"


This identity is not sufficient to conclude that the divergence of ~p is the

projection of the divergence of p, because the divergence of rcp belong to a
bigger space than Pk-1,k.
In the reference [6], we omitted the description of the finite element in
H(div) corresponding to prisms. We repair here this omission.
66 J.C. N6d61ec

Definition 4. We define a finite element by the following

1~ K is the prism of Definition 3
2~ The space P of polynomials is

P = {P = (Pa, P2, P3); (P,, P2)e~k,k-1, P3~Pk- ,,k}

3~) The degrees of freedom are of four types:

~ (P "n)q dy ; VqePk_ X, for the two horizontal faces; (2.40)

(p. n)q dT; VqeQk_l, for the three vertical faces; (2.41)

~(Plql +P2q2)dx; (ql, qz)@(Pk - 2,g- 1) 2; (2.42)


~P3q3dx; q3ePk - 1,k- 2" (2.43)


Theorem 4. The finite element given by Definition 4 is unisolvent and conforming

in the space H(div). Moreover, if rr is the operator of interpolation associated and
re* the L 2 projector on Pk-1,k-1, we have:
n* divv =divTzv; Vve(HI(K)) 3 (2.44)

Proof. We first check that the number of degrees of freedom is exactly the
dimension of the space P.

The dimension of P is: kE(k+2)-~ k(k+ 1) 2

The number of degrees of type (2.40) is: k(k+ 1);
The number of degrees of type (2.41) is: 3kZ;
The number of degrees of type (2.42) is: (k-1)k2;
The number of degrees of type (2.43) is: 89 1)k(k+ 1).
The degrees of freedom on the faces are such that we know that when they
are zero, we have:

p. n = 0. (2.45)

This property proves the conformity in H(div).

It follows from (2.45), that we have:

P3 = x 3 ( l --Xa)q3' q 3 ~ P k - 1,k-2 "

Using the degrees of type (2.43) this implies

P3 - 0. (2.46)

We then use the formula (2.36) and the degrees of type (2.42) to find:

fdivprpdx=O; V~0EPk_ 1,k_ 1 .

A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in F. 3 67

But the space P is such that divp is in Pk-~.k-1, so that

divp =0. (2.47)

Now, for each x 3 fixed, we have:

Pl = ~ x 2 .
c3q~ ' qo~Pk.k- 1 (2.48)
P2 = ~ X 1

and from (2.45) on the vertical faces, we have ~0 = 0 ; on the three vertical faces;
so that

q0 = 2 1 2 2 2 3 ~ , ~ P k - 3,k- 1- (2.49)

Using the degrees of type (2.42), we find:

~2,2223~(~qa Oq, ) d x = 0 (2.50)

K \~x~ 3x 1

which completes the proof.

It remain to prove the formula (2.44).
F r o m the formula (2.36), we have:

~div(p-rcp)~odx= - S ( ( p - n p ) . g r a d q ) ) d x + ~ ((p-r~p).n)(pd7. (2.51)

K K ~K

The degrees of freedom are such that the right handside is zero when ~p is in
the space Pk- 1,k- 1. This p r o p e r t y is exactly the expression of (2.44).

3. Finite Element in H(curl)

The Hilbert space H(curl) is the space of vectors of ~ 3 defined on the b o u n d e d

d o m a i n f2, which are in the space (LZ(f2)) 3 and such the vorticity is also in
(LZ(Y2))3. We have the
L e m m a 3. Let 0 be the union of two domains K 1 and K 2 with a common face f
of normal n. A vector p in the space (HI(Kx))3w(HI(K2)) 3 is in H(curl) /f and
only if the trace p A n is the same on each side of the face f

3.1. 7he Case of Tetrahedra

We introduced in reference [6] a family of finite element in the space H(curl).

We are going to describe here a new family that in some sense is com-
p l e m e n t a r y to the previous one.
68 J.C. N+d61ec

Definition 5. We define a finite element by the following

1~ K is a tetrahedron
2~ P=(Pk) 3
3~ d is the following moments:

y(p. z)q)ds; Vq)ePk(a), (3.1)


where a is any of the six edges of the tetrahedron and z is the unit tangent
vector along the edge a;
~(p.q)d?; Vqe~a_l(f) (3.2)
and tangent to the face f for each of the four faces of the tetrahedron; ~k- 1 is
defined by (2.1);
~(p.q)dx; Vqe~k_2. (3.3)

Theorem 5. The finite element given in Definition 5 is unisolvent and conforming

in the space H(curl).
Proof We verify first the equality between the number of degrees of freedom
and the dimension of P.
dim(Pk)3 _(k + 1)(k + 2)(k + 3) (3.4)

The number of degrees of type (3.1) is six times the dimension of Pk that is:

6(k + 1).

The number of degrees of type (3.2) is four times the dimension of @k-l(f)
that is:
4(k + 1)(k - 1).

The number of degrees of freedom of type (3.3) is the dimension of ~a-2 that
(k + 1)(k - 1)(k - 2 )

We can now just check that the total number of degrees is dimP.
To prove the conformity in the space H(curl), we use the degrees of type
(3.1) and (3.2) relative to one face.
The degrees of type (3.1) imply

(p. z ) = 0 on each edge. (3.5)

We have the Stokes' formula on this face (n is the normal to the face):

(p/x n. grad q~)dy + ~ q) curlfp dy = ~ (p. z) q) ds. (3.6)

f f 8f
A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in ~3 69

Using (3.5) and the degrees of type (3.2) we obtain:

~q)curlypdy=O; Vq~ePk_l(f). (3.7)

This implies now:
curlyp =0,
p =grads0, for a function 0 in the space Pk+ l(f). (3.8)

The relation (3.5) show that ~ is constant along Of and so can be chosen to be
zero of 0 f We can then write ~ as a product of the barycentric coordinates on
Of by a polynomial of degree k - 2 :
~/---=).12223 (p ; cpePk_ 2 ( f ) . (3.9)

We next use Green' formula on the face to obtain:

~,~122).3,p divqdy = -[.(p.q)d~,; Vqe~k_ l(f). (3.10)

f f

Finally we know that the image of Nk-~(f) by the operator divergence is

exactly Pk-2(f) SO that (3.10) implies ~0= 0 and

pAn=0; on f. (3.11)

This proves the conforming property.

To prove the unisolvence we suppose that all the degrees are zero. We
already know that we have (3.11) on the faces. We use first Stokes' formula in
the tetrahedron (using (3.11)):

~(curlp.q)dx=S(p.curlq)dx=O; Vq~(Pk_ 2) 3 . (3.12)


This proves that:

p =grad0; ~, ePk + 1.
Using (3.11), we see that
~ / = 2 1 ~2,'~3J~4 (p ; (pePkk_ 3.

Using Green's formula we obtain

S Odivqdx= -S(gradtp.q)dx=O; VqeNk_ 2.


Using next the property that div(N k_ 2) is Pk-3, we obtain that q~ is zero an the
proof is complete. []
From Theorem 4, we know that there is an interpolation operator denoted
by re, associated to the finite element of Definition 4.
We have some links between this finite element and the finite element of
Definition 1 for the degree k - 1 . Let re* be the interpolation operator associate
to the latter element. We have
70 J.C. N6d61ec

Proposition 2. For every p in (HE(K)) 3, we have

n* curlp =curl np. (3.13)

Proof. First we remark that curl np belong to (Pk-1) 3. Thus it is suffisant to

prove that the degrees of freedom of type (2.7) and (2.8) are the same (for k - 1).
Using the identity (3.6), we obtain, for every face of K

~curly(p-np)~od~= ~ ((p-np).z)~ods-~((p-np)An.gradq~)d~ (3.14)

f Of f

This identity yields

~(curl(p-np). n)qod7 =0; V~~ l(f)-


Now, using the identity (3.12) we obtain,

~(curl(p-np).q)dx=~(p-np.curlq)dx- ~ ((p-np)^n.q)d~ (3.15)


From this identity and the definition of the operator n, we have

~(curl(p-np)'q)dT=O; Vqe(Pk_2) 3.

Remark 4. We have proved a result apparently more precise, for we have

obtained all the degrees of freedom of the finite element given by the Defini-
tion 5 of reference [-6]. But in fact the vector curlp is divergence-free and it is
easy to check that for such a vector these two finite elements are identical.
Proposition 3. For every p in (H k+ l ( K ) ) 3 ;
liP --7~P]J(L2(K))3~-C hk+ 1]P[(nk+1(K))3; (3.16)
hk+ 1
[ID(p--rcp)II~L2~K))9<=C [Pl(Hk+~(K))3. [] (3.17)
The proof is similar to the proof of Proposition 1 except the fact that it is
necessary to use the transformation

p(x) = B* - 1p(x) (3.18)

in order to obtain invariant degrees of freedom and the fundamental property:

~p =~.
Example. Let us examine the finite element in the case k = 1. There exist in that
case only degrees of freedom of type (3.1)

~ (p. z)q~ds; r ). (3.19)


They can be replaced by two values of (p. ~) taken at two points of the edge a.
A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in ]R3 71

If we compare this element with the corresponding one of reference [6] it

can be seen that the number of unknowns for a given mesh will be multiplied
by two, when going from the old finite element to the new one. If we consider
the error estimate, we have an error o(h) compare to an error o(h 2) for the
vector. However the error in the curl is the same for the two elements, and we
have seen above that the curl is in fact the same for the two elements.

3.2. 7he Case of Cubes

We define the corresponding finite element by

Definition 6
1~ K is the cube C
2 ~ P=(Qk) 3
3~ The set d of degrees of freedom are the following moments

~(p. z)q)ds; V(pePk(a), (3.20)


where a is each of the twelve edges.

(p. q)dT; (3.21)

for every v e c t o r qEQk, k_ZXQk_2,k tangent to the face f for each of the six
(p. q)dx; Yq =(ql, q2, q3); (3.22)

qleQk,k-2,k-2, q2eQk--2,k,k--2, q3GQk--Z,k-Z,k []

We have the
Theorem 6. The finite element of Definition 6 is unisolvent and conforming in
Proof The total number of degrees of freedom is:
type (3.20): 12(k+ 1),
type (3.21): 12(k+ 1)(k - 1),
type (3.22): 3(k+ 1)(k - 1) 2,
the sum is: 3(k+ 1) 3 which is the dimension of P.
Suppose now that the degrees of type (3.20) and (3.21) relative to one face
are zero. The degrees of type (3.20) imply:

p. z =0, (3.23)

and using this property, we obtain (the face is supposed to be x 3 =0)

Pl =X2(1 --X2)q~l ;
P2 =Xl(1 - x 0~o2.
72 J.C. N6d61ec

Then the degrees of type (3.21) implies now that q)l and ~o2 are zero. This
proves the conformity of the element. We now have

p ^ n=0 for each face. (3.25)

From these identifies, it result that

Pl =X2(1 --X2)X3(1 --X3)(PI

P2 =XI(1 --X1)X3(1 --X3)~2 (3.26)
P3 =Xl(1 --Xl)X2(1 --X2)(P3
Using finally the degrees of type (3.22), we conclude the proof. []

3.3. 7he Case of Prisms

We define the corresponding finite element by

Definition 7
1~ K is the prism of definition 3.
2~ The space P of polynomials is
P =(Pk,k)3
3~) The degrees of freedom are of five types:

S(P" z)qds; VqePk(a); (3.27)


z tangent to the edge a for each of the nine edges.

I(P" q)dy; (3.28)

Vq tangent to the face f and:
1~ q ~ k - l ( f ) for the two horizontal faces
2~ qeQk,k--2 X Qk--2,k for the three vertical faces.

Sp3q3dx; Vq3~Pk_3,k (3.29)


~(Plql +P2q2)dx; q=(ql,q2), qE~k-l,k-2 (3.20)


which are the polynomials of degrees k - 2 in x 3 which restriction for x 3 fixed

are in ~k-1.
We have the corresponding theorem
Theorem 7. The finite element of Definition 7 is conforming in H(curl) and
A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in R 3 73

Proof Each face of this finite element is either a triangle or a rectangle. The
degrees on the triangular faces are exactly those of the corresponding tetrahe-
dron element and the degrees on the rectangular faces are exactly those of the
corresponding cubic element. It result from Theorem 4 and 5 that the nullity of
these degrees implies
p ^ n =0, on these faces. (3.31)

This argument show that this finite element is conforming in H(curl).

To prove the unisolvence, we first check that the dimension of P which is
3(k + 1)2(k + 2) is the total number of degrees of freedom.
type (3.27): 9(k+ 1);
type (3.28) 1~ 2(k + 1)(k - 1);
type (3.28) 2~ 6(k+ 1)(k - 1 ) ;
type (3.29)" (k+ 1)(k-2)(k - 1 ) .
type (3.30): (k+ 1)(k- 1)2.
It is easy to check that the sum is dim(P).
To prove that p is zero when all the degrees are zero we already know that
we have (3.31) for all the faces. This implies

Pl =X3(1 --x3)q)l ;
P2 =X3(1 --Xl)q?2 ;

P3 ~-'~ 1'~'2/~3q) 3" (3.33)

Using the relation (3.33) and the degrees of type (3.29), we obtain:

P3 =0. (3.34)

Using Stokes' formula, we have, for every horizontal triangle Tx3

(~?P2 ~Pl (pl c3q3 aq3'~dy (3.35)

Tx3 \~xl c3x2)qady= ~
Tx3 ~xz-P20xl/
We choose q3 in the space Pk-l,k-2 and using the degrees of type (3.30) we
obtain (taking the integral in x3)

! \OX1 ~X 2 ~ q3ax=O; Vq3ePk-1,k-2- (3.36)

Using now (3.32) and (3.36), we have

~P2 ~Pl =0. (3.37)

dXl dX2
74 J.C. N6d61ec

This equality implies

Pl -c?xl.
g~o '

P2 -63x2
Using (3.31), we can choose q~ so that

(t9=I~(X3) ; o n the three vertical faces; (3.39)

Butq~ is defined up an additive function of the variable x 3 so that we can

~O[0K=0. (3.40)
This implies

(p =/~1~2/~3X3(1 --X3)I//; I~GPk_ 2,k_ 2 . (3.41)

Now using Green' formula, we have

~qodivqdx= -~(plql+p2q2)dx; Vqe~k_ 1,k_ 2 (3.42)


Using the 2D result that div(~ k_ ~) is Pk-2, we can conclude that O = 0 and that
completes the proof. []
One might think that a property similar to that of Proposition 2 is true for
this finite element and that of Definition 3. This is not the case and similarly it
is also not true for the finite elements of Definition 2 and Definition 6.
The finite element of Definition 7 is in the spirit of those of Definition 5
and 6. We introduce here a different one that belongs to the family of the
reference [6].
Definition 8
1~ K is the prism of Definition 3
2~ The space P of polynomials is

P---{Pl,P2,P3; (Pl,P2)E~k,k, P3ePk,k-1}

~k,~ are the polynomials of degree l in x a which are in ~k for x 3 fixed.
3~) The degrees of freedom are of five types:

~(p.z)qds; VqsPk_ l(a); (3.43)


z tangent to the edge a for each of the nine edges.

(p. q)dy; (3.44)


Vq tangent to the face f and

1~ qe(Pk_ 2)2, for the two horizontal faces.
A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in Ra 75

2~ qeQk- 1.k-Z x QR-2,k-1, for the three vertical faces.

~p3q3dx; Vq3ePk_ 3,k_ 1. (3.45)


~(plqx +p2q2)dx; V(ql,q2)e(Pk_2,k_a) 2 (3.46)

We have the
Theorem 8. The finite element of Definition 8 is conforming in H(curl) and
Proof We first remark that the degrees of freedom on one horizontal face are
exactly those of the finite element of Definition 4 reference [6]. The degrees on
the vertical faces are those of the finite element of Definition 6 reference [6].
It result from these facts that when these degress are zero, the tangential
components of p on these faces are zero and that yields the conforming
To prove the unisolvence, we first check that the dimension of the space P
which is 3k(k + 1)(k +2) is the total number of degrees of freedom.
type (3.43): 9k
type (3.44) 1~ 2(k - 1)k
type (3.44) 2~ 6(k - 1)k
type (3.45): 89 - 2 ) ( k - 1)k
type (3.46): (k - 1)2 k
It is easy to check that the sum is dim(P).
It remain to prove that p is zero when the degrees are zero. We already
know that p A n is zero on each face. This implies

Pl =X3(1 --X3)(P~ ; (q)l, q)2)(~l~k,k_ 2 ; (3.47)

P2 =X3(1 -- X3)(P 2 ;

p3 = j.1)].2 j.3 ~03, (p3EPk_ 3,k_ 1. (3.48)

Using the degrees (3.45), we obtain P3 =0.

From the identity (3.35), we obtain, using the degrees of type (3.46):

! )
~3Pl qadx=O;
~3xz Vq3~Pk_ 1,k_2- (3.49)
\~X 1

Using (3.47), we then have

OP2 ~Pl =0. (3.50)
Ox 1 Ox2
The Poincar6 theorem and the properties of NR lead to:

d, Ca~,k- (3.51)
Pz-dx 2
76 J,C. N6d61ec

We can choose ~o such that q~[0K=0, so that

fP =/~1 ~'2'~3X3(1 --X3)I~; ~/~Pk- 3,k- 2 (3.52)

Using the formula (3.42), we conclude that @=0. []
Proposition 4. Let zc be the operator of interpolation associated to the finite
element of Definition 8 and let zr* be the operator of interpolation associated to
the finite element of Definition 4; we have:
curl np =n* curlp; Vp~(H2(K)) 3. (3.53)

Proof. For every face of the prism K, we use the identity (3.14). This identity
yields for the two horizontal faces

~ (curl(p -rip). n)q)d7 =0; V q ~ _ l(f); (3.54)

and for the three vertical faces

~(curl(p - n p ) . n)q)dy =0; VtPeQk- l(f). (3.55)

Furthermore, we can use the identity (3.15)

(curl(p - r~p). q) dx = ~ ((p - n p ) . curl q) dx - ~ ((p - n p ) ^ n . q) d 7;


to obtain
(curl(p-top). q)dx =0; (3.56)

for every q =(ql, q2, q3), (q l, q2)e(Pkk- 2,k- 1)2, q3 ePk- l,k-- 2"
This last identity finishes the proof of the proposition.

4. Application to the Equation of Stokes

In the reference [7], we have introduce a variational formulation of the Stokes'
equation using a stream vector potential.
We start from the Stokes equation in a bounded domain f2 of N 3.

-vAu+gradp=f, in f2,
divu =0, in f2, (4.1)
ULr=O; on 0~.
We introduce
w =curlu (4.1)

and the potential O, solution of

-Ark =curlu, in f2,

divq~10~=0, (4.2)
^ nlo~ =0.
A N e w F a m i l y of M i x e d F i n i t e E l e m e n t s in ~ 3 77

Then the system (4.2) has a anique solution when the domain f2 is connected
and simply connected, and we have

u = curl 05, in f2;

div 05=0, in f2; (4.3)
05 A n = 0 , on c~f2.

We introduce the following Hilbert spaces:

H(div ~ ={v~(LZ(f2))3; divv = 0 in f2; v. nl0o =0};

K = {r div~k = 0 in f2; r A n[oo =0}.

Then a variational formulation of the equation linking 05 and ~o, given by (4.1)
and (4.3), is:

v~(curloo.curl~b)dx=~(f.curlt~)dx; VqJEJg;
o (4.4)
~(co.zOdx-~(cur105.curln)dx=O; VTz~H(curl).
f2 ~2

We will also use the equivalent variational formulation:

Find u6H(div~ og~H(curl) such that

v~(curloJ.v)dx=~(f.v)dx; VveH(div~ (4.5)
I2 g2

~(o).~)dx-~(u.curlTt)dx=O; VneH(curl).
12 12

In order to approximate the solution of the Equation (4.4) using the finite
element introduced in this work, we suppose that we have a mesh ~, covering
the domain f2. We will suppose here that we are using tetrahedrons.
We introduce some finite element spaces:

Wh = {whEH(curl); whlKe(PD3, VK e qfh};

Who = {Wh~ Wh ; Wh/x nl~o =0};
Vh = {VheH(div); vh]Ke(Pk_1)3; VK~qfh} ;
gh = vh r~ H (div~ ;
U* = {vhc Vh; divv h = 0 in ~}.

Now the approximation of the equation (4.5) is

v ~ (curl ~h" Vh)dx = ~ (f" vh) dx; VVheUh;

(~h" z~h)dx - ~ (uh 9curl ~h) dx -- 0; Whe 14"h.
78 J.C. NOd4lec

In order to go from this approximation to an equivalent one associated to the

variational formulation (4.4), we solve in the discrete spaces an equation
similar to (4.3).
We introduce some spaces and some notations:

Oe={Oe~Hl(f2);Oelr~Pk+,;VKeC~e}; O~

N~ is the number of vertex of the triangulation ~h; N, is the number of edges of

the triangulation ~gh; NI is the number of faces of the triangulation cga; N r is
the number of tetrahedrons of the triangulation ~h.
A triangulation is said to be regular if we have:

-< C for every K in (~h'
and if the diameters h are uniformly equivalent.
We have the
Theorem 7. When the triangulation is regular, for every element vh in the space
U* (respectively Uh), there exist a unique element wh in the space Wh (respectively
Who) such that:
curl wh =Vh; (4.7)

~ (wh'gradOh)dX =0; VOh~Oh(respectively 6)o). (4.8)


Moreover, we have
IlWhHmcum< C I[Vhll(L2(a))3. (4.9)

Proof We first prove the uniqueness. We just have to show that the system of
curlWh=0; WhEWh(res p. 1410);
~ (wh.gradOh)dx=O; VOhE6)h(resp" 6)O);

has zero for unique solution.

The Stokes' theorem yields
wh = grad c~h (4.11)

and locally on each tetrahedron, we have:

ahlr~Pk+ 1. (4.12)

This property implies that eh is in the space Oh(res p. 6)~ So that we can
choose Oh as % in (4.10) which yields w h =0.
We have proven that the operator curl is injective from the subspace of
vectors in Wh(resp. Wh~ satisfying (4.8) into the space U*(resp. Un).
In order to prove the surjectivity, it is sufficient to prove that these two
spaces are of same dimension. The dimension of Wh is

(k + 1)(k - 1)(k - 2 )
dimWh=(k+l)N"+(k+l)(k-1)Nr 2 Nr. (4.13)
A New Family of Mixed Finite Elements in ~3 79

The dimension of Oh is:

dimO.=N~ + kNo+ - - 2 ~ U~~ k(k-1)(k-2)N r. (4.14)
The dimension of the subspace of Wh is

M k = d i m Wh - d i m Oh + 1
(k-1)(k+2) (k-1)(k-2)(2k+2)
= -Ns+N"-t- 2 Nf~- 6 NT+I

The dimension of U* is the dimension of Ve minus the n u m b e r of conditions

imposed by the zero divergence. This dimension has been already c o m p u t e d in
the reference [7], and we have:

k(k+ 1) k(k+ 1 ) ( 2 k - 5 )
dim Uh* - 2 N, -~ 6 Nr" (4.15)

We conclude this part of the p r o o f using the Euler-Poincar6 identity

Ns-N, + NI-Nr= I (4.16)

In the case of the spaces W~ and Uh, we must modify the above numbers, n s is
the n u m b e r of vertex of g, on 0Q; n a is the n u m b e r of edges of cgh on &2; n s is
the n u m b e r of faces of Zh on 0(J.
We have
dim Wh~ = d i m Wn - ( k + 1)n, - ( k + 1)(k - 1)hi; (4,17)

dimOh~ = dim Oh --ns -kna 2 nf. (4.18)

N o w the dimension of the subspace is M ~

(k - t)(k + 2)
M~176176 2 nf-1 (4.19)

The zero divergence conditions are linked by

(uh"n)& =0, (4.20)

and we have
k(k + 1)
dim Un= dim Uh* - 2 n~ + 1. (4.21)

So that we obtain

M ~ - d i m Uh = M k - d i m U~ + n ~ - n . + n I - 2 . (4.22)

We conclude this part of the p r o o f using the Euler-Poincar6 identity on the

closed surface 0 0 :
n s - n a + n I = 2. (4.23)
80 J.C. N6d~lec

The proof of inequality (4.9) is very similar to the same proof in reference [7]
and will not be given here. []
F r o m the Theorem 7, we can derive some error estimates for the approxi-
mation of the Stokes' equation (4.5).
Proposition 3. L e t u, w be the s o l u t i o n o f (4.5) a n d (uh, wh) t h e s o l u t i o n o f (4.6),
we have
11u - u h II~L2~))~ + IIW -- W h II~L2~))3 < C h k - 1 (4.24)

Example. In the case k = 1, the dimension of the space Wh is 2N a. The dimen-

sion of the space U*(resp. Uh) is in fact the same. We have changed the space
We(res p. W~ and this multiplies by two the corresponding number of un-
knowns. The error estimate appears to be unchanged. However the estimate
(4.24) is not optimal in the variable we and we may think that a better estimate
is valid for this variable.
The property of Theorem 7 doesn't seen to be true for the corresponding
spaces associated to the finite elements of Definition 2 and Definition 6. The
operator curl does not operate from Qk into Q k - x . In fact, this property seems
to be related to the property of Proposition 2 which provide an alternative
proof of Theorem 7. Let us sketch this proof.
Let v h be given in U*. We solve

curl w = v h;
div w = 0 ; (4.25)
w /x n l r = O .

The domain t2 being connex, connected and simply connected, there exist a
unique solution of this equation in the space (HZ()) 3. Now, the interpolate
nhW is such that (by the Proposition 2)

curl(~ hw) = v h. (4.26)

We built the w h of Theorem 7 by adding a gradient:

W =TZh w + g r a d ~ h ; OChE O h

This gradient can be chosen such that we have (4.8).

This proof yields an indirect (and very complicated) proof of the Euler-
Poincar6 identity. This direct construction of w h allows also a simpler proof of


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Received October 10, 1985/April 15, 1986

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