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1. Introduction
2. General considerations
definite metric gij(q5) in terms of which we define a line element, a connection and a
curvature tensor as
ds2= g v ( $ ) d 4 i d &
ri =1 Im
Jk 2g (ajgkm +akgjm -amgjk)
Rikl= akr;,- alrfk+ rLmrT- - r i m r ; .
In the case N = 2 n , a set of n complex coordinates can be introduced as Z A= qbA i&A+n
and zA= 2" = 4 , -i$A+n ( A = 1 , . . . , n ) . In a so-called Hermitian manifold there
exists a preferred class of coordinate systems for which gAB=gAB=O and d s 2 =
2gas d Z A d Z B= 2gf: d Z A d z B . In the special case in which
the manifold is called a Kahler manifold and the real function G ( Z , z ) is called a
Kahler potential. Chiral superfields coupled to N = 1 supergravity automatically span
a Kahler manifold. For a Kahler manifold the only non-vanishing components of the
connection are the unmixed ones r& and &. In addition we can show that
rf:B= a, In( det g,a)
which leads to
RAE= - d , a ~ ln(det g,a)
for the Ricci tensor RAE = R&. As an example of a Kahler manifold, consider the
homogeneous space SU( n, l)/SU(n ) x U( 1) with a Lagrangian
defined in terms of the Kahler potential G = -In( 1 - k2ZAZA)/ k2. It is easy to check
that this is a space of constant negative curvature (see appendix 1 )
R f : = - ( n- l)k2gf:. (2.2)
Consider now the simplest possible case of a point particle moving freely in a
general Riemannian manifold with a line element ds2= g, dq' dq'. From the
Since the energy is a constant of the motion D = T m , and therefore the value of
the classical action is connected to the geodesic distance through the formula
D2/2T. (2.6)
Two-dimensional spaces of constant negative curvature 3579
For the simple Lagrangian L = f(q:+ q i ) / (1 - q: - q:)2, the extra terms reduce to a
constant and the Hamiltonian is just the Weyl-ordered one
H =S(l - q : - - q : ) p * ( l - q : - 4:) = -1( 1 - q:- q y ($+$) (2.9)
In a similar fashion one can write down the Hamiltonian formalism and proceed
with the quantisation in the case of a Kahler manifold as well. Dynamics in any case
is governed by the Hamiltonian in terms of the propagator
G(q", q i ; T) = (q'jl exp(-iTH/h)lq'). (2.11)
3580 E N Argyres et a1
There are various models which are known to be equivalent descriptions of a two-
dimensional space of constant negative curvature [3]. One can go from one to the
other in terms of suitable coordinate transformations. An infinite two-dimensional
surface of constant negative curvature can be thought as one sheet of a two-sheeted
hyperboloid embedded in Minkowski space. A natural parametrisation of such a
surface (a pseudosphere) can be given in terms of pseudospherical coordinates 0 < 6 <
CO and 0 6 4 <21r. The line element on the pseudosphere is ds2 = (dO)’+sinh2 O(d4)2
while the invariant volume element is d cosh O d4. The Lagrangian of a free particle
moving on the pseudosphere is
L = f(b2 + sinh’ e&’),. (3.1)
Another description of the same space can be obtained by introducing K = r exp(i4) =
tanh(6/2) exp(i4). In this parametrisation (the Poincari disc) the Kahler property of
the manifold is explicit and the line element is
ds2= 4 d K d K ( 1 - K K ) - 2 = 4 [ ( d ~ ) ~
( d+~ ) ~ ] ( Yl ~- ) - ~ .
The geodesic distance of two points on the PoincarC disc is given by
D[K, K’]=cosh-’[l+21K - K ‘ 1 2 ( 1 - K K ) - ’ ( 1 - K ‘ K ’ ) - ’ ] . (3.2)
The corresponding formula in pseudospherical coordinates is
D [ 6 , 4 , e’, 4’1 = cosh-’[cosh 6 cosh 0’-sinh O sinh 8’ cos(4 - 4’)l. (3.3)
The continuous symmetries of the PoincarC disc can be realised by
K‘= (aK +p)/(p”K + a*) la12-Ip12=1
which correspond to the pseudo-unitary group SU( 1 , l ) . Another model describing
the same space is the PoincarC complex half-plane, which is obtained through the
change of variables
5 = (1 - K ) / (1 + K ) K = (1 - 5)/(1+ 5).
Thelineelementis d s 2 = 4 d l dc((5+f))-2=[(dx)2+(dy)2]x-2( - c o < ~ < c Oo<,X < C O ) .
The metric is again explicitly conformal.
The geodesic distance is
D ( f ;5’)= cosh-’[ 1 +2lf - f’I2(l+ si)-’].
c)-’(l‘+ (3.4)
The symmetries are realised by the transformation
5’= ( af - iP )/ (i rC + fi ) afi-p7=1
which again corresponds to SU(1,l) or PSL(2, R ) .
The classical equations of motion in pseudospherical coordinates are
e - ; sinh(2O)d = 0 (3.5)
& sinh2 6 = L (3.6)
where L is a constant of the motion. In addition, the energy is E =$(e2+sinh2 6 6 ’ ) .
The solutions of the equations of motion can be expressed as O =
O(O(O), +(O), d(O), d(0); t ) , 4 = 4 ( 6 ( 0 ) , 4(0),6(0), d(0);t ) or in terms of the con-
stants E and L as 6 = e(O(O), 4 ( 0 ) ,E, L;t ) 4 = +(e(o), +(O), E, L;2 ) .
Two-dimensional spaces of constant negative curvature 3581
b=cosh-’( cosha@(O) ).
The form of the solutions in terms of PoincarC plane coordinates was given in [2].
Although e( t ) and C#J(
t ) appear to describe a complicated motion, we are dealing with
a free particle, and since the geodesic distance is
a e ( t ) , d(t), + ( O ) l = tm
the corresponding equation for the geodesic distance will have the trivial form
- m e ( t ) , 4(tL e(o), 44011 =o.
The phase space of the classical motion can be parametrised in various ways using
suitable variables, which exhibit different geometrical aspects of the motion. In general,
a classical trajectory could be fully parametrised by three quantities, for example e(O),
8(0), $(O), ( 4 ( 0 )plays a trivial role). Equivalently, we could use the values of the
conserved quantities of each model. In the PoincarC disc, three conserved quantities
that represent the symmetry algebra are, in Cartesian PoincarC-disc coordinates,
B * -1
- 2 ( 1 - x2 - y ’) My + Mx B2 =-i(L - x2y2)Mx+ My
M = XPy -YPx p x = X / ( l -x2-y2)2 etc.
These three constants satisfy the S U ( 1 , l ) algebra
B21= - M {Ml B,) = B2
Y { M , 8 2 ) = -B1.
The Hamiltonian, being a Casimir of SU(1, l ) , is
H = f ( B : + B: - M2).
To have a description of the trajectories, we can express B1,B2 and M in terms of
two angles ++, +-
and the energy E as
B~= 2v‘Z cos i(++ + +-)/sin f(4+- +-)
B~ = 2 d E sin f(4++ +-)/sin f(++ - 4 - )
M =2LF cot f(++ - +-).
The angle +- gives the angular location of a particle which, starting from the boundary
of the PoincarC disc and moving on a geodesic with constant energy E, reaches again
the boundary with an angular location ++. If we go to half-plane coordinates and
put the point ++ at infinity, we find exponentially fast ( e x p ( - t m ) ) converging
trajectories, while a slightest variation a++ results in exponentially (exp( tm))
separating trajectories as t + 00. As is usually said, the model exhibits hyperbolic flow,
meaning roughly that the phase-space trajectories diverge.
3582 E N Argyres et a1
Here R is the radius of curvature of our space, so that all variables are dimensionless.
The Hilbert space is defined with an inner product
I d K dK(1-KR)2$*(K,K),y(K, K ) = I l m d c o s h 0 [02‘d4$*(0, 4)~(0,4).
The energy spectrum can be obtained from the solution of the eigenvalue problem
a 2mR’
$E(O, 4 ) = - FE ~ $ ~ ( O4, ) . (4.6)
This equation is separable and has delta-function normalisable solutions [4]
$:(O, 4 ) = NT exp(im4)P{-,,,(cosh 0 ) (4.7)
where m = 0, * l , , . , , *CO,0 s A c CC and = (A2+b)h2/2mR2.The functions PK-1/2
are the conical functions [ 5 ] . The energy eigenvalues form a continuum starting from
E ~ =h2/8mR2 and extending to infinity. The eigenfunctions 4:, describing the free
particle on the entire pseudosphere, form a complete orthonormal set
N : = ( A tanh(.rrA) ) T(iA +$)
T(iA + m +;)’ (4.10)
Two-dimensional spaces of constant negative curvature 3583
G(D; t)
Io" D) exp[-i(A2+a)Rt/2mR2]
dA A tanh(l~A)P,,-~/~(cosh (4.12)
D = cosh-'[cosh e cosh 8'-sinh 8 sinh 8' cos( $I - +')I (4.13)
is the geodesic distance between the initial and final point on the pseudosphere.
The propagator solves the Schrodinger equation
(H - i - aaJ G ( D ; t )
h2 1 a
2mR2 sinh D aD aD at
1 "
=- dA A tanh(l~h)P,,-,/~(cosh
2.rr 0
{ [
x -ihG(t) - ihO(t)( -%)(A2+:)
(A +$>I exp[-i( A ++)ht/2mR2
sinh a
ae )
f(D(8, 4, e', 4') =-sinh1 D -
dD (sinh DS)
and [ 5 ] for the representation of the delta function in terms of conical functions.
The Fourier transform of G ( D ; t ) takes the form
6(D ; w ) = I-,
d t exp(iwt)G(D; t )
1 "
2.rr 0
jdA A tanh(nA)P,,-,,,(cosh D) d t exp[iw -i(A2+a)ht/2mR2]
lom dA A tanh( T A )
CA-l,2(cosh Dl
- ( h / 2 mR2)( A +$) + iE *
3584 E N Argyres et a1
where Q is the conical function of the second kind, which although a solution of the
time-independent Schrodinger equation, is not an eigenfunction since it is not normalis-
able on the entire pseudosphere, (4.15) becomes
857 h dx(
Qifi-I/*(COSh D ) - Q-iv~-1/2(cosh D )
x - f ( w ) -iE x-f(w)-iE
f(w) =2mR2(w-h/8mR2)/h.
Using the asymptotic forms
Q i f i - 1 / 2 ( ~D - x-'l4 e x p ( - i D h )
~ ~) h
~ ~) h= [ Q i ~ - 1 / 2 (D)]*
Q - i f i . - 1 , , 2 ( ~D -
~ ~ ~ h x - " ~exp(iD&)
and going to the complex x plane, we find that the first integral is zero (by closing the
contour in the lower half-plane) whereas the second integral (by closing the contour
in the upper half-plane) gives
Notice that the Fourier transform 6 has a branch point at wb = h/8mR2, implying
that the energy spectrum is continuous with a lower bound E,,, = hwb = h2/8mR2,in
agreement with the eigenvalues of the Schrodinger equation.
In terms of the propagator G ( D ;t ) the time evolution of states can be written as
(L( e, 4, t ) = lIm d cosh 8' d 4 ' G ( D (8, 4 ; e', 4'; t))rL( e', 4'; 0). (4.17)
which gives
The power of the time factor in front reveals the dimensionality of the system.
In order to estimate higher orders in h, we can substitute G( D ; T) in the Schrodinger
equation (4.14) and compare powers in h :
h2 1 d
2mR2 sinh D aD
mR2 1 (D )”2
- exp(imR2D2)[1+ i h TF( D)/ mR2]= 0
27rih T sinh D 2hT
where F ( D) is an unknown function to be determined. It is important to keep in mind
that the small-h approximation is a large-distance approximation and should not be
valid at small D. The order-h correction can be obtained as
P i h - 1 / 2 ( ~D~ )~=-
a coth(7rA) du sin(hu)(cosh U -cosh D)-’”
Substituting this expression in the integral form of the propagator, (4.12), we get
&( -
=--e ( t ) iht )-3’2/1
du u(cosh -cosh D)-1’2 U
a r ’ 4 2mR2
xexp( --)mR2u2 exp( -2).
With the change of variables U = w2+ D, the integral becomes
cosh(w2)- 1
I =exp(-mR2D2/2iht) do(”’+ D)( cosh D S sinh(w’) sinh D)-”’
o2 6J2
= exp(imR2D2/2ht) d o f ( w ) exp(-mR2w2D/iht).
3586 E N Argyres et a1
I =e xp(im~~~~/2ht) dw exp(-mR2Dw2/iht)+itO(h)
x e x p ( - ~ / 4 ) ~ - ~ ’ ~ du
$ u exp(-u2/4~)(coshu -cosh D ) - * l 2
exp( - u 2 / 4 ~ )
= ( 2 ~ ) - ~~x ’P (~- T / ~ ) T - ~ ’ ~ du(cosh U -cosh D)’l2
sinh u
U coth U -1 +-
by integration by parts. The integrand of the above expression is a smooth function
of U which vanishes at the lower and upper bounds and can thus be calculated
numerically to any degree of accuracy.
The result of this calculation Gexact(D; T ) ( ~ T ) ~e ’x~ p ( ~ / 4 ) is ~ ’ ~ in figure 1
~ shown
(full curve) together with the semiclassical approximation (broken curve) as a function
of D for different values of T. We observe that for T S 1, the classical approximation
is very good for all D. It is also very good for any D and T such that D/&.- ’I. It
fails progressively more and more as T increases ( T >> 1) and D/&< 1. For example,
for T = 10’ it fails for D < 10 by a factor of 2-4.
A more direct way of obtaining the propagator is by making use of the Mehler-Fock
transform. Consider the Schrodinger equation for G(D, t ) (equation (4.14)). Take
the Mehler-Fock transform [3] in D and the Fourier transform in t, i.e.
G ( D ;t ) = dA A t a n h ( ~ A ) P - ~ ~ ~ + ~D~)( c o sd ho exp(iwt)G(A, w )
8(t)b(cosh 6-cosh 0‘)8(4-+’)
1 1 ”
dA A tanh(~A)P-,/2+i,(coshD ) 1 7 --3o
dw exp(iot).
Two-dimensional spaces of constant negative curvature 3587
Figure 1. The exact (equation (4.19), full curve) and the semiclassical (equation (4.20),
broken curve) propagators as functions of D for different values of r ; for T = the two
cannot be distinguished in this scale.
(H-ihd/dt)G(D; t )
d w exp(iwt)@A, w)[H-ih(iw)]P-llz+,,
- --
ih jOm dA A tanh(.rrA)
dw exp(iwf)P-l/Z+iA.
dh A tanh(~h)pl,,-,~,(cosh
D ) exp(-is,t/h)
which is (4.12), since e A / h= (A2+a)h/2mR2. If we now use the addition formula for
the P (appendix 2) in (4.12) and compare the resulting expression with (4.11) for G,
we conclude immediately that the normalised energy eigenfunctions are those given
by (4.7).
We carry out next the quantisation in the Poincar6 half-plane in order to compare
the results with those obtained on the pseudosphere. In half-plane variables the
classical Lagrangian is
L, = imR2(x2 y 2 ) / x 2+ (4.21)
leading to the classical Hamiltonian
H,= (1/2mR2)x2(p:+p:). (4.22)
- 0
gij =
0 -
44x9 Y ) = exP(i~Y)x”2g(x)
we obtain an equation for g(x):
x2g”+x g ’ - [k2x2- (2mR2/ h 2 ) E+a]g = 0.
P= [7I)&-
This is the modified Bessel equation, which has solutions for any real p, i.e. E 2
h2/8mR2. The normalised solution is
T(iA +f)
m=-m 271. T(iA + m +f)
x e ~ p ( i m 4 ) P ~ - , , ~ ( c o0s) .h
The coefficients C,(A) are expressible in terms of @(e,4 ) as
3590 E N Argyres et al
$(D(O, 4 ; @ 0 , 4 0 ) ; t )
r“0 r 257
d cosh 8’ J
= J, 0
d 4 ’ G(D(8, 4; e’, 4 ’ ) ;t)$(D(8’, 4’; Bo, Cpo); 0) (5.5)
Using the semiclassical expression, (4.18), for the propagator in the above equation,
we get
$(D; 7) = $(e, 4, 0 0 , 4 0 ; t )
’( -
s i n h D )li2exp(8;/2a) e x p [ - D 2 / 2 a ( 1 + 2 ~ / a ) ]
Since (I)(D ; ?)I$( D ; f ) ) = exp( 8;?’/a( 1+ f2)), normalisation is not quite preserved
for ~ > >inl this approximation, unless eo is very small. Expectation values of
Two-dimensional spaces of constant negative curvature 3591
($(D; ? ) / D 2 / $ ( D ; i ) ) = e x p ( 8 ; / a ) e x p [ - 8 ; a / ( a 2 + f2)]
( 4"> ;( ">
?*=- -
4 4m2R4'
We see that (0);grows linearly with time just as in the classical problem where
D( t ) = tm.
It is interesting to also study the time evolution of the position operators 0 and 4
or the Poincart-plane ones
5 R = ( l + & / 2 = ( c o s h 6-sinh 6 cos 4j-l
Jl=(S-[)/2i=-sin4(coth ~+COS~)-'.
Considering a Gaussian state, properly normalised for ?>> 1,
a 1
d cosh 0 d4-
sinh D
xexp[-crD2/(a2+ ?')I sin +(coth e+cos +)-I.
The simplest special case one can think of is the case that the wavefunction is centred
at eo= dO=O.In that case the 4 dependence disappears and we get
CY2+ T2
lom d e 0 exp[-ae2/(cu2+ ?*)I = 1 i>> 1
3592 E N Argyres et a1
- exp[ -aD2/( a 2+ ?’)I
where we used appendix 3. Let A = [a/(o’+ f’)] and, since eo>> 2, we obtain
(lR)i=exp(Bo)A2 dD-
cosh D
exp( -A2D2)
Assuming we can extrapolate to large times and using the asymptotic form of erfc:
[ 212 I).:(
erfc(z) + -exp(-z ) 1--+0 -
Z+m ZJ;; 2
Appendix 1
det g z = exp Tr In
[ - K’Z.
=exp[-nln(l-K’ZZ)+Tr 2 -1 (ZAZB)’
v=l Y (1 - K’ZZ)”
=exp[-n ln(1- K 2 Z 2 ) - l n ( l - K’ZZ)].
Two-dimensional spaces of constant negative curvature 3593
det g : = (1 - K2,&-("+').
Finally the curvature will be
R AB-- -~a a
- In( 1 - K2ZZ)-("+1)
= - K 2 ( n + 1)g:.
Appendix 2
The functions B;""(z) form the canonical basis for the irreducible representations of
the group SL(2, C) and can be viewed as playing the same role for the group SU(1,l).
A convenient representation, which can serve as a definition for the functions B;""(z),
where r is the unit circle prescribed positively, m and n are integers and 1 can be
complex (typically of the form 1 = kip - f , p > 0). The generating function of the B;""
B;""(cosh e ) exp(-im+)
= exp( -in+)
cosh 2-+ exp( i4) sinh 2 ""(cosh :+e exp(- 4 ) sinh
BT;-,,,(cosh e ) exp(-im+) = (cosh 8 + sinh 8 cos 4)*iA-"2,
The following properties are useful
B;""(cosh 0 ) = B;m3-n(coshe )
B;""(coshe ) = (-l)"-"B?~-,(cosh 0)
[By"(cosh e)]* = B$"(cosh e).
The Legendre functions P;"(z) with 1 = i A -f are called conical functions and are
related to Bz!1/2 through
T(iA +f)
Bz:,,,(cosh e)= P~-,,,(cosh e).
T(iA + m +f)
The orthogonality relation
3594 E N Argyres et a1
N ; ' = ( A tanh T A ) li2 T(iA+b)
T(iA + m +i)'
On the other hand, the propagator contains the sum over angular momenta
1 m
= qA-l/Z(COSh e)
where the last step is the Mehler addition formula with
cosh $=cosh 0 cosh e'-sinh 0 sinh e'cos(4 -4').
Finally, the following formula holds:
Appendix 3
The Jacobian is
COS(^ - 4 0 ) J G [ ~ o ~ 2-(4,)~s:-
4 1)+ T’-
(Si- 1) cos2(4- 40) - 6:
$=cosh D 6 = cosh 8 to= cosh Bo.
Differentiating, we get
-- [-50*Fcos(4-40)J~~cos~(4-40)(5:-1)+12-6i)1-”~
at- [(Si-l) co~2(4-40~-6:l
Performing the integration over 4 we obtain zero for the second term and for the first
we obtain
= -cosh eo jo2r d4
sinh’ Bo cos2 4 - cosh2 0
sinh eo cos 4 -cosh eo- jOzrsinh Bo cos 4 +cosh eo
2 sinh eo [jO2-4 cos
- coth eo- lo2’ +
cos 4 coth Bo
[Io2- -
- 1
2 sinh Bo coth Bo 1 tanh Bo cos 4 1+ tanh eocos 4
- 1 47r
2 cosh Bo 41 - tanh2 eo
= 27r.
3596 E N Argyres et a1
=27ij dcoshDf(D).
cosh 00
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