HIRA Assessment

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General H

1. Identify the risk 2. Identify people at Risk 3. Identify precautions already in place 4. Identify impro

Identify the Risk Mobile Equipment

Walk round and observe the tasks Fork lifts- Suitable for intended use; good
Look at plans and diagrams visibility; fitted with mirrors, horn, lights, rev
Look at existing safe operating procedures protection, speed limiter.
Ask employees and other persons Cranes, hoists & lifting accessories- Sui
Check manufacturers instructions flashing beacon; up / down limits; hook safe
Check Safety Data Sheets Drivers / Crane Operators - Trained and c
Check Accident & Incident Records Pre-Operational Checklists
Check National Standards Maintenance of vehicles / cranes / hoists
Check National Law requirements Medicals (Fork lift & Crane) - Done prior t
Check Industry Guidance Delivery vehicles (to and from site)
Look at Inspection Records Other vehicles
Look at Audit Reports Other traffic (including rail)
DO NOT FORGET high risk activities such as Vehicle routes- segregated from pedestria
maintenance, some cleaning work and work not marked; wide enough for the largest vehicle
usually carried out on a day-to-day basis corners;
Pedestrian routes segregated from vehicles
reversing kept to minimum
Pedestrian routes - Segregated from vehic
Affects on risk from pedestrian exit barriered off from vehic
Number of times it occurs opening gates at crossing points; clear sign
Position of hazard Loading / Unloading - Passing pedestrian
Time/length of exposure steep gradients; uneven road or yard surfac
Nature of hazard trailer creep (sunken loading bays); driver n
Competence of people
Quantities used Fall Control
Individual capability Identify all tasks where a fall could injure or
Condition of equipment Lack of fall prevention platforms
Adequacy of existing controls Lack of fall protection equipment and certifi
Etc. Portable and fixed ladders
Mobile access platforms ("Sky Lifts")
Falling objects
Identify persons at riskAt the Plant Roof work
Production workers Same level falls
Office staff Fragile surfaces
Maintenance staff Confined Spaces
Temporary workers Fire and explosion
Company and visiting drivers Fire and explosion from oxygen enrichment
Visitors Loss of consciousness or asphyxiation from
Contractors Asphyxiation from lack of oxygen
Clients Loss of consciousness from increase in bod
Hypothermia from decrease in body temper
Falling objects
Identify persons at riskAt the Plant Roof work
Production workers Same level falls
Office staff Fragile surfaces
Maintenance staff Confined Spaces
Temporary workers Fire and explosion
Company and visiting drivers Fire and explosion from oxygen enrichment
Visitors Loss of consciousness or asphyxiation from
Contractors Asphyxiation from lack of oxygen
Clients Loss of consciousness from increase in bod
Hypothermia from decrease in body temper
Away from the Plant Asphyxiation or trapping from free flowing s
Outside Sales persons Poisoning from toxic dusts, vapours or gase
Home workers Burns from corrosives
Good vehicle drivers Restricted access / exit
Others working away from site Restricted working space
The public affected by plant's activities Falls from height
Neighbours affected by plant's activities Slips, trips, falls (same level)
Neighbour's activities / type of business Falling objects
Poor visibility
Contractors may include Energy isolation procedures (LTV)
Engineering and building projects Noise
Routine maintenance, servicing and repair Rescue procedures
Transport services
Temporary cover services

Groups especially at risk

Lone workers

Likelihood of harm Rating

5. Almost certain
4. High
3. Medium
2. Low
1. Improbable
Likelihood of harm Rating
5. Almost certain
4. High
3. Medium
2. Low
1. Improbable

Hierarchy of Improvements.
1. Eliminate the risk 2. Reduce the risk or Substitute the risk with a less harmful alternative
General Health and Safety Risk Assessment
precautions already in place 4. Identify improvements required 5. Prioritise and carry out corrective actions 6.

Possible Risks Topics (Non - ex

Mobile Equipment
Fork lifts- Suitable for intended use; good stability; bright colour; good all round
visibility; fitted with mirrors, horn, lights, reverse lights & alarm, seat belt, driver roll over
protection, speed limiter.
Cranes, hoists & lifting accessories- Suitable for intended use; horn or alarm;
flashing beacon; up / down limits; hook safety clips; suitable & certificated accessories
Drivers / Crane Operators - Trained and certificated. Retested every 3 years.
Pre-Operational Checklists
Maintenance of vehicles / cranes / hoists
Medicals (Fork lift & Crane) - Done prior to training and annually after test
Delivery vehicles (to and from site)
Other vehicles
Other traffic (including rail)
Vehicle routes- segregated from pedestrians; separated from doors, gates; suitably
marked; wide enough for the largest vehicle; overhead hazards; blind and sharp
Pedestrian routes segregated from vehicles; ventilated as necessary; speed limit;
reversing kept to minimum
Pedestrian routes - Segregated from vehicle movements and entry / exit doors; route
from pedestrian exit barriered off from vehicle door; crossing points (zebra); inward
opening gates at crossing points; clear signage
Loading / Unloading - Passing pedestrians & vehicles; contact with overhead cables;
steep gradients; uneven road or yard surfaces; unsuitable or uneven load stability;
trailer creep (sunken loading bays); driver not away from vehicle

Fall Control
Identify all tasks where a fall could injure or kill
Lack of fall prevention platforms
Lack of fall protection equipment and certified anchor points
Portable and fixed ladders
Mobile access platforms ("Sky Lifts")
Falling objects
Roof work
Same level falls
Fragile surfaces

Confined Spaces
Fire and explosion
Fire and explosion from oxygen enrichment
Loss of consciousness or asphyxiation from gas, fume or vapour
Asphyxiation from lack of oxygen
Loss of consciousness from increase in body temperature
Hypothermia from decrease in body temperature
Falling objects
Roof work
Same level falls
Fragile surfaces

Confined Spaces
Fire and explosion
Fire and explosion from oxygen enrichment
Loss of consciousness or asphyxiation from gas, fume or vapour
Asphyxiation from lack of oxygen
Loss of consciousness from increase in body temperature
Hypothermia from decrease in body temperature
Asphyxiation or trapping from free flowing solids
Poisoning from toxic dusts, vapours or gases
Burns from corrosives
Restricted access / exit
Restricted working space
Falls from height
Slips, trips, falls (same level)
Falling objects
Poor visibility
Energy isolation procedures (LTV)
Rescue procedures

Consequence of harm Rating

5. Major. Death
4. High. Permanent disability
Risk Rating and Priority
3. Medium. Temporary disability
2. Low. Significant injuries
1. Minor. Minor injuries RISK


L 1 2 3 4 5
i 10-15
k 1 1 2 3 4 5
e 16-25
k 1 1 2 3 4 5
e 16-25
l 2 2 4 6 8 10
h 3 3 6 9 12 15
o 4 4 8 12 16 20
5 5 10. 15 20 25

bstitute the risk with a less harmful alternative 3. Isolate the risk 4. Control the risk 5. Provide PPE 6. E
ety Risk Assessment
rioritise and carry out corrective actions 6. Record the results 7. Routinely review the assessment

Possible Risks Topics (Non - exhaustive list)

Energy Isolation
ood all round "Energy Isolation" to cover Lock Out, Tag Out and Verify for both "Complex" machinery
belt, driver roll over (i.e. an extrusion press and all handling plus ancillary equipment) and "Simple"
machinery (i.e. a lathe). Energy isolation will include all forms of energy and stored
orn or alarm; energy.
ficated accessories Risk - due to no or only partial Energy Isolation Procedures risk to persons of
ery 3 years. injuries such as:
Entanglement, Trapping and / or nipping, Crushing, Impact, Burns (heat and chemical),
Scalding, Cutting and / or severing, Falling and / or falling objects, Drowning, High
after test pressure fluid or air pressure injection, Electric shock.

Machinery Safety - Mechanical

s, gates; suitably Shearing
nd and sharp Cutting and / or severing
ry; speed limit; Trapping and / or nipping
y / exit doors; route Stabbing and / or puncture
(zebra); inward Friction and / or abrasion
High pressure fluid or air injection
h overhead cables; Slips, trips, falls
n load stability; Falling objects

Direct contact
Indirect contact
Short circuit / overload
As a source of ignition
Electrostatic potential

Hazardous Substances / Chemicals

Exposure risk byInhalation, Ingestion, Skin contact
To substances classified asVery Toxic, Toxic, Corrosive, Harmful, Irritant,
Carcinogens, Mutagens, Biological Agents In the form of Solids, Dusts, Fume, Smoke,
Liquids, Vapour, Mists, Aerosols, Gases.
Workplace exposure limits not known.
Exhaust Extraction and Breathing Zone monitoring / analysis not carried out.

Housekeeping (minimum)
Slips, trips, falls
Lack of spill kits
Hazardous Substances / Chemicals
Exposure risk byInhalation, Ingestion, Skin contact
To substances classified asVery Toxic, Toxic, Corrosive, Harmful, Irritant,
Carcinogens, Mutagens, Biological Agents In the form of Solids, Dusts, Fume, Smoke,
Liquids, Vapour, Mists, Aerosols, Gases.
Workplace exposure limits not known.
Exhaust Extraction and Breathing Zone monitoring / analysis not carried out.

Housekeeping (minimum)
Slips, trips, falls
Lack of spill kits
Lack of waste removal
Lack of waste containers
Flammable waste not segregated
Flammable items not in fire proof storage
Smoking in unapproved areas
Blocked walkways, doorways, vehicle routes
Incorrect storage leading to any above

Noise levels in working areas not known.
Noise level known to be at or above 85dB(A) daily exposure or 137dB(C) peak sound.
Engineering control measures not in use.
Hearing protectiion not issued / not worn.
Personnel Hearing Tests (audio) not carried out.

Risk Rating and Priority



1-9 Low <120 days

10-15 Medium <90 days

16-25 High
16-25 High
<30 days

4. Control the risk 5. Provide PPE 6. Ensure Discipline & Training


Manual Handling
mplex" machinery Weight Guideline - must be within the capability of the individual but as a
"Simple" guide for a standing person:
gy and stored Female: Floor level 7kg next to the body; 3 Kg at arms length. Waist level 16kg
next to the body; 10kg at arms length. Head level 7kg next to the body; 3kg at arms
to persons of length
Male: Floor level 10kg next to the body; 5kg at arms length. Waist level 25kg next
at and chemical), to the body; 15kg at arms length.
owning, High Head level 10kg next to body; 5kg at arms length.
Seated work at waist level; Female 3kg. Male 5kg
Actions - Lifting and lowering weights outside the guidelines. Carrying weights
without resting above 10m distance. Pulling and pushing loads requiring excessive
force to start and maintain movement. Twisting the body (trunk). Stooping at the
waist. Sudden movement of the load.
Frequent or prolonged physical effort. Effects of PPE and clothing.
Load - Load too heavy? Load difficult to hold on to? Load unstable? Load sharp,
hot etc?
Working area - Lack of space? Slippery, unstable or uneven floors? Steps to have
to walk up or down? Extremes in high and low temperatures? Gusts of wind or
inadequate ventilation?
Other - Pregnant worker? Young worker? Previous injury or ill-health?

Personal Protective Equipment

Note - Equipment provided must suit the particular risk found.
Head - Falling objects. Hitting head. Bumping head
Eye - Chips (swarf). Chemical. Oils. Sawing. Grinding. Welding. Burning. Powered
tools. Molten metal. Liquids under pressure. Radiant heat.
Ear- Noise at or above 85dB(A) daily exposure or 137dB(C) peak sound.
Arms & hands - Sharp edges. Hot / Cold / Molten surfaces. Chemicals. Oils.
Foot - Falling objects. Blow injuries. Sharp objects. Electrical. Chemical. Molten
metals. Manual & mechanical handling. Cold conditions.
Other - Body protection against Chemical exposure, Hot / Cold / Wet conditions.
ritant, Welding, burning, contact with hot surfaces. High visibility clothing for vehicle
ts, Fume, Smoke, movements. Fall arrest equipment for risk of falls. Respiratory protection for
hazardous substances.

carried out. Fire Safety

Potential fire fuels and sources of ignition not identified.
Portable electrical appliance testing not carried out.
Evacuation alarm system. None provided or inadequate.
Contacting the Fire Service. No system in place.
Emergency lighting. None, too few, incorrectly positioned.
metals. Manual & mechanical handling. Cold conditions.
Other - Body protection against Chemical exposure, Hot / Cold / Wet conditions.
ritant, Welding, burning, contact with hot surfaces. High visibility clothing for vehicle
ts, Fume, Smoke, movements. Fall arrest equipment for risk of falls. Respiratory protection for
hazardous substances.

carried out. Fire Safety

Potential fire fuels and sources of ignition not identified.
Portable electrical appliance testing not carried out.
Evacuation alarm system. None provided or inadequate.
Contacting the Fire Service. No system in place.
Emergency lighting. None, too few, incorrectly positioned.
Fire Extinguishers - None, incompatible to risk or too few
Escape Routes and Fire exits - None or too few. Blocked route. Blocked or locked
Fire Exit. None or incorrect signs leading to and out of exit.
Evacuation Assembly Areas. None provided.
Emergency Plan including Evacuation Procedure - Not in place.
Evacuation Drills (Practises). Not carried out.
Fire Marshalls / Fighters. None in place
Fire Fighter Training. Not carried out
Extinguisher, Fire Alarm and Emergency Light servicing and checks. Not
carried out
(C) peak sound.
dual but as a

aist level 16kg

body; 3kg at arms

t level 25kg next

rrying weights
equiring excessive
Stooping at the

e? Load sharp,

rs? Steps to have

sts of wind or



Burning. Powered

micals. Oils.

emical. Molten

Wet conditions.
g for vehicle
otection for
Wet conditions.
g for vehicle
otection for

Blocked or locked


checks. Not
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessmen

Likelihood of Harm
Being Caused
Consequence of

Risk Rating
Present Control
SL. No Activity Hazard Who is at Risk

2 5 5 25
3 5 4 6
4 5 2 10
5 0
6 0
k Assessment

Likelihood of Harm
Being Caused
Consequence of

Risk Rating
Additional Control Measures Required

. Harm 5 2 10
. 5 4 6
. 5 2 10


Business Case

Current Condition

Future Condition

Action Plan
See attached she

See attached sheet
Health and Safety Action Plan

Risk assessment
Reference Description
nd Safety Action Plan

Action When Who Status

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