Working Near Utilities: Work Health and Safety Procedure

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Work health and safety procedure

Document number PN066P16 Version 2.2

Objective reference A13984894 1 September 2017

Working near utilities

Managing the risk of working near overhead, above-ground or underground utilities (electricity,
gas, water, sewerage and telecommunications).

Note: this procedure is under review. This version (2.1) is a reformatted copy of the version published in
March 2013 – no process changes have been made.

Uncontrolled in print
Before using this document always check to ensure you have the most up-to-date version.
See the document source information on the last page.
Work Health & Safety Branch Working near utilities

While the information provided by Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) has been compiled
with all due care, Roads and Maritime does not warrant or represent that the information is free from errors
or omissions, is up to date or is exhaustive. Roads and Maritime does not warrant or accept any liability in
relation to the quality, operability or accuracy of the information. Roads and Maritime disclaims, to the
extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to
the information. Users of the information will be responsible for making their own assessment of the
information, and Roads and Maritime accepts no liability for any decisions made or actions taken in
reliance upon any of the information. Any such decision or action is made or undertaken at the risk of the
user of the information. Users wishing to rely on the information should seek their own expert advice.

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Work Health & Safety Branch Working near utilities

There are inherent risks in working near utilities, especially where cables and pipes are
energised (eg live electric cables and gas mains).

Workers should be able to conduct their work without any risk to their health and
safety. Managers and workers need to take necessary precautions to eliminate or
minimise and effectively manage any hazards and risks, especially when working near
above-ground, overhead and underground utilities.

This procedure covers the key areas related to Roads and Maritime Services (Roads
and Maritime) working near utilities. These include:
• Identifying the presence of all utilities near Roads and Maritime worksites (or
proposed worksites)
• Assessing risks related to working near utilities, and applying risk control measures
that are essential for effectively managing work health and safety (WHS) risks
• Working near different types of utilities
• Recommended safe working distances (especially from energised electric lines)
• Telecommunications infrastructure and cables.

Roads and Maritime must consult with workers about working near utilities. If potential
WHS hazards are identified, appropriate control measures must be used to eliminate
these hazards so far as is reasonably practicable. Where it is not practicable to
eliminate the hazards, then minimise it by using the hierarchy of controls (see

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Work Health & Safety Branch Working near utilities

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction................................................................................................................. 6
Purpose ................................................................................................................. 6
Scope .................................................................................................................... 6

Working near utilities ................................................................................................. 7

1 Identifying utilities ............................................................................................ 7
1.1 Planning ............................................................................................... 7
1.2 Unscheduled work ............................................................................... 8
2 Above-ground and overhead services ............................................................. 8
3 Excavation near underground services ........................................................... 8
4 Risk assessment ............................................................................................. 9
5 Generic control measures ............................................................................. 10
5.1 At the worksite ................................................................................... 10
6 Working near underground services .............................................................. 10
6.1 Safe digging practices ........................................................................ 10
6.2 Exploratory boring practices ............................................................... 11
6.3 Types and uses of locating devices.................................................... 11
7 Underground electricity cables ...................................................................... 12
7.1 Locating underground electricity cables ............................................. 12
7.2 Precautions for working near underground electricity cables .............. 12
8 Overhead electric lines .................................................................................. 14
8.1 Approach distance ............................................................................. 14
8.2 Assessing the approach distance ....................................................... 15
8.3 Zone access ...................................................................................... 17
8.4 Approach distance for vehicles .......................................................... 18
8.5 Controls to prevent energy transfers from electric lines ...................... 18
8.6 Plant requirements near energised electric lines ................................ 19
8.7 Working inside safe approach distances for electric lines ................... 20
9 Gas pipes...................................................................................................... 21
9.1 General hazards ................................................................................ 21
9.2 Use of plant ........................................................................................ 21
9.2.1 Plant crossing points 21
9.2.2 Precautions for excavations 21
9.2.3 Hazardous processes 22
9.2.4 Prohibited work processes 22

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9.2.5 Consultation with owner 22

10 Water pipes and sewers ......................................................................... 23
11 Telecommunications infrastructure and cables ....................................... 23
12 Emergency response ............................................................................. 24
12.1 Striking above-ground or underground utilities ................................... 24
12.2 Electrocution risk where plant strikes an electric line .......................... 25
13 Training .................................................................................................. 26

Roles and responsibilities ....................................................................................... 27

Definitions ................................................................................................................. 28

References ................................................................................................................ 30
Roads and Maritime references ........................................................................... 30
External references .............................................................................................. 30

Document control ..................................................................................................... 31

Change history..................................................................................................... 31
Feedback ............................................................................................................. 31

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Work Health & Safety Branch Working near utilities

Roads and Maritime is committed to the health and wellbeing of all its workers and
others, such as visitors. A safe and healthy workplace is the right of every worker.

Roads and Maritime’s safe systems of work aim to eliminate the risk to workers
engaged in working near utilities, and to others. In locations where the risks cannot be
eliminated, controls must be implemented to minimise the risks.

It is intended that as an outcome of this procedure:

• The risk of injury to workers and contractors will be managed
• Workers will be consulted in the risk management process
• Roads and Maritime will provide appropriate WHS training, instruction, information
and supervision
• Safe systems for working near utilities will be established, especially in relation to:
− Emergency planning
− Emergency procedures
• The costs associated with utility strikes will be avoided.

This procedure covers all Roads and Maritime workplaces and is relevant for:
• All workers
• Other duty holders who carry out work for Roads and Maritime
• Those (such as visitors) who are likely to be directly affected by safety issues
involved with working near utilities.

All workers must comply with this procedure. Industry partners are also required to
have in place an equivalent procedure for managing risks associated with working near

Working near utilities refers to any Roads and Maritime work activity conducted near
underground, above-ground or overhead utilities. These may also include redundant or
disused services at worksites. Utilities include underground electricity cables, overhead
electric lines, gas pipes, water pipes, sewers, telecommunications infrastructure and

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Working near utilities

WHS risk management is integral to Roads and Maritime’s planning and operational
processes. Effective risk management requires managers, supervisors and workers to
understand the nature of hazards while working near utilities. They should be able to
systematically identify, assess, control and organise emergency responses to WHS
risks in such situations. Good WHS outcomes depend on everyone’s commitment and

1 Identifying utilities

1.1 Planning
The presence of above-ground, overhead and underground utilities near roads and
footways is widespread, and it should be assumed that these services will be present
at worksites unless proven otherwise.

Work should be designed and planned to avoid utilities wherever possible, or to

manage the risk associated with them.

At the planning stage, identify the presence of all underground, above-ground or

overhead utilities or services, including redundant or disused services at the intended
site using:
• Dial Before You Dig (telephone service 1100)
• Site surveys (including of underground cable or utility locations)
• Checks with all utility providers.

The location, clearance distance, alignments and other relevant information relating to
identified services must be shown on utilities drawings for the work before work begins
on the site.

Utilities drawings must be obtained or refreshed from Dial Before You Dig not more
than 30 days before work begins.

Such detail must be clearly marked – graphically and by notations – on these

documents. The detail must be clear on any photocopy, device screen or other
representation of the original utilities drawings for the work.

Contact details for all authorities responsible for the utilities at the site must be
annotated on the Utilities Sheet(s) for the work proposed and within the specifications.

The utility owner must be consulted regarding any precautions to be taken to avoid
damage to the utility or disruption of service to users:
• Communicate the presence of utilities on planned worksites to the Roads and
Maritime project manager and the principal contractor responsible for the actual

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Work Health & Safety Branch Working near utilities

• If encroachment of, or damage to, above-ground, overhead or underground

services is possible and could result in an energy transfer or release:
− The work group undertaking the work must include a trained first aider
− If required by risk assessment, emergency response plans must be prepared
and must specify:
o Site evacuation and the protection of other persons near the worksite
o Safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements,
including its procurement, before work begins.

1.2 Unscheduled work

If drawings are not available – as may be the case when unscheduled emergency or
other unforeseen work has to be undertaken – indicators of underground services
should be taken into account.

These may include:

• Posts supporting electrically powered services or equipment
• Alignment markers
• Valve pits
• Pit covers
• Tracer-devices, including buried marker-tapes or cable protectors.

Authorities that may have utilities at the site should be contacted using emergency or
after-hours telephone numbers before work proceeds.

NOTE: Contact details for Roads and Maritime’s Utility Locations Survey Unit are:
PO Box 3035, Parramatta NSW, 2124; Tel: (02) 8837 0450; Fax: (02) 8837 0043

2 Above-ground and overhead services

Protection of overhead services must be considered prior to work commencing.
Elimination of work involving plant under an overhead service must be the first
consideration. Consultation with the utility owner may be necessary where only lower
level controls are practicable yet the risk remains high.

Ground-level markings for all overhead services should be installed prior to starting

Ground-level services must be protected from damage by barriers, fencing, exclusion

zones or other means.

3 Excavation near underground services

When excavation work is to be undertaken near underground services, all such
services must be:
• Visually located using safe digging practices before power tools or mechanical
equipment are used for excavation (see section 6.1)

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Work Health & Safety Branch Working near utilities

• Considered to be electrically energised (in the case of underground cables) until

proven otherwise.

If utilities near a proposed excavation cannot be visually located, excavation work must
not proceed until the services are de-energised. If this is not reasonably practicable,
the risks and controls must be re-evaluated.

If there is disagreement between Roads and Maritime and the relevant utility authority
on the need to de-energise the service, the matter must be referred to higher-level
Roads and Maritime management for resolution before the work proceeds.

Suitable devices and instrumentation must be used to accurately determine the

presence and location of underground services (see section 6.3). (Note: such devices
cannot detect plastic pipes.)

4 Risk assessment
Where above-ground, overhead or underground utilities are present at a worksite, a
risk assessment must be performed:
• Before work begins
• Whenever the validity of the original risk assessment might be affected by any
change at the site
• After any unintended detection or contact with underground, above-ground or
overhead utilities.

The risk assessment outcomes must be communicated to those who will be carrying
out the work.

Safe work method statements (SWMS) specific to the services present must be
developed. On the basis of this risk assessment, the likelihood and consequences of
potential occurrences must be considered.

If required by the risk assessment, arrangements must be made with each utility owner
to disconnect, de-activate, isolate or discontinue the utility service before
commencement of any work that may precipitate a transfer or release of energy.

The risk assessment should include consideration of the factors listed in the following
Likelihood factors Consequence factors
 Proximity of work to the utility service  The nature of the utility service(s),
under which an energy transfer is possible including their state of activation
 The exactness with which the location of  The energy potential of the utility service
the service is determined and its exclusion zones
 The work method to be used  Energy transfer arising from contact with,
 The effectiveness of exclusion zones damage to or proximity to the service(s)
surrounding energy fields encroached on  Workplace characteristics
by personnel, plant or other energy  The type and method of work being
conductors. carried out.

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5 Generic control measures

Control measures should be applied to all types of above-ground, overhead and
underground services and should form a standard part of safe working procedures
when working near utilities. Refer to local and agency risk registers.

5.1 At the worksite

The utility owner must be consulted on precautions to be taken to avoid damage to the
utility and disruption of services to their users:
• Review drawings and documentation for the work to determine what utilities are
present at the worksite
• Use Dial Before You Dig (phone 1100) not more than 30 days before work begins
• Mark the position of known utilities at the worksite, using the information obtained
in the planning phase
• Arrange underground utility detection by the utility owner, or hire detection
equipment and use this to locate utilities
• Verify the position of utilities at the worksite and highlight on working
documentation any variations from locations originally specified in the
documentation received
• Advise designers, planners and utility owners of actual locations of utilities
(particularly underground) when variations are detected or alterations made
• Review SWMS and work practices, including emergency response and occurrence
reporting requirements
• Report any damage caused to the service, however slight, to the utility owner; in
the case of electricity cables, gas pipes or high pressure water mains, implement
emergency arrangements until the services have been made safe or repaired by
the utility owner
• Report and investigate occurrences, including near misses, to identify and correct
any deficiencies in safe working procedures
• Ensure reinstatement of safety devices and utility markers on completion of work
• Backfill exposed underground utilities in accordance with utility owners’

6 Working near underground services

6.1 Safe digging practices
Where a mechanical excavator is used near cables, the work must be conducted in a
way that prevents damage to the pipes or cables. All persons must be kept well clear of
the mechanical excavator while it is operating.
• Manual tools must be used near a pipe or cable:
− Spades and shovels with non-conductive handles should be used rather than
other tools

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− Star pickets and hand tools, particularly picks, should not be driven forcefully
into the ground. They should be eased in with gentle pressure
− Picks, pins or forks should be used with great care and only when it is
necessary to free lumps of stone or to break up hard layers of ground
− Picks should not be used in soft clay or other soft soils near underground
• Digging must be done alongside the service rather than above it
• Continued observation of service-locaters must be made to pinpoint the services
as the digging proceeds
• Any indication of the presence of services must be noted (eg marker tapes, marker
• Final exposure of the service, if required, must be done:
− Carefully by removing the spoil
− Using manual methods
− Digging in a horizontal, rather than a vertical, direction.

6.2 Exploratory boring practices

Where underground services might exist that have not been positively identified, before
penetrating sub-surface soils with tools or materials – such as in pile-driving, post
installation and boring operations – small-diameter exploratory pilot holes should be
made. These will assist in determining safe locations for the work to be performed.

Where underground electrical services are involved, these services should be de-
energised whenever possible beforehand.

When electrical services remain energised, use:

• Non-destructive penetration methods, such as hydro-excavation techniques
• Insulated tools, PPE and safety devices.

Where flammable gases or vapours may be released from underground utilities that
may be broached or where leaks may be present, non-sparking tools must be used and
all potential ignition sources removed from the area.

There is a no-smoking policy at all Roads and Maritime worksites. This includes
anywhere near excavations that may have gas pipes nearby (refer Roads and Maritime
procedure PN066P20: Smoke-free workplaces).

6.3 Types and uses of locating devices

Detectors must be used to locate cables and other underground service conduits. The
common types of cable detectors are:
• Metal detectors, which are more effective at locating flat metal objects, such as
metal covers and junction boxes, than detecting round cables and pipes
• Magnetic-field detectors, which determine current flow in live electrical cables
(these detectors do not detect live cables in which there is no flow of electrical

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current, eg cables to street lights during daytime, direct current cables, lightly
loaded low-voltage cables or well-balanced high-voltage cables)
• Radio frequency detectors, which identify low-frequency radio signals picked up
and re-emitted by cables and long metallic pipes
• Transmitter–receivers, which transmit signals along an underground service and
use a receiver to detect the utility service location; these devices require the utility
service to be uncovered at some point to connect the transmitter
• Ground penetrating radar, which can be used to locate cables and pipes beneath
layers of pavement and underlying material.

The accuracy of the information provided by detectors will depend on:

• The skill of the operator
• The correct detection device being used for the service that must be located
• The presence of other objects in the ground, including redundant utilities
• The proximity of separate services to each other, either horizontally or vertically.

7 Underground electricity cables

7.1 Locating underground electricity cables

Cable-locating devices must be used to determine the actual position of cables (despite
plans indicating cable locations), because:
• Plans may be inaccurate due to drafting errors, boundary changes or change of
scale during copying of the plans
• The positions of the reference points may have changed after the plan was drawn
• Re-grading or other movement of the surface may have altered the indicated
• Services may have shifted because of ground movement
• Service connectors may not be marked
• Underground services may not have been laid in straight runs
• Excess cable lengths may have been coiled near terminating points
• Although the position of services on plans indicates the centre-line of the service,
variations from the reference line may, in reality, exceed 1 metre.

If a cable marked on an electricity authority plan cannot be located, assistance must be

sought from that electricity authority to locate it.

7.2 Precautions for working near underground electricity cables

Where a mechanical excavator is used near cables, the work must be conducted in a
way that prevents damage to the cables, and all persons must be kept well clear of the
mechanical excavator while it is operating.

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Occasionally, cables are terminated in-ground by means of a seal and some

mechanical protection. Whenever found, these cables must be treated as ‘live’
(energised) until proven otherwise.

During the progress of work, a careful watch must be kept for evidence of further
cables. Repeated checks must be made using location devices to determine precisely
the position of any additional cables.

Where it is necessary to use power tools to break up concrete near electrical cables, a
SWMS must be developed and must cover the following:
• Clearly defining and marking areas where work can and cannot be undertaken
• De-energising all conductors before work begins
• Covering any exposed cable with heavy protection material to safeguard it from
tool penetration
• Using insulated power tools, which prevent electricity being conducted from the tip
of the tool to the operator
• Insulating all external conductive surfaces of the tool that the operator may contact
• Electrically earthing the power tool (advice from a qualified electrician should be
• Installing vertical insulation blankets and matting within excavations to prevent
conduction pathways between power tool operators and earth
• Training the operator in safe working procedures and methods
• Ensuring the operator wears effective, electrically-insulating footwear and PPE
• Ensuring that SWMS are followed, by closely supervising workers.

Electrical cables must not be used as hand-holds or foot-holds by anyone climbing into
or out of excavations.

All cables exposed for more than 1 metre must be supported.

Cables exposed within excavations must be protected from:

• Damage by sharp objects
• Access by unauthorised workers or members of the public.

Hard or sharp objects, such as stones, must not be tipped into excavations. Advice
from utility owners must be obtained on the type of backfill to be used and cable
markers and protective covering to be installed.

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8 Overhead electric lines

8.1 Approach distance
Electrical energy can transfer by direct contact with electric lines and by arcing
between electric lines and conductive materials, eg plant, tools and people. Safe
approach distances are calculated to manage the risk of electrocution resulting from
either direct contact or arcing.

The approach distance, sometimes called critical clearance distance (CCD), is the
minimum distance from an energised overhead electric line that should be maintained
by a person or an object held by or in contact with that person (including machinery,
operating plant and plant being transported on another vehicle).

The approach distance is greater for unauthorised persons (Zone A) than it is for
authorised persons (Zone B) (see Definitions). Approval from the electricity supply
authority is required to grant closer access to the electricity network (Zone C). (See
following diagram.)

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8.2 Assessing the approach distance

Before starting work, it is essential the height and voltage of the overhead electric lines
(and, if applicable, horizontal safety clearance for non-overhead cables) be assessed
at the site. The following diagram shows the distances that must be assessed:

Important: Being metallic, overhead electric lines expand when heated and contract
when cooled. This can be caused by changes in ambient air temperatures and
electrical current. An expansion will result in the electric lines sagging closer to the

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ground. Additionally, wind can make the electric lines swing from side to side (see the
following diagram). For these reasons the CCD should be increased by the amount of
sag or sway at the point of work and recalculated if atmospheric conditions change
throughout the course of the work.

To calculate the approach distance for the electric line:

1. Seek advice from the utility owner to determine the voltage of the electric line
(overhead power routes and inexperience make it difficult to determine the actual
voltage) and the surrounding clearance zone that is required:
a) 3 metres (≤132,000 volts)
b) 6 metres (>132,000 volts, but ≤330,000 volts)
c) 8 metres (>330,000 volts to 500,000 volts)
2. Determine the distance between each electric line and ground level at the closest
point of that electric line to the ground on the site (this may need to be
recalculated if hot weather is likely to affect the electric lines). Use the distance
measured of the electric line that is lowest in the next step as appropriate
3. Calculate the approach distance by subtracting the distance, in metres, of the
clearance zone (see step 1) for the electric line, as confirmed by the utility owner,
from the height, in metres, of the electric line above the ground (determined in step

For more details, refer to the Safe Work Australia General guide for working in the
vicinity of overhead and underground electric lines.

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8.3 Zone access

Zone A Zone B Zone C

Unauthorised persons Authorised persons Requires Electricity Supply
Persons without the relevant Persons who have successfully Authority approval
technical knowledge and completed a recognised training The no go zone around overhead
experience of electricity course relating to work near electric lines and associated
transmission and distribution overhead electric lines conducted electrical equipment
networks and associated by a registered training
electrical equipment and so will organisation and, as such, have
not be able to identify the the necessary technical
operating voltage of electric lines knowledge and skills to be able to
and recognise the dangers from identify the operating voltage of
overhead electric lines and electric lines and recognise the
associated electrical equipment dangers from overhead electric
lines and associated electrical
Applies to: Applies to: Applies to:
 Unauthorised persons  Authorised persons, with a  All parts of a person, hand
performing work in the vicinity safety observer, performing tools, equipment or other
of overhead electric lines, work in the vicinity of overhead materials held by them
including plant, hand tools, electric lines, including plant,  Cranes, vehicles or mobile
equipment or other material hand tools, equipment or other operating plant, including the
held by them material held by them load, controlling ropes and
 Cranes and their loads and  Cranes, their loads and mobile other accessories associated
mobile plant operated by an plant operated by an with the plant.
unauthorised person in the authorised person, with a
vicinity of overhead electric safety observer, in the vicinity
lines. of overhead electric lines.  Electricity turned off and tested
or the lines moved, if
Requirements: Requirements: reasonably practicable. This
 Use a risk assessment to  Approach distances based on will rule out the need for a no
decide whether a safety the results of a written risk go zone
observer is necessary. The assessment  If the electrical part is high
safety observer should monitor  Written safe system of work voltage, it must be earthed
work close to Zone B to based on the risk assessment
ensure no unauthorised  If electricity cannot practicably
and in consultation with the be turned off or the lines
workers, plant or equipment Electricity Supply Authority
enters Zone B. cannot be moved, a no go
about the proposed works zone applies
 Should comply with each work  No go zones apply whenever
condition imposed by the work is done or plant, like a tip
Electricity Supply Authority. truck, crane, elevating work
platform or a concrete
pumping truck, is operating
around energised overhead
electric lines and associated
electrical equipment
 No one must enter a no go
zone without written approval
from the Electricity Supply
 A written safe system of work
based on the risk assessment
and in consultation with the
Electricity Supply Authority
about the proposed works.

For more details, refer to the Safe Work Australia General guide for working in the
vicinity of overhead and underground electric lines.

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8.4 Approach distance for vehicles

The following table sets out approach distances for vehicles and mobile plant stowed
for transit, or with a design envelope up to and including 4.6 metres in height, that are
driven by or operated by people under overhead electric lines. The design envelope
varies, though it is generally between 4.3 to 4.6 metres in height.

Nominal phase to phase voltage (AC volts) Distance (m)

Low-voltage conductors up to 1000 volts 0.6
Above LV, up to and including 33,000 volts 0.9
Above 33,000 volts, up to and including 132,000 volts 2.1
Above 132,000 volts, up to and including 220,000 volts 2.9
330,000 volts 3.4
500,000 volts 4.4
Nominal pole to earth voltage (DC volts) Distance (m)
Up to and including +/- 1,500 volts 0.9

For more details, refer to the Safe Work Australia General guide for working in the
vicinity of overhead and underground electric lines.

8.5 Controls to prevent energy transfers from electric lines

The following specific controls apply to prevent energy transfers from overhead electric
• De-energise overhead electric lines before work begins wherever possible and if
the risk of energy transfer is high
• Observe required CCD restrictions that apply to energised electric lines
• Annotate vehicle management plans (VMPs) for the site and all drawings for the
work with required CCD restrictions and prevent any vehicle, plant or equipment
from entering the protection zone that may, in any operating configuration, exceed
the height restriction
• Review risk assessment of the hazards associated with overhead electric lines
whenever variations are made to ground levels, particularly where fills are
introduced to worksites or when weather conditions force changes that may not
have been reflected in VMPs.

Different approach distances apply for scaffolding work and work near low-voltage
overhead service lines. These distances are outlined in the Safe Work Australia
information sheet Scaffolding work near overhead electric lines and guide Working
near low voltage overhead electric lines near structures.

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8.6 Plant requirements near energised electric lines

The Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 requires that any work intended to be
conducted in proximity to energised overhead electric lines must not proceed without a
written risk assessment and a SWMS. These must comply with the requirements of the
electrical authority responsible for that infrastructure being developed and employed
(the network operator):
• All overhead electric lines must be treated as live (energised) unless the operator
of the crane or mobile plant has received an access authority or other form of
written certification to the contrary from the network operator
• Where plant must be operated near overhead services, a risk assessment focused
on clearance distance requirements must be undertaken
• Select plant that cannot exceed, in any operating configuration, the required
clearance distance restrictions applying to electric lines that coexist with the
• Install insulators and/or visual warning devices (‘tiger tails’) on electric lines that
co-exist with worksites (this does not mean that the CCD should be encroached)
• Install barriers or fencing to prevent access by plant, vehicles and equipment
below electric lines, or access by personnel within clearance zones for electric
lines that co-exist at worksites
• Where operations are conducted near overhead electric lines and other overhead
utilities, ensure a ‘qualified person’ is posted as a safety observer and has positive
communications with the plant or machinery operator
• Trucks with long tipping trays commonly come into contact with electric lines or
other overhead utilities when transiting sites with elevated trays. Procedures to
ensure such vehicles do not move from the dumping point until their trays are fully
lowered must be developed as part of the SWMS, addressed in VMPs and
communicated to operators entering the worksite
• Observers (or other safety measures) must be used to prevent tipping trucks from
moving from the tipping point before their trays are fully lowered and before they
encroach on clearance distances applying to overhead electrical services and
other utilities
• Ensure that cranes and similar high-reach plant are not permitted to operate
outside the constraints of VMPs
• Ensure warnings about the hazards of overhead electric lines are included in site-
specific induction training and that the control of the associated risks is included in
the site safety rules and SWMS
• All plant operating near energised electric lines must be fitted with electrical hazard
warning signs to remind operators of the danger from overhead electric lines
• Required clearance distances must take into account:
− The voltage carried by the electric lines
− Cable sagging (particularly when insulating sleeves are fitted)
− Cable displacement (swing) by wind force, etc
− The absolute peripheral dimensions of plant and vehicles in all of their various
operating modes and configurations (the design envelope)

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• Operators of plant and vehicles must be made aware that direct physical contact
does not have to be made with an overhead electric line for energy transfer to
occur. Dangers other than electrical energy transfer alone may arise from contact
with energised electric lines. These include plant and vehicle tyre explosions giving
rise to high-velocity projectiles.

8.7 Working inside safe approach distances for electric lines

No work is permitted within CCDs of energised electric lines, unless performed by
authorised persons 1 with a safety observer. They must both have successfully
completed the Working safely near live electrical apparatus training. There must also
be an applicable:
• Documented risk assessment

Where work is approved on energised electric lines within CCDs, the following
minimum conditions apply:
• All work within ‘near’ proximity must be done in accordance with the requirements
of the electrical network owner responsible for the utility concerned
• Onsite availability of, and full compliance of all work with:
− SafeWork NSW code of practice: Managing electrical risks in the workplace
− Safe Work Australia guide: Working in the vicinity of overhead and
underground electric lines.
• Compliance with the safe approach distances as set out in the guide Working in
the vicinity of overhead and underground electric lines. This guide specifies
different approach distances for:
− Authorised and unauthorised persons
− Plant and hand tools
• Conducting and documenting a risk assessment before work commences
• A safe system of work must be developed in consultation with the electrical
network operator
• Only persons trained and holding current qualifications as an ‘authorised person’
with a ‘safety observer’, who also hold current qualifications, are permitted to
undertake such work
• All cranes and plant are stable, properly labelled and signposted, and, together
with tools and other equipment, are effectively insulated
• All required insulation tests are certified and recorded in accordance with:
− SafeWork NSW code of practice: Managing electrical risks in the workplace
− Safe Work Australia guide: Working in the vicinity of overhead and
underground electric lines
− Relevant Australian Standards (see References).

See Definitions

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• All conditions of the code of practice applying to personnel, and the personnel
requirements of the operation, are fully complied with.

9 Gas pipes
9.1 General hazards
Underground pipelines may be used to carry natural gas or liquid petroleum gas (LPG).
LPG imposes greater risks than natural gas because it:
• Is heavier than air and does not disperse as readily as natural gas
• Can travel great distances below ground level, before accumulating at a low point.

Gas pipelines are normally located close to the ground surface.

Any hazardous chemical contained in an enclosed system (such as a pipe or piping

system, or a process or reactor vessel) also needs to be identified with a safety data
sheet (SDS) being made available. If gas pipelines are identified, the appropriate SDS
should be obtained from the utility owner.

9.2 Use of plant

Where a mechanical excavator is used near gas pipes, the work must be conducted in
a way that prevents damage to the pipelines. All persons must be kept well clear of the
mechanical excavator while it is operating.

Hand-held power tools may be used to break a paved or concrete surface above the
gas pipeline, provided the pipeline is not close to the surface that is to be broken up.

A mechanical excavator must not to be used within one metre of a gas pipeline.
However, if the utility owner requires greater safety clearance distances, these
distances should be adopted.

A mechanical excavator has a capacity not only to cause damage/leakage at the point
of impact, but it may also cause unseen damage further along the pipeline because of
displacement of the pipeline.

9.2.1 Plant crossing points

Where heavy plant is required to traverse the alignments of gas pipelines, it should
only do so at approved crossing points.

Crossing points should be kept to a minimum and should be clearly marked.

Crossing points must be appropriately reinforced where the cover provided by the
existing roadway does not adequately protect the pipeline.

9.2.2 Precautions for excavations

Where a gas pipeline is uncovered during an excavation, backfilling of the pipeline
must be carried out in accordance with the utility owner’s requirements.

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Since excavations can cause changes to the support provided by backfill of the
pipeline, the utility owner should be consulted and appropriate measures implemented
to divert it or to ensure its correct support.

No concrete or other hard material should be placed or left under or adjacent to a gas
pipe. Concrete backfill must only be used with the utility owner’s permission.

Where the uncovered gas pipe shows damage to its wrapping, the owner must be
notified. Gas pipeline repairs must not be carried out without the utility owner’s

9.2.3 Hazardous processes

If welding or other hot work involving a naked flame is to be carried out close to the gas
installation or pipes, and the presence of gas is suspected, the utility owner must be
asked to measure and confirm the safety of the atmosphere before the work begins.

Even if the atmosphere is gas-free, care should be taken to ensure that no damage
occurs to plastic pipes, particularly from heat, sparks or naked flames.

9.2.4 Prohibited work processes

The following activities must not be carried out near gas pipelines or above-ground gas
installations without the permission of the utility owner:
• Work involving explosives – within 30 metres
• Piling and vertical boring work – within 15 metres
• Excavation work using a mechanical excavator – within 1 metre.

9.2.5 Consultation with owner

If work is required close to a gas pipeline, a minimum of two business days’ notice of
intended activities near a pipeline must be given to the utility owner so they can consult
on the precautions necessary for the work to be undertaken safely and without damage
to the pipeline.

Plans must be obtained from the gas pipeline owners to locate and verify the position
of the pipelines on the site.

No mechanical excavation equipment may be used within 1 metre of the pipeline in any
direction, even after the pipeline location has been proven. An exception to this is when
the activity has been approved by, and is under explicit ‘on-site’ direction from, the
utility owner’s inspector.

Under no circumstances is mechanical excavation equipment to be used closer than

30 centimetres to the pipeline. Safe digging practices must be used, to minimise the
risk of damage to the pipeline or its coating.

If a gas leak is detected or suspected, the person in control of the site is to ensure that:
• No attempt is made to repair the leak
• All persons are removed from the vicinity of the leak
• Emergency services are immediately notified

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• Members of the public in adjacent buildings and locations are notified immediately
by the supervisor on site and advised to leave the vicinity
• All naked flames, including smoking and other sources of ignition, are extinguished
and prohibited.

Pipeline restraints or thrust blocks close to the gas pipeline must not be moved without
the owner’s permission.

10 Water pipes and sewers

When it is necessary to work near underground water pipes and sewers, the following
precautions must be taken:
• At bends in the water mains, where concrete thrust blocks have been used, the
blocks, and the ground supporting them, must not be disturbed under any
circumstance, as this can cause sudden failure of the mains. Exposed pipes
should be supported as necessary and the correct method of backfilling used
• If the pipeline or its wrapping is damaged, the utility owner, as well as owners of
other utilities that may be affected, must be notified immediately.

Rupture of underground water pipes and sewers may result in:

• Severe damage locally to the work area (particularly trenches) and other properties
through inundation, flooding or undermining
• Release of flammable gases, oxidising gases and – in some locations – hazardous
chemicals in the form of industrial waste
• Exposure of personnel to biological hazards.
Any hazardous chemical contained in an enclosed system (such as a pipe or piping
system, or a process or reactor vessel) also needs to be identified with an SDS being
made available. If sewage pipelines are identified, the appropriate SDS should be
obtained from the utilities owner.

The manager in control of the site is to develop an emergency response plan for the
worksite and train workers in the execution of this plan before work begins. If required
by the emergency response plan, PPE must be obtained and kept at the site, and
workers must be trained and drilled in its use. (See section 12.)

11 Telecommunications infrastructure and cables

Telecommunications infrastructure assets are commonly deployed along road corridors
and in some cases may be mounted on road structures, such as bridges and tunnel

Some telecommunications antennas may be sources of microwave or radio frequency

(RF) radiation and workers should be made aware of these potential energy sources.

The placement of such antennas and the extremely directional nature of their
emissions would normally preclude exposure by personnel and equipment to these
energy fields.

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Where a mechanical excavator is used near telecommunications cables, the work must
be conducted in a way that prevents damage to the cables. All persons must be kept
well clear of the mechanical excavator while it is operating.

While all underground cables are regarded as being electrically energised until proven
otherwise, communications cables require no special precautions to prevent danger to

The utility owner must be consulted on precautions to be taken to avoid damage to the
utility and disruption of services to their users.

The site risk assessment is to include the identification of the potential hazards and
their assessment.

Where elevated work is to be undertaken within 30 metres of telecommunications

infrastructure, the telecommunications utility owner must be consulted before work

Any safety measures that might be required to prevent personnel being exposed to
telecommunications hazards or to prevent interference to telecommunication services
must be determined and implemented.

Persons fitted with pacemakers and prosthetic implants must be precluded from
elevated work in proximity to these telecommunications antennas, as the prosthetics
may be heated or affected by exposure to the energy fields.

12 Emergency response

12.1 Striking above-ground or underground utilities

If an above-ground or underground utility is unintentionally uncovered, displaced or
struck in the course of work activities, all work in the vicinity must stop immediately.

If there is any risk of energy transfer the matter should be reported immediately to the
utility owner with a request to isolate the service.

Managers and supervisors must take immediate emergency response action to protect
persons at the site. This includes an 8-metre separation from any active electricity

Note that, under Section 37 of the WHS Act, the escape of gas from a gas main is a
‘dangerous incident’ and is thereby (under Section 35) a ‘notifiable incident’, meaning
that SafeWork NSW must be notified as soon as possible and site preservation
requirements come into effect.

That is, the site cannot be disturbed until a SafeWork inspector attends the site or
advises that site preservation can be lifted. Site preservation requirements do not
prevent actions being taken to make the site safe, such as the utility owner carrying out
emergency repair work.

The Roads and Maritime WHS reporting line must be contacted on 1300 131 469.

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Once the safety of the location is made good, managers and supervisors must ensure
a risk assessment is undertaken before any work proceeds. Safe work method
statements must be modified to include controls for any additional risks arising from
unintended contact with underground or above-ground services.

The risk assessment must be undertaken in consultation with employees involved in

the work and then implemented when the site is released from any SafeWork NSW

Expert advice must be sought from representatives of the utility owner on emergency
response measures, risk assessment and safe working methods.

12.2 Electrocution risk where plant strikes an electric line

If plant strikes an overhead, above-ground or underground electric line, an attempt
should be made to break the machinery’s contact with the electric line.

Section 37 of the WHS Act includes:

Serous risk to person’s health and safety emanating from an imminent or immediate
exposure to:
(e) electric shock

and is thereby (under Section 35) a ‘notifiable incident’, meaning that SafeWork NSW
must be notified as soon as possible and site preservation requirements come into

The Roads and Maritime WHS reporting line must be contacted on 1300 131 469.

If it is not possible to break contact with the electric line, the operator must remain
within the plant and not attempt to leave the cabin until the power has been
disconnected and the ‘all clear’ has been given (see note below).

All persons must be kept a minimum of 8 metres clear of the machine and the cable
until the utility provider has made the electric line safe.

Untrained, unequipped persons should not attempt to rescue a person receiving an

electric shock, as this may also result in injury to the person rendering assistance.

An operator should not attempt to jump clear of the machine, because simultaneous
contact with the machine and the ground will result in an energy transfer, possibly even
without a direct contact being made with the ground.

Only if an immediate evacuation of the plant cabin is essential (as in the case of a fire)
should an operator attempt to jump clear.

To minimise the risk of making simultaneous contact with the plant and the ground, this
should done by jumping well clear of the plant with their legs together and keeping their
legs as close together as possible with both feet in continuous contact with the ground
while shuffling away from the machine.

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Operators must be familiar with this technique and should practise it regularly.

13 Training
Workers must be trained in managing risks arising from the presence of above-ground,
overhead and underground services near workplaces and, in particular, developing and
using SWMS.

Site specific inductions must focus on the presence of overhead, above-ground and
underground services on the site, and their potential for energy transfer.

Additionally, procedures, controls and emergency response requirements for the

hazards present at the site, determined through risk assessment and SWMS
development, must be reinforced through toolbox training sessions.

Make sure information, training and instruction provided to workers is suitable for the
type of work being done by the worker, the associated risks and the control measures
used. Make sure workers are trained and have the necessary technical skills,
knowledge and competence to be authorised to work in Zone B (see section 8.3).

People who work closer than the approach distances specified in Zone C and safety
observers who observe the work in Zone B or closer than the specified distances in
Zone C must have successfully completed relevant training. This training is in addition
to the requirements for plant operators to be competent and, in the case of high-risk
plant, to hold a high risk work licence.

Safety observers must be competent to implement control measures in an emergency

and to rescue and resuscitate the worker who is carrying out the work, if necessary. A
safety observer must have been assessed in the previous 12 months as competent to
rescue and resuscitate a person.

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Roles and responsibilities

Role Responsibilities
Managers  Implement the requirements of this procedure
must:  Ensure all drawings have been obtained less than 30 days before work
 Ensure the position of above-ground, overhead and underground services
at the site, including redundant or disused utilities, is conspicuously
annotated on all plans for the worksite
 Verify the actual position of above-ground, overhead and underground
services at the site and advise designers of any variations from the
locations shown on plans
 Ensure workers undertaking the work receive information, instruction and
training in safe working procedures before any work begins
 Supervise work to ensure that SWMS are implemented at all stages
 Ensure ‘work as executed’ (WAE) plans are produced when any variation to
utilities occurs as a result of the work.
Surveyors  Determine during the pre-planning stage for the work what utilities co-exist
must: in the work area – this includes the presence of redundant or disused
 Mark services on the ground.
Project  Ensure that all utilities are conspicuously marked on a utility sheet within a
designers and set of drawings for the work and that all of these drawings are cross-
planners must: referenced to the utility sheet for the worksite, especially on copies of
drawings provided to the field
 Amend records to reflect any variations to the location of utilities determined
and to record actual location details accurately on completion of work
 Advise utility owners when variations to the location of their utilities have
been detected or not previously charted.
Workers must:  Participate in training
 Work in compliance with the SWMS that is applicable to the job.
WHS Branch  Facilitate implementation of the above-ground, overhead and underground
must: services procedure
 Monitor worksites for the proper implementation of this procedure.

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Term Definition
Authorised person A person who has successfully completed a recognised training
course relating to work near overhead electric lines conducted by a
registered training organisation and, as such, has the necessary
technical knowledge and skills to be able to identify the operating
voltage of electric lines and recognise the dangers from overhead
electric lines and associated electrical equipment.
Clearance zone The safety protection zone surrounding energised electric lines
prescribed to prevent energy transfers between the electric line and
conductive pathways to earth. This zone varies in diameter
depending on the voltage of the electric line it applies to.
CCD Critical clearance distance – the distance from the outside perimeter
of the imposed clearance zone of an electric line to ground level.
Control A measure planned to manage the risk from a hazardous event..
Controls include any process, policy, device, practice, or other
actions that modify risk. Controls are selected from the ‘hierarchy of
Hierarchy of controls If a hazard cannot be eliminated, suitable controls are identified by
moving down the hierarchy from Eliminate to PPE, as follows:
The most effective control measure involves eliminating the hazard
and associated risk. If the hazard cannot be eliminated, then
eliminate as many of the risks associated with the hazard as
Substitute the hazard with something safer. This may not remove all
of the hazards associated with the process or activity and may
introduce different hazards, but the overall harm or health effects
will be lessened.
Isolating the hazard involves physically separating the source of
harm from people by distance or by using barriers, eg restricting
access to plant and equipment, or locking chemicals away under
strict controls.
An engineering control is a control measure that is physical in
nature, including a mechanical device or process. This involves
redesigning a process to place a barrier between the person and
the hazard or to remove the hazard from the person.
Administrative controls are work methods or procedures designed to
minimise exposure to a hazard. They can include adopting standard
operating procedures or safe work method statements (SWMS), or
providing appropriate training, instruction or information to reduce
the potential for harm and/or adverse health effects.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes safety gloves,
protective eyewear/earmuffs, hard hats, aprons, safety footwear and
dust masks. These are designed to reduce exposure to the hazard.
PPE is the last line of defence and is used in conjunction with one
or more of the other control measures.
Manager A person responsible for planning and directing the work of a worker
or group of workers, monitoring their work, and taking corrective

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Term Definition
Occurrence A series of events and conditions that results in, or has the potential
to result in, a non-trivial amount of injury or damage. An occurrence
that could have resulted in damage or injury but did not is generally
referred to as a near-miss.
Qualified person A trained person with technical knowledge and / or sufficient
experience who has been approved to perform the duty performed,
or has the delegated authority to act on behalf of a network operator
(utility owner).
Safety observer An accredited person competent for the task and specifically
assigned the duty of observing and warning against unsafe
approach to electrical apparatus or other unsafe conditions and not
assigned any other duties whilst acting as a safety observer.
Unauthorised person Any person who does not have the relevant technical knowledge
and experience of electricity transmission and distribution networks
and associated electrical equipment and so will not be able to
identify the operating voltage of electric lines and recognise the
dangers from overhead electric lines and associated electrical
VMP Vehicle management plan.
Worker Any person who carries out work in any capacity at a Roads and
Maritime workplace including Roads and Maritime employees
(including labour hire, apprentices and trainees); professional
services contractors and consultants; contractors, subcontractors
and their employees; outworkers; students gaining work experience;
and volunteers.

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Roads and Maritime references
Doc no Title
PN066P02 Procedure WHS risk management
PN066P11 Procedure Safe work method statements
PN066P12 Procedure Excavation
PN066P20 Procedure Smoke-free workplaces

External references
Title Source Type
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Legislation
Work Health and Safety Regulation Legislation
Electricity Supply (General) Legislation
Regulation 2001
Electricity Supply (General) Legislation
Amendment (Infrastructure
Protection) Regulation 2010
Managing electrical risks in the SafeWork NSW Code of practice
Excavation work Safe Work Australia Code of practice
Tunnels under construction SafeWork NSW Code of practice
Work near overhead power lines SafeWork NSW Code of practice
Working in the vicinity of overhead Safe Work Australia Guide
and underground electric lines
Working near low voltage overhead Safe Work Australia Guide
electric lines near structures
Work near underground assets SafeWork NSW Guide
Scaffolding work near overhead Safe Work Australia Information sheet
electric lines
National guidelines for safe SAI Global Handbook
approach distances to electrical
and mechanical apparatus
AS 2885.0-2008: Pipelines – SAI Global Australian
General Requirements Standard
AS 2885.3-2001: Pipelines – Gas SAI Global Australian
and Liquid Petroleum – Operation Standard
and Maintenance

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Title Source Type

AS 2885.1-2007: Pipelines – Gas SAI Global Australian
and Liquid Petroleum – Design and Standard

Document control
Owner WHS Risk Manager
Approval General Manager Work Health and Safety
File name procedure-pn066p16.pdf
Online location Home (  Safety  Work Health & Safety 
OneRMS safety management system  Procedures, forms and guidance
Objective ID A13984894
Publication n RMS 17.114
Template Objective ID: A10508605
Objective label: WHS procedure template

Change history
Issue Date Description of change
2.2 1/9/2017 Updated following WHS Regulation 2017 superseding WHS Regulation 2011. No
other changes.
2.1 2/2/2017  Reformatted to current WHS procedure template
 Updated definitions
 Updated references, codes of practice and guides
 Rewrote sections 6.1–6.4 (and parts of the remainder of s6) based on changes
in the recently updated SWA code of practice and associated guide
 Removed out-of-date and irrelevant material
2.0 5/3/2013 No change history available

Contact WHS Branch with feedback on this document at: [email protected]

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