Toys Assigment

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The goal of a personal story is to:

describe social situations that are difficult for your child,

increase his understanding of this situation,
provide suggestions about how to behave, and
give your child some perspective or understanding on the thoughts, emotions, and
behaviours of others.

It is best to use a personal story when your child is calm and focused, not when the challenging
situation is actually happening. Try reading and talking about the story daily (perhaps at the
beginning of the day) so that your child is able to really understand.

Educational Toys for Children with ADHD

Old-fashioned Ways to Inspire Children
Ten Things to Know Before Buying Educational Toys
Childhood Development and Toys
Educational Toys-Children Learn While Having Fun
Guide to Choosing Educational Toys for Children
Science Toys are Educational Toys
What Toys Did Cavemen Kids Play With?


Playing is important to children. It is the way they practice growing up. Toys
are the tools children use in play. Toys can be purchased, or they may be as
simple as kitchen pan lids or paper sack puppets. Anything children can play with safely can be a toy.
In fact, you may have watched infants open presents and noticed that they spent more time playing
with the ribbon and wrapping than with the toy inside.

Try to remember two or three of your favorite toys. Were they ones you created yourself or ones
someone made for you?

Toys can be divided into several groups, depending on the part of the child it helps to develop.

* Toys for physical or muscle development such as wagons, bikes, boxes, puzzles, blocks, brooms,
and shovels.
* Toys for sensory (touch, sight, sound, taste, smell) development such as water toys, musical
instruments, bubbles, play dough, and sand toys.
* Toys for make-believe and social development such as dolls, dress-up clothes, cars, trucks, games,
and books.
* Toys for creative and intellectual development such as clay, crayons, paints, books, paper, and

A ready supply of art materials is a great child development tool.

Sometimes toys fit into more than one category. A wagon can help develop children's muscles and
also be used as the "ambulance" in a hospital game. Children need a balance of toys from each of
these groups to ensure their whole development.


Children need to have direct experience with the world in order to make sense of and learn about it.
Have you ever thought about all the things children learn after they are born? They learn how to talk,
sit up, walk, and run. They learn what things are and how they work. They learn about people and
the world. They learn all of these things by playing with toys.
For example, babies are not born knowing about gravity. They
do not know that anything dropped will fall to the floor. They
learn this, by playing with toys. Infants may accidentally let go
of a rattle and notice that it falls to the floor. When you give it
back, they may deliberately drop it to see if it falls again. Sure
enough, it hits the floor! They enjoy the game "drop the toy"
for as long as you are willing to play. Soon everything in their
grasp becomes a toy for dropping - bottles, spoons, balls, and
even bowls of food. They practice this "experiment" and play
this game with everything they touch. They understand about
gravity because they have actually experienced it with their
Children's Factory toys.
Toddler Baby Blocks

Toys are important for other reasons, too. Children exercise their muscles with toys. Next time you
see children rocking horses or riding bikes, notice the muscles they are using.

Think of the coordination and balance they practice when they climb to the top of the jungle gym or
the muscle control they develop when they put one more block on the tower without it falling down.
All these necessary skills are developed easily through toys.

Toys also invite children to create and use their imaginations. Give an empty cardboard box to a child
and watch all the things it becomes - a train, house, or cage at the zoo. Children start many play
times with "Let's pretend..." and toys encourage this.

Children gain self-confidence as they play with toys. As children master their toys - as they finish a
puzzle, ride a trike, or blow a bubble - they develop a sense of power. They say, "I can do this. Look
at me." As a caregiver, you often may find children want to show you what they can do with their
toys. It is important to recognize their accomplishments. When an adult pays attention to children's
play, they feel worthwhile and gain self-confidence. Their self-concepts grow stronger.

Along with building self-esteem, toys can be the basis for friendships. Toys like teeter-totters only
work when children cooperate. Projects like building sand castles go faster with friends.

Children often talk more easily to one another over toys. Playing with toys in a group helps children
discover how others think and feel and what brings approval or disapproval. They learn what happens
when they share the truck they are playing with or when they refuse to share and the truck is taken
from them.

With toys, children can use energy and discover emotions. Children have lots of energy. It may not
be okay for them to use their energy to jump on the bed, but it is almost always okay for them to use
it to ride a trike or bike. Toys also are useful as a way to deal with working through emotional conflict
or anger. Splashing water or pounding play dough can help children release tension.


Children and caregivers sometimes use television as a toy. In fact, studies show that children watch
an average of 30 hours of television a week, and many people feel that is too much.

The time children spend watching television is passive time. It is time that children could be using to
do something active. Remember how children need to be actively involved with real things in order to
develop their muscles and their minds? This usually does not happen with television.

A moderate amount of television can lead to fun learning experiences for children. The secret is to
balance television time with other activities and to help children get the most out of that television
time. There are several ways to do this.

* Check with children's parents to see if there are any family rules about how much television the
children can watch or what programs they are allowed to view. Always follow these rules.
* As a caregiver, do not use the television set to do the caring for you. You need to pay attention to
the children and spend time with them. This can mean talking about what is real and what is pretend;
explain how stunts are done; or ask about their reactions to what they see. Even a 3-year-old can
discuss simple ideas about television programs. This helps them participate in what they are watching
instead of being inactive.

How Much TV Is Too Much For Your Toddler?



Some toys are better choices for children than others. When children come to you and say, "I don't
have anything to do!", you can help them choose a toy or game. But, what makes a toy a good

First, look at the children themselves. How old are they? What interests do they have? What do they
like to do? Judge an idea that you have for a toy by asking:

* Is it safe? In the ages and stages to follow we will discuss what safety means for a particular age.
Always keep in mind that any toy can be unsafe if it is misused. For example, roller skates are unsafe
if they are worn to go up and down stairs. Toys that are safe for one age may be unsafe for a
younger age. As a caregiver, you need to make sure a 6-year-old's marbles cannot be reached by a
* Does it capture the child's interest? Is it attractive? Children automatically play with a good toy;
they do not have to be forced or tricked into it. Toys that can be used in a variety of ways keep
children's interest longer than those with only one use. Will they think the toy is fun? Is the toy
appropriate for their age and abilities?
* Can the child use it alone or is another person needed? Children need to have both kinds of toys.
* What kind of activities will it encourage? If you want to settle children down, books or puzzles are
better choices than balls

Once you and the child have selected a toy, there are five simple "rules of play" to be aware of as a

1. Watch children without interrupting their play and make-believe games. Observe their interests
and skill levels. What toys are their favorites? Why? Once you and the child have selected a toy,
there are five simple "rules of play" to be aware of as a caregiver.

2. Ask children to tell you about what they are doing. Do not judge their projects.

3. Join in and play at the child's level. Let the child lead. If you try to add ideas too quickly, it might
confuse the child and disappoint you.

4. After playing for awhile at the child's pace, introduce a slightly more difficult stage of play. For
example, if a child can build a tower of five blocks, encourage him or her to try seven. Show the child
how to use cars with the blocks by making the tower a garage.

5. Watch again to see if and how the child explores this new way to use a toy. After children learn to
do something new by themselves, you can get involved again and suggest another new activity.

People who study children's play have found that when caregivers play with them and slightly expand
on what the children are doing, the quality of the play improves. Children learn more from playing
and enjoy it more. As you read the following suggestions on toys for different ages, remember, there
are no perfect lists of toys. Also, remember that it is important to choose toys based on a child's
particular age and interests.


Infants need bright-colored toys of many textures. They should be washable, non-breakable, and
have no sharp edges that might cut or scratch. Toys should be large enough so they cannot be
swallowed and they should have no small attached pieces (like eyes on a stuffed animal or bells on a
shaker) that could be pulled off and swallowed. At this age, babies put everything into their mouths
as part of exploring their worlds. Any toy they are given must be safe when used in this way.

Infants are interested in looking at toys, touching them with their hands and mouth, fitting pieces of
things together and making sense of their worlds. Choose toys for them to look at, feel, chew on,
hold, and drop. As infants begin to walk or crawl, they also will be interested in push-pull toys and
balls. Appropriate infants toys include: rattles, squeak toys, blocks, crib mobiles, stacking toys and
rings, push-pull toys, stuffed animals or dolls, nested boxes or cups, books with rhymes, simple
picture books, noise making toys, small soft toys for throwing, strings of beads (large, plastic), and
music-making toys.

How you can help

1. Be understanding when you play with infants. Play with them for short periods of time so they will
not get overly excited. Babies do not understand or enjoy teasing. For example, when they reach for
a toy, let them get it instead of dangling it then snatching it away. Teasing frustrates babies and may
make them cry.

2. Play "pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo" and simple games with infants.

3. Let babies play with your fingers and hair.


Toddlers are active and enjoy climbing, running, and jumping.

They need toys to meet these needs. They also are interested
in doing things with their hands as the small muscles in their
fingers become more developed. However, toys for this age
group should be simple and require little coordination. During
this period, toddlers become interested in playing with others
and in imitating grown-up activities. Toys like dress-up clothes
are great for this!

As a caregiver, be careful about imposing sex stereotypes on

toddlers' toy choices. Boys will sometimes show interest in
dolls or want to be "the mommy." Girls may want trucks or to
be "Superman." That is okay. This exploration is normal and
necessary for them to learn about the world.

Toddlers also are interested in sensory materials such as paint, play dough, crayons, and chalk. They
usually are not interested in drawing or painting a specific object. They like to scribble and mix colors.
When talking to young children about their creations, it is better to say "Tell me about your picture,"
rather than "What is it?"

Let them explore with art.

Toddler's still put toys in their mouths, so you will need to watch for objects with small parts. Also,
watch out for items, such as paint and chalk, as toddlers think it is great fun to eat these! Toys
should be sturdy and should not have sharp edges or points. Toddlers enjoy balloons, but caregivers
should be careful to keep uninflated or broken balloons out of reach. A child could suffocate if these
are swallowed.

Appropriate Toddler Toys

push-pull toys
pedal toys
truck/cars big enough to ride
balls and bean bags
balloons (with close supervision) swings
climbing structures
books with simple stories
peg boards
creative materials (crayons, playdough, paint)
water play toys
simple dress-up clothes
dolls and stuffed animals

How you can help

1. Play pretend games with children. For example, create a traffic jam with the toy cars they use.
Make believe you are animals like kittens, dogs, or horses.

2. Play tag, bounce, or catch with balls or bean bags.

3. Play follow-the-leader or design a toddler-size obstacle course.

4. Let children imitate your activities such as sweeping the floor.


This is a dramatic and creative age. Many conversations between

preschool-age friends start with "Let's pretend...." Children become
social. They become interested in playing with each other instead of
preferring to play alone. Many toys become props for cooperative

Preschool-age children also are interested in active physical play. They

have more control of their muscles at this age and this can be seen in
the move from a tricycle to a two-wheel bike. Preschoolers also are
increasingly curious about the world around them. They enjoy realistic
toys such as farm and animal sets, grocery store prop boxes, model
cars, and trains.

As hand coordination increases, so does the child's interest in simple

construction sets and more difficult puzzles. They can manage more
difficult creative projects, and enjoy cutting and simple sewing projects, in addition to the paint and
play dough of earlier stages. Since children at this age also are busy learning to read and write, give
them play equipment that encourages these interests.

You may notice that preschool children play with many of the same toys as toddlers, but do so in
different ways. As a caregiver, encourage them to be creative and to experiment. There are fewer
safety concerns in this stage, but sharp or cutting toys and electrical toys are still too dangerous.

Appropriate Toys for Preschoolers

farm and community play sets
transportation vehicles of all types
simple construction toys
creative materials
books and records
wheel toys
simple musical instruments
climbing structures
prop boxes
water play toys
cognitive games
dress-up clothes
housekeeping props
dolls and stuffed animals
character toys

Puppets make it easy to play pretend. Puppet show scripts starting at $3.95.

How you can help

1. Get a book on puppets from your local library, and make or help the child make a puppet. Then act
out a scene.

2. Act out fairy tales or other children's stories. *The Three Bears*, *The Three Billy Goats Gruff*,
and *Caps for Sale* are good starting stories for this.

3. Reverse roles with the child. Let him or her pretend to be the caregiver and you pretend to be the

4. Preschool children enjoy card games like Concentration and Go Fish. They also enjoy board games
such as Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. Remember, do not place too much emphasis on winning.
At this age doing is still more important than winning.


This is the age that children start collections or hobbies. Toys occupy less time for this age group
because children spend more and more time playing with friends in groups. Early school-age children
start to show more awareness of sex role stereotypes, that is, what girls and boys are supposed to
do. Often girls play with girls and boys with boys. Girls may play with dolls as "babies" and pretend
they are doing "real" housekeeping. Often boys enjoy electric trains and construction sets. Encourage
children to change these stereotypes. Boys can play with dolls and be happy, if they feel it is okay for
them to do so.

School opens a whole new world for early school-age children. They begin to make use of reading
and writing skills, as well as their improved muscle control. They can do many things for themselves
now; they previously needed your help with reading stories, doing more complicated, creative, and
craft projects, and acting out stories by themselves. Your role may be "behind the scenes" or as a
member of an audience more often than as a participant.

This is the age of active games. Ball games, biking, swimming, and hiking are popular with this
group. There also is an increased interest in table games that require two or more players. These
include games that use simple number skills and increased coordination, such as dominoes, jacks, or

Appropriate Toys for Early School Age Children

board games
electric trains (UL approved)
construction sets
science kits
craft kits
larger bicycles
prop boxes and costumes
fashion and career dolls
doll house and furniture
jump ropes
art materials of all kinds
work bench with real tools
roller and ice skates

How you can help

1. Play games with children and help them practice sport activities that interest them.

2. Play table games with children. Remember that early school-age children tend to take rules

3. Ask children about their toys and play. "Tell me about it," and "What did it feel like?" are good
questions. Show an interest in their hobbies and collections.

4. Children this age feel big and important when they can do things with you. Let them be a real part
of what you are doing. Be careful not to do things for them that they can do themselves.



1. Ask your mother and father about what toys you liked as a child. Did you have a favorite
household item to play with? How did you play with your toys? Do you still have any of those favorite

2. One complaint that people have about television is that children want everything they see in
commercials. Think about what you would do if a child asked you for a toy that was too advanced for
him or her.

3. Make a card file of activities that children can do indoors to use their energy. What are acceptable
physically active games for indoors? What quiet activities might you do with each particular age?

4. Make a kit of homemade toys that you can take with you as a caregiver. Read the suggested books
in the resource section for ideas or get a book on homemade toys from your public library.

5. Observe children watching television. Think about ways you could help them participate in what
they are watching. How could you help make their television watching a valuable experience?

6. Make a poster or a display to show your club what you have learned about toy safety, toy-making,
or toy selection.

Puppets are more than just fun!

Puppets are fun for children to play with but did you also know they can support a childs

Posted on December 1, 2014 by Kendra Moyses, Michigan State University Extension

Puppets help support a childs development. | MSU Extension

Puppets are fun for children to play with but did you also know they can support a childs
development? Puppets can help children pay attention and encourage imaginative play. They
are also a great way to help children learn new skills and concepts.

Puppets dont have to be expensive to be fun and help children learn. Homemade puppets can
be made of just about anything and can be simple or complex. Playing with puppets can

Social skills: Playing with puppets can help increase communication and social skills as
children practice interacting with the puppet. Children can also use puppets to interact with
other children.
Emotional development: Children can use the puppet to talk about how they are feeling to
others, or they can use the puppet as a friend to talk with.
Confidence in reading and speaking: Using a puppet can help give children practice reading
or speaking as they perform these activities as the puppet.
Encouraging creativity: Using puppets, children can invent stories, songs and much more!
Small and large motor skills: Puppets encourage children to use both small and large motor
skills to make and use their puppets.

There are so many opportunities to use puppets in everyday routines and activities to help
children learn and have fun! Here are a few ideas on using puppets:

Reading: Children can make character puppets from their favorite book, practice reading to
their puppet or have their puppet tell the story.
Playtime: Children can put on puppet shows, use puppets to act out their own stories or
play games such as Simon Says and I Spy with the puppet as the leader.
Car rides: Puppets are a great way to keep children entertained while riding in the car
because they can show the puppet everything they are seeing or use the puppet to sing
songs, tell stories or play games.
For more articles on child development, academic success, parenting and life skill
development, please visit the Michigan State University Extension website.

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information,
visit To have a digest of information delivered straight to your
email inbox, visit To contact an expert in your area,
visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).
Explore How Children Learn from Hand Puppet Play
Hand Puppets are a natural and fun extension of the pretend play that young children engage
in so readily. With a little encouragement from you, hand puppets will help your children
develop some important learning skills. Hand Puppet play is imaginative and open-ended and
equally freeing for adults. Let your child take the lead and youll be amazed at where you will
go together.

Communication and Social Skills

Hand Puppets are an ideal springboard for developing speaking and listening skills.
Children often communicate more easily with puppets, giving them confidence to express
their ideas and feelings
Shy children can become acquainted with others through the roles they take on
Children are free to try on new personalities and take them off again, with a puppet on their
hand, broadening their own in the process.
Scary animal hand puppets like lions and sharks or shy ones such as a tortoise can help
children master uncomfortable feelings
Puppet play provides an opportunity to gain some control over their world by working out
fears and frustrations.

Creative Skills

Hand Puppet play helps young children develop creative skills by forcing them to use their
imaginations. They make up the roles, the rules, the situations and the solutions.
It is through imaginative play that children come to understand the differences between
fantasy and
The real world becomes more real to children who have opportunities to pretend.

Don't forget the Puppet Theatre

Half the fun of putting on a puppet play comes in planning the performance. But the final
result requires a way to let kids showcase their creation. Whether you fashion one out bed
sheets or purchase one ready made, a puppet theatre is a must!

Creating a puppet show as a family is a wonderful way to help kids learn to work as part of a
group and strengthen family ties at the same time.

The first game was "snake and ladder". It was a board game. My siblings and I used to play
this board game at night before our bedtime. We used to squabble and cheat each other while
playing this game. Sometimes, my parents were so fed up with us for bickering while we
were playing that we were banned from playing it for a few nights. LOL.
Let me try to explain to you how we play this board game.

The objective of the game is to reach the end of the board game which is the square box
contains the number 100. This is done by navigating the numbered boxes which sometimes
being helped by a ladder but being hindered by a snake.

Besides the board game, you need a dice, and some "token or counters" to represent you on
the board. The token can be anything but must be different from each other. This game must
be played by at least two person.

The ladder in the board game means that you can "jump" from certain position to another,
whereas if you land on a snake mouth, it means that you will be "swallowed down" to another
box. Each player started on box 1. Each player takes turn by throwing the dice. The number
on dice indicated on how many steps each player had to take on the board. We used to cheat
each other by deliberately "skipping" certain boxed numbers especially if we know that we
are going to land on the mouth of the snake.
The second game that I used to play was "congkak". It must
be played with two players sitting opposite each other. It is a mental calculation game. In
"congkak" there would be 14 holes; 7 on each player's side, and 2 holes which we call
"home" for each player.

Let me try explain to you how to play congkak. The rules seem to be a little bit complicated ,
though actually they are not.

To play congkak, you need the congkak board (sometimes we just made the board by digging
the lawn, hehehe, which made my Mom mad) and some marbles or pebbles or seeds.

Each player needs to control the 7 holes on their side and owns the "home" on their left side.
Each holes have to be filled with 7 marbles except for "homes" which should remain empty.
We would take turn to remove all pieces from our side by distributing all the pieces to each
holes clockwise including the "home" except for the opponent's "home".

Both opponents need to start the game simultaneously. If the last marbles falls into an
occupied hole (hole with marbles in it), then all the marbles would be removed and be
distributed into other holes as before.
If the last narbles falls into an empty hole on our side, we could "captured" all marbles of our
opponent that directly opposite of that hole. To "capture" opponent's marbles, we have to at
least go through our "home" first.

If the last marble falls into our home, we earn another turn, of which we can start from which
ever hole we want from our side.

If the last marble falls into an empty hole on our opponent side, we would lose our turn.

A player needs to "pass" his/her turn to play when ever if (s)he has no marble on his/her side
of the board.

The game ends when there is no marble left on each side of the board. The game won by a
player that has the highest number of marbles in his/her "home".

This game is testing individual mental calculation as well as focus. Because, believed me, if
lose focus and cannot count, you would be cheated by an opponent. LOL. That what I used to
do. Hehehe, by skipping of dropping a marble in a hole. We cheated each other by doing that,
and which bickering and squabbling ensured.

I missed those moments and those games. Nowadays, kids are playing with their tabs, iPads
and laptop. Even though most of the times we squabbled and bickered with each other, but
those moments were the best. Hehehe... this reminiscent really made me feel like a Granny.

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