Kebijakan Dan Manajemen Strategi Rehabilitasi Hutan Rawa Gambut Terdegradasi

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(Policies and Management Strategies for Rehabilitation of

Degraded Peat Swamp Forest)

Agustinus P. Tampubolon 1)


Rehabilitation of degraded peat swamp forest, especially the failed Mega Rice Project (MRP) in Central
Kalimantan, is urgently needed in order to restore its economic and ecological functions. Several policies and
management strategies of the rehabilitation have to be decided with considering political, ecosystem, socioeconomic,
cultural and institutional aspects which are in line with Minister of Forestry Decree No.20/Kpts-II/2001 and
Forest Rehabilitation's ITTO Guidelines. Several policies are addressed covering long run forestry investment,
community-based and adaptive forest management approach, alleviation of the poor, forest rehabilitation based on
watershed management and forestry decentralization. Three principal management strategies, namely forest
restoration of degraded primary forest, management of secondary forest and rehabilitation of degraded forest land
and several management strategies of peat swamp forest rehabilitation within the failed MRP are described.

Keywords: Peat swamp forest, forest degradation, forest rehabilitation policy, management strategy.

Rehabilitasi hutan rawa gambut terdegradasi, khususnya ex-Proyek Lahan Gambut (PLG)
Sejuta Hektar di Kalimantan Tengah sangat dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki fungsi ekonomi dan
ekologi hutan yang rusak. Beberapa kebijakan dan manajemen strategi rehabilitasi harus diputuskan
dengan memperhatikan aspek politik, ekosistem, sosil ekonomi, budaya dan kelembagaan yang
sejalan dengan Keputusan Menhut No. 20/Kpts-II/2001 dan Pedoman ITTO tentang Rehabilitasi
Hutan. Beberapa kebijakan dikemukakan meliputi investasi kehutanan jangka panjang, pendekatan
pengelolaan hutan berbasis masyarakat dan adaptif, pengentasan penduduk miskin, rehabilitasi
hutan berbasis pengelolaan DAS dan desentralisasi kehutanan. Tiga manajemen strategi utama,
yakni restorasi hutan primer terdegradasi, pengelolaan hutan sekunder dan rehabilitasi lahan hutan
yang terdegradasi beberapa manajemen strategi rehabilitasi hutan rawa gambut ex-PLG diuraikan
dalam tulisan ini.

Kata kunci:Hutan rawa gambut, degradasi hutan, kebijakan rehabilitasi hutan, manajemen strategi.

Staf Pusat Litbang Hasil Hutan.

Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan Kehutanan
Vol. 4 No. 1, Maret 2007 : 31 - 38


Indonesian forest has been exploited intensively within the last three decades in
order to provide wood for forest industries and domestic consumption. Both production
forests and conservation forests have been so severely damaged due to excessive forest
harvesting and illegal logging followed by uncontrolled forest conversion, forest land
encroachment, shifting cultivation and forest fires. The rate of the forest degradation
increased sharply from 1995 up to now due to large forest conversion and reformation
euphoria. The rate of forest degradation between 1998 - 2003 in Indonesia has been so
alarming, which reached about 2.83 million hectares per year. Up to 2002, some 59.7
million hectares of Indonesian forest had been degraded, while further 42.1 million
hectares of land are in the states of critical condition. In this regard, lack of control
and weak law enforcement contributed to forest degradation (Departemen Kehutanan,
Indonesian peat swamp forest was also subject to forest degradation. The fact is
that deforestation has also been occurring more and more on the fragile peat swamp
forest ecosystem (Daryono, 2000; Sjarkowi, 2001). It was mainly caused by excessive
logging, as happened in dryland forest, to fulfill expansive forest industry and forest
conversion to agricultural use. One of the most degraded peat swamp forest located
in Central Kalimantan. The forest ecosystem was extremely destroyed through Mega
Rice Project that consisted of 1 million hectares of peatland reclamation.
As peat swamp forest can serve many functions for people prosperity and
high quality environment, the Government of Indonesia pays attention to rehabilitate
the degraded peat swamp forest. Apart from the rehabilitation activities, the sustainable
peat swamp forest is very important to address so that the continual flow of forest
products and forest services can be achieved.
The objective of the paper is to provide several policies and management strategies
in rehabilitating degraded peat swamp forest especially former Mega Rice Project area in
Central Kalimantan.


The peat swamp forest that occurs in lowland and humid areas has many economic
and ecological functions. It can provide several commercial timber species (e.g. ramin,
Gonystylus bancanus) and non-timber products, such as damar (from Agathis sp.) and latex
(from Dyera lowii), The ecological function of this forest can serve as carbon storage,
water retention, water supply, climate stabilization, maintenance biodiversity and flooding
control (Rieley, 2001).
International concern is now focused upon the Indonesian peat swamp forest
as a major store of carbon which can partly reduce greenhouse gas effect and climate
change. Central Kalimantan peat swamp forest, for example, may contain 2,500 tons
C/ha, compared with 1,200 tons C/ha in average for peatland globally (Jaya, 2001). The
amount of carbon stored in this ecosystem is approximately one third of the total

Kebijakan dan Manajemen Strategi Rehabilitasi . . .
Agustinus P. Tampubolon

carbon stored in global peatland. The accumulation rates of soil organic carbon in
Indonesian peat swamp forest varied from 59 to 145 gC/m2/yr compared with 8 to 100 g
C/m2/yr in temperate and boreal areas (Jaya, 2001).
There are over 38 million hectares of tropical peatland globally, of which some
20 million hectares (52%) occur in Indonesia (Radjagukguk, 2001). Most of the peatland in
Indonesia is situated at low altitude in the coastal and subcoastal lowlands
of Papua, Kalimantan and Sumatera, and small amount is located in Java, Halmahera
and Sulawesi (Sumawinata, 2000).
Tropical lowland peat soil is a marginal land. The soil is characterized by a very
low pH (3-4), low chemical fertility, very low bulk density, a high porosity, a very high
water holding capacity, and tendency to subside upon drainage and cultivation
(Radjagukguk, 2001). After drainage and land clearing, a rapid subsidence of the peat
layers occurs. In the early stage of reclamation, subsidence may occur at the rate
50-60 cm per year, subsequently slowing down to 2-5 cm per year. If the soil is
drained and cultivated intensively, the oxidation will occur and some toxic elements will
be exposed to the soil surface and therefore harmful to the plants. In the dry
season, the soil is then susceptible to the fire. Fire will destroy the soil and burn out its
vegetation. The soil shrinks and never revert to the initial condition (irreversible)
(Radjagukguk, 2001).
The degradation of peat swamp forest in Indonesia took place since the 1970s
as a result of uncontrolled and illegal logging, forest conversion for agricultural land
and crop estates, transmigration settlements and wildfires (Daryono, 2000). For
example, the execution of Mega Rice Project (MRP) in Central Kalimantan and forest
conversion into agricultural land associated with transmigration settlement in Riau and
Jambi caused detrimental effect on peat swamp forest ecosystem. Regarding wildfires,
the El Nino phenomenon in 1997 has burnt out 1.45 million hectares of the forest (Page et
al. 2000 in Muhammad and Rieley, 2001).
It can be said that the worst peat swamp forest degradation in Indonesia
occurred when the MRP was executed for rice's self- sufficiency reason (Mulyanto, 2000).
The MRP was initiated in 1995 by the Presidential Decree No.82 with aim of converting
one million hectares of the forest into rice fields (Tim Ad Hoc Penanganan Eks
Proyek PLG, 2005). The project is located in 3 Districts, namely Barito Selatan,
Kuala Kapuas and Palangkaraya. Approximately, 4,000 km of drainage and irrigation
channels were developed in the respective area into 2 years and then hundreds of
transmigrants were sent to the area. Unfortunately, the project was failed and ceased
in 1999 as a result of technical failure, lack of understanding of appropriate land use
and socio-economic and cultural aspects of both local people and settlers and peak
economic crisis (Mulyanto, 2000).


In order to formulate policies on rehabilitation of degraded peat swamp forest, we

should consider policy priorities of Ministry of Forestry. In other words, the

Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan Kehutanan
Vol. 4 No. 1, Maret 2007 : 31 - 38

rehabilitation policies should be in line with the forestry policy priorities. Minister of
Forestry has already declared Decree No.SK.456/Menhut-VII/2004 concerning five
policy priorities of forestry sector, as follows:
1. Elimination illegal logging in state forest and illegal trading;
2. Revitalization of forestry sector, especially forest industry;
3. Rehabilitation and conservation of forest resources;
4. Empowerment of community economy who live in the forest and around the forest;
5. Promoting sustainable forest management through the establishment of Forest
Management Unit.
The five policy priorities are aimed to achieve good forestry governance and
social forestry with considering the actual condition of forest resources and the
application of sustainable development principles. In this regard, rehabilitation and
conservation have important role in order to achieve forest perpetuity and people
prosperity. Even though these activities are costly, the successful rehabilitation
schemes will improve the human's life and environment quality. Before conducting
the activities, policy formulation should be properly conducted and forest
degradation should be clearly defined (ITTO, 2002).
Degraded peat swamp forest was less accommodated in forest policy in the
past compared to the dryland forest. There was a lack of policies regulating and
encouraging its rehabilitation and management. Obviously, there has been more evident
indicating that the peat swamp forest ecosystem provides a lot of intangible and
tangible benefits. The lack of a policy focusing on the forest is caused by several
factors, namely lack of information on the extent and values of the forest resources,
inadequate knowledge on ecology, silviculture and rehabilitation technology, low political
priority and constraint of financial resources. These factors can be said as constraints to
conduct rehabilitation activities.
Due to huge peat swamp forest degradation caused by failed Mega Rice Project
in Central Kalimantan, wildfire and unsuccessful forest conversion for transmigration
settlements in Riau and Jambi, Ministry of Forestry has considered the importance
of rehabilitating the degraded peat swamp forest. Budgets were allocated to the
districts that have degraded forest area in the scheme of National Movement on Forest
and Land Rehabilitation.
Besides the budget, Ministry of Forestry also facilitated the rehabilitation
activities through provision of regulations. One of the regulations is Minister of Forestry
Decree No. 20/Kpts-II/2001 concerning General Pattern, Standard and Criteria of
Forest and Land Rehabilitation (Departemen Kehutanan, 2000). This decree considered
political, ecosystem, social, cultural and institutional aspects. The implementation of
the rehabilitation, in this context, should follow precondition phase and action phase. The
forest and land rehabilitation system consists of object, technology and institution
components that were arranged in matrix of criteria and indicators. In that matrix, three
components are set up in management functions (planning, organizing, implementing
and controlling) and elements of the components (planning unit, tenure, function (for
forest area); human resources, organization, authority, work relationship (for institution);
and technology, public role and incentive/disincentive.

Kebijakan dan Manajemen Strategi Rehabilitasi . . .
Agustinus P. Tampubolon

In order to rehabilitate degraded peat swamp forest, several policies can be

addressed, as follows:
1. rehabilitation is valued as a long time forestry investment that can guarantee continual
flow of forest goods and services;
2. rehabilitation is conducted through community-based forest management and
adaptive management approach that can attain commitment, community
involvement and participation;
3. rehabilitation should make valuable contributions to rural livelihoods, particularly
those of the poor;
4. policy intervention on forest rehabilitation is needed to some extent in order to
increase the attractiveness of the rehabilitation and profitability of forest
5. rehabilitation should be conducted in watershed management unit basis;
6. rehabilitation should be in line with forest decentralization with applying effective
forest governance (ITTO, 2002).


Management strategies in forest rehabilitation aim to enhance the functionality of

degraded forest. They should be based on a sound analysis of the general social,
economic, institutional and ecological context. The rehabilitation is conducted on
landscape scale based on specific local conditions. In general terms, management
strategies for degraded forest aim to regain ecosystem integrity and to enhance human
Based on the level of forest degradation, there are three principal management
strategies, namely forest restoration; management of secondary forests; and rehabilitation
of degraded forest land (ITTO, 2002). The three management strategies should be
implemented in Indonesia with considering the magnitude of forest degradation, socio-
economic and institutional aspects. Forest restoration is the principal management
strategy applied to degraded primary forest. Secondary forests are managed for multiple
purpose, such as producing timber, firewood, non timber forest products and water.
Options may include management for wood and non-wood forest products and the
provision of environmental services. The rehabilitation of degraded forest land is
required at sites where mismanagement has led to total replacement of forest.
In formulating the management strategies of rehabilitation of degraded peat
swamp forest, we should consider several socio-cultural aspects, as follows, existing land
use system; value system of local people and migrants; community organization;
cost/benefits sharing; right to use and to process; empowerment of local people
institution; the status of traditional knowledge; social equity and gender awareness
(ITTO, 2002).
Economic and institutional aspects have very strong influence on deciding the
management strategies of degraded peat swamp forest. It consists of the causes of forest
degradation; local and national interests; incentive systems; existing organization;
monitoring process; and production/marketing of timber and non timber products.

Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan Kehutanan
Vol. 4 No. 1, Maret 2007 : 31 - 38

The ecological aspects should be considered in formulating management

strategies. They consist of landscape approach; site-specific condition; productive and
protective functions; water, soil and climate factors; biodiversity; status of
traditional/appropriate technology; and resource optimization.
The following we propose some management strategies for rehabilitation of peat
swamp forest areas within the MRP in Central Kalimantan:
1. Management objectives of forest restoration, secondary forest management and
rehabilitation of degraded peat swamp forest should be clearly decided. In this
context, the objectives can be conservation, timber production, multiple forest use or
site improvement.
2. Degraded primary peat swamp forest can be managed for wood production or
multiple-use whereas secondary peat swamp forest can be managed as part of an
agroforestry system or as a high-forest production system;
3. Degraded peat swamp forest land can be managed with introducing lightly managed
plantings in order to catalyze natural forest succession or planting trees under
4. Clear forest and land resource use rights must be provided to the local people as far as
those rights can support sustainable forest management and rehabilitation activities;
5. Local communities and stakeholders are asked to participate and share the
responsibility for decision-making in planning and implementing restoration,
management and rehabilitation strategies;
6. The local people are allowed to capture the benefits from rehabilitation activities;
7. Market and non-market costs and benefits are needed to be shared by all stakeholders;
8. Indigenous knowledge should be used in the rehabilitation activities;
9. The management of degraded and secondary forests should be based on sound
ecological and silvicultural knowledge;
10. Soil characteristics are needed to be maintained and improved to guarantee efficient
stand restoration and rehabilitation;
11. Economic and financial viability is essential for the restoration, rehabilitation and
management of degraded forest;
12. Applied research is essential to guide adaptive management and silviculture
Besides the above recommendations, we should adopt Sjarkowi's (2001)
suggestions in avoiding social entropy (negative social changes) in forest rehabilitation
process and facilitating adequate instruments, such as SDP (Spatial Development Plan),
RDP (Regional Development Plan), CDP (Community Development Plan), IDP
(Institutional Development Plan) and BDP (Business Development Plan) for the
implementation of rehabilitation activities.

Kebijakan dan Manajemen Strategi Rehabilitasi . . .
Agustinus P. Tampubolon


A. Conclusions

1. The formulation of policies in rehabilitating degraded peat swamp forest, especially

the failed Mega Rice Project in Central Kalimantan, can be done with exploring
substances of Minister of Forestry Decree No.20/Kpts-II/2001 concerning General
Pattern, Standard and Criteria of Forest and Land Rehabilitation and Forest
Rehabilitation's ITTO Guidelines.
2. The policies cover: (i). forest rehabilitation is valued as a long time forestry investment;
(ii). forest rehabilitation adopts community-based forest management and adaptive
management approach; (iii). forest rehabilitation has benefits for rural livelihoods; (iv).
government intervention is needed to increase the attractiveness and profitability of
forest rehabilitation; (v). forest rehabilitation is based on watershed management; (vi).
forest rehabilitation fits with forest decentralization.
3. Based on the level of forest degradation, there are three principal management
strategies, namely forest restoration of degraded primary forest, management of
secondary forest and rehabilitation of degraded forest land.
4. Twelve management strategies of peat swamp forest rehabilitation are needed
covering clear management objectives, recommended silviculture techniques based on
sound ecological knowledge and applied research outputs, promoting indigenous
knowledge, local people participation and rights, capturing benefits for local people
and creating economic and financial viability of the rehabilitation.

B. Recommendations

1. Dominant government role in rehabilitating failed Mega Rice Project in Central

Kalimantan through National Movement on Forest and Land Rehabilitation scheme
should be transformed into local people initiatives with improving capacity building
and adaptive management system.
2. Government should provide adequate incentives and technical assistance to the local
people so that rehabilitation activities become attractive and profitable.


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