550kV Isolater Type Test Report

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Test Report

Type and description :GW□-550/J4000-63 type Double Column Horizontal Pantograph

Outdoor AC High Voltage Disconnector

Assigned by: Xi’an XD High Voltage Apparatus Co., ltd

Type of test: Type test

China National High Voltage Apparatus Quality Supervision and Inspection Center

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High Voltage Apparatus Research Institute
High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High No.07535
Voltage Apparatus Research Institute
Test report
Page 1, 15 pages in total

Contents Pages

Front cover 3
Catalogue 4
Summarize 5
Results of test 6
High voltage disconnector auxiliary main parts technology data 7
Circuit resistance measurement 8
Rising temperature test 9
Rising temperature points schematic 10
Mechanism characteristic、 Mechanism operation test 11-14
Mechanism life test 15
Dynamic thermal stability test expectations
Dynamic thermal stability test
High Voltage Test lab of
Xi’an High Voltage
Apparatus Research
Test report Page 2, 15 pages in
Institute total
Type of test Type test
GW□-550/J4000-63 type Double Column Horizontal Pantograph Outdoor
Type and description
AC High Voltage Disconnector
Assigned by Xi’an XD High Voltage Apparatus Co., ltd
Manufacturer Xi’an XD High Voltage Apparatus Co., ltd
Ex-factory date and No. 2007-07, 003
Ex-factory date and No. /
According to the
Rated voltage kV 550 mechanism life
Circuit resistance
Rated current A 4000
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated short-time withstand current kA 63
ratings of Rated peak withstand current kA 160
tested object Rated short-circuit duration (disconnectors) s 3
specified by Rated short time power frequency withstand voltage kV 680
the Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 1550
manufacture Rated short time power frequency withstand voltage
(breaks) kV
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (breaks) kV 1550+315
Rated operation impulse withstand voltage kV 1175
Rated operation impulse withstand voltage (breaks) kV 1050+450

Technical OKA.520.305 GW□-550/4000 type Double Column Horizontal Pantograph Outdoor AC High
documents Voltage Disconnector technological specification
that the
assigning OKA.194.436 GW□-550/4000 type Double Column Horizontal Pantograph Outdoor AC High
party Voltage Disconnector appraisal program of trial production
OKA.102.311 GW□-550/4000 type Double Column Horizontal Pantograph Outdoor AC High
that his tested
Voltage Disconnector and motor operation outside view
object meets

Representative of the assigning party: Wang Meng
Date of test : From Sep 17st 2007 to Feb 2nd 2008

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High No.07535

Voltage Apparatus Research Institute
Test report
Page 3, 15 pages in total

Result of test

Assigned by: Xi’an XD High Voltage Apparatus Co., ltd

Type of tested object: GW□-550/4000 type
Test Name: Double Column Horizontal Pantograph Outdoor AC High Voltage Disconnector
Manufacturer: Xi’an XD High Voltage Apparatus Co., ltd
Implementation of the test program :
Circuit resistance measurement [ ≤120 μΩ]
Rising temperature test [1.1×4000A]
Mechanism characteristic, mechanism operation test
Mechanism life test [disconnector : 3s 63kA 160kA (peak)]
[earthing switch : 3s 63kA 160kA (peak)]

Testing based on :
GB 1985-2004 high voltage AC disconnector and earthing switch
The result of the tested items complies with related specification of standard and the corresponding
performance of the tested object is satisfactory.
Prepared: Liu Yan Checked: Examined: Wangyun Approved :
Date: July 10 2008 Date: July 10 2008 Date: July 10th 2008 Date : July 10th 2008
th th

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High No.07535

Voltage Apparatus Research Institute
Test report
Page 4, 15 pages in total

High voltage disconnector auxiliary main parts technology data

1- -Operation mechanism
Full type CJ□S motor operation mechanism
Control voltage V DC 220
Rated power frequency W 1000
Control motor voltage V AC 380
Rated output torque N·m 2260
Ex-factory date 2007-07
Ex-factory No. 169
Manufacturer Xi’an XD High Voltage Apparatus Co., ltd

2- -Earthing switch
Full type (With disconnector)
Rated voltage kV 550
Rated peak withstand current kA 160
Rated short time withstand current kA 63
Rated short time withstand current duration s 3
Matched operation mechanism type, name CJ□S motor operation mechanism
Ex-factory date /
Ex-factory No. /
Manufacturer /

3- - Insulator (Supporting insulator/operation insulator)

Height mm 4400
Overall bending load kN 10/1.5
Overall torsional strength kN·m 10/4
Creepage distance mm 13750
Xi’an XD High Voltage Electromagnetism Apparatus
Co., ltd
High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High No.07535
Voltage Apparatus Research Institute
Test report
Page 5, 15 pages in total

Circuit resistance measurement

Circuit resistance (μΩ)

A. Main circuit resistance before and after the rising temperature test (μΩ) Date: Feb 2nd 2008

Before rising After rising Technical

Measuring position Standard
temperature test temperature test conditions

Total 116 117 ≤120 Before and after the

rising temperature test,

the resistance changes
≤ not more than 20%


Measuring position Standard

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High No.07535
Voltage Apparatus Research Institute
Test report
Page 6, 15 pages in total

Rising temperature test

Date :Feb 2nd 2008
Test current A 1.1 × 4000 Current frequency : 50Hz
Contact pressure N / Wind speed: not more than 0.5m/s
Connecting busbar Copper Head 2.0 End 2.0 m, Standard : (120×10)×3 mm×mm

Actual rising temperature data K

Measuring position
Ambient temperature 10.7℃ Ambient temperature /℃ temperature Note
name or number
permission K
Connecting to
1 38.1 / /
2 38.6 / 65
3 44.9 / 75
4 49.4 / 65
5 58.8 / 65
6 59.5 / 75
7 56.1 / / Conductor
8 54.4 / 75
9 47.3 / 75
10 52.4 / / Conductor
Connecting to
11 32.2 / /
12 29.7 / 65
13 28.3 / 75
14 38.2 / 75
15 38.3 / 75
16 50.4 / 75
17 49.8 / 75

Note : Measuring position number and thermocouple measuring position is shown in schematic.
According to the clients, testing current is 1.1 time than rated current.

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High No.07535
Voltage Apparatus Research Institute Test report Page 8, 15 pages in total

Disconnector mechanism characteristic, Mechanism operation test

Date: Dec 27th 2007 / Jan 4th 2008
1. Mechanism characteristic test
Actual data
No. Name of project Before life test After life test
Breaks open distance
5 ≧4200 5200 5200
To earth insulate
6 ≧3800 4000 4000
distance mm
Circuit resistance
7 ≦120 118 117
2. Mechanism operation test
Before and after the disconnector mechanism life test, with the highest voltage, motor operates closing, opening 5
times each, the result is normal.
Before and after the disconnector mechanism life test, with the lowest voltage, motor operates closing, opening 5
times each, the result is normal.

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High Voltage No.07535

Apparatus Research Institute Test report Page 9, 15 pages in total

Disconnector mechanism life test

Date: Dec 27th 2007 —Jan 4th 2008

1.Test conditions
1 Test mounting means Fixed in horizontal type
2 Test operation linkage limit single pole
3 Each test circle the product is not adjusted and tighten Satisfied
4 Switch contact spring pressure /
5 Operation frequency 2 times / min

2 Mechanism life test operation times

Required operation total times : 3000 times
Total times circle number : 3

Times Conditions

Continuous handling times in the circle 1000

Operation Motor Rated eclectic(gas, hydraulic) pressure 900 Normal
times operation Lowest electric(gas,hydraulic)pressure 50 Normal
mechanism Highest electric(gas,hydraulic)pressure 50 Normal
Continuous handling times in the circle 1000

Operation 900 900 Normal
circle 900
times 50 50 Normal
50 50 Normal
Continuous handling times in the circle 1000

Operation 900 Rated eclectic(gas, hydraulic) pressure 900 Normal
times 50 Lowest electric(gas,hydraulic)pressure 50 Normal
50 Highest electric(gas,hydraulic)pressure 50 Normal

3. In the middle and after the test conditions

1 Whether all parts appear bad influence on operation No

Whether has damages on porcelain insulator and mucilage binding
2 No
become loosened
3 Whether contact cladding material disrobe copper No

Note : Testing, press 50% rated static mechanical load equals 1000N at terminals
High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an No. 07535
High Voltage Apparatus Test Report
Research Institute Page 10, 15pages in total

Dynamic thermal stability experiment content, line, condition and expected value

Short circuit current kA Short

Test item Test Test
Test position Test method Test line circuit Note
times voltage kV Virtual value
Peak duration s

Reduced pressure
Dynamic thermal
Disconnector 1 experiment DWS001 63 160 3

Reduced pressure
Dynamic thermal
Disconnector 1 experiment DWS001 63 160 3

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an No. 07535
High Voltage Apparatus Test Report
Research Institute Page 11, 15pages in total

Single phase dynamic thermal stability experiment

Test date : Sep 17th 2007

Frequency: 50Hz

Oscillogram Current peak Current effective

Test content Objects Current duration s Test conditions
No. kA value kA
271794-1 Disconnector 160 57.5 0.3 Normal

Test condition before: New

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an No. 07535
High Voltage Apparatus Test Report
Research Institute Page 12, 15pages in total

Single phase dynamic thermal stability experiment

Test date : Oct 24th 2007

Frequency: 50Hz

Oscillogram Current peak Current effective

Test content Objects Current duration s Test conditions
No. kA value kA

Thermal arrest 272471-2 Disconnector 120 51.8 4.9 Normal

Test condition before: Not repair

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an No. 07535
High Voltage Apparatus Test Report
Research Institute Page 13, 15pages in total

Single phase dynamic thermal stability experiment

Test date : Jan 3rd 2008

Frequency: 50Hz

Oscillogram Current peak Current effective

Test content Objects Current duration s Test conditions
No. kA value kA

Thermal arrest 280015-2 Disconnector 94.0 51.4 3.1 Normal

Test condition before: Not repair

High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an No. 07535
High Voltage Apparatus Test Report
Research Institute Page 14, 15pages in total

Single phase dynamic thermal stability experiment

Test date : Jan 22nd 2008

Frequency: 50Hz

Oscillogram Current peak Current effective

Test content Objects Current duration s Test conditions
No. kA value kA
280170-2 Disconnector 162 51.3 0.3 Normal
Test condition before: Not repaire
High Voltage Test lab of Xi’an High No.07535
Voltage Apparatus Research Institute
Test report
Page15, 15 pages in total


1, Test object photo

1 page in total

2, Circuit diagram


3, The typical Porto

271794-1 272471-2 280015-2 280170-2

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