Distribution Class Surge Arrestor

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The document outlines the various certification tests performed on the UltraSIL polymer-housed Evolution surge arrester to verify it meets IEEE performance standards.

18 design tests were performed including insulation withstand, discharge voltage characteristics, accelerated aging, contamination, seal integrity, salt fog exposure, weather aging, water immersion, and high humidity testing.

The arrester met all performance requirements across all tests, with less than 20% change in key measurements like power loss and partial discharge after tests like water immersion and high humidity.

E No.

: None File Ref: 235-99

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UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Evolution

Distribution Class Surge Arrester
Certified Test Report

September 2008 • New Issue © 2008 Cooper US, Inc.

E No.: None File Ref: 235-99
CP No.: CP0804 Page: 2 of 15

UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Evolution

Distribution-Class Surge Arrester


Statements made and data shown are, the best of our knowledge and belief,
correct and within the usual limits of commercial testing practice.

Jeff Kester Mike Ramarge

Arrester Engineering Manager Chief Engineer
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This test report certifies that the UltraSIL polymer-housed Evolution surge arrester was successfully
tested to IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard ”IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for
Alternating Current Power Circuits".

To demonstrate the UltraSIL polymer-housed Evolution surge arrester meets all performance

The following design tests were performed on a sufficient number of samples to demonstrate all
performance requirements are met.

A. Insulation Withstand……………… ....................Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para.
B. Discharge Voltage Current Characteristics.......Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.3
C. Discharge Voltage Time Characteristics...........Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para.
D. Accelerated Aging Procedure…………… .........Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.5
E. High Current, Short Duration……………….......Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.12
F. Low Current, Long Duration… ..........................Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.13.2
G. Duty Cycle……………………………… .............Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.14
H. Internal Ionization and RIV……………… ..........Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.10
I. Short Circuit Test………………… .....................Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.18
J. Disconnector Test…………………… ................Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.21
K. Contamination Test…………………… ..............Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.8
L. Temporary Overvoltage (TOV)………...............Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.15
M. Accelerated Aging Tests of External Polymeric
Insulating Systems…………………… ...............Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.6
N. Seal Integrity…………………………… .............Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.9
O. 1000 Hours Accelerated Aging Test with Exposure
to Salt Fog……………………… ........................Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.7 &
Per IEC 60099-4, Para. Edition 2004-05
P. 5000 Hours Weather Aging Test… ...................Per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Annex C &
Per IEC 60099-4, Para. Edition 2004-05
Q. Water Immersion Test……………………………Per IEEE C62.11-2005, Para. 8.22 &
Per IEC 60099-4, Para. 10.8.13 Edition 2004-05
R. High Humidity Test……………………………… Per Cooper Power Systems Internal
Specification 5A1-340-1

The UltraSIL polymer-housed Evolution surge arresters met all performance requirements.
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To verify that assembled insulating members OBJECTIVE
of the arrester withstand impulse and power
frequency voltage tests in accordance with IEEE To determine maximum discharge voltage
Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. characteristics of the arrester at 1.5, 3, 5, 10, 20
and 40 kA crest in accordance with IEEE Std
PROCEDURE C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.3.1.
• New clean arrester housings of several PROCEDURE
ratings, including the longest and highest
stressed designs were assembled over • Sample arresters were impulsed using an
insulator cores. The samples were mounted 8 x 20 µs wave shape at 1.5, 3, 5, 10, 20
in several configurations, including short and and 40 kA crest.
long insulating hangers with and without • The discharge voltage crest was measured.
NEMA brackets and base mountings. Test
samples were subjected to positive and RESULTS
negative 1.2 x 50 µs voltage impulses to
Maximum discharge voltages were establish
obtain insulation withstand levels. Test
in accordance with standards and are provided
voltages were determined by multiplying the
in Chart 1.
maximum discharge voltage for a 20 kA 8/20
µs current impulse by a factor of 1.42.
• A 60 Hertz voltage equal to 1.5 x MCOV
was applied between the arrester ground
terminal and the grounded NEMA bracket
while the hanger bracket was wet for 10
seconds. This test was performed on all
available hanger models.

Arrester samples met the requirements of the
Insulation Withstand Test by demonstrating no
evidence of flashovers.
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OBJECTIVE To verify Kc and KR ratios of the arresters in
To obtain the front-of-wave protective level accordance with IEEE Std C62.11-2005™
of the arrester based on an impulse that results standard, Para. 8.5.
in a discharge voltage cresting in 0.5 µs in KC = MCOV Ration
accordance with IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ KR = Duty Cycle Ratio
standard, Para. 8.3.2.
These ratios were determined to calculate the
PROCEDURE test values of MCOV and duty cycle voltages
used during testing.
• A classifying current of 10 kA for heavy
duty/riser pole was used to determine the PROCEDURE
equivalent front-of-wave protective level.
• The arresters were impulsed using front • MOV valve elements were placed in an oven
times of 8 µs, 2µs and 1µs. at 115°C and energized at MCOV for 1,000
• The maximum discharge voltage and the hours.
time to voltage crest were measured. • The watts loss was measured at the MCOV
• The voltage/time measurements were and duty cycle voltage levels within two to
plotted on linear voltage versus log time five hours after the start of the test.
paper and the maximum voltage at 0.5 µs • The watts loss was measured at 1,000
was determined and recorded. hours at MCOV and duty cycle voltage
Watts Loss @ 1,000 Hrs @ MCOV
Front-of-wave protective levels were KC =
establish in accordance with standards and are Watts Loss @ 2 − 5Hrs @ MCOV
provided in Chart 1.
. Watts Loss @ 1,000 Hrs @ Rated Voltage
KR =
Watts Loss @ 2 − 5Hrs @ Rated Voltage

If KCand KR ≤1, then KC and KR are equal to 1.

MOV disks met requirements of the
Accelerated Aging Procedure by demonstrating
KC and KR < 1, which is in accordance with
IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.5.
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To demonstrate that arresters meet the high- To demonstrate that arresters meet the low-
current, short-duration requirements in current, long-duration requirements in
accordance with IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ accordance with IEEE Std C62.11-2005™
standard, Para. 8.12. standard, Para. 8.13.2.
• Three 10 kV rated equivalent thermal • Three 10kV rated equivalent thermal
sections, with isolators, were used for this sections, with isolators were used for this
test. test.
• Each sample was impulsed with a 100 kA • Each sample was impulsed with a 10 kA
(heavy duty/riser pole) crest current wave (heavy duty and riser pole) crest, 8 x 20 µs
with a wave shape of 4 x 10 µs. wave and the discharge voltage measured.
• The samples were allowed to cool to • Each sample was impulsed using a 250 amp
ambient temperature. (heavy duty/riser pole) by 2,000 µs square
• Each sample was impulsed a second time. wave six times, once every 50 to 60
• Within five minutes following the second seconds. The samples were allowed to cool
impulse, the samples were energized at the to room temperature. This procedure was
thermal recovery voltage per IEEE Std repeated two more times.
C62.11-2005™ standard, paragraph 7.2.2 • Immediately after the 18th shot, the samples
(MCOV x KW x KC) for 30 minutes to verify were placed into an oven until they
thermal recovery. stabilized at 60°C.
• The samples were inspected after testing to • The samples were removed from the oven
make sure that there was not any physical and impulsed two more times.
damage. • Immediately after the 20th shot, the samples
were energized at the thermal recovery
RESULTS voltage per IEEE Std C62.11-2005™
Arrester samples met the requirements of the standard, paragraph 7.2.2 (MCOV x KW x
High-Current, Short-Duration test (HCSD) by KC) for 30 minutes minimum to verify
demonstrating the ability to handle two 100kA thermal recovery.
impulses and undergoing thermal recovery with • Each sample was impulsed with a 10 kA
no physical damage. (heavy duty/riser pole) crest 8 x 20 µs wave
. and the discharge voltage measured. The
discharge voltage was compared to the
discharge voltage taken prior to the low-
current, long-duration testing to make sure
that it did not vary by more than +10%.
• The samples were inspected after testing to
assure that no physical damage occurred.
Arrester samples met the requirements of
the Low-Current, Long-Duration test (LCLD) by
demonstrating the ability to handle 20 impulses,
undergoing thermal recovery, demonstrating
<10% change in discharge voltage with no
physical damage.
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To demonstrate arresters meet the duty cycle To verify that arresters do not generate
requirements in accordance with IEEE Std unacceptable levels of internal ionization current
C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.14. or RIV noise in accordance with IEEE Std
C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.8.
• Three 10 kV prorated equivalent thermal
sections, with isolators were used for this • A 1.05 x MCOV power frequency voltage
test. was applied across the line and ground
• Each sample was impulsed with a 10 kA terminals of arresters with different voltage
(heavy duty/riser pole) crest, 8 x 20 µs wave ratings.
and the discharge voltage measured. • RIV and ionization voltage measurements
• Each sample was energized at KR times the were taken at 1.0M Hertz.
duty cycle voltage (KR=1), for the duration of
time needed to allow 20 impulses. RESULTS
• Each sample was impulsed with a 10 kA The arrester samples met the requirements
(heavy duty/Riserpole) crest surge of 8 x 20 of the RIV test by demonstrating ionization
µs wave shape. voltages much lower than 10 µV.
• The impulse occurred at approximately 60°
before the crest on the power frequency wave. NOTE: All production arresters are 100%
• Each sample was impulsed once every 50 to tested for RIV noise using a partial
60 seconds for 20 consecutive impulses. discharge tester (Pd < 5pC).
• After the 20th impulse, the samples were
de-energized and placed into an oven until
they stabilized at 60°C.
• Each sample was removed from the oven
and immediately energized at the thermal
recovery voltage per IEEE Std C62.11-
2005™ standard, paragraph 7.2.2 (MCOV x
KW x KC) and impulsed twice more at a 40
kA crest within one minute.
• Samples remained energized at the thermal
recovery voltage for 30 minutes minimum to
verify thermal recovery.
• Each sample was impulsed with a 10 kA
(heavy duty/riser pole) crest 8 x 20 µs wave
and the discharge voltage measured. The
discharge voltage was compared to the
discharge voltage taken prior to duty cycle to
make sure that it did not vary by more than
± 10%.
• The samples were inspected after testing to
assure that no physical damage occurred.
The arrester samples met the requirements of the
Duty Cycle Test withstanding 22 impulses,
demonstrating thermal recovery with <10% change in
discharge voltage and no physical damage.
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To verify that failed arresters are able to To verify that the disconnector can withstand,
conduct fault current without violent without operation, the arrester design tests and
disintegration in accordance with IEEE Std provide a current-time characteristic operating
C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.18. curve, in accordance with IEEE Std C62.11-
2005™ standard, Para. 8.21.
• The tests were performed on a 36kV
samples with a polyester-insulating hanger. • The arrester samples in all the electrical
• The arresters were pre-failed by thermally tests, including the following tests, were
overloading the MOV disks using excessive performed with disconnectors attached:
power frequency voltage.
1---High Current, Short Duration (Test E)
• The following test currents were applied to 2---Low Current, Long Duration (Test F)
the arresters: 3---Duty Cycle (Test G)
4---Contamination Test (Test K)
Fault Current Fault Current
Amplitude Duration 5---TOV (Test L)
(kA rms) (cylces) 6---Seal Integrity Test (Test N)
0.6 120 • A disconnector time-current curve was
20.0 10
established using five samples at current
RESULTS levels of 20, 80, 200, and 800 amps rms, as
shown in Graph 2.
Arrester samples met the requirements of the
Short-Circuit Test without ejecting any internal RESULTS
components. The disconnector samples met the
requirements of the Disconnector Test by
demonstrating the arrester electrical tests did
not cause disconnector operation within the
disconnector time-current curve.
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To demonstrate the ability of the arresters to To verify what levels of 60 cycle temporary
withstand the electrical stresses caused by overvoltage the arresters survive in accordance
contamination on the housing, in accordance with IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para.
with IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.15.
• Each sample was impulsed with a 10 kA
• Arrester samples were energized for a (heavy duty/riser pole) crest, 8 x 20 µs wave
minimum of one hour at MCOV. and the discharge voltage measured.
• The watts loss at MCOV was measured at • Samples were preheated to 60°C.
the end of the hour. • Each sample was removed from the oven
• The samples were de-energized. Within 13 and immediately energized at the
minutes, a 400-500 ΩcM slurry was applied overvoltage.
to the housing heavily enough to form drops • The overvoltage was removed after the
on the skirts. guaranteed duration.
• The samples were energized at the MCOV • Within 1 S, each sample was energized at
voltage. the thermal recovery voltage per IEEE Std
• The watts loss was measured after 15 C62.11-2005™ standard, paragraph 7.2.2
minutes. (MCOV x KW x KC) for 30 minutes. Sample
• The samples were de-energized again and and temperature were monitored for thermal
another slurry application was performed. runaway.
• The samples were energized at MCOV for • Each sample was impulsed with a 10 kA
30 minute intervals and the watts loss was (heavy duty/riser pole) crest 8 x 20 µs wave
monitored to verify decreasing levels and the discharge voltage measured. The
towards the original measurement. discharge voltage was compared to the
• Once the samples were cleaned and dried, discharge voltage taken prior to the
they were inspected for internal damage Temporary Overvoltage testing to make sure
using partial discharge measurements at that it did not vary by more than ±10%.
MCOV. • The samples were inspected after testing to
assure that no physical damage occurred.
RESULTS • Temporary overvoltage test points were
The arrester samples met the requirements plotted.
of the Contamination Test by having stabilized RESULTS
lower watts loss over time and not flashing over
with evidence of internal physical damage. Temporary over voltage capability has been
established in accordance with IEEE Std
C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.15. Results
are provided in Chart 4 and Graph 1.
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To verify that the seal design of the UltraSIL
OBJECTIVE arrester is robust in accordance with IEEE Std
To demonstrate a high performance level of C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.9.
the external polymer insulating system of the PROCEDURE
arresters when exposed to accelerated light and
electrical stress in accordance with IEEE Std • Three samples were subjected to all of the
C62.11-2005™ standard, Para. 8.6. following tests.
• The RIV and watts loss was measured at
PROCEDURE the duty cycle rating.
• The arrester housing and hanger bracket • An AWG No. 1 solid wire was installed on
materials were subjected to UV testing per the top and bottom terminals and torqued to
ASTM G154-00a (Replaces G53-96) for 20 ft Ibs.
over 1,000 hours without any cracking of the • The samples were temperature conditioned
surfaces. by heating them to 70°C for 14 days.
• The discharge voltage of three full arrester • Once the samples returned to ambient
samples was measured using an 8 x 20 µs temperature, they were heated to 60°C for
impulse with a 10 kA (heavy duty/riser pole) one hour.
crest. • The samples were then placed in a 4°C
• The hanger brackets of the samples were cold-water bath for two hours.
grounded at their mounting hole. • The 60° to 4°C cycle was repeated 10 times.
• The following test cycle was performed for • Within 24 hours of the last cycle, the RIV
1,000 hours: and watts loss were measured at the duty
-Dip sample into a 400-500 Ωcm slurry bath. cycle voltage to verify that the RIV did not
-Remove sample from slurry and energize increase more than 20 µV and the watts loss
for two minutes at MCOV. did not increase more than 50% than the
-De-energize sample and dip into 400-500 initial value.
Ωcm slurry bath. • The samples were internally inspected to
• After 1,000 hours of cycling the discharge verify that there was no moisture present.
voltage of the samples was measured using RESULTS
an 8 x 20 µs duration impulse with a 10 kA
(heavy duty/riser pole) crest. The arrester samples successfully met the
• With the arrester samples effectively test requirements of the Seal Integrity Test by
shorted, the maximum system voltage was demonstrating less than 20uV increase in RIV
applied across the hanger bracket for 20 and less than 50% increase in watts loss from
hours using the cycle described above. initial value.

The samples passed the Accelerated Aging
Test by demonstrating no evidence of flashovers
or surface tracking and the arrester discharge
voltage did not change more than ±10% from
the initial value.
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To verify the ability of the arrester to endure
OBJECTIVE surface arcing and heating while subject to
To verify the ability of the arrester to humidification, thermal cycling, rain, simulated
withstand continuous salt fog conditions and solar radiation (UV) and salt fog. Testing was
endure surface arcing and heating in performed in accordance with IEEE Std
accordance with IEEE Std C62.11-2005™ C62.11-2005™ standard, Annex C.
standard Para. 8.7. PROCEDURE
PROCEDURE • One sample of the longest electrical section
• One sample of the longest electrical section with the highest rated voltage was subjected
with the highest rated voltage was subjected to pre-test measurements as prescribed by
to pre-test measurements as prescribed by standards.
standards. • Sample was placed in the vertical position
• Sample was placed in the vertical position inside a test chamber equipped for heating,
inside an enclosure with salt fog mist of humidity, UV-radiation, artificial rain and salt
specified salinity levels and energized at Uc fog. The sample was subject to a multi-stress
for duration of 1000 hours. cycle as defined by IEEE Std C62.11-2005™
standard, Annex C, and Figure C.1 for
• Post-tests were conducted to verify duration of 5,000 hours.
measured values did not exceed levels
specified by the standard. • Post-tests were to verify measured values did
not exceed specified levels by the standard.
• Sample was inspected to assure that no
physical damage had occurred. • Sample was inspected to assure that no
physical damage had occurred.
The arrester samples successfully met the
test requirements of the 1,000 Hour Accelerated The sample fulfilled the requirements of the
Aging Test by demonstrating no housing 5,000 Hour Weather Aging Test by
punctures or erosion of the housing, no internal demonstrating no over current trip-out occurred
breakdowns; no surface tracking was evidenced during the testing procedure. There was no
by physical examination. Measured post-test tracking, cracking or treeing of the external
values did not exceed levels specified by the housing. There were no housing punctures or
standard. internal breakdowns. Measured post-test values
did not exceed levels specified by the standard.
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To demonstrate the resistance of a OBJECTIVE
composite wrapped module to The High Humidity test was designed to
moisture ingress. This test was demonstrate proper function of the insulating
completed in accordance with IEEE gap assembly under extreme humidity
Std C62.11-2005™ standard, Section conditions.
8.22, and IEC 60099-4, Ed 2 2004.
• This test was completed on two 10kV
• One 36kV rated module section UltraSIL housing distribution arresters with
encapsulated in composite weave material module assemblies incorporating insulating
was used for this test. gap assemblies and composite weave
• Pre-tests consisted of the following technology.
measurements: • Pre-tests consisted of the following
o Power loss at 100% of MCOV measurements:
o Partial discharge tested at 1.05xMCOV o Power Frequency Sparkover
o Lightning impulse residual voltage o Partial discharge tested at 1.05xMCOV
using 5kA, 8x20uS current impulse
• The top aluminum electrodes were drilled
• Sample was immersed in deionized water out to allow a direct path for moisture to
with 1kg/m³ of NaCl content. Water penetrate the gap assemblies.
temperature was increased to 80º C and • Samples were exposed to 95% relative
maintained for 52 hours. humidity while energized at an elevated
• Sample remained immersed until water- temperature of 60º C for 1,000 hours.
cooled to 50º C. • Pre-tests consisted of the following
• Water temperature was maintained until measurements:
sample was removed. o Power Frequency Sparkover
• Post-test measurements were performed to o Partial discharge tested at 1.05xMCOV
o Power loss at 100% of MCOV RESULTS
o Partial discharge at 1.05xMCOV The arrester samples satisfy the criteria for
o Lightning Impulse Residual Voltage the High Humidity test by demonstrating less
using 5kA, 8x20uS current impulse than 10% change in Power Frequency
Sparkover Voltage, less that 10pC internal
RESULTS partial discharge tested at 1.5xMCOV and no
The arrester sample met the requirements of visible signs of physical damage or dielectric
the Water Immersion Test by demonstrating less breakdown of components.
than 20% change in power loss, less than 10pC
of internal partial discharge, less than 5%
change in residual voltage and no signs of
physical damage according to IEEE Std C62.11-
2005™, Section 8.22, and IEC 60099-4, Ed 2
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Chart 1
UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Evolution Arrester Discharge Voltages
Minimum Front-of- Maximum Discharge Voltage
Arrester MCOV 60HZ Wave 8/20 us Current Wave Surge
Rating (kV Sparkover Protective (kV crest) (kV Crest)
(kV rms) rms) (kV Level*
Crest/√2) (kV crest) 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA 500 A
3 2.55 4.54 20.0 8.1 8.7 9.3 10.2 11.6 13.5 7.6
6 5.10 9.08 23.0 16.1 17.4 18.6 20.3 23.3 27.0 15.2
9 7.65 13.6 32.4 18.9 20.3 21.8 23.8 27.3 31.6 17.8
10 8.40 15.0 32.4 20.1 21.6 23.2 25.4 29.0 33.7 19.0
12 10.2 18.2 52.4 25.2 27.2 29.1 31.8 36.4 42.2 23.8
15 12.7 22.6 55.4 30.5 32.8 35.2 38.5 44.0 51.1 28.8
18 15.3 27.2 64.8 37.8 40.8 43.7 47.8 54.6 63.4 35.7
21 17.0 30.3 64.8 40.1 43.2 46.3 50.6 57.9 67.2 37.8
24 19.5 34.7 87.8 46.4 50.0 53.6 58.6 67.0 78 43.8
27 22.0 39.2 97.2 53.9 58.0 62.2 68.0 78 90 50.8
30 24.4 43.4 117.2 58.6 63.2 67.7 74 85 98 55.3
33 27.0 48.1 120.2 66.6 71.7 77 84 96 112 62.8
36 29.0 51.6 129.6 70.4 76 81 89 102 118 66.4
** Based on a 10 kA current impulse that results in a discharge voltage cresting in 0.5 µs.
** Based on a 30/60 µs current impulse.
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Chart 4
TOV Recovery Capability of UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Evolution Arresters
Per Unit of MCOV
Time, Seconds Evolution
0.01 1.78
0.02 1.78
0.1 1.78
1 1.78
10 1.78
100 1.78
1000 1.78
10000 1.78
Graph 1

UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Evolution Arrester

TOV Curve Per ANSI C62.11

Voltage (per unit of MCOV)

1.800 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780








0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

Time Duration in Seconds

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Graph 2
Distribution Arrester Disconnector Time-Current Characteristic Plot

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