Introduction Computer

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Introduction to Computer:-

Computer is an electronic device that inputs a data, process it by doing some kind of
manipulation and gives valuable output. A computer is a general purpose device that can
be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Technically,
we can say computer is a high speed electronic digital data processing machine. Computer has
affected almost every sphere of human activity.

The computer we see today is quite different from the one made in the beginning. The number of
applications of a computer has increased, the speed and accuracy of calculation has increased.
We may also defined computer as a device that transforms data. Computers today come in
different sizes, shapes, forms, etc. Regardless of the type of computer, every computer is
controlled by programmed instruction. It is the programmed instruction which gives the
computer a purpose and tells it what to do.


A computer has four general functions. They are:-

INPUT: Computer needs to accept inputs that are entered by the users. the general meaning of
input is to provide or give something to the computer, in other words the state/act of a computer,
component of a computer or relevant device being accepting something from the user, from a
device or from a piece of software either automatically or manually is called Input. Examples of
input device are keyboard, touch screen, mouse, etc.

PROCESSING: Computer has to perform the necessary work according to the instruction given
by the user. The doing of work is referred as processing. Processing is done by processing
device. Processing device on computer is CPU (Central Processing Unit).

STORAGE: Sometimes the result obtained after the processing or even the data input by the
user may have to be permanently or temporarily stored in the computer. This work is done by
storage device. RAM, ROM, hard disk, floppy disk, etc. are the devices used for storage purpose.
OUTPUT: After the processing is over the result of the work performed need to be displayed so
that the user knows the result. This displaying is done by output device; Monitor is a common
output device.


1. SPEED: Computer has very high speed. It can perform the assigned task within a fraction
of second. It can work in terms of Micro Second, Nano Second, and Pico Second. The
speed of computer can be measured in terms of Micro Hertz, Giga Hertz, etc.
a) Milli Second 1/1000 of a second
b) Micro Second 1/1000000 of a second
c) Nano Second 1/1000000000 of a second
d) Pico Second 1/1000000000000 of a second

2. STORAGE: Computer has mass storage section where we can store large volume of data
for future work. Such data are easily accessible when needed. Storage in computer is
measured in terms of Nibble, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Giga Byte and Tera Byte. All these
huge amount of data can be stored in a small storage area and furthermore these stored
data can be stored in a small area and used at a very great speed. Magnetic disk, magnetic
tape, and optical disk are used as the mass storage device.

3. ACCURACY: Computer is the accurate machine even though it has a great speed. It can
perform large number of task without errors but if we feed wrong data to the computer it
returns the same wrong information called GIGO (Garbage in Garbage out). The degree of
accuracy of a computer is very high and every calculation is performed with the same

4. RELIABILITY: Individual components of computer have a very high life and degree of
reliability. Computer is only machine and it doesnt make any errors on its own. So
computer is a reliable device. The computer is as reliable as the instruction and data
provided to the computer.

5. DILIGENCY: The capacity of performing repetitive task without getting tired is called
diligence capacity of computer. A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration,
fatigue, etc. it is capable of operating at exactly the same level of speed and accuracy even
if it has to do voluminous and complex operations for long period of time.

6. VERSATILITY: The capacity of performing more than one work is called versatility. It
means the capacity to perform completely different type of work. Computer has ability to
communicate with other systems and adopt several modes like audio-visual, graphics user
friend etc. computer can be used in various field like business medicine, science and
technology, etc.

7. ELECTRONIC: computers require electricity source to operate most of the components of

computer are electrical devices. A huge number of electronic circuits are associated within
the computer. This all makes a computer an electronic device.

8. NON-INTELLIGENT: Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without

instruction from the user. It performs the instructions at tremendous speed and with
accuracy. It is the user to decide what to do and in what sequence. So a computer cannot
take its own decision. It does not feelings or emotion, taste, knowledge and experience.

9. AUTOMATIC: Computer is an automatic machine and performs the work without

invention of user. It does not required a promote from an operator at each stage of the
process. For this the program instruction and data has to be stored within the computer.
Then the program instructions will be obeyed in sequence automatically without the need
for manual intervention at each step.

Capabilities of Computer:-

i. It is capable of performing calculations at an extremely high speed.

ii. It is capable of generating accurate result when the inputs are accurate.

iii. It is capable of storing huge amount of data permanently.

iv. It is capable of performing different types of task in different areas with minimum changes.

v. It is capable of performing same task for multiple times with same accuricy and in same
processing time.

vi. It is capable of performing task automatically after required instruction and data are provided.
Limitations of Computer:-

i. It cannot operate without electricity.

ii. It cannot perform any task by itself.
iii. It cannot learn, think, reason or react like humans.

Advantages of Computer:-

i. It is always accurate and reliable than humans.

ii. They are the fastest device and hence saving our time and money.
iii. It is diligence device.

iv. It can be used for communication among many users.

iv. It is versatile i.e. it can be used in many fields with minimum changes.

Disadvantages of Computer:-

i. It has been used for cyber crimes like hacking, creating & spreading viruses, etc.
ii. It is machine dependent.
iii. Repair and maintenance is required frequently.

iv. It is still unaffordable to every household due to its high cost.


1) Computer for E-Governance:-

E-Governance is the use of information and communication technology to enable more
efficient, cost effective, and participatory government, facilitate more convenient
government service. The use of information and communication technologies, and
particularly the Internet, as a tool to achieve better government.

2) Computer in business and office:-

Almost every business uses computers to complete daily tasks. From making contact
with clients to inputting data for reports, computers allow businesses a more efficient
way to manage affairs when compared to traditional paper and manila folders.
Businesses use a variety of different types of computers such as desktops, laptops,
servers, smart phones and tablets, depending on their needs. With computers,
employees are able to work anytime, anywhere.

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