Chapter 1

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Introduction to Computer
1. What is a computer?

A computer is a machine that is controlled by internally stored programs and that can perform
operations without human intervention. It is a collection of hardware and software components. The
hardware parts consist of one or more processing units, memory units, and input and output devices. It is
the equipment you see and the parts you can touch. The software is the set of instructions, called a
program, which tells the computer what to do, when and how to do it.

In it’s literal meaning, device or machine for making calculations or controlling operations that are
expressible in numerical and logical terms. This literal meaning was attached because the inventors
(mathematicians or physists) invent computers for making calculations only. But today’s computers not
only process numbers, they process texts, pictures, multimedia and so on. Therefore, the meanings of the
computer, nowadays, are broader than computing concepts.

Generally, Computer is an electronic device; Operating under the control of instructions stored in
its own memory unit and that can accept data, process data, produce output and store the results for future
use. So in more general sense as described above a computer is a programmable electronic machine
capable of accepting data, processing, storing and then displays the output to the user.

2. Characteristics of computers

The increasing popularity of computers has proved that it is a very powerful tool. Computers have the
following characteristics:-

 Automatic: once a program is in the computer’s memory, it continues without the

need for human intervention until completion. Or once started on a job, they carry on
until the job is finished.
 Speed: a computer is a very fast device. Units of time are microseconds (10 -6 second),
nanoseconds (10-9 second) or even picoseconds (10 -12second). A powerful computer
is capable of performing several billion (10 9) simple arithmetic operations per
 Accuracy: The computer’s accuracy is consistently high. Almost without exception,
the errors in computing are due to human rather than to technological weakness, that
is to in correct programming, or to inaccurate data or to poorly designed systems.
 Storage capacity: computers help to save space and economy by storing very large
amount of data. For example data stored on paper that filled the shelves of a registrar
office can be stored in a single computer with larger storage capacity. This saves
space, money to buy paper, ink and shelves. This also helps to have backup (copy) of
the data and put it somewhere else for security purpose.

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 Diligence: unlike human beings, a computer is free from boredom, tiredness, lack of
concentration, etc, and hence can work for hours without creating any error and
without grumbling.
 Versatility: it is one of the most wonderful things about the computer. A computer is
capable of performing almost any task provided that the task can be reduced to a
series of logical steps.
 Power of remembering: a computer can store and recall huge amount of information
because of its secondary storage capability.
 No IQ: a computer not a magical device. It can only perform tasks that a human
being can. The difference is that it performs these tasks with unthinkable speed and
accuracy. It possesses no intelligence of its own. Its IQ is zero. It has to be told what
to do and in what sequence. Hence, only the user can determine what tasks a
computer will perform.
 No feeling: computers are devoid of emotion. They have no feelings and no instincts
because they are machines. Computers can not make judgment on their own. Their
judgment is based on the instructions given to them in the form of programs that are
written by us.
 Reliability: now a day’s computers are used in sensitive areas that need very high
reliability. For example hospitals are using computers in patient diagnosis,
monitoring patient operations. They are also monitoring activities in industries that
may cause failure or success of the company.etc.
 Resource sharing: by connecting computers each other resource sharing is
achievable in the computer system. E.g. printer
 Flexibility: a computer is a versatile machine. It is difficult to find an area where
computers are not being used. All other machines like television or a typewriter do
the one thing they are designed for. Unlike such machines, a computer can be used to
play music, watch films, type letters, send faxes, diagnose illness, design buildings
and bridges, etc…

3. Application of computers

For the last few decades, computer technology has revolutionized the businesses and other aspects of
human life all over the world. Practically, every company is now directly or indirectly dependent on
computers for information processing. Some application areas of computers are listed below:-

 Science: scientists have been using computers to develop theories, to analysis, and test the
date. The fast speed and the accuracy of the computer allow different scientific analysis to
be carried out. E.g. detail study of how earth quakes affect buildings or population affect
weather pattern, satellite based application.
 Education: computers have also revolutionized the whole process of education. Currently,
the class room, libraries, and museums are effectively utilizing computers to make the
education much more interesting.
 Medicine and health care: now doctors are using computers right from diagnosing the
illness to monitoring a patient’s status during complex surgery.
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 Engineering (architectures): the architects and engineering are extremely using computers
in designing and drawings. By using the techniques like virtual reality architects can
explore houses that have been designed.
 Entertainment: computers are used to control the images and sounds. The special effects,
which mesmerize the audience, would not have been possible without the computer. In
addition, computerized animation and color full graphics have modernized the film
 Communication: E-mail or electronic mail is one of the communication media in which
computer is used. Though e-mail the message and report are passed from one person to one
or more person by the aide of computer and the telephone line. The advantage of this
service is that while transferring the message it save time, avoids wastage of paper, and so
 Business application: There are various concerns for which computer are used such as in
business applications (like at the sale counter) that requires immediate response from
computer. There are various concerns from which computers are used such as in business
forecasting, to prepare pay bills and personal record, in banking operation and data storage,
in the various types of life insurance business, and as an aid to management.
 Publishing: computers have created a field known as DTP (Desk Top Publishing). In DTP,
with the help of computer and laser printer one can perform the publishing job all by
 Banking: in the field of banking and insurance computers are extensively used. People can
use the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) services 24 hours of the day in order to deposit
and withdraw cash.
 Industries: - it is used for designing products, assisting labors, controlling the work of the
machineries in factory e.t.c.

4. Limitation of computers

Although computers can be applied in different, there are activities that computers can’t

 Computers can’t decide how to be programmed. It is always persons or humans

that are responsible for programming the computers.
 Computers can only perform what it is programmed to do, nothing more and
nothing less.
 Computers don’t provide their own inputs unless people provide it with the inputs.
 Interpretation of data and implementation of decisions is always left for humans.

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5. Generation of computers

There is a rapid change in Generation of computer. All modern computers can be categorized in to
five generation based on the following five dimensions:-

- Basic electronic component used by the computer

- Secondary storage device used
- Operating system
- Access time of the computer
- Computer language used.

The most common improvements which are made from one generation to next.

 Enhanced power in terms of speed processing data, storage

 More Convenient to use
 Better reliability
 Reduced physical size &loss Expensive

First generation:-this generation of computer is characterized by:-

 It uses vacuum tubes as main component

 It is very big ,expensive & slow
 It required extensive air condition
 It generates large heat
 It uses magnetic drums for memory
 It is very expensive to operate.
 It uses machine language to perform operation.
 It uses punched cards and paper tape for input purpose.
 Output was displayed on printouts.
Second generation:-it uses transistor instead of vacuum tubes

 It uses Transistors replaced vacuum tubes

 B/c of the transistors, the computer becomes smaller in size, fast in speed &more reliable
than 1st generation.
 It uses punched cards for input and printouts for output
 It controls by Assembly programming language
 Magnetic tape is introduced for store data
Third generation:-integrated circuits(IC) called chips are replaced to transistor. IC is a collection
transistor. Transistors were placed on silicon chips called Semiconductors. Because of IC, Computers

 Smaller in size &power requirement

 Very fast &more reliable
 Magnetic disk is replaced to magnetic tape storage device.
 It uses keyboard instead of punched cards.
 It uses monitors instead of printout.
 It uses operating system which allows the computer to run many applications at one time
with a central program that monitored the memory.

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Fourth generation: - This generation of computer is Characterized by:-

 It uses Microprocessor replaces Integrated Circuit. Thousands of Integrated Circuits are

built onto a single silicon Chip.
 Cheaper in price
 More powerful
 Efficient &reliable
 It uses Graphical user interface and mouse.
Five Generation:-is characterized by:-

 It uses an artificial intelligence & interact with the natural language

 The main is to narrow the gap b\n human being and computer.

Data Vs Information

Data is unprocessed facts and figures. Plain collected data, as raw facts cannot help in decision
making. However, data is the raw material that is organized, structured and interpreted to create
useful information systems.

Data is defined as 'groups of nonrandom symbols in the form of text, images, voice representing
quantities, action and objects'.

Information is interpreted data; created from organized, structured and processed data in a
particular context.

Information, Knowledge & Business Intelligence

Professor Ray R. Larson of the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley
provides an Information Hierarchy, which is:

 Data - The raw material of information

 Information - Data organized and presented by someone
 Knowledge - Information read, heard, or seen, and understood
 Wisdom - Distilled and integrated knowledge and understanding

6. Types of computers classifications

Computers also differ based on their data processing abilities. Hence, computers can be classified
according to purpose, data handling, and functionality

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Classification of
Based on
Functionality, size,
cost and speed
Based on Data handling
Based on (processing)
Micro computer

Mini Computer
Analog Digital
Specific Mainframe

Super Computer

 Computers classification according to purpose

According to the purpose it produces computers can be classified in to two

General purpose and specific purpose computers

1. General purpose

Design to perform a range of tasks these computers have the ability to perform a range of tasks .these
computers have the ability to store numerous programs. These machines can be used for various
applications, ranging from scientific as well as business applications. Even though such computers
are versatile, they generally lack in speed and efficiency. Computers that you use home and schools
are general purpose computers.

2. Specific purpose

Design to handle a specific problem or to perform a single specific task built into the machine. They
lacked versatility .However, being designed for specific tasks; they can be providing the result very

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quickly and effectively. These computers are used for airline reservation, satellite tracking, and air
traffic control.

 Classification of computers according to the method of operation (data handling)

There are different types of computers. The classification depends on different characteristics of

-Computers are classified into three by the way they process data.

1. Analog computers which are operate by measuring. They deal with continues variable. They do not
compute directly with numbers, rather, they operate by measuring physical magnitude such as
pressure temperature, voltage, current and etc.
Analogue computer measures continuous types of data and uses physical quantities such as
electric current. It is continuous fluctuation of voltage over time.

E.g. Thermometer, voltmeter, speedometer

-Generally, they are computers designed for special purpose.

2. Digital Computers which deal with discrete variables. They operate by counting rather than
measuring. They operate directly upon numbers (or digits) that represent numbers, letters, or other
special symbols.
Digital computer is a computing device in which data is represented by discrete numerical quantities. It is
represented by discrete voltage states (0s and 1s)

E.g. Personal Computers

-They have very high accuracy and speed than analog one

3. Hybrid Computers
-The best features of analog and digital computers can be combined into a single device to form a hybrid
computer. It processes the information by collecting input data with analog method, converts it into
digital quantities, processes the digital values and converts the output from digital to analog form.

 Classification of computers according to functionality

Based on the functionality (size, speed, cost and performance) we can divide digital computers in to four

1. Microcomputers

Microcomputer (often called personal computers or PCs for short) are the smallest but most important and
most frequently used of computer particularly for end users.

 They are relatively small or compact in size and are often found on a tabletop or desktop

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 Microcomputers come in a variety of sizes and shapes for a variety of purposes. Basically they
can be grouped into three: Laptop. Palmtop and Desktop computers.
 Laptop: laptop computers are smaller versions of microcomputers about the size of a briefcase
designed for portability. People can easily carry these personal computers with them in their car,
on airplane, or when walking from one location to another.
 Unlike desktop PCs that have mostly detachable components, laptops include all their
components (except their printer) in a single unit
 Palmtop: Palmtop computer is the smallest microcomputer that is about the same size as a
pocket calculator. It is the most portable computer and is growing in popularity among the latest
entries in the microcomputer market.
 Palmtops are typically used from a limited number of functions, such as maintaining personal
calendar, name and address files, or electronic worksheets.
 Desktop: Desktop computer is the most widely used type of personal computer
 Unlike laptop and personal computers, desktop computers have detachable parts. However, since
its size is larger than the other types of personal computers, it is not easily portable..

In general, microcomputers are used for

a. Word processing (automated, electronic typing and editing) to prepare letters, reports, memos and
other documents.
b. Computerized worksheet analysis and modeling. This computerizes business performance and
assists decision-making activities.
c. Graphics in the generation of charts and other graphic images. This visually enhances both the
analysis and presentation of information in reports and group presentations.
d. Engineering activities. Computer-aided design and analysis can be performed by the use of
powerful microcomputers.
e. Personal and home use. Entertainment, home management, personal finances, education, and
other activities can easily supported by the use of personal computers.

2. Minicomputers

 Minicomputers are midrange computers that are larger and more powerful than most
microcomputers but are smaller and less powerful than mainframe computer systems.
 The minicomputers size prevents it from being easily portable although it can be moved more
easily than a mainframe computer.
 Minicomputers cost less to buy and maintain than mainframe computers. Most minicomputers
canfunction in ordinary operating environments, as they do not need special air conditioning or
electrical wiring.
 Minicomputers are being used for a large number of business and scientific applications.
 They are popularly used in scientific laboratories, research centers, universities and colleges,
engineering firms, industrial process monitoring and control etc.

3. Mainframes

 Mainframe computers are large, powerful computers that are physically larger than micros and
minis and usually have processors with faster instruction processing speeds.
 For example, they may be able to process from 10 to 200 million instructions per second (MIP).
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 A mainframe computer is generally found in a special computer room where environmental
factors such as temperature, humidity, dust and air conditions are closely monitored.
 Because of the computer’s cost and the value of the information stored there, the rooms in which
mainframes are located have security systems allowing only authorized personnel to enter.
 Mainframe computers are designed to handle the information processing need of organization
with many employees and customers or with complex computational problems.
 To give some example, mainframes can handle the processing of thousands of customer
inquiries, employee paychecks, student registrations, sale transactions, and inventory changes.
 They are also used as the center of computer networking. These computers are used by
organizations that have enormous and complex data processing assignments.

4. Supercomputer

The term supercomputer has been coined to describe a category of extremely powerful computer designed
for high-speed processing. A supercomputer is generally characterized as being the fastest, most
powerful, and most expensive computer.

 As many as sixty miles of wiring are closely packed inside supercomputers, and tremendous
amounts of heat are generated. Because of this, supercomputers demand special cooling
requirement and the room itself should be air-conditioned.
 Some supercomputers require extra floor support to hold the extreme weight of the complete
system that includes storage units.
 In addition, highly trained data processing professionals are required to operate supercomputers.
These computers can take inputs from over 10,000 individual computers and users at the same
 Super computers are largely used by research organizations, military defense systems, national
weather for casting agencies, large corporations, aircraft manufacturer, etc.

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