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Author Manuscript
Dent Clin North Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 January 1.
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Dent Clin North Am. 2008 January ; 52(1): 61viii.

Management of Oral Mucositis in Patients with Cancer

Rajesh V. Lalla, B.D.S., Ph.D., C.C.R.Pa, Stephen T. Sonis, D.M.D, D.M.Sc.b, and Douglas E.
Peterson, D.M.D., Ph.Da
a Division of Oral Medicine, Department of Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences; Head & Neck/Oral
Oncology Program, Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Connecticut Health Center,
Farmington, CT 06030
b Department of Oral Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine; Division of
Oral Medicine and Dentistry, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, MA

Oral Mucositis; Chemotherapy; Radiation therapy; Cancer
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Oral mucositis refers to erythematous and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa observed in
patients with cancer being treated with chemotherapy, and/or with radiation therapy to fields
involving the oral cavity. Lesions of oral mucositis are often very painful and compromise
nutrition and oral hygiene as well as increase risk for local and systemic infection. Mucositis
can also involve other areas of the alimentary tract; for example, gastrointestinal (GI) mucositis
can manifest as diarrhea. Thus, mucositis is a highly significant and sometimes dose-limiting
complication of cancer therapy 1, 2.

Epidemiology of Mucositis
Oral mucositis is a significant problem in patients undergoing chemotherapeutic management
for solid tumors. In one study, it was reported that 303 of 599 patients (51 %) receiving
chemotherapy for solid tumors or lymphoma developed oral and/or GI mucositis 3. Oral
mucositis developed in 22% of 1236 cycles of chemotherapy, GI mucositis in 7% of cycles
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and both oral and GI mucositis in 8% of cycles. An even higher percentage (approximately
7580%) of patients who receive high-dose chemotherapy prior to hematopoietic cell
transplantation develop clinically significant oral mucositis 4.

Patients treated with radiation therapy for head and neck cancer typically receive an
approximately 200 cGy daily dose of radiation, five days per week, for 57 continuous weeks.

Corresponding author: Rajesh V. Lalla, B.D.S., Ph.D., C.C.R.P., University of Connecticut Health Center MC 1605, 263 Farmington
Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-1605. Tel: 860.679.2952, Fax: 860.679.4760, E mail: [email protected].
Financial Disclosures
Dr. Lalla has served as a paid consultant for MGI Pharma.
Dr. Sonis has received research support from Amgen, Medimmune, and Novartis. He is a consultant to Biomodels LLC and Clinical
Assistance Programs LLC.
Dr. Peterson has served as paid consultant for MGI Pharma and Nuvelo.
Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers
we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting
proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could
affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
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Almost all such patients will develop some degree of oral mucositis. In recent studies, severe
oral mucositis occurred in 2966% of all patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck
cancer 5, 6. The incidence of oral mucositis was especially high in 1) patients with primary
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tumors in the oral cavity, oropharynx or nasopharynx, 2) those who also received concomitant
chemotherapy, 3) those who received a total dose over 5000 cGy, and 4) those who were treated
with altered fractionation radiation schedules (e.g. more than one radiation treatment per day).

Clinical Significance of Oral Mucositis

Oral mucositis can be very painful and can significantly affect nutritional intake, mouth care,
and quality of life 1, 7. For patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy prior to hematopoietic
cell transplantation, oral mucositis has been reported to be the single most debilitating
complication of transplantation 8. Infections associated with the oral mucositis lesions can
cause life-threatening systemic sepsis during periods of profound immunosuppression 9.
Moderate to severe oral mucositis has been correlated with systemic infection and transplant-
related mortality 10. In patients with hematologic malignancies receiving allogeneic
hematopoietic cell transplantation, increased severity of oral mucositis was found to be
significantly associated with an increased number of days requiring total parenteral nutrition
and parenteral narcotic therapy, increased number of days with fever, incidence of significant
infection, increased time in hospital and increased total inpatient charges 4.
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In patients receiving chemotherapy for solid tumors or lymphoma, the rate of infection during
cycles with mucositis was more than twice that during cycles without mucositis and was
directly proportional to the severity of mucositis 3. Infection-related deaths were also more
common during cycles with both oral and GI mucositis. In addition, the average duration of
hospitalization was significantly longer during chemotherapy cycles with mucositis.
Importantly, a reduction in the next dose of chemotherapy was twice as common after cycles
with mucositis than after cycles without mucositis 3. Thus, mucositis can be a dose-limiting
toxicity of cancer chemotherapy with direct effects on patient survival.

The majority of patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer are unable to
continue eating by mouth due to mucositis pain and often receive nutrition through a
gastrostomy tube or intravenous line. It has been demonstrated that patients with oral mucositis
are significantly more likely to have severe pain and a weight loss of 5%6. In one study,
approximately 16% of patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer were
hospitalized due to mucositis 11. Further, 11% of the patients receiving radiation therapy for
head and neck cancer had unplanned breaks in radiation therapy due to severe mucositis 11.
Thus, oral mucositis is a major dose-limiting toxicity of radiation therapy to the head and neck
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Economic Impact of Mucositis

Chemotherapy patients who have significant oral mucositis require supportive care measures
such as use of total parenteral nutrition, fluid replacement and prophylaxis against infections.
These can add substantially to the total cost of care. For example, in patients receiving
chemotherapy for solid tumors or lymphoma, the estimated cost of hospitalization was $3893
per chemotherapy cycle without mucositis, $6277 per cycle with oral mucositis and $9132 per
cycle with both oral and GI mucositis 3. A single point increase in peak mucositis scores in
hematopoietic cell transplant patients is associated with one additional day of fever, a 2.1 fold
increase in risk of significant infection, 2.7 additional days of total parenteral nutrition, 2.6
additional days of injectable narcotic therapy, 2.6 additional days in hospital and a 3.9 fold
increase in 100-day mortality risk, collectively contributing to over $25,000 in additional
hospital charges 12. Radiation-induced oral mucositis also has a significant economic impact

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due to costs associated with pain management, liquid diet supplements, gastrostomy tube
placement or total parenteral nutrition, management of secondary infections and
hospitalizations. In one study of patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer,
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oral mucositis was associated with an increase in costs ranging from $1700$6000 per patient,
depending on the grade of oral mucositis 6. This is fully discussed in the article, Psychosocial
and Economic Implications of Cancer.

Pathogenesis of Mucositis
Recent studies have indicated that the fundamental mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis
of mucositis are much more complex than direct damage to epithelium alone 2. Mechanisms
for radiation-induced and chemotherapy-induced mucositis are believed to be similar. The
following five-stage model 13 for the pathogenesis of mucositis is based on the evidence
available to date (Figure 1):
1. Initiation of tissue injury: Radiation and/or chemotherapy induce cellular damage
resulting in death of the basal epithelial cells. The generation of reactive oxygen
species (free radicals) by radiation or chemotherapy is also believed to exert a role in
the initiation of mucosal injury. These small highly reactive molecules are byproducts
of oxygen metabolism and can cause significant cellular damage.
2. Upregulation of inflammation via generation of messenger signals: In addition to
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causing direct cell death, free radicals activate second messengers that transmit signals
from receptors on the cellular surface to the inside of the cell. This leads to
upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, tissue injury and cell death.
3. Signaling and amplification: Upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines such as
tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-), produced mainly by macrophages, causes
injury to mucosal cells, and also activates molecular pathways that amplify mucosal
4. Ulceration and inflammation: There is a significant inflammatory cell infiltrate
associated with the mucosal ulcerations, based in part on metabolic byproducts of the
colonizing oral microflora. Production of pro-inflammatory cytokines is also further
upregulated due to this secondary infection 14.
5. Healing: This phase is characterized by epithelial proliferation as well as cellular and
tissue differentiation 15, restoring the integrity of the epithelium.
The degree and extent of oral mucositis that develops in any particular patient and site appears
to depend on factors such as age, gender, underlying systemic disease and race as well as tissue
specific factors (e.g. epithelial types, local microbial environment and function). The effects
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of patient age and gender on the development of oral mucositis are not clear. One study reported
increased prevalence of mucositis in children 16, while other studies reported increased
prevalence and/or severity in older patients 1719. Similarly, there is conflicting evidence for
the effects of gender on risk for mucositis with some studies reporting increased risk for
mucositis in females 18, 20, and others finding no gender effect 19.

Interactions of such factors, coupled with underlying genetic influences, are postulated to
govern the risk, course and severity of mucositis21. For example, epidermal growth factor
(EGF) in luminal secretions may affect the response of intestinal mucosa to chemotherapy
although over-expression of EGF in a transgenic mouse model did not reduce intestinal
mucositis22. Recent studies have indicated that pathways associated with pro-inflammatory
molecules including cyclo-oxygenase-2, nuclear factor-kappa B, and interleukin-6 are
upregulated in oral mucositis. Thus, these may provide potential therapeutic targets for new
therapies 23, 24.

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Clinical Course of Oral Mucositis

Oral mucositis initially presents as erythema of the oral mucosa which then often progresses
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to erosion and ulceration. The ulcerations are typically covered by a white fibrinous
pseudomembrane (Figures 2 and 3). The lesions typically heal within approximately 24 weeks
after the last dose of stomatotoxic chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In immunosuppressed
patients (eg. patients undergoing hematopoetic cell transplantation), resolution of oral
mucositis usually coincides with granulocyte recovery; however, this temporal relationship
may or may not be causal.

Several factors affect the clinical course of mucositis. In chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis,
lesions are usually limited to non-keratinized surfaces (i.e. lateral and ventral tongue, buccal
mucosa and soft palate) 1. Ulcers typically arise within two weeks after initiation of
chemotherapy. Selected agents such as antimetabolites and alkylating agents cause a higher
incidence and severity of oral mucositis 25. In radiation-induced oral mucositis, lesions are
limited to the tissues in the field of radiation, with non-keratinized tissues affected more often.
The clinical severity is directly proportional to the dose of radiation administered. Most patients
who have received more than 5000 cGy to the oral mucosa will develop severe ulcerative oral
mucositis 26.

The clinical course of oral mucositis may sometimes be complicated by local infection,
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particularly in immunosuppressed patients. Viral infections such as recrudescent herpes

simplex virus (HSV) and fungal infections such as candidiasis can sometimes be superimposed
on oral mucositis. Although HSV infections do not cause oral mucositis 27, they can complicate
its diagnosis and management.

Measurement of Oral Mucositis

A wide variety of scales have been used to record the extent and severity of oral mucositis in
clinical practice and research. The World Health Organization (WHO) scale is a simple, easy
to use scale that is suitable for daily use in clinical practice. This scale combines both subjective
and objective measures of oral mucositis (Table 1). The National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 3.0 includes separate
subjective and objective scales for mucositis 28 (Table 2). The Oral Mucositis Assessment
Scale (OMAS) is an objective scale, suitable for research purposes, that measures erythema
and ulceration at nine different sites in the oral cavity. This scale has been validated in a multi-
center trial with high inter-observer reproducibility and strong correlation of objective
mucositis scores with patient symptoms 29. The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG)
common toxicity criteria are also used in oncology trials to document severity of oral mucositis
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Clinical Management of Oral Mucositis

Management of oral mucositis has been largely palliative to date, although targeted therapeutic
interventions are now being developed 31. Based on a comprehensive systematic review of the
literature, the Mucositis Study Group of the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in
Cancer and the International Society of Oral Oncology (MASCC/ISOO) has developed clinical
practice guidelines for the management of mucositis 32. These guidelines are referenced below
as applicable. Management of oral mucositis is divided into the following sections: nutritional
support, pain control, oral decontamination, palliation of dry mouth, management of oral
bleeding and therapeutic interventions for oral mucositis.

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Pain control
The primary symptom of oral mucositis is pain. This pain significantly affects nutritional
intake, mouth care and quality of life. Thus, management of mucositis pain is a primary
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component of any mucositis management strategy. Many centers use saline mouth rinses, ice
chips and topical mouthrinses containing an anesthetic such as 2% viscous lidocaine. The
lidocaine may be mixed with equal volumes of diphenhydramine and a soothing covering agent
such as Maalox (Novartis Consumer Health, Inc., Fremont, MI) or Kaopectate (Chattem, Inc.,
Chattanooga, TN) in equal volumes. Such topical anesthetic agents may provide short-term

A number of other topical mucosal bioadherent agents are also available that are not anesthetics
but are postulated to reduce pain by forming a protective coating over ulcerated mucosa. Of
these, sucralfate is the most widely studied. The MASCC/ISOO guidelines recommend against
the use of sucralfate in radiation-induced oral mucositis due to lack of efficacy. No
recommendation has been made for the use of sucralfate in chemotherapy-induced oral
mucositis due to lack of consistent results 3335. In addition to the use of topical agents, most
patients with severe mucositis require systemic analgesics, often including opioids, for
satisfactory pain relief. The MASCC/ISOO guidelines recommend patient-controlled
analgesia with morphine for patients undergoing hematopoetic cell transplantation 35.

Nutritional Support
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Nutritional intake can be severely compromised by the pain associated with severe oral
mucositis. In addition, taste changes can also occur secondary to chemotherapy and/or radiation
therapy 36; 37. It is essential that nutritional intake and weight be monitored by a dietician or
other professional working together with family caregivers. A soft diet and liquid diet
supplements are more easily tolerated than a normal diet when oral mucositis is present. In
patients expected to develop severe mucositis, a gastrostomy tube is sometimes placed
prophylactically although this varies considerably from center to center. In patients undergoing
hematopoietic cell transplantation, total parenteral nutrition is usually given via an indwelling
catheter such as a Hickman line.

Oral Decontamination
Oral decontamination may result in significant positive outcomes in this population. Firstly, it
has been hypothesized that microbial colonization of oral mucositis lesions exacerbates the
severity of oral mucositis and therefore, decontamination may help to reduce mucositis. Indeed,
multiple studies have demonstrated that maintenance of good oral hygiene can reduce the
severity of oral mucositis 3840. Patients who have undergone hematopoietic cell
transplantation and who develop oral mucositis also have been found to be three times more
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likely to develop bacteremias resulting in increased length of hospital stays as compared to

patients without mucositis 10. Therefore, oral decontamination may reduce mucositis that in
turn, may reduce bacteremia. Furthermore, oral decontamination can reduce infection of the
oral cavity by opportunistic pathogens 41. Therefore, a second function of oral decontamination
can be to reduce the risk of systemic sepsis from resident oral and/or opportunistic pathogens.
This is especially true in patients who are immunosuppressed due to chemotherapy. The risk
of systemic sepsis from oral mucositis has not been well studied although one study found that
an intensive oral care protocol decreased risk of oral mucositis but not the percentage of patients
with a documented septicemia 40. Patients receiving radiation therapy alone are less likely to
develop sepsis of oral origin.

The MASCC/ISOO guidelines recommend use of a standardized oral care protocol including
brushing with a soft toothbrush, flossing and the use of non-medicated rinses (e.g. saline or
sodium bicarbonate rinses). Patients and caregivers should be educated regarding the

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importance of effective oral hygiene 42. Alcohol-containing chlorhexidine mouthrinse may be

difficult for patients to tolerate during clinical oral ulceration, thus formulations without
alcohol are used at some centers. Multiple studies have examined the role of chlorhexidine
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mouthrinse in oral mucositis but have not demonstrated significant efficacy in reducing severity
of mucositis35,. Therefore, the MASCC/ISOO guidelines recommend against the use of
chlorhexidine mouthrinse for prevention or treatment of oral mucositis.

Nystatin rinse has not been found to be effective in reducing the severity of chemotherapy-
induced mucositis 43. On the other hand, a recent study indicated that systemic fluconazole
vs. no treatment significantly and dramatically reduced both candidal carriage and incidence
of severe mucositis induced by radiation therapy (15% vs. 45%) in patients with head and neck
cancer. 44. The MASCC/ISOO guidelines recommend against the routine use of antimicrobial
lozenges or of acyclovir and its analogues to prevent oral mucositis 35. However, drugs such
as acyclovir and valacycovir have a well-established role in prophylaxis and treatment of
lesions caused by HSV in this patient population 45, 46 (see the article, Management of Oral
Infections in the Patient with Cancer).

Palliation of dry mouth

Patients undergoing cancer therapy often develop transient or permanent xerostomia
(subjective symptom of dryness) and hyposalivation (objective reduction in salivary flow).
Hyposalivation can further aggravate inflamed tissues, increase risk for local infection and
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make mastication difficult. Many patients also complain of a thickening of salivary secretions
due a decrease in the serous component of saliva. The following measures can be taken for
palliation of a dry mouth:
Sip water as needed to alleviate mouth dryness. Several supportive products including
artificial saliva are available.
Rinse with a solution of 1/2 tsp baking soda (and/or or teaspoon of table salt) in
1 cup warm water several times a day to clean and lubricate the oral tissues and to
buffer the oral environment
Chew sugarless gum to stimulate salivary flow.
Use cholinergic agents as necessary
Please also see the article by Fischer and Epstein, Management of Patients Who Have
Undergone Head and Neck Cancer Therapy, for more details.

Management of bleeding
In patients who are thrombocytopenic due to high-dose chemotherapy (eg hematopoietic cell
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transplant recipients), bleeding may occur from the ulcerations of oral mucositis. Local
intraoral bleeding can usually be controlled with the use of topical hemostatic agents such as
fibrin glue or gelatin sponge 47. Patients whose platelet counts fall below 20,000 require
platelet transfusion due to risk for spontaneous internal bleeding which may have grave
consequences especially in the central nervous system.

Therapeutic Interventions
Several agents have been tested to reduce the severity of, or prevent mucositis. These different
classes of agents are discussed briefly below in the context of the MASCC/ISOO guidelines
where applicable.

CryotherapyIt has been hypothesized that topical administration of ice chips to the oral
cavity during administration of chemotherapy results in decreased delivery of the

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chemotherapeutic agent to the oral mucosa. This effect is presumably mediated through local
vasoconstriction and reduced blood flow. Several studies have demonstrated that cryotherapy
reduces the severity of oral mucositis in patients receiving bolus doses of chemotherapeutic
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agents 4850. The MASCC/ISOO guidelines recommend the use of cryotherapy to reduce oral
mucositis in patients receiving bolus doses of 5-fluorouracil, melphalan and edatrexate 51. Ice
chips are placed in the mouth, beginning 5 minutes before administration of chemotherapy and
replenished as needed for up to 30 minutes. Cryotherapy is only useful for short bolus
chemotherapeutic infusions, may not be well tolerated in some subjects and does not have a
role in radition-induced oral mucositis.

Growth FactorsReduction in the proliferative capacity of oral epithelial cells is thought

to play a role in the pathogenesis of mucositis. Therefore, various growth factors that can
increase epithelial cell proliferation have been studied for the management of oral mucositis.
Recent evidence shows that IV recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor-1 (Palifermin,
Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA) significantly reduced incidence of WHO grade 3 and 4 oral
mucositis in patients with hematologic malignancies (e.g. lymphoma and multiple myeloma)
receiving high-dose chemotherapy and total body irradiation before autologous hematopoetic
cell transplantation 52. Based on this, the MASCC/ISOO guidelines recommend the use of this
growth factor in this specific population53. Palifermin has also been approved by the United
States (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for patients with hematologic malignancies
receiving myelotoxic therapies requiring hematopoietic cell support. Interestingly, a related
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compound, human keratinocyte growth factor-2 (Repifermin, Human Genome Sciences,

Rockville, MD), was found to be ineffective in reducing the percentage of subjects who
experienced severe mucositis 54. Intravenous human fibroblast growth factor-20 (Velafermin,
Curagen Corp., Branford, CT) is currently in clinical development for reduction of mucositis
secondary to high dose chemotherapy in autologous hematopoetic cell transplant patients 55.

The safety of this class of growth factors has not been established in patients with
nonhematologic malignancies. There is a theoretical concern that these growth factors may
promote growth of tumor cells, which may have receptors for the respective growth factor.
However, one recent study found no significant difference in survival between subjects with
colorectal cancer receiving palifermin or placebo at a median follow-up duration of 14.5
months 56. Further studies are ongoing to confirm the safety of epithelial growth factors in the
solid tumor setting including patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer.

Anti-inflammatory agentsBenzydamine hydrochloride is a non-steroidal anti-

inflammatory drug that inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-. In one Phase
III trial, benzydamine hydrochloride mouthrinse reduced the severity of mucositis in patients
with head and neck cancer undergoing radiation therapy of cumulative doses up to 50 Gy
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radiation therapy 57. Based on this and previous studies, the MASCC/ISOO guidelines
recommended use of this agent in patients receiving moderate-dose radiation therapy 58.
However, this agent has not received approval for this use from the U.S. FDA; furthermore,
most patients with head and neck cancer receive well over 50 Gy radiation therapy with
concomitant chemotherapy. A more recent Phase III trial of this agent in radiation-induced oral
mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer was halted based on negative results of an
interim analysis.

Saforis (MGI Pharma) is a proprietary oral suspension of L-glutamine that enhances the uptake
of this amino acid into epithelial cells. Glutamine may reduce mucosal injury by reducing the
production of proinflammatory cytokines and cytokine-related apoptosis 59, 60 and may
promote healing by increasing fibroblast and collagen synthesis 61. In a Phase III study, this
topical agent reduced the incidence of clinically significant chemotherapy-induced oral
mucositis as compared to placebo 62. By comparison, the MASCC/ISOO guidelines

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recommend that systemically administered glutamine not be used for the prevention of GI
mucositis 35, because of lack of efficacy 63.
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AntioxidantsAmifostine (Ethylol, MedImmune, Gaithersburg, MD) is thought to act as a

scavenger for harmful reactive oxygen species which are known to potentiate mucositis 64.
However, due to insufficient evidence of benefit, a MASCC/ISOO guideline could not be
established regarding the use of this agent in oral mucositis in chemotherapy or radiation
therapy patients. The use of amifostine was recommended for the prevention of esophagitis in
patients receiving chemo-radiation for non-small-cell lung cancer 65. RK-0202 (RxKinetix)
consists of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine in a proprietary matrix for topical application in
the oral cavity. In a placebo-controlled phase II trial in patients with head and neck cancer, this
agent significantly reduced the incidence of severe oral mucositis up to doses of 50 Gy radiation
therapy 66.

Low-Level Laser TherapyMultiple studies have indicated that low-level laser therapy
can reduce the severity of chemotherapy and radiation-induced oral mucositis 6769, although
the mechanism of such an effect is not understood. It has been speculated that low-level laser
therapy may reduce levels of reactive oxygen species and/or pro-inflammatory cytokines that
contribute to the pathogenesis of mucositis. Studies are difficult to compare due to varying
laser types and parameters (such as wavelength). Nevertheless, based on the encouraging
results to date, the MASCC/ISOO guidelines suggest the use of low-level laser therapy in
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chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis at centers able to support the necessary technology and
training 51.

Future Directions in Mucositis Research

As evident from the above discussion, this is an exciting period in mucositis research. One
drug (Palifermin) has received FDA approval for reducing the severity and duration of oral
mucositis in patients with hematologic malignancies receiving myelotoxic therapies requiring
hematopoietic cell support. Several other promising agents are in clinical development that
eventually may be approved for the management of this debilitating condition. Future studies
should evaluate if agents that work by different mechanisms can be used in combination for
greater clinical effectiveness. Another approach that warrants further investigation is the use
of novel drug delivery technologies that increase uptake of the active agent (e.g. glutamine) to
the oral epithelial cells. In addition, developing improved algorithms to predict the risk for the
development of clinically significant mucositis would also be valuable so that patients at
increased risk can be targeted for therapy in a more cost-effective manner. Reducing the
morbidity of mucositis will help to avoid unwanted dose reductions or unscheduled breaks in
cancer therapy and thus improve outcomes of cancer therapy.
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Oral mucositis is a clinically important and sometimes dose-limiting complication of cancer
therapy. Mucositis lesions can be painful, affect nutrition and quality of life, and have a
significant economic impact. The pathogenesis of oral mucositis is multifactorial and complex.
The present review discusses the morbidity, economic impact, pathogenesis and clinical course
of mucositis. Current clinical management of oral mucositis is largely focused on palliative
measures such as pain management, nutritional support and maintenance of good oral hygiene.
However, several promising therapeutic agents are in various stages of clinical development
for the management of oral mucositis. These agents are discussed in the context of recently
updated evidence-based clinical management guidelines.

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This work was supported by Grant Number K23DE016946 from the National Institutes of Health.
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Figure 1.
Current five-phase pathobiologic model of oral mucositis. (Reprinted from Sonis ST. A
Biological Approach to Mucositis. J Support Oncol 2004; 2:2136).
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Figure 2.
Oral mucositis lesion on the buccal mucosa of a patient who had received 4600 cGy of a total
planned dose of 6200 cGy, without concurrent chemotherapy, for treatment of squamous cell
carcinoma of the tongue.
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Figure 3.
Mucositis ulcer involving the lateral tongue in the same patient as Figure 2.
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Table 1
World Health Organization (WHO) scale for oral mucositis

Grade 0 = No oral mucositis

Grade 1 = Erythema and Soreness
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Grade 2 = Ulcers, able to eat solids

Grade 3 = Ulcers, requires liquid diet (due to mucositis)
Grade 4 = Ulcers, alimentation not possible (due to mucositis)
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Table 2
National Cancer Institute (NCI) Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 3.0

Oral mucositis (clinical exam)

Grade 1 = Erythema of the mucosa
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Grade 2 = Patchy ulcerations or pseudomembranes

Grade 3 = Confluent ulcerations or pseudomembranes; bleeding with minor trauma
Grade 4 = Tissue necrosis; significant spontaneous bleeding; life-threatening consequences
Grade 5 = Death
Oral mucositis (functional/symptomatic)
Grade 1 = Minimal symptoms, normal diet
Grade 2 = Symptomatic but can eat and swallow modified diet
Grade 3 = Symptomatic and unable to adequately aliment or hydrate orally
Grade 4 = Symptoms associated with life-threatening consequences
Grade 5 = Death
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