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The Plant Cell, Vol. 22: 21052112, July 2010, www.plantcell.

org 2010 American Society of Plant Biologists



James A. Birchler,a,1 Hong Yao,a Sivanandan Chudalayandi,a Daniel Vaiman,b and Reiner A. Veitiac
a Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211
b Institut Cochin, Universite Paris Descartes, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Unite Mixte de Recherche 8104,
75014 Paris, France, and Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale U1016, 75014 Paris, France
c Institut Jacques Monod, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Unite Mixte de Recherche 7592, and Universite Paris

Diderot, Paris 7, 75013 Paris, France

Heterosis refers to the phenomenon that progeny of diverse varieties of a species or crosses between species exhibit
greater biomass, speed of development, and fertility than both parents. Various models have been posited to explain
heterosis, including dominance, overdominance, and pseudo-overdominance. In this Perspective, we consider that it might
be useful to the field to abandon these terms that by their nature constrain data interpretation and instead attempt a
progression to a quantitative genetic framework involving interactions in hierarchical networks. While we do not provide a
comprehensive model to explain the phenomenology of heterosis, we provide the details of what needs to be explained and
a direction of pursuit that we feel should be fruitful.

INTRODUCTION Perhaps the more popular of the two is the dominance concept
(Charlesworth and Willis, 2009). In the extreme version of this
Heterosis refers to the phenomenon that progeny of diverse
model, one parent contains gene copies that are missing in the
varieties of a species or crosses between species exhibit greater
opposite parent and thus the hybrid would contain more genes
biomass, speed of development, and fertility than both parents.
than either parent (Fu and Dooner, 2002). While complementa-
The phenomenon has apparently been recognized in one form or
tion of recessive alleles and the combination of gene copies will
another for centuries by various civilizations (Chen, 2010) but has
certainly occur in hybrids, there are several arguments why this
been under scientific investigation since Darwin (1876) in the
alone would not seem to account for the complete heterotic
absence of genetics and for over 100 years with genetic con-
response. First, most (but not all) ecotypes or varieties that differ
siderations (Shull, 1908; Bruce, 1910; Jones, 1917). We have
from each other will produce some level of heterosis, but crosses
borrowed the title of a paper by East (1936), who summarized his
between species or genera, in which crossing barriers do not
thoughts on the topic nearly 75 years ago and whose frustrations
interfere with hybridization, produce some of the most spectac-
with the state of understanding of the field at that time seem eerily
relevant even today. ular cases of heterosis. East (1936) synthesized data from a large
Two terms are routinely used in discussing models of heter- number of studies involving many species and concluded that,
osis. One is the so-called dominance model, in which recessive on average, heterosis increases as the genetic disparity of the
alleles at different loci are complemented in the hybrid, and the parental stocks increases and interspecific crosses show greater
second is the so-called overdominance model, which posits heterosis than intraspecific crosses. For example, hybrids be-
that interactions between different alleles occur in the hybrid, tween radish (Raphanus sativus) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
leading to the increase in vigor. Of the overdominance model, exhibit extensive biomass heterosis (Karpechenko, 1927), as do
East (1936) stated: Genetic knowledge, at the time, was so hybrids between a wild tomato species, Solanum pennelli, and
meagre that it seemed necessary to assume that vigor is pro- cultivated tomato, Solanum lycopersicum (Eshed and Zamir,
moted when the genes at certain loci are unlikean assumption 1995).
for which there was no proof, and which was not illuminating as a On a simple dominance model, it would be necessary to
dynamic interpretation. Today, this statement is no less valid. conclude that virtually all ecotypes would carry a load of homo-
zygous detrimental recessives and that an increasing number of
homozygous detrimentals would be present with increasing
1 Address correspondence to [email protected]. phylogenetic distance. Can this be true, especially given that
The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the better dominant allelic alternatives are apparently so readily
findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described
available in different ecotypes of the same species or between
in the Instructions for Authors ( is: James A. Birchler
([email protected]). species? Although there is good evidence for a mutational load of recessive detrimental mutations that are heterozygous in
2106 The Plant Cell


populations (Charlesworth and Willis, 2009), different such mu- will prolong vegetative growth. Whether this is a valid principle for
tations must be homozygous in opposite parents in order to heterosis remains unknown but certainly breaks down in crosses
produce an F1 heterotic effect. They are already complemented in which flowering time is sped up in hybrids together with an
as heterozygotes in populations. The concept that homozygous increase in biomass and fertility, such as in maize (Zea mays).
detrimental recessives are replete in populations when better Also, alterations in the control of circadian rhythms in allotetra-
dominant alleles are so readily present runs counter to the central ploid Arabidopsis thaliana will promote more vigorous growth
principle of evolution and population genetics that the most typical of heterosis (Ni et al., 2009). Moreover, evidence for
reproductively fit genotypes prevail, particularly with regard changes in metabolic profiles has been documented in hybrids
to fertility that results from biomass increase, a typically im- (Gartner et al., 2009; Fievet et al., 2010).
proved characteristic in heterosis. East (1936) recognized this With regard to the control of cell number, an interesting recent
issue from inbreeding experiments by stating: There is similar study might provide important clues to the basis of heterotic
unmasking and elimination of deleterious recessives which plant growth. The first cloned quantitative trait locus was fruit
gradually diminishes and disappears; and there is segregation weight 2.2 (fw2.2) in tomato (Frary et al., 2000). It exhibits a
into differently characterized biotypes. But these purified bio- negative dosage effect on tomato size (Liu et al., 2003). Related
types exhibit as great or greater manifestations of heterosis when genes form a substantial gene family in various plants (Guo et al.,
combined after they no longer segregate defective recessives as 2010; Libault et al., 2010). This family was characterized in detail
they did earlier. . . . How, then, are our so-called dominants and from maize and consists of at least 13 members (Guo et al.,
recessives to be opposed to each other by crossing, since we do 2010), which were referred to as Zea mays Cell Number Regu-
not use AAbb and aaBB individuals as our pure strain compo- lators (Zm CNR). Zm CNR1 and CNR2 are more closely related to
nents? No! Heterosis must be interpreted on the basis of the tomato fw2.2 than other members of the family. The expression
behavior of non-defective allelomorphs. Of the dominance of endogenous Zm CNR2 was negatively correlated with plant
concept, East (1936) wrote: The explanation of heterosis. . . vigor. In this study, hybrid combinations that exhibit heterosis
[by complementation of detrimental recessives]. . . was so showed reduced expression while combinations with no heter-
probable that it was generally accepted. . .in spite of the fact otic response at the seedling stage did not. When the Zm CNR1
that there is no direct proof for it. This was not altogether and CNR2 genes were transformed into plants, multiple insertion
fortunate. Today, this statement is no less valid, and we will events with overexpression of the former but not the latter
elaborate further below. produced reduced vigor for many aspects of plant growth. The
A variant of the dominance model is called pseudo-overdom- strength of expression of Zm CNR1 transgenes was negatively
inance, which posits that complementation occurs for different correlated with vigor of the transformed plants. Interestingly, one
recessive alleles that are present in close linkage but on opposite example that produced cosuppression of the transgene and the
members of a pair of homologs such that overdominance ap- endogenous copy produced a more vigorous growth habit via an
pears to be operating. While these terms and ideas have dom- increase in cell number. Direct silencing of the endogenous gene
inated the literature for the past 100 years, there is no consensus produced the same result. The various other members of the
because of attempts to forcibly pigeonhole results that do not fit gene family are expressed developmentally and might play a role
into one or the other of these categories. For this reason, it might in the control of cell number in different organs. Variation in the
be useful to the field to abandon these terms that by their nature expression of Zm CNR2 was noted, which suggests that manip-
constrain data interpretation and instead attempt a progression ulation of plant size could be performed by modulating this gene.
to a quantitative genetic framework involving interactions in If this gene family does indeed play a role in heterosis, then any
hierarchical networks. Below, we elaborate on aspects of heter- modulation of its expression in the relevant cells would affect the
osis that need to be explained by a useful model. response because of the dosage sensitivity involved. Further-
more, any dosage-sensitive gene in the regulatory hierarchy or
WHAT IS HETEROSIS ON THE CELLULAR LEVEL? network controlling this gene family might then also play a role in
heterosis (see below).
One must keep in mind that the changes that occur in heterosis
concerning plant growth are basically differences in cell number
with regard to most plant characteristics. Cell size does not STUDIES OF GLOBAL GENE EXPRESSION
usually change in a survey of a wide variety of species examined
(East, 1936). The developmental program of hybrids is not With the advent of genomic methods to assay global patterns of
dramatically altered, so a specific type of quantitative trait is gene expression, parents and hybrids have been studied in
involved, namely, greater cell proliferation. Heterosis can vary several species. A null hypothesis is that gene expression will
in different crosses in different tissues. Flowering time often be additive in the hybrid compared with the expression in
changes in hybrids, but depending on the species, the heterotic the parents. For many genes, this is the result found, but
phenotype can involve either faster or slower progression to depending on the particular study, there are varying numbers
flowering. It has been argued that slowing the time to flowering of genes that exhibit a nonadditive behavior (Sun et al., 2004;
A Review of Heterosis 2107


Swanson-Wagner et al., 2006, 2009; Wang et al., 2006; Meyer probably arises from the fact that inbreeding depression is
et al., 2007; Uzarowska et al., 2007; Zhuang and Adams, 2007; cumulative over generations until it stabilizes but will be reversed
Chen et al., 2008; Guo et al., 2008; Hoecker et al., 2008; Pea immediately upon outcrossing to a different strain (Darwin, 1876).
et al., 2008; Stupar et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2008; Tirosh et al., However, through the decades, examples of single gene heter-
2009; Wei et al., 2009; Andorf et al., 2010; He et al., 2010; Jahnke osis have been documented, most notably by cases in Arabi-
et al., 2010; Paschold et al., 2010; Riddle et al., 2010). The various dopsis (Redei, 1962), cereals (Gustafson, 1946; Dollinger, 1985),
studies have utilized diverse species, different inbred lines within and yeast (Delneri et al., 2008). Analyses of introgression lines of
species, distinct tissues, and a variety of microarray platforms, portions of the genome of a wild tomato species into domesti-
which might account for the differences found to some degree. cated tomato are most readily interpreted as due to the action of
Over the range of studies, there has been no obvious consensus single genes (Semel et al., 2006). Recently, a single gene in
about genes that are differentially expressed in hybrids. Never- tomato has been demonstrated to produce an effect that exhibits
theless, there does appear to be a correlation between the size of heterosis for yield in tomato (Krieger et al., 2010). While these
the fraction of genes that show nonadditive expression and the cases might be interpreted as examples of overdominance, it is
magnitude of the heterotic response (Li et al., 2009; Riddle et al., possible that they involve dosage effects on regulatory networks
2010), but it is not clear if this effect is causative (Stupar et al., that are not incompatible with the concept of multigenic control.
2008). Heterotic plants will probably have slightly different dis- If alterations to regulatory networks contribute to heterosis, then
tributions of cell types in the assayed tissues, and such a variation in single genes or multiple genes that are not neces-
correlation might simply reflect this possibility. However, non- sarily the same in different varieties could also contribute.
additive expression in hybrid Drosophila produced from diver-
gent parents occurs on the individual cell level (Hammerle and There Is No Decrease in Heterosis after Purging of Obvious
Ferrus, 2003). Experiments to determine definitively whether this Detrimental Alleles
is routinely the case in plants have not been reported. In a broad
sense, gene expression becomes more divergent in hybrids from In an intriguing experiment, Duvick (1999) analyzed heterosis
parents of increasing genetic divergence (Birchler and Veitia, using inbred lines that had been selected for improvement over
2010). Whether global discordant regulation due to diverged many decades at Pioneer Hi-Bred seed company. Whereas
alleles and regulatory elements at multiple loci contributes to there was a consistent improvement in yield for the inbreds, the
heterosis is unknown. This concept does not on the surface magnitude of heterosis (as measured by yield) from these lines
account for why hybrids typically show positive heterosis rather selected over decades was not changed in a major way. The
than random positive or negative effects. Thus, the studies of thinking was that the improvement of the inbred lines was
gene expression to date on the whole are ambiguous as to successful in purging them of detrimental mutations. On the
whether any observed changes are correlative, causative, or concept that heterosis results from the complementation of
predictive of heterosis. However, some attempts to correlate recessive detrimental mutations in the hybrid, one might expect
parental expression with hybrid performance show promise that the magnitude of heterosis would decline with the continuing
(Frisch et al., 2010; Thiemann et al., 2010). accumulation of superior alleles in elite inbred lines. This, how-
ever, is not the observed result. On the other hand, as noted
above, East (1936) described how the purging of obvious det-
rimental mutations during inbreeding did not seem to affect the
heterotic response, which observation is consistent with the
results of Duvick (1999).
Most discussions of heterosis focus on standard analysis of
crosses of diploid parents with examination of the resulting hybrid Polyploids Exhibit Progressive Heterosis
for several characteristics. In parallel, inbreeding experiments
have been conducted as a corollary with an interpretation as being The behavior of heterosis in polyploids is almost never raised in
the opposing effect of heterosis. While these results are important, discussions of the mechanism, perhaps because this behavior
there are a few neglected observations about heterosis that have defies categorization into the classical models of dominance and
accumulated over the decades that should be revived into current overdominance. Given that all plants have a history of multiple
thought about the genetic and molecular basis of heterosis. The polyploidization and diploidization cycles (Comai, 2005; Van de
major observations follow. Peer et al., 2009) and many are fairly recently formed polyploids
(Wood et al., 2009), this is an unfortunate circumstance. Pro-
Despite the Multigenic Nature of Heterosis, Single Genes or gressive heterosis is a phenomenon in polyploid plants that is
Small Genomic Segments Can Produce a Heterotic Effect critical to developing a viable model of heterosis. This phenom-
enon involves the fact that maximizing diverse genomes in a
The typical thinking about heterosis is that it involves many polyploid results in increasingly greater magnitudes of heterosis
genes, and this is certainly true in most cases. This concept as a general rule. Perhaps one of the first observations of this
2108 The Plant Cell


phenomenon is that crosses between different allotetraploids in is an inadequate model for heterosis. Such complementation
the same genus will produce exceptional heterosis. East (1936) would occur regardless of allelic dosage.
noted: I have crossed Nicotiana Tabacum [sic] and N. rustica, In a study using Mimulus guttatus, inbreeding depression was
obtaining plants showing more heterosis than any other crosses I attributed to slightly deleterious alleles whereas recessive lethals
have ever observed. Both tobacco (N. tabacum) and N. rustica and strongly deleterious alleles were discounted (Willis, 1999).
are allotetraploids of fairly recent origin (<200,000 years ago) that Interestingly, the slightly deleterious alleles were judged to be only
originated from different pairs of parental species (Leitch et al., partially recessive whereas the more deleterious effects were
2008). Thus, this cross brings together four different genomes judged to be completely recessive. Thus, the slightly deleterious
that have diverged from each other. The vigor of this hybrid is alleles might be in fact dosage sensitive and produce responses in
superior to that of either N. tabacum or N. rustica, both of which hybrids that are not exactly the same as envisioned for the
exhibit good vigor because they are allotetraploids containing molecular basis of complementation of fully recessive mutations,
different sets of genomes. in which a normal allele produces the gene function that is missing
A related intraspecific phenomenon has been reported in in a mutant allele. This dichotomy might simply reflect the possi-
alfalfa (Medicago sativa; Groose et al., 1989), potato (Solanum bility that new null mutations in metabolic functions are tolerated
tuberosum; Mok and Peloquin, 1975), and maize (Randolph, in the heterozygous state whereas only weak loss-of-function
1942; Levings et al., 1967; Chase, 1980; Sockness and Dudley, dosage-sensitive genes can survive negative selection as het-
1989a, 1989b; Riddle and Birchler, 2008). In autotetraploids, erozygotes (Birchler and Veitia, 2010). These slightly deleterious
crosses between homozygous tetraploid lines will produce alleles are likely to be in quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that are
single cross hybrids (AABB and CCDD) that exhibit heterosis. typically dosage sensitive to some degree. While they will con-
However, if different single cross hybrids are mated that have tribute to the decline of plants following inbreeding, it is unclear if
originated from different parents (for a total of four grandparental they contribute to the heterotic response of surpassing the better
lines) to produce a double cross hybrid (ABCD), the heterotic parent in the hybrids. Indeed, with the complementation model,
response is almost always superior to the single cross tetraploid the principle still applies that for heterosis to occur between
hybrids. These results with intraspecific tetraploid crosses are strains, the parents must be homozygous at different such loci
analogous to the tobacco interspecific crosses of different affecting any one trait, which is unlikely to be the case.
allotetraploid species and form a coherent concept that needs
to be accommodated in heterosis models. This principle is also
Inbreeding Depression Is Not Appreciatively Different
upheld in considering the vigor of increasing ploidy and diversity
between the Diploid and Autotetraploid Levels, Despite
of genomes from diploid to tetraploid to hexaploid wheat
Extremely Different Rates of Homozygosis of Alleles
(Triticum aestivum; Briggle, 1963) and further on with the addition
of a rye (Secale cereale) genome to produce triticale as an Self-pollination of a diploid hybrid will produce half of the
octoploid with four diverse genomes (Goral et al., 2005). Despite progeny that is homozygous at any one locus. By contrast,
the considerable spectrum of alleles present in hexaploid wheat self-pollination of an autotetraploid hybrid will only produce
and octoploid triticale, it is still possible to obtain further vigor homozygosis of a locus at ;1/18th of the progeny if the locus in
increase by crossing together diverse derivatives within each question is near the centromere. Loci with increasing distal
species (Briggle, 1963; Sun et al., 2004; Goral et al., 2005). locations will have slightly different segregation ratios but will
never approach that of the diploid. Interestingly, studies in both
There Is a Dosage Component to Heterosis tetraploid alfalfa (Busbice and Wilsie, 1966; Bingham et al., 1994)
and maize (Alexander and Sonnemaker, 1961; Levings et al.,
An underappreciated aspect of heterosis is that it has a dosage 1967; Rice and Dudley, 1974) indicate that despite this large
component. East (1936) noted this in terms of crosses of tobacco difference in segregation at the two ploidy levels, the decline in
species. In multiple instances of crossing an allotetraploid spe- vigor is quite similar. These observations deserve further theo-
cies back to a diploid species that was one of the progenitor retical and experimental consideration in terms of the size of
contributors to the polyploid, there was often less heterosis than recombinational blocks that are made homozygous at the two
in the allotetraploid itself. In other words, plants with AABB ploidy levels. In light of the dosage component to heterosis, the
genomic constitutions were more vigorous than those with AAB. impact that the change of allelic dosage might have during
A similar relationship has been noted within intraspecific maize inbreeding in tetraploids, which shifts more quickly than com-
tetraploids (Chase, 1980). Tetraploids of constitution AAAB or plete homozygosity, also deserves further exploration.
ABBB are less vigorous that AABB, and as noted above, AABB is
less vigorous than ABCD. Such a dosage component is consis-
tent with the dosage effects described for the fw2.2 gene family HETEROSIS AS A QUANTITATIVE TRAIT
of cell number regulators mentioned above. The fact that allelic
dosage impacts the magnitude of heterosis is an additional East (1936) wrote that, the problem of heterosis is the problem
argument why complementation of recessive detrimental alleles of the inheritance of quantitative characters. Today, this
A Review of Heterosis 2109


statement is no less valid and must be the way forward in thinking control. By contrast, the concept of the cumulative effects of
about the problem in light of new understanding of the control of complementation of slightly deleterious alleles as the basis of
quantitative traits (Frascaroli et al., 2007; Flint-Garcia et al., 2009; heterosis is not consistent with single gene effects of recogniz-
Meyer et al., 2010; Schon et al., 2010). To the extent that there is able magnitude. Moreover, if the regulatory network is more apt
an understanding of the genetic basis of quantitative characters, to be reconfigured with increasing divergence, the observed
some principles seem to be emerging. generalized (but not absolute) positive correlation between
Quantitative traits are typically affected by multiple genes greater heterosis and greater phylogenetic distance is satisfied
(Buckler et al., 2009; McMullen et al., 2009), and crosses be- as well as the phenomenon of progressive heterosis in polyploid
tween extreme phenotypic types tend to show intermediate or intraspecific and interspecific crosses. An examination of the
dosage-dependent effects (Tanksley, 1993). Indeed, of the var- impact of dosage effects of regulatory alleles and network
ious QTLs that have been identified on the molecular level, most interactions of dissimilar alleles might be a direction for investi-
have involved some type of regulatory molecule that exhibits a gation in this field. Clearly, however, this concept in the context of
dosage effect (Birchler and Veitia, 2010). These observations heterosis needs much further experimental exploration, and the
parallel the classical observations from aneuploid studies that targets of such dosage network modulation as well as how they
changing multiple chromosomal segments can alter quantita- operate are unknown. Further integration of aspects of develop-
tive characteristics in a dosage-dependent manner (Guo and ment, circadian rhythms, and metabolic characteristics with the
Birchler, 1994; Lee et al., 1996). A long-term study to identify genetic determinants of heterosis is needed. While we cannot
dosage-dependent modifiers of a single phenotype in Drosophila provide a comprehensive model to explain the phenomenology
identified a collection of diverse genes, but all those of known of heterosis, we provide the details of what needs to be explained
molecular basis have transcriptional or signal transduction and a direction of pursuit that we feel should be fruitful.
functions (Birchler et al., 2001). Stoichiometric interactions of
members of multisubunit complexes will impact phenotypic
characteristics (Veitia, 2002; Papp et al., 2003; Rosado and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Raikhel, 2010) and are candidates for QTL.
Research in the Birchler laboratory on this topic is funded by National
Our bias in terms of the genetic control of heterosis is that
Science Foundation grant DBI 0733857. The research of R.A.V. is
quantitative traits are affected in large measure by the kinetics funded by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the
and mode of assembly of multisubunit complexes of proteins Universite Paris-Diderot, the Association pour la Recherche contre le
that include various types of regulatory components that act in cancer, the Foundation pour la Recherche medicale, and the Institut
hierarchies (Birchler et al., 2001; Veitia, 2002, 2010). This idea is Universitaire de France.
based on evidence from QTL behavior (Tanksley, 1993), aneu-
ploidy syndromes and their gene expression modulations (Birchler,
1979; Birchler and Newton, 1981; Guo and Birchler, 1994), Received April 26, 2010; revised June 18, 2010; accepted June 18, 2010;
phenotypic manifestations of transcription factor null heterozy- published July 9, 2010.
gotes (Veitia, 2002), biophysical properties of proteinprotein
interactions and their impact on the prevalence of gene duplica-
tions (Liang et al., 2008; Schuster-Bockler et al., 2010), and the REFERENCES
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James A. Birchler, Hong Yao, Sivanandan Chudalayandi, Daniel Vaiman and Reiner A. Veitia
Plant Cell 2010;22;2105-2112; originally published online July 9, 2010;
DOI 10.1105/tpc.110.076133
This information is current as of April 11, 2017

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