The Effects of Sleep Deprivation On Individual Productivity

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The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Individual

Sephra L. Snyder
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Snyder, Sephra L., "The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Individual Productivity" (2003). Theses, Dissertations and Capstones. Paper 225.

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The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Individual Productivity

Thesis submitted to
The Graduate College of
Marshall University

In partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of
Education Specialist in the Department of
Adult and Technical Education


Sephra L. Snyder

Marshall University

Huntington, West Virginia

May 2003




Statement of the Problem.....2
Significance of Study...3
Definition of Terms..3


Physiological Effects of Sleep Deprivation.....5
Sleep Deprivation and the Workplace.7

Data Analysis..12

Demographic data..13
Correlations Between Predicting Variables...14
Predictions of Productivity from Independent Variables...14

Implications for the Field...18






Table 4.1....13

Table 4.2....14

Table 4.3....14


Being sleepy on the job can have a vital impact on how well workers can do their job.

The study examines the effects of partial sleep deprivation on productivity. It included a

nonrandom sample of thirty participants, of which, sixty percent were female and eighty percent

were Caucasian. All participants were employed and possessed a minimum of a bachelors


Participants were asked to keep a sleep journal recording behaviors that could possibly

affect sleep. Participants were also asked to complete a demographic questionnaire and a task

log sheet. The percent of tasks completed daily on the task log sheet was calculated to signify

the productivity level.

The results revealed a higher mean productivity rating for individuals who slept more

than nine hours. The second highest mean productivity rating was for individuals who slept less

than five hours. The two negative correlations found for levels of productivity included

nocturnal awakenings and the self-perception of mood in the morning. This suggests

that as the number of nocturnal awakening increase, the productivity levels decreased. It

also implied that the more an individual feels fatigued in the morning, the lower the productivity



Sleep is a basic necessity of life. The current 24-hour society, we use precious nighttime

hours for daytime activities. In the past century, we have reduced the average sleep time by 20

percent and, in the past 25 years, added a month to the average annual work time (National Sleep

Foundation, 1999). The sleep habits of society has changed but the bodies of individuals have


Sleep problems have become a modern epidemic that is taking a toll on individual bodies

and minds. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2001 which

looked at the relationship between Americans' lifestyles, sleep habits and sleep problems.

According to the poll, the majority of American adults (63%) do not get the recommended eight

hours of sleep needed for good health, safety, and optimum performance, in fact, nearly one-third

(31%) report sleeping less than seven hours each weeknight.

The NSF poll revealed, due in part because our society has become a 24-hour operation,

many adults say they now spend more time at work and less time sleeping (40% vs. 38%). More

than one-third (38%) responded that they are working fifty hours or more a week.

One in five adults (20%) are so sleepy during the day that it interferes with daily

activities a few days a week or more (National Sleep Foundation, 2001). The penalty of sleep-

deprived employees is significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other

important areas of functioning.

The National Commission on Sleep Disorders reported that decreased productivity and

accidents in the workplace cost the nation $150 billion a year. A review of literature uncovered

research showing that rotating shifts and sleep deprivation lead to mistakes, dips in attention,

delayed reactions, accidents in the workplace, crashes on the roadways, reduced productivity and
difficulties in communication (National Sleep Foundation, 1999).

Statement of the Problem

The National Sleep Foundation survey concluded that workers estimate about a 30

percent decline in the quality and quantity of their work when they are sleepy. About a quarter

of the workforce (27 percent) report they are sleepy at work two or more days each week.

Young people (age 18 to 29) seem to be the sleepiest 40 percent of them report that they are

sleepy at work at least twice a week. Those same young people indicated that 22 percent of them

have been late to work because of sleepiness, while the overall total is 14 percent.

Being sleepy on the job, whether the cause is simple sleep deprivation or an undiagnosed

or untreated sleep disorder, can have a vital impact on how well workers can do their job. For

example, night-shift workers have poorer daytime sleep, reduced night-time alertness and

performance, and an increased accident rate. In addition to numerous health problems there is a

substantial cost to the economy in terms of decreased efficiency and productivity (Arendt, 2001).

The cost of sleepiness-related accidents can vary considerably, but in general, the estimated total

cost of such accidents per year in the United States is $16 billion and $80 billion worldwide

(Moore-Ede, 1993).


The purpose of this study is to determine what effects, if any, mild sleep deprivation has

on productivity, which in turn effects the workplace. The researcher is specifically interested in

the number of nocturnal awakenings and self-perception of mood in the morning and its

correlation to productivity levels.


Although the review of literature revealed a discrepancy, the majority of articles describe

partial sleep deprivation (sleeping less than 5 hours in one 24-hour period) as having negative

effects on cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and emotional measures. From this information

it is derived that cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and emotional measures will affect

productivity. Therefore, it is hypothesized that partial sleep deprivation and productivity

have a negative correlation. Productivity is defined as the percent of tasks completed

daily on the task log sheet.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is that it affects all walks of life. Sleep loss knows no

boundaries. It cuts across all cultural, social, economic, religious, educational, ethnic, racial,

gender and age lines.

Millions of Americans are suffering from daytime sleepiness so pervasive that it

interferes with their daily activities, maintains Thomas Roth, health and science advisor,

National Sleep Foundation (NSF). "This trend in daytime sleepiness should raise concerns

among parents, health care professionals, educators, safety experts, and employers. Lack of sleep

and sleep problems can have serious, life-threatening consequences [as well as] a significant

impact on productivity" (National Sleep Foundation, 2001).

Sleep loss is an issue that everyone should be aware of. Whether you are an employer

looking out for the safety of your employees or a mother concerned for the welfare, growth, and

development of your child. Whether you, your relative, or your friend suffers from sleep loss, it

is an issue that is linked to every aspect of your life.

Definition of terms

Terms in this study are defined as the following:

Sleep: a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the
world is suspended

Adult: a fully developed person from maturity onward

Partial sleep deprivation: sleeping less than 5 hours in one 24-hour period

Short-term total sleep deprivation: no sleep for 24-48 hours

Long-term total sleep deprivation: no sleep for more than 48 hours

Nocturnal awakenings: waking up during a period of sleep


As with all correlational studies, the findings from the current study cannot reveal causal

relationships between sleep deprivation and personal productivity. Another key limitation has

been identified. It is the willingness of the participants to complete the sleep journal and the task

log sheet. Because this study is not a controlled experimental design, some participants may

forget to keep accurate track of their sleep habits or task log sheet. This limitation may have a

negative affect on the results of the study.


Physiological Effects of Sleep Deprivation

How an individual responds to sleep loss, whether it is partial deprivation (sleeping less

than 5 hours in one 24-hour period), short-term total sleep deprivation (no sleep for 24-48 hours),

and long-term total sleep deprivation (no sleep for more than 48 hours) can vary. Pressman,

1997 indicates that sleep deprivation has been shown to impact negatively on a wide range of

cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and emotional measures. For example, mood changes

including irritability, fatigue, difficulty in concentration, and disorientation to short-term

memory alterations due to decreased attention, concentration lapses, and decreased motivation.

Illusions, hallucinations, visual misperceptions, and paranoid ideation are also observed with

sleep loss.

Similar results were published by Binks (1999). The study concluded that the person

deprived of total sleep experiences negative mood, sleepiness, fatigue, and decline in alertness

and performance. Some sleep-deprived individuals report visual hallucinations or distortions and

feelings of paranoia. Systematic studies of total sleep deprivation have revealed some temporary

cognitive deficits but no permanent effects.

Ross (1965) conducted a study on extended total sleep deprivation, a minimum of eight

days, which consistently discovered mild neurological signs, such as myopia, tremor, slurred

speech, and sluggish corneal reflexes. Ross (1965) detected neurological findings that included a

hyperactive gag reflex, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, and an increased sensitivity to pain.

The autonomic nervous system responses to total sleep deprivation produced changes in body

temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. The majority of research has found

a decrease in body temperature. However, the conclusions about blood pressure, heart rate, and

respiratory rate vary from remaining constant to a slight increase or decrease.

Ross (1965) discovered the most significant effect of sleep loss is the physiological

sleepiness, or the tendency to fall asleep when there is a lack of stimuli. Sleepiness becomes

extreme after the loss of a single night of sleep. Without competing stimuli, an individual

lacking a nights sleep can fall asleep within 2 or 3 minutes the next day. This can cause

dramatic affects on productivity. After about 48 hours without sleep, micro sleeps become

increasingly more common even when participants are physically active. As sleepiness

increases, an individual must increase effort to maintain a stable level of performance.

The interpretation of human sleep-deprivation studies is difficult because their findings

have been inconsistent. Van Helder and Radomski (1989) reported periods of sleep

deprivation up to 72 hours had no effect on strength or motor performance, except for reducing

time to exhaustion. The performance of passive, boring tests of cognitive ability such as

simple tests of vigilance (staring at a computer screen looking for signals) is often disrupted by

even a few hours of sleep reduction (Gillberg, 1996); whereas active, demanding tests of

cognitive ability are largely immune to disruption by even long period of sleep deprivation.

Percival, Horne, and Tilley (1983) found that subjects deprived of sleep for one night displayed

no deficits on a battery of abstract reasoning, spatial relations, logical reasoning, and

comprehension test that were written under demanding time constraints.

An increasing workplace for many is the military. Goh, Tong, Lim, Low, & Lee (2001)

studied the effects of sleep deprivation in the military. According to the authors, the study was

conducted because of the need for the development of reliable investigative techniques to study

how sleep deprivation affects performance, which, in turn, could provide ideas for the

formulation of measures to reduce sleep-related accidents. The authors hypothesize that the

detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on performance are apparently related linearly to the

amount of sleep loss, such that the longer the duration of sleep deprivation, the more pronounced

the disturbance. The study tested the effects of sleep deprivation on productivity and

performance using the rotary pursuit test. During the rotary pursuit test the participants were

asked to place a stylus tip in contact with the rotating target and maintain contact at all times.

The sleep-deprived group performed better than the control group; however, there was no

significant interaction found. Tracking performance improved throughout the day for both

groups. Performance declined significantly during the second day of the study regardless of the

sleep condition (Goh, Tong, Lim, Low, & Lee, 2001).

Sleep Deprivation and the Workplace

Millions of Americans are suffering from daytime sleepiness so pervasive that it

interferes with their daily activities, maintains Thomas Roth, health and science advisor,

National Sleep Foundation (NSF). "This trend in daytime sleepiness should raise concerns

among parents, health care professionals, educators, safety experts, and employers. Lack of sleep

and sleep problems can have serious, life-threatening consequences [as well as] a significant

impact on productivity" (National Sleep Foundation, 2001).

Many people suffering from routine sleep loss are not even aware of it, and many who do

realize they are not getting enough sleep are not aware of what it is costing them. Sleep loss

creates sleepiness, which can be associated with decrements in vigilance, reaction time, memory,

psychomotor coordination, information processing, and decision-making. With increasing

sleepiness, individuals demonstrate poorer performance despite increased effort, and they may

report indifference regarding the outcome of their performance (Behavioral Medicine, 1996).

Behavior Medicine illustrates that not getting enough sleep affects the person in several ways:

1. Problem solving skills are impaired. Sleep loss noticeably impairs our ability to
comprehend rapidly changing situations, increases the likelihood of distraction,

makes us think more rigidly and less flexibly, and reduces our ability to produce
innovative solutions to problems.

2. Communication skills suffer. Sleep loss reduces the words in vocabulary both
verbally and in writing.

3. Learning and memory suffer. Sleep loss diminishes scores on tests of memory,
verbal fluency and overall creativity.

4. Motor skills are impaired. Studies show there is a direct connection between
sleepiness and impaired hand-eye coordination. The degree of impairment has led
researchers to compare it in severity to drunkenness.

Until recently, sleep deprivation in the workplace was unrecognized, although

supervisors regularly see its effects first-hand: a) superior performing employees turning in

mediocre work, inexplicably moving through their jobs at half speed; b) lower morale, measured

by barometers such as tardiness, absenteeism and an increased number of grievances; and c)

ever-mounting sick leave requests and, in some instances, increased disability claims (Romani,


Sleep deprivation causes individuals to feel so sleepy during the day that their

concentration and performance suffer. For example, sleep deprivation often leads to an increase

in the incidence of motor vehicle accidents. One study found that individuals suffering from

fatigue due to sleep apnea are six more likely to have a motor vehicle accident than persons who

are not suffering from fatigue. They also are more disposed to industrial accidents than non-

apnea workers (Bonvallet, n.d.). According to the medical journal Chest (2000), the bill to

society due to loss of productivity, industrial accidents and medical bills owing to sleep

deprivation is $60 billion per year. This is a good reason to shed light on the silent thief of our

workforce's vitality. With more than 20 million people in the United States suffering from sleep

deprivation, most unaware they are suffering from it, management is in a position to perform a

public service of tremendous value and, secondarily, increase productivity by educating its

personnel on the issue (Romani, 2001).

One thing is for certain, that chronic sleep loss may lead to deterioration of mood and

motivation; decrease in attention, energy, and concentration; and an increase in fatigue,

irritability, tension, anxiety, and depression. Individuals suffering from sleep deprivation may

have an increased incidence of psychophysical problems such as stomach problems, menstrual

irregularities, headaches, and increased muscle tension (National Sleep Foundation, 1999). Any

one of these consequences of sleep deprivation can seriously affect productivity and


Chapter 3


Nonrandom participants in this study were selected from one graduate level course at

Marshall University, employees of Andrx Laboratories, American Electric Power, Western-

Southern Life Insurance, and several other organizations in Huntington, WV. The population

contained approximately 30 employees. The population will be both male and female

participants from various locations around the Huntington, WV area. A variety of ages, race,

marriage status, socioeconomic backgrounds, and education levels are studied as they appear in

the population.


Three instruments were used to collect data. The first was a demographic questionnaire

created by the researcher. The questionnaire consists of seven questions (Please see appendix

A). Gender, race/ ethnicity, marriage status, highest educational level completed, occupation,

number of years in occupational field, and number of miles driven to commute to work will be

deduced from the questionnaire. The content was chosen based on a review of related literature.

It was then evaluated and approved by a panel of experts. A demographic questionnaire is being

used to see how closely the sample replicates the known population and to allow analysis of sub-

groups of those responding to the survey.

Sleep deprivation was measured using a second instrument, a sleep journal. According to

P. Britz, Program Director for the National Sleep Foundation (personal communication, January

22, 2003) the author and publisher of the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) sleep diary is the

National Sleep Foundation. It is a public education brochure and has not been tested for

reliability or validity. It was, however, reviewed and approved by sleep scientists (Please see

appendix B). This instrument was chosen because it allows the researcher to measure levels of

sleep deprivation in an unobtrusive manner.

The final instrument is a task log sheet developed by the researcher produced from a

review of related literature. The task log sheet was then evaluated and approved by a panel of

experts (Please see appendix C). It was used to measure productivity. Participants list activities

they wish to accomplish for each day of the study. At the end of the day, the participant check

the appropriate box to signify if the activity was completed or not completed. The percent of

tasks completed daily signifies the productivity level.


The study was qualitative and self-reporting. The correlational predictive study included

30 nonrandom participants. The participants responses on the sleep journal were calculated to

determine if partial sleep deprivation has occurred. Partial sleep deprivation was considered

sleeping less than 5 hours in a 24-hour period. The task log sheet was used to identify the

productivity level of the participants. A Pearsons Product Moment was used to conclude if a

negative correlation exists between sleep deprivation and productivity.


Thirty participants, from one graduate level course at Marshall University,

employees of Andrx Laboratories, American Electric Power, Western-Southern Life Insurance,

and other organizations located in Huntington, WV took part in the study. Participants were

asked to keep a sleep journal recording behaviors that could possibly affect sleep, such as, when

they wake up, go to sleep, how many times during the night they woke up, how they felt when

they woke and the number of hours slept during the night. This was conducted for the time

period of two weeks. This information generated whether a participant has suffered from

partial sleep deprivation.

Participants were also asked to complete a demographic questionnaire and a task log

sheet. The task log sheet listed activities they wish to accomplish for each day of the study and

whether or not the activity was completed or not completed. The percent of tasks completed

daily on the task log sheet was calculated to signify the productivity level.

Data Analysis

After all instrumentation was collected from participants, the researcher converted

qualitative data on demographic questionnaire and sleep journal to numerical symbols. Scores

were obtained for each variable. Productivity was calculated by the percent of tasks completed

per day on the task log sheet. All data was entered into SPSS software program. A correlation

coefficient was computed using the Pearsons product moment. The correlation coefficient was

interpreted to determine if the prediction study supports the hypothesis that partial sleep

deprivation and productivity have a negative correlation. A comparison of means was ran to

compare the mean productivity levels of various amounts of hours sleep acquired in a 24 hour


Chapter 4

Demographic data

Of the thirty participants, 12 were male (40%) and 18 were female (60%). Thirty-seven

percent (37%) of all participants were single (meaning never been married), 10% were single

(meaning living with a partner), 37% were married, and 16% were divorced. As regards to

education, 8% had attended or were attending college, 50% had graduated college, and 42% had

attended graduate school or more. Sixteen percent of the participants were African/African

American, 4% were Asian/Asian American, and 80% were Caucasian/European American.

The participants occupations included a wide variety of areas (see Table 4.1).

Table 4.1 Distribution of Participants Occupations.

Occupation Frequency

Academic Advisor 1
Accountant 1
Administrative Assistant 2
Billing Clerk 1
Bookkeeper 1
Case Manager 1
Coach 2
Counselor 2
Director 3
Director of Student Services 1
Emergency Inspector 1
Graduate Assistant 3
Instructor 3
Insurance Salesman 1
Music Director 1
Pastor 1
Pharmaceutical Representative 1
Sales Clerk 1
Student 2
Weight Watcher Leader 1

Correlations among the predicting variables

First, the intercorrelations between the predicting variables were tested to avoid the

possibility of multicollinearity. Pearsons correlations among the predictors (number of hours

slept, number of times woken up during the night, and feelings of fatigue) were computed (see

Table 4.2). The significant correlations ranged between 0.1 and 0.3. This range is considered

free of multicollinearity, according to Tabachnick and Fidells (1996) criteria.

Table 4.2. Persons Correlations Among the Predicting Variables. (number of hours slept,
number of times woken up during the night, and feelings of fatigue)
1 2 3

1 Hours slept ___ -.143** -.268**
2 Awakenings ___ .301**
3 Feelings ___
Notes: Hours slept number of hours slept taken from the sleep log; Awakenings number of
times awoken during night taken from sleep log; Feelings subjective assessment of feelings of

Predictions of productivity from independent variables

The mean productivity levels were determined by a Pearsons correlation. The decision

was made to categorize the participants in the following five groups: less than 5 hours, 6 to 6.9

hours, 7 to 7.9 hours, 8 to 8.9 hours and 9 or more hours of sleep. The highest level of

productivity was produced by participants who slept more than 9 hours. The second highest

productivity level was produced by participants who slept less than 5 hours (see Table 4.3).

Table 4.3. Means Comparisons Among Productivity Levels.

Hours slept % of Productivity
less than 5 78.822
6 to 6.9 73.250
7 to 7.9 72.919
8 to 8.9 78.240
9 or more 84.967


As anticipated, the demographic questionnaire determined that the sample replicates the

known population of Huntington, WV. It also allowed analysis of sub-groups of those

responding to the survey. A mean comparison was performed for the sub-groups of marital

status, education level, race, and gender.

The productivity levels for marital status were evenly distributed. The results imply that

regardless if an individual is single, living with someone, married, separated, widowed, or

divorced does not profoundly affect productivity levels.

Those participants currently attending college were found to have a substantially higher

productivity level. This could be due, in part, to the idea that college students have a greater

number of immediate deadlines. In other words, besides the task of work and home life, college

students have strict syllabi to follow with impending deadlines. They may organize their time

better to complete the tasks on time, which would account for the considerably higher

productivity level.

Asian/Asian Americans were found to have a higher productivity level compared to

African/African Americans and Caucasian/European Americans. One explanation may be the

impeccable reputation of the Asian work ethic. Asian workers are known to be hard workers,

have cohesive family units, value education, and respect authority. Productivity levels may be

enhanced by these characteristics.

The productivity levels for gender were evenly distributed. Men and women generated

very similar production rates. The results indicate that gender does not significantly affect levels

of productivity.

The intercorrelations between the predicting variables were tested, using a Pearsons

correlation, to avoid the possibility of multicollinearity. According to Tabachnick and Fidells

(1996) criteria, the researcher determined that the study was free of multicollinearity.

The researcher investigated the impact of partial sleep deprivation (less than five hours of

sleep) on the aspect of personal productivity. The decision was made to categorize the

participants in the following five groups: less than 5 hours, 6 to 6.9 hours, 7 to 7.9 hours, 8 to

8.9 hours and 9 or more hours of sleep. The highest level of productivity was produced by

participants who slept more than 9 hours (84.967% productive). The second highest productivity

level was produced by participants who slept less than 5 hours (78.822% productive). The third

highest level was produced by participants who slept 8 to 8.9 hours (78.240% productive). The

lowest levels of productivity were recorded for participants who slept 6 to 7.9 hours of sleep.

The pattern of findings suggest that to have the highest level of productivity, that a participant

must receive at least 9 hours of sleep per night. If he or she is not going to receive at least 9

hours of sleep, then they are better off sleeping less than 5 hours per night.

The mean comparison between partial sleep deprivation (less than 5 hours of sleep per

night) and productivity levels are not in agreement with previous studies (e.g. Pressman, 1997).

Similar results were published by Binks (1999). The study concluded that the person must be

deprived of total sleep to experiences negative mood, sleepiness, fatigue, and a decline in

alertness and performance. The ability to acquire a few hours of sleep showed no decline in

alertness or performance.

Another study suggests that with increasing sleepiness, individuals demonstrate poorer

performance despite increased effort, and they may report indifference regarding the outcome of

their performance (Behavioral Medicine, 1996). According to our study, the increase of

sleepiness (fewer hours slept) showed a decline in productivity (with the exception of individuals

who slept nine hours or more).

Two negative correlations were found for levels of productivity. These included

nocturnal awakenings and the self-perception of mood in the morning. The Pearsons

correlations suggest that as the number of nocturnal awakening increase, the productivity levels

decreased. It also implied that the more an individual feels fatigued in the morning, the lower

the productivity level.

The negative correlations found for nocturnal awakenings and productivity are consistent

with previous studies. Arendt (2001) discovered that night-shift workers that have poorer

daytime sleep have reduced night-time alertness and performance, and an increased accident rate.

Nocturnal awakenings may hinder individuals ability to obtain adequate sleep. This in turn can

produce a consequence of lower production ratings.


A key limitation is the variations of occupations and the assessment of personal

productivity. Because of the different occupations, individuals have different task lists, which is

a subjective way to measure productivity. The solution would be a study that included

participants of one particular occupation that had a more reliable (objective) measure of


A second constraint of the data collection process was an environmental issue. A few

days into the sleep deprivation study, sixty percent of the participants lived in a region, that

suffered a severe ice storm. Most participants were without electricity for several days, some

even weeks. A number of participants were forced to leave their homes to seek shelter. Others

could not return to work for several days. Most participants commented that this natural disaster

did affect their sleep habits as well as their task lists.

The final weakness of the current study is that due to a relatively low rate of participation

in the survey. The researcher can only conclude that the findings are relevant to adults who are

employed and possess a college education. Despite this restriction, the marginally significant

correlations between sleep and productivity highlight the importance of the issue.

Recommendations for future studies

If studying the issue of partial sleep deprivation in the future, a more comprehensive

study should be conducted using a longitudinal design. The study should consist of a larger

sample of participants over a longer period of time. It would be to the advantage of the

researcher to conduct the study for a minimum of one to two months. This length of time will

allow for a more consistent analysis of sleep patterns.

Other elements that should be addressed are the demographics of the participants. It

would be beneficial to the researcher to know the age of the subjects and not only the marital

status, but whether or not the individual has children.

The last recommendation, possibly the most crucial to the study, is to observe individuals

that have one particular occupation in common. This would allow for a more reliable and

objective measure of productivity.


This study illustrates the need for employers to be aware of how productivity is affected

by sleep deprivation and fatigue. Being sleepy on the job, whether the cause is simple sleep

deprivation or an undiagnosed or untreated sleep disorder, can have a vital impact on how well

workers can do their job.

One in five adults (20%) are so sleepy during the day that it interferes with daily

activities a few days a week or more (National Sleep Foundation, 2001). This not only affects

employers and the workforce but individuals and their families and friends. Individuals who

suffer from sleep loss experience impaired problem solving, communication, and motor skills as

well as a deficiency in learning and memory. These indicators can have a lasting effect on

personal relationships, educational endeavors, and personal growth.


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Weitzman, E. D. (1981). Advances in sleep research (Vol. 7). New York City, NY: SP Medical
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Demographic Survey

Instructions: Please circle the most appropriate answer for each question.

1. Gender:

B. female

2. Are you:

A. Single, meaning never been married D. Separated

B. Single, living with a partner E. Widowed
C. Married F. Divorced

3. Education level (please circle the highest level completed):

A. Less than high school graduate D. Graduated college

B. High school graduate E. Graduate school or more
C. Attended or attending college F. Technical school/Other

4. Race/ Ethnicity:

A. African/ African American

B. Asian/ Asian American
C. Caucasian/ European American
D. Hispanic/ Hispanic American
E. Native American
F. Other (specify): _____________________________

5. What is your occupations? ______________________________________________

6. How long have you worked in your occupation:

A. less than 6 months

B. 6 months to 1 year
C. 1 to 3 years
D. 3 to 5 years
E. 5 to 10 years
F. more than 10 years

7. How many miles per day do you travel that is work related:

A. under 10 miles
B. 10 to 50 miles
C. 50 to 100 miles
D. 100 to 200 miles
E. more than 200 miles


Sleep Journal

Fill out I went to I got out of I woke up When I woke Last night I My sleep was disturbed by:
days 1-7 bed last bed this during the up for the slept for a (List any mental, emotional, physical, or
environmental factors that affected your sleep,
below night at: morning night: day, I felt: total of: e.g. stress, snoring, physical discomfort,
(Record number (Check one) (Record number of temperature)
at: of times) hours)

Thursday ___ Refreshed
______ ______ ______ ______
___ Somewhat
Feb. 20 PM/AM AM/PM Times
Hours ______________

___ Fatigued

Friday ___ Refreshed
______ ______ ______ ______
___ Somewhat
Feb. 21 PM/AM AM/PM Times
Hours ______________

___ Fatigued

Saturday ___ Refreshed
______ ______ ______ ______
___ Somewhat
Feb. 22 PM/AM AM/PM Times
Hours ______________

___ Fatigued

Sunday ___ Refreshed
______ ______ ______ ______
___ Somewhat
Feb. 23 PM/AM AM/PM Times
Hours ______________

___ Fatigued

Monday ___ Refreshed
______ ______ ______ ______
___ Somewhat
Feb. 24 PM/AM AM/PM Times
Hours ______________

___ Fatigued

Tuesday ___ Refreshed
______ ______ ______ ______
___ Somewhat
Feb. 25 PM/AM AM/PM Times
Hours ______________

___ Fatigued

Wednesday ___ Refreshed
______ ______ ______ ______ ______________
___ Somewhat
PM/AM AM/PM Times Hours
Feb. 26 Refreshed
___ Fatigued


Task Log Sheet

Instructions: Please write a To Do list of the activities you wish to accomplish for each date
below. At the end of the day, please place a check in the appropriate box to signify if the activity
was completed or not completed.

To Do Activities Completed Not Completed

To Do Activities Completed Not Completed

To Do Activities Completed Not Completed


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