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Code No: 07A3EC13 Set No.

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics &
Control Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Derive the equation for induced emf of a dc machine.

(b) Discuss the process of self excitation in a dc machine. What conditions must
be fulfilled for self excitation? [8+8]

2. (a) Explain the principle of operation of dc motor using suitable diagram.

(b) A 220V series motor runs at 800 rpm, when taking a current of 15 A. The
motor has Ra = 0.3Ω and Rf = 0.2 Ω. Find the resistance to be connected in
series with armature if it has to take the same current at the same voltage at
600 rpm. Assume flux is proportional to current. [8+8]

3. (a) What is an ideal transformer. Draw the no load phasor diagram of transformer.
(b) The maximum flux density in the core of 240/2400V, 50Hz, single phase trans-
former is 1.0Wb/sq.m. If the emf per turn is 8 Volts, determine:
i. the primary and secondary turns and
ii. area of the core. [8+8]

4. (a) With neat circuit diagrams, explain the procedure for conducting OC and SC
tests on a given single - phase transformer to determine the regulation for
lagging and leading power factors.
(b) A 100 kVA transformer has iron losses of 1.2 kW and full load copper losses
of 1.5kW. Find
i. the kVA for maximum efficiency
ii. maximum efficiency. [8+8]

5. A 440V, 4pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase stator connected slip ring induction motor has a
voltage of 80V between the slip rings when full voltage is applied to the stator and
the slip rings are open circuited with the rotor stationary. The stator current is 2A
at a power factor of 0.2 lagging. The resistance and stand still reactance per phase
of the rotor winding are 0.05 and 0.25 ohms respectively. The rotor winding is star
connected. For the motor running with slip rings short circuited and a slip of 5%

(a) The mechanical power developed

(b) Rotor copper losses

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Code No: 07A3EC13 Set No. 1
(c) Stator current and power factor. (Neglect the stator resistance and reactance)

6. (a) Explain the synchronous impedance method of regulation with vector diagram.
(b) Find the synchronous impedance and reactance of an alternator in which a
given field current produces an armature current of 200 A on short circuit and
a generated e.m.f. of 50V on open circuit. The armature resistance is 0.1 ohm.
To what induced voltage must the alternator be excited if it is to deliver a
load of 100 A at a pf of 0.8 lagging, with a terminal voltage of 200 V. [8+8]

7. (a) Explain why the value of motor time constant is zero on no-load of a servo
(b) A capacitive start motor does not run when the breaker is closed; It hums
loudly and starts to smoke. If the breaker is closed while the shaft is rotated by
hand however the machine comes up to speed and operates properly. Explain
the probable faults.

8. (a) Explain the working of attracted disc type voltmeter with neat sketch. [8+8]
(b) How will you use a PMMC instrument which gives full scale deflection at 50
mV p.d. and 10 mA current as
i. Ammeter: 0-10A range
ii. Voltmeter: 0-250V range.


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Code No: 07A3EC13 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics &
Control Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Develop from first principles an expression for the emf of a dc generator.
(b) The wave connected armature of a four pole dc generator is required to gen-
erate an emf of 520V when driven at 600 rev/min. Calculate the flux per pole
required if the armature has 144 slots with two coil sides per slot, each coil
consisting of 3 turns. [8+8]

2. (a) Explain the internal and external characteristics of dc shunt motor.

(b) Why starter is necessary for an operation of dc motor? Also explain the
different protective devices used in 3 - point starter. [6+10]

3. (a) Explain with a neat sketches the constructional details of:

i. core type transformer and
ii. shell type transformer
(b) The primary winding of a 50Hz single phase transformer has 500 turns and is
supplied from 3300V supply. The secondary winding has 50 turns. Find peak
value of the flux in the core and the secondary voltage. [8+8]

4. (a) Describe the method of calculating regulation and efficiency of a 1- φ trans-

former by open circuit and short circuit tests.
(b) A 200/400V, 50Hz, 1- φ transformer has the following test data

O.C. Test: 200V 0.7A 70 W -on L.V.Side

S.C Test: 15V 10A 85 W -on H.V.Side
Calculate the secondary voltage when delivering 5kW at 0.8lag. V1=200V.

5. (a) Prove that in a 3 phase induction motor

Starting torque 2α
= 1+α
M aximum torque 2 Where α is the ratio of resistance to rotor stand still

reactance per phase.

(b) A 3300V, 24 poles, 50Hz 3phase star connected induction motor runs at
247 rpm, while supplying full load torque. Rotor resistance and stand still
reactance per phases are 0.016 and 0.265 ohms respectively. Find out:

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i. Speed at maximum torque and
ii. Ratio of full load torque to maximum torque. [8+8]

6. (a) What are the effects of harmonics on pitch and distribution factors?
(b) Find the value of Kd for an alternator with 9 slots per pole for the following
i. One winding in all the slots
ii. One winding using only the first 2/3 of the slots /pole
iii. Three equal windings placed sequentially in 60o group. [8+8]

7. (a) Explain the operation of single phase induction motor on the basis of :
i. double revolving field theory
ii. Cross field theory
(b) The following test results were obtained in case of 220V, 1-φ induction motor
i. No load test: 220V, 5.8A, and 310watts
ii. Locked rotor test: 120V, 13.8A, 530watts
iii. Stator winding resistance is 1.4 ohms. Determine the approximate equiv-
alent circuit of the motor. [8+8]

8. (a) Describe the construction and working of PMMC instrument.

(b) Derive the equation for deflection if the instrument is controlled.
(c) Describe the method of damping used in these instruments. [5+5+6]


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Code No: 07A3EC13 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics &
Control Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define the terms ‘critical resistance’ and ‘critical speed’ and bring out their
role in the process of self excitation of a dc machine.
(b) Distinguish between external and internal characteristics of dc generator. How
internal characteristics are derived from external characteristics of shunt gen-
erator? [8+8]

2. (a) Explain the different protective devices used in 3 - point starters.

(b) Explain the method of armature voltage speed control using neat diagram.
[ 8+8]

3. (a) Explain the principle of operation of a transformer.

(b) The maximum flux density in the core of 240/2400V, 50Hz, 1- φ transformer
is 1.0Wb/sq.m. If the EMF per turn is 16 volts, determine:
i. the primary & secondary turns and
ii. area of the core. [8+8]

4. (a) A 20 kVA transformer has its maximum efficiency of 0.98 at 15 kVA at upf.
The iron loss is 350W. Calculate the efficiency at full load, for 0.8 p.f lag and
(b) With neat circuit diagrams, explain the procedure for conducting OC & SC
tests on a given 1- φ transformer to predetermine its regulation & efficiency.

5. (a) Draw the diagram of connections of a plain auto transformer starter for an
induction motor and explain its action.
(b) A 25hp, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 6 pole slip ring induction motor has a full load speed of
960rpm. The stator loss is 5% of the input and mechanical losses are 4% of the
output. The current in each rotor phase is 30 A. Find the resistance per phase
of the rotor and the efficiency of the motor. If the rotor standstill resistance
is five times the rotor reactance, find the speed at which the maximum torque
occurs. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain the alternator armature winding types with neat sketches.

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Code No: 07A3EC13 Set No. 3
(b) An alternator on open circuit generates 360V at 60Hz when the field current
is 3.6A. Neglecting saturation, determine the open circuit e.m.f. When the
frequency is 40Hz and the field current is 2.4A. [8+8]

7. (a) What are the different types of capacitor start motors? Explain in detail any
one type.
(b) A 250W, 230V, 50Hz capacitor start motor has the following constants for
the main and auxiliary windings: Zm=(4.5+j3.7)ohms. Za=(9.5+j3.5)ohms.
Determine the value of the starting capacitor that will place the main and
auxiliary winding currents in quardrature at starting.

8. The coil of a moving coil voltmeter is 40mm long and 30mm wide and has 100 turns
on it. The control spring exerts a torque of 240×10−6 N-m. When the deflection is
100 divisions on full scale and the flux density of the magnetic field in the air gap
is 1.0 Wb/m2 , estimate the resistance that must be put in series with the coil to
give one volt per division. The resistance of the voltmeter coil may be neglected.


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Code No: 07A3EC13 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics &
Control Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) With reference to OCC of a dc generator, explain the following:

i. Why is the emf not zero when field current is zero?
ii. Will the residual flux induce a voltage in the machine, if speed of the
machine is zero
iii. Why does the slope of the curve change, after a certain value of field
(b) A 4 pole generator has 48 slots and 8 conductors per slot. The useful flux per
pole is 30mWb and speed is 800 rpm. Find the generated emf, if the machine
is wave connected. [9+7]

2. (a) Explain the principle of operation of dc motor with suitable diagram.

(b) What are the different methods of speed control of dc shunt motor and explain
any one of them in detail. [8+8]

3. (a) What is an ideal transformer? Draw the no load phasor diagram of trans-
(b) The primary winding of a 50Hz, 1- φ transformer has 500 turns and is supplied
from 3300V supply. The secondary winding has 50 turns. Find the peak value
of the flux in the core and the secondary voltage. [8+8]

4. (a) A 25 kVA, 2500/250V, 1- φ transformer gave the following test figures:

O.C Test (LV Side): 250V 1.4A 105W

S.C Test (HV Side): 105V 8A 320W

Compute the equivalent circuit parameters referred to LV side and HV side.

Also obtain percentage regulation at full load with 0.8 p.f lagging.
(b) Define efficiency of a transformer. Obtain the condition for maximum effi-
ciency. [10+6]

5. (a) Explain briefly about principle of operation of 3-phase induction motor

(b) A 4 pole, 3 - phase induction motor operates from a supply whose frequency
is 50 Hz. Calculate

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Code No: 07A3EC13 Set No. 4
i. The speed at which the magnetic field of the stator is rotating.
ii. The speed of the rotor when the slip is 0.04.
iii. The frequency of the rotor current when the slip is 0.03.
iv. The frequency of the rotor current at stand still. [8+8]

6. (a) Draw the vector diagrams of a loaded alternator.

(b) A 60 KVA, 220V, 50Hz, 1-φ alternator has effective armature resistance of
0.016 ohms and an armature leakage reactance of 0.07ohms. Compute the
voltage induced in the armature when the alternator is delivering rated current
at a load power factor of unity. [8+8]

7. (a) Explain how a capacitor-start split phase induction motor develops a rotating
magnetic field.
(b) An experimental 120V, 1/4hp ,60Hz split phase motor has the following
locked rotor parameters referred to the main and the auxiliary windings.
Rmax=3.94ohms Xmw=4.20ohms
Raw=8.42ohms Xaw=6.28ohms
i. Locked rotor current drawn by each winding
ii. Line current at locked rotor. [8+8]

8. (a) Describe the general requirements for a material to be used for shunts for
ammeters and multipliers for voltmeters for PMMC instruments.
(b) What are the commonly used materials and describe their properties as regards
to their suitability to be used for shunts or multipliers. [8+8]


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