Rr310202 Electrical Measurements
Rr310202 Electrical Measurements
Rr310202 Electrical Measurements
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) A moving coil instrument whose resistance is 25Ω gives a full-scale deflection
with a current of 1mA. This instrument is to be used with a manganin shunt
to extend its range to 100mA. Calculate the error caused by a 100 C rise in
temperature when :
i. Copper moving coil is connected directly across the manganin shunt.
ii. A 75 ohm manganin resistance is used in series with the instrument mov-
ing coil . The temperature coefficient of copper is 0.004/0 C & that of
manganin is 0.00015/0 C.
(b) Give brief description about Multi range Ammeters. [8+8]
2. (a) Discuss with neat diagrams, the theory and working of an electro static volt-
meter of the quadrant type. Draw the connections for
i. heterostatically connected
ii. ideostatically connected instruments.
(b) Derive an expression for the force of attraction between the plates in a parallel
plate electrostatic voltmeter. [10+6]
3. (a) Explain the working of a 3 phase wattmeter with the help of a neat sketch.
Describe how the mutual effects between the two elements of the wattmeter
are eliminated.
(b) If the current in the pressure coil of a wattmeter lags 20 behind the voltage &
instrument is accurate when cosφ=1, find the percentage error when cosφ=0.8,
0.6 & 0.4 respectively [8+8]
4. (a) Draw a neat circuit diagram of a single phase watt hour meter and explain its
working. What are the various sources of errors and how they are compen-
(b) A large consumer has a KVA demand R a KVAh tariff measured by “Sine”
R “cosine” watthour type meters each equipped with a Merz price demand
indicator. The tariff is Rs.40 per month per KVA of demand plus 30 paise
per KVAh. Determine the monthly bill for 30 days based upon the following
readings: ‘Sine’ meter advances by 90,000 reactive KVAR demand indicator
150 KVAR, ‘cosine’ meter advances by 120,000 kwh & demand indicator by
200kw. What is the average monthly pf and the total cost per unit? [8+8]
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Code No: RR310202 Set No. 1
(b) Describe why phase splitting is not necessary in this case while in a single
phase power factor phase splitting has to be done by using ‘R’ in one circuit
and ‘L’ in another circuit of the moving coils. [8+8]
7. (a) Derive the general equations for balance of an a.c. bridge. Prove that “For
balance in an a.c. bridge, both magnitude and phase have to be satisfied
unlike a d.c. bridge where in only the magnitude condition is to be satisfied”.
(b) Describe the sources and the null detectors that are used for a.c. bridges.
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Code No: RR310202 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What are the different types of instruments that are used as ammeters and
voltmeters? What are the errors that occur in ammeters and voltmeters?
(b) Describe how can we obtain different voltage ranges by using a multirange dc
voltmeter. Discuss about sensitivity and loading effects of PMMC voltmeters.
2. (a) Explain briefly about the characteristics of current transformers. What are
the causes of errors in current transformers?
(b) A current transformer has a single turn primary and a 200 turns secondary
winding. The secondary winding supplied a current of 5A to Non-inductive
burden of 1Ω resistance. The requisite flux is set up in the core by an mmf of
80A. The frequency is 50Hz and the net cross section of the core is 1000mm?
Calculate the ratio and Phase angle of the transformer. Also find the flux
density in the core. Neglect the effects of magnetic leakage, iron losses and I 2
R losses. [8+8]
4. (a) Draw a neat sketch showing the construction of a single phase induction type
energy meter. Give the theory & operation of the instrument
(b) An energy meter is designed to make 100 revolutions of the disc for one unit
of energy. Calculate the no. of revolutions made by it when connected to a
load carrying 20A at 230volts at 0.8 pf for an hour. If it actually makes 360
revolutions, find the percentage error. [8+8]
5. (a) Find the working current of the slide wire and the rheostat setting
(b) If the slide wire has divisions marked in mm and each division can be inter-
polated to one fifth, calculate the resolution of the instrument.
(c) What is standardization and explain with an example, how it is obtained.
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Code No: RR310202 Set No. 2
6. (a) Describe the construction and working of a co-ordinate type a.c. potentiome-
ter. How is it standard? Explain how an unknown voltage can be measured
with it.
(b) Discuss the source of errors with respect to a.c potentiometers. [13+3]
7. (a) Derive the equations for balance in the case of Maxwell’s Inductance capac-
itance bridge. Give its advantages. Draw the phasor diagram for balanced
(b) An a.c bridge circuit is working at 1000Hz. Arm ab is 0.2µF pure capacitance,
arm bc is a 500Ω pure resistance, arm cd contains an unknown impedance and
arm da has a 300Ω resistance in parallel with a 0.1µF capacitor. Find the R
and C (or) L constants of arm cd considering it as a series circuit. [10+6]
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Code No: RR310202 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) How are moving iron instruments classified? Describe briefly the construction
and working of Ballistic Galvanometer
(b) Why the scale of a moving iron instrument is non uniform? Discuss briefly
why the scale is compressed at lower and higher ends. [10+6]
2. (a) Explain how a current transformer can be used for current and power measure-
ments with the help of neat sketch. Indicate the errors that occur in current
(b) A 100/5A, 50Hz current transformer has a bar primary and rated secondary
burden of 12.5vA. The secondary winding has 190 turns and a leakage in-
ductance of 0.96mH with a purely resistive burden at rated full load, the
magnetization mmf is 16A and the loss excitation requires 12A. Find the ratio
and phase angle errors. [10+6]
3. (a) Describe the three ammeter method for measurement of power & power factor
in a single phase circuit. Derive the expressions for power & power factor
(b) The power flowing in a 3 phase, 3 wire balanced load system is measured by
two wattmeter method. The reading of wattmeter A is 7500W & of wattmeter
B is 1500W What is the power factor of the system?
(c) If the voltage of the circuit is 400V, what is the value of capacitance which
must be introduced in each phase to cause the whole of the power measured
to appear on wattmeter A. The frequency is 50Hz. [8+4+4]
4. (a) Draw a neat sketch showing the construction of a single phase induction type
energy meter. Give the theory & operation of the instrument
(b) An energy meter is designed to make 100 revolutions of the disc for one unit
of energy. Calculate the no. of revolutions made by it when connected to a
load carrying 20A at 230volts at 0.8 pf for an hour. If it actually makes 360
revolutions, find the percentage error. [8+8]
5. Describe a direct reading frequency meter for measuring a frequency of the order
of either
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Code No: RR310202 Set No. 3
6. (a) Mention some of the difficulties in measuring of high resistance.
(b) Derive an expression for insulation resistance of a single core cable. The
conductor of a cable has a diameter of 5 mm and the over all diameter of
the cable is 35cm. If the insulation resistance of the cable is 16,000Ω/km,
calculate the specific resistance of insulating matrial. [6+10]
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Code No: RR310202 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Explain the working of a moving iron ammeter with the help of a neat diagram.
Derive the expression for the deflecting torque of a moving iron ammeter in
terms of current and rate of change of inductance with deflection.
(b) What are the main sources of errors in the instrument and the methods
adopted to reduce the same. [8+8]
3. (a) Explain the errors caused due to pressure coil inductance and pressure coil
capacitance in electro dynamometer wattmeter.
(b) Discuss the shape of scale of electro dynamometer wattmeters with the help
of a neat sketch. [8+8]
4. (a) Draw a neat sketch showing the construction of a single phase induction type
energy meter. Give the theory & operation of the instrument
(b) An energy meter is designed to make 100 revolutions of the disc for one unit
of energy. Calculate the no. of revolutions made by it when connected to a
load carrying 20A at 230volts at 0.8 pf for an hour. If it actually makes 360
revolutions, find the percentage error. [8+8]
5. (a) What are the different methods of measurement of frequency in the power
frequency range.
(b) Explain the working and construction of a mechanical resonance type fre-
quency meter using a neat sketch. [6+10]
6. (a) What are the different difficulties encountered in the measurement of high
resistances? Explain how these difficulties are overcome.
(b) Explain in detail the use of guard circuit for measurement of high resistance
(c) Classify the resistances from the point of view of measurements. [6+5+5]
7. Describe the working of Hay‘s bridge for measurement of inductance. Derive the
equations for balance and draw the phasor diagram under conditions of balance.
Why is this bridge suited for measurement of Inductance of high Q coils. [16]
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Code No: RR310202 Set No. 4
8. (a) Describe briefly the different types of tests that are used for testing of magnetic
(b) Explain the principle of operation of Ballistic galvanometer with neat circuit
diagram? [6+10]
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