Francisco, JR Vs People CASE DIGEST
Francisco, JR Vs People CASE DIGEST
Francisco, JR Vs People CASE DIGEST
A crime is an offense against the State, and hence is prosecuted in the name of the People
of the Philippines. The participation of the private offended party is not essential to the
prosecution of crimes, except in the crimes stated above, or in the prosecution of the civil
action deemed instituted with the criminal action.
ISSUE: May Eliseo be convicted of Estafa, even if the private offended party is not the complainant
in the case?
RULING: The third element of estafa under Article 315(a) merely requires that the offended party
must have relied on the false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means. It does not require that
the false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means be intentionally directed to the offended party.
Thus, in this case wherein a person pretended to possess credit in order to defraud third persons
(Solidbank Mastercard and AIG Visa), but the offended party nevertheless relied on such fraudulent
means and consequently suffered damage by virtue thereof, such person is liable for estafa under
Article 315(a), even though the fraudulent means was not intentionally directed to the offended
party. A person committing a felony is criminally liable although the consequences of his felonious
act are not intended by him
Except in cases that cannot be prosecuted de oficio, namely adultery, concubinage, seduction,
abduction and acts of lasciviousness, a complaint filed by the offended party is not necessary for the
institution of a criminal action. The Information filed by the prosecutor with the proper court is
A crime is an offense against the State, and hence is prosecuted in the name of the People of the
Philippines. The participation of the private offended party is not essential to the prosecution of
crimes, except in the crimes stated above, or in the prosecution of the civil action deemed instituted
with the criminal action. A complaint for purposes of preliminary investigation by the prosecutor
need not be filed by the offended party but may be filed by any competent person, unless the
offense subject thereof cannot be prosecuted de oficio.