Conception of Learning Physics and Self-Efficacy Among Indonesian University Students

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Conception of learning physics and self-

efficacy among indonesian university students

Article in Journal of Baltic Science Education February 2017


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3 authors, including:

Nadi Suprapto Chih-Hsiung Ku

Universitas Negeri Surabaya National Dong Hwa University


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The Effect of Conception of Physics' Learning, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge
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Abstract. This research aimed to explore

the correlation between Indonesian
University students conception of learning
physics and their physics self-efficacy. A
total of 279 students who were majoring
in physics education participated in this
Nadi Suprapto, research and were invited to complete two
Te-Sheng Chang, Chih-Hsiung Ku instruments: the conception of learning
physics (CLP) and the physics learning self-
efficacy (PLSE). Both of the questionnaires,
which were modified from [Lin, Liang, &
Tsai (2015a) and Lin, Liang, & Tsai (2015b)]
instruments, had been translated into Indo-
nesian language and validated through an
Introduction exploratory factor analysis of participants
responses. The differences between student
Many studies concerned about self-efficacy in science education. The levels were explored for their significance
studies have used, ranging from an elementary science student to university using an ANOVA test in order to portray
level. Some researchers have explored the significant influence of students a clear line among different conceptions
conceptions of learning science on their science learning self-efficacy (e.g. of learning physics and physics learning
self-efficacy. The results indicated that, first,
Chiou & Liang, 2012; Lin, Liang & Tsai, 2015a; Lin, Liang & Tsai, 2015b; Tsai, Ho,
the instruments used in the research had
Liang, & Lin, 2011). However, not at all concerned on the university student
satisfactory validity and reliability. Second,
level of self-efficacy scale. In this level, some previous researchers studied students in sophomore level were signifi-
about physics self-efficacy (e.g. Lin, Liang & Tsai, 2015a; Lindstrm & Sharma, cantly lower on the conceptions of testing
2011; Sawtelle, Brewe, & Kramer, 2012), chemistry self-efficacy (Uzuntiryaki & than those in other levels. Meanwhile, the
Aydn, 2009), and biology self-efficacy (Lin et al., 2015b). Self-efficacy ratings conceptions of calculating-practicing and
are not only informative to students, but also produce self-regulatory reac- understanding were not significantly dif-
tions, such as increasing studying to score better in the classroom (Zimmer- ferent. Third, university students in senior
man, Bonner, & Kovach, 2006). There is a linear relationship between students level performed more confident in four
self-efficacy and their performing in tasks. Consequently, in educational set- dimensions: science content, higher-order
tings, students who hold strong self-efficacy beliefs in determining a given thinking, everyday application, and science
communication than others. The research
project and doing it successfully are likely to employ in the task, while fewer
also depicted a moderate correlation
self-efficacious students were distinct to avoid it (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002).
among dimensions of CLP and PLSE.
In addition, self-efficacy is a predictor of academic performance (Uzuntiryaki Key words: conception of learning, phys-
& Aydn, 2009). Students who have a high efficacy would perform better in ics education, self-efficacy, survey study,
their academic tasks than those with low efficacy. university student.
In the present research, the role of university students various concep-
tions of learning in their academic self-efficacy in the domain of physics is Nadi Suprapto
initially explored. Specifically, the focus of the research is to identify univer- National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
sity students conception of learning physics and to understand how these State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
distinct conceptions relate to physics learning self-efficacy in Indonesia. In Te-Sheng Chang, Chih-Hsiung Ku
addition, the relation between each component of conception of learning National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
and self-efficacy in the domain of physics is also examined.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

Conception of Learning Physics

Some of the empirical studies have been extended to explore students conceptions of learning science. Tsai
(2004) classified seven conceptions of learning science, comprises memorizing, preparing for tests, calculating
and practicing tutorial problems, increasing of knowledge, applying, understanding, and seeing in a new way.
However, among these conceptions, only three conceptions are considerably important to when investigating
Taiwanese students conceptions in physics (Lin et al., 2015a, Tsai, 2004). The authors argued that the situation has
also happened in other Asian countries, including Indonesia. The first conception is understanding for promoting
meaningful learning in physics among Indonesian university students. The process of understanding portrayed
an active learning style and often reveals to great quality outcomes (Tran, 2013) and indicated that students with
a conception of learning as understanding tend to improve learning strategies (Dart et al., 2000). The second con-
ception is calculating and practicing conception. Physics education, as well as learning activities often provides
scientific knowledge, consists of equations, formulae, calculations, and the test patterns encompass the process
of calculation and tutorial problem solving (Kim & Pak 2002; Thomas 2013). The third conception is the learning
conception of testing. The testing conception is the most strongly influential factor related to the highly competi-
tive examination system in Indonesia.
The three conceptions of learning science (understanding, calculating-practicing, and testing) in-line with Lin
et al. (2015a) who made a simple conception of learning science. The three conceptions can potentially be presumed
as the key conceptions to consider when exploring students learning in physics. The researchers believe that inves-
tigating these three fundamental conceptions may lead to different learning pattern structures (i.e., conceptions
of learning physics). Therefore, one of the main aims of the current research was to gather the role of these three
conceptions in order to identify Indonesian university students conception of learning specific to physics learning.


Bandura (1986) stated that people perform tasks based on their own beliefs in specific situations, known as
self-efficacy. Self-efficacy has been defined as peoples judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute
courses of action required to attain designated types of performances (Bandura, 1986). Self-efficacy is a key con-
cept in Banduras social cognitive theory, which indicates that behavior is best understood in terms of a triadic
reciprocal system: cognition, behavior, and environment. The notion of reciprocal determinism in social cognitive
theory, means perceived ability to perform the task, behavior, performance, and environment setting (Chang,
McKeachie, & Lin, 2010).
Self-efficacy is a crucial construct for students to monitor their performance because it focuses attention on
their beliefs about the effectiveness of their learning methods (Zimmerman et al., 2006). The goal of self-efficacy
monitoring is to enhance students capability in predicting their learning accurately. Previously, Bandura (1997)
noted that the measurement of self-efficacy required to be improved into a specific construct. Similarly, Pajares &
Schunk (2001) pointed out self-efficacy is more like a domain-specific or task-dependent construct.

Dimension of University Student Self-Efficacy

Table 1 describes the dimensions (constructs) of university student self-efficacy in science by different studies.
Uzuntiryaki & Aydin (2008) noted that university student self-efficacy consisted of four dimensions: self-efficacy
for knowledge/ comprehension level skills, self-efficacy for higher-order skills, self-efficacy for psychomotor skills,
and self-efficacy for everyday applications. Seven years later, Lin et al. (2015a; 2015b) added one dimension called
science communication and used the term practical work as self-efficacy for psychomotor skills. Suprapto &
Chang (2015) also underlined the importance for adding self-learning strategy and self-assessment belong to the
dimension. The main reason is many researchers explored the relationships between university students and their
cognitive and metacognitive strategy use andscience achievement. In terms of metacognitive, university students
have self-learning strategy and self-assessment. As Zohar & Barzilai (2013) noticed that the field of metacognition in
science education is in a state of development and expansion and that metacognition is increasingly incorporated
into research addressing the core aims of science instruction.
The researchers underline the existence of scientific literacy as part of self-efficacy. This dimension is broken
down from practical work. The skills relate to the experimental procedure (laboratory usage), which should be

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

separated from interpreting data and making a report (scientific literacy). Finally, the dimensions of university
student self-efficacy consisted of six dimensions in this research: Science Content (SC), Higher-Order Thinking
(HOT), Laboratory Usage (LU), Everyday Application (EA), Science Communication (SCM), and Scientific Literacy (SL).

Table 1. The dimensions of university student self-efficacy in science by different studies.

Uzuntiryaki & Aydin Lin et al. Lin et al. Suprapto & Chang
This research
(2009) (2015a) (2015b) (2015)

Self-efficacy for knowledge/ Conceptual Understanding Conceptual Learning Conceptual Understand- Science Content (SC)
comprehension level skills ing

Self-efficacy for higher-order Higher-order cognitive skills Higher-order cognitive Higher-order thinking skills Higher-Order Thinking
skills skills (HOT)

Self-efficacy for psychomotor Practical work Practical work Practical work Laboratory Usage (LU)
skills (SPS)
Scientific Literacy (SL)

Self-efficacy for everyday ap- Everyday application Everyday application Everyday application Everyday Application (EA)
plications (SEA)

Science communication Science communication Science communication Science Communication


Self- Learning Strategy


Research Aim

The aim of this research was to explore Indonesian university students profiles in terms of their conception of
learning physics and self-efficacy on learning physics. Given this position, the goals of this research were twofold:
1. To explore the conception of learning physics (CLP) and the physics learning self-efficacy (PLSE) among
different levels of students.
2. To examine the interrelationships among dimensions of conception of learning physics (CLP) and
physics learning self-efficacy (PLSE).

Methodology of Research

A quantitative survey was used in the research. The data gathered through research process to explore the
comparison between Indonesian University students conceptions of learning physics and their physics self-efficacy.
Starting from January to February 2015, the first author spread out the survey questionnaire to students in public
universities, which have pre-service physics teachers (PSTs) program, in East Java province, Indonesia. Survey de-
signs are procedures in quantitative research in which investigators administer a survey to a sample to describe
the attitudes, the opinion, behaviors or characteristics of a population (Creswell, 2012).


As described in the introduction, the research focused on the fields of physics education. Originally, the first
author spread out the questionnaire to 500 students from one university selected among three public universities,
which have pre-service physics teachers program. All the three universities have similar levels and rank, therefore
the participants were representative. The response rate in the research was 60% (302 students gave response).
Among them, there were 279 university students (aged 1823 years) who gave a complete response. In this research,
the participants consisted mostly of female (43.4% male and 53% female). The number represented the ratio of
students in a university who was dominated by females. In other words, the number illustrated the dominance of
female in pre-service physics teacher in Indonesia. The sample varied of demographic factors, as shown in Table 2.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
ISSN 16483898
(P. 7-19)

Table 2. Summary of sample demographics (N= 279).

n %

Male 121 43.4
Female 148 53.0
Missing 10 3.6

Freshman 75 26.9
Sophomore 70 25.1
Junior 72 25.8
Senior 52 18.6
Others 10 3.6
Missing 0 0
School background
Natural Sciences 273 97.8
Social Sciences 1 .4
Linguistic 0 0
Others 3 1.1
Missing 2 .7

Total 279 100.0

Instruments and Procedures

Following guidelines by Lin et al. (2015a), the Conception of Learning Physics (CLP) and the Physics Learning
Self-Efficacy (PLSE) questionnaires were developed. After getting permission to re-use and modify the instruments
for research, the instruments were adapted and translated into Indonesian language. Originally, the instruments
consisted of 20 items for CLP and 32 items for PLSE, which used English version. The two physics educators and
one faculty member were then invited to review and to ensure the content validity of the CLP and the PLSE instru-
ment in Indonesian version. The items of the two instruments were presented with bipolar strongly agree/strongly
disagree statements in a five-point Likert mode. Accordingly, the participants achieving higher scores in a certain
dimension expressed stronger agreement with the statements concerning the dimensions of CLP and PLSE.
Turning to CLP, the instrument consisted of three essential conceptions of learning, including understand-
ing, calculating and practicing, and testing. Regarding the PLSE, the questionnaire consisted of six dimensions,
including Science Content (SC), Higher-Order Thinking (HOT), Laboratory Usage (LU), Everyday Application (EA),
Science Communication (SCM), and Scientific Literacy (SL). The items were coded on a five-point-Likert scale. The
higher scores indicated better learning profile and greater self-efficacy. By translating process into Indonesian
and by checking the content validity, the instrument feasible for Indonesian students. Finally, the CLP and PLSE
consisted of 20 items and 30 items, respectively. The CLP still divided into three conceptions above. Meanwhile,
the PLSE composed of six dimensions. In other words, we made some revisions compared to Lin et al. (2015a). The
dimension of practical work was disparted into laboratory usage and scientific literacy due to scientific literacy
is a wider perspective with other sub-scales stated in the curriculum (zdem et al., 2010; Holbrook & Rannikmae,
2007). The definition of each CLP and PLSE scales were efforted to accommodate the conception of learning phys-
ics, physics-related terms, and content in order to assess the students physics learning self-efficacy. The detailed
descriptions of the all dimensions are presented as follows:

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

Table 3. The dimensions of CLP and PLSE.

Dimension Description

Understanding (UN, 7 items) Measuring the university students conception that learning physics is to understand the
comprehensive meaning of physics knowledge.
Conception of Calculating & Practicing (CP, Assessing the university students conception that learning physics is viewed as a series of
Learning Physics 6 items) calculating and practicing tutorial problems, and manipulating formulae and numbers.

Testing (TT, 7 items) Measuring the university students conception that learning physics is to achieve better
performance on tests.

*Science content (SC, 5 items) Assessing the university students confidence in their ability to use fundamental cognitive
skills such as physics concepts, laws, or theories.

Higher-order thinking skills Assessing the university students confidence in their ability to utilize sophisticated cognitive
(HOT, 5 items) skills, including problem-solving, critical thinking, or scientific inquiry in the domain of physics.

Laboratory usage (LU, 4 Measuring the university students confidence in their related capabilities to conduct physics
Physics Learn- items) experiments in laboratory activities.
ing Self-Efficacy
(PLSE) Everyday application (EA, 8 Measuring the university students confidence in their capability to apply physics concepts and
items) skills in their daily life.

Science communication (SCM, Assessing the university students confidence in their ability to communicate or discuss
5 items) physics-related content with classroom peers or others.

Scientific literacy (SL, 3 items) Assessing the university students confidence in their ability to analyze and interpret data and
to report the result of laboratory activities.

(Modified from Lin et al., 2015a; , distinguishing in order of dimension; *, changing the name of the dimension; , new dimension;

, changing the number of items)

Data Analysis

Analysis of data used SPSSs software that consisted of analysis of validity, exploratory factor analysis, and
analysis of reliability by using Cronbachs . However, the scale was used belong to interval data so this situation
fulfilled the Brace et al. (2006) who noticed that for using factor analysis at least the variables should be the ordinal
level of measurement. In general, both of the questionnaires were adopted from the fix instrument which had been
translated into Indonesian language and validated through an exploratory factor analysis of participants responses.
According to the validation criteria of exploratory factor analysis suggested by Stevens (2002), the retained
items should preferably be weighted greater than .4. In other words, the items with a factor loading of less than .4
were deleted. Hereinafter, principal component extraction with a varimax rotation was conducted to estimate the
number of factors proposed in this research, which contributed to the construct validity of each instrument (Supra-
pto, 2016). Furthermore, the Cronbachs alpha coefficient for each dimension of the CLP and PLSE instruments was
calculated to ensure the reliability of each factor as well as the overall alpha coefficients of the two instruments. The
information of validity and reliability for the scale is shown in Table 4 and Table 5. In addition, differences between
student levels were also explored for their significance using an ANOVA test in order to portray a clear line among
different conceptions of learning physics and physics learning self-efficacy in terms of student level. Subsequently,
the Pearson product moment was used to measure the correlation among dimensions of conception of learning
physics and the physics learning self-efficacy.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

Table 4. The construct validities and reliabilities of the CLP questionnaire.

Factor (conception of
Item %
learning physics)

Understanding (UN) 1 Learning physics allows me to solve or explain unknown questions and .76 19.38 .84
2 Learning physics means understanding physics-related knowledge. .66
3 Learning physics means understanding the connection between physics .80
4 Learning physics is to realize the true meanings of physics theories and .67
5 Learning physics enables me to understand physics-related questions .67
and phenomena that I did not know in the past.
6 Learning physics can expand my knowledge and vision. .58
7 Learning physics makes me comprehend more phenomena and knowl- .71
edge related to nature.
Calculating and Practicing 8 Learning physics involves a series of calculations and problem-solving. .65 17.37 .83
9 Learning physics means calculating and solving physics tutorial prob- .77
lems constantly.
10 I think that learning calculation or problem-solving will help me improve .69
my performance in physics courses.
11 Learning physics means knowing how to use the correct formulae when .71
solving problems.
12 The way to learn physics well is to constantly practice calculations and .72
13 There is a close relationship between learning physics, being good at .66
calculations, and constant practice.
Testing (TT) 14 Learning physics means getting high scores on examinations. .58 17.18 .82
15 Learning physics is to answer examination questions correctly. .66
16 If there are no tests, I will not learn physics. .66
17 There are no benefits to learning physics other than getting high scores .61
on examinations. In fact, I can get along well without knowing many
physics facts.
18 The major purpose of learning physics is to get more familiar with test .81
19 I learn physics so that I can do well on physics-related tests. .75
20 There is a close relationship between learning physics and taking tests. .76
Overall 53.93 .79
, factor loading; , reliability coefficient

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

Table 5. The construct validities and reliabilities of the PLSE questionnaire.

Dimension Item %

Science Content (SC) 1 I can explain physics laws and theories to others. .66 9.96 .78
2 I can choose an appropriate formula to solve a physics problem. .77
3 I can link the contents among different physics concepts and establish .50
the relationships between them.
4 I know the definitions of basic physics concepts very well. .68
5 I feel confident when I interpret graphs/charts related to physics. .67
Higher-Order Thinking (HOT) 7 I am able to design physics experiment to verify my hypothesis. .55 9.26 .68
8 I am able to propose many viable solutions to solve a physics problem. .57
9 When I come across a physics problem, I will actively think over it first .54
and devise a strategy to solve it.
10 I am able to make systematical observations and inquiry based on a .73
specific physics concept or scientific phenomenon.
11 When I am exploring a physics phenomenon, I am able to observe its .51
changing process and think of possible reasons behind it.
Laboratory Usage (LU) 12 I know how to carry out experimental procedures in the physics labora- .75 10.74 .82
13 I know how to use equipment in the physics laboratory. .74
15 I know how to set-up equipment of laboratory experiments. .74
16 I know how to collect data during the physics laboratory. .62
Everyday 19 I am able to explain everyday life by using physics theories. .65 10.52 .78
Application (EA)
20 I am able to propose solutions to everyday problems by using physics. .62
21 I can understand the news/documentary I watched on television related .67
to physics.
22 I can recognize the careers related to physics. .48
23 I am able to apply what I have learned in school physics to daily life. .67
24 I am able to use scientific methods to solve physics problems in .46
everyday life.
25 I can understand and interpret social issues related to physics in a .42
scientific manner.
26 I am able to aware that a variety of phenomena in daily life involve phys- .51
ics related concepts.
Science Communication (SCM) 27 I am able to comment on presentations made by my classmates in .73 8.57 .78
physics class.
28 I am able to use what I have learned in physics classes to discuss with .72
29 I am able to clearly explain what I have learned to others. .72
30 I feel comfortable to discuss physics content with my classmates. .65
32 In physics classes, I can express my ideas properly. .44
Scientific Literacy (SL) 14 I can interpret data during the laboratory sessions. .56 7.03 .75
17 I can write a laboratory report to summarize main findings. .65
18 I am confident that I could analyze a set of data from the physics .73
Overall 56.08 .91
, factor loading; , reliability coefficient

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

Results of Research

Exploratory Factor Analysis of CLP and PLSE

In conducting a factor analysis, the first set of factor loadings is obtained by using a method that permits
convenient calculation of the loadings (Crocker & Algina, 1986). These sets of factor loadings are called initial or
unrotated loadings. In this case, it was used the rotated loading to approximate simple structure. In other words,
a varimax rotation was used to gain principal component extraction. For CLP instrument (Table 4), after extract-
ing three factors, by conducting EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis) with varimax rotation, checking eigenvalue and
loading factor and following by analyzing of internal consistency of factor structure, 20 items were included. The
KaiserMeyer Olkin (KMO) value was .83 and the result of Bartletts test was signicant (2 = 2138.64, df = 190, p <
.001), indicating that the samples were appropriate for factor analysis. Table 4 also shows the construct validities
and reliabilities of the physics learning profile questionnaire. The three factors accounted for 53.93% of the total
variance. Factor loading of physics learning profiles designed to measure each factor was between .58 and .81, with
Cronbachs coefficients for these factors were .84, .83, .82, respectively, and the overall alpha value was .79. It was
suggesting that these factors had high internal consistency for assessing the university students three conceptions
of learning physics and were suitable for further exploration of the university students physics learning profiles.
For PLSE instrument, by following the same way with CLP instrument resulted the KaiserMeyer Olkin (KMO)
value was .87 and the result of Bartletts test was signicant (2 = 2833.18, df = 435, p < .001), indicating that the
samples were appropriate for factor analysis. Table 5 shows the construct validities and reliabilities of the Physics
Learning Self-Efficacy questionnaire. The six factors accounted for 56.08% of the total variance. Factor loading of
the Physics Learning Self-Efficacy designed to measure each factor were between .42 and .77, with Cronbachs
coefficients for these factors were .78, .68, .82, .78, .78, .75, respectively, and the overall alpha value was .91. It was
signifying that these factors had high internal consistency for assessing the university students six factor of self-
efficacy, and were suitable for further exploration of the university students physics self-efficacy. Nevertheless, Item
6 (I am able to critically evaluate the solutions of physics problems) and item 31 (In physics classes, I can clearly
express my own opinions) were deleted because the items with a factor loading of less than .4.

Conception of Learning Physics (CLP) among Different Levels

Table 6 depicts the comparison of conception of learning physics among different levels in the university.
Based on ANOVA test, only the conception of testing performed significantly different among university students
at different levels. Therefore, from post hoc test (Scheff test) indicated that university students who studied more
than four years (others) (M=2.98, SD=.33) stated better in testing than others. In contrast, Sophomore level based
on their scores on the conceptions of testing was significantly lower than the scores of the other levels (M=2.46,
SD=.63). Meanwhile, the conception of understanding (UN) and calculating and practicing (CP) were not signifi-
cantly different.

Table 6. The comparisons of the Conception of Learning Physics among different levels in the university.

Understanding- UN Calculating and Practicing- Testing-TT

(mean, SD) CP (mean, SD) (mean, SD)

Freshman (1) 3.70 (.56) 3.63(.57) 2.74(.64)

Sophomore (2) 3.87 (.41) 3.53(.61) 2.46(.63)
Junior (3) 3.88(.51) 3.42(.66) 2.54(.65)
Senior (4) 3.93(.51) 3.62(.59) 2.77(.72)
Others (5) 4.01(.33) 3.92(.42) 2.98(.33)
Total 3.84(.50) 3.56(.61) 2.63(.66)
F (ANOVA) 2.34 2.19 3.53*
Post hoc test (Scheff tests) - - 5>2,
p < .05

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

Table 7. The comparisons of Physics Learning Self-Efficacy among different levels in university.

Science Higher-Order Laboratory Everyday Science Scientific

Level Content-SC Thinking- HOT Usage- LU Application- EA Communication-SCM Literacy-SL
(mean, SD) (mean, SD) (mean, SD) (mean, SD) (mean, SD) (mean, SD)

Freshman (1) 3.23(.43) 3.12(.38) 3.68(.56) 3.26(.37) 3.41(.44) 3.50(.57)

Sophomore (2) 3.34(.57) 3.26(.46) 3.70(.49) 3.33(.49) 3.34(.49) 3.63(.50)

Junior (3) 3.30(.47) 3.38(.47) 3.77(.58) 3.46(.41) 3.50(.53) 3.57(.56)

Senior (4) 3.53(.51) 3.33(.59) 3.74(.59) 3.52(.44) 3.74(.52) 3.69(.65)

Others (5) 3.36(.42) 3.46(.48) 4.00(.54) 3.48(.28) 3.94(.44) 3.77(.42)

Total 3.34(.50) 3.28(.48) 3.73(.55) 3.38(.43) 3.50(.51)

F (ANOVA) 2.962* 3.304* .873 3.951** 7.543*** 1.188

Post hoc test 4>1, 3>1, - 4>1, 4>1>2, -

(Scheff tests) 4>5>2>3>1 5>3>4>2>1 4>5>3>1>1 5>1>2,
p < 0.05 p < 0.01
p < 0.001

The Physics Learning Self-Efficacy (PLSE) among Different Levels

Table 7 illustrates the comparison of Physics Learning Self-Efficacy among different levels at university. Based
on ANOVA test, it was found a significantly different among levels in terms of science content, higher-order think-
ing, everyday application, and science communication. In contrast, it showed no significantly different among
university students in different level in terms of laboratory usage and scientific literacy. Therefore, from post hoc test
(Scheff test) indicated that university students as pre-service teachers in senior level performed higher confident
in science content, everyday application, and science communication. However, students who lived more than four
years at university indicated higher confidence in higher-order thinking and science communication than others.

The Correlation among Dimensions of CLP and PLSE

Table 8 depicts the relationships among dimensions of conception of learning physics and physics learn-
ing self-efficacy. In general, the correlation coefficients were significantly positive, ranging from .14 to .58 for all
dimensions both CLP and PLSE, except the dimension of testing and other dimensions, (such as science content,
science communication, laboratory usage, everyday application, and scientific literacy) were accounted a nega-
tive correlation. The coefficient range was useful for moderate prediction based on the criteria of Creswell (2012).
Specifically, the intra-relationship among dimensions of CLP indicated that there was a significant correlation be-
tween dimension (calculating-practicing and understanding) and (calculating-practicing and testing). Conversely,
there was a significant negative correlation between understanding and testing. Meanwhile, the intra-relationship
among dimensions of PLSE showed that all of the dimensions had significantly correlation each other at =.01.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

Table 8. The correlation among dimensions of CLP and PLSE.

Dimension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Understanding (UN) -
2 Calculating and Practicing (CP) .37** -
3 Testing (TT) -.15 *
.16** -
4 Science Content (SC) .22 **
.06 -.02 -
5 Science Communication (SCM) .38 **
.14 *
-.01 .38** -
6 Higher-Order Thinking (HOT) .35** .09 .02 .52** .37** -
7 Laboratory Usage (LU) .34 **
.20 **
-.15 *
.25 **
.33 **
.32** -
8 Everyday Application (EA) .42** .18** -.09 .45** .44** .57** .42** -
9 Scientific Literacy (SL) .36 **
.14 *
-.07 .34 **
.37 **
.40 **
.58 **
.40** -
p < 0.05 p < 0.01


For conducting exploratory factor analysis, there are two essential points (Suprapto & Chang, 2015; Suprapto
& Ku, 2016), including stability data and factor structure. First, for survey study, the most item parameter can be
estimated by relative stability for samples of 200 participants, and so that it might consider the minimum number
desired (Crocker & Algina, 1986). Second, several criteria for conducting data analysis in self-efficacy scale: a) ex-
ploratory factor analysis was employed to attain the factor structures of the two adopted instruments based on the
participants responses on the instruments; b) the condition for factor extraction was based on a combination of
Kaisers criterion of eigenvalue larger than 1 confirming the intended factor structure; c) the retained items should
preferably be weighted greater than .4 as stated by Stevens (2002); and d) the factor should explain at least 50%
of the variance among all extracted factors.
Based on the results, the two instruments used in this research had satisfactory validity and reliability. The
overall percentage of variance extracted (53.93% for CLP and 56.08% for PLSE) supported the assertion that all
factors were deemed sufficient and conceptually valid in their correspondence to the existing theory. All items
had pattern coefficients higher than .4, which was suggested to be satisfactory by Stevens (2002). After a careful
investigation of the content of those items, some items listed above were deleted. The deleted item was consid-
ered to be too general to assess self-efficacy as opposed to Banduras suggestion mentioned earlier. In Lins et al.
(2015a) research, the overall percentage of variance accounted (65.74% for CLP and 65.60% for PLSE). However,
the main difference between the two studies is the number of dimensions, especially on PLSE. The authors added
scientific literacy and distinguished with laboratory usage in terms of practical work in Lin et al.s (2005a) study.
Regarding the result of ANOVA test, only the conception of testing (TT) performed significantly different ( =
.05) among university students in different levels. University students who lived more than four years stated bet-
ter in testing of physics than others as well as senior levels. In contrast, Sophomore levels on the conceptions of
testing were significantly lower than the scores of the other level. After finishing general courses in their first year,
they already focused on the physical and pedagogical content in the second year. Meanwhile, the conceptions
of calculating and practicing (CP) and understanding (UN) were not significantly different. In Lin et al.s (2015a)
research, all the dimensions of conception of learning physics performed significantly different among the cluster
participants. Their research separated the participants into three clusters: reproductive, transitional, and constructive.
Turning to the physics learning self-efficacy, there was a significant difference among levels in terms of sci-
ence content, higher-order thinking, everyday application, and science communication. In contrast, there was
no significant difference among university students in different levels in terms of laboratory usage and scientific
literacy. Student in senior level gained more experience and knowledge in physics. Therefore, their performed well
in those dimensions were compared to others. In-line with Thomas (2013), students comprehensive understanding
of scientific knowledge by using deep learning strategies learners may influence on attaining meaning and perform
higher-order cognitive processing. Students who view physics learning as understanding may frequently achieve
higher-order forms of learning and gain self-efficacy in their ability to use higher-order scientific approaches.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
(P. 7-19)

Considering the laboratory usage, there was no significant difference among university students at different
levels. It can be understood that the prospective physics teachers cant be separated from laboratory activities rang-
ing from first year to fourth year based on the formal curriculum in Indonesia. The participants do believe that the
activities like carrying out experimental procedures in the physics laboratory, setting-up equipment of laboratory
experiments, and collecting data during the physics laboratory have the same pattern ranging from a basic experi-
ment to advanced experiment. Then, the research also indicated that there were no differences among university
students in different levels in terms of scientific literacy. The explanation can be proposed that the activities, such
as interpreting, analyzing, and reporting data are the major goal of science education. zdem et al. (2010) argued
that scientific literacy should be examined with a broader perspective, including the nature of science (NOS) and
scientific concept knowledge (SCK) in the curriculum. Moreover, Holbrook & Rannikmae (2007) underlined the
meaning of NOS to enhance scientific literacy. Therefore, the teaching approach for science education should be
regarded as education through science, rather than science through education. This approach gives implication
for the importance of the enhancement of multidimensional scientific literacy for science learning.
The relationships among dimensions of conception of learning physics and physics learning self-efficacy
were significantly positive for all dimensions. The intra-relationship among dimensions of CLP indicated that
there was a significant correlation between dimension (calculating-practicing and understanding) as well as
(calculating-practicing and testing). In contrast, it was indicated a negative correlation between understand-
ing and calculating-practicing. Meanwhile, the intra-relationship among dimensions of PLSE showed that all of
the dimensions have significant correlation with each other at = .01. This situation in-line with Uzuntiryaki &
Aydin (2008); Lin et al. (2015a); Lin et al. (2015b); and Suprapto & Chang (2015) who derived the dimension of
physics learning self-efficacy.
Furthermore, the relationships between the dimension of CLP and PLSE presented varying results. There was
no relationship between the dimension of testing (part of CLP) and all other dimensions, except laboratory usage
(LU) with coefficient of correlation -.15. The result confirmed to us that the importance of including the dimension
as emphasized by Suprapto & Chang (2015) who underlined the importance for adding self-learning strategy and
self-assessment belong to the dimension of self-efficacy due to testing and self-assessment are closely related.
Moreover, there was a significant correlation between the dimension of CLP: understanding and all of dimensions
of PLSE at = .01. Nevertheless, for the dimension of calculating and practicing (CP) correlated with laboratory
usage (LU) and everyday application (EA) at = .01 as well as science communication (SCM) and scientific literacy
(SL) at = .05. Similarly, Uzuntiryaki & Aydn (2009) stated that correlational studies should be conducted to inves-
tigate the relationship between self-efficacy beliefs and other variables such as self-regulatory skills in calculating
and practicing.

Conclusions and Implications

The research was designed to explore the university students conception of learning physics and the univer-
sity students physics learning self-efficacy. There was a moderate correlation among dimensions of conception
of learning physics and physics learning self-efficacy. Based on their levels, students in the Sophomore level were
significantly lower than the scores of the other levels on the conceptions of testing. There was a significant difference
among levels in terms of science content, higher-order thinking, everyday application, and science communication.
In contrast, there was no significant difference among university students in different levels in terms of laboratory
usage and scientific literacy. In this context, university students as prospective teachers in senior-level performed
higher confident in science content, everyday application, and science communication. However, students who
studied more than four years in university indicated higher confidence in higher-order thinking and science com-
munication than others.
Finally, this research had some limitations and implications. Even though the questionnaires used in this
research have been modified, but they still needed for further validation. From a research viewpoint, the CLP and
PLSE can be used in several ways, for example, to predict students readiness for physics learning and to give any
information about students capacity to become physics teachers. Researchers can investigate the relationship
among students self-efficacy beliefs, learning motivation, self-regulatory skills, and academic achievement. The
authors also think the possibility of reviewing the dimensions of understanding in CLP and science content in PLSE
due to both of the two dimensions have similar constructs. The dimension of understanding assesses the university
students confidence in their ability to use fundamental cognitive skills such as physics concepts, laws, or theories.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017
ISSN 16483898
(P. 7-19)

On the other hand, the dimension of science content measures the university students conception that learning
physics is to understand the comprehensive meaning of physics knowledge.
In the present research, data are collected from university students on four levels taking physics class at a
single point in time. Physics self-efficacy beliefs can also be studied longitudinally through their progress in the
university in order to monitor changes in efficacy beliefs. The possible question for future research, (i.e. How do
the developments of self-efficacy beliefs of university students change through the years?). In addition, the factors
affecting the development of self-efficacy also can be explored. The PLSE also can be distributed as a pre-test and
post-test in an experimental setting to compare different instructional methods. It is also important to consider
the predictive ability of the sources of self-efficacy for different gender in physics. In this research, the majority
of participants are female. It is important to compare and to explore the students conception of learning physics
and their self-efficacy when either male > female or female > male. However, by reviewing the pros and cons of
this research, the implications drawn contribute to the improvement of the physics teacher education program
in Indonesia.


Earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2015 International Conference of East-Asian Association for
Science Education, October 16-18, 2015, at Beijing Normal University (BNU), MainlandChina.


This research work was supported by Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education, Indonesia for funding: Diktis Scholarship.


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Received: July 15, 2016 Accepted: December 26, 2016

Nadi Suprapto S.Pd., M.Pd., Lecturer, State University of Surabaya, Jl. Ketintang
(Corresponding author) Surabaya 60231, Indonesia.
Ph.D Candidate, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.
Email: [email protected]
Te-Sheng Chang Ph.D, Professor, Graduate Institute of Education, National Dong
Hwa University, No.1 Sec.2 Da Hsueh Road, Shoufeng, Hualien
County, Taiwan 97401.
E-mail: [email protected]
Chih-Hsiung Ku Ph.D, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Science Education,
National Dong Hwa University, No.1 Sec.2 Da Hsueh Road,
Shoufeng, Hualien County, Taiwan 97401.
E-mail: [email protected]


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