EC6602 Uw 2

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An antenna is a device that provides a transition between electric currents on a

conductor and electromagnetic waves in space. A transmitting antenna transforms
electric currents into radio waves and a receiving antenna transforms an
electromagnetic field back into electric current.

There are several basic properties that are common to all antennas:

Reciprocity: an antennas electrical characteristics are the same whether it is used for
transmitting or receiving. Because this is always true, throughout this lecture, we will
consider antennas as transmitting antennas.

Polarization: polarization is the orientation of the electric field vector of the

electromagnetic wave produced by the antenna. For most antennas, the orientation of
the antenna conductor determines the polarization. Polarization may be vertical,
horizontal or elliptical.

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The diagram above shows vertical and horizontal polarization. If the radio wave's
electric field vector points in some other direction, it is said to be obliquely polarized.

If the electric field rotates in space, such that its tip follows an elliptical path, it is
elliptically polarized.

Wavelength: this is the length of one RF wave. It can be computed by either of the
following formulas, depending on the units required:

(in m) = 300/f(in MHz) or (in ft) = 984/f(in MHz)

For more information on wavelength, click here.

Gain (directivity): This is a measure of the degree to which an antenna focuses

power in a given direction, relative to the power radiated by a reference antenna in the
same direction. Units of measure are dBi (isotopic antenna reference) or dBd (half-
wave dipole reference). The two gain measurements can be converted using the
following formula:

dBi = dBd + 2.1

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If the directivity of the transmitting and receiving antennas is known, it is possible to

compute the power received by the receiving antenna using either of the formulas

When using dB:

Antenna gain should be expressed in dBi, wavelength and distances in m and powers
in dBm or dBW.

When using gain ratios and powers in W:

Antenna gains should be expressed as a number, distances and wavelengths in m and

powers in W.

Here is an example:

Two dipole antennas 100 km apart are aligned and one transmits a 1 kW signal. The
frequency is 222 MHz. What is the received power?

Solution A using dB

Convert 1 kW to dbm PT = 10log(1kW/1mW) = 10 log(1,000,000) = 60 dBm

Find the wavelength: = 300/f = 300/222 MHz = 1.35 m

This is the same as 9.4*10-10 W

Beamwidth: the angular separation between the half-point (-3dB) points in an

antennas radiation pattern. In general, the beamwidth of the main lobe of the radiation
pattern decreases as the directivity increases.

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Near field (induction field): electromagnetic field created by an antenna that is only
significant at distances of less than 2D/ from the antenna, where D is the longest
dimension of the antenna.

Near field region: A spherical region of radius 2D/ centered on the antenna.

Far field (radiation field): electromagnetic field created by the antenna that extends
throughout all space. At distances greater than 2D/ from the antenna, it is the only
field. It is the field used for communications.

Far field region: The region outside the near field region, at distances greater than

Input Impedance: This is the impedance measured at the antenna input terminals. In
general it is complex and has two real parts and one imaginary part:
Radiation resistance: - represents conversion of power into RF waves (real)
Loss resistance represents conductor losses, ground losses, etc. (real)
reactance represents power stored in the near field (imaginary)

Efficiency: this is the ratio of radiation resistance to total antenna input resistance:

The loss resistances come from conductor losses and losses in the ground (the near
field of the antenna can interact with the ground and other objects near the antenna).
The efficiency of practical antennas varies from less than 1% for certain types of low
frequency antennas to 99% for some types of wire antennas.

Electrical length. This came up in the section on transmission lines. It is the length or
distance expressed in terms of wavelengths.

Bandwidth: generally the range of frequencies over which the antenna systems SWR
remains below a maximum value, typically 2.0

Azimuth and Elevation: These are angles used to describe a specific position in an
antenna's radiation pattern. Azimuth is a horizontal angle, generally measured from
true north. The elevation angle is a vertical angle, ranging from 0 degrees (horizon) to
90 degrees (zenith).

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The dipole antenna dates back to the early RF experiments of Heinrich Hertz in the
late 19th century. It consists of a conductor that is broken in the center so that RF
power can be applied to it. One can think of the half wave dipole as an open circuited
transmission line that has been spread out, so that the transmission line can radiate a
signal into space.

A dipole can be any length, but it most commonly is just under 1/2 wavelength long.
A dipole with this length, known as a resonant or half wave dipole, has an input
impedance that is purely resistive and lies between 30 and 80 ohms, which provides a
good match to commercially available 50 ohms coaxial cables as well as commercial
transmitters and receivers, most of which have 50 ohm output and input impedances.
The length of a dipole can be approximately determined from the following formula:

l = 468/f

l is the length in feet and
f is the frequency in MHz.

The radiation pattern of a /2 dipole in free space is shown below

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The 3-dimensional radiation pattern in free space is a fat doughnut with the dipole
piercing its central hole. Notice that unlike an isotropic radiator that radiates equally
well in all directions, the dipole radiates more RF in some directions than others. This
means that the dipole has a gain or directivity over an isotropic radiator of
approximately 2.1 dB. That means that the radiation from the dipole is 2.1 dB stronger
in the direction of maximum radiation than the radiation from an isotropic radiator in
the same direction, when both antennas are fed with the same amount of RF power..

The input impedance of a dipole antenna also depends on its electrical length. When
the antenna is approximately an odd multiple of a half wavelength long, the input
impedance is resistive and lies between 50 and 200 ohms. For antennas that are an
even number of half wavelengths long, the input impedance is resistive and extremely
high, between 1000 and 50,000 ohms.

The chart below shows the effect of ground on the input impedance of a dipole.

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As a horizontal antenna is brought closer to the surface of the earth, its input
resistance decreases at first because the electric field is being shorted by the ground.
As the antenna is brought closer, the input resistance will rise again because increases
in ground loss resistance overwhelm the decrease due to shorting of the electric field.
Over a good conductor such as sea water, the input resistance drops steadily as the
antenna is lowered, reaching a value of zero when the antenna touches the water's

As a horizontal dipole is raised above the ground, the input resistance increases until a
maximum value of approximately 90 ohms is reached at a height of 3/8 . As the
antenna is raised even higher, the input resistance slowly oscillates around the free
space value of 73 ohms. Most dipoles in actual installations show an input resistance
of 50 to 75 ohms, depending on the location.

There is a variation of the /2 dipole known as the folded dipole that is often used for
FM and TV reception. A diagram of the folded dipole is shown below.

The folded dipole is the same overall length as the /2 dipole, but has a second
conductor connected to the first only at the ends, and separated from it by

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approximately /400. The input impedance of the folded dipole is approximately 300
ohms, which is a perfect match to TV twin lead and to the input of the TV set. The
folded dipole also has a larger bandwidth than the regular dipole, which is important
for proper TV reception.


In the last unit, we discussed the ground wave, and the necessity that the ground
wave have vertical polarization. A vertical antenna is used to launch a vertically
polarized RF wave. Vertical antennas are most often used in two areas:

1.Low frequency communications at frequencies below 2 MHz, it is difficult

to use dipole antennas because of their length and the requirement that they be
mounted at least a half wavelength above ground. For example: a 2 MHz dipole
antenna is approximately 234 ft long and needs to be approximately 234 feet above
ground. Also, most communications at frequencies below 2 MHz is via ground wave,
which requires vertical polarization.

2.Mobile communications it is difficult to mount a horizontally polarized

dipole on a vehicle. A vertical antenna only has one mounting point and less wind

The most common vertical antenna is the Marconi antenna. It is a vertical conductor
/4 high, fed at the end near ground. It is essentially a vertical dipole, in which one
side of the dipole is the RF image of the antenna in the ground. This may sound
strange, but remember that ground reflects RF as a mirror reflects light

Simple Marconi Antenna

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The image antenna formed in the ground under a Marconi antenna

This type of antenna, unlike the dipole, is an unbalanced antenna, and should be fed
directly with coaxial cable. The shield of the coax is connected to the ground at the
base of the antenna and the center lead of the coax is connected to the vertical radiator.

Because the ground under a vertical antenna is actually part of the antenna, it is
necessary that ground losses be minimized. To minimize the losses, the electrical
conductivity of the ground must be made as high as possible, or an artificial low loss
ground must be provided.

Ground conductivity can be improved by using ground radial wires. These are wires
buried just under the earths surface or laid on the surface that provide a low resistance
path for RF currents flowing in the ground. The ground currents are greatest in the
vicinity of the feed point of a Marconi antenna, so the radials run out from the feed
point, up to a distance of /4 from the antenna, if possible. The ground radials do not
have to be any specific length and the general rule is that a large number of short
radials is preferable to a few long radials. The diagram below shows how current
flows through the ground to the feed point of the Marconi antenna.

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The radials should be laid out in a pattern that follows the ground current, that is
running radially out from the feed point of the antenna. The diagram below is a bird's
eye view of typical ground radial layouts. Note that the radials do not all have to be
the same length and that losses may be decreased by adding extra radials near the feed
point. These extra radials can be as short as /40 and still be effective.

When a Marconi antenna cannot be mounted on the ground, an artificial ground

system, called a counterpoise, is used. The counterpoise consists of /4 wires
emanating radially from the antenna feed point as shown below. The shield of the
coax is connected to the counterpoise at the feed point. The counterpoise is not
connected to ground.

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Ground losses affect the feed point impedance and antenna efficiency. A Marconi
antenna mounted on a perfectly conducting ground would have an input impedance
that is the impedance of a dipole, or approximately 36 ohms. When mounted on a
real ground, the input impedance can range from 38 ohms for a well designed AM
broadcast antenna mounted over a specially prepared ground, to over 100 ohms for a
Marconi mounted above poor, unprepared ground that has no radials.

Ground loss reduces the antenna's efficiency, because part of the power being
delivered to the antenna is being dissipated in the ground rather than being radiated.
The efficiency can be computed from the measured value of input resistance by using
the following formula:

The radiation pattern of the Marconi antenna is a half doughnut as shown in the figure
below. There is no radiation straight up in the direction of the wire. The bulk of the
radiation occurs at a low elevation angle, which is what is needed to launch a ground

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Yagi-Uda Array

In the previous examples of array design, all of the elements in the array were assumed to
be driven with some source. A Yagi-Uda array is an example of a parasitic array. Any element in
an array which is not connected to the source (in the case of a transmitting antenna) or the
receiver (in the case of a receiving antenna) is defined as a parasitic element. A parasitic array is
any array which employs parasitic elements. The general form of the N-element Yagi-Uda array is
shown below.

Driven element - usually a resonant dipole or folded dipole.

Reflector - slightly longer than the driven element so that it is

inductive (its current lags that of the driven element).

Director - slightly shorter than the driven element so that it is

capacitive (its current leads that of the driven element).

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Yagi-Uda Array Advantages

! Lightweight
! Low cost
! Simple construction
! Unidirectional beam (front-to-back ratio)
! Increased directivity over other simple wire antennas
! Practical for use at HF (3-30 MHz), VHF (30-300 MHz), and
UHF (300 MHz - 3 GHz)

Typical Yagi-Uda Array Parameters

Driven element ! half-wave resonant dipole or folded dipole,

(Length = 0.458 to 0.498, dependent on radius), folded dipoles
are employed as driven elements to increase the array input

Director ! Length = 0.48 to 0.458 (approximately 10 to 20 % shorter

than the driven element), not necessarily uniform.

Reflector ! Length . 0.58 (approximately 5 to 10 % longer than the

driven element).

Director spacing ! approximately 0.2 to 0.48, not necessarily


Reflector spacing ! 0.1 to 0.258

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R = sD = 0.18

sR = sD = 0.28

sR = sD = 0.38

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sR = sD = 0.18

3-dB beamwidth E-Plane = 62.71o

3-dB beamwidth H-Plane = 86.15o

Front-to-back ratio E-Plane = 15.8606 dB Front-to-back-

ratio H-Plane = 15.8558 dB

Maximum directivity = 7.784 dB

sR = sD = 0.28

3-dB beamwidth E-Plane = 55.84o

3-dB beamwidth H-Plane = 69.50o

Front-to-back ratio E-Plane = 9.2044 dB Front-to-back-

ratio H-Plane = 9.1993 dB

Maximum directivity = 9.094 dB

sR = sD = 0.38

3-dB beamwidth E-Plane = 51.89o

3-dB beamwidth H-Plane = 61.71o

Front-to-back ratio E-Plane = 5.4930 dB Front-to-back-

ratio H-Plane = 5.4883 dB

Maximum directivity = 8.973 dB

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Radiation from Apertures

18.1 Field Equivalence Principle

The radiation elds from aperture antennas, such as slots, open-ended waveguides, Fig. 18.1.1 Radiated elds from an aperture.
horns, reector and lens antennas, are determined from the knowledge of the elds
over the aperture of the antenna. The screen can also be a perfectly conducting surface, such as a ground plane, on
The aperture elds become the sources of the radiated elds at large distances. This which the aperture opening has been cut. In reector antennas, the aperture itself is
is a variation of the Huygens-Fresnel principle, which states that the points on each not an opening, but rather a reecting surface. Fig. 18.1.2 depicts some examples of
wavefront become the sources of secondary spherical waves propagating outwards and screens and apertures: (a) an open-ended waveguide over an innite ground plane, (b)
whose superposition generates the next wavefront. an open-ended waveguide radiating into free space, and (c) a reector antenna.
Let E a , H a be the tangential elds over an aperture A, as shown in Fig. 18.1.1. These
elds are assumed to be known and are produced by the sources to the left of the screen.
The problem is to determine the radiated elds E(r), H(r) at some far observation point.
The radiated elds can be computed with the help of the eld equivalence principle
[12871293,1344], which states that the aperture elds may be replaced by equivalent
electric and magnetic surface currents, whose radiated elds can then be calculated using
the techniques of Sec. 15.10. The equivalent surface currents are:

J s = n H a (electric surface current)

(18.1.1) Fig. 18.1.2 Examples of aperture planes.
J ms = n E a (magnetic surface current)
There are two alternative forms of the eld equivalence principle, which may be used
where n is a unit vector normal to the surface and on the side of the radiated elds. when only one of the aperture elds E a or H a is available. They are:
Thus, it becomes necessary to consider Maxwells equations in the presence of mag-
netic currents and derive the radiation elds from such currents. Js = 0
The screen in Fig. 18.1.1 is an arbitrary innite surface over which the tangential (perfect electric conductor) (18.1.2)
J ms = 2(n E a )
elds are assumed to be zero. This assumption is not necessarily consistent with the
radiated eld solutions, that is, Eqs. (18.4.9). A consistent calculation of the elds to
the right of the aperture plane requires knowledge of the elds over the entire aperture J s = 2(n H a )
plane (screen plus aperture.) (perfect magnetic conductor) (18.1.3)
J ms = 0
However, for large apertures (with typical dimension much greater than a wave-
length), the approximation of using the elds E a , H a only over the aperture to calculate They are appropriate when the screen is a perfect electric conductor (PEC) on which
the radiation patterns is fairly adequate, especially in predicting the main-lobe behavior E a = 0, or when it is a perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) on which H a = 0. On the
of the patterns. aperture, both E a and H a are non-zero.

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18.2. Magnetic Currents and Duality 801 802 18. Radiation from Apertures

Using image theory, the perfect electric (magnetic) conducting screen can be elimi-     
nated and replaced by an image magnetic (electric) surface current, doubling its value E J   cos sin E J
= (18.2.3)
over the aperture. The image eld causes the total tangential electric (magnetic) eld to H  J m m sin cos H Jm m
vanish over the screen. Under the duality transformations (18.2.2), the rst two of Eqs. (18.2.1) transform
If the tangential elds E a , H a were known over the entire aperture plane (screen plus into the last two, and conversely, the last two transform into the rst two.
aperture), the three versions of the equivalence principle would generate the same radi- A useful consequence of duality is that if one has obtained expressions for the elec-
ated elds. But because we consider E a , H a only over the aperture, the three versions tric eld E, then by applying a duality transformation one can generate expressions for
give slightly different results. the magnetic eld H. We will see examples of this property shortly.
In the case of a perfectly conducting screen, the calculated radiation elds (18.4.10) The solution of Eq. (18.2.1) is obtained in terms of the usual scalar and vector po-
using the equivalent currents (18.1.2) are consistent with the boundary conditions on tentials , A, as well as two new potentials m , A m of the magnetic type:
the screen. 1
We provide a justication of the eld equivalence principle (18.1.1) in Sec. 18.10 using jA
E = Am

vector diffraqction theory and the Stratton-Chu and Kottler formulas. The modied (18.2.4)
forms (18.1.2) and (18.1.3) are justied in Sec. 18.17 where we derive them in two ways: m jA m +
H = A
one, using the plane-wave-spectrum representation, and two, using the Franz formulas

in conjuction with the extinction theorem discussed in Sec. 18.11, and discuss also their The expression for H can be derived from that of E by a duality transformation of
relationship to Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction theory of Sec. 18.16. the form (18.2.2). The scalar and vector potentials satisfy the Lorenz conditions and
Helmholtz wave equations:

A + j = 0 A m + j m = 0
18.2 Magnetic Currents and Duality
2 + k 2 = and 2 m + k2 m = (18.2.5)
Next, we consider the solution of Maxwells equations driven by the ordinary electric 
charge and current densities , J, and in addition, by the magnetic charge and current
2 A + k2 A = J 2 A m + k2 A m =  J m
densities m , J m .
ejk|rr |

Although m , J m are ctitious, the solution of this problem will allow us to identify
the equivalent magnetic currents to be used in aperture problems, and thus, establish The solutions of the Helmholtz equations are given in terms of G(r r )= :
4|r r |
the eld equivalence principle. The generalized form of Maxwells equations is:  
1 1
(r) = (r )G(r r ) dV , m (r) = m (r )G(r r ) dV
H = J + jE V  V
1 A( r ) = J(r )G(r r ) dV , A m ( r) =  J m (r )G(r r ) dV
 V V
E = J m jH where V is the volume over which the charge and current densities are nonzero. The
observation point r is taken to be outside this volume. Using the Lorenz conditions, the
1 scalar potentials may be eliminated in favor of the vector potentials, resulting in the
H= m
alternative expressions for Eq. (18.2.4):
There is now complete symmetry, or duality, between the electric and the magnetic 1   1
quantities. In fact, it can be veried easily that the following duality transformation E= A)+k2 A A m
leaves the set of four equations invariant : (18.2.7)
1   1
H= A m )+k2 A m + A
E H J Jm A Am j
H E m m
(duality) (18.2.2) These may also be written in the form of Eq. (15.3.9):
 J m J A m A
 m m 1  1
E= A) J] A m
where , A and m , A m are the corresponding scalar and vector potentials introduced (18.2.8)
below. These transformations can be recognized as a special case (for = /2) of the 1  1
H= A m ) J m ]+ A
following duality rotations, which also leave Maxwells equations invariant: j

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18.3. Radiation Fields from Magnetic Currents 803 804 18. Radiation from Apertures

Replacing A, A m in terms of Eq. (18.2.6), we may express the solutions (18.2.7) di- Noting that r (F r)=
F +
F and r F =
F , and similarly for Fm ,
rectly in terms of the current densities: we nd for the polar components of Eq. (18.3.4):

1   ejkr  
E= k2 J G + (J  )
 G j J m  G dV E = jk (F + Fm )+
(F Fm )
j V 4r
 (18.2.9) (18.3.6)
1   jk ejkr  
H= k2 J m G + (J m  )
 G + j J  G dV H= (F Fm )+
(F + Fm )
j V 4r
Alternatively, if we also use the charge densities, we obtain from (18.2.4): The Poynting vector is given by the generalization of Eq. (16.1.1):

E= j J G +  G J m  G dV 1 k2
V  P= Re(E H )= r |F + Fm |2 + |F Fm |2 = r Pr (18.3.7)
2 322 r 2
H= j J m G + G + J  G dV and the radiation intensity:
dP k2  
U(, )= = r 2 Pr = |F + Fm |2 + |F Fm |2 (18.3.8)
18.3 Radiation Fields from Magnetic Currents d 322

The radiation elds of the solutions (18.2.7) can be obtained by making the far-eld
18.4 Radiation Fields from Apertures
approximation, which consists of the replacements:
For an aperture antenna with effective surface currents given by Eq. (18.1.1), the volume
ejk|rr |

ejkr jkr

 e and  jk (18.3.1) integrations in Eq. (18.2.9) reduce to surface integrations over the aperture A:
4|r r | 4r

where k = kr. Then, the vector potentials of Eq. (18.2.6) take the simplied form: E= (J s  )
 G + k2 J s G j J ms  G dS
j A
ejkr ejkr 1  
A(r)= F(, ) , A m (r)=  Fm (, ) (18.3.2) H= (J ms  )
 G + k2 J ms G + j J s  G dS
4r 4r j A

where the radiation vectors are the Fourier transforms of the current densities: and, explicitly in terms of the aperture elds shown in Fig. 18.1.1:

F(, ) =

J(r )ejkr dV 1  
V E=  (
(n H a )  G)+k2 (n H a )G + j(n E a )
 G dS
 (radiation vectors) (18.3.3) j A
Fm (, ) = J m (r )ejkr dV 1  
V H=  (
(n E a )  G)k2 (n E a )G + j(n H a )
 G dS
j A

Setting J = J m = 0 in Eq. (18.2.8) because we are evaluating the elds far from the (18.4.2)
current sources, and using the approximation = jk = jkr, and the relationship These are known as Kottlers formulas [12911296,1286,12971301]. We derive them
k/ = , we nd the radiated E and H elds: in Sec. 18.12. The equation for H can also be obtained from that of E by the application
of a duality transformation, that is, E a H a , H a E a and  , .
  ejkr   In the far-eld limit, the radiation elds are still given by Eq. (18.3.6), but now the
E = j r (A r) r A m = jk r F r Fm radiation vectors are given by the two-dimensional Fourier transform-like integrals over
(18.3.4) the aperture:
j   jk ejkr  
H= r (A m r)+r A = r F + Fm r  
F(, ) = J s (r )ejkr dS = n H a (r )ejkr dS
These generalize Eq. (15.10.2) to magnetic currents. As in Eq. (15.10.3), we have:   (18.4.3)
 jkr   jkr 
Fm (, ) = J ms (r )e dS = n E a (r )e dS
1 A A
H= r E (18.3.5)

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18.4. Radiation Fields from Apertures 805 806 18. Radiation from Apertures

F = z g = z (x gx + y gy )= y gx x gy
Fm = z f = z (x fx + y fy )= x fy y fx
The polar components of the radiation vectors are determined as follows:

F =
F =
(y gx x gy )= gx sin cos gy cos cos

x) and (
where we read off the dot products ( y) from Eq. (15.8.3). The remaining
polar components are found similarly, and we summarize them below:

F = cos (gy cos gx sin )

F = gx cos + gy sin
Fm = cos (fy cos fx sin )
Fig. 18.4.1 Radiation elds from an aperture. Fm = (fx cos + fy sin )

It follows from Eq. (18.3.6) that the radiated E-eld will be:
Fig. 18.4.1 shows the polar angle conventions, where we took the origin to be some-
where in the middle of the aperture A. ejkr  
E = jk (fx cos + fy sin )+ cos (gy cos gx sin )
The aperture surface A and the screen in Fig. 18.1.1 can be arbitrarily curved. How- 4r
ever, a common case is to assume that they are both at. Then, Eqs. (18.4.3) become ejkr  
ordinary 2-d Fourier transform integrals. Taking the aperture plane to be the xy-plane E = jk cos (fy cos fx sin )(gx cos + gy sin )
as in Fig. 18.1.1, the aperture normal becomes n = z, and thus, it can be taken out of
the integrands. Setting dS = dx dy , we rewrite Eq. (18.4.3) in the form: The radiation elds resulting from the alternative forms of the eld equivalence
  principle, Eqs. (18.1.2) and (18.1.3), are obtained from Eq. (18.4.9) by removing the g- or
F(, ) = J s (r )ejkr dx dy = z H a (r )ejkr dx dy the f -terms and doubling the remaining term. We have for the PEC case:
Fm (, ) =

J ms (r )ejkr dx dy = z

E a (r )ejkr dx dy E = 2jk fx cos + fy sin
jkr jkx x +jky y
where e =e and kx = k cos sin , ky = k sin sin . It proves conve- E = 2jk cos (fy cos fx sin )
nient then to introduce the two-dimensional Fourier transforms of the aperture elds:
and for the PMC case:
 jkr     jkx x +jky y  
f(, )= E a (r )e dx dy = E a (x , y )e dx dy ejkr  
A A E = 2jk cos (gy cos gx sin )
  (18.4.5) 4r
g(, )= H a (r )ejkr dx dy = H a (x , y )ejkx x +jky y dx dy ejkr  
A A E = 2jk (gx cos + gy sin )
Then, the radiation vectors become:
In all three cases, the radiated magnetic elds are obtained from:
F(, ) = z g(, )
(18.4.6) 1 1
H = E , H = E (18.4.12)
Fm (, ) = z f(, )

Because E a , H a are tangential to the aperture plane, they can be resolved into their We note that Eq. (18.4.9) is the average of Eqs. (18.4.10) and (18.4.11). Also, Eq. (18.4.11)
cartesian components, for example, E a = x Eax + y Eay . Then, the quantities f, g can be is the dual of Eq. (18.4.10). Indeed, using Eq. (18.4.12), we obtain the following H-
resolved in the same way, for example, f = x fx + y fy . Thus, we have: components for Eq. (18.4.11), which can be derived from Eq. (18.4.10) by the duality
transformation E a H a or f g , that is,

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18.5. Huygens Source 807 808 18. Radiation from Apertures

The Huygens source condition implies the same relationship for the Fourier trans-
ejkr   forms of the aperture elds, that is, (with n = z)
H = 2jk gx cos + gy sin
1 1 1
ejkr   g= n f gx = fy , gy = fx (18.5.2)
H = 2jk cos (gy cos gx sin )
At = 90o , the components E , H become tangential to the aperture screen. We Inserting these into Eq. (18.4.9) we may express the radiated electric eld in terms
note that because of the cos factors, E (resp. H ) will vanish in the PEC (resp. PMC) of f only. We nd:
case, in accordance with the boundary conditions.
ejkr 1 + cos  
E = jk fx cos + fy sin
2r 2
18.5 Huygens Source (18.5.3)
ejkr 1 + cos  
E = jk fy cos fx sin
The aperture elds E a , H a are referred to as Huygens source if at all points on the 2r 2
aperture they are related by the uniform plane-wave relationship:
The factor (1 + cos )/2 is known as an obliquity factor. The PEC case of Eq. (18.4.10)
1 remains unchanged for a Huygens source, but the PMC case becomes:
Ha = n E a (Huygens source) (18.5.1)

E = jk cos fx cos + fy sin
where is the characteristic impedance of vacuum. 2r
For example, this is the case if a uniform plane wave is incident normally on the ejkr  
E = jk fy cos fx sin
aperture plane from the left, as shown in Fig. 18.5.1. The aperture elds are assumed to 2r
be equal to the incident elds, E a = Einc and H a = Hinc , and the incident elds satisfy
We may summarize all three cases by the single formula:
Hinc = z Einc /.

E = jk c fx cos + fy sin
(elds from Huygens source) (18.5.5)
E = jk c fy cos fx sin

where the obliquity factors are dened in the three cases:

c 1 1 + cos 1 cos
= , , (obliquity factors) (18.5.6)
c 2 1 + cos cos 1

We note that the rst is the average of the last two. The obliquity factors are equal to
unity in the forward direction = 0o and vary little for near-forward angles. Therefore,
the radiation patterns predicted by the three methods are very similar in their mainlobe
Fig. 18.5.1 Uniform plane wave incident on an aperture.
In the case of a modied Huygens source that replaces by T , Eqs. (18.5.5) retain
their form. The aperture elds and their Fourier transforms are now assumed to be
The Huygens source condition is not always satised. For example, if the uniform
related by:
plane wave is incident obliquely on the aperture, then must be replaced by the trans-
verse impedance T , which depends on the angle of incidence and the polarization of 1 1
Ha = z E a g= z f (18.5.7)
the incident wave as discussed in Sec. 7.2. T T
Similarly, if the aperture is the open end of a waveguide, then must be replaced by Inserting these into Eq. (18.4.9), we obtain the modied obliquity factors :
the waveguides transverse impedance, such as TE or TM , depending on the assumed
waveguide mode. On the other hand, if the waveguide ends are ared out into a horn 1 1
c = [1 + K cos ] , c = [K + cos ] , K= (18.5.8)
with a large aperture, then Eq. (18.5.1) is approximately valid. 2 2 T

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18.6. Directivity and Effective Area of Apertures 809 810 18. Radiation from Apertures

18.6 Directivity and Effective Area of Apertures conservation and compute the total power that ows into the right half-space through
the aperture. Assuming a Huygens source, we have:
For any aperture, given the radiation elds E , E of Eqs. (18.4.9)(18.4.11), the corre-   
1   1
sponding radiation intensity is: Prad = Pz dS = z Re E a Ha dS = |E a (r )|2 dS (18.6.8)
A 2 A 2 A
dP 1   1 Because = 0 corresponds to kx = ky = 0, it follows from the Fourier transform
U(, )= = r 2 Pr = r 2 |E |2 + |E |2 = r 2 |E(, )|2 (18.6.1)
d 2 2 denition (18.4.5) that:


Because the aperture radiates only into the right half-space 0 /2, the total

|f|2max =

E a ( r 

E a ( r 
) dS 

radiated power and the effective isotropic radiation intensity will be: A kx =ky =0 A

 /2  2 Therefore, the maximum intensity is given by:


Prad = U(, )d , UI = (18.6.2)

4 1 1
E a (r ) dS

0 0
Umax = |f |2max =

22 22 A
The directive gain is computed by D(, )= U(, )/UI , and the normalized gain
Dividing (18.6.9) by (18.6.8), we nd the directivity:
by g(, )= U(, )/Umax . For a typical aperture, the maximum intensity Umax is
towards the forward direction = 0o . In the case of a Huygens source, we have:


E a (r ) dS

Umax 4
k2  2  Dmax = 4 = 2  = (directivity) (18.6.10)
U(, )= c |fx cos + fy sin |2 + c2 |fy cos fx sin |2 (18.6.3) Prad  2  2
82 |E a (r )| dS
Assuming that the maximum is towards = 0o , then c = c = 1, and we nd for
It follows that the maximum effective area of the aperture is:
the maximum intensity:


E a (r ) dS

Umax = |fx cos + fy sin |2 + |fy cos fx sin |2 =0

82 Aeff =  A
A (effective area) (18.6.11)
|E a (r )|2 dS
k2   2
k A
= |fx |2 + |fy |2 =0 = |f |2max
82 82 and the aperture efciency:
where |f|2max = |fx |2 + |fy |2 =0 . Setting k = 2/, we have:


E a (r ) dS

1 Aeff

Umax = |f |2max (18.6.4) ea = =  A

1 (aperture efciency) (18.6.12)
22 A
A |E a (r )|2 dS
It follows that the normalized gain will be:
The inequalities in Eqs. (18.6.11) and (18.6.12) can be thought of as special cases of
c2 |fx cos + fy sin |2 + c2 |fy cos fx sin |2 the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. It follows that equality is reached whenever E a (r ) is
g(, )= (18.6.5)
|f |2max uniform over the aperture, that is, independent of r .
Thus, uniform apertures achieve the highest directivity and have effective areas equal
In the case of Eq. (18.4.9) with c = c = (1 + cos )/2, this simplies further into:
to their geometrical areas.
 2 Because the integrand in the numerator of ea depends both on the magnitude and the
|fx |2 + |fy |2 1 + cos |f(, )|2 phase of E a , it proves convenient to separate out these effects by dening the aperture
g(, )= c2 = (18.6.6)
|f |2max 2 |f |2max taper efciency or loss, eatl , and the phase error efciency or loss, epel , as follows:



The square root of the gain is the (normalized) eld strength:

|E a (r )| dS

E a (r ) dS

  eatl = 
, epel =
2 (18.6.13)
|E(, )| 1 + cos |f(, )|

= g(, ) = (18.6.7) A |E a (r )|2 dS

|E a (r )| dS

|E |max 2 |f |max A A
so that ea becomes the product:
The power computed by Eq. (18.6.2) is the total power that is radiated outwards from
ea = eatl epel (18.6.14)
a half-sphere of large radius r . An alternative way to compute Prad is to invoke energy

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18.7. Uniform Apertures 811 812 18. Radiation from Apertures

18.7 Uniform Apertures

sin(kx a/2) sin(ky b/2) sin(vx ) sin(vy )
In uniform apertures, the elds E a , H a are assumed to be constant over the aperture
f (, )= = (18.8.1)
kx a/2 ky b/2 vx vy
area. Fig. 18.7.1 shows the examples of a rectangular and a circular aperture. For con-
venience, we will assume a Huygens source. where we dened the quantities vx , vy :

1 1 a
vx = kx a = ka sin cos = sin cos
2 2
1 1 b
vy = ky b = kb sin sin = sin sin
2 2
The pattern simplies along the two principal planes, the xz- and yz-planes, corre-
sponding to = 0o and = 90o . We have:

sin(vx ) sin (a/)sin
f (, 0o ) = =
vx (a/)sin
sin(vy ) sin (b/)sin
f (, 90o ) = =
vy (b/)sin

Fig. 18.7.1 Uniform rectangular and circular apertures. Fig. 18.8.1 shows the three-dimensional pattern of Eq. (18.7.3) as a function of the
independent variables vx , vy , for aperture dimensions a = 8 and b = 4. The x, y
The eld E a can have an arbitrary direction, with constant x- and y-components, separability of the pattern is evident. The essential MATLAB code for generating this
E a = x E0x + y E0y . Because E a is constant, its Fourier transform f(, ) becomes: gure was (note MATLABs denition of sinc(x)= sin(x)/(x)):
f(, )= E a (r )ejkr dS = E a ejkr dS A f (, ) E a (18.7.1)

where we introduced the normalized scalar quantity: 1

f (, )= ejkr dS (uniform-aperture pattern) (18.7.2)

field strength
The quantity f (, ) depends on the assumed geometry of the aperture and it, alone,
determines the radiation pattern. Noting that the quantity |E a | cancels out from the
ratio in the gain (18.6.7) and that f (0, )= (1/A) A dS = 1, we nd for the normalized
gain and eld strengths: 8
4 8
|E(, )| 1 + cos 0
= g(, ) = |f (, )| (18.7.3) 4
|E |max 2 vy
8 8

18.8 Rectangular Apertures Fig. 18.8.1 Radiation pattern of rectangular aperture (a = 8, b = 4).

For a rectangular aperture of sides a, b, the area integral (18.7.2) is separable in the x-
a = 8; b = 4;
and y-directions: [theta,phi] = meshgrid(0:1:90, 0:9:360);
 a/2  b/2  a/2  b/2 theta = theta*pi/180; phi = phi*pi/180;
1   1  1 
f (, )= ejkx x +jky y dx dy = ejkx x dx ejky y dy
ab a/2 b/2 a a/2 b b/2 vx = a*sin(theta).*cos(phi);
vy = b*sin(theta).*sin(phi);

where we placed the origin of the r integration in the middle of the aperture. The above
integrals result in the sinc-function patterns: E = abs((1 + cos(theta))/2 .* sinc(vx) .* sinc(vy));

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18.9. Circular Apertures 813 814 18. Radiation from Apertures

Radiation Pattern for = 0o Radiation Pattern for = 90o

1 1
shading interp; colormap(gray(16));
3 dB 3 dB
As the polar angles vary over 0 90o and 0 360o , the quantities vx and

field strength

field strength
vy vary over the limits a/ vx a/ and b/ vy b/. In fact, the physically 13.26 dB 13.26 dB
realizable values of vx , vy are those that lie in the ellipse in the vx vy -plane: 0.5 0.5

vx2 vy2 1
+ 2 2 (visible region) (18.8.4)
a b
0 0
The realizable values of vx , vy are referred to as the visible region. The graph in 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Fig. 18.8.1 restricts the values of vx , vy within that region. (degrees) (degrees)

The radiation pattern consists of a narrow mainlobe directed towards the forward
Fig. 18.8.2 Radiation patterns along the two principal planes (a = 8, b = 4).
direction = 0o and several sidelobes.
We note the three characteristic properties of the sinc-function patterns: (a) the 3-
dB width in v-space is vx = 0.886 (the 3-dB wavenumber is vx = 0.443); (b) the rst Therefore, for the purpose of computing the integral (18.7.2), we may set = 0. We
sidelobe is down by about 13.26 dB from the mainlobe and occurs at vx = 1.4303; and have then k r = kx x = k sin cos  . Writing dS =  d d , we have:
(c) the rst null occurs at vx = 1. See Sec. 20.7 for the proof of these results.
 a  2
The 3-dB width in angle space can be obtained by linearizing

the relationship vx = 1  sin cos 
f ()= ejk  d d (18.9.1)
(a/)sin about = 0o , that is, vx = (a/) cos
=0 = a/. Thus, = a2 0 0
vx /a. This ignores also the effect of the obliquity factor. It follows that the 3-dB The  - and  -integrations can be done using the following integral representations
widths in the two principal planes are (in radians and in degrees): for the Bessel functions J0 (x) and J1 (x) [1449]:
 2 1
x = 0.886 = 50.76o , y = 0.886 = 50.76o (18.8.5) 1  J1 (x)
a a b b J0 (x)= ejx cos d and J0 (xr)r dr = (18.9.2)
2 0 0 x
The 3-dB angles are x = x /2 = 25.4o /a and y = y /2 = 25.4o /b.
Then Eq. (18.9.1) gives:
Fig. 18.8.2 shows the two principal radiation patterns of Eq. (18.7.3) as functions of
, for the case a = 8, b = 4. The obliquity factor was included, but it makes essen- J1 (ka sin ) J1 (2u) 1 a
tially no difference near the mainlobe and rst sidelobe region, ultimately suppressing f ()= 2 =2 , u= ka sin = sin (18.9.3)
ka sin 2u 2
the response at = 90o by a factor of 0.5.
The 3-dB widths are shown on the graphs. The rst sidelobes occur at the angles This is the well-known Airy pattern [634] for a circular aperture. The function f ()
a = asin(1.4303/a)= 10.30o and b = asin(1.4303/b)= 20.95o . is normalized to unity at = 0o , because J1 (x) behaves like J1 (x) x/2 for small x.
For aperture antennas, the gain is approximately equal to the directivity because the Fig. 18.9.1 shows the three-dimensional eld pattern (18.7.3) as a function of the in-
losses tend to be very small. The gain of the uniform rectangular aperture is, therefore, dependent variables vx = (a/)sin cos and vy = (a/)sin sin , for an aperture
G  D = 4(ab)/2 . Multiplying G by Eqs. (18.8.5), we obtain the gain-beamwidth radius of a = 3. The obliquity factor was not included as it makes little difference
product p = G x y = 4(0.886)2 = 9.8646 rad2 = 32 383 deg2 . Thus, we have an near the main lobe. The MATLAB code for this graph was implemented with the built-in
example of the general formula (16.3.14) (with the angles in radians and in degrees): function besselj:
9.8646 32 383 a = 3;
G= = (18.8.6)
x y ox oy [theta,phi] = meshgrid(0:1:90, 0:9:360);
theta = theta*pi/180; phi = phi*pi/180;

18.9 Circular Apertures vx = a*sin(theta).*cos(phi);

vy = a*sin(theta).*sin(phi);
u = a*sin(theta);
For a circular aperture of radius a, the pattern integral (18.7.2) can be done conveniently
using cylindrical coordinates. The cylindrical symmetry implies that f (, ) will be E = ones(size(u));
independent of . i = find(u);

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18.9. Circular Apertures 815 816 18. Radiation from Apertures

Radiation Pattern of Circular Aperture

3 dB

field strength
field strength

17.56 dB

3 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0 (degrees)
vy vx
3 3
Fig. 18.9.2 Radiation pattern of circular aperture (a = 3).
Fig. 18.9.1 Radiation pattern of circular aperture (a = 3).

The rst-null angle null = 0.6098/a is the so-called Rayleigh diffraction limit for
E(i) = abs(2*besselj(1,2*pi*u(i))./(2*pi*u(i))); the nominal angular resolution of optical instruments, such as microscopes and tele-
scopes. It is usually stated in terms of the diameter D = 2a of the optical aperture:
shading interp; colormap(gray(16));

= 1.22 = 70o (Rayleigh limit) (18.9.7)
The visible region is the circle on the vx vy -plane:

a2 18.10 Vector Diffraction Theory

vx2 + vy2 (18.9.4)
In this section, we provide a justication of the eld equivalence principle (18.1.1) and
The mainlobe/sidelobe characteristics of f () are as follows. The 3-dB wavenumber
Kottlers formulas (18.4.2) from the point of view of vector diffraction theory. We also
is u = 0.2572 and the 3-dB width in u-space is u = 20.2572 = 0.5144. The rst null
discuss the Stratton-Chu and Franz formulas. A historical overview of this subject is
occurs at u = 0.6098 so that the rst-null width is u = 20.6098 = 1.22. The rst
given in [1300,1301].
sidelobe occurs at u = 0.8174 and its height is |f (u)| = 0.1323 or 17.56 dB below the
In Sec. 18.2, we worked with the vector potentials and derived the elds due to
mainlobe. The beamwidths in angle space can be obtained from u = a()/, which
electric and magnetic currents radiating in an unbounded region. Here, we consider the
gives for the 3-dB and rst-null widths in radians and degrees:
problem of nding the elds in a volume V bounded by a closed surface S and an innite
spherical surface S , as shown in Fig. 18.10.1.
3dB = 0.5144 = 29.47o , null = 1.22 = 70o (18.9.5) The solution of this problem requires that we know the current sources within V
a a a a
and the electric and magnetic elds tangential to the surface S. The elds E1 , H1 and
The 3-dB angle is 3dB = 3dB /2 = 0.2572/a = 14.74o /a and the rst-null current sources inside the volume V1 enclosed by S have an effect on the outside only
angle null = 0.6098/a. Fig. 18.9.2 shows the radiation pattern of Eq. (18.7.3) as a through the tangential elds on the surface.
function of , for the case a = 3. The obliquity factor was included. We start with Maxwells equations (18.2.1), which include both electric and magnetic
The graph shows the 3-dB width and the rst sidelobe, which occurs at the angle a = currents. This will help us identify the effective surface currents and derive the eld
asin(0.817/a)= 15.8o . The rst null occurs at null = asin(0.6098/a)= 11.73o , equivalence principle.
whereas the approximation null = 0.6098/a gives 11.65o .
  Taking the curls of both sides of Amperes and Faradays laws and using the vector
The gain-beamwidth product is p = G(3dB )2 = 4(a2 )/2 (0.514/a)2 = identity ( E)= ( E)2 E, we obtain the following inhomogeneous Helmholtz
2 2
42 (0.5144)2 = 10.4463 rad = 34 293 deg . Thus, in radians and degrees: equations (which are duals of each other):
10.4463 34 293
G= = (18.9.6)
(3dB )2 (o3dB )2

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18.10. Vector Diffraction Theory 817 818 18. Radiation from Apertures

 E(r), if r V
E(r ) (r r ) dV = uV (r) E(r)= (18.10.4)
V 0, if r

where uV (r) is the characteristic function of the volume region V:

1, if r V
uV (r)= (18.10.5)
0, if r

We may now solve Eq. (18.10.3) for E(r). In a similar fashion, or, performing a duality
transformation on the expression for E(r), we also obtain the corresponding magnetic
eld H(r). Using (18.10.1), we have:
Fig. 18.10.1 Fields outside a closed surface S.
1 G E
E(r) = G  G  J m dV +
j G J E G dS
1 V  S n n
2 E + k2 E = j J + + J m      
 1 G H
(18.10.1) H(r) = j G J m G m + G J dV +
1 V S n n
2 H + k2 H = j J m + m J
We recall that the Greens function for the Helmholtz equation is: Because of the presence of the particular surface term, we will refer to these as
the Kirchhoff diffraction formulas. Eqs. (18.10.6) can be transformed into the so-called
ejk|rr |

Stratton-Chu formulas [12911296,1286,12971301]:
2 G + k2 G = (3) (r r ) , G(r r )= (18.10.2)
4|r r |

where  is the gradient with respect to r . Applying Greens second identity given by E(r)= j G J + G J m  G dV
Eq. (C.27) of Appendix C, we obtain: 
  E G + j G(n H)+(n E)  G + (n E)
 G dS
2 2 
G E E G dV = G E dS , = n  S
V S+S n n n    (18.10.7)
where G and E stand for G(r r ) and E(r ) and the integration is over r . The quantity  H(r)= j G J m + G + J  G dV
/n is the directional derivative along n. The negative sign in the right-hand side 
arises from using a unit vector n that is pointing into the volume V. + j G(n E)+(n H)  G + (n H)
 G dS
The integral over the innite surface is taken to be zero. This may be justied more S

rigorously [1293] by assuming that E and H behave like radiation elds with asymptotic
The proof of the equivalence of (18.10.6) and (18.10.7) is rather involved. Problem
form E const. ejkr /r and H r E/. Thus, dropping the S term, and adding
18.4 breaks down the proof into its essential steps.
and subtracting k2 G E in the left-hand side, we obtain:
Term by term comparison of the volume and surface integrals in (18.10.7) yields the
  E G effective surface currents of the eld equivalence principle:
G(2 E + k2 E)E (2 G + k2 G) dV = G E dS (18.10.3)
V S n n
J s = n H , J ms = n E (18.10.8)
Using Eq. (18.10.2), the second term on the left may be integrated to give E(r):
  Similarly, the effective surface charge densities are:
E(r ) (2 G + k2 G) dV = E(r ) (3) (r r ) dV = E(r)
s =  n E , ms = n H (18.10.9)
where we assumed that r lies in V. This integral is zero if r lies in V1 because then r Technically [1299], one must set uV (r)= 1/2, if r lies on the boundary of V, that is, on S.
can never be equal to r. For arbitrary r, we may write: See [1288,1294,1300,1301] for earlier work by Larmor, Tedone, Ignatowski, and others.
Initially derived by Larmor and Love [1300,1301], and later developed fully by Schelkunoff [1287,1289].
The precise conditions are: r|E| const. and r|E H r| 0 as r .

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18.10. Vector Diffraction Theory 819 820 18. Radiation from Apertures

Eqs. (18.10.7) may be transformed into the Kottler formulas [12911296,1286,1297 This happens if we choose S in Fig. 18.10.1 such that all the current sources are
1301], which eliminate the charge densities , m in favor of the currents J, J m : inside it, or, if in Fig. 18.10.2 we choose S such that all the current sources are outside
  it, then, the Kirchhoff, Stratton-Chu, Kottler, and Franz formulas simplify into:
E(r)= k2 J G + (J  )
 G j J m  G dV   
j G E
 E(r) = E G
1   S n n
+   G + j(n E)
k2 G(n H)+ (n H)  G dS 
j S
= j G(n H )+(n E )  G + (n E )
 G dS
H(r)= k2 J m G + (J m  )
 G + j J  G dV 1  
j V =   G + j(n E )
k2 G(n H )+ (n H )  G dS
1   S
+   G + j(n H)
k2 G(n E) (n E)  G dS  
j 1
S = G(n H )dS + G(n E )dS
(18.10.10) j S S

The steps of the proof are outlined in Problem 18.5. (18.10.13)

A related problem is to consider a volume V bounded by the surface S, as shown in G H
H(r) = H G dS
Fig. 18.10.2. The elds inside V are still given by (18.10.7), with n pointing again into S n n
the volume V. If the surface S recedes to innity, then (18.10.10) reduce to (18.2.9). 
= j G(n E )+(n H )  G + (n H )
 G dS

=   G + j(n H )
k2 G(n E ) (n E )  G dS
j S
= G(n E )dS + G(n H )dS
j S S
where the last equations are the Franz formulas with A = A m = 0.
Fig. 18.10.3 illustrates the geometry of the two cases. Eqs. (18.10.13) and (18.10.14)
Fig. 18.10.2 Fields inside a closed surface S. represent the vectorial formulation of the Huygens-Fresnel principle, according to which
the tangential elds on the surface can be considered to be the sources of the elds away
Finally, the Kottler formulas may be transformed into the Franz formulas [1296,1286,1297 from the surface.
1299], which are essentially equivalent to Eq. (18.2.8) amended by the vector potentials
due to the equivalent surface currents:

1   1
E(r) = (A + A s ) J (A m + A ms )
1   1
H(r) = (A m + A ms )  J m + (A + A s )

where A and A m were dened in Eq. (18.2.6). The new potentials are dened by:
  Fig. 18.10.3 Current sources are outside the eld region.
A s (r) = J s (r )G(r r )dS = n H(r ) G(r r )dS
A ms (r) =  J ms (r )G(r r )dS =  n E(r ) G(r r )dS
18.11 Extinction Theorem
Next, we specialize the above formulas to the case where the volume V contains
no current sources (J = J m = 0), so that the E, H elds are given only in terms of the In all of the equivalent formulas for E(r), H(r), we assumed that r lies within the volume
surface integral terms. V. The origin of the left-hand sides in these formulas can be traced to Eq. (18.10.4), and
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18.11. Extinction Theorem 821 822 18. Radiation from Apertures

therefore, if r is not in V but is within the complementary volume V1 , then the left-hand
sides of all the formulas are zero. This does not mean that the elds inside V1 are   
zeroit only means that the sum of the terms on the right-hand sides are zero. k2 J G + (J  )
 G j J m  G dV
j V1
To clarify these remarks, we consider an imaginary closed surface S dividing all 
space in two volumes V1 and V, as shown in Fig. 18.11.1. We assume that there are =   G + j(n E)
k2 G(n H)+ (n H)  G dS
current sources in both regions V and V1 . The surface S1 is the same as S but its unit j S

vector n1 points into V1 , so that n1 = n. Applying (18.10.10) to the volume V, we have:

18.12 Vector Diffraction for Apertures
The Kirchhoff diffraction integral, Stratton-Chu, Kottler, and Franz formulas are equiv-
alent only for a closed surface S.
If the surface is open, as in the case of an aperture, the four expressions in (18.10.13)
and in (18.10.14) are no longer equivalent. In this case, the Kottler and Franz formulas
remain equal to each other and give the correct expressions for the elds, in the sense
that the resulting E(r) and H(r) satisfy Maxwells equations [1288,1286,1300,1301].
Fig. 18.11.1 Current sources may exist in both V and V1 .
For an open surface S bounded by a contour C, shown in Fig. 18.12.1, the Kottler
and Franz formulas are related to the Stratton-Chu and the Kirchhoff diffraction integral

1   formulas by the addition of some line-integral correction terms [1294]:
  G + j(n E)
k2 G(n H)+ (n H)  G dS
j S 
   E(r), if r V E(r)=   G + j(n E )
k2 G(n H )+ (n H )  G dS
1     j S
+ 2
G j J m G dV =
k J G + (J )
j V 0, if r V1  
= G(n H )dS +
G(n E )dS
The vanishing of the right-hand side when r is in V1 is referred to as an extinction j S S
theorem. Applying (18.10.10) to V1 , and denoting by E1 , H1 the elds in V1 , we have:   1
 = j G(n H )+(n E )  G + (n E )
 G dS  G)H dl
1   S j C
 G + j(n1 E1 )
k G(n1 H1 )+ (n1 H1 ) 
 G dS     
j S1 G E  1
= E G dS G E d l  G)H dl
   0, S n n C j C
if r V
+ 2
G j J m G dV =
k J G + (J ) (18.12.1)
j E1 (r), if r V1 
H(r)=   G + j(n H )
k2 G(n E ) (n E )  G dS
Because n1 = n, and on the surface E1 = E and H1 = H, we may rewrite: j S
1   = G(n E )dS + G(n H )dS
 G + j(n E)
k G(n H)+ (n H) 
 G dS j S S
j S
   0, = j G(n E )+(n H )  G + (n H )
 G dS +  G)E dl
1 if r V j
+ k2 J G + (J  )
 G j J m  G dV = S C
j V1 E1 (r), if r V1     
G H  1
= H G dS G H d l +  G)E dl
Adding up the two cases and combining the volume integrals into a single one, we obtain: S n n C j C
1 if r V The proof of the equivalence of these expressions is outlined in Problems 18.7 and
(J  )
 G + k2 GJ j J m  G dV =
j V+V1 E1 (r), if r V1 18.8. The Kottler-Franz formulas (18.12.1) and (18.12.2) are valid for points off the
aperture surface S. The formulas are not consistent for points on the aperture. However,
This is equivalent to Eq. (18.2.9) in which the currents are radiating into unbounded
they have been used very successfully in practice to predict the radiation patterns of
space. We can also see how the sources within V1 make themselves felt on the outside
aperture antennas.
only through the tangential elds at the surface S, that is, for r V :
The line-integral correction terms have a minor effect on the mainlobe and near
In fact, it can be used to prove the Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem that we considered in Sec. 15.6. sidelobes of the radiation pattern. Therefore, they can be ignored and the diffracted

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18.13. Fresnel Diffraction 823 824 18. Radiation from Apertures

Fig. 18.12.1 Aperture surface S bounded by contour C.

eld can be calculated by any of the four alternative formulas, Kottler, Franz, Stratton-
Chu, or Kirchhoff integralall applied to the open surface S. Fig. 18.13.1 Fresnel diffraction through rectangular aperture.

18.13 Fresnel Diffraction

R1 = r1 r , R1 = |r1 r | = r12 2r1 r + r r
In Sec. 18.4, we looked at the radiation elds arising from the Kottler-Franz formulas, (18.13.3)
where we applied the Fraunhofer approximation in which only linear phase variations R2 = r2 r , R2 = |r2 r | = r22 2r2 r + r r
over the aperture were kept in the propagation phase factor ejkR . Here, we consider Therefore, the gradient operator  can be written as follows when it acts on a function
the intermediate case of Fresnel approximation in which both linear and quadratic phase of R1 = |r1 r | or a function of R2 = |r2 r |:
variations are retained.
We discuss the classical problem of diffraction of a spherical wave by a rectangular
 = R1 ,  = R2
aperture, a slit, and a straight-edge using the Kirchhoff integral formula. The case of a R1 R2
plane wave incident on a conducting edge is discussed in Problem 18.11 using the eld-
where R1 and R2 are the unit vectors in the directions of R1 and R2 . Thus, we have:
equivalence principle and Kottlers formula and more accurately, in Sec. 18.15, using
Sommerfelds exact solution of the geometrical theory of diffraction. These examples  
E1  E1 1 ejkR1
are meant to be an introduction to the vast subject of diffraction. = n E 1 = n R 1 = (n R 1 ) jk + A1
n R1 R1 R1
In Fig. 18.13.1, we consider a rectangular aperture illuminated from the left by a point   jkR2 (18.13.4)
source radiating a spherical wave. We take the origin to be somewhere on the aperture G G 1 e
= n  G = n R2 = (n R2 ) jk +
plane, but eventually we will take it to be the point of intersection of the aperture plane n R2 R2 4R2
and the line between the source and observation points P1 and P2 .
Dropping the 1/R2 terms, we nd for the integrand of Eq. (18.13.1):
The diffracted eld at point P2 may be calculated from the Kirchhoff formula applied
to any of the cartesian components of the eld: G E1 jkA1  
   E1 G = (n R2 )(n R1 ) ejk(R1 +R2 )
G E1 n n 4R1 R2
E= E1 G dS (18.13.1)
S n n Except in the phase factor ejk(R1 +R2 ) , we may replace R1  r1 and R2  r2 , that is,
where E1 is the spherical wave from the source point P1 evaluated at the aperture point
G E1 jkA1  
P , and G is the Greens function from P to P2 : E1 G = (n r2 )(n r1 ) ejk(R1 +R2 ) (18.13.5)
n n 4r1 r2
ejkR1 ejkR2 Thus, we have for the diffracted eld at point P2 :
E1 = A1 , G= (18.13.2)
R1 4R2

where A1 is a constant. If r1 and r2 are the vectors pointing from the origin to the source jkA1  
E= (n r2 )(n r1 ) ejk(R1 +R2 ) dS (18.13.6)
and observation points, then we have for the distance vectors R1 and R2 : 4r1 r2 S

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18.13. Fresnel Diffraction 825 826 18. Radiation from Apertures

The quantity (n r2 )(n r1 ) is an obliquity factor. Next, we set r = r1 + r2 and It follows that the Fresnel approximation of the diffraction coefcient for an arbitrary
dene the free-space eld at the point P2 : aperture will be given by:

ejk(r1 +r2 ) ejkr 

E0 = A1 = A1 E jk(n r2 )  

r1 + r 2 r
(18.13.7) D= = ejk(b b )/(2F) dS (18.13.11)
E0 2F S

If the origin were the point of intersection between the aperture plane and the line
A further simplication is obtained by assuming that the aperture plane is the xy-
P1 P2 , then E0 would represent the eld received at point P2 in the unobstructed case
plane and that the line P1 P2 lies on the yz plane at an angle with the z-axis, as shown
when the aperture and screen are absent.
in Fig. 18.13.2.
The ratio D = E/E0 may be called the diffraction coefcient and depends on the
aperture and the relative geometry of the points P1 , P2 :

E jk  
D= = (n r2 )(n r1 ) ejk(R1 +R2 r1 r2 ) dS (18.13.8)
E0 4F S

where we dened the focal length between r1 and r2 :

1 1 1 r1 r2
= + F= (18.13.9)
F r1 r2 r1 + r2

The Fresnel approximation is obtained by expanding R1 and R2 in powers of r  and

keeping only terms up to second order. We rewrite Eq. (18.13.3) in the form:
2r1 r r r  2r2 r r r
R1 = r1 1 + , R2 = r2 1 +
r1 r12 r2 r22

Next, we apply the Taylor series expansion up to second order:

1 1
1+x=1+ x x2 Fig. 18.13.2 Fresnel diffraction by rectangular aperture.
2 8
This gives the approximations of R1 , R2 , and R1 + R2 r1 r2 : Then, we have r = x x + y y, n = z, and r2 = z cos + y sin . It follows that
n r2 = cos , and the perpendicular distance b b becomes:
R1 = r1 r1 r + r r (r1 r )2
2r1 b b = r r (r r2 )2 = x2 + y2 (y sin )2 = x2 + y2 cos2
R2 = r2 r2 r + r r (r2 r )2 Then, the diffraction coefcient (18.13.11) becomes:
    x2  y2
1 1 1 (r1 r )2 (r2 r )2 jk cos 2 +y2
R1 + R2 r1 r2 = (r1 + r2 )r + 
r r 
D= ejk(x cos2 )/2F
dx dy (18.13.12)
2 r1 r2 r1 r2 2F x1 y1

where we assumed that the aperture limits are (with respect to the new origin):
To simplify this expression, we now assume that the origin is the point of intersection
of the line of sight P1 P2 and the aperture plane. Then, the vectors r1 and r2 are anti-
x1 x x2 , y1 y y2
parallel and so are their unit vectors r1 = r2 . The linear terms cancel and the quadratic
ones combine to give: The end-points y1 , y2 are shown in Fig. 18.13.2. The integrals may be expressed
1     1

in terms of the Fresnel functions C(x), S(x), and F(x)= C(x)jS(x) discussed in
R1 +R2 r1 r2 = r r (r2 r )2 =
r r2 (r r2 )
2 = 1 b b (18.13.10)
Appendix F. There, the complex function F(x) is dened by:
2F 2F 2F
where we dened b = r r2 (r r2 ), which is the perpendicular vector from the point F(x)= C(x)jS(x)= ej(/2)u du
P to the line-of-sight P1 P2 , as shown in Fig. 18.13.1. 0

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18.14. Knife-Edge Diffraction 827 828 18. Radiation from Apertures

We change integration variables to the normalized Fresnel variables:

k  k 
u= x , v= y cos (18.13.14)

where b = y cos is the perpendicular distance from P to the line P1 P2 , as shown in

Fig. 18.13.2. The corresponding end-points are:
k k k
ui = xi , vi = yi cos = bi , i = 1, 2 (18.13.15)

Note that the quantities b1 = y1 cos and b2 = y2 cos are the perpendicular
distances from the edges to the line P1 P2 . Since du dv = (k cos /F)dx dy , we Fig. 18.14.1 Illuminated and shadow regions in straight-edge diffraction.
obtain for the diffraction coefcient:
 u2  v2
j j  
eju ejv
2 2
/2 /2
D= du dv = F(u2 )F(u1 ) F(v2 )F(v1 )

2 u1 v1 2 |E|2 1

F(v)+ 1 j

|D(v)|2 = =

|E0 |2 2 2
Noting that F(x) is an odd function and that j/2 = 1/(1 j)2 , we obtain:
or, in terms of the real and imaginary parts of F(v):
E F(u1 )+F(u2 ) F(v1 )+F(v2 )
D= = (rectangular aperture) (18.13.16)  2   
E0 1j 1j 1 1 1 2
|D(v)| = C(v)+ + S(v)+ (18.14.3)
2 2 2
The normalization factors (1 j) correspond to the innite aperture limit u1 , u2 , v1 ,
v2 , that is, no aperture at all. Indeed, since the asymptotic value of F(x) is
The quantity |D(v)|2 is plotted versus v in Fig. 18.14.2. At v = 0, corresponding to
F()= (1 j)/2, we have:
the line P1 P2 grazing the top of the edge, we have F(0)= 0, D(0)= 1/2, and |D(0)|2 =
F(u1 )+F(u2 ) F(v1 )+F(v2 ) F()+F() F()+F() 1/4 or a 6 dB loss. The rst maximum in the illuminated region occurs at v = 1.2172
1j 1j 1j 1j and has the value |D(v)|2 = 1.3704, or a gain of 1.37 dB.

In the case of a long slit along the x-direction, we only take the limit u1 , u2 : Diffraction Coefficient Diffraction Coefficient in dB

E F(v1 )+F(v2 )
D= = (diffraction by long slit) (18.13.17) 1.25
E0 1j 0

20 log10|D()|

18.14 Knife-Edge Diffraction 0.75

The case of straight-edge or knife-edge diffraction is obtained by taking the limit y2 0.5

, or v2 , which corresponds to keeping the lower edge of the slit. In this limit 18
F(v2 ) F()= (1 j)/2. Denoting v1 by v, we have:
   0 24
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1j k
D(v)= F(v)+ , v= b1 (18.14.1)
1j 2 F
Fig. 18.14.2 Diffraction coefcient in absolute and dB units.
Positive values of v correspond to positive values of the clearance distance b1 , plac-
ing the point P2 in the illuminated region, as shown in Fig. 18.14.1. Negative values of The asymptotic behavior of D(v) for v is obtained from Eq. (F.4). We have
v correspond to b1 < 0, placing P2 in the geometrical shadow region behind the edge. for large positive x:  
The magnitude-square |D|2 represents the intensity of the diffracted eld relative 1j j jx2 /2
F(x) + e
to the intensity of the unobstructed eld. Since |1 j|2 = 2, we nd: 2 x
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18.14. Knife-Edge Diffraction 829 830 18. Radiation from Apertures

This implies that:

1 j jv2 /2

1 2v e
, for v +
D(v)= (18.14.4)

1 j jv2 /2

e , for v

We may combine the two expressions into one with the help of the unit-step function
u(v) by writing D(v) in the following form, which denes the asymptotic diffraction
coefcient d(v):
D(v)= u(v)+d(v)ejv
Fig. 18.14.3 Communicating antennas over an obstacle.
where u(v)= 1 for v 0 and u(v)= 0 for v < 0.
With u(0)= 1, this denition requires d(0)= D(0)v(0)= 0.5 1 = 0.5. But if
we dene u(0)= 0.5, as is sometimes done, then, d(0)= 0. The asymptotic behavior of The distance b1 can also be expressed approximately in terms of the subtended angles 1 ,
D(v) can now be expressed in terms of the asymptotic behavior of d(v): 2 , and , shown in Fig. 18.14.3:

1j b1  l1 1  l2 2 b1 = l1 l2 1 2 (18.14.9)
d(v)= , for v (18.14.6)
and in terms of , we have:
In the illuminated region D(v) tends to unity, whereas in the shadow region it de- 
l2 l1 2F
creases to zero with asymptotic dB attenuation or loss: 1 = , 2 = b1 = F v= (18.14.10)
l1 + l2 l1 + l2

L = 10 log10
= 10 log10 22 v2 , as v (18.14.7)
The case of multiple obstacles has been studied using appropriate modications of the
knife-edge diffraction problem and the geometrical theory of diffraction [13091324]. 

The MATLAB function diffr calculates the diffraction coefcient (18.14.1) at any
vector of values of v. It has usage: Example 18.14.2: Fresnel Zones. Consider two antennas separated by a distance d and an ob-
stacle at distance z from the midpoint with clearance b, as shown below. Fresnel zones and
D = diffr(v); % knife-edge diffraction coefcient D(v)
the corresponding Fresnel zone ellipsoids help answer the question of what the minimum
value of the clearance b should be for efcient communication between the antennas.
For values v 0.7, the diffraction loss can be approximated very well by the follow-
ing function [1308]: Diffraction Coefficient in dB

2 asymptotic
L = 10 log10
= 6.9 + 20 log10 (v + 0.1)2 +1 v 0.1 (18.14.8) 2 extrema
fresnel zone

20 log10|D()|
Example 18.14.1: Diffraction Loss over Obstacles. The propagation path loss over obstacles and
irregular terrain is usually determined using knife-edge diffraction. Fig. 18.14.3 illustrates 0

the case of two antennas communicating over an obstacle. For small angles , the focal
length F is often approximated in several forms:
r1 r2 d1 d2 l1 l2
r1 + r 2 d1 + d2 l1 + l2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5

These approximations are valid typically when d1 , d2 are much greater than and the
height h of the obstacle, typically, at least ten times greater. The clearance distance can
be expressed in terms of the heights: The diffraction coefcient D(v) and its asymptotic form were given in Eqs. (18.14.1) and
  (18.14.4), that is,
h1 d2 + h2 d1  
b1 = y1 cos = h cos  
d1 + d 2 1 1j k 2 d1 d2
D(v)= F(v)+ , v= b= b, F= (18.14.11)
1j 2 F F d1 + d2
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18.14. Knife-Edge Diffraction 831 832 18. Radiation from Apertures

and for positive and large clearance b, or equivalently, for large positive v, For example, for a distance of d = 1 km, using a cell phone frequency of f = 1 GHz,

corresponding to wavelength = 30 cm, we nd b = d/2 = 8.66 meters.
1 j jv2 /2 1 2
Das (v)= 1 e =1 ej(v /2+1/4) (18.14.12) A common interpetation and derivation of Fresnel zones is to consider the path difference
2v 2v
between the rays following the straight path connecting the two antennas and the path
As can be seen in the above gure on the right, the diffraction coefcients D(v) and getting scattered from the obstacle, that is, l = l1 + l2 d. From the indicated triangles,
Das (v) agree closely even for small values of v. Therefore, the extrema can be obtained and assuming that b  d1 and b  d2 , we nd:
from the asymptotic form. They correspond to the values of v that cause the exponential
b2 b2
in (18.14.12) to take on its extremal values of 1, that is, the vs that satisfy v2 /2 + 1/4 = n, l1 = d21 + b2  d1 + , l2 = d22 + b2  d2 +
2d1 2d2
with integer n, or:
vn = 2n 0.5 , n = 1, 2, . . . (18.14.13) which leads to the following path length l, expressed in terms of v:
The corresponding values of D(v), shown on the gure with black dots, are given by b2 1 1 b2
l = l1 + l2 d = + = = v2
2 d1 d2 2F 4
1 1
Das (vn )= 1 ejn = 1 (1)n (18.14.14)
2vn 2vn
The corresponding phase difference between the two paths, ejkl , will be then:

An alternative set of vs, also corresponding to alternating almost extremum values, are ejkl = ejv
2 /2
those that dene the conventional Fresnel zones, that is,
which has the same form as in the diffraction coefcient Das (v). The values v = un =
un = 2n , n = 1, 2, . . . (18.14.15)
2n will make the path difference a multiple of /2, that is, l = n/2, resulting in the
alternating phase ejkl = (1)n .
These are indicated by open circles on the graph. The corresponding D(v) values are:
The discrepancy between the choices vn and un arises from using D(v) to nd the alter-
ej/4 nating maxima, versus using the plain phase (18.14.19). 

Das (un )= 1 (1)n (18.14.16)
The Fresnel approximation is not invariant under shifting the origin. Our choice of
For clearances b that correspond to vs that are too small, i.e., v < 0.5, the diffraction origin above is not convenient because it depends on the observation point P2 . If we
coefcient D(v) becomes too small, impeding efcient communication. The smallest ac-
choose a xed origin, such as the point O in Fig. 18.14.4, then, we must determine the
ceptable clearance b is taken to correspond to the rst maximum of D(v), that is, v = v1
corresponding Fresnel coefcient.
or more simply v = u1 = 2.
The locus of points (b, z) corresponding to a xed value of v, and hence to a xed value
of the diffraction coefcient D(v), form an ellipsoid. This can be derived from (18.14.11)
by setting d1 = d/2 + z and d2 = d/2 z, that is,

2 F (d2 /4 z2 ) 2 d1 d2 d2 /4 z2
v= b b2 = v2 = v , because F = =
F 2 2d d1 + d 2 d

which can be rearranged into the equation of an ellipse:

8 4
b2 + z2 = 1
v2 d d2

For v = u1 = 2, this denes the rst Fresnel zone ellipse, which gives the minimum
acceptable clearance for a given distance z:
4 4
b2 + z2 = 1 (18.14.17)
d d2
Fig. 18.14.4 Fresnel diffraction by straight edge.
If the obstacle is at midpoint (z = 0), the minimum clearance becomes:
We assume that the points P1 , P2 lie on the yz plane and take P2 to lie in the shadow
b= d (18.14.18) region. The angles 1 , 2 may be chosen to be positive or negative to obtain all possible
locations of P1 , P2 relative to the screen.

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18.14. Knife-Edge Diffraction 833 834 18. Radiation from Apertures

The diffraction coefcient is still given by Eq. (18.13.8) but with r1 , r2 replaced by where we set ky02 /2F = v2 /2 and dened the incident eld Eedge at the edge and the
the distances l1 , l2 . The unit vectors towards P1 and P2 are: overall edge-diffraction coefcient Dedge by:
l1 = z cos 1 y sin 1 , l2 = z cos 2 y sin 2 (18.14.20) ejkl1 FF cos 1 + cos 2 2
Eedge = A1 , Dedge = ejv /2
D(v) (18.14.23)
l1 l2 2
Since r = x x + y y and n = z, we nd:

The second factor (ejkl2 / l2 ) in (18.14.22) may be interpreted as a cylindrical wave
l1 r = y sin 1 , l2 r = y sin 2 , n l1 = cos 1 , n l2 = cos 2 emanating from the edge as a result of the incident eld Eedge . The third factor Dedge is
The quadratic approximation for the lengths R1 , R2 gives, then: the angular gain of the cylindrical wave. The quantity v may be written as:
1 1 (l1 r )2
1 (l2 r )2 k kF
R1 + R2 l1 l2 = (l1 + l2 )r + + (r r ) v= y0 = (sin 1 + sin 2 ) (18.14.24)
2 l1 l2 l1 l2 F
  2   Depending on the sign and relative sizes of the angles 1 and 2 , it follows that
 1 1 x cos2 1 cos2 2 y2
= y (sin 1 + sin 2 )+ + + + v > 0 when P2 lies in the shadow region, and v < 0 when it lies in the illuminated
l1 l2 2 l1 l2 2
region. For large positive v, we may use Eq. (18.14.4) to obtain the asymptotic form of
1 2 1  2  the edge-diffraction coefcient Dedge :
= x + y + 2F y (sin 1 + sin 2 )
2F 2F  
FF cos 1 + cos 2 jv2 /2 1 j jv2 /2 FF cos 1 + cos 2 1 j
1 2 1 1 Dedge = e e =
= x + (y + y0 )2  y02 l2 2 2v l2 2 2v
2F 2F 2F

where we dened the focal lengths F, F and the shift y0 : Writing F/l2 = l1 /(l1 + l2 ) and replacing v from Eq. (18.14.24), the F factor
cancels and we obtain:
1 1 1 1 cos2 1 cos2 2
= + , = + , y0 = F (sin 1 + sin 2 ) (18.14.21) 
F l1 l2 F l1 l2 l1 (1 j)(cos 1 + cos 2 )
Dedge = (18.14.25)
Using these approximations in Eq. (18.13.6) and replacing r1 , r2 by l1 , l2 , we nd: l1 + l2 4 k(sin 1 + sin 2 )

jkA1 ejk(l1 +l2 )   This expression may be simplied further by dening the overall diffraction angle
E= (n l2 )(n l1 ) ejk(R1 +R2 l1 l2 ) dS
4l1 l2 S = 1 + 2 , as shown in Fig. 18.14.4 and using the trigonometric identity:
jkA1 ek(l1 +l2 )  2 /2Fjk(y +y  cos 1 + cos 2 1 + 2
= cot
ejkx dx dy
= (cos 1 + cos 2 )ejky0 /2F 0 ) /2F
4l1 l2 sin 1 + sin 2 2

The x -integral is over the range <x < and can be converted to a Fresnel Then, Eq. (18.14.25) may be written in the form:
integral with the change of variables u = x k/(F):

l1 (1 j)
  Dedge = cot (18.14.26)
  l1 + l2 4 k 2
jkx2 /2F  F ju /2 2 F
e dx = e du = (1 j)
k k The asymptotic diffraction coefcient

 is obtained from Eqs. (18.14.25) or (18.14.26)
by taking the limit l1 , which gives l1 /(l1 + l2 ) 1. Thus,
The y -integral is over the upper-half
 of the xy-plane,that is, 0 y < . Dening
the Fresnel variables u = (y + y0 ) k/(F ) and v = y0 k/(F ), we nd: (1 j)(cos 1 + cos 2 ) (1 j)
Dedge = = cot (18.14.27)
    4 k(sin 1 + sin 2 ) 4 k 2
 /2F F F
ejk(y +y0 ) dy = eju
2 2
du = (1 j)D(v) Eqs. (18.14.26) and (18.14.27) are equivalent to those given in [1300].
0 k v k
The two choices for the origin lead to two different expressions for the diffracted
where the function D(v) was dened in Eq. (18.14.1). Putting all the factors together, elds. However, the expressions agree near the forward direction,  0. It is easily
we may write the diffracted eld at the point P2 in the form: veried that both Eq. (18.14.1) and (18.14.26) lead to the same approximation for the
diffracted eld: 
ejkl2 ejkl2 l1 1j
E = Eedge Dedge (straight-edge diffraction) (18.14.22) E = Eedge (18.14.28)
l2 l l1 + l 2 2 k

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18.15. Geometrical Theory of Diffraction 835 836 18. Radiation from Apertures

18.15 Geometrical Theory of Diffraction where k2 = 2 , and the two-dimensional 2 is in cylindrical coordinates:
Geometrical theory of diffraction is an extension of geometrical optics [13091324]. It 2 1 1 2
= + (18.15.2)
views diffraction as a local edge effect. In addition to the ordinary rays of geometrical 2 2
optics, it postulates the existence of diffracted rays from edges. The diffracted rays
The boundary conditions require that the tangential electric eld be zero on both
can reach into shadow regions, where geometrical optics fails.
sides of the conducting plane, that is, for = 0 and = 2. In the TE case, the
An incident ray at an edge generates an innity of diffracted rays emanating from the
tangential electric eld is Ez , and in the TM case, Ex = E cos E sin = E =
edge having different angular gains given by a diffraction coefcient Dedge . An example
of such a diffracted ray is given by Eq. (18.14.22).
(1/j)(Hz /), for = 0, 2. Thus, the boundary conditions are:
The edge-diffraction coefcient Dedge depends on (a) the type of the incident wave, (TE) Ez = 0, for = 0 and = 2
such as plane wave, or spherical, (b) the type and local geometry of the edge, such as a
Hz (18.15.3)
knife-edge or a wedge, and (c) the directions of the incident and diffracted rays. (TM) = 0, for = 0 and = 2

The diffracted eld and coefcient are usually taken to be in their asymptotic forms,
like those of Eq. (18.15.26). The asymptotic forms are derived from certain exactly In Fig. 18.15.1, we assume that 0 90o and distinguish three wedge regions
solvable canonical problems, such as a conducting edge, a wedge, and so on. dened by the half-plane and the directions along the reected and transmitted rays:
The rst and most inuential of all such problems was Sommerfelds solution of a
plane wave incident on a conducting half-plane [1286], and we discuss it below. reection region (AOB): 0
Fig. 18.15.1 shows a plane wave incident at an angle on the conducting plane transmission region (BOC): + (18.15.4)
occupying half of the xz-plane for x 0. The plane of incidence is taken to be the xy- shadow region (COA): + 2
plane. Because of the cylindrical symmetry of the problem, we may assume that there
The case when 90o 180o is shown in Fig. 18.15.2, in which has been
is no z-dependence and that the elds depend only on the cylindrical coordinates , .
redened to still be in the range 0 90o . The three wedge regions are now:

reection region (AOB): 0

transmission region (BOC): 2 (18.15.5)
shadow region (COA): 2 2

Fig. 18.15.1 Plane wave incident on conducting half-plane.

Two polarizations may be considered: TE, in which the electric eld is E = z Ez , and
TM, which has H = z Hz . Using cylindrical coordinates dened in Eq. (E.2) of Appendix
E, and setting /z = 0, Maxwells equations reduce in the two cases into:
Fig. 18.15.2 Plane wave incident on conducting half-plane.

1 1 Ez 1 Ez We construct the Sommerfeld solution in stages. We start by looking for solutions

(TE) 2 Ez + k2 Ez = 0, H = , H =
j j of the Helmholtz equation 2 U + k2 U = 0 that have the factored form: U = ED, where
1 1 Hz 1 Hz E is also a solution, but a simple one, such as that of the incident plane wave. Using the
(TM) 2 Hz + k2 Hz = 0, E = , E =
j j differential identities of Appendix C, we have:

2 U + k2 U = D 2 E + k2 E + E2 D + 2 E D
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18.15. Geometrical Theory of Diffraction 837 838 18. Radiation from Apertures

Thus, the conditions 2 U + k2 U = 0 and 2 E + k2 E = 0 require: This immediately implies that a = 1 and A2 = k2 , so that A = k. Thus, f =
A cos = k cos . Next, we choose v = Ba cos a. Then:
E2 D + 2 E D = 0 ln E)
2 D + 2( D = 0 (18.15.6)
f = A(
sin )
If we assume that E is of the form E = ejf , where f is a real-valued function, then,  
equating to zero the real and imaginary parts of 2 E + k2 E = 0, we nd for f : v = Baa1
cos a
sin a
f v = ABaa1 cos cos a + sin sin a = ABaa1 cos( a)
2 E + k2 E = E k2 f f + j2 f = 0 2 f = 0 , f f = k2 (18.15.7)
v v = B2 a2 2(a1)
Next, we assume that D is of the form:
Then, the last of the conditions (18.15.12) requires that:
D = D0 e du (18.15.8) 1 2 f v 2A12a cos( a)
= =1
v v v aB2 cos a
where D0 is a constant, v is a function of , , and g(u) is a real-valued function to be
which implies that a = 1/2 and B2 = 2A/a = 4A/. But since A = k, only the
determined. Noting that D = D0 ejg v and g = g (v) v, we nd:
case A = k is compatible with a real coefcient B. Thus, we have B2 = 4k/, or,

D = D0 ejg v , 2 D = D0 ejg 2 v jg (v) v v) B = 2 k/.
In a similar fashion, we nd that if we take v = Ba sin a, then a = 1/2, but now

ln E)
Then, it follows from Eq. (18.15.6) that 2 D + 2( D = 2 D + j
f D and: B = 4A/, requiring that A = k, and B = 2 k/. In summary, we have the

following solutions of the conditions (18.15.12):

f D = D0 ejg 2 v + j(2 f v g v v) = 0
2 D + j 
k 1/2
Equating the real and imaginary parts to zero, we obtain the two conditions:
f = +k cos , v = 2 cos
2 2 f v  k 1/2
v = 0, = g (v) (18.15.9) f = k cos , v = 2 sin
v v 2

Sommerfelds solution involves the Fresnel diffraction coefcient of Eq. (18.14.1), The corresponding solutions (18.15.11) of the Helmholtz equation are:
which can be written as follows: 
k 1/2
  v U(, )= e jk cos
D(v) , v = 2 cos
1 1j 1 2
D(v)= + F(v) = du (18.15.10)  (18.15.14)
1j 2 1j
jk cos k 1/2
U(, )= e D(v) , v = 2 sin
Therefore, we are led to choose g(u)= u2 /2 and D0 = 1/(1 j). To summarize,
we may construct a solution of the Helmholtz equation in the form: The function D(v) may be replaced by the equivalent form of Eq. (18.14.5) in order
to bring out its asymptotic behavior for large v:
2 U + k2 U = 0 , U = ED = ejf D(v) (18.15.11) 
  k 1/2
U(, )= ejk cos u(v)+d(v)ejv /2 ,
v = 2 cos
where f and v must be chosen to satisfy the four conditions: 2

  k 1/2
2 f = 0, f f = k2 U(, )= ejk cos u(v)+d(v)ejv /2 ,
v = 2 sin
(18.15.12) 2
2 f v
2 v = 0, = g (v)= v
v v Using the trigonometric identities cos = 2 cos2 (/2)1 = 1 2 sin2 (/2), we
nd for the two choices of v:
It can be veried easily that the functions u = a cos a and u = a sin a are solu-  
tions of the two-dimensional Laplace equation 2 u = 0, for any value of the parameter 1
k cos v2 = k cos 2 cos2 = k
a. Taking f to be of the form f = Aa cos a, we have the condition: 2 2
f = Aaa1
cos a
sin a f f = A2 a2 2(a1) = k2 k cos v2 = k cos + 2 sin2 = k
2 2
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18.15. Geometrical Theory of Diffraction 839 840 18. Radiation from Apertures

Thus, an alternative form of Eq. (18.15.14) is: The rst two terms correspond to the incident and reected elds. The third term is
the diffracted eld. The algebraic signs of vi and vr are as follows within the reection,

k 1/2 transmission, and shadow regions of Eq. (18.15.4):
U(, )= e jk cos
u(v)+e d(v) , v = 2 cos
 (18.15.15) reection region: 0 < , vi > 0, vr > 0
k 1/2 transmission region: < < + , vi > 0, vr < 0 (18.15.21)
U(, )= ejk cos u(v)+ejk d(v) , v = 2 sin shadow region: + < 2, vi < 0, vr < 0

The unit-step functions will be accordingly present or absent resulting in the follow-
Shifting the origin of the angle still leads to a solution. Indeed, dening  =
ing elds in these three regions:
, we note the property / = /, which implies the invariance of the Laplace
operator under this change. The functions U(, ) are the elementary solutions
reection region: Ez = Ei + Er + Ed
from which the Sommerfeld solution is built.
transmission region: Ez = Ei + Ed (18.15.22)
Considering the TE case rst, the incident plane wave in Fig. 18.15.1 is E = z Ei ,
shadow region: Ez = Ed
where Ei = E0 ejkr , with r = x cos + y sin and k = k(x cos + y sin ). It
follows that: where we dened the incident, reected, and diffracted elds:
k r = k(cos cos + sin sin )= k cos( )
Ei = E0 ejk cos i
Ei = E0 ejkr = E0 ejk cos() Er = E0 ejk cos r (18.15.23)
The image of this electric eld with respect to the perfect conducting plane will Ed = E0 ejk d(vi )d(vr )
be the reected eld Er = E0 ejkr r , where kr = k(x cos + y sin ), resulting in
Er = E0 ejk cos(+) . The sum Ei + Er does vanish for = 0 and = 2, but it also The diffracted eld is present in all three regions, and in particular it is the only one
vanishes for = . Therefore, it is an appropriate solution for a full conducting plane in the shadow region. For large vi and vr (positive or negative), we may replace d(v) by
(the entire xz-plane), not for the half-plane. its asymptotic form d(v)= (1 j)/(2v) of Eq. (18.14.6), resulting in the asymptotic
Sommerfelds solution, which satises the correct boundary conditions, is obtained diffracted eld:
by forming the linear combinations of the solutions of the type of Eq. (18.15.14):  
1j 1 1
Ed = E0 ejk
  2 vi vr
Ez = E0 ejk cos i D(vi )ejk cos r D(vr ) (TE) (18.15.17)  
1j 1 1
= E0 ejk
where  22 k/1/2 cos(i /2) cos(r /2)
k 1/2 i
i = , vi = 2 cos which can be written in the form:
k 1/2 r ejk
r = + , vr = 2 cos Ed = E0 Dedge (18.15.24)
2 1/2

For the TM case, we form the sum instead of the difference: with an edge-diffraction coefcient:
Hz = H0 ejk cos i D(vi )+ejk cos r D(vr ) (TM) (18.15.19)
1 1

Dedge = (18.15.25)
The boundary conditions (18.15.3) are satised by both the TE and TM solutions. 4 k i r
cos cos
As we see below, the choice of the positive sign in the denitions of vi and vr was 2 2
required in order to produce the proper diffracted eld in the shadow region. Using the
Using a trigonometric identity, we may write Dedge as follows:
alternative forms (18.15.15), we separate the terms of the solution as follows:

  sin sin
Ez = E0 ejk cos i
u(vi )E0 e jk cos r
u(vr )+E0 e jk
d(vi )d(vr ) (18.15.20) 1j
1 1 1
= j 2 2
Dedge = (18.15.26)
4 k + k cos + cos
cos cos
2 2
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18.16. Rayleigh-Sommerfeld Diffraction Theory 841 842 18. Radiation from Apertures

Eqs. (18.15.22) and (18.15.24) capture the essence of the geometrical theory of diffrac-
tion: In addition to the ordinary incident and reected geometric optics rays, one also
has diffracted rays in all directions corresponding to a cylindrical wave emanating from
the edge with a directional gain of Dedge .
For the case of Fig. 18.15.2, the incident and reected plane waves have propagation
vectors k = k(z cos y sin ) and kr = k(z cos + y sin ). These correspond to
the incident and reected elds:

Ei = E0 ejkr = E0 ejk cos(+) , Er = E0 ejkr r = E0 ejk cos()

In this case, the Sommerfeld TE and TM solutions take the form:

Ez = E0 ejk cos i D(vi )ejk cos r D(vr )
Hz = H0 ejk cos i D(vi )+ejk cos r D(vr )

where, now: 
k 1/2 i
i = + , vi = 2 sin
Fig. 18.16.1 Fields determined from their values on the xy-plane surface.
k 1/2 r
r = , v r = 2 sin
The choice of signs in vi and vr are such that they are both negative within the The surface integral over S can be ignored by noting that n is the negative of the
shadow region dened by Eq. (18.15.5). The same solution can also be obtained from radial unit vector and therefore, we have after adding and subtracting the term jkEG:
Fig. 18.15.1 and Eq. (18.15.17) by replacing by .         
E G  E G
G E dS = G + jkE E + jkG dS
S n n S r r
18.16 Rayleigh-Sommerfeld Diffraction Theory Assuming Sommerfelds outgoing radiation condition:
In this section, we recast Kirchhoffs diffraction formula in a form that uses a Dirich- E
r + jkE 0 , as r
let Greens function (i.e., one that vanishes on the boundary surface) and obtain the r
Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction formula. In the next section, we show that this refor-
and noting that G = ejkr /4r also satises the same condition, it follows that the
mulation is equivalent to the plane-wave spectrum approach to diffraction, and use it
above surface integral vanishes in the limit of large radius r . Then, in the notation of
to justify the modied forms (18.1.2) and (18.1.3) of the eld equivalence principle. In
Eq. (18.10.4), we obtain the standard Kirchhoff diffraction formula:
Sec. 18.18, we use it to obtain the usual Fresnel and Fraunhofer approximations and
discuss a few applications from Fourier optics. G E
E(r)uV (r)= E 
dS (18.16.2)
We will work with the scalar case, but the same method can be used for the vector S n n
case. With reference to Fig. 18.16.1, we we consider a scalar eld E(r) that satises the
Thus, if r lies in the right half-space, the left-hand side will be equal to E(r), and if r
source-free Helmholtz equation, (2 + k2 )E(r)= 0, over the right half-space z 0.
is in the left half-space, it will vanish. Given a point r = (x, y, z), we dene its reection
We consider a closed surface consisting of the surface S of a sphere of very large
relative to the xy plane by r = (x, y, z). The distance between r and a source point
radius centered at the observation point r and bounded on the left by its intersection S
r = (x , y , z ) can be written in terms of the distance between the original point r and
with the xy plane, as shown in the Fig. 18.16.1. Clearly, in the limit of innite radius,
the reected source point r = (x , y , z ):
the volume V bounded by S + S is the right half-space z 0, and S becomes the entire
xy plane. Applying Eq. (18.10.3) to volume V, we have:
R = |r r | = (x x )2 +(y y )2 +(z + z )2 = |r r |
  E G
G(2 E + k2 E)E (2 G + k2 G) dV = G 
dS (18.16.1) whereas
V S+S n n
R = |r r | = (x x )2 +(y y )2 +(z z )2
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18.16. Rayleigh-Sommerfeld Diffraction Theory 843 844 18. Radiation from Apertures

This leads us to dene the reected Greens function: This approximation will be used in Sec. 18.18 to obtain the standard Fresnel diffrac-
tion representation. The quantity cos = z/R is an obliquity factor and is usually
G (r, r )= = G(r r )= G(r r ) (18.16.3) omitted for paraxial observation points that are near the z axis.
4R Equation (18.16.5) expresses the eld at any point in the right half-space in terms of
and the Dirichlet Greens function: its values on the xy plane. In the practical application of this result, if the plane consists
of an innite opaque screen with an aperture S cut in it, then the integration in (18.16.5)
ejkR ejkR is restricted only over the aperture S. The usual Kirchhoff approximations assume that:
Gd (r, r )= G(r, r )G (r, r )= (18.16.4)
4R 4R (a) the eld is zero over the opaque screen, and (b) the eld, E(r ), over the aperture is
equal to the incident eld from the left.
For convenience, we may choose the origin to lie on the xy plane. Then, as shown
Eq. (18.16.5) is also valid in the vectorial case for each component of the electric eld
in Fig. 18.16.1, when the source point r lies on the xy plane (i.e., z = 0), the function
E(r). However, these components are not independent of each other since they must
Gd (r, r ) will vanish because R = R . Next, we apply Eq. (18.16.2) at the observation
satisfy E = 0, and are also coupled to the magnetic eld through Maxwells equations.
point r in the right half-space and at its reection in the left half-plane, where (18.16.2)
Taking into account these constraints, one arrives at a modied form of (18.16.5). We
G E pursue this further in the next section.
E(r) = G E dS , at point r
Sn n
G E 18.17 Plane-Wave Spectrum Representation
0= E G dS , at point r
S n n
where G stands for G(r r ). But on the xy plane boundary, G = G so that if we The plane-wave spectrum representation builds up a (single-frequency) propagating
subtract the two expressions we may eliminate the term E/n , which is the reason wave E(x, y, z) as a linear combination of plane waves ej(kx x+ky y+kz z) . The only as-
for using the Dirichlet Greens function: sumption is that the eld must satisfy the wave equation, which for harmonic time
  dependence ejt is the Helmholtz equation
E(r)= E(r ) (G G ) dS = E(r ) dS
S n S n (2 + k2 )E(x, y, z)= 0 , k= (18.17.1)
On the xy plane, we have n = z, and therefore
where c is the speed of light in the propagation medium (assumed here to be homoge-



neous, isotropic, and lossless.) In solving the Helmholtz equation, one assumes initially
= and = =
n  z
z =0

z z =0 z
z =0
 a solution of the form:

Then, the two derivative terms double resulting in the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffrac- E(x, y, z)= E(kx , ky , z)ejkx x ejky y
tion formula [1285,1286]:
 Inserting this into Eq. (18.17.1) and replacing x jkx and y jky , we obtain:
E(r)= 2 E(r ) dS (Rayleigh-Sommerfeld) (18.16.5)
S z 2
k2x k2y + + k 2
E(kx , ky , z)= 0
The indicated derivative of G can be expressed as follows:

    or, dening k2z = k2 k2x k2y , we have:

z 1 ejkR 1 ejkR

= jk + = cos jk + (18.16.6)
z z =0 R R 4R R 4R 2 E(kx , ky , z)
= (k2 k2x k2y )E(kx , ky , z)= k2z E(kx , ky , z)
where is the angle between the z-axis and the direction between the source and obser- z2
vation points, as shown in Fig. 18.16.1. For distances R  , or equivalently, k  1/R, Its solution describing forward-moving waves (z 0) is:
one obtains the approximation:

E(kx , ky , z)= E(kx , ky , 0)ejkz z (18.17.2)


= jk cos , for R  (18.16.7)
z z =0
If k2x + k2y < k2 , the wavenumber kz is real-valued and the solution describes a
adding instead of subtracting the above integrals, we obtain the alternative Greens function Gs = propagating wave. If k2x + k2y > k2 , then kz is imaginary and the solution describes an
G + G , having vanishing derivative on the boundary.

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18.17. Plane-Wave Spectrum Representation 845 846 18. Radiation from Apertures

evanescent wave decaying with distance z. The two cases can be combined into one by with the understanding that z = 0. Thus, (18.17.8) takes the form of (18.16.5).
dening kz in terms of the evansecent square-root of Eq. (7.7.9) as follows: Next, we discuss the vector case as it applies to electromagnetic elds. To simplify
the notation, we dene the two-dimensional transverse vectors r = x x + y y and k =

k2 k2x k2y , if k2x + k2y k2 x kx + y ky , as well as the transverse gradient = x x + y y , so that the full three-
kz = (18.17.3) dimensional gradient is

j k2x + k2y k2 , if k2x + k2y > k2
= x x + +y y + z z = + z z
In the latter case, we have the decaying solution:
In this notation, Eq. (18.17.6) reads E(k , z)= g(k , z)E(k , 0), with g(k , z)=
k2x +k2y k2
E(kx , ky , z)= E(kx , ky , 0)ez , z0 ejkz z . The plane-wave spectrum representations (18.17.4) and (18.17.8) now are (where
the integral sign denotes double integration):
The complete space dependence is E(kx , ky , 0)ejkx xjky y ejkz z . The most general
solution of Eq. (18.17.1) is obtained by adding up such plane-waves, that is, by the spatial 
d2 k
two-dimensional inverse Fourier transform: E(r , z) = E(k , 0) ejkz z ejk r
dkx dky
E(x, y, z)= E(kx , ky , 0)ejkx xjky y ejkz z (18.17.4) = E(r , 0)g(r r , z) d2 r
This is the plane-wave spectrum representation. Because kz is given by Eq. (18.17.3), and 
this solution is composed, in general, by both propagating and evanescent modes. Of d2 k
g(r , z)= ejkz z ejk r (18.17.11)
course, for large z, only the propagating modes survive. Setting z = 0, we recognize (2)2
E(kx , ky , 0) to be the spatial Fourier transform of the eld, E(x, y, 0), on the xy plane: In the vectorial case, E(r , z) is replaced by a three-dimensional eld, which can be
  decomposed into its transverse x, y components and its longitudinal part along z:
dkx dky
E(x, y, 0) = E(kx , ky , 0)ejkx xjky y
  (18.17.5) E = x Ex + y Ey + z Ez E + z Ez
jkx x+jky y
E(kx , ky , 0) = E(x, y, 0)e dx dy
The Rayleigh-Sommerfeld and plane-wave spectrum representations apply separately
to each component and can be written vectorially as
As in Chap. 3, we may give a system-theoretic interpretation to these results. Den-
ing the propagation spatial lter g(kx , ky , z)= ejkz z , then Eq. (18.17.2) reads:  
d2 k
E(r , z)= E(k , 0) ejkz z ejk r = E(r , 0)g(r r , z) d2 r
E(kx , ky , z)= g(kx , ky , z)E(kx , ky , 0) (18.17.6) (18.17.12)
Because E must satisfy the source-free Gausss law, E = 0, this imposes certain
This multiplicative relationship in the wavenumber domain translates into a convo-
constraints among the Fourier components E that must be taken into account in writing
lutional equation in the space domain. Denoting by g(x, y, z) the spatial inverse Fourier
(18.17.12). Indeed, we have from (18.17.12)
transform of g(kx , ky , z)= ejkz z , that is,

  d2 k
jkx xjky y jkz z dkx dky E = j k E(k , 0) ejkz z ejk r =0
g(x, y, z)= e e (18.17.7) (2)2
which requires that k E(k , 0)= 0. Separating the transverse and longitudinal parts,
we may write Eq. (18.17.4) in the form:
we have:
  k E
k E = k E + kz Ez = 0 Ez =
E(x, y, z)= E(x , y , 0)g(x x , y y , z)dx dy (18.17.8) kz

It follows that the Fourier vector E must have the form:
Eq. (18.17.8) is equivalent to the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld formula (18.16.5). Indeed, it
follows from Eq. (D.19) of Appendix D that k E
E = E + z Ez = E z (18.17.13)
G G ejkR
g(x x , y y , z)= 2 =2 , G= , R = |r r | (18.17.9)
z z 4R
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18.17. Plane-Wave Spectrum Representation 847 848 18. Radiation from Apertures

and, therefore, it is expressible only in terms of its transverse components E . Then, where we took S to be the xy plane with the unit vector n = z. Then, Eqs. (18.10.13) and
the correct plane-wave spectrum representation (18.17.12) becomes: (18.10.14) can be written as:
1 1
k E (k , 0) d2 k E(r)= h)+
( e, H(r)= e)+
( h
E(r , z)= E (k , 0)z ejkz z ejk r (18.17.14) j j
kz (2)2
Noting that e, h are transverse vectors and using some vector identities and the de-
But from the Weyl representations (D.18) and (D.20), we have with G = ejkr /4r :
composition = + z z , we can rewrite the above in a form that explicitly separates
G d2 k k d2 k the transverse and longitudinal parts, so that if r is in the right half-space:
2 = ejkz z ejk r , 2 G = ejkz z ejk r
z (2)2 kz (2)2 1  
E(r) = h)2z h + z z (
( h) + e + z z e
Then, (18.17.14) can be written convolutionally in the form: j
G 1  
E(r , z)= 2 E z G E d2 r (18.17.15) H(r) = e)2z e + z z (
( e) + h + z z h
z j

where here G = ejkR /4R with R = |r r | and z = 0, that is, R = |r r |2 + z2 , If r is chosen to be the reected point r on the left half-space, then G = G and the
and E in the integrand stands for E (r , 0). Eq. (18.17.15) follows from the observation vectors e, h remain the same, but the gradient with respect to r is now = z z ,
that in (18.17.14) the following products of Fourier transforms (in k ) appear, which arising from the replacement z z. Thus, replacing z z in (18.17.20) and
become convolutions in the r domain: setting the result to zero, we have:
k 0= h)2z h z z (
( h) + e z z e
E (k , 0)ejkz z and E (k , 0) ejkz z j
Because E (r , 0) does not depend on r, it is straightforward to verify using some 0= e)2z e z z (
( e) + h z z h
vector identities that j

G Separating (18.17.21) into its transverse and longitudinal parts, we have:

z G E E = (z E G) (18.17.16)
z 1   1  
h)2z h = z z e ,
( h) = e
z z (
This gives rise to the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld-type equation for the vector case: j j
 1   1  
E(r , z)= 2 z E (r , 0)G(R) d2 r (18.17.17) e)2z e = z z h ,
( e = h
z z (
j j
which can be abbreviated as Using these conditions into Eq. (18.17.20), we obtain the doubling of terms:

E(r)= 2 z E G dS (18.17.18) E(r) = 2 e + 2 z z e = 2 e
2   2
H ( r) = e)2z e + z z (
( e) = e)
The magnetic eld can be determined from Faradays law, E = jH : j j

2 2 
which are the same as Eqs. (18.17.18) and (18.17.19). Alternatively, we may express the
H(r)= E= z E G dS (18.17.19)
j j S diffracted elds in terms of the values of the magnetic eld at the xy surface:

The same results can be derived more directly by using the Franz formulas (18.10.13) 2   2
E(r) = h)2z h + z z (
( h) = h)
and making use of the extinction theorem as we did in Sec. 18.16. Applying (18.10.13) j j (18.17.24)
to the closed surface S + S of Fig. 18.16.1, and dropping the S term, it follows that H(r) = 2 h + 2 z z h = 2 h
the left-hand side of (18.10.13) will be zero if the point r is not in the right half-space.
To simplify the notation, we dene the vectors: Eqs. (18.17.18) and (18.17.24) are equivalent to applying the Franz formulas with the
  eld-equivalent surface currents of Eqs. (18.1.2) and (18.1.3), respectively.
e= G(z E)dS , h= G(z H)dS As in the scalar case, the vector method is applied in practice by dividing S into
S S two parts, the screen over which the tangential elds are assumed to be zero, and the
In the notation of Eq. (18.10.12), we have e = A ms / and h = A s /. aperture over which the elds are assumed to arise from incident elds from the left.

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18.18. Fresnel Diffraction and Fourier Optics 849 850 18. Radiation from Apertures

Example 18.17.1: Oblique Plane Wave. Here, we show that the plane-wave spectrum method where we used the Taylor series expansion 1 + x  1 + x/2. Assuming also that R or
correctly generates an ordinary plane wave from its transverse values at an input plane. z is much greater than the wavelength of the wave, z  , so that k  1/R we obtain
Consider a TM electromagnetic wave propagating at an angle 0 with respect to the z axis,
   2 /2z)
as shown in the gure below. The electric eld at an arbitrary point, and its transverse 2z 1 ejkR ejk(z+|r r | jk  2 /2z
jk +  jk = ejkz ejk|r r | (18.18.2)
part evaluated on the plane z = 0, are given by R R 4R 2z 2z

E(r , z) = E0 (x cos 0 z sin 0 )ej(kx x+kz z)

0 0 where we set R  z in the amplitude factors, but kept the quadratic approximation in
the phase ejkR . The Fresnel approximation is nally:
0  0 
E (r , 0) = x E0 cos 0 ejkx x = x E0 cos 0 ejk r 
jk jkz  2 /2z
k0x = k sin 0 , k0y = 0 , k0z = k cos 0 E(r , z)= e E(r , 0) ejk|r r | d2 r (Fresnel) (18.18.3)
2z S
k = x kx + y ky = x k sin 0
0 0

This amounts to replacing the propagator impulse response g(r , z) by the approx-
imation of Eq. (18.18.2):
It follows that the spatial Fourier transform of E (r , 0) will be

E (k , 0)= x E0 cos 0 ejk r ejk r d2 r = x E0 cos 0 (2)2 (k k0 )
jk jk
ejkz ejk|r | ejkz ejk(x +y2 )/2z
2 2
g(r , z)= = (Fresnel) (18.18.4)
2z 2z
Then, the integrand of Eq. (18.17.14) becomes
Noting that k = 2/, the constant factor in front is often written as:
k E
E z = E0 (x cos 0 z sin 0 )(2)2 (k k0 )
kz jk j
2z z
and Eq. (18.17.14) gives
 The above approximations can also be understood from the plane-wave spectrum
d2 k point of view. The Fourier transform of (18.18.4) is obtained from the following Fourier
E(r , z) = E0 (x cos 0 z sin 0 )(2)2 (k k0 )ejkz z ejk r
(2)2 integral, which is a special case of Eq. (3.5.18):
= E0 (x cos 0 z sin 0 )ej(kx x+kz z)
0 0
2 2
ejkx x dx = ejkx z/2k (18.18.5)
which is the correct expression for the plane wave. For a TE wave a similar result holds. 

Applying (18.18.5) with respect to the x and y integrations, we obtain the two-
dimensional spatial Fourier transform of g(r , z):
18.18 Fresnel Diffraction and Fourier Optics
g(k , z)= ejkz ej(kx +ky )z/2k = ejkz ej|k |
2 2 2
The Fresnel approximation for planar apertures is obtained from the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld (18.18.6)
formula (18.16.5). Using (18.16.6), we have:
Then, Eq. (18.18.3) can be written in its plane-wave spectrum form:
1 e 2z 
E(r , z)= E(r , 0)
jk + d2 r (18.18.1) d2 k
E(r , z)= ejkz E(k , 0) ej|k | ejk r
R R 4R z/2k
S (18.18.7)
where R = (x x )2 +(y y )2 +z2 = |r r |2 + z2 . The Fresnel approximation
assumes that z is large enough such that |r r |  z, which can realized if the Eq. (18.18.6) can be obtained from the exact form g(k , z)= ejkz z by assuming
aperture has dimension d so that |r | < d, and one assumes that the observation point that for large z the evanescent modes will be absent and assuming the approximation
r remains close to the z-axis (the paraxial approximation) such that |r | < d, and z is k2x + k2y  k2 for the propagating modes. Then, we can write:
chosen such that z  d. Then, we can approximate R as follows:   

   |k |2 1 |k |2 |k |2
kz = k2 |k |2 = k 1  k 1 =k

|r r |2 1 |r r |2 |r r |2 k2 2 k2 2k
R = |r r | + z = z 1 +
2 2 z 1+ =z+
z2 2 z2 2z
and, hence
ejkz z  ejkz ej|k |

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18.18. Fresnel Diffraction and Fourier Optics 851 852 18. Radiation from Apertures

Because of the assumption |k |  k, the maximum transverse wavenumber will Noting that (k )= k|r |2 /2z at k = kr /z, we nally nd:
be |k | = k = 2/, and correspondingly the smallest achievable transverse spatial
resolution will be r 1/|k | , that is, about one wavelength. This is the basic E(r , z)= ejkz ejk|r |
E(k , 0) kr (Fraunhofer) (18.18.10)
2z k =
diffraction limit of optical instruments, such as lenses and microscopes. z

Near-eld optics methods [530548], where the evanescent modes are not ignored, A simpler way of deriving (18.18.10) is by using (18.18.3) and noting that
overcome this limitation and can achieve much higher, subwavelength, resolutions.
 2 /2z  2 /2z 
ejk|r r | = ejk|r | ejk|r | ejkr r /z
Although ordinary lenses are diffraction-limited, it has been shown recently [394]
that superlenses made from metamaterials having negative refractive index can achieve  2 / 2z
The factor ejk|r | can be ignored if we assume that k|r |2  z, which leads to:
perfect resolution. 
In the special case when the aperture eld E(x , y , 0) depends only on one trans- jk jkz jk|r |2 /2z 
E(r , z)= e e E(r , 0) ejkr r /z d2 r
verse coordinate, say, E(x , 0), the dependence of (18.18.3) on the y direction can be 2z
integrated out using the integral and the last integral factor is recognized as E(k , 0) evaluated at k = kr /z.
jk  2 /2z Example 18.18.1: Knife-Edge Diffraction. Let us revisit the problem of knife-edge diffraction
ejk(yy ) dy = 1 (18.18.8) using the Fresnel formula (18.18.3). The innite edge is along the y direction and it occu-
pies the region x < 0, as shown in the gure below. The incident plane-wave eld and the
and we obtain the following one-dimensional version of the Fresnel formula, written diffracted eld at distance z are:
convolutionally and in its plane-wave spectrum form:
  Einc (x, z)= E0 ejkz
jk jkz  2
E(x, z) = e E(x , 0) ejk(xx ) /2z dx  
2z jk jkz  2
 (18.18.9) E(x, z)= e E(x , 0) ejk(xx ) /2z dx
dkx 2z
= ejkz
E(kx , 0) ejkx z/2k

The Fraunhofer approximation is a limiting case of the Fresnel approximation when At the input plane, E(x , 0)= E0 , for x 0, and E(x , 0)= 0, for x < 0. Then, the above
integral becomes: 
the distance z is even larger than that in the Fresnel case. More precisely, it is obtained 
in the far-eld limit when k|r |2  z, or, d2  z, where d is the size of the aperture. jk  )2 /2z
E(x, z)= E0 ejkz ejk(xx dx
2z 0
In this approximation, the eld E(r , z) becomes proportional to the Fourier trans-
form E(k , 0) of the eld at the input plane. It is similar to the radiation-eld approxi- Making the change of variables,
mation in which the radiation elds are proportional to Fourier transform of the current
k k
sources, that is, to the radiation vector. (x x)= u, v= x
2z 2 z
A direct way of deriving the Fraunhofer approximation is by applying the stationary-
the above integral can be reduced to the Fresnel integral F(x) of Appendix F:
phase approximationEq. (F.22) of Appendix Fto the evaluation of the plane-wave    
spectrum integral (18.18.7). Dene the phase function j 2 /2 1 1j
E(x, z)= E0 ejkz eju du = E0 ejkz F(v)+
   2  2 v 1j 2
|k |2 z k2x z ky z
(k )= k r = kx x + ky y x (kx )+y (ky ) This is identical (up to the paraxial assumption) to the case discussed in Sec. 18.14. When
2k 2k 2k
x < 0, the observation point lies in the shadow region. 

Then, the stationary-point with respect to the kx variable is Example 18.18.2: Diffraction by an innite slit. Consider an innite slit on an opaque screen.
The y-dimension of the slit is innite and its x-size is |x| a, as shown on the left in the
kx z xk z
x (kx )= x=0 kx = , 
x (kx )= gure below. The same gure also shows an opaque strip of the same size.
k z k
and similar expressions for y (ky ). Thus, vectorially, the stationary point is at k =
kr /z. Using Eq. (F.22), we obtain:
j(k ) d k 2j 2j j(k ) 1
E(k , 0) e    E( k , 0) e
(2)2 x (kx ) y (ky ) (2)2 k = kr

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18.18. Fresnel Diffraction and Fourier Optics 853 854 18. Radiation from Apertures

The incident eld is a uniform plane wave, Einc (x, z)= E0 ejkz , whose values on the slit 2
diffraction by a slit
diffraction by a strip

are E(x , 0)= E0 . The diffracted eld at distance z is given by Eq. (18.18.9):
z=a z=a
   a z = 20 a z = 20 a
jk  )2 /2z jk  )2 /2z 1.5 z = 100 a 1.5 z = 100 a
E(x, z)= ejkz E(x , 0) ejk(xx dx = E0 ejkz ejk(xx dx
2z 2z

|1 D(x, z)|

|D(x, z)|
1 1
The integral can be reduced to the Fresnel integral F(x) of Appendix F by making the
change of variables:
 !  0.5 0.5
k k
(x x)= u, v = (a x)
2z 2 z
0 0
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
so that x/a x/a
 a   v+
jk  )2 /2z j 2 /2 F(v+ )F(v )
ejk(xx dx = eju du = D(x, z) Fig. 18.18.1 Fresnel diffraction by a slit and a strip
2z a 2 v 1j

where we used j/2 = 1/(1 j). Thus, E(x, z) becomes:
18.19 Lenses
E(x, z)= ejkz D(x, z) (18.18.11)
In Fourier optics applications, one considers the passage of light through various optical
For the case of the strip, the limits of integration are changed to: elements that perform certain functions, such as Fourier transformation using lenses.
  For example, Fig. 18.19.1 shows an input eld starting at aperture plane a, then prop-
jk  )2 /2z F()F(v+ )+F(v )F() agating a distance z1 to a thin optical element where it is modied by a transmittance
+ ejk(xx dx = = 1 D(x, z)
2z a 1j function, and then propagating another distance z2 to an aperture plane b.
where we used F()= F()= (1 j)/2. Thus, the diffracted eld in the strip case
will be given by the complementary expression
E(x, z)= ejkz 1 D(x, z) (18.18.12)

This result is an example of the Babinet principle [634] that the sum of the elds from an
aperture and its complementary screen is equal to the eld in the absence of the aperture:

Eslit (x, z)+Estrip (x, z)= ejkz

Fig. 18.18.1 shows the diffracted patterns in the two cases. The graphs plot the quantities
|D(x, z)| and |1 D(x, z)| versus x in the two cases.
The slit was chosen to be four wavelengths wide, a = 4, and the diffracted patterns Fig. 18.19.1 Field propagated from plane a to plane b through a thin optical element.
correspond to the near, medium, and far distances z = a, z = 20a, and z = 100a. The
latter case corresponds to the Fraunhofer pattern having a small ratio a2 /z = 1/25. Assuming that the input/output relationship of the optical element is multiplicative,
For example, for the slit case, the corresponding pattern approximates (but it is not quite E+ (r )= T(r )E (r ), the relationship between the output eld at plane b to the input
there yet) the typical sinc-function Fourier transform of the rectangular slit distribution eld at plane a is obtained by successively applying the propagation equation (18.17.10):
E(x , 0)= E0 , for a x a :  
a Eout (r ) = g(r u , z2 )E+ (u ) d2 u = g(r u , z2 )T(u )E (u ) d2 u
 sin(kx a)
E(kx , 0)= E0 ejkx x dx = 2aE0 S S
a kx a 
= g(r u , z2 )T(u )g(u r , z1 )Ein (r ) d2 u d2 r
where this is to be evaluated at kx = kx/z for the diffraction pattern E(x, z). The property S
that at the center of the strip, x = 0, the diffracted pattern is not zero is an example of the 
so-called Poissons spot [634]. 
 = h(r , r )Ein (r ) d2 r

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18.19. Lenses 855 856 18. Radiation from Apertures

where the overall transfer function from plane a to plane b will be:

h(r , r )= g(r u , z2 )T(u )g(u r , z1 ) d2 u (18.19.1)

where we labeled the spatial x, y coordinates by r , u , and r on the planes (a), the
element, and plane (b).
In a similar fashion, one can work out the transfer function of more complicated
congurations. For example, passing through two transmittance elements as shown in
Fig. 18.19.2, we will have:

Eout (r )= h(r , r )Ein (r ) d2 r (18.19.2)

where Fig. 18.19.3 Transmittance of a thin spherical lens.

h(r , r )= g(r u , z2 )T2 (u )g(u v , z0 )T1 (v )g(v r , z1 ) d2 u d2 v
S in the glass it changes to kg = kn. Therefore, the wave will accumulate the following
(18.19.3) phase as it propagates from the front plane to the back plane:

ejka ejkg b

where we are assuming a thin lens, which allows us to ignore the bending of the ray
arising from refraction. Because, a + b = d, we have for the net phase:

(x)= ka + kg b = ka + nk(d a)= nkd (n 1)ka

The distance a is easily seen from the above gure to be:

a = R R2 x 2
Fig. 18.19.2 Field propagated from plane a to plane b through multiple optical elements.
Assuming that x  R, we can expand the square root to get:
Lenses are probably the most important optical elements. Their interesting proper-
x2 1 x2 x2
ties arise from their transmittance function, which has the quadratic phase: a=RR 1 2
 R R 1 2
R 2R 2R

T(r )= ejk|r | +y2 )/2F

2 2
= ejk(x (lens transmittance) (18.19.4) Thus, the phase (x) is approximately,

where F is the focal length. Because the Fresnel propagation factor ejk|r | /2z also has
2 (n 1)kx2
(x)= knd (n 1)ka = knd
the same type of quadratic phase, but with the opposite sign, it is possible for lenses to act 2R
as spatial dispersion compensation elements, much like the dispersion compensation If we make up a convex lens by putting together two such spherical lenses with radii
and pulse compression lters of Chap. 3. They have many uses, such as compensating R1 and R2 , as shown in Fig. 18.19.3, then the net phase change between the front and
propagation effects and focusing the waves on appropriate planes, or performing spatial back planes will be, ignoring the constant nkd terms:
Fourier transforms.
The transmittance function (18.19.4) can be derived with the help of Fig. 18.19.3, 1 1 kx2 kx2
(x)= (n 1) + (18.19.5)
which shows a wave entering from the left a (convex) spherical glass surface at a distance R1 R2 2 2F
x from the axis.
where we dened the focal length F of the lens through the lensmakers equation,
Let R and d denote the radius of the spherical element, and its maximum width
along its axis to the at back plane, and let n be its refractive index. The wave travels a  
1 1 1
distance a in air and a distance b in the glass. If k is the free-space wavenumber, then = (n 1) + (18.19.6)
F R1 R2
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18.19. Lenses 857 858 18. Radiation from Apertures

In a two-dimensional description, we replace x2 by |r |2 = x2 + y2 . Thus, the phase The integral is equal to the Dirac delta, (2)2 (kr /F)= (2)2 (r )F2 /k2 . Thus,
change and corresponding transmittance function will be:
j2F jkF
E(r , F)= e E0 (r )
k|r |2 j(r ) jk|r |2 /2F
(r )= T(r )= e =e
2F which is sharply focused onto the focal point r = 0 and z = F. For the second case
Some examples of the various effects that can be accomplished with lenses can be depicted on the right in Fig. 18.19.4, we rst note that the paraxial approximation for a
obtained by applying the congurations of Figs. 18.19.1 and 18.19.2 with appropriate spherical wave placed at the origin is:
choices of the aperture planes and focal lengths. We will use the Fresnel approximation
ejkr jk jkz jk|r |2 /2z |r |2
(18.18.4) for g(r , z) in all of the examples and assume that the transmittance (18.19.4) E0  E0 e e , r z
4r 4z 2z
extends over the entire xy planein effect, we are replacing the lens with the ideal case
of an innitely thin transparency with transmittance (18.19.4). If this source is placed at the left focal point of the lens, then, the diverging paraxial
The main property of a lens is to turn an incident plane wave from the left into spherical wave, after traveling distance z = F, will arrive at the left plane of the lens:
a spherical wave converging on the lens focus on the right, and similarly, if a source
jk  2 /2F  2 /2F
of a spherical wave is placed at the focus on the left, then the diverging wave will be Ein (r , 0)= E0 ejkF ejk|r | E1 ejk|r |
converted into a plane wave after it passes through the lens. These cases are shown in 4F
Fig. 18.19.4. The transmittance of the lens will compensate this propagation phase resulting into
a constant eld at the output plane of the lens, which will then propagate to the right
as a plane wave:
 2 /2F  2 /2F
E(r , 0)= T(r )Ein (r , 0)= ejk|r | E1 ejk|r | = E1

The propagated eld to distance z is obtained from Eq. (18.18.3):

jk  2 /2z jk 2z
E(r , z)= ejkz E1 ejk|r r | d2 r = E1 ejkz = E1 ejkz
2z 2z jk

Fig. 18.19.4 Spherical waves converging to, or diverging from, a lens focal point. where the integral was evaluated using twice the result (18.18.8). Thus, the transmitted
wave is a uniform plane wave propagating along the z-direction.
The case on the left corresponds to the choices z1 = 0 and z2 = F in Fig. 18.19.1, To see the Fourier transformation property of lenses, consider again the left picture
that is, the input plane coincides with the left plane of the lens. The incident wave has a in Fig. 18.19.4 with the output plane still placed at the right focal length z2 = F, but
constant amplitude on the plane Ein (r )= E0 . Noting that g(r u , 0)= 2 (r u ), take an arbitrary eld Ein (r ) incident at the left plane of the lens. The overall transfer
we obtain from Eq. (18.19.1) with z2 = F: function is still the same as in Eq. (18.19.7), thus, giving:

jk jkF jk|r |2 /2F jk|r r |2 /2F
h(r , r )= T(r )g(r r , F)= e e e E(r , F) = h(r r )Ein (r ) d2 r
the quadratic phase terms combine as follows: jk jkF jk|r |2 /2F 
= e e Ein (r ) ejkr r /F d2 r
 2 /2F  2 /2F 
ejk|r | ejk|r r | = ejk|r | ejkr r /F

The last integral factor is recognized as the Fourier transform Ein (k ) evaluated at
and result in the following transfer function: wavenumber k = kr /F. Thus, we obtain:

jk jk  
ejkF ejk|r |
h(r , r )= T(r )g(r r , F)= ejkF ejk|r | ejkr r /F
/2F E(r , F)= Ein (k ) (18.19.9)
(18.19.7) k =
k r
2F 2F F

Its integration with the constant input results in: This result is similar to the Fraunhofer case (18.18.10), but it is valid at the much
 shorter Fresnel distance z = F, instead of the far-eld distances. It is analogous to
ejkF E0 ejk|r | ejkr r /F d2 r
/2F the output of the pulse compression lter in chirp radar discussed in Chap. 3, see for
E(r , F)=
example Eq. (3.10.14).

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18.19. Lenses 859 860 18. Radiation from Apertures

It is left as an exercise to show that the extra quadratic phase factor in (18.19.9) can The delta function forces r = (z2 /z1 )r , which is the same as (18.19.11). The
be eliminated by using the conguration of Fig. 18.19.1 with both aperture planes placed negative sign means that the image is upside down. Noting that
at the foci of the lens, that is, z1 = z2 = F, (known as a 2F system.)    
kr kr z21  z1
Finally, let us look at the magnifying properties of a lens. Fig. 18.19.5 shows an + = r + r
z2 z1 k2 z2
image placed at distance z1 from the left and its image formed at distance z2 on the
right. It is well-known that the distances z1 , z2 must be related by: we obtain for the eld at the output plane:
1 1 1 z1 z1 2
Ein r ejk(z1 +z2 ) ejk|r | (z1 +z2 )/2z2
+ = (18.19.10) Eout (r )=
z1 z2 F z2 z2
which represents a scaled and reversed version of the input.
Some references on the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction theory, the plane-wave spec-
trum representation, and Fourier optics are [1285,1286] and [13251338].

18.20 Problems
18.1 Show that Eq. (18.4.9) can be written in the compact vectorial form:

ejkr   jk ejkr  
E = jk r z f r (z g) , H= r r (z f)+ z g
4r 4r
Fig. 18.19.5 Lens law of magnication. Similarly, show that Eqs. (18.4.10) and (18.4.11) can be written as:

The magnication law relates the size of the image to the size of the object: ejkr   2jk ejkr  
E = 2jk r z f , H= r r (z f)
4r 4r
x2 z2
M= = (magnication ratio) (18.19.11) ejkr   ejkr  
x1 z1 E = 2jk r r (z g) , H = 2jk r z g
4r 4r
These properties can be derived by tracing the rays emanating from the top of the
18.2 Prove the rst pair of equations for E, H of the previous problem by working exclusively
object. The ray that is parallel to the lens axis will bend to pass through the focal point with the Kottler formulas (18.4.2) and taking their far-eld limits.
on the right. The ray from the top of the object through the left focal point will bend to
18.3 Explain in detail how the inequality (18.6.12) for the aperture efciency ea may be thought
become parallel to the axis. The intersection of these two rays denes the top point of
of as an example of the Schwarz inequality. Then, using standard properties of Schwarz
the image. From the geometry of the graph one has: inequalities, prove that the maximum of ea is unity and is achieved for uniform apertures.
x1 x2 x2 x1 As a reminder, the Schwarz inequality for single-variable complex-valued functions is:
= and =

z1 F F z2 F F
b b

f (x)g(x) dx
|f (x)|2 dx |g(x)|2 dx
The consistency of the equations requires the condition (z1 F)(z2 F)= F2 , which
a a
is equivalent to (18.19.10). Then, Eq. (18.19.11) follows by replacing F from (18.19.10)
18.4 To prove the equivalence of the Kirchhoff diffraction and Stratton-Chu formulas, (18.10.6)
into the ratio x2 /x1 = (z2 F)/F.
and (18.10.7), use the identities (C.29) and (C.32) of Appendix C, to obtain:
To understand (18.19.10) and (18.19.11) from the point of view of Fresnel diffrac-      
tion, we note that the transfer function (18.19.1) involves the following quadratic phase j G J + G  + G  J m dV = j G J  G + J m  G dV
V  V 
factors, with the middle one being the lens transmittance:   

 2 /2z n G + n J m G dS
ejk|r u | ejk|u | ejk|u r |
2 2
/2z2 /2F 1
jk|r |2 /2z1  Then, using the identity (C.33), show that Eq. (18.10.6) can be rewritten in the form:
= ejk|r | ejk(1/z1 +1/z2 1/F)|u | ejku (r /z2 +r /z1 )
2 2
/2z2 /2

Because of Eq. (18.19.10), the term that depends quadratically on u cancels and E(r)= j G J G + J m  G dV
one is left only with a linear dependence on u . This integrates into a delta function in   

(18.19.1), resulting in + n G + n J m G dS
jkejkz1 jkejkz2 jk|r |2 /2z2 jk|r |2 /2z1 kr kr  
h(r , r )= e e (2)2 + n G  E (n E)
 G G n (
 E)(n E)  G dS
2z1 2z2 z2 z1
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18.20. Problems 861 862 18. Radiation from Apertures

Finally, use / =  E and  E + J m = jH to obtain (18.10.7). wave below the edge is given by Eqs. (18.14.22)(18.14.24), except that the eld at the edge
is Eedge = E0 , and the focal lengths are in this case F = l2 and F = l2 / cos2 2
18.5 Prove the equivalence of the Stratton-Chu and Kottler formulas, (18.10.7) and (18.10.10), by
rst proving and then using the following dual relationships: Finally, show that the asymptotic diffracted eld (when l2 ), is given near the forward
direction  0 by:
    ejkl2 1 j
 G (J  )
j  G dV =   G j(n E)
(n H)  G E = Eedge
V S l2 2 k
jm  G (J m  )
 G dV =   G + j(n H)
(n E)  G 18.11 Assume that the edge in the previous problem is a perfectly conducting screen. Using the
eld-equivalence principle with effective current densities on the aperture above the edge
To prove these, work component-wise, use Maxwells equations (18.2.1), and apply the di- J s = 0 and J ms = 2n E a , and applying the usual Fresnel approximations, show that the
vergence theorem on the volume V of Fig. 18.10.1. diffracted eld calculated by Eq. (18.4.1) is is still given by Eqs. (18.14.22)(18.14.24), except
that the factor cos 1 + cos 2 is replaced now by 2 cos 2 , and that the asymptotic eld and
18.6 Prove the equivalence of the Kottler and Franz formulas, (18.10.10) and (18.10.11), by using
edge-diffraction coefcient are:
the identity ( A)= ( A)2 A, and by replacing the quantity k2 G(r r ) by
(3) (r r )2 G. Argue that the term (3) (r r ) makes a difference only for the volume ejkl2 (1 j)2 cos 2
integrals, but not for the surface integrals. E = E0 Dedge , Dedge =
l2 4 k(sin 1 + sin 2 )
18.7 Prove the equivalence of the modied Stratton-Chu and Kirchhoff diffraction integral for-
mulas of Eq. (18.12.1) and (18.12.2) by using the identity (C.42) of Appendix C and replacing Show that this expression agrees with the exact Sommerfeld solution (18.15.26) at normal
 E = 0 and  E = jH in the source-less region under consideration. incidence and near the forward diffracted direction.
18.8 Prove the equivalence of the Kottler and modied Stratton-Chu formulas of Eq. (18.12.1) and 18.12 A uniform plane wave, E(x, z)= E0 ejk(x sin 0 +z cos 0 ) , is incident obliquely on a lens at an
(18.12.2) by subtracting the two expressions, replacing jE =  H , and using the Stokes angle 0 with the z axis, as shown in the gure below.
identity (C.38) of Appendix C.
18.9 Consider a reector antenna fed by a horn, as shown
on the right. A closed surface S = Sr + Sa is such
that the portion Sr caps the reector and the portion
Sa is an aperture in front of the reector. The feed
lies outside the closed surface, so that the volume V
enclosed by S is free of current sources.
Applying the Kottler version of the extinction theorem of Sec. 18.10 on the volume V, show
that for points r outside V, the eld radiated by the induced surface currents on the reector
Using similar methods as for Fig. 18.19.4, show that after passing through the lens, the wave
Sr is equal to the eld radiated by the aperture elds on Sa , that is,
will converge onto the shifted focal point with coordinates z = F and x = F sin 0 .

1   Conversely, consider a point source of a spherical wave starting at the point z = F and
E rad (r) = k2 G J s + J s   G dS
j Sr x = F sin 0 . Show that upon passage through the lens, the spherical wave will be converted
 into the obliquely moving plane wave E(x, z)= E1 ejk(x sin 0 +z cos 0 ) . What is E1 ?
=   G + j(n E )
k2 G(n H )+ (n H )  G dS
j Sa 18.13 Consider the three lens congurations shown below. They are special cases of Figs. 18.19.1
and 18.19.2, with appropriate choices for the input and output aperture planes a and b.
where the induced surface currents on the reector are J s = nr H and J ms = nr E, and
on the perfectly conducting reector surface, we must have J ms = 0.
This result establishes the equivalence of the so-called aperture-eld and current-distribution
methods for reector antennas [1345].
18.10 Consider an x-polarized uniform plane wave incident obliquely on the straight-edge aperture
of Fig. 18.14.4, with a wave vector direction k1 = z cos 1 + y sin 1 . First show that the
tangential elds at an aperture point r = x x + y y on the aperture above the straight-edge
are given by:
 sin E0 
E a = x E0 ejky 1
, H a = y cos 1 ejky sin 1
Then, using Kottlers formula (18.12.1), and applying the usual Fresnel approximations in
the integrand, as was done for the point source in Fig. 18.14.4, show that the diffracted

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18.20. Problems 863

Working with Eqs. (18.19.1) and (18.19.3), show that the transfer functions h(r , r ) are
given as follows for the three cases:

h(r , r )= e2jkF ejk(r r )/F , h(r , r )= ejkF ejk(r r )/F

h(r , r )=

r +

Aperture Antennas
F2 F2
Show that the rst two cases perform a Fourier transformation as in Eq. (18.19.9), but without
the quadratic phase factors. Show that the third case, performs a scaling of the input with
a magnication factor M = F2 /F1

19.1 Open-Ended Waveguides

The aperture elds over an open-ended waveguide are not uniform over the aperture.
The standard assumption is that they are equal to the elds that would exist if the guide
were to be continued [1].
Fig. 19.1.1 shows a waveguide aperture of dimensions a > b. Putting the origin in
the middle of the aperture, we assume that the tangential aperture elds Ea , Ha are
equal to those of the TE10 mode. We have from Eq. (9.4.3):

Fig. 19.1.1 Electric eld over a waveguide aperture.

x 1 x
Ey (x )= E0 cos , Hx (x )= E0 cos (19.1.1)
a TE a

where TE = /K with K = 1 2c /2 = 1 (/2a)2 . Note that the boundary
conditions are satised at the left and right walls, x = a/2.
For larger apertures, such as a > 2, we may set K  1. For smaller apertures, such
as 0.5 a 2, we will work with the generalized Huygens source condition (18.5.7).
The radiated elds are given by Eq. (18.5.5), with fx = 0:

E = jk c fy (, )sin
E = jk c fy (, )cos

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First introduced in the late nineteenth century, horn antennas were found to be most useful in
high frequency applications such as microwave transmission. The first recorded horn antenna
to appear in an experiment was pyramidal horn used by J. Chunder Bose in 1897. In a lecture
at the Londons Royal Institution, Bose performed a demonstration using the horn, which he
referred to as acollecting funnel at an operating frequency of 60 GHz.
Interest in horn antennas dwindled at the turn of the century when Guglielmo Marconi
successfully achieved the first transatlantic wireless transmission. At that time it became
apparent that lower frequencies were better suited for long distance transmission, and the
horn was inadequate for this purpose. This disinterest continued until World War II, when
research and development focus shifted back to the microwave frequencies.[2]
Today, much of the theory behind the horn antenna is well defined. There are methods
to accurately calculate all of the major design variables. Horn antennas are now commonly
used for many applications including microwave communications, feeds for reflector antennas
and radar elements.

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Section 2

Literature Review

During World War II, as microwave theory became more popular amongst researchers, articles
on aperture and horn antennas started to appear in academic journals. The first of which
to focus on a true horn antenna was Theory of the Electromagnetic Horn written by W.L.
Barrow and L.J. Chu for the Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers in January of
1939. This paper was a theoretical analysis of the operation of the horn antenna and provided
the reader with a set of equations that could be used to design horns for radio communication.
Since WWII, there have been many paper released on horn antennas focusing on both
theory and applications. Methods have been derived for accurate calculation of many prop-
erties of these antennas such as gain and directivity. In recent years though, as microstrip
antennas have become more popular, the number of articles written on horns has declined.
The focus has shifted from fundamental theory to improving the analysis and performance of
horn antennas, as well as presenting new uses for horns.
In [5] the authors develop a new technique for the analysis of horn antennas, taking
into account both their interior and exterior cross sections. The authors state that three-
dimensions techniques that existed are numerically too complex and limit their use. They
therefore present their technique using a modal scattering matrix based on the the Mode
Matching Method. This new method is compared to measured results from an experiment

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using a conical-ridged horn antenna. The results of the comparison show their method holds
as a accurate method for this type of analysis.
The authors of [3] were not concerned about analysis techniques, but rather about im-
proving the gain of a pyramidal horn antenna. Their idea is based on placing strips of metal
in the horn near the throat of the antenna. Their research shows that these simple baffles can
increase the gain as much as 10dB over a range of 1GHz for some antennas. They present this
idea as a cheap and simple method of shortening pyramidal horns without the use of lenses,
but caution that the results are preliminary. They conclude by suggesting further avenues of
research in this technique, including looking at the relationship of the baffle and bandwidth.
In [4] the authors focus on the use of horn antennas for a very specific purpose, as an
excitation and receive element for a Ku-band active transmit array module. The authors
are concerned with why the gain and operational bandwidth for this configuration are lower
than that with the same active transmit array and microstrip patch arrays. By approaching
the problem both theoretically and experimentally, the authors show that microstrip array
provides a more uniform excitation of the transmit array module, thus achieving better per-
formance. They also suggest that near-field interactions between the horn and transmit array
module could contribute to the decreased performance.
Another paper that looks at applications of horn antennas is [6]. In this article, the authors
present a 256 element box-horn array for use in the 57.2-58.2GHz range. In the design of
this array, the authors pay particular attention to suppressing the side lobes, increasing the
antennas use in directional applications such as radar. The results of the design is a 18cm x
22cm x 3cm array with a measured gain of 36.2dBi and side lobe levels -35dB in the H-plane.

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Section 3

Applications of Horn Antennas

As stated earlier, horn antennas operate best at the megahertz and gigahertz frequency ranges.
As such, horns have traditionally been used in terrestrial microwave communications. They
can be found on many line-of-site microwave relay towers. These antennas are used in other
areas as well.
In 1999 NASA launched its Stardust satellite to track and collect samples from the Wild
2 comet. On board the satellite was a X-band conical horn antenna. This horn was used as
a feed element for a communications reflector dish on the satellite. It was 4 inches high and
2.5 inches in diameter and weighed less than 470 grams total. The ability to create horns of
this size makes them ideal for space applications where weight is major factor in launch cost.
Another example of small horn antennas in use is the box-horn array presented in [6]. This
antenna was designed to provide a large gain, yet be small enough to be used in applications
such as collision avoidance systems in automobiles. By using an array of horns and paying
particular attention to reducing the side lobes, the authors successfully designed an antenna
array that could easily fit on the back of most modern cars and be used as a transmit and
receive element for a radar system.
Horn antennas are not always this small though. In fact the worlds largest conical horn
is 14 feet in diameter and weighs approximately 4500 lbs. One interesting application of a

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larger horn antenna was the discovery of the 21cm radiation.

In the 1940s Dutch scientist were trying to map the galaxy using radio astronomy. As
part of their work they were trying to find radio spectrum lines that would be emitted from
the different configurations of electrons on basic elements. They had predicted one of these
radio spectrum line would occur from hydrogen at 1420MHz (a wavelength of 21cm), but they
could not detect it.[8] Harold Ewen, a graduate student from Harvard, was told about their
failed attempts and decided to try for himself.
Ewen received a $500 grant from the Rumford Fund of the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences for his experiment. He built a large horn antenna (as seen in Figure 3.1, it was
even larger than himself) and mounted it outside the window of his lab at Harvard. The
antenna was used as a feed element to a radio receiver using a switching method to cancel
out the background noise that it received. On March 25, 1951, Ewens horn antenna was the
first to detect the 21cm radiation of hydrogen.
There is an interesting side note to Harold Ewens story. The antenna he created was not
only a good collector for radio waves, but also for rain. In times of heavy rain the horn would
act as a giant funnel channelling rain directly into his lab and flooding it.[7]

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Figure 3.1: Harold Ewen and his horn antenna. Taken from [7].
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Section 4

The Directivity of E-Plane, H-Plane

and Pyramidal Horn Antennas

4.1 Introduction

The most commonly used horns today are pyramidal and conical, which can be manufactured
in many shapes and sizes. For the purposes of paper, we will look at the pyramidal horn and
the E and H-plane horn of which it is comprised. This section will derive the formulas for the
E-plane horn but leaves all other derivations up to the reader.

4.2 Aperture and radiated fields of the E-Plane Horn

An E-plane horn antenna is an aperture antenna that is flared in the direction of the E-field.
This results in radiated fields that have a high directivity in the E-plane of the antenna. A
detailed geometry for a E-plane antenna is given in Figure 4.1.
From Balanis the aperture fields for the E-Plane Horn are

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Figure 4.1: E-Plane Horn Antenna. Taken from [1].

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Ez0 = Ex0 = Hy0 = 0

ky 02
Ey0 (x0 , y 0 )
j[ ]
= E1 cos( x0 )e (21 )
02 (4.1)
j[ ky ]
Hz0 (x0 , y 0 )
= jE1 sin( x0 )e (21 )
ka a
E1 j[ ky ]
Hx0 (x0 , y 0 ) = cos( x0 )e (21 )

1 = e cos(e ) .

We can use these equations and the equivalent fields approach to find the surface current
densities for the aperture,

E1 j[ ky ]
J~s0 = cos( x0 )e (21 ) y (4.2)


ky 02
~ 0 = E1 cos( x0 )ej[ (21 ) ] x
M (4.3)

for the region a2 x0 a

and b21 y 0 b1
. The current densities are zero elsewhere.
The E-field components for the radiated fields of an aperture antenna are given by

E = (L + N ) (4.4)

E = (L + N ) (4.5)


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N = [Jx cos cos + Jy cos sin Jz sin ]e+jkr cos
N = [Jx sin + Jy cos ]e+jkr cos
L = [Mx cos cos + My cos sin Mz sin ]e+jkr cos
L = [Mx sin + My cos ]e+jkr cos
ds0 .

Looking at the equation for N and (4.2) we have

ZZ "   # +jkr 0 cos

ky 02
E   j
N = cos x0 e 21
cos sin e ds0

noting from the geometry that,

r0 cos = ~r0r = x0 sin cos + y 0 sin sin

we get,

ZZ "   # +jk(x0 sin cos +y 0 sin sin )

ky 02
E   j
N = cos x0 e 21
cos sin e ds0
Za/2 b1 /2
ky 02

E   +jk(x0 sin cos ) j +jk(x0 sin sin )
= cos sin cos x0 e dx0 e 2 1
e dx0 .
a/2 b1 /2


Za/2 "
  +jk(x0 sin cos )  a  cos sin cos
cos x0 e dx0 = 2
2 2
a 2 ka
sin cos 2
a/2 2

(From integration tables)

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b1 /2    
ky 02 ky 2 1
Z r
j 21 +jk(x0 sin sin ) 0 1 j 2k
e e dx = e {[C(t2 ) C(t1 )] j [S(t2 ) S(t1 )]}
b1 /2

(From completing the square and a change of variables).


  " " # #
ky 2 1
cos( kx2a )
a 1 j 2k cos sin
N = E1 e F (t1 , t2 ) (4.6)
2 k ( kx2a )2 ( 2 )2

kx = k sin cos

ky = k sin sin
t1 =
t2 =
F (t1 , t2 ) = [C(t2 ) C(t1 )] j[S(t2 ) S(t1 )] .

Note: C(t) and S(t) are cosine and sine integrals, the solutions of which can be found in
Appendix III of the course text.
By similar analysis we can also find,

 " " # #
cos( kx2a )
a 1 j ky2k1 cos
N = E1 e F (t1 , t2 )
2 k ( kx2a )2 ( 2 )2
 " " # #
cos( kx2a )
a 1 j ky2k1
L = E1 e cos cos kx a 2 F (t1 , t2 ) (4.7)
2 k ( 2 ) ( 2 )2
 " " # #
cos( kx2a )
a 1 j ky2k1
L = E1 e sin kx a 2 F (t1 , t2 ) .
2 k ( 2 ) ( 2 )2

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Now, we can substitute the results of (4.6) and (4.7) into (4.4) and (4.5) to get the radiated

"  k2  " # #
a k1 E1 ejkr j y2k1 cos( kx2a )
E = j e sin (1 + cos ) kx a 2 F (t1 , t2 ) . (4.8)
8r ( 2 ) ( 2 )2

"  2
 " # #
a k1 E1 e jkr j
cos( kx2a )
E = j e cos (1 + cos ) kx a 2 F (t1 , t2 ) (4.9)
8r ( 2 ) ( 2 )2

4.3 Directivity of an E-plane Horn

4.3.1 Maximum Radiation

To find the directivity of an E-plane horn we must first find the maximum radiation,

Umax = |E|2max . (4.10)

For most horn antennas |E|max is directed mainly along the z-axis (ie. = 0). Thus,

|E|max = |E |2max + |E |2max .

From (4.8) and (4.9) and noting kx = 0,

a k1 1
|E |max = (2) 2 |E1 sin F (t1 , t2 )| (4.11)
8r (2)

a k1 1
|E |max = (2) 2 |E1 cos F (t1 , t2 )| . (4.12)
8r (2)

Recalling that t1 = t2 and using the fact that,

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C(t) = C(t) (4.13)

S(t) = S(t) (4.14)

we get,

F (t, t) = [C(t) C(t)] j[S(t) S(t)]

= 2[C(t) jS(t)]


|F (t, t)| = 2 |C(t) jS(t)| .

Therefore we now have,

2a k1
|E |max = |E1 sin F (t)| (4.15)

2a k1
|E |max = |E1 cos F (t)| . (4.16)

Substituting these results into (4.10), gives the final result,

2a2 k1
Umax = |E1 |2 |F (t)|2 (4.17)


b1 b1
|F (t)|2 = [C 2 ( ) + S 2( )]
21 21

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Power Radiated

The total power radiated from a E-plane horn can be found by,

1 ~0 H
~ 0 ) d~s
Prad = <e(E (4.18)

~ 0 and H
Using the E ~ 0 -fields over the aperture of the horn given in (4.1),

~0 H
<e(E ~ 0 )
("  # "     #)
ky 02 ky 02 ky 02
E1   +j   +j
= <e yE1 cos x0 e 21
x cos x0 e 21
+ zE1 sin x0 e 21

a a ka a
|E1 |2  
= z cos2 x0


Prad = |E1 |2 cos2 x0 dx0 .
2 a

Now recall,

cos2 udu = (u + sin u cos u) + C

Thus, we have,

Prad = |E1 |2 (4.19)

4.3.2 Putting it all together

Now that we have found the maximum radiation and the power radiated from the horn, we
can find the directivity using the formula,

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DE =
= |F (t)|2

4.4 Directivity of a H-plane Horn

Like the E-plane horn antenna, a H-plane horn is only flared in one direction. In this case it
is flared in the direction of the H-field, giving a better directivity in that plane. Figure 4.2 is
a diagram showing the geometry of the antenna.

Figure 4.2: H-Plane Horn Antenna. Taken from [1].

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Using the same approach as presented for the E-plane horn, and starting from,

Ex0 = Hy0 = 0
h i
jk 2
Ey0 (x0 )
= E2 cos( x0 )e 2
h 02 i
0 0 E2 0 jk 2 x
Hx (x ) = cos( x )e 2
2 = h cos h

it can be shown that,

b2 2 
Umax = |E2 |2 [C(u) C(v)]2 + [S(u) S(v)]2



1 2 a1
u= ( )
2 a1 2
1 2 a1
v= ( + )
2 a1 2
and that,

Prad = |E2 |2 .

Combining this gives us the H-plane horn directivity,

[C(u) C(v)]2 + [S(u) S(v)]2

DH = (4.22)

4.5 Directivity of an Pyramidal Horn

The final type of horn presented is the pyramidal horn antenna. This horn is a combination of
the E-plane and H-plane horns and as such is flared in both directions. A three dimensional
diagram of the pyramidal is given in Figure 4.3. For the E-plane and H-plane views, the

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diagrams Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 can be used1 .

Figure 4.3: Pyramidal Horn Antenna. Taken from [1].

The equations of interest for the pyramidal horn are,

1 2 
Umax = |E0 |2 [C(u) C(v)]2 + [S(u) S(v)]2

2 b1 2 b1
C ( ) + S ( )
21 21
a1 b 1
Prad = |E0 |2
81 2
[C(u) C(v)]2 + [S(u) S(v)]2

DP =
a1 b 1
2 b1 2 b1
C ( ) + S ( )
21 21
Also, for this type of horn antenna, the properties,

e 2 1 2
pe = (b1 b) ( ) (4.24)
b1 4

Note: p1 and p2 in figure 4.1 and figure 4.2 are referred to as pe and ph respectively in the pyramidal
horn equations.

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h 2 1 2
ph = (a1 a) ( ) (4.25)
a1 4

are important. If these values are not equal, then the horn is not physically realizable.

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Section 5

Horn Antenna Design Example

5.1 Example Question 1

A pyramidal horn with the dimensions e = 12.2cm, h = 15.25cm, a = 2.4cm, b = 0.9cm,

a1 = 7.5cm and b1 = 6.0cm is to be constructed and operated at a frequency of 9GHz.
a) Is it possible to construct this antenna?
b) Find the maximum radiation, power radiated and directivity for the antenna.

5.1.1 Solution to Question 1

a) Using (4.24) and (4.25), we have,

" 2 # 12
e 1
pe = (b1 b)
b1 4
" 2 # 12
12.2 1
= (6.0 0.9)
6.0 4



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" 2 # 12
h 1
ph = (a1 a)
a1 4
" 2 # 12
15.25 1
= (7.5 2.4)
7.5 4

10.05 .

Since pe = ph , the horn is constructible.

b) Using the equations in (4.23),

1 2 
Umax = |E0 |2 [C(u) C(v)]2 + [S(u) S(v)]2

2 b1 2 b1
C +S
21 21
= |E0 |2
[C(7.4089) C(7.5426)]2 + [S(7.4089) S(7.5426)]2

C 2 (6.687) + S 2 (6.687)

48.06 |E0 |2


a1 b 1
Prad = |E0 |2
11.25 |E0 |2


Dp =
48.06 |E0 |
= 4
11.25 |E0 |2
= 53.68 .

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5.2 Example Question 2

A pyramidal horn with the dimensions e = 12.2cm, h = 15.25cm, a = 2.4cm, b = 0.9cm

and flare angles e = h = 21.3 degrees is to be constructed and operated at a frequency of
12GHz. Find the directivity of the E-plane, H-plane and pyramidal horn antenna.

5.2.1 Solution to Question 2

From the geometry of the pyramidal horn,

e = tan1 2


b1 = 2e tan e

= 2(10.5) tan(21.3)

8.2 .


h = tan 1 2


a1 = 2h tan h

= 2(9.2) tan(21.3)

7.2 .

Now, using the equation (4.20), (4.22) and (4.23),

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DE = |F (t)|2
64 (0.2) (10.5)
= |F (11.32)|2
(0.025) (8.2)


[C(u) C(v)]2 + [S(u) S(v)]2

DH =
4 (9.2)
[C(10.6) C(10.7)]2 + [S(10.6) S(10.7)]2

(7.2) (0.025)


= (96.6)(1271.6)
= 31.4

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Section 6


Horn antennas have been used for over a hundred years. In this time, the theory behind
them has been well defined and there are now many methods of accurately analyzing their
properties. It is for this reason that researchers are now focusing on more advanced horn topics
including gain enhancements and techniques for analysis of non-traditional horn shapes.
As shown in this paper, horn antennas have many different uses. They have long been
used as feed elements or point-to-point relay antennas, but they are now being used in new
applications such as collision avoidance radar.
This paper has presented the development of equations for calculating the directivity. In
doing this, it has also shown that there is a relationship between the directivity of the E-plane,
H-plane and pyramidal horn antennas. Also, this paper has tried to show users that care must
be taken by the designer to ensure that a pyramidal horn antenna can be constructed.

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[1] C. A. Balanis. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, NY., 1997.

[2] A. W. Love. Electronmagnetic Horn Antennas. IEEE Press, New York, NY., 1976.

[3] R.L. Rogers M.A. Koerner. Gain enhancements of a pyramidal horn using e- and h-plane
metal baffles. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propgation, 48(4):529538, April 2000.

[4] H.J. Song M.E. Bialkowski. A ku-band active transmit-array module with a horn or
patch array as a signal launching/receiving device. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propgation, 49(4):535541, April 2001.

[5] F. Arndt R. Bunger, R. Beyer. Rigorous combined mode-matching integral equation

analysis of horn antennas with arbitrary cross section. IEEE Transactions on Antennas
and Propgation, 47(11):16411657, November 1999.

[6] A.V. Raisanen T. Sehm, A. Lehto. A high-gain 58-ghz box-horn array antenna with
suppressed grating lobes. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propgation, 47(7):1125
1130, July 1999.

[7] Author Unknown. Ewen-purcell horn.

Web Page: fghigo/fgdocs/HI21cm/ephorn.html. Last Accessed:
Monday, November 26, 2001.

[8] Author Unknown. Predicition of 21 cm radiation.

Web Page: fghigo/fgdocs/HI21cm/21cm.html. Last Accessed:
Monday, November 26, 2001.

[9] L.J. Chu W.L. Borrow. Thoery of the electromagnetic horn. Proceedings of the Institute
of Radio Engineers, 27(1):5164, January 1939.

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LECTURE 18: Horn Antennas

(Rectangular horn antennas. Circular apertures.)

1 Rectangular Horn Antennas

Horn antennas are popular in the microwave band (above 1 GHz). Horns
provide high gain, low VSWR (with waveguide feeds), relatively wide
bandwidth, and they are not difficult to make. There are three basic types of
rectangular horns.

The horns can be also flared exponentially. This provides better matching in
a broad frequency band, but is technologically more difficult and expensive.
The rectangular horns are ideally suited for rectangular waveguide feeders.
The horn acts as a gradual transition from a waveguide mode to a free-space
mode of the EM wave. When the feeder is a cylindrical waveguide, the antenna

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is usually a conical horn.

Why is it necessary to consider the horns separately instead of applying the
theory of waveguide aperture antennas directly? It is because the so-called
phase error occurs due to the difference between the lengths from the center of
the feeder to the center of the horn aperture and the horn edge. This makes the
uniform-phase aperture results invalid for the horn apertures.

1.1 The H-plane sectoral horn

The geometry and the respective parameters shown in the figure below are
used often in the subsequent analysis.


R x
a A
aH z


H-plane (x-z) cut of an H-plane

sectoral horn

H R02 + , (18.1)
a H = arctan , (18.2)
2 R

( A a ) H .
l 1
RH = (18.3)
A 4

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The two fundamental dimensions for the construction of the horn are A and
RH .
The tangential field arriving at the input of the horn is composed of the
transverse field components of the waveguide dominant mode TE10:

E y ( x ) = E0 cos x e j g z
a (18.4)
H x ( x) = E y ( x) / Z g

Zg = is the wave impedance of the TE10 mode;


g 0
= 1 is the propagation constant of the TE10 mode.
Here, 0 = 2 / , and is the free-space wavelength. The field that
is illuminating the aperture of the horn is essentially a spatially expanded
version of the waveguide field. Note that the wave impedance of the flared
waveguide (the horn) gradually approaches the intrinsic impedance of open
space , as A (the H-plane width) increases.
The complication in the analysis arises from the fact that the waves arriving
at the horn aperture are not in phase due to the different path lengths from the
horn apex. The aperture phase variation is given by
e j ( R R0 ) . (18.5)
Since the aperture is not flared in the y-direction, the phase is uniform in this
direction. We first approximate the path of the wave in the horn:

1 x 2
R= R02 + x 2 = R0 1 + R0 1 + . (18.6)
R0 2 R0
The last approximation holds if x 0 R0 , or A / 2 0 R0 . Then, we can assume

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1 x2
R R0 . (18.7)
2 R0
Using (18.7), the field at the aperture is approximated as

j x2
Ea y ( x ) E0 cos x e 2 R0 . (18.8)
The field at the aperture plane outside the aperture is assumed equal to zero.
The field expression (18.8) is substituted in the integral I yE (see Lecture 17):
I yE = Ea y ( x, y)e j ( x sin cos j + y sin sin j ) dxdy , (18.9)
+ A /2 b + b /2
j x 2
I yE E0 cos x e 2 R0 e j b x sin cos j dx e j b y sin sin j dy . (18.10)
A b /2
A /2
I ( ,j )

The second integral has been already encountered. The first integral is
cumbersome and the final result only is given below:
sin sin sin
1 R0 2
I y E0
E I ( , ) b , (18.11)
b b
sin sin
2 b
sin cos j +
[C ( s2 ) jS ( s2 ) C ( s1 ) + jS ( s1 ) ]
I ( ,j ) e
= 2 A

j 0 sin cos j
+ e 2 A [C (t2 ) jS (t2 ) C (t1 ) + jS (t1 ) ]
1 A R0
= R0 u ;
R0 2 A
1 A R
= + R0 u 0 ;
R0 2 A

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1 A R0
= R0 u + ;
R0 2 A
1 A R0
= + R0 u + ;
R0 2 A
u = sin cos .

C ( x) and S ( x) are Fresnel integrals, which are defined as

C ( x) = 2 d ; C ( x) =C ( x),
S ( x) = 2 d ; S ( x) =S ( x).

More accurate evaluation of I yE can be obtained if the approximation in (18.6)

is not made, and Ea y is substituted in (18.9) as
j ( R02 + x 2 R0 )
Ea y ( x ) E=
0 cos xe E0 e+ j R0 cos x e j R02 + x 2
. (18.14)
The far field can be now calculated as (see Lecture 17):
e j r
E = j (1 + cos )sin j I yE ,
4 r
e j r
Ej = j (1 + cos )cos j I yE ,
4 r
sin sin sin j
R0 e j b r 1 + cos 2
E j b E0b bb
b 4 r 2 sin sin j (18.16)

I ( ,j ) sin j + cos j . )

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The amplitude pattern of the H-plane sectoral horn is obtained as

sin sin sin
1 + cos 2
E= bb I ( , ) . (18.17)
2 sin sin
Principal-plane patterns
sin sin sin
1 + cos 2
E-plane ( = 90 ): FE ( ) = bb (18.18)
2 sin sin
The second factor in (18.18) is exactly the pattern of a uniform line source of
length b along the y-axis.

H-plane ( = 0 ):
1 + cos
FH (= f H (=)
1 + cos I ( , =
2 I ( =0, =0)
The H-plane pattern in terms of the I ( , ) integral is an approximation, which
is a consequence of the phase approximation made in (18.7). Accurate value for
f H ( ) is found by integrating numerically the field as given in (18.14), i.e.,
+ A /2
x j
A e
R02 + x2
f H ( ) cos e j x sin dx . (18.20)
A /2

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Fig. 13-12, Balanis, p. 674

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The directivity of the H-plane sectoral horn is calculated by the general

directivity expression for apertures (for derivation, see Lecture 17):

4 S Ea ds
D0 A
. (18.21)
2 | Ea |2 ds

The integral in the denominator is proportional to the total radiated power,

+ b /2 + A /2
2rad a | ds E0 cos 2 x=
= | E= 2
dx dy | E0 |2 . (18.22)
SA b /2 A /2 A 2
In the solution of the integral in the numerator of (18.21), the field is
substituted with its phase approximated as in (18.8). The final result is
b 32 A H 4p
= = ph t ph
DH H ( Ab) , (18.23)
p 2

t = ;
{[C ( p ) C ( p )] + [ S ( p ) S ( p )] } ;
1 2
1 2

1 1
p1 2 t 1 + , =
p2 2 t 1 + ;
8t 8t
1 A 1
t= .
8 R0 /
The factor t explicitly shows the aperture efficiency associated with the
aperture cosine taper. The factor phH is the aperture efficiency associated with

the aperture phase distribution.

A family of universal directivity curves is given below. From these curves,
it is obvious that for a given axial length R0 and at a given wavelength, there is
an optimal aperture width A corresponding to the maximum directivity.

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R0 = 100


It can be shown that the optimal directivity is obtained if the relation between A
and R0 is
A = 3 R0 , (18.24)
A R0
= 3 . (18.25)

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1.2 The E-plane sectoral horn

R y
b B
aE z

E-plane (y-z) cut of an E-plane
sectoral horn

The geometry of the E-plane sectoral horn in the E-plane (y-z plane) is
analogous to that of the H-plane sectoral horn in the H-plane. The analysis is
following the same steps as in the previous section. The field at the aperture is
approximated by [compare with (18.8)]

j y2
Ea y = E0 cos x e 2 R0 . (18.26)
Here, the approximations

1 y 2
R= R02 + y 2 = R0 1 + R0 1 + (18.27)
R0 2 R0
1 y2
R R0 (18.28)
2 R0
are made, which are analogous to (18.6) and (18.7).

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The radiation field is obtained as

4a R0 e j r
( )
j 0 sin sin j
E j E0 e 2 2 sin j + cos j
4 r
cos sin cos j (18.29)
(1 + cos ) C (r ) jS (r ) C (r ) + jS (r ) .

[ 2 2 1 1 ]
2 a

1 sin cos j
The arguments of the Fresnel integrals used in (18.29) are
=r1 R0 sin sin ,
R0 2 2
r2 + R0 sin sin .
R0 2 2

Principal-plane patterns
The normalized H-plane pattern is found by substituting = 0 in (18.29):
cos sin
1 + cos 2 .
H ( )
= (18.31)
1 sin
The second factor in this expression is the pattern of a uniform-phase cosine-
amplitude tapered line source.
The normalized E-plane pattern is found by substituting = 90 in

(1+ cos )
E ( ) = f E ( )
(1+ cos ) [C ( r2 ) C ( r1 )]2 +[ S ( r2 ) S ( r1 )]2 . (18.32)
2 2 4= ) + S 2 ( r 0 )
C 2 ( r 0 =
Here, the arguments of the Fresnel integrals are calculated for = 90 :

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=r1 R0 sin ,
R0 2 2
r2 + R0 sin ,
R0 2 2
r ==
0 r2 (= 0)
= . (18.34)
2 R0
Similar to the H-plane sectoral horn, the principal E-plane pattern can be
accurately calculated if no approximation of the phase distribution is made.
Then, the function f E ( ) has to be calculated by numerical integration of
(compare with (18.20))
B /2

R02 + y 2
f E ( ) e j e j sin y dy . (18.35)
B /2

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Fig. 13.4, Balanis, p. 660

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The directivity of the E-plane sectoral horn is found in a manner analogous
to the H-plane sectoral horn:
a 32 B E 4p
=DE = ph E aB ,
2 t ph
8 C 2 (q) + S 2 (q) B
t = 2 , ph =
= E , q .
q2 2 R0
A family of universal directivity curves DE / a vs. B / with R0 being a
parameter is given below.

R0 = 100

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The optimal relation between the flared height B and the horn apex length R0
that produces the maximum possible directivity is
B = 2 R0 . (18.37)

1.3 The pyramidal horn

The pyramidal horn is probably the most popular antenna in the microwave
frequency ranges (from 1 GHz up to 18 GHz). The feeding waveguide is
flared in both directions, the E-plane and the H-plane. All results are
combinations of the E-plane sectoral horn and the H-plane sectoral horn
analyses. The field distribution at the aperture is approximated as
x2 y2
j E2 + H 2
Ea y E0 cos x e 2 R0 R0 . (18.38)
The E-plane principal pattern of the pyramidal horn is the same as the E-plane
principal pattern of the E-plane sectoral horn. The same holds for the H-plane
patterns of the pyramidal horn and the H-plane sectoral horn.
The directivity of the pyramidal horn can be found by introducing the phase
efficiency factors of both planes and the taper efficiency factor of the H-plane:
DP = t ph
E H ( AB ) , (18.39)
2 ph

t = ;
{[ C ( p1 ) C ( p2 ) ]2
+ [ S ( p1 ) S ( p2 ) ]2
1 1 1 A 1
p1 2 t 1 + , =
p2 2 t 1 + , t = H ;
8t 8t 8 R0 /
C 2 (q) + S 2 (q) B
ph = , q .
q2 2 R0E
The gain of a horn is usually very close to its directivity because the radiation

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efficiency is very good (low losses). The directivity as calculated with (18.39)
is very close to measurements. The above expression is a physical optics
approximation, and it does not take into account only multiple diffractions, and
the diffraction at the edges of the horn arising from reflections from the horn
interior. These phenomena, which are unaccounted for, lead to only very minor
fluctuations of the measured results about the prediction of (18.39). That is why
horns are often used as gain standards in antenna measurements.
The optimal directivity of an E-plane horn is achieved at q = 1 [see also
(18.37)], ph
E = 0.8 . The optimal directivity of an H-plane horn is achieved at

t = 3 / 8 [see also (18.24)], ph

H = 0.79 . Thus, the optimal horn has a phase

aperture efficiency of
= P =
ph ph
H E 0.632 . (18.40)
The total aperture efficiency includes the taper factor, too:
P = t ph
HE =
ph 0.81 0.632 =0.51. (18.41)
Therefore, the best achievable directivity for a rectangular waveguide horn is
about half that of a uniform rectangular aperture.
We reiterate that best accuracy is achieved if phH and E are calculated
numerically without using the second-order phase approximations in (18.7) and

Optimum horn design

Usually, the optimum (from the point of view of maximum gain) design of a
horn is desired because it results in the shortest axial length. The whole design
can be actually reduced to the solution of a single fourth-order equation. For a
horn to be realizable, the following must be true:
E R=
H RP . (18.42)
The figures below summarize the notations used in describing the horns

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y x
b B
E A z


It can be shown that

R0H A/ 2 A
= = , (18.43)
RH A / 2 a / 2 A a
R0E B/2 B
= = . (18.44)
RE B / 2 b / 2 B b
The optimum-gain condition in the E-plane (18.37) is substituted in (18.44) to
B 2 bB 2 RE =
0. (18.45)
There is only one physically meaningful solution to (18.45):

b + b 2 + 8 RE . ) (18.46)

Similarly, the maximum-gain condition for the H-plane of (18.24) together with
(18.43) yields
A a A2 ( A a)
=RH = A . (18.47)
A 3 3
Since RE = RH must be fulfilled, (18.47) is substituted in (18.46), which gives

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1 8 A( A a )
B= b + b 2 +
. (18.48)
2 3
Substituting in the expression for the horns gain,
G= ap AB , (18.49)
gives the relation between A, the gain G, and the aperture efficiency ap :
4p 1 8 A(a a )
=G ap A b + b 2 +
, (18.50)
2 2 3
3bG 2 3G 2 4
A4 aA3 + A =
0. (18.51)
8p ap 32p 2 ap

Equation (18.51) is the optimum pyramidal horn design equation. The

optimum-gain value of ap = 0.51 is usually used, which makes the equation a
fourth-order polynomial equation in A. Its roots can be found analytically
(which is not particularly easy) and numerically. In a numerical solution, the
first guess is usually set at A(0) = 0.45 G . Once A is found, B can be
computed from (18.48) and RE = RH is computed from (18.47).
Sometimes, an optimal horn is desired for a known axial length R0. In this
case, there is no need for nonlinear-equation solution. The design procedure
follows the steps: (a) find A from (18.24), (b) find B from (18.37), and (c)
calculate the gain G using (18.49) where ap = 0.51.
Horn antennas operate well over a bandwidth of 50%. However, gain
performance is optimal only at a given frequency. To understand better the
frequency dependence of the directivity and the aperture efficiency, the plot of
these curves for an X-band (8.2 GHz to 12.4 GHz) horn fed by WR90
waveguide is given below ( a = 0.9 in. = 2.286 cm and b = 0.4 in. = 1.016 cm).

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The gain increases with frequency, which is typical for aperture antennas.
However, the curve shows saturation at higher frequencies. This is due to the
decrease of the aperture efficiency, which is a result of an increased phase
difference in the field distribution at the aperture.

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The pattern of a large pyramidal horn ( f = 10.525 GHz, feed is waveguide


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Comparison of the E-plane patterns of a waveguide open end, small

pyramidal horn and large pyramidal horn:

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Note the multiple side lobes and the significant back lobe. They are due to
diffraction at the horn edges, which are perpendicular to the E field. To reduce
edge diffraction, enhancements are proposed for horn antennas such as
corrugated horns
aperture-matched horns
The corrugated horns achieve tapering of the E field in the vertical direction,
thus, reducing the side-lobes and the diffraction from the top and bottom edges.
The overall main beam becomes smooth and nearly rotationally symmetrical
(esp. for A B ). This is important when the horn is used as a feed to a reflector

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Comparison of the H-plane patterns of a waveguide open end, small

pyramidal horn and large pyramidal horn:

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2 Circular apertures
2.1 A uniform circular aperture
The uniform circular aperture is approximated by a circular opening in a
ground plane illuminated by a uniform plane wave normally incident from

E y

The field distribution is described as

=Ea x E0 , a . (18.52)
The radiation integral is
I xE = E0 e j r r ds . (18.53)

The integration point is at

= x cos + y sin . (18.54)
In (18.54), cylindrical coordinates are used, therefore,
= sin (cos
cos + sin
= sin ) sin cos(
) . (18.55)
Hence, (18.53) becomes
a 2

0 e
E= dj d 2 E0 J 0 ( sin )d . (18.56)
sin cos(j j )
I xE j

0 0

Here, J 0 is the Bessel function of the first kind of order zero. Applying the

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xJ 0 ( x)dx = xJ1 ( x) (18.57)

to (18.56) leads to
I xE = 2 E0 J1 ( a sin ) . (18.58)
Note that in this case the equivalent magnetic current formulation of the
equivalence principle is used [see Lecture 17]. The far field is obtained as
e j r E
E= (
cos j cos sin j j
2 r
Ix =
e j r 2 J1 ( a sin )
= cos j cos sin j j E0 a 2
2 r a sin

Principal-plane patterns
2 J1 ( a sin )
E-plane ( = 0 ): E ( ) = (18.60)
a sin

2 J1 ( a sin )
H-plane ( = 90 ): E=
( ) cos (18.61)
a sin

The 3-D amplitude pattern:

2 J1 ( a sin )
E ( , ) =
1 sin 2 sin 2 (18.62)
( ( sin
f ( )

The larger the aperture, the less significant the cos factor is in (18.61)
because the main beam in the = 0 direction is very narrow and in this small
solid angle cos 1. Thus, the 3-D pattern of a large circular aperture features
a fairly symmetrical beam.

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Example plot of the principal-plane patterns for a = 3 :

0.9 H-plane









-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

The half-power angle for the f ( ) factor is obtained at a sin = 1.6 . So,
the HPBW for large apertures ( a ) is given by
1.6 1.6
HPBW 21/2 . 2arcsin=
= a 2 58.4 , deg. (18.63)
a 2a
For example, if the diameter of the aperture is 2a = 10 , then HPBW
= 5.84 .
The side-lobe level of any uniform circular aperture is 0.1332 (-17.5 dB).
Any uniform aperture has unity taper aperture efficiency, and its directivity
can be found directly in terms of its physical area,
4pp 4
Du = Ap p a2 . (18.64)

2 2

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2.2 Tapered circular apertures

Many practical circular aperture antennas can be approximated as radially
symmetric apertures with field amplitude distribution, which is tapered from
the center toward the aperture edge. Then, the radiation integral (18.56) has a
more general form:
I xE = 2 E0 ( ) J 0 ( sin )d . (18.65)

In (18.65), we still assume that the field has axial symmetry, i.e., it does not
depend on . Often used approximation is the parabolic taper of order n:
) E0 1
Ea (= (18.66)
where E0 is a constant. This is substituted in (18.65) to calculate the respective
component of the radiation integral:
I xE ( ) 2 E0 1 J 0 ( sin )d .
= (18.67)
0 a
The following relation is used to solve (18.67):
2n n!
(1 x 2 ) n xJ 0 (bx ) dx =
b n +1
J n +1 (b) . (18.68)

In our case, x = / a and b = b a sin . Then, I xE ( ) reduces to

I xE ( ) = E0 f ( , n) , (18.69)
n +1
2n +1 (n + 1)! J n +1 ( a sin )
f ( , n) = (18.70)
( a sin ) n +1

is the normalized pattern (neglecting the angular factors such as cos and
cos sin ).
The aperture taper efficiency is calculated to be

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1 C
C +
n + 1
t = . (18.71)
2 C (1 C ) (1 C ) 2
C2 + +
n +1 2n + 1
Here, C denotes the pedestal height. The pedestal height is the edge field
illumination relative to the illumination at the center.
The properties of several common tapers are given in the tables below. The
parabolic taper ( n = 1 ) provides lower side lobes in comparison with the
uniform distribution ( n = 0 ) but it has a broader main beam. There is always a
trade-off between low side-lobe levels and high directivity (small HPBW).
More or less optimal solution is provided by the parabolic-on-pedestal aperture
distribution. Moreover, this distribution approximates very closely the real case
of circular reflector antennas, where the feed antenna pattern is intercepted by
the reflector only out to the reflector rim.

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LECTURE 19: Reflector Antennas

Equation Section 19
1. Introduction
High-gain antennas are required for long-distance radio communications
(radio-relay links and satellite links), high-resolution radars, radio-astronomy,
etc. Reflector systems are probably the most widely used high-gain antennas.
They can easily achieve gains of above 30 dB for microwave and higher
frequencies. Reflector antennas operate on principles known long ago from
geometrical optics (GO). The first RF reflector system was made by Hertz back
in 1888 (a cylindrical reflector fed by a dipole). However, the art of accurately
designing such antenna systems was developed mainly during the days of
WW2 when numerous radar applications evolved.



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The simplest reflector antenna consists of two components: a reflecting

surface and a much smaller feed antenna, which often is located at the
reflectors focal point. Constructions that are more complex involve a
secondary reflector (a subreflector) at the focal point, which is illuminated by a
primary feed. These are called dual-reflector antennas. The most popular
reflector is the parabolic one. Other reflectors often met in practice are: the
cylindrical reflector, the corner reflector, spherical reflector, and others.

2. Principles of parabolic reflectors

A paraboloidal surface is described by the equation (see plot b)

2 4 F ( F z f ), a . (19.1)
Here, is the distance from a point A to the focal point O, where A is the
projection of the point R on the reflector surface onto the axis-orthogonal plane
(the aperture plane) at the focal point. For a given displacement from the
axis of the reflector, the point R on the reflector surface is a distance rf away
from the focal point O. The position of R can be defined either by ( , z f ) ,
which is a rectangular pair of coordinates, or by (rf , f ) , which is a polar pair
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of coordinates. A relation between (rf , f ) and F is readily found from (19.1):

2F F
rf . (19.2)
1 cos f cos 2 ( f / 2)
Other relations to be used later are:
2 F sin f f
rf sin f 2 F tan . (19.3)
1 cos f 2
The axisymmetric (rotationally symmetric) paraboloidal reflector is entirely
defined by the respective parabolic line, i.e., by two basic parameters: the
diameter D and the focal length F (see plot b). Often, the parabola is specified
in terms of D and the ratio F/D. When F/D approaches infinity, the reflector
becomes flat. Some parabolic curves are shown below. When F / D 0.25 , the
focal point lies in the plane passing through the reflectors rim.

F/D=1/2 F/D=1/3 F/D=1/4






0 Focal point




-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1
Nikolova 2010 5
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The angle from the feed (focal) point to the reflectors rim is related to F / D as
0 2arctan . (19.4)
4( F / D )
The focal distance F of a given reflector can be calculated after measuring
its diameter D and its height H 0 :
F . (19.5)
16 H 0
Eq. (19.5) is found by solving (19.1) with D / 2 and z f F H 0 . For
example, if F / D 1 / 4 , then H 0 D / 4 H 0 F , i.e., the focal point is on
the reflectors rim plane.
The reflector design problem involves mainly the matching of the feed
antenna pattern to the reflector. The usual goal is to have the feed pattern at
about a 10 dB level in the direction of the rim, i.e. F f ( 0 ) 10 dB
(0.316 of the normalized amplitude pattern).
The geometry of the paraboloidal reflector has two valuable features:
All rays leaving the focal point O are collimated along the reflectors axis
after reflection.
All overall ray path lengths (from the focal point to the reflector and on to
the aperture plane) are the same and equal to 2F .
The above properties are proven by the GO methods, therefore, they are true
only if the following conditions hold:
The radius of the curvature of the reflector is large compared to the
wavelength and the local region around each reflection point can be
treated as planar.
The radius of the curvature of the incoming wave from the feed is large
and can be treated locally at the reflection point as a plane wave.
The reflector is a perfect conductor, i.e., 1 .
The collimating property of the parabolic reflector is easily established after
finding the unit normal of the parabola,
C p
n . (19.6)
C p

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C p F rf cos 2 f / 2 0 (19.7)
is the parabolic curve equation [see equation (19.2)]. After applying the
operator in spherical coordinates, C p is obtained as
f f f
C p r f cos 2 f cos sin , (19.8)
2 2 2
and, therefore,
f f
n r f cos f sin . (19.9)
2 2
The angles between n and the incident and reflected rays are found below:
cos i r f n cos . (19.10)
According to Snells law, i r . It is easy to show that this is fulfilled only if
the ray is reflected in the z-direction:
f f
cos r z n (r f cos f f sin f ) r f cos f sin
2 2
f f f
cos f cos sin f sin cos .
2 2 2
Thus, we proved that for any angle of incidence f the reflected wave is z-
The equal-path-length property follows from (19.2). The total path-length L
for a ray reflected at the point R is
L OR RA rf rf cos f rf (1 cos f ) 2 F . (19.12)
Notice that L is a constant equal to 2F regardless of the angle of incidence.

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3. Aperture distribution analysis via GO (aperture integration)

There are two basic techniques for the analysis of the radiation
characteristics of reflectors. One is called the current distribution method,
which is a physical optics (PO) approximation. It assumes that the incident field
from the feed is known, and that it excites surface currents on the reflectors
surface as J s 2n H i . This current density is then integrated to yield the far-
zone field. It is obvious that the PO method assumes that the reflector has a
perfectly conducting surface and makes use of image theory. Besides, it
assumes that the incident wave coming from the primary feed is a locally plane
far-zone field.
With the aperture distribution method, the field is first found over a plane,
which is normal to the reflectors axis, and lies at its focal point (the antenna
aperture). GO (ray tracing) is used to do that. Equivalent sources are formed
over the aperture plane. It is assumed that the equivalent sources are zero
outside the reflectors aperture. We first consider this method.
The field distribution at the aperture of the reflector antenna is necessary in
order to calculate the far-field pattern, directivity, etc. Since all rays from the
feed travel the same physical distance to the aperture, the aperture distribution
is of uniform phase. However, there is a non-uniform amplitude distribution.
This is because the power density of the rays leaving the feed falls off as 1 / rf2 .
After the reflection, there is practically no spreading loss since the rays are
collimated (parallel). The aperture field-amplitude distribution varies as 1 / rf .
This is explained in detail below.

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d f

GO assumes that power density in free space follows straight paths. Applied
to the power transmitted by the feed, the power in a conical wedge stays
confined within as it progresses along the cones axis. Consider a conical
wedge of solid angle d whose cross-section angle is d f . It confines power,
which after being reflected from the paraboloid, arrives at the aperture plane
confined within a cylindrical ring of thickness d and area dA 2 d .
Let us assume that the feed is isotropic and it has radiation intensity
U t / 4 , where t is the transmitted power. The power confined in the
conical wedge is d Ud ( t / 4 )d . This power reaches the aperture
plane with a density of
d t d
Pa ( )
. (19.13)
dA 4 dA
The generic relation between the solid angle increment and the directional-
angle increments is
d sin d d , (19.14)
(see Lecture 4). In this case, the structure is rotationally symmetric, so we
define the solid angle of the conical wedge as
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d (sin f d f )d f 2 sin f d f . (19.15)

The substitution of (19.15) and dA 2 d in (19.13) produces

t 2 sin f d f t sin f d f
Pa ( ) . (19.16)
4 2 d
4 d
From (19.3), it is seen that
d F
rf , (19.17)
d f cos 2 ( f / 2)
d f 1
, (19.18)
d rf
t sin f 1 t 1
Pa ( ) . (19.19)
4 rf sin f rf 4 rf2

Equation (19.19) shows the spherical nature of the feed radiation, and it is
referred to as spherical spreading loss. Since Ea Pa ,
Ea . (19.20)
If the primary feed is not isotropic, the effect of its normalized field pattern
F f ( f , f ) is easily incorporated in (19.20) as
F f ( f , f )
Ea . (19.21)
Thus, we can conclude that the field at the aperture is described as
F f ( f , f )
Ea ( f , f ) Em e j 2 F . (19.22)
The coordinates ( , ) are more suitable for the description of the aperture
field. Obviously, f . As for r f and f , they are transformed as
4 F 2 2
rf , (19.23)
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f 2arctan
. (19.24)
The last thing to be determined is the polarization of the aperture field
provided the polarization of the primary-feed field is known (denoted with u i ).
The law of reflection at a perfectly conducting wall states that n bisects the
incident and the reflected rays, and that the total electric field has zero
tangential component at the surface, i.e.,
Ei Er 0 , (19.25)
Er Ei 2(n Ei )n Er 2(n Ei )n Ei . (19.26)

Ei Er

Since we have full reflection (perfect conductor), | Ei || Er | . Then, from

(19.26), it follows that
e r 2(n e i )n e i . (19.27)
Here, e i is the polarization vector of the incident field, and e r is the
polarization vector of the reflected field.
The aperture field distribution is fully defined by (19.22) and (19.27). The
radiation integral over the electric field can now be found. For example, a
circular paraboloid would have a circular aperture (see Lecture 18), and the
radiation integral becomes
2 D /2
F f ( , ) j sin cos( )
I E (e r x )x (e r y )y Em e d d . (19.28)
0 0
In the above considerations, it was assumed that the aperture field has
uniform phase distribution. This is true if the feed is located at the focal point.
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However, more sophisticated designs often use an offset feed. In such cases, the
PO method (i.e., the current distribution method) is preferred.

4. The current distribution (PO) method (surface integration)

The basic description of this approach and its assumptions were already
given in the previous section. Once the induced surface currents J s are found,
the magnetic vector potential A and the far-zone field can be calculated. In
practice, the electric far field is calculated directly from J s by
e j r
E far j
4 r
J s (J s r )r e j r r ds .

Sr J s ,r

Equation (19.29) follows directly from the relation between the far-zone
electric field and the magnetic vector potential A,
E far j A , (19.30)
which can written more formally as
E far j A ( j A r )r j ( A A ) . (19.31)
This approach is also known as Ruschs method after the name of the person
who first introduced it. The integral in (19.29) is usually evaluated numerically
by computer codes in order to render the approach versatile with respect to any
aperture and any aperture field distribution.
In conclusion, we note that both the GO and the PO methods produce very
accurate results for the main beam and first side lobe. The pattern far out the
main beam can be accurately predicted by including diffraction effects
(scattering) from the reflectors rim. This is done by augmenting GO with the
use of geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) (J.B. Keller, 1962), or by
augmenting the PO method with the physical theory of diffraction (PTD) (P.I.
Ufimtsev, 1957).

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5. The focus-fed axisymmetric parabolic reflector antenna

This is a popular reflector antenna, whose analysis is used here to illustrate
the general approach to the analysis of any reflector antenna. Consider a
linearly polarized feed, with the E field along the x-axis. As before, the
reflectors axis is along z. Let us also assume that the field of the feed is
represented by
e j rf
E f ( f , f ) Em f CE ( f )cos f f CH ( f )sin f . (19.32)
Here, CE ( f ) and CH ( f ) denote the principal-plane patterns. The expression
in (19.32) is a common way to approximate a 3-D pattern of an x-polarized
antenna by knowing only the two principal-plane 2-D patterns. This
approximation is actually very accurate for aperture-type antennas because it
directly follows from the expression of the far-zone fields in terms of the
radiation integrals (see Lecture 17, Section 4):
e j r E
E j [ I x cos I yE sin cos ( I yH cos I xH sin )] , (19.33)
4 r
e j r
E j [- ( I xH cos I yH sin ) cos I yE cos I xE sin . (19.34)
4 r
The aperture field is now derived in terms of x- and y-components. To do
this, the GO method of Section 2 is used. An incident field of e i f
polarization produces an aperture reflected field of the following polarization
[see (19.9) and (19.27)]:
f f f f
er 2(n f )n f 2sin n
f 2sin 2
r f cos f sin f
2 2 2
f f
2 f r
er r f 2sin cos 1 f
2sin f sin f f cos f . (19.35)
2 2 2
Similarly, an incident field of e i f polarization produces an aperture
reflected field of the following polarization:
er f . (19.36)
Transforming (19.35) and (19.36) to rectangular (x and y) coordinates at the
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aperture plane gives:

er x cos f y sin f ,
er x sin f y cos f .
Superimposing the contributions of the f and f components of the field in
(19.32) to the aperture field x and y components produces
e j 2 F
Ea ( f , f ) Em x CE ( f )cos 2 f CH ( f )sin 2 f
rf (19.38)
y CE ( f ) CH ( f ) sin f cos f .
In (19.38), the magnitude and phase of the vector are expressed as in (19.22).
Note that a y-component appears in the aperture field, despite the fact that the
feed generates only Ex field. This is called cross-polarization. If the feed has
rotationally symmetric pattern, i.e. CE ( f ) CH ( f ) , there is no cross-
polarization. From equation (19.38), it is also obvious that cross-polarization is
zero at f 0 (E-plane) and at f 90 (H-plane). Cross-polarization is
maximum at f 45 , 135 . Cross-polarization in the aperture means cross-
polarization of the far field, too. Cross-polarization is usually unwanted because
it leads to polarization losses depending on the transmitting and receiving
It is instructive to examine (19.38) for a specific simple example: reflector
antenna fed by a very short x-polarized electric dipole. Its principal-plane
patterns are CE ( f ) cos f and CH ( f ) 1 . Therefore, it generates the
following aperture field:
e j 2 F
Ea Em x (cos f cos 2 f sin 2 f ) y (cos f 1)sin f cos f .(19.39)
An approximate plot of the aperture field of (19.39) is shown below.

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y H-plane


We also note that cross-polarization decreases as the ratio F / D increases.

This follows from (19.4), which gives the largest feed angle ( f ) max 0 . As
F / D increases, 0 decreases, which makes the cross-polarization term in
(19.39) smaller. Unfortunately, large F / D ratios are not very practical.
Finally, we add that a similar analysis for a y-polarized small dipole feed
leads to an expression for the aperture field similar to the one in (19.39) but
with a polarization vector
x sin f cos f (1 cos f ) y (cos f sin 2 f cos 2 f )
e a . (19.40)
1 sin 2 f sin 2 f
An example is presented in W.L. Stutzman, G. Thiele, Antenna Theory and
Design, of an axisymmetric parabolic reflector with diameter D 100 and
F / D 0.5 , fed by a half-wavelength dipole located at the focus.

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45 ,135

The results above are obtained using commercial software (GRASP) using PO
methods (surface current integration).
Cross-polarization of reflectors is measured as the ratio of the peak cross-
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polarization far-field component to the peak co-polarization far field. For

example, the above graph shows a cross-polarization level of XPOL=-26.3 dB.

6. Offset parabolic reflectors

One disadvantage of the focus-fed reflector antennas is that part of the
aperture is blocked by the feed. To avoid this, offset-feed reflectors are
developed, where the feed antenna is away from the reflectors aperture. The
reflectors are made as a portion of the so-called parent reflector surface. The
price to pay is the increase of XPOL. That is why such reflectors are usually fed
with primary feeds of rotationally symmetrical patterns, i.e. CE CH , which
effectively eliminates cross-polarization.

The analysis techniques given in the previous sections are general and can
be applied to these reflectors, too. Generally, the PO method (surface currents
integration) is believed to yield better accuracy. Both, the PO and the GO
methods, are accurate only at the main beam and the first couple of side-lobes.
Offset reflectors are popular for antenna systems producing contour beams.
To obtain such beams, multiple primary feeds (usually horns) are needed to
illuminate the reflector at different angles. Such multiple-antenna feeds may
constitute a significant obstacle at the antenna aperture and offset reflectors are
indeed necessary.
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7. Dual-reflector antennas
The dual-reflector antenna consists of two reflectors and a feed antenna. The
feed is conveniently located at the apex of the main reflector. This makes the
system mechanically robust, the transmission lines are shorter and easier to
construct (especially in the case of waveguides).

The virtual focal point F is the point from which transmitted rays appear to
emanate with a spherical wave front after reflection from the subreflector.
The most popular dual reflector is the axisymmetric Cassegrain antenna.
The main reflector is parabolic and the subreflector is hyperbolic (convex).
A second form of the dual reflector is the Gregorian reflector. It has a
concave elliptic subreflector. The Gregorian subreflector is more distant from
the main reflector and, thus, it requires more support.
Dual-reflector antennas for earth terminals have another important
advantage beside the location of the main feed. They have almost no spillover
toward the noisy ground, as do the single-feed reflector antennas. Their
spillover (if any) is directed toward the much less noisy sky region. Both, the
Cassegrain and the Gregorian reflector systems have their origins in optical
telescopes and are named after their inventors.
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The subreflectors are rotationally symmetric surfaces obtained from the

curves shown below (a hyperbola and an ellipse).

The subreflector is defined by its diameter Ds and its eccentricity e . The shape
(or curvature) is controlled by the eccentricity:
c 1, hyperbola
e (19.41)
a < 1, ellipse
Special cases are
e , straight line (plane)
e 0 , circle (sphere)
e 1, parabola
Both, the ellipse and the hyperbola, are described by the equation
zs2 xs2
1. (19.42)
a2 c2 a2
The function of a hyperbolic subreflector is to convert the incoming wave
from a feed antenna located at the focal point F to a spherical wave front w
that appears to originate from the virtual focal point F. This means that the
optical path from F to w must be constant with respect to the angle of

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F R RA F V VB c a VB . (19.43)
RA FA FR FB FR , (19.44)
( FA FB because the reflected wave must be spherical)
F R FR c a ( FB VB) c a (c a) 2a . (19.45)
Note: Another definition of a hyperbola is: a hyperbola is the locus of a point
that moves so that the difference of the distances from its two focal points,
F R FR , is equal to a constant, 2a .

The dual axisymmetric Cassegrain reflector can be modeled as a single

equivalent parabolic reflector as shown below.

The equivalent parabola has the same diameter, De D , but its focal length is
longer than that of the main reflector:

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e 1
Fe F M F . (19.46)
e 1
Here, M (e 1) / (e 1) is called magnification.
The increased equivalent focal length has several advantages:
less cross-polarization;
less spherical-spread loss at the reflectors rim, and therefore, improved
aperture efficiency.
The synthesis of dual-reflector systems is an advanced topic. Many factors
are taken into account when shaped reflectors are designed for improved
aperture efficiency. These are: minimized spillover, less phase error, improved
amplitude distribution in the reflectors aperture.

8. Gain of reflector antennas

The maximum achievable gain for an aperture antenna is
Gmax Du Ap . (19.47)
This gain is possible only if the following is true: uniform amplitude and phase
distribution, no spillover, no ohmic losses. In practice, these conditions are not
achievable, and the effective antenna aperture is less than its physical aperture:
G ap Du ap Ap , (19.48)
where ap 1 is the aperture efficiency. The aperture efficiency is expressed as
a product of sub-efficiencies:
ap er t s a , (19.49)
er is the radiation efficiency (loss),
t is the aperture taper efficiency,
s is the spillover efficiency, and
a is the achievement efficiency.
The taper efficiency can be found using the directivity expression for
aperture antennas (see Lecture 17, Section 5):

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S Ea ds
D0 2 . A
| Ea |2 ds

S Ea ds
Aeff A
S | Ea |2 ds

Aeff 1 S Ea ds
t A
. (19.52)
Ap Ap S | Ea | ds

Expression (19.52) can be written directly in terms of the known feed antenna
pattern. If the aperture is circular, then
2 a 2

Ea ( , ) d d
t 0 0
2 a
. (19.53)
| Ea ( , ) |2 d d
0 0

Substituting rf sin f 2 F tan( f / 2) and d / d f rf in (19.53) yields

2 o
4F 2
F f ( f , ) tan 2

d f d

t 2 0
2 o
. (19.54)
| F f ( f , ) |2 sin f d f d
0 0

All that is needed to calculate the taper efficiency is the feed pattern F f ( f , ) .
If the feed pattern extends beyond the reflectors rim, certain amount of
power is not redirected by the reflector, i.e., it is lost. This power-loss is
referred to as spillover. The spillover efficiency measures that portion of the
feed pattern, which is intercepted by the reflector relative to the total feed

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2 0

| F f ( f , ) |2 sin f d f d
s 0 0
. (19.55)
| F f ( f , ) |2 sin f d f d
0 0

The reflector design problem includes a trade-off between aperture taper and
spillover when the feed antenna is chosen. Taper and spillover efficiencies are
combined to form the so-called illumination efficiency i t s . Multiplying
(19.54) and (19.55), and using a 2 F tan( 0 / 2) yields
2 o
Df f
i 2 cot 2 0
4 2 F f ( f , ) tan 2
d f d . (19.56)
0 0

Df 2
, (19.57)
| F f ( f , ) |2 sin f d f d
0 0

is the directivity of the feed antenna. An ideal feed antenna pattern would
compensate for the spherical spreading loss by increasing the field strength as
f increases, and then would abruptly fall to zero in the direction of the
reflectors rim in order to avoid spillover:
cos 2 ( o / 2)
, f o
F f ( f , ) cos 2 ( f / 2) (19.58)
0, f o

This ideal feed is not realizable. For practical purposes, (19.56) has to be
optimized with respect to the edge-illumination level. The function specified by
(19.56) is well-behaved with a single maximum with respect to the edge-
The achievement efficiency a is an integral factor including losses due to:
random surface error, cross-polarization loss, aperture blockage, reflector phase
error (profile accuracy), feed phase error.
A well-designed and well-made aperture antenna should have an overall
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aperture efficiency of ap 0.65 or more, where more is less likely.

The gain of a reflector antenna also depends on phase errors, which
theoretically should not exist but are often present in practice. Any departure of
the phase over the virtual aperture from the uniform distribution leads to a
significant decrease of the directivity. For paraboloidal antennas, phase errors
result from:
displacement of the feed phase centre from the focal point;
deviation of the reflector surface from the paraboloidal shape,
including surface roughness and other random deviations;
feed wave fronts are not exactly spherical.
Simple expression has been derived1 to predict with reasonable accuracy the
loss in directivity for rectangular and circular apertures when the peak value of
the aperture phase deviations is known. Assuming that the maximum radiation
is along the reflectors axis, and assuming a maximum aperture phase
deviation m, the ratio of the directivity without phase errors D0 and the
directivity with phase errors D is given by
D m2
D0 2
. (19.59)

The maximum phase deviation m is defined as

| || | m , (19.60)
where is the apertures phase function, and is its average value. The
aperture phase deviation should be kept below / 8 if the gain is not to be
affected much. Roughly, this translates into surface profile deviation from the
ideal shape (e.g. paraboloid) of no more than / 16 .

D.K. Cheng, Effects of arbitrary phase errors on the gain and beamwidth characteristics of radiation pattern, IRE Trans. AP,
vol. AP-3, No. 3, pp. 145-147, July 1955.

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Achieving optimum performance from a microwave dish antenna requires that the feed
antenna be matched to the parabolic reflector. Traditionally, we have relied on rules of
thumb to choose a feed for the dish. Alternatively, a computer program can be used to
analyze performance of a feed antenna based on measured or calculated radiation patterns
and, more importantly, present the data in a graphical format for easy comprehension.
This tool is used to explore a number of published feed designs in an effort to enhance
understanding of the performance of dish antennas and feeds.

Parabolic antenna overview

Parabolic dish antenna fundamentals were covered in detail in Chapter 4, but a short
review of key points is in order here. Figure 11-1 illustrates the operation of the dish
antenna: a feed antenna at the focus of the parabola illuminates, or radiates energy
toward, the reflector, which reflects it into a narrow beam of energy. Part of the feed
antenna radiation misses the reflector; this loss is called spillover. Another part of the
feed energy is reflected back into the feed antenna and doesnt become part of the main
beam; this loss is referred to as feed blockage.

Ideally, all areas of the reflector should be illuminated with equal energy from the feed.
Figure 11-2 shows this desired feed pattern as a broken line; since the edges of the
parabolic curve are farther away from the focus than the center of the curve, more energy
is required at the edges than at the center, but with no energy missing the reflector. An
additional requirement is that all the feed energy be in phase, so that it appears to be
radiated from a single point at the focus. The desired radiation pattern cannot be realized
with real feed antennas, so perfectly uniform illumination cannot be achieved. Figure 11-2
also shows an idealized typical feed antenna pattern; the difference between the desired
feed pattern and the actual feed radiation pattern results in illumination loss because
some areas of the reflector are unable to work as effectively as others, as well as the
spillover loss of the energy that misses the reflector and continues in an undesired

For each reflector, we try to choose a feed that provides a compromise of illumination loss
and spillover loss which yields maximum performance, which we measure by aperture
efficiency, a comparison of the actual gain to the maximum theoretical gain achievable for
the same aperture area. The traditional rule of thumb for this compromise is that best
efficiency occurs when the illumination energy is 10 dB down at the edge of the dish, so
the feed should be designed for a radiation pattern which is 10 dB down at the edge of the
dish. It isnt necessary to do this for each individual dish; all dishes with the same f/D, the

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Geometry of Parabolic Dish Antenna

Figure 11-1
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Illumination loss

Spillover loss

0 dB -10 dB -20 dB

f/D = 0.4
Illumination taper = 10 dB

Figure 11-2. Typical vs. Desired Dish Illumination

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ratio of focal length to diameter, have the same geometry regardless of reflector diameter.
Thus, all dishes with the same f/D can use the same feed design, and good feed designs are
available for several common values of f/D.

Efficiency calculation

The aperture efficiency of a dish antenna is the amount energy concentrated into the beam
divided by the total energy radiated by the feed. The efficiency can calculated by
integrating (remember calculus?) the feed pattern radiated over the area of the reflector
and dividing the result by the total integrated feed pattern. When this calculation was
done by hand, it was usually done by approximating the feed pattern with an idealized cosn
feed pattern (n = 3 in this example) as shown in Figure 11-3, making the integration much
easier. With a computer, we can do numerical integration of actual feed patterns,
performing the tedious calculations for many data points.

The numerical integration routine I used is borrowed from a BASIC program by W7PUA1
which is based on a 1947 paper by Cutler 2. I translated the routine to C++, then added
some enhancements:
the data interpolation is more flexible to use whatever feed pattern data is
feed blockage loss is calculated,
and the output is graphical for visual comprehension.
I find that a simple curve is easier to understand than tables of numbers or long
descriptions. The output format is PostScript, which can be displayed or printed using
the free Ghostscript software 3.

The bottom half of Figure 11-3 is an example of the graphical output, a plot of efficiency
vs. f/D for the cosn feed pattern shown as a polar plot in the top half of Figure 11-3. It is
obvious at a glance that this feed pattern is best suited for a reflector with an f/D of 0.4 to
0.5. The calculated efficiency of 80% for this idealized feed pattern provides a benchmark
against which real feed antennas may be compared.

The efficiency curve in Figure 11-3 shows decreasing efficiency for f/D less than 0.4.
These are deep dishes, requiring the feed to provide illumination over a very wide angle.
For a dish with an f/D = 0.25, the focus is level with the rim of the dish, so that the feed
must provide illumination over 180 degrees, as shown in Figure 11-4a. The polar plot of
feed radiation in Figure 11-3 shows almost no energy radiated straight up and down,
toward the edges of this dish. So it is not surprising that the illumination loss increases for
small values of f/D.

The other end of the efficiency curve, for f/D greater than 0.5, also shows a decreasing
efficiency. These shallower dishes, like the one illustrated in Figure 11-4b, require a
narrower angle of illumination, so more of the energy from the feed in Figure 11-3 misses
the dish, and spillover loss increases as the f/D increases.

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Cosinen Feed Pattern

Figure 11-3

0 dB -10 -20 -30

N1BWT 1997 Dish diameter = 10
Feed diameter = 1

MAX Possible Efficiency AFTER LOSSES:

80 1 dB
Feed Blockage


2 dB
Efficiency %


50 3 dB

40 4 dB

5 dB
6 dB
20 7 dB
8 dB


0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Parabolic Dish f/D

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Illumination loss
Spillover loss

0 dB -10 -20

Dish Illumination f/D = 0.25

Figure 11-4a

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Illumination loss
Spillover loss

0 dB -10 -20

Illumination taper = 10 dB
Figure 11-4b: Dish Illumination f/D = 0.75

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Real feed antenna example

Now lets look at an example of a real antenna. There are many big TVRO dishes around
which are being replaced by the small DSS systems and becoming available. A 12-foot
TVRO dish might be usable for EME operation on 1296 MHz. The dishes typically have
an f/D around 0.35 to 0.45, so we would like to find a suitable feedhorn. Popular
feedhorn designs for 1296 MHz have been described by W2IMU 4 and VE4MA5, so lets
look at graphs of the published patterns for these two feeds. The W2IMU dual-mode
feedhorn in Figure 11-5 provides good efficiency at an f/D around 0.6, but is not very
good around our target of 0.35 to 0.45. On the other hand, the VE4MA feedhorn in
Figure 11-6 provides its best efficiency at an f/D around 0.4, so it is a much better choice
for a TVRO dish. The maximum calculated efficiency is just a bit lower than the 80% for
the idealized feed in Figure 11-3. Later we will compare it with other real feeds.

Feed blockage loss

The feed blockage loss shown in Figure 11-6 is under 10% for a twelve foot dish, where
the dish diameter is 8.6 times larger than the feedhorn diameter. Since the feed diameter
does not change when it is used on larger or smaller dishes, lets look at a few more
examples and see what happens. Figure 11-7 shows efficiency curves for the VE4MA
feed on a range of dish sizes. At the top is the curve for a 28 foot dish; since the reflector
diameter is 20 times as large as the feed diameter, feed blockage is small and efficiency is
high. The next curve, for an 8 foot dish, 5.7 times larger than the reflector, shows
efficiency a bit lower than the 12 and 28 foot dishes. Going to smaller dishes makes the
efficiency much lower: the 4 foot dish, 2.9 times larger than the feed, has significantly
reduced efficiency, while the 2 foot dish, only 1.4 times larger than the feed, hardly works
at all. Of course, a 2 foot dish at 1296 MHz is a pretty small antenna, but with efficiency
this low the gain would be perhaps 11 dB, not much higher than the feedhorn alone. A
more important point is that any blockage, whether by the feed or by the structure
supporting it, reduces the efficiency of the dish.

Feed blockage is more significant on small dishes, but small is a relative term; any dish
with a diameter less than 10 can be considered small. Thus, a 2 foot dish at 10 GHz,
about 20 in diameter, is a moderately large dish, while a 20 foot dish at 432 MHz, less
than 10 , is a small dish.

Bad feed example

Occasionally a surplus dish is found with the original feed attached. One example I have
seen is a dish fed with WR-90 waveguide, which covers X-band (8-12 GHz). This dish is
fed by from the open end of the waveguide pointing at the dish; an open waveguide is
known to act as a moderate gain antenna. I located a published radiation pattern for open
WR-90 waveguide6 and graphed it in Figure 11-8. Clearly the efficiency this simple feed
provides is far lower than the previous ones. The moral of this story is that just because a

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12 foot TVRO dish at 1296 MHz with W2IMU feed

Figure 11-5

0 dB -10 -20 -30

N1BWT 1997 Dish diameter = 15.8
Feed diameter = 1.31

MAX Possible Efficiency AFTER LOSSES:

REAL WORLD at least 15% lower Illumination
80 1 dB
Feed Blockage


2 dB
Efficiency %


50 3 dB

40 4 dB

5 dB
6 dB
20 7 dB
8 dB


0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Parabolic Dish f/D

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12 foot TVRO dish at 1296 MHz with VE4MA feed

Figure 11-6

0 dB -10 -20 -30

N1BWT 1997 Dish diameter = 15.8
Feed diameter = 1.84

MAX Possible Efficiency AFTER LOSSES:

REAL WORLD at least 15% lower Illumination
80 1 dB
Feed Blockage


2 dB
Efficiency %


50 3 dB

40 4 dB

5 dB
6 dB
20 7 dB
8 dB


0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Parabolic Dish f/D

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VE4MA Feed at 1296 MHz vs. Dish diameter

Figure 11-7

0 dB -10 -20 -30

N1BWT 1997 Dish diameter as shown
Feed diameter = 1.84

MAX Possible Efficiency AFTER LOSSES:

REAL WORLD at least 15% lower Illumination
28 feet Spillover
80 1 dB
8 feet


2 dB
Efficiency %


4 feet
50 3 dB

40 4 dB

5 dB

2 feet 6 dB
20 7 dB
8 dB


0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Parabolic Dish f/D

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dish already has a feed does not mean it is a good feed the original design goal may not
have been maximum gain.

Understanding the graphs

The purpose of these graphs is to help in visualizing the performance of various dish feeds
and comparing them so that the best feed available may be chosen for each application.
The underlying assumption is that we wish to obtain the maximum efficiency from a given
dish, and thus the maximum gain. After all, a dish doesnt get any lighter or have any less
wind resistance if we get less than maximum gain from it. On the right side of each graph
is a dB scale, relating the efficiency to a loss in dB from the theoretical gain for that
aperture. The ripple in some of the curves is an artifact of the discrete points used in the
numerical integration process, and could be removed by integrating at smaller intervals.

The program only accounts for the losses that are unavoidable: illumination loss, spillover
loss, and feed blockage loss. There are several other losses found in a real dish:
phase error
feed not at focus
diffraction from the edge of the dish
polarization shift due to reflector geometry
blockage by feed supports
surface error in the parabolic reflector
feedline loss
feed VSWR

These losses occur in greater or lesser amounts in a given antenna, so that the real
efficiency is lower than the maximum possible efficiency shown in the curves. The best
antennas I have measured have efficiencies perhaps 15% lower than the curves, while
others are significantly worse. A typical efficiency for a moderate-sized dish is about
50%, for a gain 3 dB below the theoretical gain for a given aperture size. A really good
dish has an efficiency of 60% or so, about 1 dB better than a typical dish, while a poorly
chosen feed or a poor installation can make the gain several dB worse. One dB difference
may not seem like much, but it is a huge difference for an EME station that cant squeeze
another dB from the preamp or power amplifier.

Another limitation of these curves is the accuracy of the data available for each feed
pattern. Many of the published articles only give data for the major part of the pattern,
but not the backlobes. This is sufficient to calculate the shape of the efficiency curve, but
the whole pattern is required to calculate the maximum efficiency, so I have estimated the
rest of the pattern based on similar feeds where data for the whole pattern is available.

Since some of the feeds are physically larger than others and would have more feed
blockage loss on a given dish, comparisons on any fixed dish size would make smaller
feeds look better. Therefore, most of the graphs for the various feeds described in
Chapter 6 use a reflector diameter about ten times larger than the feed diameter. If you

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Open WR-90 Waveguide as Dish Feed

Figure 11-8

0 dB -10 -20 -30

N1BWT 1997 Dish diameter = 10
Feed diameter = 1

MAX Possible Efficiency AFTER LOSSES:

REAL WORLD at least 15% lower Illumination
80 1 dB
Feed Blockage


2 dB
Efficiency %


50 3 dB

40 4 dB

5 dB
6 dB
20 7 dB
8 dB


0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Parabolic Dish f/D

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are comparing these feeds for use on your dish, you can run the program for the actual
reflector diameter of your dish.

Phase errors

All of these graphs are based on amplitude patterns only for the feeds, because phase data
is much more difficult to measure and is rarely available. If the phase of the radiated
energy is not uniform over all areas of the reflector, then different parts may reflect energy
into the main beam which is not in phase and reduces the total energy in the main beam,
lowering the gain. Another common problem is feeds that do not have the same phase
center in the E-plane and the H-plane, which has the same effect as not having the phase
center at the focal point: reduced gain and pattern distortion.

Phase errors are probably the largest cause for low efficiency, so you should not expect to
get efficiencies near the calculated values unless the feed has good phase performance. A
feed with small phase error still suffers from all the other losses listed above, so the
expected performance of a real dish might be only 15% lower than the calculated
efficiency curve.

The only feeds which have published phase data are the Kumar (VE4MA), Chaparral,
Chaparral with slots, and the Koch Multi-ring feed discussed, all described in Chapter 6.
All of these have excellent phase performance over a wide illumination angle, so the
efficiency curves for these feeds are good for any f/D greater than 0.3. None of these
feeds can adequately illuminate an f/D of 0.25, but the bent-dipole Handlebar feeds of
W7PUA 1 show promise at the lower frequencies.

Spillover and sidelobes

Perhaps we should take a lesson from the radio astronomers. The radiotelescope feeds
described in Chapter 6 all operate at a point on the efficiency curve to the left of the peak,
or lower f/D, for reduced spillover. W7PUA suggests that since spillover increases
sidelobes and sidelobes are always bad, we should make any compromise to the left side of
the peak.

Computer program

The FEEDPATT program does all the calculations and plots graphs like the ones above.
For those with access to the Internet, the FEEDPATT program and all the data files for
feed patterns are available on my 10 GHz Web page: or

See the README.TXT file for details of program operation.

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The output graphs from the program are files in PostScript format, ready for printing on
a laser printer or for viewing and printing on a PC using the free Ghostscript 3 software.
On my PC running Windows95 or WindowsNT, I run the FEEDPATT program in
one window and Ghostscript gsview in another to view the output as I work.

With the data files for the feeds described in Chapter 6, it should be possible to graph the
potential performance of any of them on your dish for any frequency of interest. For other
feeds, if you can find, calculate, or measure a radiation pattern, you can calculate a graph
of estimated efficiency. Please send me a copy of any new feed data.


Using the FEEDPATT computer program, we can accurately analyze the pattern data for
various feed antennas. The output is in graphical format for easy visual comparison. We
used this tool in Chapter 6 to analyze a wide range of feed designs and followed the
evolution from early WWII-vintage designs to modern high-performance feeds. The
program and feed pattern data files are available to help further understanding of dish

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Overview of Microstrip Antennas

Also called patch antennas

One of the most useful antennas at microwave frequencies

(f > 1 GHz).
It consists of a metal patch on top of a grounded
dielectric substrate.
The patch may be in a variety of shapes, but rectangular
and circular are the most common.

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History of Microstrip Antennas

Invented by Bob Munson in 1972.
Became popular starting in the 1970s.

R. E. Munson, Microstrip Phased Array Antennas, Proc. of Twenty-

Second Symp. on USAF Antenna Research and Development Program,
October 1972.

R. E. Munson, Conformal Microstrip Antennas and Microstrip Phased

Arrays, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-22, no. 1 (January
1974): 7478.

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Typical Applications

single element array

(Photos courtesy of Dr. Rodney B. Waterhouse)

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Typical Applications (cont.)

DC supply
Micro-D K-connector
fiber input with
collimating lens

Microstrip Antenna Integrated into a System: HIC Antenna Base-Station for 28-43 GHz

(Photo courtesy of Dr. Rodney B. Waterhouse)

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Geometry of Rectangular Patch


L x

Note: L is the resonant dimension. The width W is usually

chosen to be larger than L (to get higher bandwidth).
However, usually W < 2 L. W = 1.5 L is typical.

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Geometry of Rectangular Patch (cont.)

view showing coaxial feed

y feed at (x0, y0)

Feed along the
centerline is the most
common (minimizes
W higher-order modes
and cross-pol)

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Advantages of Microstrip Antennas

Low profile (can even be conformal).

Easy to fabricate (use etching and phototlithography).
Easy to feed (coaxial cable, microstrip line, etc.) .
Easy to use in an array or incorporate with other
microstrip circuit elements.
Patterns are somewhat hemispherical, with a
moderate directivity (about 6-8 dB is typical).

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Disadvantages of Microstrip Antennas

Low bandwidth (but can be improved by a variety of

techniques). Bandwidths of a few percent are typical.
Efficiency may be lower than with other antennas.
Efficiency is limited by conductor and dielectric
losses*, and by surface-wave loss**.

* Conductor and dielectric losses become more

severe for thinner substrates.

** Surface-wave losses become more severe for

thicker substrates (unless air or foam is used).

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Basic Principles of Operation

The patch acts approximately as a resonant cavity (short
circuit walls on top and bottom, open-circuit walls on the
In a cavity, only certain modes are allowed to exist, at
different resonant frequencies.
If the antenna is excited at a resonant frequency, a strong
field is set up inside the cavity, and a strong current on the
(bottom) surface of the patch. This produces significant
radiation (a good antenna).

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Thin Substrate Approximation

On patch and ground plane, Et = 0 E = z Ez ( x, y )

Inside the patch cavity, because of the thin substrate, the

electric field vector is approximately independent of z.

Hence E z Ez ( x, y )

E z ( x, y )

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Thin Substrate Approximation

Magnetic field inside patch cavity:

H = E

( zE z ( x, y ) )

( z Ez ( x, y ) )

H ( x, y ) =
z E ( x, y ) )

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Thin Substrate Approximation (cont.)

H ( x, y ) =
( z E ( x, y ) )

Note: the magnetic field is purely horizontal.

(The mode is TMz.)

E z ( x, y )

H ( x, y )

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Magnetic Wall Approximation

On edges of patch, y

J s n = 0 Js
W n
Also, on lower surface of t
patch conductor we have
J s = ( z H ) L

Hence, h
Ht = 0

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Magnetic Wall Approximation (cont.)

Since the magnetic field is
approximately independent of z,
we have an approximate PMC
condition on the edge. W t n

H t = 0 (PMC) L



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Magnetic Wall Approximation (cont.)

n H ( x, y ) = 0 y

H ( x, y ) =
( z E ( x, y ) )
W t n
n ( z Ez ( x, y ) ) = 0 L

z ( n Ez ( x, y ) ) = 0

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Resonance Frequencies
Ez + k Ez = 0
2 2

From separation of variables:

(x0, y0)
m x n y W
Ez = cos cos
(TMmn mode) L

m 2 n 2
+ k Ez = 0


m 2 n 2
+k =0

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Resonance Frequencies (cont.)

m n
2 2

k =
L W (x0, y0)
Recall that
k = 0 0 r x
= 2 f

m n
2 2
f = + c = 1/ 0 0
2 r L W

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Resonance Frequencies (cont.)


Hence f = f mn
(x0, y0)
(resonance frequency of
(m, n) mode)

m n
2 2
f mn = +
2 r L W

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(1,0) Mode
This mode is usually used because the
radiation pattern has a broadside beam.
Ez cos
L x
f10 =
2 r L This mode acts as a wide
microstrip line (width W)
that has a resonant length
1 x of 0.5 guided wavelengths
J s = x sin
j 0 L L in the x direction.

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Basic Properties of Microstrip Antennas

Resonance Frequency
The resonance frequency is controlled by the patch
length L and the substrate permittivity.

Note: this is equivalent to saying that
c 1 the length L is one-half of a
f10 = wavelength in the dielectric:
2 L
0 / 2
kL = L = d / 2 =
Note: a higher substrate permittivity allows for a smaller
antenna (miniaturization) but lower bandwidth.
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Resonance Frequency (cont.)

The calculation can be improved by adding a
fringing length extension L to each edge of the
patch to get an effective length Le .

Le = L + 2L

c 1
f10 = L
2 r Le x

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Resonance Frequency (cont.)

Hammerstad formula:

eff W
( r + 0.3) h + 0.264
L / h = 0.412
eff 0.258 W + 0.8
( r ) h

1/ 2
r +1 r 1 h
r = + 1 + 12
2 2 W

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Resonance Frequency (cont.)

Note: L 0.5 h

This is a good rule of thumb.

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Results: resonance frequency





0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
h / 0

The resonance frequency has been normalized

r = 2.2 by the zero-order value (without fringing):
W/ L = 1.5 fN = f / f0
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Basic Properties of Microstrip Antennas

Bandwidth: substrate effects
The bandwidth is directly proportional to substrate
thickness h.
However, if h is greater than about 0.05 0 , the probe
inductance becomes large enough so that matching is
The bandwidth is inversely proportional to r (a foam
substrate gives a high bandwidth).

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Basic Properties of Microstrip Antennas

Bandwidth: patch geometry
The bandwidth is directly proportional to the width W.

Normally W < 2L because of geometry constraints:

W = 1.5 L is typical.

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Basic Properties of Microstrip Antennas

Bandwidth: typical results

For a typical substrate thickness (h / 0 = 0.02), and a

typical substrate permittivity (r = 2.2) the bandwidth is
about 3%.
By using a thick foam substrate, bandwidth of about
10% can be achieved.
By using special feeding techniques (aperture coupling)
and stacked patches, bandwidth of over 50% have been

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Results: bandwidth


r = 10.8




5 2.2

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

h / 0

The discrete data points are measured values. The solid curves are
from a CAD formula.
r = 2.2 or 10.8 W/ L = 1.5
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Basic Properties of Microstrip Antennas

Resonant Input Resistance
The resonant input resistance is almost independent
of the substrate thickness h.
The resonant input resistance is proportional to r.
The resonant input resistance is directly controlled by
the location of the fed point. (maximum at edges x = 0
or x = L, zero at center of patch.

(x0, y0)


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Resonant Input Resistance (cont.)

Note: patch is usually fed along the centerline (y = W / 2)

to maintain symmetry and thus minimize excitation of
undesirable modes.

(x0, y0)


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Resonant Input Resistance (cont.)

For a given mode, it can be shown that the resonant input
resistance is proportional to the square of the cavity-mode
field at the feed point.

Rin Ez2 ( x0 , y0 )

(x0, y0)
For (1,0) mode:
Rin cos 2

L x

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Resonant Input Resistance (cont.)

Hence, for (1,0) mode:
Rin = Redge cos

L (x0, y0)

The value of Redge depends strongly x

on the substrate permittivity. For a L
typical patch, it may be about 100-
200 Ohms.

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Results: resonant input resistance

200 The discrete
data points are
from a CAD

150 formula.
r = 10.8


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
h / 0 (x0, y0)
r = 2.2 or 10.8
W/L = 1.5 x0 = L/4, y0 = W/2 x
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Basic Properties of Microstrip Antennas

Radiation Efficiency
Radiation efficiency is the ratio of power radiated
into space, to the total input power.

er =

The radiation efficiency is less than 100% due to

conductor loss
dielectric loss
surface-wave power

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Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

surface wave

cos () pattern

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Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

Pr Pr
er = =
Ptot Pr + ( Pc + Pd + Psw )

Pr = radiated power Pc = power dissipated by conductors

Ptot = total input power Pd = power dissipated by dielectric

Psw = power launched into surface wave

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Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

Conductor and dielectric loss is more important for thinner

Conductor loss increases with frequency (proportional to f )
due to the skin effect. Conductor loss is usually more
important than dielectric loss.

1 2 Rs is the surface resistance

Rs = = of the metal. The skin depth
of the metal is .

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Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

Surface-wave power is more important for thicker substrates

or for higher substrate permittivities. (The surface-wave
power can be minimized by using a foam substrate.)

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Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

For a foam substrate, higher radiation efficiency is

obtained by making the substrate thicker (minimizing the
conductor and dielectric losses). The thicker the better!
For a typical substrate such as r = 2.2, the radiation
efficiency is maximum for h / 0 0.02.

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Results: conductor and dielectric losses are neglected



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
h / 0

r = 2.2 or 10.8 W/L = 1.5 Note: CAD plot uses Pozar formulas

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Results: accounting for all losses


r = 10.8


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
h / 0

r = 2.2 or 10.8 W/L = 1.5 Note: CAD plot uses Pozar formulas

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Basic Properties of Microstrip Antenna

Radiation Patterns
The E-plane pattern is typically broader than the H-
plane pattern.
The truncation of the ground plane will cause edge
diffraction, which tends to degrade the pattern by
rippling in the forward direction

Note: pattern distortion is more severe in

the E-plane, due to the angle dependence
of the vertical polarization E and the SW
pattern. Both vary as cos ().

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Radiation Patterns (cont.)

E-plane pattern
Red: infinite substrate and ground plane
Blue: 1 meter ground plane

30 -30


60 -20 -60


-40 -30 -20 -10

90 -90

120 240

150 210


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Radiation Patterns (cont.)

H-plane pattern

Red: infinite substrate and ground plane

Blue: 1 meter ground plane

45 -10 -45



-40 -30 -20 -10

90 -90

135 225


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Basic Properties of Microstrip Antennas

The directivity is fairly insensitive to the substrate
The directivity is higher for lower permittivity, because
the patch is larger.

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Results: Directivity

r = 2.2



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
h / 0

r = 2.2 or 10.8 W/ L = 1.5

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Approximate CAD Model for Zin

Near the resonance frequency, the patch cavity can be
approximately modeled as an RLC circuit.
A probe inductance Lp is added in series, to account for the
probe inductance.

probe patch cavity

Zin R C

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Approximate CAD Model (cont.)

Z in j Lp +
1 + j 2Q ( f / f 0 1)
R 1
Q= BW = BW is defined here by
0 L 2Q SWR < 2.0.
0 = 2 f 0 =


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Approximate CAD Model (cont.)

R = Rin max

Rin max is the input resistance at the resonance of the

patch cavity (the frequency that maximizes Rin).


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Results : input resistance vs. frequency



50 exact
Rin ( )

frequency where the
30 input resistance is


4 4.5 5 5.5 6

r = 2.2 W/L = 1.5 L = 3.0 cm

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Results: input reactance vs. frequency
frequency where the input
resistance is maximum

Xin ( )


-20 shift due to probe reactance

4 4.5 5 5.5 6
frequency where the
input impedance is real

r = 2.2 W/L = 1.5 L = 3.0 cm

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Approximate CAD Model (cont.)

Approximate CAD formula for feed (probe) reactance (in Ohms)

a = probe radius h = probe height

0 2
Xf = ( k0 h ) + ln

2 r ( k 0 a )

X f = Lp

0.577216 (Eulers constant)

0 = 0 / 0 = 376.73
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Approximate CAD Model (cont.)

Feed (probe) reactance increases proportionally with

substrate thickness h.
Feed reactance increases for smaller probe radius.

0 2
Xf = ( k0 h) + ln

2 ( k
r 0 a )

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Results: probe reactance (Xf =Xp= Lp)


35 r = 2.2
W/L = 1.5
Xf ( )

20 h = 0.0254 0
a = 0.5 mm

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

xr is zero at the center of the patch, and is

xr = 2 ( x0 / L) - 1 1.0 at the patch edge.
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CAD Formulas

In the following viewgraphs, CAD formulas for the important

properties of the rectangular microstrip antenna will be shown.

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CAD Formula: Radiation Efficiency

er =
Rs 1 3 r L 1
1+ e hed
d +
h / 0 16 p c W
1 h / 0


d = tan = loss tangent of substrate

Rs = surface resistance of metal = =

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CAD Formula: Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

Psphed 1
r = =
Psphed + Pswhed Pswhed
1 + hed
P hed
sp =
2 ( 0 )
(80 c )

1 3
= 2 ( k0 h ) 60 c1 1
0 r

Note: hed refers to a unit-amplitude

horizontal electric dipole.

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CAD Formula: Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

Hence we have

r = 3
3 1 1
1 + ( k0 h ) 1
4 c1 r

(Physically, this term is the radiation efficiency of a

horizontal electric dipole (hed) on top of the substrate.)

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CAD Formula: Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

The constants are defined as

1 2/5
c1 = 1 +
r r2
a2 3 1
p = 1 + ( k 0 W ) + ( a2 + 2 a 4 ) ( k0 W ) + c2 ( k0 L )
2 2 4 2

10 560 5
+ a2 c2 ( k0 W ) ( k0 L )
2 2


c2 = 0.0914153
a2 = 0.16605
a4 = 0.00761
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CAD Formula: Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

Improved formula (due to Pozar)

e hed
2 ( 0 ) (
c1 )
r 1
P hed
= k h 80 2
1 + hed sp

r ( x 1)
3/ 2
k 2 2

hed 0
P 0 0

4 r (1 + x1 ) + (k0 h) x02 1 (1 + r2 x1 )

x02 1 r2 + 01 + r r2 2 01 + 02
x1 = x0 = 1 +
r x02 r2 12

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CAD Formula: Radiation Efficiency (cont.)

Improved formula (cont.)

0 = s tan ( k0 h ) s

1 = tan ( k0 h ) s +
( k0 h ) s

s cos ( k0 h ) s

s = r 1

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CAD Formula: Bandwidth

1 Rs 1 16 p c1 h W 1
BW = + +
0 h / 0 3 r 0 L hed

BW is defined from the frequency limits f1 and f2 at which

SWR = 2.0:

f 2 f1
BW = (multiply by 100 if you want to get %)

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CAD Formula: Resonant Input Resistance


R = Redge cos


4 L h
(0 )

Redge =
Rs 1 16 p c1 W h 1
d + + hed

0 h / 0 3
r L
0 er

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CAD Formula: Directivity

3 r
D= ( ( k1h ) )
pc1 r + tan ( k1h )

tanc ( x ) tan ( x ) / x

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CAD Formula: Directivity (cont.)

For thin substrates:

p c1

(The directivity is essentially independent of the

substrate thickness.)

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CAD Formula: Radiation Patterns

(based on electric current model)
L x
h r
infinite GP and substrate

The origin is at the H-plane

center of the patch.

x W E-plane
J s = x cos x
The probe is on the x axis.

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CAD Formula: Radiation Patterns (cont.)

The far-field pattern can be determined by reciprocity.

ky W kx L
sin cos
WL 2 2
Ei (r , , ) = Ei ( r , , )

2 ky W 2 k L 2
i = or 2 2 2

k x = k0 sin cos
k y = k0 sin sin

The hex pattern is for a horizontal electric dipole in the x direction,

sitting on top of the substrate.

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CAD Formula: Radiation Patterns (cont.)

Ehex ( r , , ) = E0 sin F ( )
Ehex ( r , , ) = E0 cos G ( )

j 0 jk0 r
where E0 = e
4 r

2 tan ( k0 h N ( ) )
F ( ) = 1 + TE
( ) =
tan ( k0 h N ( ) ) j N ( ) sec

2 tan ( k0 h N ( ) ) cos
G ( ) = cos (1 + TM
( ) ) = r
tan ( k0 h N ( ) ) j cos
N ( )

N ( ) = r sin 2 ( )

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Circular Polarization

Three main techniques:

1) Single feed with nearly degenerate eigenmodes.

2) Dual feed with delay line or 90o hybrid phase shifter.
3) Synchronous subarray technique.

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Circular Polarization: Single Feed

The feed is on the diagonal.

The patch is nearly (but not
exactly) square.

Basic principle: the two modes are excited with equal

amplitude, but with a 45o phase.

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Circular Polarization: Single Feed

Design equations:
Resonant frequency
BW =
f 0 = fCP is the optimum
CP frequency (SWR < 2 ) W
x0 = y0
f x = f 0 1
2Q x

Top sign for LHCP, L
bottom sign for RHCP.
f y = f 0 1
2 Q

R = Rx = Ry Rx and Ry are the resonant input resistances of the two LP (x and y)

modes, for the same feed position as in the CP patch.

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Circular Polarization: Single Feed (cont.)

Other variations

Note: diagonal modes are used as degenerate modes

y y


L x L x

Patch with slot Patch with truncated corners

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Circular Polarization: Dual Feed

Phase shift realized with delay line L


P+g/4 LHCP

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Circular Polarization: Dual Feed

Phase shift realized with 90o hybrid (branchline coupler)

Z0 / 2 Z0

g/4 Z0

50 Ohm load L


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Circular Polarization: Synchronous Rotation

Elements are rotated in space and fed with phase shifts





Because of symmetry, radiation from higher-order modes tends to be

reduced, resulting in good cross-pol.

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Circular Patch


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Circular Patch: Resonance Frequency

From separation of variables:

Ez = cos ( m ) J m ( k )

Jm = Bessel function of first kind, order m.

=0 J m ( ka ) = 0

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Circular Patch: Resonance Frequency (cont.)

ka = xmn
(nth root of Jm Bessel function)
f mn =
2 r

Dominant mode: TM11

f11 = x11 x11 1.842
2 a r

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Circular Patch: Resonance Frequency (cont.)

Fringing extension: ae = a + a PMC

f11 = x11
2 ae r
a + a

Long/Shen Formula :

2h a h a
ae = a 1 + ln 2h + 1.7726 a = +
r 2h
or ln 1.7726
a r

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Circular Patch: Patterns

(based on magnetic current model)
2a x
h r k = k 0 r
infinite GP and substrate

The origin is at the y

center of the patch. x E-plane

a The probe is on the x axis.

In patch cavity:
J1 (k ) 1
E z ( ,) = cos
J1 (ka ) h
(The edge voltage has a maximum of one volt.)

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Circular Patch: Patterns (cont.)

ER (r, ,) = 2a tanc (k z1h) cos J '1 ( k0 a sin ) Q ( )
E0 J1 (k0 a sin )
E ( r,,) = 2a
tanc (k z1h) sin P ( )

0 k0 a sin

tanc ( x ) = tan ( x ) / x

2 jN ( )
P ( ) = cos (1 ( )) = cos

tan ( k 0 hN ( )) jN ( ) sec

2 j r cos
N ( )
Q ( ) = 1 ( ) =

tan (k0 h N ( )) j r cos
N ( )
N ( ) = r sin 2 ( )
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Circular Patch: Input Resistance

J12 ( k 0 )
Rin Redge 2
J1 ( ka )

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Circular Patch: Input Resistance (cont.)

Redge = er
2 Psp
er = radiation efficiency

( k0 a ) tanc2 ( k0 hN ( ) )
Psp =
80 0

Q ( ) J1 ( k0 a sin ) + P ( ) J inc
2 2 2 2
( k0 a sin ) sin d

J inc ( x ) = J1 ( x ) / x

Psp = power radiated into space by circular patch with maximum

edge voltage of one volt.

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Circular Patch: Input Resistance (cont.)

CAD Formula:

Psp = ( k0 a ) 2 I c

6 e0 = 1
pc = ( k0 a ) e2 k
4 2k
I c = pc e2 = 0.400000
3 k =0
e4 = 0.0785710
e6 = 7.27509 103
e8 = 3.81786 104
e10 = 1.09839 105
e12 = 1.47731 107

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Feeding Methods

Some of the more common methods for

feeding microstrip antennas are shown.

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Feeding Methods: Coaxial Feed

easy to obtain input match
R = Redge cos


difficult to obtain input match for thicker substrates,
due to probe inductance.
significant probe radiation for thicker substrates

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Feeding Methods: Inset-Feed

allows for planar feeding
easy to obtain input match

significant line radiation for thicker substrates
for deep notches, pattern may shown distortion.

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Feeding Methods: Proximity (EMC) Coupling

allows for planar feeding
less line radiation compared
to microstrip feed patch

microstrip line
requires multilayer fabrication
alignment is important for input match

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Feeding Methods: Aperture Coupled Patch (ACP)

allows for planar feeding
feed radiation is isolated from patch radiation
higher bandwidth, since probe inductance
problem restriction is eliminated and a
double-resonance can be created.
allows for use of different substrates to
optimize antenna and feed-circuit
performance patch

Disadvantages: slot
requires multilayer fabrication
microstrip line
alignment is important for input match

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Improving Bandwidth

Some of the techniques that has been successfully

developed are illustrated here.

(The literature may be consulted for additional designs

and modifications.)

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Improving Bandwidth: Probe Compensation

L-shaped probe:

capacitive top hat on probe:

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Improving Bandwidth: SSFIP

SSFIP: Strip Slot Foam Inverted Patch (a version of the ACP).

Bandwidths greater than 25% have been achieved.

Increased bandwidth is due to the thick foam substrate and
also a dual-tuned resonance (patch+slot).

patch substrate patch

microstrip line slot

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Improving Bandwidth: Stacked Patches

Bandwidth increase is due to thick low-permittivity antenna
substrates and a dual or triple-tuned resonance.
Bandwidths of 25% have been achieved using a probe feed.
Bandwidths of 100% have been achieved using an ACP feed.

patch substrates driven patch

parasitic patch

microstrip line
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Improving Bandwidth: Stacked Patches (cont.)



Return Loss (dB)




3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency (GHz)
stacked patch with ACP feed

-10 dB S11 bandwidth is about 100%

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Improving Bandwidth: Parasitic Patches

Radiating Edges Gap Coupled
Microstrip Antennas

Non-Radiating Edges Gap

Coupled Microstrip Antennas

Four-Edges Gap Coupled

Microstrip Antennas

Bandwidth improvement factor:


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Improving Bandwidth: Direct-Coupled Patches

Radiating Edges Direct

Coupled Microstrip Antennas

Non-Radiating Edges Direct

Coupled Microstrip Antennas

Four-Edges Direct Coupled

Microstrip Antennas

Bandwidth improvement factor:


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Improving Bandwidth: U-shaped slot

The introduction of a U-shaped slot can give a

significant bandwidth (10%-40%).

(This is partly due to a double resonance effect.)

Single Layer Single Patch Wideband Microstrip Antenna, T. Huynh and K. F. Lee,
Electronics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 16, pp. 1310-1312, 1986.

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Improving Bandwidth: Double U-Slot

A 44% bandwidth was achieved.

Double U-Slot Rectangular Patch Antenna, Y. X. Guo, K. M. Luk, and Y. L. Chow,

Electronics Letters, Vol. 34, No. 19, pp. 1805-1806, 1998.

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Improving Bandwidth: E-Patch

A modification of the U-slot patch.

A bandwidth of 34% was achieved (40% using a capacitive

washer to compensate for the probe inductance).

A Novel E-shaped Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna, B. L. Ooi and Q. Shen,

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 348-352, 2000.

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Multi-Band Antennas

A multi-band antenna is often more desirable than a

broad-band antenna, if multiple narrow-band channels
are to be covered.

General Principle:

Introduce multiple resonance paths into the antenna. (The

same technique can be used to increase bandwidth via
multiple resonances, if the resonances are closely spaced.)

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Multi-Band Antennas: Examples



feed high-band feed



Dual-Band E patch Dual-Band Patch with Parasitic Strip

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High Permittivity
Quarter-Wave Patch
Capacitive Loading

Note: miniaturization usually comes at a price of reduced bandwidth.

General rule: maximum obtainable bandwidth is proportional to the

volume of the patch (based on the Chu limit.)

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Miniaturization: High Permittivity


r = 1
r = 4
W E-plane W=W/2


It has about one-fourth the bandwidth of the regular patch.

(Bandwidth is inversely proportional to the permittivity.)

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Miniaturization: Quarter-Wave Patch

H-plane H-plane

Ez = 0 vias

W E-plane W E-plane

L L=L/2

It has about one-half the bandwidth of the regular patch.

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Miniaturization: Planar Inverted F Antenna (PIFA)

L < d / 4

shorting plate feed

or via top view

side view

A single shorting plate or via is used.

This antenna can be viewed as a limiting case of the quarter-wave patch, or as

an LC resonator.

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PIFA with Capacitive Loading

shorting plate feed top view

side view

The capacitive loading allows for the length of the PIFA to be reduced.

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Miniaturization: Slotted Patch

top view

0o 90o

linear CP

The slot forces the current to flow through a longer path, increasing
the effective dimensions of the patch.

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Miniaturization: Meandering


feed feed

meandered quarter-wave patch meandered PIFA

Meandering forces the current to flow through a longer path,

increasing the effective dimensions of the patch.

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Improving Performance:
Reducing Surface-Wave Excitation and
Lateral Radiation
z feed
shorted annular ring 0
x a b

ground plane feed


Reduced Surface Wave (RSW) Antenna

D. R. Jackson, J. T. Williams, A. K. Bhattacharyya, R. Smith, S. J. Buchheit, and S. A.
Long, Microstrip Patch Designs that do Not Excite Surface Waves, IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propagat., vol. 41, No 8, pp. 1026-1037, August 1993.

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RSW: Improved Patterns

Reducing surface-wave excitation and lateral
radiation reduces edge diffraction.

space-wave radiation (desired)

lateral radiation (undesired)

diffracted field at edge

surface waves (undesired)

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RSW: E-plane Radiation Patterns

Measurements were taken on a 1 m diameter circular ground plane at
1.575 GHz.
0 Theory 0

30 -30 30 -30

-10 -10

60 -20 -60 60 -20 -60

-30 -30

-40 -30 -20 -10 -40 -30 -20 -10

90 -90 90 -90

120 240 120 240

150 210 150 210

180 180

conventional RSW

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RSW: Mutual Coupling

Reducing surface-wave excitation and lateral radiation

reduces mutual coupling.

space-wave radiation

lateral radiation

surface waves

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RSW: Mutual Coupling (cont.)

Reducing surface-wave excitation and lateral radiation reduces mutual coupling.

RSW - Measured
RSW - Theory
-20 Conv - Measured
-30 Conv - Theory

S12 [dB]






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Separation [Wavelengths]

Mutual Coupling Between Reduced Surface-Wave Microstrip Antennas, M. A. Khayat, J.

T. Williams, D. R. Jackson, and S. A. Long, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol.
48, pp. 1581-1593, Oct. 2000.

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1 Introduction Antenna Arrays
Antenna arrays are becoming increasingly important in
wireless communications. Advantages of using antenna
1. They can provide the capability of a steerable beam
(radiation direction change) as in smart antennas.
2. They can provide a high gain (array gain) by using
simple antenna elements.
3. They provide a diversity gain in multipath signal
4. They enable array signal processing.
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An important characteristic of an array is the change of its

radiation pattern in response to different excitations of its
antenna elements. Unlike a single antenna whose radiation
pattern is fixed, an antenna arrays radiation pattern, called
the array pattern, can be changed upon exciting its elements
with different currents (both current magnitudes and current
phases). This gives us a freedom to choose (or design) a
certain desired array pattern from an array, without changing
its physical dimensions. Furthermore, by manipulating the
received signals from the individual antenna elements in
different ways, we can achieve many signal processing
functions such as spatial filtering, interference suppression,
gain enhancement, target tracking, etc.
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2 Two Element Arrays

Far field
r1 point
Dipole 2
I 2 Ie j
d r1 r d cos , 0
Dipole 1 I1 I

Two Hertzian dipoles of length d separated by a distance

d and excited by currents with an equal amplitude I but a
phase difference [0 ~ 2).
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E1 = far-zone electric field produced by antenna 1 = a E1

E2 = far-zone electric field produced by antenna 2 = a E2

kI1d e jkr kd e jkr

E1 j sin j cos I1
4 r 2 4 r
kI 2 d e jkr
kd e jkr 1

E2 j sin j cos I 2
4 r1 2 4 r1
Use the following far-field approximations: 0
1 1

r1 r
e jkr1 e jk r d cos
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The total E field is:

E E1 E2 a
kd e jkr jkd cos
a j cos
I I e
4 r
1 2

kI1d e jkr j jkd cos

a j
cos 1 e e
4 r
kId e jkr
a j cos AF
4 r

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AF Array Factor 1 e j e jkd cos

cos kd cos

j jkd cos
j kd cos
1 e e 2e 2
The magnitude of the total E field is:

I1 I 2e jkd cos

kId e
E a j cos AF
4 r
radiation pattern of a single Hertzian dipole AF

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Hence we see the total far-field radiation pattern |E| of the

array (array pattern) consists of the original radiation pattern
of a single Hertzian dipole multiplying with the magnitude
of the array factor |AF|. This is a general property of
antenna arrays and is called the principle of pattern
When we plot the array pattern, we usually use the
normalized array factor which is:
where is a
constant to
1 1 1
AFn AF 2cos kd cos
make the
2 maximum value
of |AFn| equal
to one.

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Examples of array patterns using pattern multiplication:

Array pattern of a two-element array of Hertzian dipoles ( = 0, and d = /4)

1 1 1 1
AFn 2cos kd cos 2cos cos
2 2 2
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Array pattern of a two-element array of Hertzian dipoles ( = -90, and d = /4)

1 1 1 1
AFn 2cos kd cos 2cos cos

2 2 2 2

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In many practical arrays, the element radiation pattern is

usually chosen to be non-directional, for example the -plane
pattern of a Hertzian dipole or a half-wave dipole. Then in
this case, the array radiation pattern will be totally
determined by the array factor AF alone, as shown in the
example below:

Element pattern |F()| Array factor |A()| = Array pattern (normalized)

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3 N-Element Uniform Liner Arrays (ULAs)

Dipoles are Far field

parallel to the z observation
direction point

Dipole 1 Dipole N

An N-element uniform antenna array with an element separation d

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The principle of pattern multiplication can be extended to

N-element arrays with identical antenna elements and
equal inter-element separation (ULAs). If the excitation
currents have the same amplitude but the phase difference
between adjacent elements is (the progressive phase
difference), the array factor for this array is:
AF 1 e j ( kd cos ) e j 2( kd cos ) e j ( N 1)( kd cos )

N sin N
2 e
e j ( n1)
j N 1

n 1
where kd cos and 0 , 2
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The normalized array factor is:

where is a constant to

sin N make the largest value of
1 2
AFn |AFn| equal to one. Note
sin that is not necessarily
equal to N.
The relation between |AFn|, , d, and is shown graphically
on next page. Note that |AFn| is a period function of ,
which is in turn a function of . The angle is in the real
space and its range is 0 to 2. However, is not in the real
space and its range can be greater than or smaller than 0 to
2, leading to the problem of grating lobes or not achieving
the maximum values of the |AFn| expression.
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|AFn( )|

= kd cos +



The relation between AFn,, d, and

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Properties of the normalized array factor AFn:

1. |AFn| is a periodic function of , with a period of 2.
This is because
|AFn( + 2)| = |AFn()|.
2. As cos() = cos(-), |AFn| is symmetric about the line of
the array, i.e., = 0 & . Hence it is enough to know
|AFn| for 0 .
3. The maximum values of |AFn| occur when (see
Supplementary Notes):
(kd cos ) m , m 0,1,2,
2 2
max main beam directions cos ( 2m )
2 d
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Note that there may be more than one angles max

corresponding to the same value of m because cos-1(x) is
a multi-value function. If there are more than one
maximum angles max, the second and the subsequent
maximum angles give rise to the phenomenon of grating
lobes. The condition for grating lobes to occur is that d
(disregarding the value of ) as shown below:
2nd grating lobe 1st grating lobe Main lobe 1st grating lobe 2nd grating lobe

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2nd grating lobe 1st grating lobe Main lobe 1st grating lobe 2nd grating lobe
|AFn( )|

Visible region
(1) When d 0.5, no General conditions to
grating lobes can be kd avoid grating lobes
formed for whatever with [0,2] and d
value of . (2) When d [0.5,]:
, grating lobe(s) is 1.For 0 < , the
(are) formed for =kdcos requirement is:
whatever value of . kd + 2
(3) When 0.5 <d< , 2. For < 2, the
formation of grating requirement is:
lobes depends on . kd - 0

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4. There are other angles corresponding to the maximum

values for the minor lobes (minor beams) but these angles
cannot be found from the formula in no. 3 above.
5. When and d are fixed, it is possible that can never be
equal to 2m. In that case, the maximum values of |AFn|
cannot be determined by the formula in no. 3.
6. The main beam directions max are not related to N. They
are functions of and d only.
7. The nulls of |AFn| occur when:
n n 1,2,3,
2 N n N ,2 N ,3 N ,
1 2n
null null directions cos ( )
2 d N
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Note that there may be more than one angles null

corresponding to a single value of n because cos-1(x) is a
multi-value function.
8. The null directions null are dependent on N.
9. The larger the number N, the closer is the first null (n = 1)
to the first maximum (m = 0). This means a narrower
main beam and an increase in the directivity or gain of the
10.The angle for the main beam direction (m = 0) can be
controlled by varying or d.

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Example 1
A uniform linear array consists of 10 half-wave dipoles with
an inter-element separation d = /4 and equal current
amplitude. Find the excitation current phase difference
such that the main beam direction is at 60 (max = 60).
Solutions d = /4, max = 60, N = 10

main beam dirction max 60 cos 1
m 2
2 d
m2 cos 60 0.5

m2 45 360 315, when m 1
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Other values of corresponding to other values of m are

outside the range of 0 2 and are not included.

sin 5 cos
1 2
sin cos
2 2

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4 Mutual Coupling in Transmitting Antenna Arrays

What we studies before about antenna arrays has assumed
that the antenna elements operate independently. In
reality, antennas placed in close proximity to each other
interact strongly. This interaction is called mutual
coupling effect and it will distort the array characteristics,
such as the array pattern, from those predicted based on
the pattern multiplication principle. We need to
consider the mutual coupling effect in order to apply the
pattern multiplication principle.
We study an example of a two-element dipole array. We
characterize the mutual coupling effect using the mutual
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Consider two transmitting antennas as shown on next

page. They are separated by a distance of d and the
excitation voltage sources, Vs1 and Vs2, have a phase
difference of but an equal magnitude. Hence if there is
no mutual coupling effect, the excitation currents also
differ by a phase difference of and have an equal
magnitude. When the mutual coupling effect is taken
into account, the two coupled antennas can be modelled
as two equivalent circuits. Now because of the mutual
coupling effect, there is another excitation source (the
controlled voltage source) in the equivalent circuit. This
controlled voltage source is to model the coupled voltage
from the other antenna.
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Dipoles are Far field

parallel to the z observation
direction point, r

Dipole 1
d Dipole 2

Two coupled dipoles

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Antenna 1 Antenna 2

I1 I2
Vs1 Vs2 a2
Zg1 b1 Zg2 b2
Excitation Coupled
voltage voltage
source I1 a I2 a2

Vs1 V12 Vs2 V21

Zg1 Z11 Zg2 Z22

Source Antenna
internal b1 Self-impedance b2

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Z12 mutual impedance with antenna 2 excited


coupled voltage across antenna 1's open-circuit terminal

excitation current at antenna 2's shorted terminal

I 2 I1 0,Vs1 0

Voc12 a c
b I2 d

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Z 21 mutual impedance with antenna 1 excited


coupled voltage across antenna 2's open-circuit terminal

excitation current at antenna 1's shorted terminal
Voc 21

I1 I 2 0,Vs 2 0

a Voc21 c Note that for
b d passive antennas,
Z12 = Z21

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Using the mutual impedance, the coupled voltages V12

and V21 can be expressed as follows:

V12 Z12 I 2 V21 Z21I1

I1 and I2 are the actual terminal currents at the

antennas when there is mutual coupling effect. From
the antenna equivalent circuits,

Vs1 V12 Vs 2 V21

I1 I2
Z g 1 Z11 Z g 2 Z 22

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Is1 and Is2 are the terminal currents at the antennas when
there is no mutual coupling effect.
Vs1 Vs 2
I s1 I s2
Z g1 Z11 Z g 2 Z11

Our aim is to express I1 and I2 in terms of Is1 and Is2.

Vs1 V12 Vs 2 V21
I1 I2
Z g 1 Z11 Z g 2 Z 22
I 2 Z12 I1Z 21
I s1 I s2
Z g1 Z11 Z g 2 Z 22

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From these two relations, we can find:

Z12 Z 21
I s1 I s2 I s2 I s1
Z11 Z g1 Z 22 Z g 2
I1 , I2
Z12 Z 21 Z12 Z 21
1 1
Z11 Z g1 Z 22 Z g 2 Z11 Z g1 Z 22 Z g 2

That is:

1 1
I1 I s1 Z12 I s 2 I 2 I s 2 Z 21
I s1

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where Z12 Z 21
D 1
Z11 Z g1 Z 22 Z g 2
Z11 Z g1
Z 21

Z 21
Z 22 Z g 2
Now if we want to find the array pattern E on the
horizontal plane (=/2) with mutual coupling effect, then
E is just equal to the array factor (see pages 10 and 6).
1 jkd cos
magnitude, not
E =AF I1 I 2e
absolute value
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E I1 I 2e jkd cos
I s1 Z12 I s 2 I s 2 Z 21
I s1 e jkd cos
I s1 I s 2e jkd cos Z12 I s 2 I s1e jkd cos with Z12 Z 21
I s1 Is2 j
1 e e
j jkd cos
Z12 e e
j jkd cos
with e
I1D I s1

I s1

1 e
j kd cos

Z12e 1 e j kd cos

original pattern additional pattern

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We see that the array pattern now consists of two parts:

the original array pattern plus an additional pattern:

Z12 e j 1 e j kd cos

which has a reverse current phase - and a modified

amplitude with a multiplication of a complex number
Z12ej. Note that all parameters in the above formula
can be calculated except I1 which will be removed after
normalization. Normalization of the above formula can
only be done when its maximum value is known, for
example by numerical calculation.

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Example 2 Absolute value

Find the normalized array pattern |En| on the horizontal plane

(=/2) of a two-monopole array with the following
parameters with mutual coupling taken into account:
I s1 1, I s 2 e j , I s1 I s 2 1, 150
d 4, 4
Z12 Z 21 21.8 - j 21.9
Z11 Z 22 47.3 j 22.3 d
Z g1 Z g 2 50

I s1 I s2

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As the required array pattern |En| is on
I s1 1, Is2 e the horizontal plane, it is equal to the
normalized array factor |AFn|.
I s1 I s 2 1
I s1 0, I s 2 150 2.62 rad
4 2
Z12 Z 21
Z12 0.16 j 0.26
Z11 Z g 1 Z 22 Z g 2

Z12 Z 21
D 1 1.042 j 0.09
Z11 Z g1 Z 22 Z g 2
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I s1

1 e j kd cos Z12 e j 1 e j kd cos

0.95 j 0.08
1 e j 2.62e j 2 cos

0.16 j 0.26 e j 2.62 1 e j 2.62e j 2 cos

0.94 j 0.37
1 1.14 j 0.40 e j 2 cos


The pattern of f 1 1.14 j 0.40 e j 2 cos is shown on

next page.

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f 1 1.14 j 0.40 e j 2 cos

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The pattern of f attains the maximum value when = 180.
When = 180,

E 180
0.94 j 0.37
1 1.14 j 0.40 e j 2 cos

I1 180



Hence we normalize |E| by this factor (1.83/|I1|) to get:

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0.94 j 0.37
1 1.14 j 0.40 e j 2 cos
0.52 1 1.14 j 0.40 e j 2 cos

The polar plot of |En| is shown on next page.

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En 0.52 1 1.14 j 0.40 e j 2 cos

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The case when there is no mutual coupling is shown below

for comparison.
En no mutual coupling effect 1 e j e jkd cos

where is a constant to make
the largest value of |AFn|
equal to one ( = 1.73).

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An antenna array is an antenna that is composed of more than one conductor. There
are two types of antenna arrays:

Driven arrays all elements in the antenna are fed RF from the transmitter
Parasitic arrays only one element is connected to the transmitter. The other elements
are coupled to the driven element through the electric fields and magnetic fields that
exist in the near field region of the driven element

There are many types of driven arrays. The four most common types are:

Collinear array
Broadside array
Log Periodic Array
Yagi-Uda Array

The collinear array consists of /2 dipoles oriented end-to-end. The center dipole is
fed by the transmitter and sections of shorted transmission line known as phasing lines
connect the ends of the dipoles as shown below.

Feed Line
Phasing Lines
Phasing Lines

The length of the phasing lines are adjusted so that the currents in all the dipole
sections are in phase, as shown below.

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The input impedance of a collinear array is approximately 300 ohms. The directivity
of a collinear array slowly increases as the number of collinear sections is increased.

A broadside array consists of an array of dipoles mounted one above another as shown
below. Each dipole has its own feed line and the lengths of all feed lines are equal so
that the currents in all the dipoles are in phase.

Rows of broadside arrays can be combined to form a two dimensional array as shown

The two-dimensional array is used in high performance radar systems. The amplitude
and phase of each input current is adjusted so that the antenna radiates its RF in a
narrow beam. By making changes to the input phase and amplitude, the beam can be
made to scan over a wide range of angles. Electronic scanning is much faster than
mechanical scanning (which uses a rotating antenna) and permits rapid tracking of
large numbers of targets.

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Helical Antennas

2.1 Introduction

The helical antenna is a hybrid of two simple radiating elements, the dipole and
loop antennas. A helix becomes a linear antenna when its diameter approaches zero or
pitch angle goes to 90 o . On the other hand, a helix of fixed diameter can be seen as a
loop antenna when the spacing between the turns vanishes ( = 0 o ) .

Helical antennas have been widely used as simple and practical radiators over the
last five decades due to their remarkable and unique properties. The rigorous analysis of
a helix is extremely complicated. Therefore, radiation properties of the helix, such as
gain, far-field pattern, axial ratio, and input impedance have been investigated using
experimental methods, approximate analytical techniques, and numerical analyses. Basic
radiation properties of helical antennas are reviewed in this chapter.

The geometry of a conventional helix is shown in Figure 2.1a. The parameters

that describe a helix are summarized below.
D = diameter of helix
S = spacing between turns
N = number of turns
C = circumference of helix = D
A = total axial length = NS
= pitch angle

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 4

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If one turn of the helix is unrolled, as shown in Figure 2.1(b), the relationships between
S ,C , and the length of wire per turn, L , are obtained as:
S = L sin = C tan
L = ( S 2 + C 2 )1 / 2 = ( S 2 + 2 D 2 )1 / 2

2.2 Modes of Operation

2.2.1 Transmission Modes

An infinitely long helix may be modeled as a transmission line or waveguide

supporting a finite number of modes. If the length of one turn of the helix is small
compared to the wavelength, L << , the lowest transmission mode, called the T0 mode,
occurs. Figure 2.2a shows the charge distribution for this mode.

When the helix circumference, C , is of the order of about one wavelength

(C 1 ) , the second-order transmission mode, referred to as the T1 mode, occurs. The
charge distribution associated with the T1 mode can be seen in Figure 2.2b. Higher-order
modes can be obtained by increasing of the ratio of circumference to wavelength and
varying the pitch angle.

2.2.2 Radiation Modes

When the helix is limited in length, it radiates and can be used as an antenna.
There are two radiation modes of important practical applications, the normal mode and
the axial mode. Important properties of normal-mode and axial-mode helixes are
summarized below.

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 5

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Figure 2.1 (a) Geometry of helical antenna; (b) Unrolled turn of helical antenna

Figure 2.2 Instantaneous charge distribution for transmission modes: (a) The lowest-order
mode (T0); (b) The second-order mode (T1)

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 6

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For a helical antenna with dimensions much smaller than wavelength ( NL << ) ,
the current may be assumed to be of uniform magnitude and with a constant phase along
the helix [5]. The maximum radiation occurs in the plane perpendicular to the helix axis,
as shown in Figure 2.3a. This mode of operation is referred to as the normal mode. In
general, the radiation field of this mode is elliptically polarized in all directions. But,
under particular conditions, the radiation field can be circularly polarized. Because of its
small size compared to the wavelength, the normal-mode helix has low efficiency and
narrow bandwidth. Axial Mode

When the circumference of a helix is of the order of one wavelength, it radiates

with the maximum power density in the direction of its axis, as seen in Figure 2.3b. This
radiation mode is referred to as axial mode. The radiation field of this mode is nearly
circularly polarized about the axis. The sense of polarization is related to the sense of the
helix winding.

In addition to circular polarization, this mode is found to operate over a wide

range of frequencies. When the circumference ( C ) and pitch angle ( ) are in the ranges
3 C 4
of < < and 12 o < < 15o [6], the radiation characteristics of the axial-mode helix
4 3
remain relatively constant. As stated in [7] ,if the impedance and the pattern of an
antenna do not change significantly over about one octave ( = 2 ) or more, we will
classify it as a broadband antenna. It is noted that the ratio of the upper frequency to the
lower frequency of the axial-mode helix is equal to = 3 = 1.78 . This is close to the
fl 3
definition of broadband antennas. For the reason that the axial-mode helix possesses a

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 7

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C << C

(a) (b)

Figure 2.3 Radiation patterns of helix: (a) Normal mode; (b) Axial mode

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 8

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number of interesting properties, including wide bandwidth and circularly polarized

radiation, it has found many important applilcations in communication systems.

2.3 Analysis of Helix

Unlike the dipole and loop antennas, the helix has a complicated geometry. There
are no exact solutions that describe the behavior of a helix. However, using experimental
methods and approximate analytical or numerical techniques, it is possible to study the
radiation properties of this antenna with sufficient accuracy. This section briefly
discusses the analysis of normal-mode and axial-mode helices.

2.3.1 Normal-Mode Helix

The analysis of a normal-mode helix is based on a uniform current distribution

over the length of the helix. Furthermore, the helix may be modeled as a series of small
loop and short dipole antennas as shown in Figure 2.4. The length of the short dipole is
the same as the spacing between turns of the helix, while the diameter of the loop is the
same as the helix diameter.

Since the helix dimensions are much smaller than wavelength, the far-field pattern
is independent of the number of turns. It is possible to calculate the total far-field of the
normal-mode helix by combining the fields of a small loop and a short dipole connected
in series. Doing so, the result for the electric field is expressed as [6]
r kI e jkr 2D2
= j 0 sin ( S j ) , (2.1)
4r 2

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 9

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where k = is the propagation constant, = is the intrinsic impedance of the

medium, and I 0 is a current amplitude. As noted in (2.1), the and components of

the field are in phase quadrature. Generally, the polarization of this mode is elliptical
with an axial ratio given by
E 2 S
AR = = . (2.2)
E 2D2

The normal-mode helix will be circularly polarized if the condition AR = 1 is satisfied.

As seen from (2.2), this condition is satisfied if the diameter of the helix and the spacing
between the turns are related as
C = 2 S . (2.3)
It is noted that the polarization of this mode is the same in all directions except along the
z-axis where the field is zero. It is also seen from (2.1) that the maximum radiation
occurs at = 90 o ; that is, in a plane normal to the helix axis.

2.3.2 Axial-Mode Helix

Unlike the case of a normal-mode helix, simple analytical solutions for the axial-
mode helix do not exist. Thus, radiation properties and current distributions are obtained
using experimental and approximate analytical or numerical methods.

The current distribution of a typical axial-mode helix is shown in Figure 2.5 [5].
As noted, the current distribution can be divided into two regions. Near the feed region,
the current attenuates smoothly to a minimum, while the current amplitude over the
remaining length of the helix is relatively uniform. Since the near-feed region is small
compared to the length of the helix, the current can be approximated as a travelling wave
of constant amplitude. Using this approximation, the far-field pattern of the axial-mode
helix can be analytically determined. There are two methods for the analysis of far-field
pattern. In the first method, an N-turn helix is considered as an array of N elements with

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 10

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an element spacing equal to S . The total field pattern is then obtained by multiplying the
pattern of one turn of the helix by the array factor. The result is

sin( N )
F ( ) = c 0 cos 2 , (2.4)
sin( )
where c 0 is a constant coefficient and = kS cos + . Here, is the phase shift

between successive elements and is given as

= 2 . (2.5)

sin( N )
In (2.4), cos is the element pattern and 2 is the array factor for a uniform array
sin( )
of N equally-spaced elements. As noted from (2.5), the Hansen-Woodyard condition is
satisfied. This condition is necessary in order to achieve agreement between the
measured and calculated patterns.

In a second method, the total field is directly calculated by integrating the

contributions of the current elements from one end of the helix to another. The current is
assumed to be a travelling wave of constant amplitude. The current distribution at an
arbitrary point on the helix is written as [6]
(l ) = 0 exp( jg ) , (2.6)

l = the length of wire from the beginning of the helix to an
arbitrary point
pc m

LT = the total length of the helix

p = phase velocity of wave propagation along the helix
relative to the velocity of light,c

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 11

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Figure 2.4 Approximating the geometry of normal-mode helix

Figure 2.5 Measured current distribution on axial-mode helix [5]

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 12

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= (according
sin + (2 N + 1) ( cos )

to Hansen-Woodyard condition)

= 2N

= azimuthal coordinate of an arbitrary point

= unit vector along the wire

= x sin + y cos + z sin
The magnetic vector potential at an arbitrary point in space is obtained as [6]

r v a 0 exp( jkr ) m
(r ) =
4r 0 exp[ ju cos( )] exp( jd )d ' ,(2.7)
Where u = ka sin
a = radius of the helix
d =Bg
B = ka cos tan
Finally, the far-field components of the electric field, E and E , can be expressed as

E = j [( Ax cos + Ay sin ) cos + Az sin ] , (2.8)

E = j ( Ay cos Ax sin ) . (2.9)

2.3.3 Empirical Relations for Radiation Properties of Axial-Mode Helix

Approximate expressions for radiation properties of an axial-mode helix have also

been obtained empirically. A summary of the empirical formulas for radiation
characteristics is presented below. These formulas are valid when 12 o < < 15 o ,
3 4
< C < and N > 3 .
4 3

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 13

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An approximate directivity expression is given as [1]

D C NS , (2.10)

C and S are, respectively, the circumference and spacing between turns of the

helix normalized to the free space wavelength ( ) . Since the axial-mode helix is nearly
lossless, the directivity and the gain expressions are approximately the same.

In 1980, King and Wong [8] reported that Krauss gain formula (2.10)
overestimates the actual gain and proposed a new gain expression using a much larger
experimental data base. The new expression is given as
N + 2 1 0.8 N
D NS tan 12.5o 2
G P = 8.3 , (2.11)
P P tan
where P is the free-space wavelength at peak gain.

In 1995, Emerson [9] proposed a simple empirical expression for the maximum
gain based on numerical modeling of the helix. This expression gives the maximum gain

in dB as a function of length normalized to wavelength ( LT = LT ).

Gmax (dB) = 10.25 + 1.22 LT 0.0726 LT .
Equation (2.12), when compared with the results from experimental and theoretical
analyses, gives the gain reasonably accurately.

Half-Power Beamwidth

The empirical formula for the half-power beamwidth is [1]

HPBW = (degrees). (2.13)

A more accurate formula was later presented by King and Wong using a larger
experimental data base [10]. This result is

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 14

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61.5 N
N +5 tan 4
HPBW = o
(degrees). (2.14)
0.7 tan 12.5

Input Impedance

Since the current distribution on the axial-mode helix is assumed to be a travelling

wave of constant amplitude (Section 2.3.2), its terminal impedance is nearly purely
resistive and is constant with frequency. The empirical formula for the input impedance
R = 140C (ohms). (2.15)

The input impedance, however, is sensitive to feed geometry. Our numerical modeling of
the helix indicated that (2.15) is at best a crude approximation of the input impedance.


Based on the work of King and Wong [8], an empirical expression for gain
bandwidth, as a frequency ratio, has been developed:
(3 N )
fU 0.91
1.07 , (2.16)
where f U and f L are the upper and lower frequencies, respectively, G P is the peak gain

from equation (2.11), and G is the gain drop with respect to the peak gain.

2.3.4 Optimum Performance of Helix

Many different configurations of the helix have been examined in search of an

optimum performance entailing largest gain, widest bandwidth, and/or an axial ratio
closest to unity. The helix parameters that result in an optimum performance are

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 15

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summarized in Table 2.1. There are some helices with parameters outside the ranges in
Table 2.1 that exhibit unique properties. However, such designs are not regarded as
optimum, because not all radiation characteristics meet desired specifications. A
summary of the effects of various parameters on the performance of helix is presented
below [2].

Table 2.1 Parameter ranges for optimum performance of helix

Parameter Optimum Range

Circumference 3 4
4 3
Pitch angle 11o < < 14 o
Number of turns 3 < N < 15
Wire diameter Negligible effect
Ground plane diameter 1
At least


As shown in Figure 2.6, it is noted that the optimum circumference for achieving
the peak gain is around 1.1 and is relatively independent of the length of the helix.
Other results show that the peak gain smoothly drops as the diameter of the helix
decreases (Figure 2.7). Since other parameters of the helix also affect its properties, a
circumference of 1.1 is viewed as a good estimate for an optimum performance.

Pitch Angle

Keeping the circumference and the length of a helix fixed, the gain increases
smoothly when the pitch angle is reduced, as seen in Figure 2.8. However, the reduction

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 16

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Figure 2.6 Gain of helix for different lengths as function of normalized circumference (C ) [9]

Figure 2.7 Peak gain of various diameter as D and varied (circles), D fixed and varied

(triangle) [8].

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 17

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of pitch angle is limited by the bandwidth performance. That is, a narrower bandwidth is
obtained for a helix with a smaller pitch angle. For this reason, it has been generally
agreed that the optimal pitch angle for the axial-mode helix is about 12.5o .

Number of Turns

Many properties, such as gain, axial ratio, and beamwidth, are affected by the
number of turns. Figure 2.9 shows the variation of gain versus the number of turns. It is
noted that as the number of turns increases, the gain increases too. The increase in gain is
simply explained using the uniformly excited equally-spaced array theory. However, the
gain does not increase linearly with the number of turns, and, for very large number of
turns, adding more turns has little effect. Also, as shown in Figure 2.10, the beamwidth
becomes narrower for larger number of turns. Although adding more turns improves the
gain, it makes the helix larger, heavier, and more costly. Practical helices have between 6
and 16 turns. If high gain is required, array of helices may be used.

Conductor Diameter

This parameter does not significantly affect the radiation properties of the helix.
For larger conductor diameters, slightly wider bandwidths are obtained. Also, thicker
conductors can be used for supporting a longer antenna.

Ground Plain

The effect of ground plain on radiation characteristics of the helix is negligible

since the backward traveling waves incident upon it are very weak [7]. Nevertheless, a
ground plane with a diameter of one-half wavelength at the lowest frequency is usually

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 18

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Figure 2.8 Gain versus frequency of 30.8-inch length and 4.3-inch diameter helix for different
pitch angles [8].

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 19

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Figure 2.9 Gain versus frequency for 5 to 35-turn helical antennas with 4.23-inch diameter [8]

Radiation patterns for various helical turns of helices with = 12 and

Figure 2.10
C = 10cm. at 3 GHz [12].

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 20

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2.4 Modified Helices

Various modifications of the conventional helical antenna have been proposed for
the purpose of improving its radiation characteristics. A summary of these modifications
is presented below.

2.4.1 Helical Antenna with Tapered End

Nakano and Yamauchi [11] have proposed a modified helix in which the open
end section is tapered as illustrated in Figure 2.11. This structure provides significant
improvement in the axial ratio over a wide bandwidth. According to them, the axial ratio
improves as the cone angle t is increased. For a helix with pitch angle of 12.5 o and 6

turns followed by few tapered turns, they obtained an axial ratio of 1:1.3 over a frequency
range of 2.6 to 3.5 GHz.

2.4.2 Printed Resonant Quadrifilar Helix

Printed resonant quadrifilar helix is a modified form of the resonant quadrifilar

helix antenna first proposed by Kilgus [13]. The structure of this helix consists of 4
microstrips printed spirally around a cylindrical surface. The feed end is connected to the
opposite radial strips as seen in Figure 2.12. The advantage of this antenna is a broad
beam radiation pattern (half-power beamwidth > 145o ). Additionally, its compact size
and light weight are attractive to many applications especially for GPS systems [14].

2.4.3 Stub-Loaded Helix

To reduce the size of a helix operating in the axial mode, a novel geometry
referred to as stub-loaded helix has been recently proposed [15]. Each turn contains four
stubs as illustrated in Figure 2.13. The stub-loaded helix provides comparable radiation

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 21

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properties to the conventional helix with the same number of turns, while offering an
approximately 4:1 reduction in the physical size.

2.4.4 Monopole-Helix Antenna

This antenna consists of a helix and a monopole, as shown in Figure 2.14, [16].
The purpose of this modified antenna is to maintain operation at two different
frequencies, applicable to dual-band cellular phone systems operating in two different
frequency bands (900 MHz for GSM and 1800 MHz for DCS1800).

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 22

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Figure 2.11 Tapered helical antenna configuration.[11].

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 23

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Figure 2.12 1 turn half-wavelength printed resonant quadrifilar helix [14].


2. Survey of Helical Antennas 24

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Figure 2.13 Stub-loaded helix configuration [15].

Figure 2.14 Monopole-helix antenna [16].

2. Survey of Helical Antennas 25

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Log Periodic Arrays

log periodic antenna is a system of driven elements, designed to be operated over a wide range of
frequencies. Its advantage is that it exhibits essentially constant characteristics over the frequency
rangethe same radiation resistance (and therefore the same SWR), and the same pattern character-
istics (approximately the same gain and the same front-to-back ratio). Not all elements in the system are
active on a single frequency of operation; the design of the array is such that the active region shifts among
the elements with changes in operating frequency. R. H. DuHamel and D. E. Isbell published the first
information on log periodic arrays in professional literature in the late 1950s. The first log-periodic antenna
article to be published in amateur literature appeared in November 1959 QST, and was written by Carl T.
Milner, W1FVY. (See the Bibliography at the end of this chapter.)
Several varieties of log periodic antenna systems exist, such as the zig-zag, planar, trapezoidal,
slot, V, and the dipole. The type favored by amateurs is the log-periodic dipole array, often abbreviated
LPDA. The LPDA, shown in Fig 1, was invented by D. E. Isbell at the University of Illinois in 1958.
Similar to a Yagi antenna in construction and appearance, a log-periodic dipole array may be built as a
rotatable system for all the upper HF bands, such as 18 to 30 MHz. The longest element, at the rear of
the array, is a half wavelength at the lower design frequency.
Depending on its design parameters, the LPDA can be operated over a range of frequencies having a
ratio of 2:1 or higher. Over this range its electrical characteristicsgain, feed-point impedance, front-to-
back ratio, and so forthremain more or less constant. This is not true of any other type of antenna dis-
cussed in this book. With a Yagi or quad antenna,
for example, either the gain factor or the front-to-
back ratio, or both, deteriorate rapidly as the fre-
quency of operation departs from the optimum de-
sign frequency of the array. And because those an-
tennas are based on resonant elements, off-reso-
nance operation introduces reactance which causes
the SWR in the feeder system to increase. Even
terminated antennas such as a rhombic exhibit sig-
nificant changes in gain over a 2:1 frequency ratio.
As may be seen in Fig 1, the log periodic ar-
ray consists of several dipole elements which are
each of different lengths and different relative
spacings. A distributive type of feeder system is
Fig 1A log periodic dipole array. All elements
used to excite the individual elements. The ele- are driven, as shown. The forward direction of
ment lengths and relative spacings, beginning the array as drawn here is to the right.
from the feed point for the array, are seen to in- Sometimes the elements are sloped forward,
crease smoothly in dimension, being greater for and sometimes parasitic elements are used to
each element than for the previous element in the enhance the gain and front-to-back ratio.
Log Periodic Arrays 10-1
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array. It is this feature upon which the design of the LPDA is based, and which permits changes in
frequency to be made without greatly affecting the electrical operation. With changes in operating
frequency, there is a smooth transition along the array of the elements which comprise the active re-
gion. The following information is based on a November 1973 QST article by Peter Rhodes, K4EWG.
A good LPDA may be designed for any single amateur band or for adjacent bands, HF to UHF, and can
be built to meet the amateurs requirements at nominal cost: high forward gain, good front-to-back ratio,
low SWR, and a boom length equivalent to a full-sized 3-element Yagi. The LPDA exhibits a relatively low
SWR (usually not greater than 2:1) over a wide band of frequencies. A well-designed LPDA can yield a
1.3:1 SWR over a 1.8-to-1 frequency range with a typical gain of 7.0 dB over an isotropic radiator (dBi)
assuming a lossless system. This equates to approximately 4.9 dB gain over a half-wave dipole (dBd).
The LPDA is frequency independent in that the electrical properties vary periodically with the
logarithm of the frequency. As the frequency, f1, is shifted to another frequency, f2, within the pass-
band of the antenna, the relationship is
f2 = f1/ (Eq 1)

= a design parameter, a constant; < 1.0. Also,
f3 = f1/2
f4 = f1/3
fn = f1/n 1
n = 1, 2, 3, . . . n
f1 = lowest frequency
fn = highest frequency

The design parameter is a geometric con-

stant near 1.0 that is used to determine the ele-
ment lengths, l , and element spacings, d, as
shown in Fig 2. That is,
l2 = l1
l3 = l2
. Fig 2Schematic diagram of log periodic dipole
. array, with some of the design parameters
l n = l (n1) (Eq 2) indicated. Design factors are:

where ln dn,n 1
= =
ln 1 dn 2,n 1
l n = shortest element length, and
d23 = d 12 dn,n 1
d34 = d 23 =
2ln 1
. l = element length
. d = element spacing
= design constant
dn 1,n = dn 2,n 1 (Eq 3) = relative spacing constant
S = feeder spacing
where d23 = spacing between elements 2 and 3. Z0 = characteristic impedance of antenna feeder

10-2 Chapter 10
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Each element is driven with a phase shift of 180 by switching or alternating element connections,
as shown in Fig 2. At a median frequency the dipoles near the input, being nearly out of phase and close
together, nearly cancel each others radiation. As the element spacing, d, increases along
the array, there comes a point where the phase delay in the transmission line combined with the 180
switch gives a total of 360. This puts the radiated fields from the two dipoles in phase in a direction
toward the apex. Hence, a lobe coming off the apex results.
This phase relationship exists in a set of dipoles known as the active region. If we assume that an
LPDA is designed for a given frequency range, then that design must include an active region of di-
poles for the highest and lowest design frequency. It has a bandwidth which we shall call B ar, band-
width of the active region.
Assume for the moment that we have a 12-element LPDA. Currents flowing in the elements are both
real and imaginary, the real current flowing in the resistive component of the impedance of a particular
dipole, and the imaginary flowing in the reactive component. Assume that the operating frequency is such
that element number 6 is near to being half-wave resonant. The imaginary parts of the currents in shorter
elements 7 to 12 are capacitive, while those in longer elements 1 to 5 are inductive. The capacitive current
components in shorter elements 9 and 10 exceed the conductive components; hence, these elements receive
little power from the feeder and act as parasitic directors. The inductive current components in longer ele-
ments 4 and 5 are dominant and they act as parasitic reflectors. Elements 6, 7 and 8 receive most of their
power from the feeder and act as driven elements. The amplitudes of the currents in the remaining elements
are small and they may be ignored as primary contributors to the radiation field. Hence, we have a general-
ized Yagi array with seven elements comprising the active region. It should be noted that this active region
is for a specific set of design parameters ( = 0.93, = 0.175). The number of elements making up the active
region varies with and . Adding more elements on either side of the active region cannot significantly
modify the circuit or field properties of the array.
This active region determines the basic design parameters for the array, and sets the bandwidth for
the structure, Bs . That is, for a design-frequency coverage of bandwidth B, there exists an associated
bandwidth of the active region such that
B s = B Bar (Eq 4)
B = operating bandwidth = n (Eq 5)
f1 = lowest frequency, MHz
f n = highest frequency, MHz
B ar varies with and as shown in Fig 3. Element lengths which fall outside Bar play an insignifi-

Fig 3Design graph showing the

relationships among , and the
bandwidth of the active region, Bar.
(After Carrel)

Log Periodic Arrays 10-3

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cant role in the operation of the array. The gain
of an LPDA is directly related to its directivity,
and is determined by the design parameter and
the relative element spacing constant . Fig 4
shows the relationship between these parameters.
For each value of in the range 0.8 < 1.0,
there exists an optimum value for we shall call
opt, for which the gain is maximum. However,
the increase in gain obtained by using opt and
near 1.0 (such as = 0.98) is only 3 dB when
compared with the minimum (sigmamin = 0.05)
and = 0.98, as may be seen in Fig 4.
An increase in means more elements, and
optimum means a long boom. A high-gain (6.8 Fig 4LPDA directivity (gain over isotropic,
dBi) LPDA can be designed in the HF region with assuming no losses) as a function of and , for a
= 0.9 and = 0.05. The relationship of , length to diameter ratio of 125 for the element at
the feed point. For each doubling of l /diam, the
and is as follows:
directivity decreases by about 0.2 dB for
= (1 /4)(1 ) cot (Eq 6) l /diam values in the range 50 to 10000. Gain
relative to a dipole may be obtained by subtracting
where 2.14 dB from the values indicated. (After Carrel,
followed up by Butson and Thompson)
= 1/2 the apex angle
= design constant
= relative spacing constant
d n,n 1
Also = (Eq 7)
2l n 1

opt = 0.243 0.051 (Eq 8)


The method of feeding the antenna is rather simple. As shown in Fig 2, a balanced feeder is re-
quired for each element, and all adjacent elements are fed with a 180 phase shift by alternating ele-
ment connections. In this section the term antenna feeder is defined as that line which connects each
adjacent element. The feed line is that line between antenna and transmitter.
The input resistance of the LPDA, R0, varies with frequency, exhibiting a periodic characteristic.
The range of the feed-point resistance depends primarily on Z0 , the characteristic impedance of the
antenna feeder. R0 may therefore be selected to some degree by choosing Z0, that is, by choosing the
conductor size and the spacing of the antenna feeder conductors. Other factors that affect R0 are the
average characteristic impedance of a dipole, Zav, and the mean spacing factor, . As an approxima-
tion (to within about 10%), the relationship is as follows:
R0 =
1+ (Eq 9)
4 Z av
R0 = mean radiation resistance level of the LPDA input impedance
Z0 = characteristic impedance of antenna feeder

10-4 Chapter 10
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Zav = average characteristic impedance of a dipole
= 120 In n 2.25 (Eq 10)
d n
l n /diamn = length to diameter ratio of nth element

= mean spacing factor = (Eq 11)

The mean spacing factor, , is a function of and (Eqs 6 and 11). For a fixed value of Z 0, R0
decreases with increasing and increasing .
If all element diameters are identical, then the element l/diam ratios will increase along the array.
Ideally the ratios should remain constant, but from a practical standpoint the SWR performance of a single-
band LPDA will not be noticeably degraded if all elements are of the same diameter. But to minimize SWR
variations for multiband designs, the LPDA may be constructed with progressively increasing element di-
ameters from the front to the back of the array. This approach also offers structural advantages for self-
supporting elements, as larger conductors will be in place for the longer elements.
The standing-wave ratio varies periodically with frequency. The mean value of SWR, with respect to
R0, has a minimum of about 1.1:1 at opt (Eq 8), and rises to a value of 1.8:1 at = 0.05. In other words, the
periodic SWR variation (with frequency changes) swings over a wider range of SWR values with lower
values of . These SWR ranges are acceptable when using standard 52 and 72- coax for the feed line.
However, a 1:1 SWR match can be obtained at the transmitter end by using a coax-to-coax Transmatch. A
Transmatch enables the transmitter low-pass filter to see a 52- load on each frequency within the array
passband. The Transmatch also eliminates possible harmonic radiation caused by the frequency-indepen-
dent nature of the array.
R 0 should be chosen for the intended balun and feed-line characteristics. For HF arrays, a value of
208 for R0 usually works well with a 4:1 balun and 52- coax. Direct 52- feed is usually not
possible. (Attempts may result in smaller conductor spacing for the antenna feeder than the conductor
diameter, a physical impossibility.)
For VHF and UHF designs, the antenna feeder may also serve as the boom. With this technique,
element halves are supported by feeder conductors of tubing that are closely spaced. If R0 is selected
as 72 , direct feed with 72- cable is possible. An effective balun exists if the coax is
passed through one of the feeder conductors from the rear of the array to the feed point. Fig 5 shows
such a feed-point arrangement.
If the design bandwidth of the array is fairly small (single band), another possible approach is to
design the array for a 100- R0 and use a 1 /4-wave matching section of 72- coax between the feed
point and 52- feed line. In any case, select the element feeder diameters based on mechanical
considerations. The required feeder spacing may then be calculated.
The antenna feeder termination, Zt, is a short circuit at a distance of max/8 or less behind element no. 1,
the longest element. In his 1961 paper on LPDAs, Dr Robert L. Carrel reported satisfactory results in some
cases by using a short circuit at the terminals of el-
ement no. 1. If this is done, the shorted element acts
as a passive reflector at the lowest frequencies.
Some constructors indicate that Zt may be elimi-
nated altogether without significant effect on the
results. The terminating stub impedance tends to
increase the front-to-back ratio for the lowest fre-
quencies. If used, its length may be adjusted for the
best results, but in any case it should be no longer
than max/8. For HF-band operation a 6-inch short-
ing jumper wire may be used for Zt.
It might also be noted that one could increase Fig 5A method of feeding the LPDA for VHF
the front-to-back ratio on the lowest frequency by and UHF designs.

Log Periodic Arrays 10-5

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moving the passive reflector (element no. 1) a distance of 0.15 to 0.25 behind element no. 2, as would be
done in the case of an ordinary Yagi parasitic reflector. This of course would necessitate lengthening the
boom. The front-to-back ratio increases somewhat as the frequency increases. This is because more of the
shorter inside elements form the active region, and the longer elements become additional reflectors.
The preceding section provides information on the fundamentals of a log periodic dipole array. From
that discussion, some insights may be gained into the effects of changing the various design parameters.
However, a thorough understanding of LPDA basic theory is not necessary in order to design your own
array. A systematic step-by-step design procedure of the LPDA is presented in this section, with design
examples. There are necessarily some mathematical calculations to be performed, but these may be accom-
plished with a 4-function electronic calculator that additionally handles square-root and logarithmic func-
tions. The procedure that follows may be used for designing any LPDA for any desired bandwidth.
1) Decide on an operating bandwidth B, between f1, lowest frequency and fn, highest frequency,
using Eq 5.
2) Choose and to give a desired gain (Fig 4).
0.8 0.98
0.05 opt
The value of opt may be determined from Fig 4 or from Eq 8.
3) Determine the value for the cotangent of the apex half-angle from
cot = 4 (Eq 12)
Note: , the apex half angle itself, need not be determined as a part of this design procedure, but
the value for cot is used frequently in the steps that follow.
4) Determine the bandwidth of the active region Bar either from Fig 3 or from

Bar = 1.1 + 7.7(1 ) 2cot (Eq 13)

5) Determine the structure (array) bandwidth Bs from Eq 4.

6) Determine the boom length L, number of elements N, and longest element length l1.
Lft = 1/ 41 B cot max (Eq 14)
log BS ln BS
N =1 + =1+ (Eq 15)
log 1 ln 1

l 1 ft = 492 (Eq 16)
where max = longest free-space wavelength = 984/f1. Usually the calculated value for N will not be an
integral number of elements. If the fractional value is significant, more than about 0.3, increase the value to
the next higher integer. Doing this will also increase the actual value of L over that obtained from Eq 14.
Examine L, N and l 1 to determine whether or not the array size is acceptable for your needs. If the
array is too large, increase f1 or decrease or and repeat steps 2 through 6. (Increasing f1 will
decrease all dimensions. Decreasing will decrease primarily the boom length. Decreasing will
decrease both the boom length and the number of elements.)
7) Determine the terminating stub, Zt. (Note: For HF arrays, short out the longest element with a 6-
inch jumper. For VHF and UHF arrays use:
Z = max/8 (Eq 17)
8) Solve for the remaining element lengths from Eq 2.
9) Determine the element spacing, d12 ,from
10-6 Chapter 10
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d 12 = 1 /2 ( l1 l 2) cot (Eq 18)

and the remaining element-to-element spacings from Eq 3.

10) Choose R 0, the desired feed-point resistance, to give the lowest SWR for the intended balun
ratio and feed-line impedance. From the following equation, determine the necessary antenna feeder
impedance, Z0 , using the definitions of terms for Eq 9.
+ R0
R02 R0
Z0 = +1 (Eq 19)
8' Z av 8' Z av
11) Once Z0 has been determined, select a combination of conductor size and spacing to provide
that impedance from

S= ( diam
2 )
10 Z 0 /276
(Eq 20)
S = center-to-center distance between conductors
diam = outer diameter of conductor (in same units as S)
Z0 = intended characteristic impedance for antenna feeder
Note: This equation assumes round feeder conductors.

If an impractical spacing results for the antenna feeder, select a different conductor diameter and
repeat step 11. In severe cases it may be necessary to select a different R0 and repeat steps 10 and 11.
Once a satisfactory feeder arrangement is found, the LPDA design is completed.
Design ExampleShort Four-Band Array
Suppose we wish to design a log periodic dipole array to cover the frequency range 18.06 to
29.7 MHz. Such an array will offer operation on any frequency in the 17, 15, 12 and 10-meter amateur
bands. In addition, we desire for this to be a short array, constructed on a boom of no more than
10 feet in length.
To follow through this example, it is suggested that you write the parameter names and their values
as they are calculated, in columns, on your worksheet. This will provide a ready reference for the
values needed in subsequent calculations.
We begin the design procedure with step 1 and determine the operating bandwidth from Eq 5: f1 =
18.06, f n = 29.7, and B = 29.7/18.06 = 1.6445. (Note: Because log periodics have reduced gain at the
low-frequency end, some designers lower f1 by several percent to assure satisfactory gain at the lower
operating frequencies. Increasing f n, the design frequency at the high end, however, appears to offer no
advantage other than extended frequency coverage.) Because we wish to have a compact design, we
choose not to extend the lower frequency range.
Next, step 2, we examine Fig 4 and choose values for , and gain. Knowing from the basic
theory section that larger values of call for a longer boom, we choose the not-too-large value of 0.06.
Also knowing that a compact array will not exhibit high gain, we choose a modest gain, 8.0 dBi. For
these values of and gain, Fig 4 shows the required to be 0.885.
From step 3 and Eq 12, we determine the value for cot to be 4 0.06/(1 0.885) = 2.0870. We need
not determine , the apex half angle, but if we wish to go to the trouble we can use the relationship
= arc cot 2.0870 = arc tan (1/2.0870) = 25.6
This means the angle at the apex of the array will be 2 25.6 = 51.2.
From step 4 and Eq 13, we calculate the value for Bar as 1.1 + 7.7(1 0.885)2 2.097 = 1.3125.
Next, from step 5 and Eq 4, we determine the structure bandwidth Bs to be 1.6445 1.3125 = 2.1584.
From step 6 and the associated equations we determine the boom length, number of elements, and
Log Periodic Arrays 10-7
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longest element length.

( 1
) 984
L = 1/4 1 2.1584 2.0870 18.06 = 15.26 ft

log 2.1584
N =1 + = 1 + 0.3341 = 7.30
log (1/0.885) 0.05306
(Because a ratio of logarithmic values is determined here, either common or natural logarithms
may be used in the equation, as long as both the numerator and the denominator are the same type; the
results are identical.)
l 1 = 492/18.06 = 27.243 ft
The 15.26-foot boom length is greater than the 10-foot limit we desired, so some change in the
design is necessary. The 7.30 elements should be increased to 8 elements if we chose to proceed with
this design, adding still more to the boom length. The longest element length is a function solely of the
lowest operating frequency, so we do not wish to change that.
Decreasing either or will yield a shorter boom. Because is already close to the minimum
value of 0.05, we decide to retain the value of 0.06 and decrease the value of . Lets try = 0.8.
/4 steps 2 through 6 with these values, we calculate the following.
Gain = 5.3 dBi? (outside curves of graph)
cot = 1.2000
Bar = 1.4696
Bs = 2.4168
L = 9.58 ft
N = 4.95
l 1 = 27.243 ft
These results nicely meet our requirement for a boom length not to exceed 10 feet. The 4.95 elements
obviously must be increased to 5. The 5.3 dBi gain (3.2 dBd) is nothing spectacular, but the array should
have a reasonable front-to-back ratio. For four-band coverage with a short boom, we decide this gain and
array dimensions are acceptable, and we choose to go ahead with the design. The variables summarized on
our worksheet now should be those shown in the first portion of Table 1.
Continuing at step 7, we make plans to use a
6-inch shorted jumper for the terminating stub, Table 1
Zt . Design Parameters for the 4-Band LPDA
From step 8 and Eq 2 we determine the ele- f1 = 18.06 MHz Element lengths:
f n = 29.7 MHz l 1 = 27.243 ft
ment lengths: B = 1.6445 l 2 = 21.794 ft
l2 = l1 = 0.8 27.243 = 21.794 ft
= 0.8 l 3 = 17.436 ft
= 0.06 l 4 = 13.948 ft
l 3 = 0.8 21.794 = 17.436 ft Gain = 5.3 dBi = 3.2 dBd l 5 = 11.159 ft
l 4 = 0.8 17.436 = 13.948 ft cot = 1.2000 Element spacings:
Bar = 1.4696 d12 = 3.269 ft
l 5 = 0.8 13.948 = 11.159 ft Bs = 2.4168 d23 = 2.616 ft
L = 9.58 ft d34 = 2.092 ft
From step 9 and Eq 18 we calculate the ele- N = 4.95 elements (in- d45 = 1.674 ft
ment spacing d12 as 1/2 (27.243 21.794) 1.2 = crease to 5) Element diameters:
3.269 ft. Then from Eq 3 we determine the re- Zt = 6-in. shorted jumper diam5 = 1 / 2 in.;
Ro = 208 l 5/diam5 = 267.8
maining element spacings: Zav = 400.8 diam4 = 5 / 8 in.;
= 0.06708 l 4/diam4 = 267.8
d23 = 0.8 3.269 = 2.616 ft Z0 = 490.5 diam3 = 3 / 4 in.;
d34 = 0.8 2.616 = 2.092 ft Antenna feeder: l 3/diam3 = 279.0
d45 = 0.8 2.092 = 1.674 ft #12 wire spaced 2.4 in. diam2 = 1 in.;
l 2/diam2 = 261.5
Balun: 4 to 1
Feed line: 52- coax diam 1 = 1 1/ 4 in.;
This completes the calculations of the array l 1/diam1 = 261.5
dimensions. The work remaining is to design the
10-8 Chapter 10
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antenna feeder. From step 10, we wish to feed the LPDA with 52- line and a 4:1 balun, so we select
R 0 as 4 52 = 208 .
Before we calculate Z0 from Eq 19 we must first determine Zav from Eq 10. At this point we must
assign a diameter to element no. 5. We wish to make the array rotatable with self-supporting elements,
so we shall use aluminum tubing for all elements. For element no. 5, the shortest element, we plan to
use tubing of 1 /2-inch OD. We calculate the length to diameter ratio by first converting the length to

l 5/diam5 = 11.159 12/0.5 = 267.8

At this point in the design process we may also assign diameters to the other elements. To maintain
an essentially constant l /diam ratio along the array, we shall use larger tubing for the longer elements.
(From a practical standpoint for large values of , 2 or 3 adjacent elements could have the same diam-
eter. For a single-band design, they could all have the same diameter.) From data in Chapter 21 we see
that, above 1/2 inch, aluminum tubing is available in diameter steps of 1 /8 inch. We assign additional
element diameters and determine l /diam ratios as follows:

diam4 = 5 /8 in.; l 4/diam4 = 13.948 12/0.625 = 267.8

diam3 = 3 /4 in.; l 3/diam3 = 17.436 12/0.75 = 279.0
diam2 = 1 in.; l 2/diam 2 = 21.794 12/1 = 261.5
diam1 = 1 1/4 in.; l 1/diam1 = 27.243 12/1.25 = 261.5

Tapered elements with telescoping tubing at the ends may certainly be used. From a matching
standpoint, the difference from cylindrical elements is of minor consequence. (Performance at the
low-frequency end may suffer slightly, as tapered elements are electrically shorter than their cylindri-
cal counterparts having a diameter equal to the average of the tapered sections. See Chapter 2.)
In Eq 10 the required length to diameter ratio is that for element no. 5, or 267.8. Now we may
determine Zav as
Zav = 120 [ln 267.8 2.25] = 120 [5.590 2.25] = 400.8
Additionally, before solving for Z0 from Eq 19, we must determine from Eq 11.
0.06 = 0.06708
And now we use Eq 19 to calculate Z 0.

Z0 = 8 0.06708 400.8 + 208 8 0.06708 400.8 + 1

2082 208

= 201.1 + 208 1.935 = 490.5

From step 11, we are to determine the conductor size and spacing for a Z0 of 490.5 for the
antenna feeder. We elect to use #12 wire, and from data in Chapter 20 learn that its diameter is 80.8
mils or 0.0808 inch. We determine the spacing from Eq 20 as

( )
S = 0.0808 10 490.5/276 = 0.0808 101.777
2 2
= 0.0808 59.865 = 2.42 in.
An open-wire line of #12 wire with 2.4-inch spacers may be used for the feeder. This completes the
design of the four-band LPDA. The design data are summarized in Table 1.

Log Periodic Arrays 10-9

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Fig 7Pieces to be fabricated for the LPDA. At A, the forward connector, made from 1/2-in. Lexan. At B,
the rear connector, also made from 1/2-in. Lexan. At C is the pattern for the feed-line spacers, made from
/4-in. Plexiglas. Two of these spacers are required.

From the design procedure, the feeder spacings for the two arrays are slightly different, 0.58 inch
for the 3.5-MHz array and 0.66 inch for the 7-MHz version. As a compromise toward the use of
common spacers for both bands, a spacing of 5 /8 inch is quite satisfactory. Surprisingly, the feeder
spacing is not at all critical here from a matching standpoint, as may be verified from Z0 = 276 log (2S/
diam) and from Eq 9. Increasing the spacing to as much as 3/4 inch results in an R0 SWR of less than 1.1
to 1 on both bands.
Constructing the Arrays
The construction techniques are the same for both the 3.5 and the 7-MHz versions of the array. Once
the designs are completed, the next step is to fabricate the fittings; see Fig 7 for details. Cut the wire
elements and feed lines to the proper sizes and mark them for identification. After the wires are cut and
placed aside, it will be difficult to remember which is which unless they are marked. When you have
finished fabricating the connectors and cutting all of the wires, the antenna can be assembled. Use your
ingenuity when building one of these antennas; it isnt necessary to duplicate these LPDAs exactly.
The elements are made of standard #14 stranded copper wire. The two parallel feed lines are made
of #12 solid copper-coated steel wire, such as Copperweld. This will not stretch when placed under
tension. The front and rear connectors are cut from 1/2 -inch thick Lexan sheeting, and the feed-line
spacers from 1/4-inch Plexiglas sheeting.
Study the drawings carefully and be familiar with the way the wire elements are connected to the
two feed lines, through the front, rear and spacer connectors. Details are sketched in Figs 8 and 9.
Connections made this way prevent the wire from breaking. All of the rope, string and connectors must
be made of materials that can withstand the effects of tension and weathering. Use nylon rope and
strings, the type that yachtsmen use. Fig 6 shows the front stay rope coming down to ground level at a
point 120 feet from the base of a 75-foot tower. It may not be possible to do this in all cases. An
alternative installation technique is to put a pulley 40 feet up in a tree and run the front stay rope
through the pulley and down to ground level at the base of the tree. The front stay rope will have to be
tightened with a block and tackle at ground level.
Log Periodic Arrays 10-11
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Putting an LPDA together is not difficult if it is assembled in an orderly manner. It is easier to
connect the elements to the feeder lines when the feed-line assembly is stretched between two points.
Use the tower and a block and tackle. Attaching the rear connector to the tower and assembling the
LPDA at the base of the tower makes raising the antenna into place a much simpler task. Tie the rear
connector securely to the base of the tower and attach the two feeder lines to it. Then thread the two
feed-line spacers onto the feed line. The spacers will be loose at this time, but will be positioned
properly when the elements are connected. Now connect the front connector to the feed lines. A word
of caution: Measure accurately and carefully! Double-check all measurements before you make per-
manent connections.
Connect the elements to the feeder lines through their respective plastic connectors, beginning
with element 1, then element 2, and so on. Keep all of the element wires securely coiled. If they
unravel, you will have a tangled mess of kinked wire. Check that the element-to-feeder connections
have been made properly. (See Figs 8 and 9.) Once you have completed all of the element connec-
tions, attach the 4:1 balun to the underside of the front connector. Connect the feeder lines and the
coaxial cable to the balun.
You will need a separate piece of rope and a pulley to raise the completed LPDA into position.
First secure the eight element ends with nylon string, referring to Figs 6 and 8. The string must be long
enough to reach the tie-down points. Connect the front stay rope to the front connector, and the com-

Fig 8Typical layout for the LPDA. Use a 4:1 Fig 9Details of electrical and mechanical
balun at the point indicated. See Tables 2 and 3 connections of the elements to the feed line.
for dimensions. Knots in the nylon stay lines are not shown.

10-12 Chapter 10
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pleted LPDA is now ready to be raised into position. While raising the antenna, uncoil the element
wires to prevent their getting away and tangling up into a mess. Use care! Raise the rear connector to
the proper height and attach it securely to the tower, then pull the front stay rope tight and secure
it. Move the elements so they form a 60-degree angle with the feed lines, in the direction of the front,
and space them properly relative to one another. By adjusting the end positions of the elements as you
walk back and forth, you will be able to align all the elements properly. Now it is time to hook your rig
to the system and make some contacts.
The reports received from these LPDAs were compared with an inverted-V dipole. All of the
antennas are fixed; the LPDAs radiate to the northeast, and the dipole to the northeast and southwest.
The apex of the dipole is at 70 feet, and the 40 and 80-meter LPDAs are at 60 and 50 feet, respectively.
The gain of the LPDAs is several dB over the dipole. This was apparent from many of the reports
received. During pileups, it was possible to break in with a few tries on the LPDAs, yet it was impos-
sible to break in the same pileups using the dipole.
During the CQ WW DX Contest some big pileups were broken after a few calls with the LPDAs.
Switching to the dipole, it was found impossible to break in after many, many calls. Then, after switch-
ing back to the LPDA, it was easy to break into the same pileup and make the contact.
Think of the possibilities that these wire LPDA systems offer hams worldwide. They are easy to
design and to construct, real advantages in countries where commercially built antennas and parts are
not available at reasonable cost. The wire needed can be obtained in all parts of the world, and cost of
construction is low! If damaged, the LPDAs can be repaired easily with pliers and solder. For those
who travel on DXpeditions where space and weight are large considerations, LPDAs are lightweight
but sturdy, and they perform well.

5-Band Log Periodic Dipole Array

A rotatable log periodic array designed to cover the frequency range from 13 to 30 MHz is pictured
in Fig 10. This is a large array having a gain of 6.7 dBi or 4.6 dBd (approximately the same gain one
would expect with a full-size two-element Yagi array). This antenna system was originally
described by Peter D. Rhodes, WA4JVE, in November 1973 QST. The radiation pattern, measured at
14 MHz, is shown in Fig 11.
The characteristics of the array are:
1) Half-power beamwidth, 43 (14 MHz)
2) Design parameter = 0.9

Fig 11Measured
radiation pattern
of the 13-30 MHz
LPDA at 14 MHz.
The front-to-back
ratio is 14.4 dB at
14 MHz, and
increases to
21 dB at 28 MHz.

Fig 10The 13-30 MHz log periodic dipole array.

Log Periodic Arrays 10-13
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Fig 12Construction diagram of the 13-30 MHz log periodic array. At B and C are shown the method
of making electrical connection to each half element, and at D is shown how the boom sections are
Log Periodic Arrays 10-15
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bowstring it is important to use a wire that will not
stretch, such as #14 Copperweld. This bowstring is ac-
tually the inter-element transmission line. See Fig 17.
Secure the rear ends of the feeder to the two
rear insulators, soldering the wrap. Before secur-
ing the fronts, slip the 12 insulators onto the two
feed lines. A rope can be used temporarily to form
the bow and to aid in mounting the feeder line. The
end-to-end length of the feeder should be 30.24 feet.
Now lift both bows to their upright position
and tie the feeder line and the cross-arm bowstring
together where they cross, directly over and ap- Fig 15The spider web antenna, as shown in
proximately 3 feet above the hub. this somewhat deceptive photo, might bring to
The next step is to install the no. 1 rear element mind a rotatable clothesline. Of course it is
from the rear egg insulators to the right and left cross- much larger than a clothesline, as indicated by
arms using other egg insulators to provide the proper Figs 13 and 14. It can be lifted by hand.
element length. Be sure to solder the element halves
to the transmission line. Complete this portion of the
construction by installing the nylon cord catenaries
from the front arm to the cross-arm tips. Use egg insu-
lators where needed to prevent cutting the nylon cords.
In preparing the fiberglass front spreader, keep
in mind that it should be 14.75 feet long before
bowing and is approximately 13.75 feet when
bowed. Secure the center of the bowstring to the
end of the front arm. Lay the spreader on top of the
feed line, then tie the feeder to the spreader with
nylon fish line. String the catenary from the
spreader tips to the cross-arm tips.
At this point of assembly, antenna elements 2
through 13 should be prepared. There will be two
segments for each element. At the outer tip make a
small loop and solder the wrap. This will be for the
nylon leader. Measure the length plus 0.4 inch for
wrapping and soldering the element segment to the Fig 16The simple arrangement of the hub of
feeder. Seven-strand #22 antenna wire is suggested the spider web. See Fig 13 and the text for
for use here. Slide the feed-line insulators to their details.
proper position and secure them temporarily.
The drawings show the necessary transposition
scheme. Each element half of elements 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,
11 and 13 is connected to its own side of the feeder,
while elements 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 cross over to the
opposite side of the transmission line.
There are four holes in each of the transmis-
sion-line insulators (see Fig 13). The inner holes
are for the transmission line, and the outer ones
are for the elements. Since the array elements are
slanted forward, they should pass through the in-
sulator from front to back, then back over the insu-
lator to the front side and be soldered to the trans-
mission line. The small drawings of Fig 13 show Fig 17The elements, balun, transmission line
the details of the element transpositions. and main bow of the spider web antenna.
Log Periodic Arrays 10-19
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The general construction approach for the Pounder may be seen in the photographs. Drilled and tapped
pieces of Plexiglas sheet, 1/4-inch thick, serve as insulating spacers for the angle aluminum feeder. Two
spacers are used, one near the front and one near the rear of the array. Four no. 6-32 1/4-inch pan head screws
secure each aluminum angle section to the Plexiglas spacers, Figs 20 and 21. Use flat washers with each screw
to prevent it from touching the angle stock on the opposite side of the spacer. Be sure the screws are not so
long as to short out the feeder! A clearance of about 1/16 inch has been found sufficient. If you have doubts
about the screw lengths, check the assembled boom for a short with your ohmmeter on a megohms range.
Either of two mounting techniques may be used for the Pounder. As shown in Figs 18 and 19, the
rear spacer measures 10 21 /2 inches, with 45 corners to avoid sharp points. This spacer also accom-
modates a boom extension of PVC tubing, which is attached with two no. 10-32 1-inch screws. This
tubing provides for side mounting the Pounder away from a mast or tower.
An alternative support arrangement is shown in Fig 20. Two 1/2 3-inch Plexiglas spacers are used at the
front and rear of the array. Each spacer has four holes drilled 5/8 inch apart and tapped with no. 6-32 threads.
Two screws enter each spacer from either side to make a tight aluminum-Plexiglas-aluminum sandwich. At
the center of the boom, secured with only two screws, is a 2 18-inch strip of 1/4-inch Plexiglas. This strip is
slotted about 2 inches from each end to accept hose clamps for mounting the Pounder atop a mast. As shown,
the strip is attached for vertical polarization. Alternate mounting holes, visible on the now-horizontal lip of
the angle stock, provide for horizontal polarization. Al-
though sufficient, this mounting arrangement is not as
sturdy as that shown in Fig 18.
The elements are lengths of thick-wall aluminum
tubing, 1/4-inch OD. The inside wall conveniently
accepts a no. 10-32 tap. The threads should penetrate
the tubing to a depth of at least 1 inch. Eight no. 10-
32 1-inch screws are attached to the boom at the
proper element spacings and held in place with no.
10-32 nuts, Fig 19. For assembly, the elements are
then simply screwed into place.
Note that with this construction arrangement, the
two halves of any individual element are not precisely
collinear; their axes are offset by about 3/4 inch. This
offset does not seem to affect performance.

Fig 21The feed

arrangement. A
BNC connector,
modified by
removing a portion
of the flange,
provides for ready
connection of a
coax feed line.
A short length of
bus wire connects
Fig 20A close-up look at the boom, showing
the center pin to
an alternative mounting scheme for the
the opposite
Pounder. This photo shows an earlier 2-element
feeder conductor.
array, but the boom construction is unchanged
with added elements. See text for details.
Log Periodic Arrays 10-21
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The Feed Arrangement
Use care in initially mounting and cutting the elements to length. To obtain the 180 crossover feed arrange-
ment, the element halves from a single section of the feeder/boom must alternate directions. That is, the halves
of elements 1 and 3 will point to one side, and of elements 2 and 4 to the other. This arrangement may be seen
by observing the element mounting screws in Fig 19. Because of this mounting scheme, the length of tubing for
an element half is not simply half of the length given in Table 8. After final assembly, halves for elements
2 and 4 will have a slight overlap, while elements 1 and 3 are extended somewhat by the boom thickness. The
best procedure is to cut each assembled element to its final length by measuring from tip to tip.
The Pounder may be fed with RG-58 or RG-59 coax and a BNC connector. A modified right-angle
chassis-mount BNC connector is attached to one side of the feeder/boom assembly for cable connec-
tion, Fig 21. The modification consists of cutting away part of the mounting flange that would other-
wise protrude from the boom assembly. This leaves only two mounting-flange holes, but these are
sufficient. A short length of small bus wire connects the center pin to the opposite side of the feeder,
where it is secured under the mounting-screw nut for the shortest element.
For operation, the coax may be secured to the PVC boom extension or to the mast with electrical
tape. It is also advisable to use a balun, especially if the Pounder is operated with vertical elements. A
choke type of balun is satisfactory, formed by taping 6 turns of the coax into a coil of 3 inches diameter,
but a bead balun is perferred (see Chapter 26). The balun should be placed at the point where the coax
is brought away from the boom. If the mounting arrangement of Fig 20 is used with vertical polariza-
tion, a second balun should be located approximately 1/4 wavelength down the coax line from the first.
This will place it at about the level of the lower tips of the elements. For long runs of coax to the
transmitter, a transition from RG-58 to RG-8 or from RG-59 to RG-9 is suggested, to reduce line
losses. Make this transition at some convenient point near the array.
No shorting feeder termination is used with the array described here. In the basic theory section of
this chapter, it is stated that direct feed of an LPDA is usually not possible with 52- coax if a good
match is to be obtained. The feeder Z0 of this array is in the neighborhood of 120 , and with this
value, Eq 9 indicates R0 to be 72.6 . Thus, the theoretical mean SWR with 52- line is 72.6/52 or 1.4
to 1. Upon array completion, the measured SWR (52- line) was found to be relatively constant across
the band, with a value of about 1.7 to 1. The Pounder offers a better match to 72- coax.
Being an all-driven array, the Pounder is more immune to changes in feed-point impedance caused by
nearby objects than is a parasitic array. This became obvious during portable use when the array was
operated near trees and other objects . . . the SWR did not change noticeably with antenna rotation toward
and away from those objects. This indicates the Pounder should behave well in a restricted environment,
such as an attic. For weighing just one pound, this array indeed does give a good account of itself.

The Log Periodic V Array

The log periodic resonant V array is a modification of the LPDA, as shown in Fig 22. Dr Paul E. Mayes
and Dr Robert L. Carrel published a report on the log periodic V array (LPVA) in the IRE Wescon Conven-
tion Record in 1961. (See the Bibliography listing at the end of this chapter.) At the antenna laboratory of
the University of Illinois, they found that by simply
tilting the elements toward the apex, the array could
be operated in higher resonance modes with an in-
crease in gain (9 to 13 dBd total gain), yielding a
pattern with negligible side lobes. The information
presented here is based on an October 1979 QST ar-
ticle by Peter D. Rhodes, K4EWG.
A higher resonance mode is defined as a fre-
quency that is an odd multiple of the fundamental
array frequency. For example, the higher resonance
modes of 7 MHz are 21 MHz, 35 MHz, 49 MHz and
so on. The fundamental mode is called the /2 (half- Fig 22LPVA schematic diagram and definition of terms.
10-22 Chapter 10
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wavelength) mode, and each odd multiple as follows: 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, and so forth, to the (2n 1)/2 mode.
The usefulness of such an array becomes obvious when one considers an LPVA with a fundamental frequency
design of 7 to 14 MHz that can also operate in the 3/2 mode at 21 to 42 MHz. A six-band array can easily be
developed to yield 7 dBd gain at 7, 10 and 14 MHz, and 10 dBd gain at 21, 24.9 and 28 MHz, without traps. Also,
using proper design parameters, the same array can be employed in the 5/2 mode to cover the 35 to 70-MHz range.
A 7-30 MHz LPVA with minimum design param-
eters (fewest elements and shortest boom) is shown in
Fig 23. This array was designed and built to test the
LPVA theory under the most extreme minimum design
parameters, and the results confirmed the theory.
Theory of Operation
The basic concepts of the LPDA also apply to the
LPV array. That is, a series of interconnected cells
or elements are constructed so that each adjacent cell
or element differs by the design or scaling factor,
(Fig 24). If l1 is the length of the longest element in
the array and ln the length of the shortest, the relation-
ship to adjacent elements is as follows: Fig 23A pedestrians view of the 5-element
7-30 MHz log periodic V array showing one of
l1 = 492 (Eq 1) the capacitance hats on the rear element.
l2 = l1
l3 = l2
l4 = l3, and so on, to
ln = ln 1 (Eq 2)
f1 = lowest desired frequency and
n = total number of elements
Assume d 12 is the spacing between elements
l1 and l2. Then dn 1 is the spacing between the
last or shortest elements ln 1 and ln, where n is
equal to the total number of elements. The rela-
tionship to adjacent element spacings is as follows:
d 12 = 1 /2 (l1 l2) cot Fig 24An interconnection of a geometric
d 23 = d 12 progression of cells.
d 34 = d 23
d 45 = d 34
d n 1,n = dn 2,n 1 (Eq 3)
= 1/2 the apex angle
= 1/4 (1 ) cot (Eq 4)
The above information is no different than was
presented earlier in this chapter for the LPDA. It be-
comes obvious that the elements, cells of elements
and their associated spacings, differ by the design
parameter . Each band of frequencies between any f Fig 25Average directive gain above isotropic
and f corresponds to one period of the structure. In (dBi). Subtract 2.1 from gain values to obtain
order to be frequency independent (or nearly so), the gain above a dipole (dBd).

Log Periodic Arrays 10-23

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variation in performance (impedance, gain, front-to-back ratio, pattern, and so forth) across a frequency
period must be negligible.
The active region is defined as the radiating portion or cell within the array which is being excited
at a given frequency, f, within the array passband. As the frequency decreases, the active cell moves
toward the longer elements, and as the frequency increases, the active cell moves toward the shorter
elements. With variations of the design constant, , the apex half angle (or relative spacing constant
), and the element-to-element feeder spacing, S, the following trends are found:
1) The gain increases as increases (more elements for a given f) and decreases (wider element spacing).
2) The average input impedance decreases with increasing (smaller element spacing) and in-
creasing (more elements for a given f).
3) The average input impedance decreases with decreasing S, and increasing conductor size of the
element-to-element feeder.
As described earlier, the LPVA operates at higher order resonance points. That is, energy is readily
accepted from the feeder by those elements which are near any of the odd-multiple resonances (/2,
3/2, 5/2, and so on). The higher order modes of the LPVA are higher order space harmonics (see
Mayes, Deschamps and Patton Bibliography listing). Hence, when an LPVA is operated at a frequency
whose half-wavelength is shorter than the smallest element, the energy on the feeder will propagate to
the vicinity of the 3/2 element and be radiated.
The elements are tilted toward the apex of the array by an angle, , shown in Fig 22. The tilt angle, ,
determines the radiation pattern and subsequent gain in the various modes. For each mode there is a differ-
ent tilt angle that produces maximum gain. Mayes and Carrel did extensive experimental work with an
LPVA of 25 elements with = 0.95 and = 0.0268. The tilt angle, , was varied from 0 to 65 and radiation
patterns were plotted in the /2 through 7/2 modes. Gain data are plotted in Fig 25. Operation in the higher
modes is improved by increasing (more elements) and decreasing (closer element spacing).
When considering any single mode, the characteristic impedance is comparable with that of the
LPDA; it is predominantly real and clustered around a central value, R 0 . The central value,
R0 , for each mode increases with Z0 (feeder impedance). Thus, as with the LPDA, control of the LPVA
input impedance can be accomplished by controlling Z0.
When multimode operation is desired, a compromise must be made in order to determine a fixed imped-
ance level. The multimode array impedance is defined as the weighted mean resistance level, Rwm. Also, it
can be shown that Rwm lies between the R0 central values of two adjacent modes. For example,
R 01 / 2 < R wm < R 0 3 / 2 (Eq 5)
R 01 / 2 = /2 mode impedance, center value
R 0 3 / 2 = 3/2 mode impedance, center value
and where
R0 = R max R min (Eq 6)

SWR = Rmax (Eq 7)

The weighted mean resistance level between the /2 and 3/2 modes is defined by

SWR 3/2
Rwm = R 01/2 R 01/2 SWR (Eq 8)

SWR1/2 = SWR in /2 mode
SWR3/2 = SWR in 3/2 mode
10-24 Chapter 10
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Once Z 0 and have been chosen, Fig 26 can be used to estimate the Rwm value for a given LPVA.
Notice the dominant role that Z0 (feeder impedance) plays in the array impedance.
It is apparent from the preceding data that the LPVA is useful for covering a number of different bands
spread over a wide range of the spectrum. It is fortunate that most of the amateur bands are harmonically
related. By choosing a large design parameter, = 0.9, a small relative spacing constant, = 0.02, and a tilt
angle of = 40, an LPVA could easily cover the amateur bands from 7 through 54 MHz!
A step-by-step design procedure for the log periodic V array follows.
1) Determine the operational bandwidth, B,
in the /2 (fundamental) mode:
B= (Eq 9)
f1 = lowest frequency, MHz
f n = highest frequency, MHz
2) Determine for a desired number of elements,
n, using Fig 27.
3) Determine element lengths l1 to ln using Eqs
1 and 2 of this section.
4) Choose the highest operating mode desired and
determine and from Fig 28.
5) Determine cell boom length, L, from
2(l1 l n )
L= (Eq 10)
Note: If more than one LPVA cell is to be driven
by a common feeder, the spacing between cells
Fig 26Weighted mean resistance level, Rwm ,
can be determined from versus characteristic impedance of the feeder, Z0,
D12 = 21l n1 (Eq 11) for various angles.

Fig 27Design parameter, , versus number of elements, n, for various operational bandwidths, B.

Log Periodic Arrays 10-25

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D12 = element spacing between cell 1 (lower
frequency cell) and cell 2 (higher frequency cell).
1 = relative spacing constant for cell 1
ln1 = shortest or last element within cell 1
6) Determine the mean resistance level, Rwm,
using Fig 26.
7) Determine the element spacings using Eqs
3 and 4 of this section.
Construction Considerations
The 7-30 MHz LPVA shown in the photographs
gives good results. The structural details can be seen Fig 28Optimum and for an LPVA when the
in Figs 29 and 30, and additional data is presented highest operating mode has been chosen.
in Tables 1 and 2. Although it performs well, it is
likely that a more conservative design (two additional
elements) would yield a narrower half-power (3 dB)
beamwidth on 7 and 14 MHz.
It may be of interest to note that both linear
and capacitive loading were used on l1. The rela-
tionship in the next section may be used to esti-
mate linear loading stub length and/or capacitance

Table 1
Design Dimensions for the LPVA
Element Element Design
Lengths, ft Spacings, ft Parameters Fig 29The element-to-boom detail is depicted here.
Aluminum angle brackets, U bolts, and sections of
l1 = 56.22* d 12 = 9.15 = 0.8
PVC tubing are shown securing each element to the
l2 = 56.22 d 23 = 7.32 = 0.05
boom at two points. The 300- twin-lead, threaded
l3 = 45.00 d 34 = 5.86 = 38.2 through a piece of polystyrene and attached to the
l4 = 36.00 d 45 = 4.67 L = 27 ft** foremost element, may be seen entering the picture
l5 = 28.79 = 45 at the top left. The end of the linear loading line for l1
*l1 is a shortened element; the full-size dimension is 70.28 ft. is visible near the bottom.
** The total physical boom length is L plus the distance to the l5 cross
bracing. The cross braces are 3 ft. long, and = 45; hence, the
total boom length is 27 ft + 1.5 ft = 28.5 ft.

Table 2
Basic Materials for the LPVA

Elements 1 1/2, 6061-T6, 0.047 wall

aluminum tubing
Bracing 1 1/4 11/4 1/8 aluminum angle
Boom 2 1/2 OD, 0.107 wall aluminum
U bolts 1
/4 squared at loop to accommo
date tilt angle
Feeder #12, solid copper wire
Fig 30A shot of the rearmost elements looking at
Cap. hat for l1 #10 aluminum wire, 24 diam an angle to the boom. The linear loading line may be seen
Linear loading 4 loop, 3 spacing each half of l1 supported at various points along the boom and
for l1 at the rear element by pieces of polystyrene.

10-26 Chapter 10
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hat size if construction constraints prohibit a full-sized array. However, performance in higher mode
operations was less than optimum when shortened elements were used.
Linear Loading Stub Design
The following linear loading stub design equation may be used for approximating the stub length
(one half of element, two stubs required).

[ ] ( )
33.9 In d 1 1
Ls = 2.734 arctan
(Eq 12)
f b
fh log
Ls = linear loading stub length in feet required for each half element
h = element half length in feet
f = element resonant frequency in MHz
b = loading stub spacing in inches
a = radius (not diameter) of loading stub conductors in inches
d = average element diam in inches

Note: The resonant frequency, f, of an individual element of length, l , can be found from:
f = 468 (Eq 13)
The capacitance hat dimensions for each half element can be found from data in Chapter 2.

Log Periodic-Yagi Arrays

Several possibilities exist for constructing high-gain arrays that use the log periodic dipole as a
basis. Tilting the elements toward the apex, for example, increases the gain by 3 to 5 dB on harmonic-
resonance modes, as discussed in the previous section of this chapter. Another technique is to add
parasitic elements to the LPDA to increase both the gain and the front-to-back ratio for a specific
frequency within the passband. The LPDA-Yagi combination is simple in concept. It utilizes an LPDA
group of driven elements, along with parasitic elements at normal Yagi spacings from the end elements
of the LPDA.
The LPDA-Yagi combinations are endless. An example of a single-band high-gain design is a
2 or 3-element LPDA for 21.0 to 21.45 MHz with the addition of two or three parasitic directors and
one parasitic reflector. The name Log-Yag array has been coined for these combination antennas. The
LPDA portion of the array is of the usual design to cover the desired bandwidth, and standard Yagi
design procedures are used for the parasitic elements. Information in this section is based on a Decem-
ber 1976 QST article by P. D. Rhodes, K4EWG, and J. R. Palmer, W4BBP, The Log-Yag Array.


The Log-Yag array provides higher gain and greater directivity than would be realized with either
the LPDA or Yagi array alone. The Yagi array requires a long boom and wide element spacing for wide
bandwidth and high gain. This is because the Q of the Yagi system increases as the number of elements
is increased and/or as the spacing between adjacent elements is decreased. An increase in the Q of the
Yagi array means that the total bandwidth of that array is decreased, and optimum gain, front-to-back
ratio and side-lobe rejection are obtainable only over small portions of the band.

Log Periodic Arrays 10-27

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The Log-Yag system overcomes this difficulty by using a multiple driven element cell designed
in accordance with the principles of the log periodic dipole array. Since this log cell exhibits both gain
and directivity by itself, it is a more effective radiator than a simple dipole driven element. The front-
to-back ratio and gain of the log cell can be im-
proved with the addition of a parasitic reflector
and director.
It is not necessary for the parasitic element
spacings to be large with respect to wavelength,
as in the Yagi array, since the log cell is the deter-
mining factor in the array bandwidth. In fact, the
element spacings within the log cell may be small
with respect to a wavelength without appreciable
deterioration of the cell gain. For example, de-
creasing the relative spacing constant () from 0.1
to 0.05 will decrease the gain by less than 1 dB.
A Practical Example
The photographs and figures show a Log-Yag
array for the 14-MHz amateur band. The array de-
sign takes the form of a 4-element log cell, a para-
sitic reflector spaced at 0.085 max, and a parasitic
director spaced at 0.15 max (where max is the long-
est free-space wavelength within the array passband).
It has been found that array gain is almost unaffected
with reflector spacings from 0.08 to 0.25 , and
the increase in boom length is not justified. The func-
tion of the reflector is to improve the front-to-back
ratio of the log cell while the director sharpens the
forward lobe and decreases the half-power
beamwidth. As the spacing between the parasitic el-
ements and the log cell decreases, the parasitic ele- Fig 31Layout of the Log-Yag array.
ments must increase in length.
The log cell is designed to meet upper and Table 1
lower band limits with = 0.05. The design pa- Log-Yag Array Characteristics
rameter is dependent on the structure bandwidth,
1) Frequency range 14-14.35 MHz
Bs . When the log periodic design parameters have 2) Operating bandwidth B = 1.025
been found, the element length and spacings can 3) Design parameter = 0.946657
be determined. 4) Apex half angle = 14.92; cot = 3.753
5) Half-power beam width 42 (14-14.35 MHz)
Array layout and construction details can be 6) Bandwidth of structure B s = 1.17875
seen in Figs 31 through 34. Characteristics of the 7) Free-space wavelength lmax = 70.28 ft
8) Log-cell boom length L = 10.0 ft
array are given in Table 1. 9) Longest log element l1 = 35.14 ft (a tabulation of
The method of feeding the antenna is identical element lengths and spac-
to that of feeding the log periodic dipole array with- ings is given in Table 2)
10) Forward gain (free space) 8.7 dBi
out the parasitic elements. As shown in Fig 31, a 11) Front-to-back ratio 32 dB (theoretical)
balanced feeder is required for each log-cell element, 12) Front-to-side ratio 45 dB (theoretical)
13) Input impedance Z 0 = 37
and all adjacent elements are fed with a 180 phase 14) SWR 1.3 to 1 (14-14.35 MHz)
shift by alternating connections. Since the Log-Yag 15) Total weight 96 pounds
array will be covering a relatively small bandwidth, 16) Wind-load area 8.5 sq ft
17) Feed-point impedance Z 0 = 37
the radiation resistance of the narrow-band log cell 18) Reflector length 36.4 ft at 6.0 ft spacing
will vary from 80 to 90 (tubing elements) depend- 19) Director length 32.2 ft at 10.5 ft spacing
ing on the operating bandwidth. The addition of para- 20) Total boom length 26.5 ft

10-28 Chapter 10
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Fig 32Assembly details. The numbered components refer to Table 4.

Table 2
Log-Yag Array Dimensions
Length Spacing
Element Feet Feet
Reflector 36.40 6.00 (Ref. to l 1)
l1 35.14 3.51 (d 12)
l2 33.27 3.32 (d 23)
l3 31.49 3.14 (d 34)
l4 29.81 10.57 ( l 4 to dir)
Director 32.20
Fig 33The attachment of the elements to the

Table 3
Element Material Requirements,
Log-Yag Array

1-in. 7
/ 8 -in. 3
/ 4 -in. 1/ 4 -in. 11/ 4-in.
Tubing Tubing Tubing Angle Bar
Lth Lth Lth Lth Lth
Ft Qty Ft Qty Ft Qty Ft Ft
Reflector 12 1 6 2 8 2 None None
l1 6 2 6 2 8 2 3 1
l2 6 2 6 2 8 2 3 1
l3 6 2 6 2 6 2 3 1
Fig 34Looking from the front to the back of the l4 6 2 6 2 6 2 3 1
Log-Yag array. A truss provides lateral and Director 12 1 6 2 6 2 None None
vertical support.

Log Periodic Arrays 10-29

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sitic elements lowers the log-cell radiation resistance. Hence, it is recommended that a 1-to-1 balun be
connected at the log-cell input terminals and 50- coaxial cable be used for the feed line. The measured
radiation resistance of the 14-MHz Log-Yag is 37 , 14.0 to 14.35 MHz. It is assumed that tubing elements
will be used. However, if a wire array is used then the radiation resistance, Ro, and antenna-feeder input
impedance, Zo, must be calculated so that the proper balun and coax may be used. The procedure is outlined
in detail in the early part of this chapter.
Table 2 has array dimensions. Tables 3 and 4 contain lists of the materials necessary to build the
Log-Yag array.

Table 4
Materials List, Log-Yag Array

1) Aluminum tubing0.047 in. wall thickness

1 in.12 ft lengths, 24 lin. ft.
1 in.12 ft or 6 ft lengths, 48 lin. ft
/ 8 in.12 ft or 6 ft lengths, 72 lin. ft
/ 4 in.8 ft lengths, 48 lin. ft
/ 4 in.6 ft lengths, 36 lin. ft
2) Stainless steel hose clamps2 in. max, 8 ea
3) Stainless steel hose clamps11 /4 in. max, 24 ea
4) TV-type U bolts1 1/ 2 in., 6 ea
5) U bolts, galv. type: 5/16 in. 11/ 2 in., 6 ea
5A) U bolts, galv. type: 1/ 4 in. 1 in., 2 ea
6) 1 in. ID water-service polyethylene pipe 160 lb/in.2 test, approx. 13 /8 in. OD 7 lin. ft
7) 1 1/ 4 in. 11/ 4 in. 1/ 8 in. aluminum angle6 ft lengths, 12 lin. ft
8) 1 in. 1 /4 in. aluminum bar6 ft lengths, 6 lin. ft
9) 1 1 /4 in. top rail of chain-link fence, 26.5 lin. ft
10) 1:1 toroid balun, 1 ea
11) No. 6-32 1 in. stainless steel screws, 8 ea
No. 6-32 stainless steel nuts, 16 ea
No. 6 solder lugs, 8 ea
12) No. 12 copper feed wire, 22 lin. ft
13) 12 in. 6 in. 1 /4 in. aluminum plate, 1 ea
14) 6 in. 4 in. 1/ 4 in. aluminum plate, 1 ea
15) 3 /4 in. galv. pipe, 3 lin. ft
16) 1 in. galv. pipemast, 5 lin. ft
17) Galv. guy wire, 50 lin. ft
18) 1 /4 in. 2 in. turnbuckles, 4 ea
19) 1 /4 in. 11/ 2 in. eye bolts, 2 ea
20) TV guy clamps and eyebolts, 2 ea

10-30 Chapter 10
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Reconfigurable Antennas

Recongurable antennas change polarization, operating frequency, or far-eld pattern in order to cope with changing
system parameters. This paper reviews some of the past and current technology applicable to recongurable antennas,
with several examples of implementations. Mechanically movable parts and arrays are discussed, as well as more-
recent semiconductor-component and tunable-material technologies applicable to recongurable antennas.

Keywords: Recongurable antennas; recongurable arrays; antenna arrays; wideband antennas; reector antennas;
microstrip patch antennas

1. Introduction and phase of each element, the number of active elements, the

elements positions, or the polarization.
o configure means to arrange or organize the parts of
something to achieve a purpose. For instance, configuring The idea of reconfiguring an antenna is relatively old.
a microstrip antenna consists of determining the patch shape, In the early 1930s, the nulls of a two-element array were
substrate parameters, type and location of the feed, etc., in steered by using a calibrated variable phase changer in order
order for the antenna to radiate at a desired frequency and to determine the direction of arrival of a signal [1]. Bruce and
polarization. If the desired operating characteristics of the Beck changed the size of the rhombic antenna in Figure 1 by
antenna change, then the antenna must be reconfigured or stretching the wires with a motor and weights [2]. The element
rebuilt to meet the new specifications. Reconfigurable anten- lengths of the rhombus were 184 m, and the interior angles
nas change their performance characteristics by altering the were between 132 and 164. Reconfiguring the antenna con-
current flow on an antenna, using mechanically movable parts, sisted of adjusting the distance of the major axis by more
phase shifters, attenuators, diodes, tunable materials, or active than 100 m. Changing the shape of the rhombic wire antenna
materials. A reconfigurable antenna can be a single antenna or steered the beam in elevation. The Multiple-Unit Steerable
an array. Antenna (MUSA) was a six-element array of rhombic anten-
nas with phase shifters at five of the elements [3]. A linear
A reconfigurable antenna modifies the antennas pattern, phase shift steered the main beam. This concept was perfected
polarization, or frequency/bandwidth in some desirable fash- and introduced for azimuth scanning with a 14-row by three-
ion. For instance, a reconfigurable antenna might steer or place column array of polyrod antennas. This array had 13 rotary
a null in an antennas pattern, switch from right-hand circularly phase changers for beam steering [4]. The Wullenweber array
polarized to left-hand circularly polarized, or move the resonant was invented during WW II. It is a large direction-finding cir-
frequency from 2 GHz to 2.4 GHz. In this way, a single antenna cular array with a narrow beam that scans 360 in azimuth by
replaces two or more antennas, in order to achieve multiple activating a small group of adjacent elements along the circle
goals. Arrays are the ultimate reconfigurable antenna, because G
they have many avenues for controlling the current across
the aperture. A reconfigurable array may have reconfigurable In 1979, reconfigurability was defined as the ability
elements, or a reconfigurable array may change the amplitude to adjust beam shapes upon command [6]. The authors used

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IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 1, February 2013
ISSN 1045-9243/2012/$26 2013 IEEE 49

AP_Mag_Feb_2013_Final.indd 49 2/18/2013 12:13:31 PM

a six-beam antenna to dynamically change the coverage area
Reconfigurable Arrays
for a communications satellite. Several additional papers
reported other reconfigurable space-based arrays. In the 1990s, Most reconfigurable arrays control the array pattern in
a research group in England described their efforts to alter the order to steer the beam, place a null, modify the main beam
reflecting surface of a parabolic-reflector antenna in order to shape, or change the sidelobe levels. There have been several
control the radiation pattern [7]. From the mid-1990s until the applications that involve changing the polarization or frequency
present, reconfigurable-antenna projects have mostly involved of operation, as well. The textbook approach to reconfiguring
microstrip antennas, and various semiconductor technologies an array has adjustable amplitude and/or phase weights at each
applied to altering the current flow on the microstrip antenna. element. The literature on these arrays is vast, and will not be
Bernhard wrote an excellent overview of reconfigurable covered here. A digital beamformer significantly enhances the
antennas, with many examples [8]. ability of the array to control the radiation pattern, since all the
reconfiguring is done in software.
This paper is an introduction/tutorial on reconfigurable-
antenna technology. It begins with the oldest technology, Beam control is possible by turning elements on and off in
mechanically movable parts and arrays, and then transitions to the array, as was mentioned earlier with a Wullenweber array.
the more-recent semiconductor-component and tunable-mate-
rial technologies. A detailed explanation of the technology with
background information and examples are given. Some of the
interesting material technologies, such as active materials, are
promising for reconfigurable antennas with low loss at high

2. Mechanically Movable Parts

The first reconfigurable antennas had mechanically mov-

able parts (as in Figure 1). Large reflector antennas moved
feeds to steer the main beam, or interchanged feed antennas to
change frequency bands. An excellent example is the Arecibo
spherical-reflector antenna, shown in Figure 2. A Gregorian
dome and a carriage house with linear antennas are on either
side of a curved track, called the azimuth arm. Electric motors
move the Gregorian dome and carriage house many meters Figure 1. A steerable horizontal rhombic antenna.
from vertical to 20 off vertical, in addition to rotating 360 in
azimuth, in order to steer the main beam. Inside the Gregorian
dome, the secondary and tertiary reflectors focus the radiation
onto one of several receiving antennas, which can be moved
into position using a large rotating platform. Hanging below
the carriage house are various linear antennas, each tuned to
a narrow band of frequencies. A second example is a beam-
waveguide antenna. This type of Cassegrain reflector guides the
signal by mirrors, from its normal focal point near the vertex,
to a focal point below the structural support (Figure 3) [9]. The
rotating reflector at the base of the antenna steers the signal to
an appropriate feed. In this way, a single reflector antenna can
cover a very broad frequency range.

It is also possible to place nulls in the antenna pattern by

altering the reflectors surface. One approach to reconfiguring
a reflectors surface is to move scattering plates near the sur-
face to cause cancellation of interfering signals entering the
sidelobes [10, 11]. Distorting a mesh-reflectors surface using
electrostatic controls is another possible approach [7, 12]. The Figure 2. A blown-up picture of the feed for the Arecibo
scattering from a small distorted part of the reflector is suffi- antenna (upper left) (photos courtesy of the NAIC Are-
cient to place a null in a sidelobe. cibo Observatory, a facility of the NSF).

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Another approach to reconfiguring an array is to physi-
cally move elements. Some very large reflector-antenna arrays
use this concept. For instance, the Atacama Large Millime-
ter/sub-millimeter Array, or ALMA, will be a radio telescope
composed of 66 12 m and 7 m parabolic dishes in Chiles
Andes Mountains (Figure 5) [16]. The telescope will operate at
frequencies from 31.25 GHz to 950 GHz. Array configurations
from 250 m to 15 km will be possible. The ALMA antennas will
be moved between flat concrete slabs by a special vehicle, as
shown in Figure 5. A second example is the Very Large Array
(VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico, built from 27 dish
antennas that are 25 m in diameter [17]. Elements are placed in
a Y shape, and can be changed by moving the elements along
a railroad track (Figure 6). Four possible configurations, with
aperture sizes of 36 km, 10 km, 3.6 km, or 1 km, are used. The
array can operate between 73 MHz and 50 GHz.

The idea of moving elements to form a desired array aper-

ture also extends to space. For instance, the TechSat 21 project
investigated creating a large sparse antenna array by placing
antenna elements on small spacecraft, and assembling the
aperture with a formation of the satellites [18]. Beam formation
Figure 3. A diagram of a beam-waveguide antenna. was a function of the satellite constellation and the weighting of
the signals.

Figure 5. An artists concept of ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO).

Figure 4. A phased array built on a geodesic dome. The

yellow regions represent regions of activated subarrays.

Figure 4 shows this concept extended to a spherical array that

was implemented on a geodesic dome. Each triangle on the
dome was a subarray [13]. The active aperture was formed by
combining the outputs from adjacent subarrays. Including more
subarrays expanded the original active aperture (Figure 4). The
active aperture could be moved to another location on the dome
in order to point the main beam in a different direction. Other
reconfigurable arrays that make use of switching an element on
and off include dynamically thinning an array as one way to
alter the sidelobe levels and nulls in order to reject interference
[14], and time-modulated arrays that lower the average sidelobe
levels by quickly switching elements on and off, with on times
proportional to the desired amplitude of the element weight Figure 6. The VLA antennas on railroad tracks (NRAO/
[15]. AUI/NSF).

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4. RF Switches
A rule of thumb for the highest operating frequency for the
switch is approximately f c 10 [21].
An RF switch serves to open or close a current path on a
reconfigurable antenna. A popular way to build a reconfigurable The switching speeds of semiconductor switches are
antenna is to connect various pieces of the antenna with RF of the order of nanoseconds, while the switching speeds of
switches. Opening and closing switches guides the current in a mechanical switches are of the order of milliseconds. System
desirable path that changes the antennas radiation properties, constraints may limit the type of switch used, based on required
as well as its impedance. switching times.

RF switches may be mechanical or semiconductor. A Switches can be used to reconfigure microstrip-patch

switch is an open circuit when no actuation voltage is applied, antennas in several different ways. For instance, Figure 7 shows
and a low-impedance path for the RF signal when an actuation a two-dimensional array of metal patches on a substrate [22].
voltage is applied. The switch can be implemented in a series or The sides of adjacent patches are connected with RF switches,
shunt configuration. Some important characteristics of a switch in order to configure a desirable patch antenna. Figure 8 is an
are [19]: example of a patch with slots that can be shorted, in order to
switch between polarizations [23].
Characteristic impedance: if the switch is non-reflec-
tive, then it is matched to the transmission path;
otherwise, it is reflective. The VSWR or return loss
indicate the degree of matching.

Bandwidth: some switches are low-pass filters (pass

dc), while others are bandpass filters.

Topology: is the switch normally on or off?

Insertion loss and isolation: the ratio between the

switchs output and input powers when the switch is
on and off, respectively.

Switching speed: the on time for a switch is defined

by the time from when the control pulse reaches
50% of its level to the time that the RF signal is at
90% of its peak. The off time for a switch is defined
Figure 7. Recongurable microstrip patches.
by the time from when the control pulse reaches
50% of its level to the time that the RF signal is at
10% of its peak. Switching time is the larger of the
on and off switch times.

Expected life time: measured in number of switch

actuations until failure.

Power handling: measured in watts.

Below microwave frequencies, a low-pass switch acts like

a resistor ( Ron ) when on, and a capacitor ( Coff ) when off. In
contrast, a bandpass switch behaves like one capacitor when on,
and a different capacitor when off. As the frequency increases,
the ground inductance, bond-wire inductance, and transmission-
line properties become significant factors, and complicate the
circuit model. Parasitic resistances in the switch limit the upper-
frequency bound. A switch figure-of-merit (FOM) is the cutoff
frequency [20]:

fc = . (1)
2 Coff Ron Figure 8. A recongurable slotted-patch antenna.

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4.1 Semiconductor Switch
The off-capacitance of PIN diodes is a function of
reverse voltage: the more negative the voltage, the
Figure 9 is a diagram of a field-effect transistor (FET) less capacitance.
switch. Increasing the voltage at the gate increases the con-
ducting channels size beneath the gate, and allows current For FETs, the capacitance is not a strong function of
to flow between the source and drain. FET switches come in reverse voltage.
several varieties. Metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor
(MESFET) and pseudomorphic high-electron-mobility tran- PIN diodes have a higher figure-of-merit than FETs.
sistor (PHEMT) switches are two variations, which are com- The useful upper-frequency-response limit of PIN
pared in Table 1. The authors in [24] suggested using FET diodes can be much higher, due to lower off-state
switches in a configuration similar to Figure 7. The RF switch capacitance ( Coff ) for a given on resistance ( Ron ).
array was controlled with a light-emitting-diode backplane, Recently, a reconfigurable patch antenna was demon-
which isolated the control circuitry from the RF paths in the strated in which the resonant frequency was altered between
antenna. 2 GHz and 2.25 GHz, when the electrical length of a spiral-
shaped slot in the patch was modified by a biased diode [28].
Another widely used microwave switch is the PIN diode
[25]. It has heavily doped p-type and n-type regions (used for
ohmic contacts), which are separated by a wide, lightly-doped
intrinsic region (Figure 10). Forward biasing a PIN diode cre-
4.2 MEMS Switches
ates a very low resistance at high frequencies, while reverse
biasing results in an open circuit. The PIN diode is current MEMS switches are tiny mechanical switches made on
controlled, and can handle one or more amps of RF current. a substrate (silicon, quartz, glass) [29]. Unlike the PIN-diode
The authors in [23] suggested using PIN-diode switches for the and FET switches, a MEMS switch is mechanical. Figure 11
configuration in Figure 8. shows three types of MEMS switches in their on and off posi-
tions. The cantilever beam in Figures 11a and 11b is anchored
to a post on the left, while the other end of the beam is sus-
Table 1 compares the characteristics of FET and PIN- pended above the drain. An electrostatic force pulls the beam
diode switches. Some notable differences between the two
types of switches are [26, 27]:

PIN diodes are current controlled, while FETs are

voltage controlled. FETs require only a voltage
signal for switching, instead of a dc current. This
means that they have essentially zero dc power
consumption, compared to the 10 mW or so it takes
to turn on a PIN diode.

PIN diodes have the ability to control large RF sig-

nal power while using much smaller levels of con-
trol power.

PIN diodes are less susceptible to electrostatic-dis-

charge (ESD) damage. Figure 9. A diagram of a FET.

Table 1. A comparison of FET and PIN-diode switches [21].

1 m MESFET 0.25 m PHEMT Silicon PIN diode

Number of terminals 3 3 2
Typical on resistance 1.5 ohm-mm 1.2 ohm-mm 1.7 ohms
Typical off capacitance 0.40 pF/mm 0.32 pF/mm 0.05 pF
FOM (Eq. 1) 265 GHz 414 GHz 1872 GHz
Breakdown voltage 15 V 8V 50 V
Lower frequency limit dc dc 10 MHz
Driver circuit complexity low low high
Driver requirements 0 V on; 5 V off +0.5 V on; 5 V off 5 to 10 mA on; 0 to 30 V off

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down when a voltage is applied, and creates an electrical
path between the beam and the drain. Figures 11c-11f show a
MEMS membrane switch, which consists of a flexible, thin,
metal membrane, anchored to posts at both ends. A potential
applied to the bias electrode pulls the membrane down and
closes the circuit. An ohmic contact is a metal-to-metal con-
nection, while a capacitive contact has a dielectric between the
two metal contacts. Ohmic switches have a higher bandwidth
than capacitive switches. The capacitive MEMS switches han-
dle higher peak power levels and tolerate environmental effects
better than ohmic contacts. The figure-of-merit for MEMS
switches was reported at 9000 GHz [20]. Switching speeds for
electro-statically driven capacitor structures are 10 s. Recently,
Figure 10. A diagram of a PIN diode. MEMS switches with piezoelectric films have been developed,
and have fast switching times (1-2 s). The cantilever device
travels 6 m between the on and off states [30].

MEMS switches have low power consumption, low inser-

tion loss, and high isolation, like mechanical switches, but are
small, light weight, and low cost, like semiconductor switches
[31]. On the other hand, MEMS switches have high losses at
microwave and mm-wave frequencies, limited power-handling
capability (~100 mW), and they may need expensive packaging
to protect the movable MEMS bridges against the environment.

MEMS switches have been proposed for use in reconfigur-

able antennas since the late 1990s [29]. For example, two ultra-
wideband monopoles with a reconfigurable band notch in the
wireless-LAN frequency range (5.150 GHz to 5.825 GHz) are
shown in Figure 12 [32]. The antenna was an elliptical patch,
fed with a coplanar-waveguide line. The U-shaped slot was
approximately 2 long, and had a frequency notch when the
MEMS switch was open, but not when the MEMS switch was
closed. When the switch was open at 5.8 GHz, the currents in
the inner and outer side of the slot flowed in opposite directions
and cancelled each other. When the MEMS switch was closed,
Figure 11. Three types of MEMS switches in the on and off the slot was shorted at its center point, so the total length of the
positions. slot was cut in half. Consequently, the slot no longer supported
the resonating currents, and radiation occurred as if the slot was
not present.

The second antenna in Figure 12 had two inverted-L-

shaped open stubs that connected and disconnected the stubs
from the elliptical patch via MEMS switches. Shorting the
stubs to the patch created a rejection band. At the resonance
frequency, the direction of the current on the stub flowed in the
opposite direction to the current along the nearby edge of the
radiator, so the radiated fields cancelled. When the stubs were
not shorted, the antenna operated over the whole UWB range
(3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz) without any rejection band. The MEMS
switches actuated through the RF signal path, without any dc
bias lines that might have complicated the switchs fabrication
and integration, while degrading the radiation performance due
to RF leakage through the bias.

Reconfigurable antennas can also change the antennas

polarization. For instance, placing MEMS switches in the feeds
of microstrip antennas provides the ability to switch from one
Figure 12. A diagram of the recongurable U-slot and linear polarization to the orthogonal linear polarization, or to
L-stub antennas. circular polarization, as shown in Figure 13 [33].

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agile reflection cell was a microstrip-patch resonator, with
varactor diodes that varied the resonant frequency of the patch
antennas reflection phase. The 13.5% tuning range extended
the operating-frequency range by six times. The antennas
tuning bandwidth was limited by the varactor diodes tuning
range for the phase-agile cells, and the antennas efficiency
was limited by the varactor diodes series resistance. A slotted-
monopole antenna, modified with a varactor, could be tuned
between 1.6 GHz and 2.3 GHz without a significant change in
the antennas efficiency [38]. Radiation pattern control has also
been demonstrated using varactors [39].

6. Tunable Materials

Prospective devices with performance rivaling varactors

will be based on materials that have tunable electrical, mag-
Figure 13. A recongurable antenna that changes polari-
netic, and mechanical properties. For example, the propagation
zation using MEMS.
wavelength within the RF structure or impedance will be altered
by permittivity ( r ) or permeability ( r ) changes, and the
ability to tune the structure will be fundamentally related to the
magnitudes of r and r [40]. Tunable mechanical strain
MEMS structures are fabricated using a number of tech- alters either the effective length of the antenna, or modifies the
niques, including etching trenches in the substrate, or building impedance through capacitive coupling. Many concepts, such
a multilayer structure on a planar substrate. Future research and as tunable permeability, have been previously studied for
development activities will need to address the cost and microwave and millimeter-wave phase shifters [41]. Future
scalability of the MEMS process for large arrays. There are tunable materials and devices will advance antenna technology
several important substrate properties that must be controlled, through miniaturization and integration. A representative list of
including surface roughness, permittivity, and dielectric loss. potential technologies for reconfigurable antennas is
Recently, low-cost liquid-polymer substrates with r = 3 and summarized in Table 2.
tan = 0.002 have been shown to be viable substrates for
MEMS devices [34].
6.1 Tunable Conductivity

5. Varactors Conductivity in semiconductors can be tuned through

changes in temperature, bias, or light. The conductivity of a
Unlike the PIN diode, a varactor diode has a very thin semiconductor varies depending on the bandgap energy and
depletion layer that acts like the insulating dielectric, and the level of doping, and depending on defects in the material.
the P and N regions that act like the conducting plates (Fig- Shining light with a photon energy greater than the bandgap
ure 10). The capacitance is inversely proportional to the square on an intrinsic semiconductor increases the free-electron and
root of the applied voltage, since the thickness of the depletion hole-charge carriers, which in turn increases the semiconduc-
layer increases with the reverse bias. Varactors have a high-to- tors conductivity. Solar cells are a good example.
low capacitance ratio that is typically six over a voltage change
of 0 V to 12 V. Applying an electric field to a polymer electrolyte-silver-
polyaniline composite alters the material from a state of low
Varactors are useful for tuning the antennas frequency to high conductivity. Polymer composites with controllable
range. For instance, varactors were placed at the radiating edges resistance at microwave frequencies have stable, reproducible
of a microstrip-patch antenna in order to increase its very narrow switching over more than 1000 test cycles [49].
bandwidth to a bandwidth of about 30% [35]. Strategically
placing varactors along a slot antenna produced dual bands, Phase-change chalcogenides, such as Ge 2Sb 2 Te5 (pro-
with controllable first and second resonant frequencies [36]. A posed for non-volatile memory applications), also have tunable
reconfigurable partially-reflecting-surface (PRS) antenna was conductivity. Measurements have demonstrated that amorphous
built. It had a measured realized gain that varied from 10 dBi to chalcogenides maintain low conductivity values into the GHz
16.4 dBi over the tuning range of 5.2 GHz to 5.95 GHz, as the frequency range [50]. These become conducting upon
bias voltage was tuned from 6.49 V to 18.5 V [37]. The antenna recrystallization of the amorphous material. Resistivity changes
had a partially-reflecting-surface material on the top surface, of nearly three orders of magnitude are possible in small
and a phase-agile surface below a microstrip patch. One phase- structures, by methods involving laser and Joule heating [51].

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Table 2. Potential technologies with tunable dielectric, magnetic, and strain response for frequency-agile devices.

Method Q Stimulus Frequency
Electric Field
Dielectric Thin Film [42] 30 45 1-20 GHz
E = 70 kV/cm
Electric Field
Dielectric Bulk Ceramic [43] 16 > 100 1-10 GHz
E = 15 kV/cm
Magnetic Field
Magnetic Film [44] 15 5 < Q < 11 0.3-5 GHz
80 kA/m (1000 Oe)
3.4* Magnetic Field
Magnetic Bulk Ceramic [45] < 1700 7 GHz
25* Dielectric Translation
Displacement Microstrip [46] 40 < Q < 100 3-7 GHz
(625) (100 m)
Mechanical Displacement
MEMS variable capacitor [47] 80 100 < Q < 300 0.5-4 GHz
1 m
Bias Voltage
Varactor [48] 60 30 < Q < 60 10 GHz
(20 V)
*Tunable frequency is proportional to the square root of the tunable permeability or permittivity, and the squares
of the values are shown for comparison with the other methods (shown in parenthesis).

Silicon is a viable candidate for optically controlling where Q is the inverse of the devices loss; Q ( 0 ) and Q (Vmax )
conductivity. In [52], the authors reported on creating planar are at zero bias and at the maximum voltage, respectively; and
antennas on a silicon wafer by precisely forming plasma chan- nr is the tunability from Equation (2). K factors as high as 500
nels in the shape of the desired antenna. Varying the conduc-
have been reported for paraelectric SrTiO3 thin films on
tivity of silicon using an IR LED was reported for a recon-
figurable patch antenna [53], and for a partially adaptive array SrRuO3 conductors.
with broadband monopoles [54].
Dielectric materials with the highest tunability have
paraelectric/ferroelectric transition temperatures that are below
the operating temperature. The magnitude of the tunability
6.2 Tunable Permittivity is directly proportional to the dielectric permittivity, which
approaches 1,000 for materials with the highest tunability [58].
A number of approaches have been explored to achieve The intrinsic dielectric loss increases with frequency, which
economical solutions for a high ability to tune with low losses may be a concern as the operating frequency increases into the
and fast response, for the purpose of controlling microwave mm-wave range [59].
filters and phased arrays. The relative tunability of the per-
mittivity of a system is defined as The dielectric permittivities of thin films and bulk materi-
als are altered through an externally applied electric field. Large
r (0) r ( E ) changes in permittivity under a dc voltage bias have been
nr = , (2) demonstrated in epitaxial paraelectric Ba 0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST)
r (0)
thin films that are deposited on single-crystal LaAlO3 and
where r ( 0 ) and r ( E ) are the small-signal relative permit- MgO substrates [42]. The loss of the dielectric film is represented
as an average Q value between the zero-field and high-electric-
tivities without bias and with a bias of strength E [V/cm], field bias. Bulk BST ceramics offer high tunability, and have
respectively. Tunabilities as high as 75% have been reported for higher Q values that BST films. Recent results have shown that
(Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films at 1500 kV/cm [55]. A high electric high electric fields can be applied to bulk ceramics with
field is required to generate a large tunability; however, the nanometer-sized grains, corresponding to higher high overall
tuning voltage is low ( < 25 V) because the films are in the tunability [43].
nanometer-thickness range. A figure-of-merit for tunable
dielectric devices has been established, which includes the
device loss [56]:
6.3 Tunable Permeability
Q ( 0 ) Q (Vmax ) ( nr 1)
K= , (3) Similar to the tunable response in dielectric materials,
nr the magnetic permeability decreases with the application of a

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Antenna Measurement
1 Antenna Ranges
An antenna range is a facility where antenna radiation
characteristics are measured. An antenna range includes
the following typical components:
1. A substantial space for hosting the test antenna and the
source antenna
2. A source antenna
3. An antenna positioner
4. A transmitter and receiver system (e.g. a Network

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Realized by
a network

Block diagram of a typical antenna-measurement system

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A compact antenna range

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2 Pattern Measurement
2.1 Reciprocity for Antenna Radiation Patterns

(a) Test antenna in transmission (b) Test antenna in reception

As shown above, in (a) a test antenna #1 is fixed in space

and excited by a current I1 at its terminal. Its radiation
pattern is measured by a standard horn antenna #2, which
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moves around a spherical surface at the far-field region of

the test antenna and receives an open-circuit voltage at its
terminal indicated by Voc2. Note that the horn antenna is
always pointing towards the test antenna as it moves. In
(b), the horn antenna #2 is fixed in space and excited by a
current I2 at its terminal. It radiates towards the test
antenna #1, which is now in the receiving mode and made
to rotate (but with no translational motions) around all
possible angles of and . The received open-circuit
voltage at the terminals of the test antenna is indicated by
Voc1. Then by the reciprocity theorem,
Voc 2 Voc1 I1
Voc 2 Voc1
I1 I2 I2
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The open-circuit voltages are related to the far fields E1 and

E2 through the effective lengths, Le1 and Le2, of the antennas
as: Voc1 E1 Le1 , Voc 2 E2 Le 2
I1 I1 Le1
E2 Le 2 E1 Le1 , E2 E1 cE1
I2 I 2 Le 2

Thus the transmitting radiation pattern (E2) is equal to the

received field pattern (E1) through just a constant (c) which
can be removed after normalization of the far fields. This is
known as the Reciprocity for Antenna Radiation Patterns
and the radiation pattern of an antenna can be measured by
using it to receive the far field of another fixed antenna.
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2.2 Principal Plane Patterns

Usually radiation patterns are measured over certain
planes cut through the antenna. There are four typical
planes at which the far-field characteristics (magnitude
and phase) are measured. These patterns are called
principal plane patterns:

1. E 90, E as a function of in the xy plane

2. E , 0 E as a function of in the xz plane
3. E 90, E as a function of in the xy plane
4. E , 0 E as a function of in the xz plane

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Antenna position and the coordinate system for pattern measurement

Hon Tat Hui
8 Antenna Measurements

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Antenna under test

Antenna under test

Principal plane radiation patterns

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3 Gain Measurement
3.1 Comparison Method
The gain of an antenna can be measured by the comparison
method using a standard gain antenna whose gain and
reflection coefficient are known accurately. The power
received by the standard gain antenna and the test antenna
are measured, respectively, under the same conditions.

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We have the following relation from which the gain of the

test antenna can be determined.


PT 1 s

P 1
2 S

PT 1 T

GT dB GS dB 10log10 10log10 2
PS 1 S
GT = gain of the test antenna
GS = gain of the standard gain antenna
PT = power received by the test antenna
PS = power received by the standard gain antenna
T = reflection coefficient of the test antenna
S = reflection coefficient of the standard gain antenna
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3.2 Partial Gain Method for Elliptically Polarized

For an EP polarized (including CP polarized) antenna, its
gain is measured by measuring its partial gains at two
orthogonal orientations, for example the horizontal and
the vertical orientations. That is, first measure (use the
comparison method) its gain in the vertical orientation
GTV. Then rotate the antenna about its axis through 90
and measure its gain in the horizontal orientation GTH.
The total gain of the antenna GT is given by:
GT dB 10log10 GTV GTH (dBic)
where dBic is a unit to indicate that the gain is relative to
an isotropic and perfectly CP antenna.
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Example 1
A standard gain antenna has a gain of 63 (18 dB). It is used
to measure the gain of a test antenna. The received power
with the standard gain antenna Ps = 3.16 mW (5 dBm) and
with the test antenna PT = 31.6 mW (15 dBm). The standard
antenna has a VSWRS = 1.1 and the test antennas VSWRT =
1.3. Find the gain of the test antenna assuming both
antennas are linearly polarized (LP).

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VSWR S 1 1.1 1
S 0.05
VSWR S 1 1.1 1
T 0.13

PT 1 T

GT dB GS dB 10log10 10log10 2
PS 1 S
31.6 1 0.132

18 dB 10log10 10log10 2
3.16 1 0.05
28.06 dB
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4 Polarization Measurement
4.1 Polarization Pattern Method
This method can be used to measure the AR and the tilt
angle of the polarization ellipse but not the sense of
The test antenna is connected as the source antenna while
a linearly polarized antenna such as a dipole antenna is
used to receive the power at different rotation angles.
The square root of the received power plotted against the
rotation angle indicate the AR and title .

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Test antenna
(transmitting) Receiving dipole antenna

Polarization pattern method (1)

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r A2 cos2 B 2 sin 2


O r

Polarization pattern method (2)

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4.2 Rotating Source Method

This method can be used to measure the AR at different
directions but not the tilt angle or the sense of
A LP antenna is used as the source antenna and made to
rotate continuously in the vertical plane while the test
antennas radiation patterns are being measured. The
result is a radiation pattern with rapid fluctuation in field
strength. The difference between adjacent maximum and
minimum points of the fluctuation gives the AR at that
particular direction. The rotation speed of source
antenna must be much greater than the rotation speed of
the test antenna in the azimuth or vertical plane.
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3 dB AR beamwidth
Radiation pattern
obtained with a
rotating linear

AR at

Test antenna
(receiving) Fast-rotating dipole
Rotating Source Method antenna (transmitting)
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5 Input Characteristic Measurement

5.1 Input Impedance Measurement
The input characteristics of an
antenna such as the input
impedance ZA can be
measured by a network
analyser. The advantage of a
network analyser is its ability
to measure both the magnitude
and the phase of the power

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S parameter measurement using a network analyser

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5.2 Reflection Coefficient Measurement

The reflection coefficient (or S11) of an antenna can be
obtained from its input impedance measurement.
Z A Z0
or S11 (dimensionless)
Z A Z0

5.3 VSWR Measurement

The VSWR of an antenna can be obtained from its
reflection coefficient measurement.

VSWR (dimensionless)
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5.4 S Parameter Measurement

The S parameters (S11, S12, S21, S22) of two antennas
treated as a two-port network can be measured by a
network analyser after a proper calibration.

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The three basic types of propagation: Ground wave, space wave and sky wave
Sky Wave Propagation: Structure of the ionosphere Effective dielectric constant of
ionized region Mechanism of refraction Refractive index Critical frequency Skip
distance Effect of earths magnetic field Energy loss in the ionosphere due to
collisions Maximum usable frequency Fading and diversity reception.
Space Wave Propagation: Reflection from ground for vertically and horizontally
polarized waves Reflection characteristics of earth Resultant of direct and reflected
ray at the receiver Duct propagation.
Ground Wave Propagation: Attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagation
Calculation of field strength at a distance.

Propagation of Waves
The process of communication involves the transmission of information from one
location to another. As we have seen, modulation is used to encode the information onto
a carrier wave, and may involve analog or digital methods. It is only the characteristics
of the carrier wave which determine how the signal will propagate over any significant
distance. This chapter describes the different ways that electromagnetic waves propagate.

x Electric
Field, E

y Direction of
z Propagation
Field, H

Electromagnetic radiation comprises both an Electric and a Magnetic

The two f ields are at right-angles to each other and the direction of
propagation is at right-angles to both f ields.
The Plane of the Electric Field def ines the Polarisation of the wave.

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Two types of waves:

Transverse and Longitudinal
Transverse waves:
vibration is from side to side; that is, at right angles to the
direction in which they travel
A guitar string vibrates with
transverse motion. EM waves
are always transverse.

Longitudinal waves:

Vibration is parallel to the direction of propagation. Sound

and pressure waves are longitudinal and oscillate back and
forth as vibrations are along or parallel to their direction of

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A wave in a "slinky" is a good visualization


The polarization of an antenna is the orientation of the electric field with respect to
the Earth's surface and is determined by the physical structure of the antenna and
by its orientation
Radio waves from a vertical antenna will usually be vertically polarized.
Radio waves from a horizontal antenna are usually horizontally polarized.





Ground Wave is a Surface Wave that propagates or travels close to the surface of
the Earth.
Line of Sight (Ground Wave or Direct Wave) is propagation of waves travelling in a
straight line. These waves are deviated (reflected) by obstructions and cannot travel
over the horizon or behind obstacles. Most common direct wave occurs with VHF
modes and higher frequencies. At higher frequencies and in lower levels of the

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atmosphere, any obstruction between the transmitting antenna and the receiving
antenna will block the signal, just like the light that the eye senses.
Space Waves: travel directly from an antenna to another without reflection on the
ground. Occurs when both antennas are within line of sight of each another,
distance is longer that line of sight because most space waves bend near the ground
and follow practically a curved path. Antennas must display a very low angle of
emission in order that all the power is radiated in direction of the horizon instead of
escaping in the sky. A high gain and horizontally polarized antenna is thus highly
Sky Wave (Skip/ Hop/ Ionospheric Wave) is the propagation of radio waves bent
(refracted) back to the Earth's surface by the ionosphere. HF radio communication
(3 and 30 MHz) is a result of sky wave propagation.


Ground-Wave Propagation

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Radio waves follow the Earths surface

AM broadcasts during the day
Works best at lower frequencies (40, 80, and 160 meters)
Relatively short-range communications
Amateur privs are higher than broadcast frequencies, thus less ground-wave range

RF Propagation

There are three types of RF (radio frequency) propagation:

Ground Wave
Line of Sight (LOS)

Ground wave propagation follows the curvature of the Earth. Ground waves have carrier
frequencies up to 2 MHz. AM radio is an example of ground wave propagation.

Ionospheric propagation bounces off of the Earth's ionospheric layer in the upper atmosphere. It
is sometimes called double hop propagation. It operates in the frequency range of 30 - 85 MHz.
Because it depends on the Earth's ionosphere, it changes with the weather and time of day. The
signal bounces off of the ionosphere and back to earth. Ham radios operate in this range.

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Line of sight propagation transmits exactly in the line of sight. The receive station must be in the
view of the transmit station. It is sometimes called space waves or tropospheric propagation. It is
limited by the curvature of the Earth for ground-based stations (100 km, from horizon to
horizon). Reflected waves can cause problems. Examples of line of sight propagation are: FM
radio, microwave and satellite.

Ground Wave Signal Propagation

The ground wave used for radio communications signal propagation on the long, and
medium wave bands for local radio communications

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Ground wave propagation is particularly important on the LF and MF portion of the radio
spectrum. Ground wave radio propagation is used to provide relatively local radio
communications coverage, especially by radio broadcast stations that require to cover a
particular locality.

Ground wave radio signal propagation is ideal for relatively short distance propagation on these
frequencies during the daytime. Sky-wave ionospheric propagation is not possible during the day
because of the attenuation of the signals on these frequencies caused by the D region in the
ionosphere. In view of this, radio communications stations need to rely on the ground-wave
propagation to achieve their coverage.

A ground wave radio signal is made up from a number of constituents. If the antennas are in the
line of sight then there will be a direct wave as well as a reflected signal. As the names suggest
the direct signal is one that travels directly between the two antenna and is not affected by the
locality. There will also be a reflected signal as the transmission will be reflected by a number of
objects including the earth's surface and any hills, or large buildings. That may be present.

In addition to this there is surface wave. This tends to follow the curvature of the Earth and
enables coverage to be achieved beyond the horizon. It is the sum of all these components that is
known as the ground wave.

Beyond the horizon the direct and reflected waves are blocked by the curvature of the Earth, and
the signal is purely made up from the diffracted surface wave. It is for this reason that surface
wave is commonly called ground wave propagation.

Surface wave

The radio signal spreads out from the transmitter along the surface of the Earth. Instead of just
travelling in a straight line the radio signals tend to follow the curvature of the Earth. This is
because currents are induced in the surface of the earth and this action slows down the wave-
front in this region, causing the wave-front of the radio communications signal to tilt downwards
towards the Earth. With the wave-front tilted in this direction it is able to curve around the Earth
and be received well beyond the horizon.

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Ground wave radio propagation

Effect of frequency

As the wavefront of the ground wave travels along the Earth's surface it is attenuated. The degree
of attenuation is dependent upon a variety of factors. Frequency of the radio signal is one of the
major determining factor as losses rise with increasing frequency. As a result it makes this form
of propagation impracticable above the bottom end of the HF portion of the spectrum (3 MHz).
Typically a signal at 3.0 MHz will suffer an attenuation that may be in the region of 20 to 60 dB
more than one at 0.5 MHz dependent upon a variety of factors in the signal path including the
distance. In view of this it can be seen why even high power HF radio broadcast stations may
only be audible for a few miles from the transmitting site via the ground wave.

Effect of the ground

The surface wave is also very dependent upon the nature of the ground over which the signal
travels. Ground conductivity, terrain roughness and the dielectric constant all affect the signal
attenuation. In addition to this the ground penetration varies, becoming greater at lower
frequencies, and this means that it is not just the surface conductivity that is of interest. At the
higher frequencies this is not of great importance, but at lower frequencies penetration means
that ground strata down to 100 metres may have an effect.

Despite all these variables, it is found that terrain with good conductivity gives the best result.
Thus soil type and the moisture content are of importance. Salty sea water is the best, and rich
agricultural, or marshy land is also good. Dry sandy terrain and city centres are by far the worst.
This means sea paths are optimum, although even these are subject to variations due to the
roughness of the sea, resulting on path losses being slightly dependent upon the weather! It
should also be noted that in view of the fact that signal penetration has an effect, the water table
may have an effect dependent upon the frequency in use.

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Effect of polarisation

The type of antenna has a major effect. Vertical polarisation is subject to considerably less
attenuation than horizontally polarised signals. In some cases the difference can amount to
several tens of decibels. It is for this reason that medium wave broadcast stations use vertical
antennas, even if they have to be made physically short by adding inductive loading. Ships
making use of the MF marine bands often use inverted L antennas as these are able to radiate a
significant proportion of the signal that is vertically polarised.

At distances that are typically towards the edge of the ground wave coverage area, some sky-
wave signal may also be present, especially at night when the D layer attenuation is reduced.
This may serve to reinforce or cancel the overall signal resulting in figures that will differ from
those that may be expected.


Space Waves, also known as direct waves, are radio waves that travel directly from the
transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna. In order for this to occur, the two antennas must be
able to see each other; that is there must be a line of sight path between them. The diagram on
the next page shows a typical line of sight. The maximum line of sight distance between two
antennas depends on the height of each antenna. If the heights are measured in feet, the
maximum line of sight, in miles, is given by:

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Because a typical transmission path is filled with buildings, hills and other obstacles, it is
possible for radio waves to be reflected by these obstacles, resulting in radio waves that arrive at
the receive antenna from several different directions. Because the length of each path is different,
the waves will not arrive in phase. They may reinforce each other or cancel each other,
depending on the phase differences. This situation is known as multipath propagation. It can
cause major distortion to certain types of signals. Ghost images seen on broadcast TV signals are
the result of multipath one picture arrives slightly later than the other and is shifted in position
on the screen. Multipath is very troublesome for mobile communications. When the transmitter
and/or receiver are in motion, the path lengths are continuously changing and the signal
fluctuates wildly in amplitude. For this reason, NBFM is used almost exclusively for mobile
communications. Amplitude variations caused by multipath that make AM unreadable are
eliminated by the limiter stage in an NBFM receiver.

An interesting example of direct communications is satellite communications. If a satellite is

placed in an orbit 22,000 miles above the equator, it appears to stand still in the sky, as viewed
from the ground. A high gain antenna can be pointed at the satellite to transmit signals to it. The
satellite is used as a relay station, from which approximately of the earths surface is visible.
The satellite receives signals from the ground at one frequency, known as the uplink frequency,
translates this frequency to a different frequency, known as the downlink frequency, and
retransmits the signal. Because two frequencies are used, the reception and transmission can
happen simultaneously. A satellite operating in this way is known as a transponder. The satellite

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has a tremendous line of sight from its vantage point in space and many ground stations can
communicate through a single satellite.

Sky-Wave or Skip Propagation

Sky Waves
Radio waves in the LF and MF ranges may also propagate as ground waves, but
suffer significant losses, or are attenuated, particularly at higher frequencies. But
as the ground wave mode fades out, a new mode develops: the sky wave. Sky waves are
reflections from the ionosphere. While the wave is in the ionosphere, it is strongly
bent, or refracted, ultimately back to the ground. From a long distance away this
appears as a reflection. Long ranges are possible in this mode also, up to hundreds
of miles. Sky waves in this frequency band are usually only possible at night, when
the concentration of ions is not too great since the ionosphere also tends to attenuate
the signal. However, at night, there are just enough ions to reflect the wave but not
reduce its power too much.

Figure 14
The HF band operates almost exclusively with sky waves. The higher frequencies have less
attenuation and less refraction in the ionosphere as compared to MF. At the high end, the waves
completely penetrate the ionosphere and become space waves. At the low end, they are always
reflected. The HF band operates with both these effects almost all of the time. The characteristics

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of the sky wave propagation depend on the conditions in the ionosphere which in turn are
dependent on the activity of the sun. The ionosphere has several well-defined regions in altitude.

Figure 15
D-region: about 75-95 km. Relatively weak ionization. Responsible for strong absorption of MF
during daylight E-region: 95-150 km. An important player in ionospheric scatter of VHF. F-
region: 150-400 km. Has separate F1 and F2 layers during the day. The strongest concentration
of ions. Responsible for reflection of HF radio waves. Since the propagation characteristics
depend on frequency, several key frequencies can de defined: Critical frequency: The minimum
frequency that will penetrate the ionosphere at vertical incidence. The critical frequency
increases during the daylight and decrease at night. At other angles, the wave will be reflected
back. At frequencies above the critical frequency, some range of waves from vertical incidence
and down will become space waves. This will cause a gap in coverage on the ground known as a
skip zone. In figure xx, the skip zone extends to about 1400 miles. The transmitted frequency
was 5 MHz and the critical frequency was 3 MHz in this example. Maximum Useable Frequency
(MUF): defined for two stations. The maximum frequency that will reflect back to the receiving
station from the transmitter. Beyond the MUF, the wave will become a space wave. At MUF the
skip zone extends to just short of the receiver. In figure xx, the MUF for a receiver at 1400 miles
is 5 MHz. Lowest Useable Frequency (LUF): again defined for two stations. At low frequencies,
the signal will be attenuated before it can be reflected. The LUF increases with sunlight and is a
maximum near noon. Optimum Frequency for Traffic (OFT): for two stations, taking into
account the exact conditions in the ionosphere, there will be the perfect frequency that gives the
strongest signal. This can be predicted by powerful modeling programs and is the best guarantee
of success in HF. The diurnal variation if HF propagation is characterized a simple rule-of-
thumb: the frequency follows the sun. At noon, the OFT is generally higher than at night.

Line of Sight
In the VHF band and up, the propagation tends to straighten out into line-of-sight(LOS)
waves. However the frequency is still low enough for some significant effects.

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1. Ionospheric scatter. The signal is reflected by the E-region and scattered in all directions.
Some energy makes it back to the earth's surface. This seems to be most effective in the
range of 600-1000 miles.

Figure 16

1. Tropospheric scatter. Again, the wave is scattered, but this time, by the air itself. This can
be visualized like light scattering from fog. This is a strong function of the weather but
can produce good performance at ranges under 400 miles.

Figure 17

1. Tropospheric ducting. The wave travels slower in cold dense air than in warm air.
Whenever inversion conditions exist, the wave is naturally bent back to the ground.
When the refraction matches the curvature of the earth, long ranges can be achieved. This
ducting occurs to some extend always and improves the range over true the line-of-sight
by about 10 %.

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1. Diffraction. When the wave is block by a large object, like a mountain, is can diffract
around the object and give coverage where no line-of-sight exists.

Beyond VHF, all the propagation is line-of-sight. Communications are limited by

the visual horizon. The line-of-sight range can be found from the height of the
transmitting and receiving antennas by:


Ionospheric Storms: Solar activity such as flares and coronal mass ejections
produce large electromagnetic radiation incidents upon the earth and leads to

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disturbances of the ionosphere; changes the density distribution, electron content,

and the ionospheric current system. These storms can also disrupt satellite
communications and cause a loss of radio frequencies which would otherwise reflect
off the ionosphere. Ionospheric storms can last typically for a day or so.
D layer Absorption: Occurs when the ionosphere is strongly charged (daytime,
summer, heavy solar activity) longer waves will be absorbed and never return to
earth. You don't hear distant AM broadcast stations during the day. Shorter waves
will be reflected and travel further. Absorption occurs in the D layer which is the
lowest layer in the ionosphere. The intensity of this layer is increased as the sun
climbs above the horizon and is greatest at noon. Radio waves below 3 or 4 MHz are
absorbed by the D layer when it is present.
When the ionosphere is weakly charged (night time, winter, low solar activity)
longer waves will travel a considerable distance but shorter waves may pass through
the ionosphere and escape into space. VHF waves pull this trick all the time, hence
their short range and usefulness for communicating with satellites.
Faraday rotation: EM waves passing through the ionosphere may have their
polarizations changed to random directions (refraction) and propagate at different
speeds. Since most radio waves are either vertically or horizonally polarized, it is
difficult to predict what the polarization of the waves will be when they arrive at a
receiver after reflection in the ionosphere.

Solar radiation, acting on the different compositions of the atmosphere generates

layers of ionization
Studies of the ionosphere have determined that there are at least four distinct layers
of D, E, F1, and F2 layers.
The F layer is a single layer during the night and other periods of low ionization,
during the day and periods of higher ionization it splits into two distinct layers, the
F1 and F2.
There are no clearly defined boundaries between layers. These layers vary in
density depending on the time of day, time of year, and the amount of solar (sun)
The top-most layer (F and F1/F2) is always the most densely ionized because it is
least protected from the Sun.

Solar Cycle

Every 11 years the sun undergoes a period of activity called the "solar maximum",
followed by a period of quiet called the "solar minimum". During the solar

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maximum there are many sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections, all of
which can affect communications and weather here on Earth.

The Sun goes through a periodic rise and fall in activity which affects HF
communications; solar cycles vary in length from 9 to 14 years. At solar minimum,
only the lower frequencies of the HF band will be supported by the ionosphere,
while at solar maximum the higher frequencies will successfully propagate, figure
1.4. This is because there is more radiation being emitted from the Sun at solar
maximum, producing more electrons in the ionosphere which allows the use of
higher frequencies.

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One way we track solar activity is by observing sunspots. Sunspots are relatively
cool areas that appear as dark blemishes on the face of the sun. They are formed
when magnetic field lines just below the sun's surface are twisted and poke though
the solar photosphere. The twisted magnetic field above sunspots are sites where
solar flares are observed to occur, and we are now beginning to understand the
connection between solar flares and sunspots.

During solar maximum there are many sunspots, and during solar minimum there
are few. The plot at right shows the number of sunspots observed during the last
two solar cycles. The last maximum occurred around 1989, and the next is predicted
to fall in the year 2000. This plot is updated monthly. Click here for a plot of
sunspot numbers from the year 1749 through the present.

How Do Sunspots Affect Earth

The Earth is affected by both solar flares and sunspots. Solar flares emit high-speed
particles which cause auroras, known in the northern hemisphere as Northern
Lights. The image shown here is a real-time satellite image of the Earth's auroral
region above the North Pole. From the ground auroras appear as shimmering
curtains of red and green light in the sky.

Particles from solar flares can also disrupt radio communication, and the radiation
from the flares can give passengers in airplanes a dose of radiation equivalent to a
medical X-ray. Sunspots may have a long-term connection with the Earth's climate.

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Scientists are currently debating whether ice ages on Earth are related to the Sun
having fewer sunspots than usual.

How Does HF Radio Work Over Long Distances?

An HF signal transmitted from the earth may travel some way through the
ionosphere before being "bent" back down towards the ground. This occurs due to
the interaction between the HF signal and electrically charged particles in the
ionosphere. The signal can then "bounce" off the ground back into the ionosphere,
return to the earth again, and so on. The distance a given HF signal will travel
depends on the frequency, transmitter power, take-off angle relative to the ground
and the state of the ionosphere through which it is travelling

For any given distance and time, there will be a certain range of HF frequencies that
are most likely to provide successful communications; frequencies outside that
range will work poorly or not at all. Simply increasing the power of an HF signal
will not help if the frequency is too high for the distance required. Increasing the
power may help if the frequency is too low, but using a higher, more suitable
frequency is the best option. The highest frequency which may be used for reliable
HF communications is known as the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF).
What Kind of Disturbances Can Degrade HF Communications?

Short-Wave Fadeouts - short lived (up to two hours) disturbances, in which solar
flare activity results in the absorption of lower frequency HF signals. These will only
affect signals passing through the daylight ionosphere

Ionospheric Storms - large scale changes in the chemical composition of the ionosphere
resulting in changes to the MUF. Decreased MUFs restrict the frequencies available for use
over a given distance. Ionospheric storms normally last for one to two day

Critical Frequency:
The highest frequency that will be returned to the earth when transmitted
vertically under given ionospheric conditions
Critical Angle:
The highest angle with respect to a vertical line at which a radio wave of a
specified frequency can be propagated and still be returned to the earth from
the ionosphere

Maximum usable frequency (MUF)

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The highest frequency that is returned to the earth from the ionosphere
between two specific points on earth
Optimum Working frequency:
The frequency that provides for the most consistent communication path via
sky waves

Maximum usable frequency (MUF)

The highest frequency that is returned to the earth from the ionosphere
between two specific points on earth
Optimum Working frequency:
The frequency that provides for the most consistent communication path via
sky waves

Tropospheric Scattering
Signals are aimed at the troposphere rather than the ionosphere
350 Mhz to 10GHz for paths up to 400 mi
Received signal = 10-6 th of the transmitted power
Fading a problem

Satellite communicatons

Synchronous orbitwhen a satellites position remains fixed with respect to the

earths rotation
Uplinktransmission of signals to the satellite
Downlinkreceiving signals from a satellite
Transponderelectronic system on a satellite that performs reception, frequency
translation, and retransmission of received signals

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Intelsat III

Uplinks at 5.93 to 6.42 GHz

Translates down to 3.7 to 4.2 GHz
Amplifies signals to 7 watts outout
Downlinks to earth
Frequency change prevents interference between the transmission and receiving
Round trip distance90000km
Transmission time300ms
600ms delay in transoceanic telephone communication
Thus routing of international calls ensures that no more than a single satellite hop is
Special circuits minimize the echo

Geosynchoronous orbit (GEO)another name for synchronous orbit

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Low earth orbit (LEO)

Launch costs reduced
Signal time delay reduced to 5 to 15 msec
Not stationaryobit time is 90 minutes and visible to earth for 5 to 20
minutes per orbit


Satellites are linked for real time communication

Subscriber connections between satellites must be passed from one to the other as
the satellites pass over the horizonsomewhat like cellphone

GPS Systems

Global Positioning System

Provides pinpoint geographic location information
Originally used by the government and law enforcement
The satellites transmit position data signals and the receiver processes and
computes the time to receive each one
By using four or more satellites allows the receiver to determine exact
latitude and longitude.

Uses a constellation of 28 satellites orbiting earth at about 11,000 miles

Satellites complete an orbit every 12 hours
Satellites transmit two signals:
Course acquisition signal on 1575.2 MHz
Precision code on 1227.6 MHz and 1575.42 MHz

Requires three satellites for latitude and longitude

Requires four satellites to include elevation
They measure the time it takes for the signals to travel from the satellite to the
Civillian GPS has accuracy of 10m


Frequency division multiplex access

Early GPS systems
Several channels
Earth station sends a signal requesting permission to transmit, a control signal
responds with the available frequency to transmit on.

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Time division multiplex access
Single satellite to service multiple earth stations simultaneously
All stations use the same carrier but transmit one or more traffic bursts in
nonoverlapping time frames
TDMA Advantages

1. Single carrier for the transponder to operate on

1. Less subject to intermodulation problems
2. Can operate at a higher power output with smaller range of frequencies
2. Achieve selectivity
1. Simpler
2. Less expensive
3. Suited to digital communications

Code division multiple access
Allows use of one carrier
Each station uses a different binary sequence to modulate the carrier
Control uses a correlator that separates and distributes the signals to appropriate


Very small aperture terminal fixed satellite communication systems

Allow multiple inexpensive stations to be linked to a large central installation
Kmart has VSATs at over 2000 stores linked to a mainframe computer in Mi.
Allows them to
Verify checks and credit cards
Convey data such as inventory

Dish is typically 1 m in diameter

Power is just 2 to 3 watts
Immune to optical fiber for another 20 years or until fiber replaces copper

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Amateur Satellites
OSCAR: Orbiting Satellite Carrying
Amateur Radio
Used on VHF (mainly)
Directional ant.s
are a must!

The further away a satellite is, the more

power you must use


PART-A ( 2 marks)

1.Define Sky wave.

Waves that arrive at the receiver after reflection in the ionosphere is called sky wave.

2.Define Tropospheric wave.

Waves that arrive at the receiver after reflection from the troposphere region is called
Tropospheric wave.(ie 10 Km from Earth surface).

3.Define Ground wave.

Waves propagated over other paths near the earth surface is called ground wave propagation.

4.What are the type of Ground wave.

Ground wave classified into two types.

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i. Space wave

ii. Surface wave.

5. What is meant by Space Wave?

It is made up of direct wave and ground reflected wave. Also includes the portion of energy
received as a result of diffraction around the earth surface and the reflection from the upper

6. What is meant by Surface Wave?

Wave that is guided along the earth s surface like an EM wave is guided by a
transmission is called surface wave. Attenuation of this wave is directly affected by the
constant of earth along which it travels.

7. What is meant by fading?

Variation of signal strength occur on line of sight paths as a result of the atmospheric
conditions and it is called .It can not be predicted properly.

8. What are the type of fading?

Two types. i. Inverse bending.

ii. Multi path fading.

9. What is inverse and multi path fading?

Inverse bending may transform line of sight path into an obstructed one. Multi path fading is
caused by interference between the direct and ground reflected waves as well as interference
between two are more paths in the atmosphere.

10.What is meant by diversity reception?

To minimize the fading and to avoid the multi path interference the technique used are
diversity reception. It is obtained by two ways.

i. Space diversity reception.

ii. Frequency diversity reception.

iii. Polarization diversity.

11. Define Space diversity Reception.

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This method exploits the fact that signals received at different locations do not fade together.
It requires antenna spaced at least 100 l apart are referred and the antenna which high signal
strength at the moment dominates.

12 .Define frequency diversity Reception.

This method takes advantage of the fact that signals of slightly different frequencies do not
fade synchronously. This fact is utilized to minimize fading in radio telegraph circuits.

13. Define polarization diversity reception.

It is used in normally in microwave links, and it is found that signal transmitted over the
same path in two polarizations have independent fading patterns. In broad band dish
antenna system, Polarization diversity combined with frequency diversity reception
achieve excellent results.

14.What is meant by Faraday s rotation?

Due to the earth s magnetic fields, the ionosphere medium becomes anisotropic and the
incident plane wave entering the ionosphere will split into ordinary and extra ordinary

When these modes re-emerge from the ionosphere they recombine into a single plane
wave again.

Finally the plane of polarization will usually have changed, this phenomenon is known as
Faraday s rotation.

15. What are the factors that affect the propagation of radio waves?

i. Curvature of earth.

ii. Earth s magnetic field.

iii. Frequency of the signal.

iv. Plane earth reflection.

.16. Define gyro frequency.

Frequency whose period is equal to the period of an electron in its orbit under the influence
of the earths magnetic flux density B.

17. Define critical frequency.

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For any layer , the highest frequency that will be reflected back for vertical incidence is fcr

18. Define Magneto-Ions Splitting.

The phenomenon of splitting the wave into two different components (ordinary and extra-
ordinary) by the earths magnetic field is called Magneto-Ions Splitting.

19. Define LUHF.

The lowest useful HF for a given distance and transmitter power is defined as the lowest
frequency that will give satisfactory reception for that distance and power.

It depends on

i. The effective radiated power

ii. Absorption character of ionosphere for the paths between transmitter and receiver.

iii. The required field strength which in turn depends upon the radio noise at the receiving
location and type of service involved .

20. Define Refractive index.

It is defined as n = c = Velocity of light in vaccum

---- ------------------------------------

Vp Phase velocity in medium


21. Define maximum Usable Frequency.

The maximum Frequency that can be reflected back for a given distance of transmission is
called the maximum usable frequency (MUF) for that distance.

MUF = fcr_secFi

22. Define skip distance.

The distance with in which a signal of given frequency fails to be reflected back is the
skip distance for that frequency.The higher the frequency the greater the skip distance.

23.Define Optimum frequency?

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Optimum frequency for transmitting between any two points is therefore selected as some
frequency lying between about 50 and 85 percent of the predicted maximum usable frequency
between those points.

24. What is wave impedance?

h= h0/ 1-(fc/f)

i.e., h= 377/ 1-(fc/f)

25. Define wave velocity and Group velocity?

Wave velocity vp = c / (fc / f)2

Group velocity, vp vg = c2 vg=c2 /vp


1. Explain in details about ionosphere? (8)

2. Explain space wave propagation and sky wave propagation? (16)

3. Explain the ground wave propagation? (8)

4. Discuss the effects of earths magnetic field on ionosphere radio wave

Propagation? (10)

5. Describe the troposphere and explain how ducts can be used for

Microwave propagation? (8)

6. Explain in details, the diversity reception methods? (8)

7. Explain the advantages of Tropospheric wave propagation and sky

wave propagation ? (8)

8. Deduce an expression for the critical frequency of an ionized region in

terms of its maximum ionization density ? (10)

9. Derive an expression for the refractive index of the ionosphere in

terms of the electron number density and frequency ? (10)

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EC 1352-Antenna and Wave Propagation (Question bank)



PART A( 2 Marks)

1. Define a Hertzian dipole?

2. Draw the radiation pattern of a horizontal dipole?
3. What do you mean by induction field and radiation field?
4. What is magnetic vector Potential?
5. Define scalar Potential?
6. What is Retarded Current?
7. Write down the expression for magnetic vector Potential using three standard current
8. Define top loading?
9. What is a capacitance hat?
10. What is quarter wave monopole?
11. Write down the expression for radiated fields of a half wave dipole antenna?
12. What is the effective aperture and directivity of a half wave dipole?
13. What is the effective aperture and directivity of a Hertzian dipole antenna?
14. Write down the expression for radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole?
15. Define retardation time?
16. What is radiation resistance of a half wave dipole?
17. Compare electric scalar potential and magnetic vector potential?


1. Derive the expression for the radiated field from a short dipole? (16)
2. Starting from first principles obtain the expression for the power
radiated by a half wave dipole? (16)

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3. Derive the expression for power radiated and find the radiation
resistance of a half wave dipole? (16)
4. Derive the radian resistance, Directivity and effective aperture of a
half wave dipole? (10)
5. Derive the fields radiated from a quarter wave monopole antenna? (8)
6. Find the radiation resistance of elementary dipole with linear
current distribution? (8)
7. Derive the radiation resistance, Directivity and effective
aperture of a hertzian dipole? (10)



PART A( 2 Marks)

1. Define array factor?

2. What is the relationship between effective aperture and directivity?
3. Write the principle of pattern multiplication?
4. What is meant by broadside array and end fire array?
5. Define radiation intensity?
6. Define an isotropic antenna?
7. Define a broadside array?
8. Define radiation pattern?
9. What are the two types of radiation pattern?
10. Define Beam solid angle or beam area?
11. Define beam efficiency?
12. Define directivity?
13. Define antenna gain?
14. Define effective aperture?
15. What is collecting aperture?
16. Define HPBW?

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17. Define FBR?

18. Define BWFN?
19. Write down the expressions for BWFN for both broadside and end fire array?
20. Differentiate broadside array and end fire array?
21. Write down the expressions for minor lobe maxima and minima for both broadside and end
fire array?
22. Define loop antenna?
23. What is axial ratio of a helical antenna?
24. What are advantages of helical antenna?
25. What are the disadvantages of loop antenna?
26. State reciprocity principle?
27. List out the applications helical antenna?
28. Give the expressions for the field components of a helical antenna?
29. Define pitch angle? What happens when =0 and =90?
30. What are applications loop antennas?


1. With neat sketch, explain the operation of helical antenna? (16)

2. Obtain the expression for the field and the radiation pattern
produced by a 2 element array of infinitesimal with distance of
separation /2 and currents of unequal magnitude and phase
shift 180 degree? (16)
3. Derive the expression for far field components of a small loop antenna. (16)
4. Derive the expression for electric field of a broadside array of n sources
and also find the maximum direction minimum direction and half power
point direction? (16)
5. Design a 4 element broadside array of /2 spacing between elements
the pattern is to be optimum with a side lobe level 19.1 db.
Find main lobe maximum? (16)
6. Explain pattern multiplication? (8)
7. Derive the expression for electric field of a end fire of n sources

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and also find the maximum direction minimum direction and half
power point direction? (16)
8. Write short notes a radiation resistance? (8)
9. Calculate the maximum effective aperture of a /2 antenna? (8)
10. Derive the maxima directions, minima directions, and half
power point direction for an array of two point sources with equal
amplitude and opposite phase? (16)
11. Explain the various types of amplitude distributions in details? (16)



PART A( 2 Marks)

1. What are traveling wave antenna?

2. What is the type of radiation pattern produced when a wave travels in a wire?
3. Draw the structure of 3-elements yagi-uda antenna and give the dimensions and spacing
between the elements in terms of wavelength?
4. What are the applications of log periodic antenna?
5. What are the applications of rhombic antenna?
6. What do you meant by self impedance?
7. What do you meant by mutual impedance?
8. Define traveling wave impedance?
9. What is the main advantage of traveling wave antenna?
10. What are the limitations of rhombic antenna?
11. What are the two types of rhombic antenna design?
12. Define rhombic antenna?
13. Give the expressions for design ratio, spacing factor and frequency ratio, of log periodic
14. What are the three different regions in log periodic antenna and how they are differentiated?
15. What is frequency independent antenna?

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16. What is LPDA?

17. What are the applications of log periodic antenna?


1. Explain the radiation from a travelling wave on a wire? (8)

2. What is Yagi-uda Antenna ?Explain the construction and operation of
Yagi-uda Antenna .Also explain its general characteristics? (16)
3. Explain the construction, operation and design for a rhombic antenna? (16)
4. Explain the geometry of a log periodic antenna? Give the design equations and uses of log
periodic antenna? (16)
5. Discuss in details about (a) Self impedance (b) Mutual impedance? (8)



PART A( 2 Marks)

1. State Huygens Principle?

2. What is Slot Antenna?
3. Which antenna is complementary to the slot dipole?
4. How will you find the directivity of a large rectangular broadside array?
5. What is the relationship between the terminal impedance of slot and dipole antenna?
6. What is the difference between slot antenna and its complementary dipole antenna?
7. Define lens antenna?
8. What are the different types of lens antenna?
9. What is a dielectric lens antenna?
10. What are the drawbacks of lens antenna?
11. What are the field components that are radiated from open end of a coaxial line?
12. What are the advantages of stepped dielectric lens antenna?
13. What is biconical antenna?

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14. What is Lunenburg lens?

15. What are the advantages of lens antenna?
16. Mention the uses of lens antenna?
17. How spherical waves are generated?
18. Define the characteristic impedance of biconical antenna?
19. Bring out the expressions for voltage across the feed points of the biconical antenna and
current flowing through the surface of the cone?
20. What do you meant by sect oral horn?
21. What do you meant by pyramidal horn?
22. What is back lobe radiation?
23. What are the various feeds used in reflectors?
24. What are the different types of horn antennas?
25. Define refractive index of lens antenna?
26. What are secondary antennas? Give examples?


1. Explain the different types of lens antenna? (10)

2. Explain the radiation from a rectangular aperture? (16)
3. Explain the radiation from an elemental area of a plane wave
(or) explain the radiation from a Huygens source ? (16)
4. Describe the parabolic reflector used at micro frequencies? (16)
5. Write short notes on luneberg lens? (16)
6. Discuss about spherical waves and biconical antenna? (16)
7. Derive the various field components radiated from circular aperture
and also find beamwidth and effective area ? (12)
8. Derive the field components radiated from a thin slot antenna in
an infinite cyclinder ? (10)
9. Show the relationship between dipole and slot impedances? (8)
10. Explain the radiation from the open end of a coaxial cable? (8)

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PART A ( 2 Marks)

1. Define Gyro frequency?

2. What is multihop Propagation?
3. How spherical waves are generated?
4. What are the effects of earth curvature on tropospheric propagation ?
5. Define critical frequency of an ionized layer of ionosphere?
6. What are the factors that affect the propagation of radio waves?
7. Define ground wave?
8. What are the components present in space wave?
9. Define Fading?
10. Define ionosphere?
11. Define Troposphere?
12. How can minimize Fading?
13. What are the various types diversity reception?
14. Define critical frequency?
15. What is virtual height?
16. Define MUF?
17. State secant law?
18. Define space wave?
19. What are height ranges of different regions in the ionosphere?
20. Write down the expression for the refractive index?
21. What is OWF or OTF?
22. Define duct Propagation?
23. What is skip distance?
24. How will you find the range of space wave propagation or line of sight distances?
25. What is sporadic E layer in ionosphere?

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1. Explain in details about ionosphere? (8)

2. Explain space wave propagation and sky wave propagation? (16)
3. Explain the ground wave propagation? (8)
4. Discuss the effects of earths magnetic field on ionosphere radio wave
propagation? (10)
5. Describe the troposphere and explain how ducts can be used for microwave propagation? (8)
6. Explain in details, the diversity reception methods? (8)
7. Explain the advantages of tropospheric wave propagation and sky wave
propagation? (8)
8. Deduce an expression for the critical frequency of an ionized region in terms of its maximum
ionization density? (10)
9. Derive an expression for the refractive index of the ionosphere in terms of
the electron number density and frequency ? (10)

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