(Problem) Soft Storey Check in Etabs - Printable Version

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21/7/2014 [Problem] Soft Storey Check in Etabs - Printable Version

[PROBLEM] Soft Storey Check in Etabs - Printable Version

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Soft Storey Check in Etabs - kirankumarklk - 02-11-2012 12:08 PM

Dear all

Can Anybody let me know how to Check & Design Soft Story in Etabs as per Indian codes. If
You Have reference material or papers Please Share here.

Your help is Appreciable.

RE: Soft Storey Check in Etabs - ASCE_IBC - 02-26-2012 08:35 PM

Soft storey is a relative term. Its like a floor on stilted columns with no masonary infill panels.
Then the stilted storey will become a soft storey in comparison to higher storeis.
Check the lateral drift at each level with a same force to get a comparative displacement.
Then based on your code stiffness ratio you can determine if its a soft story or not.

RE: Soft Storey Check in Etabs - kirankumarklk - 03-02-2012 12:02 PM


You are Right As You Thought I have Stilted Storey. But Please Let Me Know How To Check
The Check the lateral drift at each level with a same force to get a comparative displacement
In Etabs..!!

RE: Soft Storey Check in Etabs - bhuiyan - 03-04-2012 03:18 PM

SOFT STORY: Story in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of the stiffness of the story

In Etabs : After run analysis ----> Display ---->Show story response plot ....

There you can find story displacement,drift and whatever you want to check. This is very
important for checking the story stiffnss effect.

Story Drift Limitation:

From BNBC (Bangladesh National Building Code) Story drift, shall be limited as follows:
1)0.04h/R 0.005h --------> For T <0.7 second.
2)0.03h/R 0.004h --------> For T 0.7 second.
3) 0.0025h/R -------->For unreinforced masonry structures.

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21/7/2014 [Problem] Soft Storey Check in Etabs - Printable Version

I think it will help.

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