Republic vs. Meralco
Republic vs. Meralco
Republic vs. Meralco
GR 141314
On 23 December 1993, Meralco filed with the Energy Regulatory Board (ERB) an application for the
revision of its rate schedules. On 28 January 1994, the ERB issued an order granting a provisional
increase of P0.184/kwh subject to the condition that in event that the board finds that Meralco is
entitled to a lesser increase in rates, all excess amounts collected shall be refunded or credited to its
customers. Subsequently, ERB rendered its decision adopting the audit of the Commission on Audit
(COA) and authorized Meralco to implement a rate adjustment of P0.017/kwh, but ordered the
refund of the excess amount of P0.167/kwh collected from the billing cycles of February 1994 to
February 1997, holding that income tax should not be treated as operating expense, and applying
the net average investment method in the computation of the rate base. On appeal, the Court of
Appeals set aside the ERB decision insofar as it directed the reduction of the rates by P0.167/kwh
and the refund to Meralcos customers. Motions for reconsideration were denied. Hence, the petition
before the Supreme Court.
Whether the net average investment method or the trending method should be used in determining
the tax base?
The administrative agency is not bound to apply any one particular formula or method simply
because the same method has been previously used and applied. What constitutes a reasonable
return for the public utility is necessarily determined and controlled by its peculiar environmental
milieu. The reasonableness of the net average investment method is borne by the records of the
case. By using the said method, the ERB and COA considered for determination of the rate base the
value of the properties and equipment used by Meralco in proportion to the period that the same
were actually used during the period in question. If the trending method is to be applied, the public
utility may easily manipulate the valuation of its property entitled to a return (tax base) by simply
including a highly capitalized asset in the computation of the rate base even if the same was used
for a limited period if time during the test year.