Explicit-STR 16.0 L05 Material Models

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The key takeaways are that materials have a complex response to dynamic loading, and Engineering Data provides material models to simulate various effects like non-linear pressure response, strain hardening, thermal softening, etc. No single model incorporates all effects.

Some of the phenomena that materials may need to model under dynamic loading include non-linear pressure response, strain hardening, strain rate hardening, thermal softening, compaction in porous materials, orthotropic behavior in composites, crushing damage in ceramics and concrete, chemical energy deposition from explosives, tensile failure, and phase changes between solid, liquid and gas states.

Material deformation can be split into volumetric response, which is changes in volume or pressure described by the equation of state, and deviatoric response, which is changes in shape described by the strength model.

Lecture 5

Material Models
16.0 Release

Introduction to ANSYS
Explicit STR
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Material Behaviour Under Dynamic Loading
In general, materials have a complex response to dynamic loading
The following phenomena may need to be modelled
Non-linear pressure response
Strain hardening
Strain rate hardening
Thermal softening
Compaction (porous materials)
Orthotropic behaviour (e.g. composites)
Crushing damage (e.g. ceramics, glass, geological materials, concrete)
Chemical energy deposition (e.g. explosives)
Tensile failure
Phase changes (solid-liquid-gas)
No single material model incorporates all of these effects.
Engineering Data offers a selection of models from which you can choose based on the
material(s) present in your simulation
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Modeling Provided By Engineering Data

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Material Deformation

Material deformation can be split into two independent parts

Volumetric Response - changes in volume (pressure)
Equation of state (EOS)
Deviatoric Response - changes in shape
Strength model
Also, it is often necessary to specify a Failure model as materials can only sustain
limited amount of stress / deformation before they break / crack / cavitate
Change in Volume Change in Shape

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Principal Stresses
A stress state in 3D can be described by a tensor with six stress components
Components depend on the orientation of the coordinate system used.
The stress tensor itself is a physical quantity
Independent of the coordinate system used
When the coordinate system is chosen to coincide with the eigenvectors of
the stress tensor, the stress tensor is represented by a diagonal matrix

where 1, 2 , and 3, are the principal stresses (eigenvalues).

The principal stresses may be combined to form the first, second and third stress
invariants, respectively.

Because of its simplicity, working and thinking in the principal coordinate system is often used in
the formulation of material models.

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Elastic Response
For linear elasticity, stresses are given by Hookes law :

where l and G are the Lame constants (G is also known as the Shear Modulus)

The principal stresses can be decomposed into a hydrostatic and a deviatoric

component :

where P is the pressure and si are the stress deviators

Then :

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Non-linear Response

Many applications involve stresses considerably beyond the elastic limit and
so require more complex material models
Generalized Non-Linear
Hookes Law

Equation of State

Strength Model

Failure Model i (max,min) = f

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Models Available for Explicit Dynamics

Equation of State
Strength Model
Failure Model

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Elastic Constants
Shear Youngs Poissons Bulk
Modulus G Modulus E Ratio n Modulus K
Shear Modulus E - 2G GE
Youngs Modulus 2G 3 (3G - E)
Shear Modulus 2G (1 + n)
Poissons Ratio 2G (1 + n) 3 (1 - 2n)
Shear Modulus 9KG 3K - 2G
Bulk Modulus 3K + G 2 (3K + G)
Youngs Modulus E E
Poissons Ratio 2 (1+ n) 3 (1 - 2n)
Youngs Modulus 3EK 3K - E
Bulk Modulus 9K - E 6K
Poissons Ratio 3K (1 - 2n)
3K (1 - 2n)
Bulk Modulus 2 (1 + n)

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Physical and Thermal Properties
All material must have a valid density defined for Explicit
Dynamics simulations.
The density property defines the initial Mass / unit volume
of a material at time zero
This property is automatically included in all models

Specific Heat
This is required to calculate the temperature used in
material models that include thermal softening (Adiabatic
This property is automatically included in thermal softening

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Linear Elastic
Isotropic Elasticity
Used to define linear elastic material behavior
suitable for most materials subjected to low
Properties defined
Youngs Modulus (E)
Poissons Ratio ()
From the defined properties, Bulk modulus and Shear modulus are
derived for use in the material solutions.
Temperature dependence of the linear elastic properties is not
available for explicit dynamics

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Linear Elastic
Orthotropic Elasticity
Used to define linear orthotropic elastic material
suitable for most orthotropic materials subjected to
low compressions.
Properties defined
Youngs Modulii (Ex, Ey, Ez)
Poissons Ratios (xy, yz, xz)
Shear Modulii (Gxy, Gyz, Gxz)
Temperature dependence of the properties is not available for
explicit dynamics

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Linear Viscoelasticity
Represents strain rate dependent elastic behavior
Long term behavior is described by a Long Term Shear Modulus,
G .
Specified via an Isotropic Elasticity model or Equation OF State
Viscoelastic behavior is introduced via an Instantaneous Shear
Modulus, G0 and a Viscoelastic Decay Constant .
The deviatoric viscoelastic stress at time n+1 is calculated from
the viscoelastic stress at time n and the shear strain increments
at time n:

Deviatoric viscoelastic stress is added to the elastic stress to give

the total stress

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Linear Viscoelasticity

Extreme behavior of viscoelastic materials

e = Constant s = Constant

Stress Strain

Time Time

Stress Relaxation Creep

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Several forms of strain energy potential () are provided for the
simulation of nearly incompressible hyperelastic materials.
Forms are generally applicable over different ranges of strain.


4.00 Ogden

Eng. Stress (MPa)

Treloar Experiments




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Eng. Strain

Tensile tests on vulcanised rubber

Need to verify the applicability of the model chosen prior to use.

Currently hyperelastic materials may only be used for solid
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Examples of Hyperelasticity

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If a material is loaded elastically and subsequently unloaded, all the distortion energy is
recovered and the material reverts to its initial configuration.
If the distortion is too great a material will reach its elastic limit and begin to distort plastically.
In Explicit Dynamics, plastic deformation is computed by reference to the Von Mises yield
criterion (also known as PrandtlReuss yield criterion) . This states that the local yield
condition is
where Y is the yield stress in simple tension. It can be also written as
or (since )
Thus the onset of yielding (plastic flow), is purely a function of the deviatoric stresses (distortion)
and does not depend upon the value of the local hydrostatic pressure unless the yield stress
itself is a function of pressure (as is the case for some of the strength models).

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If an incremental change in the stresses violates the
von Mises criterion then each of the principal stress
deviators must be adjusted such that the criterion is
If a new stress state n + 1 is calculated from a state n and
found to fall outside the yield surface, it is brought
back to the yield surface along a line normal to the
yield surface by multiplying each of the stress
deviators by the factor

By adjusting the stresses perpendicular to the yield circle

only the plastic components of the stresses are
Effects such as work hardening, strain rate hardening,
thermal softening, etc. can be considered by making Y
a dynamic function of these

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Bilinear Isotropic / Kinematic Hardening
Used to define the yield stress (Y) as a linear function of plastic
strain, p

Properties defined
Yield Strength (Y0)
Tangent Modulus (A)
Isotropic Hardening
Total stress range is twice the maximum yield stress, Y
Kinematic Hardening
Total stress range is twice the starting yield stress, Y0
Models Bauschinger effect
Often required to accurately predict response of thin structure
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Isotropic vs Kinematic Hardening

2 2
Current Yield surface

1 1

Initial Yield surface

Isotropic Hardening (3 = 0) Kinematic Hardening (3 = 0)

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Multilinear Isotropic / Kinematic Hardening
Used to define the yield stress (Y) as a piecewise linear function of
plastic strain, p

Properties defined
Up to ten stress-strain pairs
Multilinear Isotropic Hardening
Total stress range is twice the maximum yield stress, Y
Multilinear Kinematic Hardening
Total stress range is twice the starting yield stress, Y0
Can only be used with solid elements

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Johnson Cook Strength
Used to model materials, typically metals, subjected to large
strains, high strain rates and high temperatures.
Defines the yield stress, Y, as a function of strain, strain rate
and temperature

p = effective plastic strain

p* = normalized effective plastic strain rate (1.0 sec-1)
TH = homologous temperature = (T - Troom) / (Tmelt - Troom)
The plastic flow algorithm used with this model has an option to
reduce high frequency oscillations that are sometimes observed
in the yield surface under high strain rates. A first order rate
correction is applied by default.
A specific heat capacity must also be defined to enable the
calculation of temperature for thermal softening effects
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Effects of Strain Hardening (Johnson-Cook Model)
Hypervelocity Impact
Normal impact of tungsten
sphere on thick steel plate at
10 kms-1
Lagrange Parts used with

Johnson-Cook strength model

used to model effects of strain
hardening, strain-rate
hardening and thermal
softening including melting

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Cowper Symonds Strength
Used to define the yield strength of isotropic strain hardening,
strain rate dependant materials.

Hardening term is same as that used in the Johnson Cook (JC) model
Strain rate dependent term has different form compare to JC model
No thermal softening term compare with JC model
The plastic flow algorithm used with this model has an option to
reduce high frequency oscillations that are sometimes observed in
the yield surface under high strain rates. A first order rate
correction is applied by default.
Strain rate properties should be input assuming that the units of
strain rate are 1/second.

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Steinberg Guinan Strength
Computes the shear modulus and yield strength as functions of effective
plastic strain, pressure and internal energy (temperature)
Fits experimental data on shock-induced free surface velocities
Yield Stress and Shear modulus increase with increasing pressure and
decreases with increasing temperature
Yield stress reaches a maximum value which is subsequently strain rate

subject to Y0 [1 + ]n Ymax
= effective plastic strain
t = temperature (degrees K)
= compression = v0 / v
Primed parameters (with subscripts P and ) are derivatives
with respect to pressure and temperature
Constants for 14 metals in the Explicit Materials library

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Zerilli Armstrong Strength
Used to model materials subjected to large strains, high strain rates and high
Based on dislocation dynamics.
Applicable to a wide range of bcc (body centered cubic) and fcc (face centered cubic) metals.


For fcc metals (e.g. Copper, Nickel, Platinum ), set C1 = 0 fcc

For bcc metals (e.g. Iron, Chromium, Tungsten, Vanadium), set C2 = 0
A specific heat capacity must also be defined to enable the calculation
of temperature for thermal softening effects

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Brittle / Granular
Drucker-Prager Strength
Yield stress is a function of Pressure
Used for dry soils, rocks, concrete and ceramics where cohesion and
compaction cause increasing resistance to shear up to a limiting value
of the yield stress.
Three forms
Original Drucker-Prager model
Constructed from yield strengths in uniaxial
compression and tension
Yield stress is a piecewise linear function
of pressure
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Brittle / Granular
Johnson-Holmquist Strength
Use to model brittle materials (glass, ceramics) subjected to large
pressures, shear strain and high strain rates
Combined plasticity and damage model
Yielding is based on micro-crack growth instead of dislocation movement
in metallic plasticity
Fully cracked material still retains some strength in compression
due to frictional effects in crushed grains
Yield reduced from intact value to fractured value via a
Damage function
Damage accumulates due to effective plastic strain

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Brittle / Granular
Johnson-Holmquist Strength Continuous (JH2)
Strength is modeled as smoothly varying functions of intact strength,
fractured strength, strain rate and damage via dimensionless analytic
Damage is accumulated as ratio of incremental plastic strain over a
pressure-dependant fracture strain
Two methods for application of damage
Gradual (default)
Damage is incrementally applied as it accumulates
Damage accumulates over time, but is only applied to failure when
it reaches 1.0
Can be used with a Linear or Polynomial Equation of State

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Brittle / Granular
Johnson-Holmquist Strength Segmented (JH1)
Strength is modelled using piecewise linear segments

Damage is always applied instantaneously

Damage accumulates over time, but is only applied to failure
when it reaches 1.0
Can be used with a Linear or Polynomial Equation of State
The gradual softening in the more recent continuous model (JH2)
has not been supported by experimental data, so this earlier variant
is still commonly used

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Brittle / Granular
Johnson-Holmquist Strength Segmented

Example: Penetrator dwell

High Velocity Low Velocity Medium (Dwell) Velocity

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Brittle / Granular
RHT Concrete Strength
Advanced plasticity model for brittle materials developed by Riedel, Hiermaier and
Thoma at the Ernst Mach Institute (EMI)
Models dynamic loading of concrete and other brittle materials such as rock and
Combined plasticity and shear damage model in which the deviatoric stress in the
material is limited by a generalized failure surface of the form:

Represents the following response of geological materials

Pressure hardening
Strain hardening
Strain rate hardening in tension and compression
Third invariant dependence for compressive and tensile meridians
Strain softening (shear induced damage)
Coupling of damage due to porous collapse

Input can be scaled with compressive strength, fc

Data for 35MPa and 140MPa in the Explicit Materials library
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Brittle / Granular
RHT Concrete Strength

Impact onto plain concrete

Impact onto reinforced concrete
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Brittle / Granular
MO Granular
Extension of the Drucker-Prager model
Takes into account effects associated with granular materials such as powders, soil, and
In addition to pressure hardening, the model also represents density hardening and
variations in the shear modulus with density.
Yield stress has two components, one dependent on the density and one
dependent of the pressure

Where Y , p , and denote the total yield stress, the pressure yield stress and the
density yield stress respectively.
The un-load / re-load slope is defined by the shear modulus which is defined as
a function of the density of the material at zero pressure
The yield stress is defined by a yield stress pressure and a yield stress
density curve with up to 10 points in each curve.
The shear modulus is defined by a shear modulus density curve with up to 10
All three curves must be defined.

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Equation of State
Ideal Gas EOS
Energy dependant EOS
P 1e Pshift

g = adiabatic exponent
= density,
e = specific internal energy
Adiabatic Constant, C
Enter non-zero value to calculate adiabatic response

P/g = C
Pressure shift
Lets you subtract atmospheric pressure

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Equation of State
Equation of State Properties
Bulk Modulus
A bulk modulus can be used to define a linear, energy independent
equation of state

Combined with a Shear modulus property, this material

definition is equivalent to using an Isotropic Linear Elastic model
Shear Modulus
A shear modulus must be used when a solid or porous equation of
state are selected.
To represent fluids, specify a small value.

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Equation Of State
Mie-Gruneisen form of Equation of State
Covers entire (p,v=1/,e) space using a 1st order Taylor expansion from a reference curve

Reference Curves
The shock Hugoniot
A standard adiabat
The 0 K isotherm
The isobar p = 0
The curve e = 0
The saturation curve

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Equation of State
Polynomial EOS
A Mie-Gruneisen form of equation of state that expresses pressure as
a polynomial function of compression (density)

> 0 (compression):

< 0 (tension):

Commonly found in early papers

Shock EOS is more commonly used today

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Equation of State
Shock EOS
A Mie-Gruneisen form of EOS that uses the shock Hugoniot as a
reference curve
The Rankine-Hugoniot equations for the shock jump conditions defining a
relation between any pair of the variables (density), p (pressure), e (energy),
up (particle velocity) and Us (shock velocity).
Us - up space is used to define the Hugoniot
In many dynamic experiments, measuring up and Us, it has been found that for
most solids and many liquids over a wide range of pressure there is an
empirical linear relationship between these two variables:

Us = C1 + S1up
Gruneisen Coefficient, G, is often approximated using
G = 2s1 - 1

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Equation of State
Shock EOS Linear
Lets you define a linear or a quadratic relationship
Us = C1 + S1Up
Us = C1 + S1Up + S2Up2

Shock EOS Bilinear

Lets you define a bilinear

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Some materials exhibit irreversible compaction due to pore
Porous materials are extremely effective in attenuating
shocks and mitigating impact pressures.
Compact to solid density at relatively low stress levels
Volume change is large
Significant amount of energy is irreversibly absorbed
Four models are available in Explicit Dynamics
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Crushable Foam
Relatively simple strength model designed to represent the crush
characteristics of foam materials under impact loading conditions
(non-cyclic loading).
Must be used with Isotropic Elasticity
automatically included
Compaction curve is defined as a piecewise linear principal stress vs
volumetric strain curve.
Youngs Modulus, E, is used for unloading / re-loading
Maximum Tensile Stress provides a tension
Maximum Principal Stress vs
Ln(Volumetric Strain) curve is not
limited to 10 points anymore

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Compaction EOS Linear
Plastic compaction path is defined as a piecewise linear function of
Pressure vs Density
The elastic unloading / reloading path is defined via a piecewise linear
function of Sound Speed vs Density
The Bulk Modulus of the material is calculated from

Model can be combined with a variety of strength and

failure models

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Compaction EOS Non-Linear
Plastic compaction path is defined as a piecewise linear function of
Pressure vs Density
Elastic unloading / reloading path is defined via a piecewise linear
function of Bulk Modulus vs Density
For Non-Linear unloading, if the current pressure is less than the
current compaction pressure, the pressure is obtained from the bulk
modulus using:

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P-alpha EOS
Crushable Foam and Compaction EOS give good results for low stress levels and
for materials with low initial porosities, but they may not do well for highly
porous materials over a wide stress range
Herrmanns P- alpha EOS is a phenomenological model which gives the correct
behavior at high stresses but at the same time provides a reasonably detailed
description of the compaction process at low stress levels.
Principal assumption is that specific internal energy is the same for a porous
material as for the same material at solid density at identical conditions of
pressure and temperature.
Solid EOS
(Shock or Polynomial)
Porous EOS

where V is the specific volume of the porous material and Vs is the specific
volume of the solid material
= g (p,e) (fitted to experimental data)

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Material failure has two components
Failure initiation
When specified criteria are met within a material, a post failure
response is activated
Post failure response
After failure initiation, subsequent strength characteristics will
change depending on the type of failure model
Instantaneous Failure
Deviatoric stresses are immediately set to zero and remain constant
Only compressive pressures are supported
Gradual Failure (Damage)
Stresses are limited by a damage evolution law
Gradual reduction in capability to carry deviatoric and / or tensile stresses

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Plastic Strain Failure
Models ductile failure
Failure occurs if the Effective Plastic Strain in the material exceeds
the Maximum Equivalent Plastic Strain
Material fails instantaneously
This failure model must be used in conjunction with a plasticity or
brittle strength model

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Principal Stress / Strain Failure
Models brittle failure or ductile failure (Strain only)
Failure is based on one of two criteria
Maximum Tensile Stress / Principal Strain
Maximum Shear Stress / Shear Strain
from the maximum difference in the principal stresses / strains
Failure is initiated when either criteria is met
Material fails instantaneously
If used in conjunction with a plasticity model, deactivate Maximum
Shear Stress / Strain criteria
specify a value of +1.0e20
then shear response is handled by the plasticity model.
Crack Softening Failure can be combined with these model for
fracture energy based softening

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Stochastic Failure
Real materials have inherent microscopic flaws, which cause failures
and cracking to initiate. Stochastic Failure reproduces this
numerically by randomizing the Failure stress or strain of a material
Can be used with most other failure models
Mott distribution is used to define the variance in failure stress or
Stochastic Variance must be specified
Distribution Type
The same random distribution is used for each Solve
A new distribution is calculated for each Solve

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Stochastic Failure

Example: Fragmenting Ring

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Tensile Pressure Failure
Used to represent dynamic spall (or cavitation)
Tensile pressure is limited by

If the pressure (P) becomes less than the Maximum Tensile Pressure
(Pmin), failure occurs
Material instantaneously fails.
If Material also uses damage evolution, the Maximum Tensile Pressure
is scaled down as the damage, D, increases from 0.0 to 1.0
Can only be applied to solid bodies.
Can be combined with Crack Softening Failure to invoke fracture
energy based softening

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Tensile Pressure Failure
Example: Dynamic Spall

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Crack Softening Failure
Fracture energy based damage model providing a gradual reduction in the ability of
an element to carry tensile stress
Primarily used to investigate failure of brittle materials
Applied to other materials to reduce mesh dependency
Failure initiation based on any of the standard tensile failure models
On failure initiation, a linear softening slope is used to reduce the maximum slope is
defined as a function of the local cell size and the Fracture Energy Gf
The possible principal tensile stress in the material as a function of crack strain
softening fracture energy related to fracture toughness: Kf2 = EGf
After failure initiation, a maximum principal tensile stress failure surface is defined
to limit the maximum principal tensile stress in the cell and a Flow Rule is used to
return to this surface and accumulate the crack strain
Can only be used with Solid elements
Can be used in combination with any solid equation of state, plasticity model or
brittle strength model

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Example : Impact on Ceramic Target
1449m/s impact of a 6.35mm diameter steel ball on a
ceramic target
Johnson-Holmquist Strength model used in
conjunction with Crack Softening


Experiment (Hazell)

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Johnson Cook Failure
Used to model ductile failure of materials experiencing large
pressures, strain rates and temperatures.
Consists of three independent terms that define the dynamic fracture
strain (f) as a function of pressure, strain rate and temperature:

Can only be applied to solid bodies.

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Grady Spall Failure
Used to model dynamic spallation of metals under shock loading.
Critical spall stress for a ductile material is calculated using:

is the density
c is the bulk sound speed
Y is the yield stress
ec is a Critical Strain Value
If maximum principal tensile stress exceeds the critical spall stress (S),
instantaneous failure of the element is initiated.
Typical value for the Critical Strain is 0.15 for Aluminum.
Can only be applied to solid bodies.
Must be used in conjunction with a Plasticity model

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Data Integration with ACP
ACP: Built upon a documented Workbench SDK, EVEN has developed addins to
introduce ACP as a component system inside Workbench
Typical Workbench system: file management and standard actions like Update,
Consume materials
from Engineering Data

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ACP Workflow Example

Insertion into
schematic flow Explicit *
(Autodyn) Implicit (MAPDL)

Parameter Support

Allows for inclusion as part of

Design Exploration

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Composite Example
CFRP Baseball bat with spiral CRFP reinforcement

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Workshop 6 1D Shock Propagation
Simulate the propagation of a 1-D shock wave

Restore the Explicit Dynamics (ANSYS) Project Shock_1D
Review the predefined loading and boundary conditions
Set-up the postprocessing result items and run the simulation
Review the Result Tracker, Probe, and Profile Path results

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Workshop 7 - Turbine Blade break
Goal: Model the breakage of a turbine blade

Import turbine geometry
Start Mechanical
Mesh the geometry
Apply appropriate initial conditions
Solve the problem
View the results
Create animations of the results

Quick Instructions
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