I PUC Cs Important Questions 2015

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Overview of computers

One mark questions:

1. What is a computer?
2. Which is the earliest computing machine?
3. Who invented the pascaline?
4. What is Charles babbage known as?
5. What is the machine proposed by Babbage, to perform differential equations called as?
6. Who is the father of computers?
7. Who developed the first all-electronic computer?
8. Expand the term ENIAC.
9. Expand the term ECVAC.
10. What is Von Neumann concept also called as?
11. Expand the term UNIVAC.
12. Which is the basic electronic component of the first generation systems?
13. Which is the basic electronic component of the II generation systems?
14. What is IC stand for?
15. What is email?
16. What is internet?

Two mark questions:

1. What are the fields where computers are used today
2. Write a note on ABACUS?
3. Write a note on pascaline?
4. Explain Charles Babbages role in the history of modern computers?
5. Mention any two features of ENIAC?
6. Mention any two features of EDVAC?
7. What are the importance features of II generation computers?
8. Explain the role of computers in education?
9. Why are computers used in the industry?
10. How are computers important in communication?
11. Compare the features of micro and mini computers
12. Compare mainframe and supercomputers.

Five mark questions:

1. Explain generations of computers in details.
2. What are the latest developments in the field of computers. List the areas and explain.
3. Explain the robotics in detail.

Chapter 2
Input Output memory devices

One mark questions:

1. What is PC?
2. What is input unit?
3. What happens to the data in the input unit?
4. What is the use of memory?
5. What is ROM and RAM?
6. What is cache memory?
7. What does MOUSE stand for?
8. What is MICR?
9. Define the resolution of a monitor.

Twomark questions:
1. Compare input and output units.
2. What is the difference between volatile and non-volatile memory.
3. Compare static and dynamic RAM.
4. Give different types of ROM.
5. Explain the different types of keyboard.
6. Give the difference between hard copy and soft copy.
7. Explain the different types of printers.
8. Explain the structure of CD-ROM.

Threemark questions:
1. Explain the different functional units of computers.
2. Write the difference between ROM and RAM.
3. Give the applications of OCR,OMR, and MICR.
4. Explain impact and non-impact printers in detail.

Chapter 3
Data Representation

One mark questions:

1. Define the base of the number system.
2. What is the expansion of BIT?
3. Define MSB.
4. Define LSB.
5. What is the weight of the LSB of an 8-bit number?
6. What is the weight of the MSB of an 16-bit number?
7. What does BCD stand for?
8. What is the expansion of ASCII?
9. What is the expansion of EBCDIC?
10. What is binary system?

11. What is octal system?

12. What is hexadecimal system?
13. How are negative numbers represented?
14. Write 1s complement of 11010111(2).
15. Write 2s complement of 11011011(2).

Three mark questions:

1.Explain 1s and 2s complement with examples.
2. Subtract 36 from 83 using 2s complement.
3. Using 1s complement method, Solve 54(10) 87(10).
4. Using 2s complement method, Solve 73(10) 25(10).
5. Add 64(10) + 35(10) using binary addition.

Five mark questions:

1. Find (1101001.1011)2 = (?)8 = (?)16.
2. Find (FADE)16 = (?)8 = (?)10.
3. Evaluate : BEAD(16) = ()10 =()2 =()8.
4. Subtract: 25(10) -14(10) using 1s and 2s complement.
5. Write a note on ASCII code.

Chapter 4
Software concepts

Two marks Questions:

1. Explain object code and source code
2. Compare hardware and software.
3. Write a note and language translators.
4. What is system software? Give an example
5. What is the function of linker and loader?
6. Differentiate between interpretations and compiler.

Three mark questions:

1. Explain different types of operating systems?
2. Explain batch processing operating system.
3. Explain multi-user operating system.

Chapter 5
Problem Solving Methodology
One markanswer questions:
1. What are the steps involved in Problem Analysis?
2. What is Structured Programming?
3. Explain the sequential construct?
4. What are the tools used in the design of problems?
5. What is flowchart?
6. What is an Algorithm?
7. Mention the rules for drawing a flowchart?
8. Give the advantage of flowchart?
9. What is Testing?
10. Define Debugging?
11. What is Syntax Error?
12. What is Runtime Error?
13. What is Logical Error?
14. What is Top Down design?
15. What is Bottom Up design?
16. Define Stepwise Refinement.
17. Define Coding?
18. Give the advantages of Structured Programming?
19.. What are the types of Iteration Constructs?
21. What is Unconditional Looping?
22. What are the types of selection constructs?

Two mark questions:

1. What are the advantages of Structured programming?
2. Write the various symbols used in a Flowchart.
3. Explain the various types of errors detected during testing.
4. What are the features of an Algorithm?
5. Explain Conditional Looping.

Three or Five mark questions:

1. What are the types of loops?
2. Briefly explain the various stages of problem solving.
3. Explain the problem definition phase.
4. Write a note on Testing & Debugging.
5. Briefly explain Documentation & Maintenance.
6. Explain Modular Design.
7. Explain Divide & Conquer method.
8. Give the Syntax, Flowchart for if-else construct . Explain with an example.
9. Give an Syntax & Flowchart of if-else & else-if construct with an example.
10. Explain WHILE-DO construct with an example.
11. Explain DO-WHILE construct with an example.

Chapter 6
Object Oriented Concepts
One mark questions:
1. Define Structured Programming.
2. Define Top-down design.
3. What is Bottom up?
4. What is Top-down?
5. Define an Object.
6. What is Object Oriented Programming?
7. What is Class?
8. Define a Module.
9. What is Bottom up approach?
10. What is Modularity?
11. What is Abstraction?

Two mark questions:

1. Differentiate between structured programming and object oriented programming.
2. Mention any two characteristics of OOP.
3. Briefly explain about Data Encapsulation.
4. Briefly explain about Inheritance.
5. Briefly explain about Polymorphism.
6. Briefly explain about Dynamic binding.
7. Briefly explain about Message Passing.
8. Mention any two benefits of OPP.
9. Mention any two advantages of OOP.
10. Mention any two disadvantages of OOP.
11. Mention any two applications of OOP.

Five mark questions:

1. What is OOP? Describe in detail the various characteristics of OOP.
2. Mention the various advantages and two disadvantages of OOP.

Chapter 7
Introduction to C++
One mark questions:
1. Who developed C++?
2. C++ is a subset of C. True or false?
3. Define token.
4. What is an identifier?
5. Mention any two keywords in C++.
6. What is a keyword?
7. What is a constant?
8. What is an integer constant?
9. What is an octal constant?
10. What is a hexadecimal constant?

Two mark questions:

1. Mention any two characteristics of C++.
2. Mention any four tokens of C++.
3. Mention any 2 rules for naming an identifier.
4. Mention the types of constants of C++.

5. Explain integer constant with suitable example.

6. Explain octal constant with suitable example.
7. Explain hexadecimal constant with suitable example.
8. Explain float constant with suitable example.
9. Explain character constant with suitable example.
10. What are escape sequences? Mention any 2 escape sequences.
11. Explain string constants with suitable examples.
12. Explain unary operators with suitable example.
13. Explain arithmetic operators with suitable example.
14. Explain logical operators with suitable example.
15. Explain bitwise operator with suitable example.
16. Explain the type conversions briefly.
17. Give an example of a simple C++ program.
18. Mention any 2 math.h functions.
19. Mention any 4 ctype.h functions.
20. Mention any 4 string.h functions.
21. Mention any 4 functions of stdio.h.
22. Mention any 4 function stdlib.h.

Threemark Questions:
1. Mention any 4 characteristics of C++.
2. Explain about character set & token in C++.
3. Summarize the rules for naming an identifier.
4. Explain about integer constants with suitable examples.
5. What are escape sequences? Mention any 4 escape sequences.
6. Explain any 4 unary operators.
7. What is an expression? Explain precedence of operators with suitable explains.
8. Explain implicit and explicit type conversions with suitable examples.
9. Explain the detailed structure of C++ program.
10. Explain character & mathematical library functions.
11. Explain string & stdlib.h function.

Five mark Questions:

1. Who developed C++? Explain the characteristics in detail.
2. Explain the various tokens in C++.
3. Explain the constants in C++ with suitable examples.
4. What are escape sequences? Explain the various escape sequences.
5. What are binary operators? Explain the various binary operators with suitable examples.
6. Explain the precedence of operators with suitable examples.
7. Explain the detailed structure of C++ program with suitable programming example.
9. Explain the various library functions of C++.

Chapter 8
Data Types
One mark questions:
1. Define variables.
2. Give the syntax of declaring a variable.
3. Give syntax of initializing a variable.
4. Mention the data types of C++.
5. Mention the types of modifiers.
6. What are derived data types?
7. What are user defined data types?

Two mark questions:

1. What is a variable and give its declaration.
2. What is a data type and mention the different data types.
3. What are modifiers and mention the different modifiers.
4. What is an enumerated data type? Give an example.

Chapter 9
Input and output operators
One mark questions:
1. Give the other name for cin()
2. Give another name for cout()
3. What is cascading?
4. What are manipulators?
5. Give the header file that holds setw()and end1.
6. What is the purpose of setw()?

Three mark questions:

1. Explain the input output operators in C++.
2. Write a C++ program to find the sum of two numbers.
3. Write a C++ program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.
4. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the cout()
5. Explain the cascading of input output operators with suitable example.

Chapter 10
Control Statements
One mark questions:
1. What is selection statement?
2. What is iterative statement?
3. What is two-way branching statement?
4. Define looping?
5. What is pre-tested looping structure?
6. What is post-tested looping structure?

Two mark questions:

1. What is selection statement?
2. What is iterative statement?
3. What is two-way branching statement?
4. Define looping?
5. What is pre-tested looping structure?
6. What is post-tested looping structure?

Five mark questions:

1. Explain the working of if statement with suitable program.
2. Explain if-else statement with syntax and suitable program.
3. Explain Switch Statement with syntax and suitable programming example.
4. Explain while loop with syntax and programming example.
5. Explain do-while construct with syntax and programming example.
6. Explain working of for loop with a suitable example.

Chapter 11

One mark questions:

1. What is an array?
2. What is the datatype of array subscript?
3. Define One-dimensional array?
4. Give the syntax of two-dimensional array?
5. Define two-dimensional array?
6. What is multidimensional array?

Two or Three marks Questions:

1. What is the need of arrays?
2. Give the declaration and initialization of one-dimensional array?
3. Give the declaration and initialization of two-dimensional array?
4. What are arrays? Explain the different types of arrays?

Five marks Questions:

1. Write a C++ Program to find the position of element in the array.
2. Write a C++ program to find

Chapter 12

One mark questions:

1. What is a function?
2. What are the different types of functions?
3. What are library functions?
4. Give the syntax of get() function.
5. Give the syntax of put() function.

Five marks Questions:

1. Explain five string handling functions.
2. Explain five character handling functions.

Chapter 13
User-Defined Functions

Three or Five marks questions:

1. Explain user defined function? Explain the structure of function with an example.
2. Explain the working of function with no arguments and no return values.
3. Explain the working of function with arguments and no return values.
4. Explain the working of function with no arguments and with return values.
5. Explain the working of function with arguments and with return values.
6. Explain Recursive function with programming example.
7. Explain briefly pass by value
8. Explain pass by reference

Chapter 14

One or Two marks Questions:

1. Define structure and syntax and programming example
2. Explain the declaration and defining a structure avariable.

Chapter 15
Word Processing

Two or Three marks:

1. Explain cut and copy, copy and paste options.
2. Explain formatting options.

Chapter 16
One or Two mark questions:
1. What is cell?
2. What is spreadsheet?
3. Explain any twobuilt-in functions.

Chapter 17
Web designing
Two or Three marks Questions:
1. Define internet?
2. Name two web browsers?
3. What is chatting?
4. Expand HTML?
5. Expand URL?
6. Design a web page to display your details on a web page?
7. Mention any two Advantages of email?
8. Mention any two HTML Tags?

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