Karnataka I PUC Computer Science Sample Question Paper 1 PDF
Karnataka I PUC Computer Science Sample Question Paper 1 PDF
Karnataka I PUC Computer Science Sample Question Paper 1 PDF
I. Answer all the questions. 10 X 1 = 10
1. Expand ENIAC.
2. Define resolution of monitor.
3. Define Coding.
4. Define Tokens.
5. What are manipulators?
6. What are iterative statements?
7. What is an array?
8. What is the use of return statement?
9. What is the extension of word processor file?
10. Define Cell.
II. Answer any Five of the questions. 5 X 2 = 10
11. Mention any applications of computer in industries.
12. Differentiate between Static Ram and Dynamic Ram.
13. What is an operating system? Give example.
14. List the errors deducted during testing.
15. Mention advantages of OOPs
16. Explain various data types used in C++.
17. Distinguish between isupper() and toupper().
18. Give the difference between Save and Save as
III. Answer any Five of the questions. 5 X 3 = 15
19. Explain Impact and Non-Impact printers in detail.
20. Add (24)10 and (80)10 using Binary Addition.
21. Give the features of Unix Operating system.
22. Differentiate between while and do..while.
23. Summarize the rule for naming an identifier.
24. Explain various ways of using for looping structure.
25. What are arrays? Explain the different types of arrays.
26. Explain array of structures with the help of a suitable example.
IV. Answer any Seven of the questions. 7 X 5 = 35
27. Explain generations of computers in detail.
28. Find (BEAD)16 = (?)8 = (?)10 = (?)2
29. Write an algorithm to find factorial of a given number.
30. What are binary operators? Explain with suitable example.
31. Explain working of switch structure with suitable example.
32. Write a C++ program to print Fibonacci series using for looping structure.
33. Write a C++ program to sort an array using Bubble sort method.
34. Explain Call by value and Call by reference with suitable example.
35. What are the applications of ESS?
36. Explain any 5 built in functions in ESS.
37. Explain the structure of HTML code.