Irid Physiology Iris Signs

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Compiled by

Campbell M Gold


CMG Archives



The picture below illustrates a cross section of the iris tissues, and is a representation of how
discrete iris signs (lesion, lacuna, crypt, etc) are formed within and upon the iris tissues. The
fibres running radially from the pupil are known as trabeculae, and they form the body of the
uppermost iris layers. These fibres rise and fall according to their reflex tissue-condition
signals (levels of dis-ease in the relevant organ/area), and consequently, areas of light and
levels of darkness result.

A primary theory of Iridology is that the iris is constructed in layers that represent the four
stages of tissue activity, namely acute changes, sub-acute changes, chronic changes, and
degenerative changes.

By noting which layer has the defect, the iridologist can suggest what the nature of the
problem is. Consequently, iridology measures reflex tissue-conditions in four stages:

1) Acute Stage
2) Subacute Stage
3) Chronic Stage
4) Degenerative Stage

1) Acute Stage

This is when body tissue is active, inflamed and possibly painful, and is using nutrients at a
high rate. The iris records this condition by being very white in the corresponding reflex area.
This sign (areas of whiteness) is associated with catarrh and mucus eliminations, irritation of
tissues, swellings, and sensitivity. This is the active or acute stage when the body is
eliminating toxic accumulations and cleaning house.

Areas of lightness occur when the fibres rise up from the surface of the iris and appear to be
white in colour (in reality they are transparent).

2) Subacute Stage

This is when nerve supply is exhausted, nutrients depleted, and circulation has slowed down
because of fatigue, the acutely-active tissue slumps into a state of under-activity. This is
called a subacute condition, and is seen as a darkening of that which was once very white
(see acute stage), and the situation now exists where tissue integrity is significantly lowered.

However, the iridologist should be aware that it is not unusual for an individual to be born with
this level (subacute indications) already present in certain organs/areas, because of inherent
weakness being passed genetically from parent to child.

In the subacute condition, tissue vitality is much lower than it should be, available nutrients
are not being properly absorbed, and the tissue cannot retain the nutrients.

Iridology and nutrition are symbiotically associated, and the iridologist should be aware that all
dis-ease conditions have a nutritional aspect to them. When the iridologist sees weak
tissue, they are also seeing nutritional imbalance in that tissue. This is where iridology has
one of its greatest uses; identifying weak tissue, and identifying where and what kind of
nutrition is needed for specific correction.

If a subacute condition is left unaddressed, and the individual continues in an imprudent and
stressful lifestyle, the condition will eventually degenerate further. Consequently, tissue
integrity will move into a chronic condition where malnutrition takes a severe toll.

3) Chronic Stage

In the chronic stage, metabolic waste is not being eliminated, cellular activity has become
congested, nerve impulses are deadened, and conditions are conducive for serious illness
and disease to flourish. Consequently, the individual could develop a host of maladies to
which an endless list of disease/pathological names are attached. It is estimated that 80% of
illnesses in western society are of a chronic nature.

Attempting to correct a chronic condition is difficult, and will take perseverance and a shift to
healthier patterns and habits of living. Unfortunately, it is much easier to maintain good health
than it is to regain it when it has been lost or compromised. When a chronic condition is not
addressed, and devitalizing activities/pathologies continue, the individual will be faced with
the final stage of tissue decline degeneration, decay, and necrosis. This is known as the
degeneration stage.

4) Degeneration Stage

The degeneration stage appears in the iris as black holes where the fibres have simply
disappeared from view. This indicates a serious condition that may be very difficult to reverse.

Acute to Degenerative Iris Indications

(Pictures below Four stages of tissue Imbalance)

Note: Autonomic Nerve Wreath is another term for Iris Wreath.


Acute: a highly active stage with a short course - rapid metabolism with rapid use of
nutrients, and rapid production of waste material.
Subacute: between acute and chronic - a moderate amount of metabolic activity,
which is slightly under normal.
Chronic: persevering for a long time - an unhealthy state showing little change, or
slow progress over a long period of time - a weak cell metabolism where cells do not
take in nutrients or excrete wastes effectively.
Degenerative: tissue destruction as cell metabolism becomes overloaded with
wastes and unable to take in new nutrients - this is usually associated with an
insufficient amount of metabolism to the indicated area, and a loss of function.

Acute to Degenerative Iris Indications

(Picture below Four Stages of Tissue Imbalance)

White, dark (grey or dirty looking), and black markings on the iris indicate activity (acute,
subacute, chronic, and degenerative) or inflammation related to the relevant area, system,
or function.

White markings (small dots or lines) relate to acute conditions, and indicate:

Acute inflammation


Dark markings (shades of grey or dirty looking) relate to subacute or chronic conditions,
and indicate:


Regarding dark markings, many iridologists recognise two shades of grey, light and dark.
Light grey markings correspond to subacute conditions, and dark grey markings correspond
to chronic conditions.

Black markings related to degenerative conditions and indicate:

No activity
Loss of function
Functional scarring

For example, after surgery, the individual will register a black marking/line in the relevant
system area, which will fade after a short period.

Reviewing the Markings

The four designations of tissue imbalance,

typically used by iridologists are:

1) Acute white
2) Subacute light grey
3) Chronic dark grey
4) Degenerative - black

Regarding the stages of tissue imbalance, crypt

colour is interpreted is as follows:

(Picture right Crypts)

Colourless or same colour as

surrounding iris indicates that
there is the potentiality for
illness/pathology in the associated
Whitish indicates that acute
lesions are developing
Dark and developing to a reddish or
brown hue indicates a chronic

(Picture right Crypts)

Black indicates lesions, which have burned out with scar formation. This indicates a
degenerative condition.

Acute to Degenerative Iris Indications - the Role of Iridology

There is no perfect iris, and all individuals exhibit some degree of tissue weakness, whether
genetically developed or determined. Frequently, combinations of tissue condition-stages
(acute, subacute, chronic, and degenerative) within the same organ/area are observed.
Tissue that is chronically ill, mixed with tissue that is highly acute, will produce an overall
result of functional normalcy. For example, bi-lobed organs (e.g. lungs, kidneys, thyroid, etc)
can exhibit a hyper-condition (over-active) on one side and a hypo-condition (under-active) on
the other, thus producing an overall result of lab-tested normalcy. The iridologist can confirm
information that can help to remove confusion in these matters by indicating the
isolated/individual conditions.

Iridology does not name diseases; instead, tissue condition is noted and interpreted. From
this information, predisposition, tendency, and direction towards or away from pathological
conditions are noted. Additionally, levels of toxin/drug settlement and accumulation are also

Additionally, iridology also reveals the individual's constitutional makeup, which is valuable
when trying to determine an individuals healing ability and response to treatment types. This
gives the practitioner an indication of the individual's recuperative quality, how quickly a
treatment type can be applied, and in what quantities the body can reasonably utilise any
specific treatment/medication.


However, the greatest asset of iridology is its ability to forewarn of approaching dis-
ease/imbalance. Tissue changes can be observed to occur before physical symptoms are
actually manifested. This is a powerful tool when applied to preventive health care.

Healing Reflex

Conversely to the degeneration process, as healing advances, a reversal of the tissue reflex
occurs, and this can be readily monitored/noted in the iris.

Other Examples of Iris-Sign Physiology


Terminology Note (Lesion/Lacuna/Crypt/Defect Mark):

Lesion is an older term used in Jensen-type Iridology referring to pathology/weakness

(inherited or developed) of some kind as noted in the irises, and marked by what is now
termed as Lacunae, Crypts, or Defect Marks.

(Pictures above Lesion Examples)

(Pictures below Lesion Physiology)

Open Lesion Acute (typically white in colour)

Open Lesion Subacute (typically light-grey in colour)

Open Lesion Chronic (typically dark-grey or very dark-grey in colour)

Closed Lesion Degenerative (typically black in colour)

Radii Solaris

(Pictures above Radii Solaris Examples)

(Picture below Radii Solaris Physiology)




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