Customer Satisfaction of Dutch-Bangla Bank LTD.: Background

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(Only use for research purpose)


Name: Ac. No.


City, Zip: Telephone No. (Optional):

E-mail (Optional): Date of birth:

Sex (Check only one): Male Female

(Check only one)

1. Are you currently:

Married B
Single C
Separated D
Divorced E
1. Education:

Illiterate High school Intermediate Degree Master Degree

E Others (please specify)_______________

2. Profession:

A Govt Employee B Private Employee C Business D Self Employee

E Student F House Wife G Others (please specify) ___

3. Monthly Income:

A Up to 10000 B 10001 20000 C 20001 30000 D 30001 40000

E 40001- Above

4. Why are you select Dutch-bangla bank?

A Near to the house B More ATM C Without any reason

D Others (please specify)

5. Status of usage:

A Less than 1 year B 1 5 years C 5 10 years

D 10 15 yeas E Above 15 years

6. Which attribute of the bank do you value the most?

A Quality of Service B Technology used C Trust D Location
E Type of the bank

7. Customer level of usage of technology (Can select more than one):

Connected to the Internet at home or work to do their financial transactions------------

Uses E-mail

B ATM / Debit card service

Credit card service
D Online banking services
E E-payments
F Electronic Fund Transfer (EFTs)/NEFT/RTGS

8. How frequently per month do you use the following banking services?

Banking Services Nil Times 1 to 3 Times 3 to 8 Times 8 to 12 Times Over 12

A. Branch Banking
C. Internet Banking
D. Mobile banking

9. Satisfaction on Technology usage:

ATM Services Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely
satisfied Dissatisfied

A. Promptness of card
B. Number of Transactions
C. The quality of notes
D. Conveniently located

Internet banking Services Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely

satisfied Dissatisfied
A. Account information and
balance enquiry
B. E-payments
C. Account to Account
D. Statement request

Mobile Banking services Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely

satisfied Dissatisfied
A. Reward point status
B. Prepaid Mobile Recharge
C. SMS alerts
D. Transactions status
E. expensive

10. Problems of technology Usage:

ATM Problems Often Rarely Never

A. Cards get blocked
B. Machine out of cash
C. Machine out of order
D. long waiting time in queues
E. Reduction in balance without cash payment

Internet Banking Problems Often Rarely Never

A. Not providing information
B. Not being able to maintain security
C. Not giving fast response
D. Leaving the operation unfinished
E. Waiting for long time for conducting of transactions

F. Too many steps in processing transaction

Mobile Banking Problems Often Rarely Never

A. Login / Sign off are not easy
B. Lack of security in transactions
C. Lack of appropriate software

Satisfaction levels regarding the various

Services Quality Dimensions

11. At what level your satisfied with the following service quality dimensions?

Tangibility Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely

satisfied Dissatisfied
A. Bank has up-to-date
equipment & technology
B. Location of the Bank
C. Sufficient number of ATM
D. Cash counting machines
E. The employees approach
F. Guideline to services

Responsiveness Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely

satisfied Dissatisfied
A. Bank performed services
B. Quick confirmation
C. Our requests are handled

Accuracy Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely

satisfied Dissatisfied
A. Problem solving through
instant information
B. Bank insists on error-free

transaction records
C. Electronic Bills payments

Security Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely

satisfied Dissatisfied
A. Security for ATMs
B. Protection of banking
C. Privacy

Customer Service Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely

satisfied Dissatisfied
A. Customer friendly
environment at Bank
B. Customer feedback
C. Special services for the
elders and disabled

12. Are you satisfied with the overall technological services of your bank?
A Yes B No C Cannot say

13. The contribution of new technology to the success of banks in your opinion is (Please fill up
the circle):
Very high




14. What suggestions are you give for more customer satisfaction?




Signature of the customer

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