Receptiveness On Mobile Wallet in Digital Era: Consumer and Merchant's Perspective in Coimbatore City Objectives

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Receptiveness on Mobile Wallet in Digital Era: Consumer and Merchant’s Perspective in

Coimbatore City
• To study the socio-economic profile of the M-wallet customers.
• To know the awareness and level of usage of the M-Wallet payment service.
• To examine the factors influencing the customers in using M-Wallets payment service.
• To analyse the level of satisfaction of customers towards services offered by M-wallet
payment service providers.
• To identify the challenges in using M-wallet payment service.
• Study the retailers perception towards M-wallet service and the practical difficulties faced
in their business scenario.
Demographic Profile:
1. Name :
2. Gender : a. Male b. Female
3. Age group: a. Below 20 years b. 21-30 years c. 31-40 years d. 41-50 years e. Above 50 years
4. Educational Qualification:
a. No formal education b. School Level c. Diploma d. Under graduate
e. Post graduate f. Professional degree g. Unemployed f.Others please specify____________
5. Occupational status:
a. Government employee b. Private employee c. Part time employee
d. Professional e. Self employed f. unemployed g. Others please specify__________
6. Marital status: a. Single b. Married
7. Family type: a. Nuclear b. Joint.
8. Number of members in the family: a.2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. More than 5
9. Number of earning members in the family: a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. Above 4
10. Monthly Family Income:
a. Below Rs. 30,000 b. Rs. 30,001-Rs. 40,000 c. Rs. 40,001- Rs. 50,000
d. Rs. 50,001- Rs. 60,000 e. Above Rs. 60,000.
11. Residential area a. Urban b. Rural c. Semi-urban
Level of awareness and usage of the M-Wallet payment service
12. Specify the operating system which you are using
a. Android b. Blackberry c.iOS
d.Windows Mobile e.Others please specify__________
13. State your sources of awareness regarding M-wallet payment service?(Multiple tick)
a. Own interest b. Shop keepers and Agents c. Friends and Relatives d. Banks
e. Social Media f. Awareness campaigns and Pamphlets
g. Posters and Banners h. News papers i. Others please specify_________________

14. Give your level of awareness towards the following M-wallet payment service providers
Extremely Moderately Somewhat Slightly Not at all
S.No Application
Aware Aware Aware Aware Aware
Service wallets
a. Paytm
b. Mobikwik
c. Citrus
d. Freecharge
e. Oxigen
f. Google pay
g. PayPal
Bank wallets
a. Axis Bank lime
b. ICICI pockets
c. SBI Buddy
d. HDFC payZapp
e. YPayCash
Telecom wallets
a. Airtel Money
b. Jio Money
c. Vodafone m pesa
Online Portals
a. PhonePe
b. Amazon pay
a. Ola money
15. Give your level of awareness towards the following features relating to M-wallet payment
(Extremely Aware – EA; Moderately Aware – MA; Somewhat Aware – SWA; Slightly
Aware- SA; Not at all Aware – NA)
S.N Features E M SW SA NA
o A A A
a. Instant payments and refunds
b. Variety of services
c. Virtual credit card option
d. Easy to connect to other account
e. Splitting of bill

f. Integrated with all software
g. Location aware services
h. Digital coupons(Gift promotions/ Cash Rewards &
i. Accept any form of payment
j. Chat messenger app Integration
16. How long you have been using M-wallet payment service?
a. Below 1 year b.1-2 years c. 2- 4years d. 4-5 years e. More than 5 years
17. Provide your degree of frequency in using M-wallet application :(Tick).
S.No Application Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Service wallets
a. Paytm
b. MobiK wik
c. Citrus Wallet
d. Freecharge
e. Oxigen
f. Google pay
g. PayPal
Bank wallets
a. Axis Bank lime
b. ICICI pockets
c. SBI Buddy
d. HDFC payZapp
e. YPayCash
Telecom wallets
a. Airtel Money
b. Jio Money
c. Vodafone m pesa
Online Portals
a. PhonePe
b. Amazon pay
a. Ola money
18. Average amount loaded to your M-wallet payment service per month
a. Less than Rs.5,000 b. Rs.5,001-10,000 c. Rs.10,001-15,000 d. Rs.15,001 – 20,000
e. Above 20,000
19. Average amount spent through M-wallet payment service per month
a. Less than Rs.1,000 b. Rs.1,001-5,000 c. Rs.5,001-10,000 d. Rs.10,001– 15,000
e. Above 15,000
20. Which mode of payment services you were using before M-wallet service? (Multiple tick)
a. Cash b. Cheque c. Credit Card d. Debit Card e. Net banking

21. Preferred payment method of adding money to M-wallet payment service account (Multiple
a. Credit card b. Net banking c. Debit card
d. Transaction from other e-wallet account e. Other methods

22. Select the purpose for which M-wallet payment services are used: (Tick).
Every A moderate
S.No Particular Occasionally Rarely Never
time amount
a. Restaurants and Food
b. Booking Movie Tickets
c. Games / Music / Gifts
d. Online Shopping
e. Retail Stores
Utility bills (electricity, water
and property tax etc.,)
g. Recharge (Mobile,DTH etc.,)
h. Money Transfer
i. Travel Tickets
j. Donations and charity
23. Place of transactions for payment
a. Home b. Workplace c. Merchant site d Others please specify_____________
Factors Influencing M-Wallets Payment Service
24. Who influenced you to use M-wallet payment service? (Multiple tick)
a. Self b. Friends & Relatives c Spouse d. Social Media Ads e. Attractive offers
g. Shop Keepers h. Compulsion j. Demonetization k.Others please specify____
25. Through which mode you receive information about offers in M-wallet payment service?
(Multiple tick)
a. Text message b. E-mail c. Apps from the retailer d. Advertisement banner
e. Other please specify
26. Rank the reason to use M-wallet payment gateway
Reason Rank
a. I got a Smartphone
b. Better payment option
c. The store I visit started offering the service
d. To take advantage of loyalty or rewards points and discounts
e. Social recognition and status

f. User friendly apps
g. Readiness to accept new technology
27. Give the factors influencing to use M-wallet payment gateway
(Extremely influencing – EI; very influencing VI; Somewhat influencing- SWI; Slightly
influencing - SI Not at all influencing – NI).
Factors influencing EI SI NI
o I I
a. Accessibility
b. Convenience in buying products
c. Security and Privacy
d. Technology Adoption
e. Budgeting (Tracking of expenses)
f. Availability/Acceptance of the services at different stores
g. M-wallet substitutes the physical payment system
h. Confidentiality of bank details
i. 24*7 customer service
28. Give your level of agreeability towards adoption of M-wallet payment service: (Tick.
Strongly Agree - SA; Agree – A; Neutral - N; Disagree -DA; Strongly Disagree – SDA
Ease of use
a. M-wallet service is user-friendly
b. Learning about M-wallet service is very easy
c. Procedure in using m-wallet service is flexible
d. M-wallet service increases my skill
The installation of m-wallet application is clear and
M-wallet services help to finish financial task and to pay
M-wallet service would improve my performance in making
M-wallet service helps to make transactions at my convenient
d. M-wallet service saves time
e. Facilities offered by m-wallet service providers are useful
a. Making transactions in phone is very comfortable
b. Anytime and anywhere access is possible
c. Using m-wallet service is stress free
d. Absence of cash gives security
e. M-wallet service is more convenient than net banking.

a. M-wallet service is reliable and secured
b. M-wallet service providers are trustworthy
c. M-wallet service ensures privacy
d. M-wallet service provides accurate financial statement.
e. M-Wallet service provides Information are considerable
Technology Adoption
a. Easy availability of network service
b. M-Wallet service is trendy to use
c. Necessary for survival in business
d. Cost effective
e. Global Accessibility
Relative Advantage
a. No hassle of carrying physical cash for shopping.
It takes lesser time to reflect in account than traditional
c. Usage m-wallet service reduces paper work.
d. I can make payment even for a small amount.
e. M-wallet service supports cashless economy.
29. What percent of your traditional payment has been reduced by M-Wallet usage?
a. Up to 10% b. 10% - 30% c. 30% -50% d. 50% - 70% e. Above 70%
Satisfaction Level of Services/ Facilities Provide By M-Wallet Payment Service.
30. Give your level of satisfaction towards the facilities offered in M-wallet payment service
(HS – Highly Satisfied; S –Satisfied; MS- Moderately Satisfied; DS- Dissatisfied; HDS -
Highly Dissatisfied)
S.N Features M
o S
a. Instant payments and refunds
b. Variety of services
c. Virtual credit card option
d. Easy to connect to other account
e. Splitting of bill
f. Integrated with all software
g. Location aware services
h. Digital coupons(Gift promotions/ Cash Rewards &
i. Accept any form of payment
j. Chat messenger app Integration
31. State the level of your satisfaction in using M-wallet payment for the following services
(Tick). HS – Highly Satisfied; S –Satisfied; MS- Moderately Satisfied; DS- Dissatisfied;
HDS - Highly Dissatisfied )
a. Restaurants and Food
b. Booking Movie Tickets

c. Games / Music / Gifts
d. Online Shopping
e. Retail Stores
f. For paying bills (electricity, water and property tax etc.
g. Recharge (Mobile, DTH etc.
h. Money Transfer
i. Travel Tickets
j. Donations and charity
32. State your overall level of satisfaction of M-wallet payment service.
a.Extremely satisfied b.Very satisfied c Moderately satisfied dSlightly satisfied
e. Not at all satisfied
To identify the challenges in using M-wallet payment service.
33. Rank the challenges you face while using M-wallet payment service.
S.No Particular Rank
a. Payment through E- wallet may not be safe and secure
b. Digital Wallet provider companies may track my transactions and use my
payment details for other purposes
c. May not get reimbursement of money if I cancel my order
d. Digital Wallet provider companies may ask for irrelevant personal information
e. Internet/Mobile Data Connection is a must
f. Insufficient transaction limits
g. Service charges
34. Give your level of agreeability towards the following statements relating to challenges in
using M-wallet services. (Tick).
Strongly Agree - SA; Agree – A; Neutral - N; DisAgree -DA; Strongly DisAgree - SDA
Feeling insecure sending sensitive information across the m-
wallet service.
Worrying about using m-wallet service because other people
can track expenditure.
Not feeling privacy to send my personal information in m-
wallet service.
d. There are chances for money theft in m-wallet service
e. Feeling insecure while using in all m-wallet payments.
Operational difficulties
a. Not having net banking facilities to add money to wallet
b. Fearing that process takes more time than expected
Worrying about password related issues (Forgetting often,

Having some bad experiences (while sending money /
recharging / sent to wrong person etc.
e. Customer services are not up to the mark
Network Coverage
a. Fearing about network problems in M-Wallet service.
b. Poor coverage in my area breaks transactions in the middle
c. Fearing that public wifi connections are at risk
d. It would make over dependent to mobile phone
e. Feeling transaction alerts don’t come in time
a. Transaction limit is insufficient.
Not feeling variety of facilities in M-Wallet than other mode
of payment.
Feeling that mobile wallets don’t give attractive cash back
and discounts
Feeling mobile wallets are competitor for other mode of
35. In case of problem, have you made a complaint?
a. Yes b. No
36. Which source of rectification you find it effective?
a. Mailing b. Online helpline service c. Customer care service
d. Others please specify_______________________
37 Please give your valuable suggestions and recommendations to improve the study:

Retailers perception Problems Faced By Retaile

1) Name and address of the shop:
2) Type of business:
a) Restaurants b) Petrol Bunk c) Hyper market d) Apparel
e) Street Vendor f) Others please specify________________
3) Commercial area: a) Urban b) Rural c) Semi-urban
4) Type of ownership: a) Proprietorship b) Partnership c) Corporate
5) Number of employees working:
a) Less than 5 b) 5- 10 c) 10 – 15 d) 15-20 e) More than 20
6) Number of years doing business: a) Less than 2 years b) 2-4 years c) 4 - 6 years
d) 6 – 8 years e) More than 8 years
7) State your sources of awareness regarding M-wallet payment service?
a) Own interest b) Customer c) Friends and Relatives
d) Social Media e) Awareness campaigns and Pamphlets f) Posters and Banners
g) Others please specify____________________

8) How long you have been providing M-wallet payment service?

a) Less than 1 year b) 1- 2 years c) 2 –3 years d) 3 – 4 years e) More than 4 years
9) Which of the following M-wallet payment service are you aware and using?
Aware & Not
S.No M-Wallet Apps Not Aware Aware & Installed
a) Paytm
b) Mobikwik
c) Citrus Wallet
d) Freecharge
e) Oxigen
f) Google Pay
g) PayPal
h) Phonepe
i) Amazon pay
j) Other specify

10) In your opinion customer awareness and willingness towards M- wallet payment service.
a)Not aware b)Aware and not willing to use c)Aware and willing to use
11) What percentage of your total customers pay through M-wallet payment service per day on an
a) Up to 10% b) 10% - 30% c) 30% -50% d) 50% - 70% e) Above 70%
12) Rank the facilities offered in M-wallet payment service preferred by the customers
S.No Features Rank
a. Loyalty points and rewards

b. Instant settlement

c. Sufficient transaction limit

d. Transaction tracking

e. Accept any form of payment

f. QR Code scanner

g. Contactless payment

h. Quick transfer of funds

13) What percentage of sales is through m-wallet payment services before and after
S.N 50% -
Particular Up to 10 % 10% - 30% 30% -50% e
o 70%
a) After Demonization
b) Before Demonization

14) In your opinion to what extent the M-wallet payment services will replace traditional cash
a) Major Affect b) Moderate Affect c) Neutral d) Minor Affect e) No affect
15) Rank your opinion why customers prefer to use M-Wallet
S.No Particular Rank
a. Seamless process(free availability))
b. Promotional offers(cash back offers from provider))
c. Faster than traditional payments
d. Secured transaction and privacy
e. Cost saving
f. Trust

16) Have you ever faced any issues relating to M- wallet payment service)
a) Yes b) No
17) Tick the problems faced by retailers in using M-wallet payment service: (Tick)
Strongly Agree - SA; Agree – A; Neutral - N; DisAgree -DA; Strongly DisAgree - SDA


1 Lack of awareness in using mobile wallet.

2 No proper communication from bankers, agents etc.,

3 Not updated with latest technology in financial sector.

4 No one influenced to make use of mobile wallet service.

Customers don’t prefer rather than traditional mode of
Economic and political policy changes

1 I feel demonetization affected the regular business.

I could overcome cash crisis quickly using of digital

3 It forced us to digital / cashless payment methods

4 I can handle such situations in future easily.

5 Cashless transactions increased after demonetization.

Network Coverage

1 I fear about network problems in M-Wallet service service.

2 Poor coverage in my area breaks transactions in the middle.

3 I am panic that public wifi connections are at risk.

4 I am scare I would over dependent to mobile phone.

5 I feel transaction alerts don’t come in time

I would feel insecure sending sensitive information across the
m-wallet service.
I worried about using m-wallet service because other people
can track income.
I don’t feel privacy to send my personal information in m-
wallet service.
4 I feel there is chance for money theft in m-wallet service

5 I feel insecure while using in all m-wallet payments.

18) In case of problem, have you made a complaint? a) Yes b) No
19) ) In your opinion which source of rectification you find it effective?
a) Mailing b) Online helpline service
c) Customer care service d) Others please specify_______________________
20) State the level of satisfaction of mobile wallet payment service)
a) Extremely satisfied b))Very satisfied c)Moderately satisfied d) Slightly satisfied
e)Not at all satisfied
21) Please give your valuable suggestions and recommendations to improve the study:


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