RURal MArketing

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Manoj Kumar Thamarai Chelvan

Rural Marketing
Rural marketing involves the process of developing, pricing,
promoting, distributing rural specific product and a service
leading to exchange between rural and urban market which
satisfies consumer demand and also achieves organizational

It is a two-way marketing process wherein the transactions can


1. Urban to Rural: It involves the selling of products and

services by urban marketers in rural areas. These include:
Pesticides, FMCG Products, Consumer durables, etc.

2. Rural to Urban: Here, a rural producer (involved in

agriculture) sells his produce in urban market. This may not
be direct. There generally are middlemen, agencies,
government co-operatives, etc who sell fruits, vegetables,
grains, pulses and others

3. Rural to rural: These include selling of agricultural tools,

cattle, carts and others to another village in its proximity.

Features of Indian Rural Markets:

· Large, Diverse and Scattered Market: Rural market in India

is large, and scattered into a number of regions. There may be
less number of shops available to market products.

· Major Income of Rural consumers is from Agriculture:

Rural Prosperity is tied with agriculture prosperity. In the event of
a crop failure, the income of the rural masses is directly affected.

· Standard of Living and rising disposable income of the

rural customers: It is known that majority of the rural population
lives below poverty line and has low literacy rate, low per capital
income, societal backwardness, low savings, etc. But the new tax
structure, good monsoon, government regulation on pricing has
created disposable incomes. Today the rural customer spends
money to get value and is aware of the happening around him.
· Traditional Outlook: Villages develop slowly and have a
traditional outlook. Change is a continuous process but most rural
people accept change gradually. This is gradually changing due to
literacy especially in the youth who have begun to change the
outlook in the villages.

· Rising literacy levels: It is documented that approximately

45% of rural Indians are literate. Hence awareness has increases
and the farmers are well-informed about the world around them.
They are also educating themselves on the new technology
around them and aspiring for a better lifestyle.

· Diverse socioeconomic background: Due to dispersion of

geographical areas and uneven land fertility, rural people have
disparate socioeconomic background, which ultimately affects the
rural market.

· Infrastructure Facilities: The infrastructure facilities like

cemented roads, warehouses, communication system, and
financial facilities are inadequate in rural areas. Hence physical
distribution is a challenge to marketers who have found
innovative ways to market their products.
As part of planned economic development, the government is
making continuous efforts towards rural development. In this age
of liberalization, privatization and globalization, rural market
offers a big attraction to the marketers to explore markets that
are untapped.

Roadblocks of Indian Rural Markets:

There are several roadblocks that make it difficult to progress in
the rural market. Marketers encounter a number of problems like
dealing with physical distribution, logistics, proper and effective
deployment of sales force and effective marketing communication
when they enter rural markets. The major problems are listed

1. Standard of living: The number of people below the

poverty line is more in rural markets. Thus the market is also
underdeveloped and marketing strategies have to be
different from those used in urban marketing.
2. Low literacy levels: The low literacy levels in rural areas
leads to a problem of communication. Print media has less
utility compared to the other media of communication.
3. Low per capita income: Agriculture is the main source of
income and hence spending capacity depends upon the
agriculture produce. Demand may not be stable or regular.
4. Transportation and warehousing: Transportation is one
of the biggest challenges in rural markets. As far as road
transportation is concerned, about 50% of Indian villages are
connected by roads. However, the rest of the rural markets
do not even have a proper road linkage which makes
physical distribution a tough task. Many villages are located
in hilly terrains that make it difficult to connect them through
roads. Most marketers use tractors or bullock carts in rural
areas to distribute their products. Warehousing is another
major problem in rural areas, as there is hardly any
organized agency to look after the storage issue. The
services rendered by central warehousing corporation and
state warehousing corporations are limited only to urban and
suburban areas.
5. Ineffective distribution channels: The distribution chain
is not very well organized and requires a large number of
intermediaries, which in turn increases the cost and creates
administrative problems. Due to lack of proper
infrastructure, manufacturers are reluctant to open outlets in
these areas. They are mainly dependent on dealers, who are
not easily available for rural areas. This is a challenge to the
6. Many languages and diversity in culture: Factors like
cultural congruence, different behavior and language of the
respective areas make it difficult to handle the customers.
Traits among the sales force are required to match the
various requirements of these specific areas.
7. Lack of communication system: Quick communication is
the need of the hour for smooth conduct of business, but it
continues to be a far cry in rural areas due to lack of
communication facilities like telegraph and
telecommunication systems etc. The literacy rate in the rural
areas is rather low and consumer’s behavior in these areas
is traditional, which may be a problem for effective
8. Spurious brands: Cost is an important factor that
determines purchasing decision in rural areas. A lot of
spurious brands or look-alikes are available, providing a low
cost option to the rural customer. Many a time the rural
customer may not be aware of the difference due to
9. Seasonal demand: Demand may be seasonal due to
dependency on agricultural income. Harvest season might
see an increase in disposable income and hence more
purchasing power.
10. Dispersed markets: Rural population is highly dispersed
and requires a lot of marketing efforts in terms of
distribution and communication.

The entire points discussed above offer challenges to the

marketer. He tries to uncover newer ways to market his product
as he cannot afford to miss this huge opportunity existing in rural
markets. He tries to identify solutions to these marketing

Solutions to problems of rural markets:

To solve the problems of rural markets in India, the following
suggestions can be used by marketers.

1. Regarding the problems of physical distribution, the marketer

may have a joint network of stockist/ clearing-cum-forwarding
(C&F) agents at strategic location for facilitation of physical
distribution for its products in the rural market. The main
advantage of this scheme is that the costs of physical distribution
can be shared by the companies and stockists. The combination
of different modes of transport based on availability of tracks will
be beneficial to the companies. Presently, bullock-cart plays a
very vital role in rural distribution where the roads are not
available. Some of the leading companies use delivery vans in
rural areas for resolving the distribution problems in rural market.
The delivery van takes the products to the retail shops in every
corner of the rural market and it enables the company to
establish direct sales contact with majority of the rural consumers
which helps in sales promotion.

2. The rural market is composed of a number of retail sales

outlets along with fair price shops under the public distribution
system. It is suggested that the government should encourage
private shopkeepers and cooperative stores to come forward and
establish their business in rural areas instead of the weekly
market known as weekly bazaar. Fertilizer companies have
opened their outlets for proper distribution of fertilizer among the
farmers. Similarly, the companies dealing in consumer goods can
apply this model. The company may also appoint a number of
retailers in and around the feeder towns and attach them to the
stockist who distributes the goods to the retailers as per the
potential of the market. This system has the benefit of
penetrating into the interior areas of the rural markets.
3. To solve the problems of sales force management, it is
suggested that the company takes due care in the recruitment
and selection of sales people because the traits they require are
different from urban and suburban sales persons. For the rural
markets, only those sales people should be preferred for selection
who is willing to work in rural areas. They must be aware of the
local language and must have the patience to deal with rural
customers and can discharge the duties of a bare-footed
salesman. Administration of such a large and scattered sales
force, supervising and supporting them in sales calls, guiding
them, attending to their official and personal problems, and
motivating them for better results should be an exacting task for
the sales manager. Thus, the people operating in rural areas
should invariably be from the rural background and should have a
missionary zeal to serve the rural masses.
4. With reference to marketing communication in rural areas, the
company should use organized media-mix like TV, Radio, and
cinema and POP (point of purchase) advertising. Television is
gaining popularity in the rural areas but due to poor supply of
electricity, radio is performing significantly better. Since, the rural
people need demonstration, short-feature films with disguised
advertisement messages, direct advertisement films and
documentaries that combine knowledge and advertisements will
perform better rural marketing communication. Here the
companies may also use audiovisual publicity vans, which may
sell the products with promotion campaign. To attract the rural
consumers, companies can organize village fairs, dance and
drama shows, group meetings to convince the rural consumers
about the products and services. In most Indian villages, there are
some opinion leaders. For the rural markets, only those sales
people should be preferred for selection that is willing to work in
rural areas like Sarpanch, Pradhan and other elderly persons.
They can be approached by the marketers to propagate their
messages; these persons can prove to be effective
communicators within the rural masses.
The rural market in India is quite fascinating and challenging in
spite of all the difficulties existing. The potential is enormous.
Even though, these markets have weaknesses they also have
tremendous opportunities which should be availed by the
marketers. It is well known that “Markets are created and not
born”. The market so created should be tapped effectively. An
ideal example is that of LIC. The Life Insurance Corporation of
India generates life insurance business by appointing the
insurance agent from the village itself so that he can easily
convince his near and dear ones. LIC started a scheme called
Gram Vikaswhere the Sarpanch is given a target to sell a
minimum of 10 policy plans and the commission so earned is
spent on the development of their respective villages. The
marketers have to come up with innovative ideas through which
Villagers also get involved in getting business from their
respective villages. The Indian rural market is quite fascinating
and challenging. It provides tremendous opportunities which
beckon a marketer to explore.

Indian rural market has a vast size and demand base. Rural
marketing involves the process of developing, pricing, promoting,
distributing rural specific product and a service leading to
exchange between rural and urban market which satisfies
consumer demand and also achieves organizational objectives. As
part of planned economic development, the government is
making continuous efforts towards rural development.

There are several roadblocks that make it difficult to progress in

the rural market. Marketers encounter a number of problems like
dealing with physical distribution, logistics, proper and effective
deployment of sales force and effective marketing communication
when they enter rural markets.

The rural market in India is quite fascinating and challenging in

spite of all the difficulties existing. The potential is enormous.
Even though, these markets have weaknesses they also have
tremendous opportunities which should be availed by the
marketers. The marketers have to come up with innovative ideas
through which the villagers also get involved in getting business
from their respective villages.

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