Module-I: Concepts, Opportunities & Approaches

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Module- I

Concepts, opportunities & Approaches

What is Rural?
A group of people who are traditionalists in outlook staying at
countryside, rooted in land and who resist change.

Most companies define rural as a place with a population upto

Culture, language, religion, caste, customs and other imp variables
are considered in profiling a rural consumer. They have a lot of
inhibitions & tend to be rigid in their behavior and hence companies
have to take intense care while targeting them.
 Taxonomy of Rural Market
Consumer Market : Main constituent are individuals and Households for
consumable products & durables
Industrial Market: Main constituents are Agri & allied activities ,poultry,
fishery health, cottage industry etc
Service Market : Main constituents Offices , service providing
individuals, production firms. Micro financing banking etc..
 Go Rural Decision- Divided in three major categories
Urban Push Factors-
Saturation stage
Changing lifestyle
Rural Pull Factors
Rising Affordability
Growing acceptance- literacy,lifestyle,income,shift in decision making,upgrading of
Increasing availability needs
Improving Accessibility
Success stories of Corporation –HUL,HERO HONDA, ITC etc.
Rural Inhibiting Factors
Uneven Development
Fragmented Market-population density issue
Diversity in Occupations
Heterogeneity in Lifestyles
Low Income streams
Lack of steady and sustainable consumption
Limited Awareness and education
Failure of some companies
Intensifying competition etc. at 3 levels- foreign & national brands, regional
& fake products..
Concept and scope of Rural Marketing
Rural marketing has been defined as the process of developing, pricing,
promoting, distributing rural specific goods and service leading to
exchange between urban rural markets, which satisfies consumer demand
and also achieve organizational objective.
 According to the National commission on agriculture ‘Rural marketing’ is
a process which starts with a decision to produce a saleable farm
commodity and it involves all the aspects of market structure or
Both functional and institutional, based on technical and economical
consideration and include pre and post harvest operation, assembling
grading storage transportation and distribution.
Scope of rural marketing

 The growth rate of FMCG market is high in rural areas.The rural market share is more than
50% for products like cooking oil etc than in urban area.
 Agriculture consultancy
 Rural customers require proper consultancy service about the best method,, timings and
seasons, tool, prices and best markets for selling their farming products.
 Banking , microfinance and loan facilities.
The rural market has huge potential for banking service for providing following facilities at
affordable price.
• Agricultural loan
• Educational loan
• Housing loans
• Saving accounts and safe deposits
• Automobile loans
• Personal loans
Scope of rural marketing
 Healthcare
The availability and location of these service is of great concern as most of
the areas either do most have any or many rural and remote areas needs to be
dependent on every distantly located hospitals.
 Telecom service.
The government’s policies for reduce tariffs, call rates, lesser mobile handset
price and private participation involvement has helped in increasing the
level of competition, continuous improvement technology and thus has
resulted in the growth rural telecom market
Scope of rural marketing
 Automobile service
There has been a huge increase in the number of two wheeler, four wheeler
and agriculture tools and vehicles in past few decades because of reduction
in price and government support to the rural population. This has given rise
to a new business for providing maintenance and repair service to rural
 Low cost Hotels.
Due to increased mobilization because of business and personal needs, there
is also increased demand for hotel and lodging service to the travelers.
Nature and characteristic of rural marketing
 Large and scattered market
Consists of approximately 75 crore rural consumers who live in
approximately 638365 villages spreads over 32 lakh square km area. Such a
large and widely scattered geographical market, raises the inventory and
transportation costs.
 Heterogeneous market
As many as 20000 ethnic group are present in rural India. There are
languages are 1624 dialect varies every 100 km, making it extremely
difficult to develop a uniform promotion message. Division based on caste,
community and other factors also continue to exist.
Nature and characteristics of rural marketing
 Income from agriculture
Nearly 55% f rural income comes from the agriculture prosperity to a great extent.
 Standard of living
Over 70% of the rural population is employed in small scale agricultural and related
occupations. This dependence on agriculture and natural factors has led to an acute
seasonality and high chance element in income receipts in rural areas.
 Infrastructure facilities
Roads, warehouse, communication system and financial facilities are inadequate in
rural areas. Road do not connect nearly 50% village in the electricity as a main
sources of lighting but 46% still use kerosene for lighting
4 A’s of Rural Marketing
Approach Decision: Rural Marketing Models
Trickle Down Approach- Focuses mainly on Urban area for sales than
Rural market, main intention is to build its own image by tactics like CSR
etc.( Dabur,Appollo etc)
Undifferentiated Approach- Companies believed to reach Rural Market
with the same Urban market strategies with minor modifications to suit the
rural market.Eg, ITC, HUL etc
Differentiated Approach
Bottom of the Pyramid Approach-
Rural distribution
One of the ways would be using company delivery mass, which can serve
two purposes – it can take the products to the customers in every hook and
corner of the market and it also enables the firm to establish direct contact
with them and thereby facilitate sales promotion.

However, only the large manufactures can adopt this channel. The
companies with relatively fewer resources can go in for the syndicated
distribution where a tie-up between non-competitive marketers can be
established to facilitate distribution.
Rural distribution continue….

 Organizing a suitable back-hual method for distribution vehicles may prove to be an

economic to transport the “urban goods” like soap, detergent, oil, cream, shampoo,
tooth paste, and other daily necessary items for the rural consumers and in the return
journey, the energy verticals will transport the fruit and vegetables etc. from rural
areas to the nearest towns and cities for distribution among the urban consumers.
 But this needs a well coordinated “VMS” distribution strategy in which the
manufacturer, distributor/relation and the customers jointly make a strong
distribution chain. Annual “melas” and “fairs” organized are quite popular and
provide a very good platform for distribution because profit visits them to make
several purchases.
Rural distribution continue…
Rural markets have the practice of fixing specific days in a week as
weekly market days, i.e., “Haats” when exchange of goods and services
are carried out. This is another potential low cost distribution channel
available for the marketers.
Also, every region consisting of several villages is generally served by one
satellite town, formed as “Mandi” or Agri-markets where people prefer to
go and buy from their commodities. The marketers using their feeder town
will be able to cover a large section of rural population.
Rural distribution continue…..
The other distribution strategies for the rural population are as under
 Marketers may arrange more number of ware-houses for storage and re-
packaging into smaller pouches for which employing local villages will
work profitable and popular.

 All communication in the rural areas must be in the regional language and

 Markets need to develop innovative packaging technology which would

be economic, protective and improve shelf-life of goods.
Factor effecting rural marketing
Socio culture factor
 Culture is the combination of factors like religion, language, education
and upbringing. Accurate information on the consumption habits, lifestyle
and buying behavior of the rural people can be obtained through a survey
of the socio-cultural environment.

 Cultural shifts carry the marketing opportunity as well as threats and also
carry the cultural dynamics, the needs and feelings of rural people which
need to be understood.
Factor effecting rural markets continue…
 Social class is one of the main concepts in socio-cultural environment. A
society consists of different social classes and all social classes are
determined by income, occupation, literacy level etc. of its members. Each
class has its own class values according to lifestyle, behavior etc. These
values have a strong consumption pattern and paying behavior of the
member of the class
 Economic factor
The entire economic environment of rural India shows a much improved
prosperity due to repeated benevolent monsoons, new and improved
techniques, higher quality of inputs and increasing awareness and education
on agriculture.
Factor effecting rural markets continue…
 Banking is reaching out to the doorstep of more and more farmers.
Finance is now more readily available and so is credit.
Demographic factors
 Occupation and income
 In the rural sector, a range of goods and services beyond the very basic
ones are bought by a consumer, influenced by the occupation and income
of the individual. Fishmen buy a boat large nets, whereas a farmer opts
first for a tractor and pump set.

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