WYRED - Complete Rulebook

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At a glance
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The game is set in a dark cyberpunk future and uses a streamlined ruleset called the WYRM system.

The game is set in a dark, dystopian future where megacorporations have a lot of power and influence over cities and politics. The environment is gritty and crime-filled.

Core mechanics include using a d6 for all rolls and resolving tasks and combat through opposed rolls of attributes, skills and other bonuses against set Difficulty Levels. Character abilities are also determined through attribute scores.


Game Design
R.E. Davis and Matt Bryant

WYRM System Design

Michael Wolf

Additional System Design

Andrew Modro and Jason Cabral

Further System Tweaking

Jason Uzdavinis and Justin Bryant

Cover Art

Special Thanks
Stephen & Amanda Mercer, Matt & Michelle Bryant, Jeremy Montgomery, James Corbin, Brittany Meddley, Rene
Stripling, Derek Davis, Rafael Sanchez, Jeremiah Bolt, and Jennifer Hocutt you guys have been my support system.
Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off you, vent steam, and being my personal gaming guinea pigs.

Huge shout out to the crew at the RPGTableTalk forums for providing feedback and support, especially:
ShadowStalker, ibldedibble, KaelemGaen, Shinobicow, and of course: Corvus and Stargazer.
Special thanks goes to Tim Kirk, who has always pushed me to do awesome in gaming.
This game is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported License.
It is based on Resolute, Adventurer & Genius by Andrew Modro and Jason Cabral,
and Warrior, Rogue & Mage by Michael Wolf.

The text of this document may be freely copied and printed for personal use.
The year is 2019 (or maybe 2025, 2178 or last Tuesday,) in a dark, speculative future that
could have been... or still could be. Really, it depends on where science, politics and business takes us.
A lot of things change in this world, mostly for the worst; but a lot of things still remain the same.
Greed, for example.

This is a game of dark futures the likes of William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Neil
Stephenson and other fringe sci-fi writers of the late 20th Century warned us about. Where
the streets are always wet and littered from the acid rain; where giant corporate skyscrapers
loom over the populace like fingers on a hand reaching up to crush the metropolis. Where
suits and street punks trade bullets nightly; where important political decisions are made in
the back alleys and bars. Where junkies sell out their own friends to get their fix...and
sometimes new body parts.

WYRED (pronounced Wired) is a quick and dirty role-playing game for adventures
and characters in the bleak, cyberpunk style fashion. The rules are built using the WYRM
System, as found in games like Warrior, Rogue & Mage and Resolute, Adventurer &
Genius. It builds heavily off of their game mechanics but adds in expanded rules for combat,
augmentations, and additional tweaks to provide a fast-paced game for gritty, futuristic
settings. All that is needed is some pencils, paper, and a six-sided die (written as d6.)

This version of WYRED assumes a few things: first, that you (the reader) are already
familiar with the concepts of tabletop role-playing games. There is one player (the Game
Master, or GM) who runs the adventure and the rest of the players control their own
characters in a sort of shared narrative. The game also assumes you have a familiarity with
cyberpunk settings and fiction. The game can be (and has!) been adapted for other sci-fi
settings, including space operas and mutant apocalypses, but it's primarily flavored towards
gritty urban futures.

The game is also presented in two forms: this complete standard sized document, for
digital reading and/or print out, and as two PocketMod booklets for mobility, easy player
hand outs and quick reference for the game. One thing we discovered while play testing was
that character creation always fell into two phases: the statistical distribution, and the parts
shopping (for augmentations, weapons and gear.) The rules have been organized in a
fashion so once a player is finished with the first half of character creation, he or she could
pass the core rules on to another player and flesh out their payloads with the equipment
Core Mechanics
Basic Task Resolution
All die rolls in WYRED are based off a single d6 roll. A natural roll of six explodes,
meaning it counts as a 5 and is re-rolled and added to the result. Dice may explode more
than once.
1d6 + Attribute* + Skill Modifier vs. Difficulty Level (DL)
*Note: Combat rolls use the Combat Rating instead of an attribute.

Unopposed Checks
If the task at hand is not actively opposed, the player has to beat a difficulty level
determined by the GM. The following list provides you with some examples (DL in
Easy (5), Routine (7), Challenging (9), Hard (11), Extreme (13), Insane (15)

Opposed Checks
The opposed check method is used when two characters are in direct competition. This
is a contest of rolls. The player of each character makes a roll for the appropriate attribute
(and skill, if any). Whoever gets the higher result wins the contest. Opposed checks don't
need to be of the same attribute (or skill), so long as the action of one can oppose the other.

Circumstantial Modifiers & Automatic Success

The GM may add circumstantial modifiers to any DL as he or she sees fit, particularly
in the case of environmental or circumstantial cases (poor lighting, lack of tools, etc.) When
the risk of failure is extremely low, and the task is only of minor importance to the story or
the character has an appropriate skill, the GM may decide that no roll is necessary. In this
case the character automatically succeeds and the player does not need to roll.

Using Edge
Edge allows players to take control of the game at its most basic level (and can also be
spent by the GM for important NPC's to gain a brief advantage). Edge can be spent to do any
of the following:
Ignore an attack that would have killed the character, making it just miss instead.
The edge point may be spent after damage is rolled.
Change an immediate detail in the game world through subtle narrative control.
Re-roll a single die after it is rolled and use the better of the two rolls.
Add +2 to a single check before the die is rolled.

Edge does not replenish naturally. The GM rewards Edge back to the players whenever they
perform actions or role-play scenes that heavily risked the life of their character or their party
members. The rule here is fortune favors the bold.
Character Creation
Characters have the following three primary attributes:

Chrome is a character's physical performance and survival capacity.

Wires covers the agility, skill and direct precision.
Data is knowledge and analytical capabilities of the character.

Players start out distributing 10 points across all three attributes; with a maximum
rating of 6 (six) in any attribute. Players must invest at least one point into every attribute.
Augments, drugs, and other technology may allow the characters to raise their attributes past
natural limits.
Characters also have the following derived stats:
Wounds: a number of points equal to Chrome + 6
Combat Rating: an average of Chrome and Wires
Defense Rating: based on Combat Rating + 5
Cyber Defense is a character's defense when jacked-in online; double Data rating.
Initiative: an average of Wires and Data.
Edge: Starts at 6; lose one for each augmentation.

Characters also receive four ranks (or dots) to invest in skills. Skills are ranked Basic
(+2 bonus), Advanced (+4), Master (+6). or Peerless (+8). Peerless is only achievable
through the Peerless Skill talent. Starting characters may only raise a skill up to
Advanced(+4). Without ranks in training, the character still gets to add their derived
attribute on the skill roll.

Finishing Steps:
Characters then choose three perks.
They also receive (1d6+Highest Attribute)x$6000 to spend on Gear and
Remember that every augmentation at character creation reduces starting Edge by one.
This Edge may be regained through play.
The player should then go back and update his or her stats based on any changes from
the Perks and Augmentations. Modified stats should be noted in parentheses next to
the original natural rating. (This is for purposes of XP spending.)
ACROBATICS WIRES Maneuvers such as tumbling, tight-rope and balance.
ATHLETICS CHROME Actions like climbing, lifting, running and throwing.
AWARENESS DATA Skill to assess details in surroundings or situations.
GUNNERY COMBAT RATING Use of heavy military weapons, like rockets and chain guns.
HACKING DATA Ability to attack and override computer countermeasures.
INTERACTION WIRES Negotiation, diplomacy, and bargaining skill.
KNOWLEDGE* DATA Information and study of a particular field of interest.
LARCENY WIRES Shady talents: Pick-pocketing, lock-picking, forgery.
MELEE COMBAT RATING Hand-to-Hand weapons: Knives, swords, chairs, clubs, etc.
RANGED COMBAT RATING Personal ranged weapons: Pistols, rifles, SMG's, shotguns
STEALTH WIRES Ability to evade and go unnoticed.
UNARMED COMBAT RATING Personal fighting: fists, kicks, and some cyber weapons.
VEHICLE WIRES Advanced operations and maneuvers of vehicles.
*Knowledge and Vehicle requires a specified field, and a character may know several Knowledge/Vehicle
skills. Examples include Knowledge(Computers), Knowledge(Medical), Knowledge(Business),
Knowledge(Restaurants), as well as Vehicle (Motorcycles), Vehicle (Cars), Vehicles (VTOL), etc.

Experience Points (XP) and Character Advancement:

1 XP is awarded for each of the following:

Completing an Defeating a major foe or Suffering a major
adventure obstacle setback or failure

XP Is Spent As:
2 XP to gain 1 Wound Point
2 XP to gain a skill at Basic +2
5 XP to increase Basic skill to Advanced +4
8 XP to increase Advanced skill to Master +6
10 XP to gain a Perk
2x Current rating to raise an Attribute

Bad-Ass Attack: Taken once per attack skill (Bad-Ass Ranged, Bad-Ass Melee, Bad-Ass
Unarmed, etc) Once per combat, your character may treat any successful attack with that
skill as if they rolled a natural 6.

Buddy: Has an NPC friend, partner, gang member or pack mate who tags along on the
Champion (aka ...With a Cause): Character receives +2 for any Interaction roll on
behalf of a creed, organization or cause they believe strongly in. They also get +2 on all rolls
against direct opponents of said cause.

Codemonkey: Receive a +3 bonus to Knowledge (Computers) when scripting new


Club Goer: A successful Interaction (DL 7) check gets you in the door at just about any
night club or bar.

Contact: Has an NPC they can go to for information, jobs, under the table deals, etc.

Datamancer: Once per scene, treat a successful Hacking roll as a 6, counting it as a 5 and
continuing to roll.

Defensive Driver: With this perk, you may add your Awareness skill bonus to vehicle

Devilish Charm: +3 to Interaction rolls when attempting to charm or seduce.

Dual-Wielding: Using a weapon in their off-hand grants a free Parry; does not grant extra

-Double Attack (Requires Dual-Wielding): Forfeit the free Parry for an extra attack. Must
use same kind of weapon (two Melee or two Ranged weapons; not one and one.)

Flesh and Steel: You are able to use the Knowledge (Medicine) and Knowledge
(Technology) skills to meld living tissue with machines, allowing for such feats as
constructing mechanical limbs and organs. Additionally, you're savvy in the "chop shop" arts
and know how to salvage for spare parts and repair augmentations of cybernetic nature.

Gadgeteering: Receive a +3 bonus to rolls using the Knowledge (Technology) skill

whenever you attempt to design and build a new electronic machine or device.

Gearhead: Receive a +3 to Knowledge (Mechanics) when repairing or modifying a vehicle

for better performance.

Hard Bargain: +3 to Interaction rolls when used for negotiations and bargaining.

Lucky Devil: You may re-roll a failed roll and use the better die once per scene without
using Edge.
Mechanologist: Receive a +3 bonus to rolls using the Knowledge (Technology) skill
whenever you attempt to deduce how a machine works through study.

Nimble Fighter: This talent allows you to dodge without forfeiting a combat action.

Off The Grid: Has absolutely no paper trail for his or her identity or birth records. Could be
good or bad.

Peerless Skill: The character is allowed to advance a single skill up to Peerless. Takeable

Status (Group): This is the rank and sway your character has with a particular gang,
corporation, government or other kind of organization. It's rated much like skill ranks (Basic
+2, Advanced +4, Master +6) Once per session, the player may make a Wires check (plus the
Status) to acquire some form of assistance from the organization. Normal requests, like
information or basic resources, is usually DL 9....but more intensive requests (security
clearance, back up, large sums of cash) escalates the DL according to GM Fiat. Avatar is an
online-specific version of this, for when your persona has more rep than your real identity.

Tough as Nails: Your uncanny resistance to punishment grants you a natural 2 Damage

Combat Actions
Initiative: Determines the order of character turns in a round of combat. GM's decide
whether this order is kept the same for the whole combat, or rolled every round. They
may also choose to lump groups of NPC's into single rolls per group.
Roll 1d6 + Initiative rating.

Movement: During a character's turn, they may move a single range band (unless
modified for more). They may also use the move action to duck, roll, leap etc. These
may require an Athletics or Acrobatics roll.

In addition to moving, a character may perform an additional action.

Choosing to forfeit a move does not grant an extra action.

Attacking: A character makes their attack roll (1d6+Combat Rating+Skill) versus a

difficulty equal to their opponents Defense rating, plus any modifiers from cover or
environments. Damage dealt is equal to the weapon's damage rating, plus the degree of
success rolled over on the attack.
Parrying: You may attempt to parry an attack using a melee weapon.
1d6+Chrome+Ranks in Melee (or Unarmed if using augment weapons) versus the
attacker's total roll against you; rolling over results in a successful parry. Forfeits a
combat action for this turn.

Dodging: Mechanically similar to a Parry, except the roll is 1d6+Wires+Acrobatics

for a melee attack, Data+Acrobatics for a Ranged attack.

Range Bands:
Distance is grouped into six narrative range bands. These bands come into play when
determining if a weapon can be used to strike an opponent and in chase sequences. The six
range bands are:
Self: One's own body and anything being worn or carried.
Melee: Anything that can be hit with a hand held weapon like a club or sword. If you
can reach out and touch it, this is the range.
Close: A reasonable shot with a small projectile weapon or a thrown object.
Medium: Beyond the range of thrown objects. Requires skill to hit with a small
projectile weapon; easier to hit with a heavier projectile weapon such as a rifle.
Long: Beyond range for small projectile weapons. Requires skill to hit with a larger
projectile weapon.
Far: Possible to hit with great skill using a larger projectile weapon, but generally
outside shooting range of hand held weapons at all. A weapon or attack can hit foes at
its listed range band or closer.

Rate Of Fire:
Single Shot: The weapon only fires off a single shot during a combat round.
Semi-Automatic: May attack two targets in a single action at a -2 penalty.
Burst Fire: Fires a 3-shot burst. May take a -2 penalty to shoot up to 3 targets within
line of sight.
Full Auto: The weapon may be used to fire an arc of bullets. The spray uses 10 rounds,
and each target within the spray after the first takes -2 (stacking) on the attack roll. (So
-2 for the second target, -4 for the third, etc.)

When a successful attack roll is made against a target, the target takes damage equal to
the base damage plus the amount rolled over the target's defense. Damage is subtracted from
the target's Wounds. If a character's Wounds ever drop to zero, that character is
incapacitated and could die. Wounds never drop below zero from attacks or hazards. For
example: Bob shoots a perp with a Light Pistol (damage of 4.) The perp's defense is 8; the
roll is 12 total for the attack. The perp takes 4 points of damage (pistol), plus an additional
4 points for the roll over (12-8=4), thus taking a total of 8 points of damage.
Armor and Cover:
Armor in WYRED, whether it be worn on the person, part of augmentations or even
cover in a vehicle, is used to soak up damage and roll with the hits. Every time damage is
assigned to a character, their total armor rating is reduced from the amount dealt to them.
Realize that same types of armor don't stack; that is, while worn armor and body plating (an
augmentation) may be combined, wearing two different types of armor at once doesn't.
Instead, the highest rated armor worn is used.

Being behind a solid object makes a character harder to hit. This increases the
character's defense by a value that depends on the degree of cover. Partial cover increases
defense by +2. Cover of approximately half the character's body increases Defense by +4.
Near total cover increases defense by +6. Concealment that is, being hidden from view by
objects which will not actually resist attack does not increase defense, but it will increase
the DL to spot a character by similar values.

Characters naturally heal a number of Wounds equal to half their highest attribute per
day of rest. Only light activities may be undertaken during that time. A character who takes
part in a combat, a chase or similar strenuous activity may only heal a single Wound that day.
Characters with the Knowledge (Medicine) skill may use their abilities to speed up healing.
When receiving such treatment, a character heals an extra number Wounds per day of rest
equal to the attending character's Medicine skill bonus. Of course, in the future there are
plenty of drugs and treatments that can patch you up real quick for a price. The GM may rule
that if such treatments are on hand, the healing rate from a successful Knowledge (Medicine)
check may be bumped up to per scene of down time in the story.

Knockout and Death

If a character (player character or major non-player character) is reduced to 0 Wounds
with an attack that deals "bashing damage" (unarmed blow, blunt weapons, a strike with a
weapon declared to be a "knockout strike", or an impact the GM declares to be nonlethal) the
character is rendered incapacitated dazed, possibly unconscious, and unable to act. An
incapacitated character regains 1 wound point when the GM declares combat to be over, and
may get up.

A character reduced to zero Wounds by a weapon strike that is not declared to be a

knock-out blow or by severe environmental damage (falling, impact of a massive object, etc.)
is dying. The character is treated as incapacitated. In a number of rounds equal to the
character's Chrome score, the character will die. A dying character can be stabilized with a
Medicine (Data) check of DL 7. The character is then treated as if he or she had a negative
number of Wounds equal to the number of rounds that passed after the killing blow. These
must be healed before the character can become active again.
Audio Damper ($2,500): Allows the user to cut out background noise and focus on a
specific sound; great for eavesdropping.

Body Plating ($5,500/level; maximum 4): Each level adds +1 Damage Soak to the

Boosted Reflexes ($5,000/level; maximum 5): Each level adds +1 to Initiative rating.

Cochlear Neurostimulator ($8,000/level; maximum 3): Each level of Cochlear

Neurostimulator increases all Wires based skill checks by +1. Holds a reservoir of neural
growth stimulant that needs to be refilled once a month (which costs $500.)

Cyber Claws ($4,500): Long claws that retract above the fist in a style very similar of a
popular turn of the century comic book character. 3 Damage; concealable only when

Cyber Eyes ($2,000): Allows for Low Light vision, Infrared, or Flash Protection.
(Additional modes tacked on for +$500 each.)

Cyber Limb ($10,000 per limb): May be modified to contain one of the following: Either
a cybernetic weapon (3x the cost of the base weapon), a computer system (at 2x the cost of
the PC) or a hidden compartment (+$2,000.) Treats itself as a 2 (Bashing) Unarmed
Weapon. Cyber weapons, such as Hand Razors and Cyber Claws, may also be purchased on
this limb without additional Edge cost.

Digital Camera ($3,000): A high-resolution digital camera for Cyber Eyes, also using
internal head memory for storage. Can record both video (sans audio) as well as hi def

Enhanced Audio ($3,500): Amplifies audio at will, allowing +2 to Awareness roll checks
involving sound.

Fangs: ($2,000): Vampire fang augmentation. 2 Damage, retractable.

Hand Razors ($2,500): Sharp, retractable blades that line underneath the character's
finger nails. 2 Damage, Concealable.

Headware Memory ($2,000 per MP of Storage; maximum Data): Each MP

(Memory Point) of storage may either store a block of important data, or add +2 to a Data
roll once per game session. Takes one scene to refresh the memory cache if needed.

Jumping Jack Heels ($5,000 cybernetic): Allows great feats of jumping. An

Acrobatics check with DL 7 allows the character to jump 1 story vertically.

Muscle Augments ($5,000 / level; maximum 4): Each level of Muscle Augments
adds +1 to any Chrome-based actions the character performs.

Neural Interface Jack ($2,000): Standard issue data jack of the near future, allowing
direct interface with computer systems.

Sprinters Tendons ($15,000 per level; maximum 4): Your movement goes up a
range band, but you have a hard time moving slowly, -2 to all Stealth checks while moving.

Targeting System ($5,500): Requires Cyber Eyes. Adds +1 to Ranged Weapons based
skill rolls. The Smart upgrade for this costs +$3,000 but allows for purposefully missed
targets (such as team mates) during bursts or auto-fire.

Vehicle Control Interface ($4,000/level; maximum 4): Each level may grant a +1 to
Vehicle based skill rolls using the vehicle they are jacked into, or control one wireless drone.

Weapons, Armor & Gear

Weapon Skill Damage Range Rate of Fire Ammo Cost
Knife Melee 2 Melee N/A N/A $200.00
1H Edged Melee 3 Melee N/A N/A $500.00
1H Blunt Melee 3 Bash Melee N/A N/A $350.00
2H Edged Melee 4 Melee N/A N/A $600.00
2H Blunt Melee 4 Bash Melee N/A N/A $1,000.00
Light Pistol Ranged 4 Close Semi-Auto 15 (Clip) $1,200.00
Heavy Pistol Ranged 5 Medium Semi-Auto 8 (Clip) $4,000.00
Light Rifle Ranged 5 Long Single Shot 5 (Clip) $4,000.00
Heavy Rifle Ranged 6 Long Single Shot 8 (Clip) $8,000.00
Assault Rifle Ranged 5 Medium Semi/Burst/Full- 30 (Clip) $6,500.00
Sub-Machine Ranged 5 Close Burst/Full-Auto 30 (Clip) $4,500.00
Shotgun Ranged 6 Close Semi-Auto 10 (Drum) $6,500.00

Light Machine Gunnery 7 Long Burst/Full Auto 100 (Belt) $10,000.00

Assault Gunnery 10 Long Semi-Auto 20 (Drum) $35,000.00
Missile Gunnery 12 Far Single Shot 1 (Missile) $25,000.00
Grenade Athletics 10* Medium Single Throw 1 $200.00
Flash-bang Athletics 5 Bash* Medium Single Throw 1 $200.00
*Explosive damage is rolled against every individual in a Close range band from the point of detonation. Flashbangs
may also blind everyone within a Close range band of the target for two rounds. May be Dodged to avoid effect.

Armor Soak Description Cost

Reinforced 1 Clothes fitted and layered for a Street Clothes: $100 / Business Suit:
Clothing fight $500
Armored Clothing 2 Plated jackets, vests, and coats. Vests: $850 / Jacket or Coat: $950
Armored Plating 3 Standard for SWAT or Corp Helmet: $600 / Body Suit: $1,050
Exo-Armor 4 Military-grade exoskeleton Full Suit: $25,000

Gear Cost Skill Notes

Ammo $100 per 10 N/A Don't leave home without it.
Portable $2,000 x Knowledge (Computers) or Maximum Rating: 4
Computer Rating Hacking
Desktop $1,500 x Knowledge (Computers) or Maximum Rating: 6
Computer Rating Hacking
SmartVOIP $2,000.00 Knowledge (Computers) Future, cool evolution of cellphone
Cardkey Spoofer $3,000 x Larceny +Rating vs. Electronic Security
Rating Locks
Carjack Tools $5,000.00 Knowledge (Mechanics) or +2 towards attempted vehicle
Larceny theft.
First Aid Kit $1,000 per. Knowledge (Medicine) +2 to Medicine Skill rolls.
Motion Sensor $500.00 Stealth (for placement) May be used for alarm or
Flaregun $250.00 Ranged Single Shot, 3 Damage.
Rope, 50' $200.00 Athletics For scaling walls or tying peeps
Cat Burglar Kit $400.00 Larceny Lock Picks and Glass Cutters.
White Noise $1,000.00 N/A +3 DL to ease drop on
Maker conversations.
Digital Camera $950.00 N/A Several hours of video, unlimited

Vehicle Armor Body Maneuver Cost

Motorcycle 1 10 2 $7,000.00
Sedan 2 20 1 $15,000.00
Sports Car 2 15 2 $20,000.00
Truck/SUV 2 25 0 $15,000.00
Heavy Truck 5 35 0 $20,000.00
Jeep 5 25 1 $17,500.00
Limo 5 30 -1 $45,000.00
Armored Car 10 25 0 $100,000.00
Tank 12 40 -3 $250,000.00
Assault Chopper 5 30 1 $175,000.00
Speedboat 2 15 1 $7,500.00
Cargo Ship 20 250 -2 $1,000,000.00
Private Plane 10 100 0 $170,000.00
Gunboat 5 25 2 $25,000.00
Assault Boat 10 60 -3 $250,000.00
Drone Armor Body Maneuver Cost
Crawler 1 8 2 $2,500.00
Speeder 1 6 3 $4,000.00
Treader 3 15 1 $5,000.00
Hover (VTOL) 2 12 2 $6,500.00
Flyer* 2 15 3 $6,500.00
*Plane like design, so it's constantly moving until landing. Not appropriate for indoor use

Additional Rules:
Vehicles and Combat
Vehicles and Drones in WYRED have the four following stats:
Armor: the vehicle's ability to soak damage
Body Points: the vehicle's structural integrity (wound points.)
Maneuver: the vehicle's maneuverability, expressed as a modifier to rolls made to
operate the vehicle
Defense: The defense value of a moving vehicle is equal to Driver's Wires + Vehicle
Skill + Vehicle Maneuver Rating.

Chase Rules:
There are two participants in a chase: The Pursuer and The Quarry.
Chases begin at a range band determined by the starting positions of the participants.
At the beginning of a round, both participants roll appropriate checks Wires +
Vehicle or Chrome + Athletics if on foot.
If either the quarry or the pursuer is obviously faster than the other, that participant
receives a bonus to the roll (for example, +2 for the difference between a man and a
galloping horse, +4 for a man and a speeding car, +6 for a man and an airplane).
Subtract the Pursuer's roll from the Quarry.
If the quarry can extend the range beyond Far, it has escaped. If the pursuer can bring
the range to Melee, the quarry has been caught and the pursuer can attempt to capture
the quarry.
Difference Change
+7 or more Quarry immediately escapes
+5 to +6 Gap increases by 2 range bands
+3 or +4 Gap increases by 1 range band
+2 to -2 No Change
-3 to -4 Gap decreases by 1 range band
-5 to -6 Gap decreases by 2 range bands
-7 or less Pursuer immediately catches quarry

Computer Hacking
WYRED keeps hacking straight forward by treating it as any other form of skill check or
combat. The hacker's computer is their catch-all device in this realm: it is their tool, weapon,
and in some cases their armor. Computer systems are statted out just like NPC's; their
collective skills and abilities are an abstraction of their available resources and security.

Non-offensive computer manipulation is for light tasks that don't require assaulting the
system outright. Examples include scanning databases, tracing connections, switching
connected devices on and off, etc.

1d6 + Data + Knowledge (Computer) + Computer rating vs. DL (GM's Fiat)

Hacking, on the other hand, is a direct assault on the network's security to override the
system. The hacker rolls to attack (hacking) the system. The system is not alerted until the
first failed attempt; at which point the Intruder Counter Measures (ICE) are brought online
and initiative is rolled. The cyber combat continues until the hacker is either defeated or logs
off/jacks-out, or the system is reduced to 0 wounds (and thus the hacker has full access.)
Hacking (Attack) Roll: 1d6 + Data + Hacking + vs. System's Defense (damage is
equal to computer rating.)
For Terminal Use (Not Jacked-In): Terminal's Net Defense = Computer Rating +
4. The terminal's "Wounds" are double its rating.
Jacked-In: Character's Cyber Defense rating used; Damage Soak equal to Computer
Rating. Wounds are bashing to character (unless Black ICE is involved, then it's lethal.)
Lifestyle (Perk):
A catch-all trait defining the comfort of living your character has. Without it, it's assumed
you got the bare essentials....in addition to what you purchase at creation: a tiny, cramped
apartment or coffin hotel room, a change of clothes, and just enough resources to get by
on in terms of food and supplies. A character may invest their Perks into Lifestyle to gain
the following:
Modest Comforts (1): You're not cramped up in some closet-sized space. You have
a decent one bedroom house or two bedroom apartment, net access, and neighbors
you trust enough to mind their own business and not constantly pick your locks.
You probably even have a storage closet unit somewhere, and both casual and dress
Middle Class (2): Somehow, you've managed to maintain a really comfortable
place to live. You have some nice luxuries...a vehicle of your own that's paid off,
nice furniture, some fancy home appliances, and even some security. Your
neighbors are friendly, and will assume you're just a normal corporate wage jockey
(until the bullets fly.)
High Class (3): Your house or condo is swank. You have a pretty sporty vehicle,
some fancy gadgets and you live in a nice neighborhood or enclave. You can eat out
often at some fancy places, and the bouncers at most corporate functions will at
least try to make sure you're on the list or not before telling you to scram. You're
possibly middle management for a corp, or in really good with some syndicate or
Luxury (4): You've got some serious pull with whomever funds you. Maybe even
the owner or board member of a smaller corporation, or the head of a local gang of
a much bigger crime network. You've got people on the payroll, and your home is
really top notch. Mansion? Penthouse suite?
Megacorp (5 and Beyond): In a world with the massive divide between the haves
and have-nots, you're pretty damn well off. This is a lifestyle of heavy hitters and
world changers, for better and for worst, and your character is probably the head of
his or her own megacorporation or small government.

The GM has ultimate say as to what is readily available for your character. They're free to
possibly require additional things, such as skill checks to negotiate and track down a
particular item or service. They also may require a monthly fee to maintain the lifestyle,
restrict certain levels, or even have it possible to purchase this particular perk with cash.

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