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Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 8 | Aug 2015 ISSN No 2277 - 8179

Method Validation of High Performance Liquid Chemistry

Chromatography Mass Spectrometric Method for the KEYWORDS : -Cis and Trans Phytonadione;
Estimation of Cis And Trans Isomers of Phytonadione LCMS-MS; Method validation; Clinical study
In Human Plasma Using D-Labeledtrans Phytonadione
As An Internal Standard

Head Quality Assurance, Semler Research Center Pvt. Ltd, 75 A, 15th Cross, 1st Phase,
Sheeba Manoj Nair J.P. Nagar, Bangalore 560078, India

Head Bio Analytical, Semler Research Center Pvt. Ltd, 75 A, 15th Cross, 1st Phase,
Malini Sharma J.P. Nagar, Bangalore 560078, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Patel J. D. K Science College, Borsad-388540

Dr. Denish Karia (Gujarat), India

ABSTRACT A novel, simple, specific, sensitive and reproducible liquid chromatography mass Spectrometric (LCMS-MS) assay
method has been developed and validated for estimation of Cis and Trans isomers of Phytonadione. The LCMS-MS
method includes use of D-labeledtransphytonadione as an internal standard (IS). The chromatographic analysis was performed using API
4000, Applied biosystems Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer system equipped with MS detector and PC based data system with
Analyst 1.6.1 supplied by Lab India. Chromatographic separation was achieved on C30 column, 2504.6mm, 200A, 5 column maintained
at 40C temperature using isocratic mobile phase composition with (0.1% Formic acid in Methanol V/V) at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min, without
splitter with a total run time of 18 min. Method validation was performed as per USFDA guidelines and the results met the acceptance cri-
teria. The calibration curve was linear over a concentration range of 0.650 to 40.596 ng/ml for Cis Phytonadione and 0.652 to 81.461 ng/ml
for Trans Phytonadione using (D-labeledTrans-Phytonadione) as internal standard (r2 0.99). Precicion& accuracy batches analysed on 3
different days revealed accuracy of Inter-batch calibration standard accuracy for ranged from 93.69% to 103.11% for Cis Phytonadione and
98.19% to 101.60% for Trans Phytonadione with inter-batch precision values of 1.41% to 3.96% for Cis Phytonadione and 1.24% to 3.00% for
Trans Phytonadione during the course of validation, demonstrating acceptable assay linearity. The validated LCMS-MS method was success-
fully applied for assay and stability determination of clinical study samples.

INTRODUCTION degree of activity as does naturally-occurring vitamin K, which

Vitamin K is an essential cofactor for the gamma-carboxylase is necessary for the production via the liver of active prothrom-
enzymes which catalyze the posttranslational gamma-carboxyla- bin ( factor II), proconvertin ( factor VII), plasma thromboplastin
tion of glutamic acid residues in inactive hepatic precursors of component ( factor IX), and stuart factor ( factor X). Oral phy-
coagulation factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX and X. Gamma-car- tonadione is adequately absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
boxylation converts these inactive precursors into active coagu- only if bile salts are present. After absorption, phytonadione is
lation factors which are secreted by hepatocytes into the blood. initially concentrated in the liver, but the concentration declines
Supplementing with Phytonadione results in a relief of vitamin rapidly. Very little vitamin K accumulates in tissues. The intrave-
K deficiency symptoms which include easy bruisability, epistaxis, nous LD 50 of phytonadione in the mouse is 41.5 and 52 mL/kg
gastrointestinal bleeding, menorrhagia and hematuria. for the 0.2% and 1% concentrations, respectively.

The available literature with respect to quantification of Vitamin

K were, opinion on Vitamin K1 (Phytonadione), Scientific Com-
mittee on Consumer Safety, Directorate general for Health and
consumers, Euoropean Commission, SCCS/1313/10 24 March
2010. And simultaneous and accurate determination of water-
and fat-soluble vitamins in multivitamin tablets by using an
rp-hplc method. And A Validated HPLC Method for the Deter-
mination of Vitamin K in Human Serum First Application in
a Pharmacological Study The Open Clinical Chemistry Journal,
2011, 4, 17-27.

Figure 1: Molecular structure of phytomenadione Literature survey shows that there is no LC-MS/MS method
available for quantitative analysis of cis and trans phytonidone
Its a mixture of 2-methyl-3-[(2E)-(7R,11R)-3,7,11,15-tetramethyl- in biological samples. Hence in present research, we demon-
hexadec-2-enyl]naphthalene-1,4-dione (trans-phytomenadione), strate an analytical strategy for quantisation of chiral Phytona-
2-methyl-3-[(2Z)-(7R,11R)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2-enyl] dione in biological samples. Further the method was validated
naphthalene-1,4-dione (cis-phytomenadione). Empirical formula: as per regulatory guidelines recommendations and employed for
C31H46O2 with molecular weight 450.69. evaluation of experiments related to stability and clinical stud-
It is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stable to air and moisture but
decomposes in sunlight. It is found naturally in a wide variety of EXPERIMENTAL
green plants. Phylloquinone is also an antidote for coumatetra- Materials and Methods
lyl. Vitamin K is needed for the posttranslational modification Chemicals and reagents: Cis Phytonadione, Trans Phytonadione
of certain proteins, mostly required for blood coagulation. Phy- and D-labeled Trans-Phytonadione (IS) was procured from Vivan
tonadione is a vitamin, indicated in the treatment of coagulation Life Sciences Pvt. Limited, Mumbai. LCMS grade acetonitrile
disorders which are due to faulty formation of factors II, VII, IX were obtained from JT Baker Formic Acid - AR Grade and Ethyl
and X when caused by vitamin K deficiency or interference with acetate, Iso propanol was procured from Merck India. All other
vitamin K activity. Phytonadione aqueous colloidal solution of chemicals/reagents were of analytical grade and used without
vitamin K1 for parenteral injection, possesses the same type and further purification.


Volume : 4 | Issue : 8 | Aug 2015 ISSN No 2277 - 8179
Research Paper

LCMS operating conditions selectivity was 5.46% for Cis Phytonadione and 8.31% for Trans
Mass spectrometric detection was carried out on an API 4000 Phytonadione, demonstrating acceptance criteria were met. The
triple quadrupole instrument equipped with a heated nebulizer results met the acceptance criteria (i.e. response of interfering
(APCI) source operated in the positive ion mode. Cis Phytonadi- peak(s) at the retention time of the Cis and Trans Phytonadione
one and Trans Phytonadione was selectively isolated from 500l and internal standard peak should be 20% & 5 % respective-
plasma by solid phase extraction using Agilent Bond Elute car- ly, to the corresponding LLOQ standard). These results suggest
tridge C18. Estimation was done by mass spectrometric method the competence of the method to differentiate and measure Cis
and chromatographed using a C30, 2504.6mm, 200A 5 micron and Trans Phytonadione and internal standard D-labeled Trans-
column. Sample processing was done under yellow monochro- Phytonadione.
matic light. An isocratic mobile phase was used consisting of
0.1% Formic acid in Methanol V/V. The flow rate was 0.8 ml/ Ruggedness
min, without splitter under ambient temperature. The autosa- To assess ruggedness one batch with injection of standard blank,
mpler temperature was maintained at 10C 4C and the in- zero standard blank and 8 non zero calibration standard with
jection volume was 15 l. The run time was 18 min. During the duplication of LLOQ and ULOQ injection was performed by
optimization of the mass spectrometric parameters, strong and a different analyst using a different column (LCMS-COL-118).
stable signals of analytes and internal standards were noted The variation observed in the results were negligible, hence the
and the ion transitions m/z 451.400/187.000 451.400/187.001 method meets ruggedness criteria.
458.400/194.200 were selected for the MRM of Cis Phytonadione,
Trans Phytonadione and D-labeled Trans-Phytonadione (IS) re- Determination of LOQ and LOD
spectively. The source/gas parameters were optimized as follows: The measure of LOD and LOQ, as a measure of method sensi-
curtain gas: 25, collision Activated Dissociation (CAD): 2, ion tivity, were calculated by signal to noise ratio (S/N). The limit
source gas-1: 25, ion source gas-2: 30, ion spray voltage: 5500 V of detection has been established by analyzing the processed
and temperature: 300C. biological matrix by decreasing the concentration of the analyte
by 2, 4, 8 & 16 times at LLOQ and inject. Limit of detection of
Sample preparation concentration for Cis Phytonadione were observed by 2, 4 and 8
Transfer accurately weighed (about 5 mg) Cis Phytonadione times at LLOQ and Trans Phytonadione were observed by 2 and
into a 5 ml volumetric flask and dissolve in 0.25% Ethyl acetate 4 times at LLOQ.
in Acetonitrile. Make up the volume with the same and vortex.
Concentration of the resultant solution will be about 1000 g/ Linearity of calibration standards
ml. Calibration curves were prepared by spiking drug free plas- Linearity of calibration standards were plotted out on three dif-
ma samples (980 L) with standard solutions of 20 L (0.0325 to ferent days (three times along with P&A batches on three differ-
59.700 g/mL, 0.650 ng 40.956 ng) of Cis Phytonadione and the ent days). A standard curve was comprising of 8 non-zero stand-
internal standard (500 ng/mL; 50 L) to give concentrations in ards including lowest and highest concentration in duplicate.
the range of 0.650 ng 40.956 ng.
Linearity of calibration standards analysed along with three dif-
Transfer accurately weighed (about 5 mg) Trans Phytonadione ferent precision & accuracy batches revealed accuracy of all the
into a 5 ml volumetric flask and dissolve in 0.25% Ethyl acetate standard curve points were in the range of 96.2 to 103 %, 96.4 to
in Acetonitrile. Make up the volume with the same and vortex. 108 % and 96.3 to 103 % respectively of three different batches
Concentration of the resultant solution will be about 1000 g/ which met acceptance criteria (i.e.75% of standards must have
ml. Calibration curves were prepared by spiking drug free plas- accuracy within or equal to 85 to 115% of theoretical and 80 to
ma samples (980 L) with standard solutions of 20 L (0.652 120% of theoretical for the LLOQ). The correlation coefficient
ng 81.461 ng) of Trans Phytonadione and the internal standard (r2) of calibration plots was greater than 0.997 for all batches,
(500 ng/mL; 50 L) to give concentrations in the range of 0.652 which met the acceptance criteria (i.e. correlation coefficient
ng 81.461ng. (r2) value for standard curve should be 0.98).


Method development and optimization Recovery of Cis Phytonadione and Trans Phytonadione from
Optimization of chromatographic conditions was performed, K2EDTA human plasma was determined by comparing peak ar-
particularly the composition of mobile phase, through several eas of extracted QCL, QCM and QCH samples with peak areas
trials to achieve the separation of the two chiral analytes. Reso- determined from freshly prepared unextracted (aqueous) sam-
lution positive mode phytoniodone was achieved by methanol in ples prepared at similar concentrations in mobile phase. Mean
the mobile phase. overall % recovery was 72.21% and Overall %CV was 5.84% for
Cis Phytonadione and % recovery was 76.76% and %CV was
Method Validation 14.43% for Trans Phytonadione and % recovery was 78.49% and
Specificity and selectivity %CV was 11.57% for IS (D-labeled Trans-Phytonadione).
Selectivity is the ability of an analytical method to differentiate
and quantify the analyte in the presence of other components CONCLUSIONS
in the sample. Plasma selectivity was evaluated by analyzing six A sensitive and selective LC-MS/MS method to quantitate Cis
lots of blank K2EDTA human plasma obtained from independent Phytonadione and Trans Phytonadione in K2EDTA Human plas-
sources. Two separate aliquots of each of the blank samples col- ma over the concentration range 0.650 to 40.596 ng/ml for Cis
lected from a minimum of six different sources were taken. One Phytonadione and 0.652 to 81.461 ng/ml for Trans Phytonadione
aliquot of each blank sample is spiked with the analyte at LLOQ was successfully validated. This method is suitable for incurred
level and with internal standard. Analysed all spiked and blank sample analyses to support bioequivalence / bioavailability and
samples using the method being validated. There is no interfer- /or pharmacokinetic studies involving formulations of Cis Phy-
ence at the analyte RT, so Method is selective for Phytoniodine tonadione and Trans Phytonadione.

There was no interferences were observed at the retention times

of Cis Phytonadione and Trans Phytonadione and IS (D-labeled
Trans-Phytonadione) in all the six lots evaluated and % CV of


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 8 | Aug 2015 ISSN No 2277 - 8179

TABLES Fig. 4: Chromatogram of the LLOQ Calibration Curve Stand-

Table 1: Summary of the Experimental Parameters of Cis ard for Cis Phytonadione with Internal Standard (D-labeled
Phytonadione in Human Plasma Trans-Phytonadione)
Experimental Parameters Results
Analyte Cis Phytonadione
Biological Matrix Human Plasma
Specificity and Selectivity % CV 5.46%
Analytical range 0.650 to 40.596 ng/ml
Sensitivity :
Precision, Accuracy 5.41% , 96.97%
Cis Phytonadione
% CV , % Recovery 5.84%, 72.21%

D-labeled Trans-Phytonadione
% CV, % Recovery 11.57%, 78.49%
Fig. 5: Chromatogram of the LLOQ Calibration Curve Stand-
Table 2: Summary of the Experimental Parameters of Trans ard for Trans Phytonadione with Internal Standard (D-la-
Phytonadione in Human Plasma beled Trans-Phytonadione)
Experimental Parameters Results
Analyte Trans Phytonadione
Biological Matrix Human Plasma
Specificity and Selectivity % CV 8.31%
Analytical range 0.652 to 81.461ng/ml
Sensitivity :
Precision , Accuracy 3.94%, 113.11%
Cis Phytonadione
% CV, % Recovery 14.43%, 76.76%
D-labeled Trans-Phytonadione
% CV, % Recovery 11.57% , 78.49%
Fig. 2: Representative Calibration Curve for Cis Phytonadi- Fig. 6: Chromatogrphic separation of Cis Phytonadione,
one in Human Plasma (K2EDTA) Trans Phytonadione and D-labeled Trans-Phytonadione (In-
ternal Standard)

Fig. 3: Representative Calibration Curve for Trans Phytona-

dione in Human Plasma (K2EDTA)

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