Asparagus Benefits 2beingfit

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Common names

Scientific names

Asparagus officinalis Linn. Asparagus (Tag., Engl.)

Asparagus officinalis var. L. var. altilis L. Common asparagus (Engl.)
Asparagus polyphyllus Stev.. Lu sun (Chin.)
Other vernacular names

AFRIKAANS: Aspersie.
ARABIC: Halgun, Kishk almaz.
BOSNIAN: Kukovina, Mekostruk, paroga.

COUNTRY: Shi diao bai

CROATIAN: Belu, Pitome paroge, Pitomi sparog, parga, pargle, paroga,
parogama, parugama.
CZECH: Chest obecn, Chest lkask.
COUNTRY: Almindelig asparges, Asparges, Rodstok af asparges.
DUTCH: Asperge, Wortelstok van asperge.
ESTONIAN: Aspar, Harilik aspar.
FINNISH: Parsa, Ruokaparsa.
FRENCH: Asperge, Asperge alimentaire, Asperge commune, Asperge officinale
GERMAN: Garten-Spargel, Gemse-Spargel, Spargel, Wurzelstock vom Sparg
GREEK: Sparaggi, Sparagi.
HEBREW: Spragus, Asparag refui.
HINDI: Shatwaar.
HUNGARIAN: Sprga, Kznsges sprga.
ITALIAN: Asparagio, Asparago, Asparago comune.
JAPANESE: Asuparagasu, Matsubaudo, Oranda kiji kakushi.
KOREAN: A seu pa ra geo seu, Yakpijjaru.
NORWEGIAN: Asparges.
PERSIAN: Maarcube.
POLISH: Szparag lekarski.
PORTUGUESE: Aspargo, Espargo, Espargo hortense, Rebentos de espargos.
ROMANIAN: Sparanghel.
RUSSIAN: Asparagus lekarstvennyi, Spara, Spara aptenaja.
SERBIAN: Betrica, Kalenac, Kolenac, Kuka, Kuke, Kukovina, Sparga, pargla,
paroina, Vilina metla.
SLOVAKIAN: Aspargus lekrsky, parga.
SLOVENIAN: Belu, Navadni belu, Smereica, pargelj, parglin, Vrtni belu,
Vrtni pargelj.
SPANISH: Brote de esprrago, Esparraguera, Esprrago comn, Esparrago.
SWEDISH: Sparris, Vanlig sparris.
THAI: Normai farang.
TURKISH: Kukonmaz.
URDU: Asparagys.
Asparagus is an erect, unarmed, branched herbaceous perennial
herb, growing up to 1 meter in height. Leaves (scales) are very
minute, and the cladodes (branchlets) fascicled, slender terete, 0.5
to 1.5 centimeters long. Flowers are axillary, fascicled, solitary or in
pairs, pedicelled, the perianth straw-yellow or greenish yellow,
about 5 millimeters long. Fruit is globose, 6 to 10 millimeters in
diameter, fleshy red when ripe.
- Cultivated as an ornamental and for its vegetable.
- Native of Europe.
- Now cultivated in all temperate and subtemperate countries.
- Root yields asparagin, a greenish yellow resin, sugar, gum,
albumen, chlorides, acetate and phosphate of potash, malates, etc.
- Fruit contains grape-sugar and sparagancin, a coloring matter.
- Seeds yield a fixed oil, aromatic resin, sugar, and a bitter
- Amino acids and inorganic mineral contents were found much
higher in the leaves than the shoots.
- An 1891 study identified methanethiol (a sulfur compound, also
known as methyl mercaptan) present in the urine of some
asparagus eaters, absent in others.
- Asparagusic acid and its derivatives, such as dihydroasparagusic
acid, are sulfur-containing compounds found in asparagus but not
in other related vegetables.
Medicinal Properties of asparagus
- Asparagin imparts the characteristic strong urine smell, and
believed to stimulate the kidneys.
- Considered mild aperient, diuretic, sedative, laxative.
- Green resin is believed to be calming to the heart.
- Studies suggest numerous medicinal properties: antispasmodic,
anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diaphoretic, demulcent,
immunomodulating, laxative, and sedative.
- Fruit is considered poisonous to humans.
Parts used
Whole plant, roots and seeds of ripe fruit.
Edibility / Nutritional
- A much desired vegetable, especially the tips.
- Contains many vitamins and minerals: Vit A, B1-6-12, C, E, K,
calcium, magnesium, zinc, dietary fiber, rutin, niacin, folic acid,
iron, selenium, among others.
Folkloric medicinal uses of asparagus
- Green resin used for flatulence, calculous affections, cardiac
dropsy, rheumatism, and chronic gout.
- Given in doses of 1 to 2 grains, combined with potassium bromide,
for cardiac dropsy and chronic gout.
- Water in which asparagus was boiled, although disagreeable, is
good for rheumatism.
- In Brazil, roots considered a powerful diuretic.
- Roots also used for bronchial catarrh and pulmonary tuberculosis.
- In Tehran, roots are burned and smoked to relieve toothaches.
- Rhizome is used as cardiac sedative, palliative, diuretic, and
Other uses
- Hangovers: Considered a useful supplement for hangovers.
Scientific studies on asparagus benefits and uses
Hepatoprotective / protects the liver /Hangovers:
Study showed treatment of HepG2 human hepatoma cells with a
leaf extract suppressed more than 70% of a marker of reactive
oxygen species (ROS). Cellular toxicities induced by H2)2, ethanol,
or CCl4 were significantly alleviated with the leaves and shoot
extracts. The enzymes that metabolize alcohol--alcohol
dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase--were up-regulated by
more than 2-fold. Results suggest the mechanisms for alleviation of
alcohol hangover and hepatoprotection against toxic insults, and a
use for the typically discarded parts.
Antioxidant / Natural Free Radical Scavenger /
Study isolated oligosaccharides--1,2,3,4,6-pentakis-O--D-
Glucopyranose1,2,3,4,6-pentakis-O- Galacto-
Glucopyra-nose and 2,3,4,5,6-pentakis-O-mannosend. Results
showed the A. officinalis oligosaccharides to be a natural free
radical scavenger and antioxidant.
Asparagus Urine Smell:
The Myth: The asparagus urine with its unusual smell has long
been attributed to sulfur-containing compounds. Some most people
emit the strong odor of asparagus urine, some people don't. The
article by John H. Studies suggest two separate traits: some people
secrete the compounds in their urine but can't smell them, while
some people don't secrete the compound but can smell them in
other people's urine. An 1891 study identified methanethiol (a sulfur
compound, also known as methyl mercaptan) present in the urine
of some asparagus eaters, absent in others. A 2001 study, isolated
12 different sulfur compounds in the vapors of asparagus urine,
absent in normal urine, which included methanethiol and dimethyl
sulphide, to which were attributed the distinctive odor. Results
suggest a clear variation in two different traits: excretion of sulfur
compounds in urine after eating asparagus, and the ability to smell
those compounds. A simple dominant one-gene character is suggest
for excreting. The genomic smelling/non-smelling trait still needs to
be identified. (From Asparagus urine smell: The myth / Myths of
Human Genetics / John H. McDonald, University of Delaware)
Steroids / Roots / Anti-Cancer:
Study of roots yielded one novel steroid, sarsasapogenin O, and
seven known steroids. The compounds demonstrated significant
cytotoxicities against human A2780, HO-8910, Eca-109, MGC-803,
CNE, LTEP-a-2, KB and mouse L1210 tumor cells.
Antioxidant / Antibacterial:
Study showed highest antioxidant activity from an in vivo grown
plant extract. An ethanolic extract showed antibacterial activity
against Bacillus cereus.
Comparative Studies on Bioactive Compounds in
Different Varieties:
Study evaluated and compared the bioactive compounds in ten
varieties of Asparagus officinalis, especially asparaginiase and
flavone and rutin contents in roots, leaves, and spears. Asparaginas
activity was significantly higher in roots than spears and leaves.
Flavones and rutin were higher in the leaves than roots and spears.
Extracts in the cybermarket.
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leaf Cumin
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Mustard seeds
Neem Nutmeg Oregano Peppermint Red clover
Rose Rosemary
Sage Sensitive plant St.John's wort Tarragon
Thyme Triphala powder
Turmeric Vetiver grass Wheat grass Wild amarnath

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